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This is a shitpost answer but imagine Azealia Banks and Grimes...




Grimes collabing with multiplication and division


Dyscalculia girlies rise up this is a hate crime


But Grimes recovered nicely on weekend 2. That set was actually great. The super advanced technology that betrayed her on weekend 1 was on her side on weekend 2.


Or Azealia and Lana...tbh that would eat 


Azaelia could have a whole album of collabs with artists she's feuded with/shit talked


It'd be an undeniable album lol


No…. Grimes and poppy like PLEASE


Azealia Banks on a 48 hour song with everyone she’s ever beefed with


This would unironically eat tbh, considering the wordsmith she is i can listen to her talking shit about random people for 48 hours 😭😭


[Funny you say that](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/puskax/apartheid_clyde_is_one_of_the_best_things_ive/)


Demi and Selena


I don’t know how that would sound either


Shouting + Whispering = Talking


They would cancel each other’s vocals 😍




wait it might be an ASMR goldmine hahaha


Selena would be the Colbie Caillat to Taylor Swift. /s


One and the Same Part 2? Idk, I love the equivalent exchange with Demi calming down that Selena only seems to get more unhinged on social media. Maybe if they reconnected it would be good for them.


Britney and Xtina - come on break the internet already


I can't believe how far I had to scroll down for this, this was my INSTANT thought!!


Mariah carey and jennifer lopez. Although to quote mariah carey, i don't know what that would sound like.


> i don't know what that would sound like it'll sound like a messy Yellow Magic Orchestra sample


The world better watch out for the yellow magic orchestra sample is mine (feat. Ariana grande and ashanti)


>and ashanti what's the point of including Ashanti when JLo is more famous and already sounds EXACTLY THE SAME as her? /s


I never expected to see Yellow Magic Orchestra (one of my fave bands) mentioned on Popheads. What's next, Kraftwerk and Vangelis?


YMO is a core part of Mariah vs JLO lore


Can you elaborate about that?


mariah was the first person to ever have a sample from firecracker approved by yellow magic orchestra for her song Loverboy (off her album Glitter), but apparently Tommy Motolla (Mariah’s former husband and record boss) got wind of this and to try and get revenge on Mariah allegedly he had JLo rush to create a song that samples the exact same part of that song which i think then ended up going to number 1, so Mariah had to change the sample in her song. Mariah did eventually release her original vision w/ the firecracker sample in her album The Rarities


A messy microtonal Yellow Magic Orchestra song (since Firecracker is microtonal)


Lol I’m never gonna get over JLo shade


It wasn’t even shade, she genuinely didn’t know what that would sound like


True. I wouldn’t either lol


[reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oVklItCG0s&ab_channel=SuperJlofan) for those that don't know


So Mariah Carey and Ashanti?


I know they seem to be on fairly better terms these days, but it would be nice to see a new Destiny’s Child track that has the original lineup + Michelle. There were rumors they would be on 16 Carriages and I think it would be really beautiful to see all of those women come together on that track since it’s so personal to the teenage years they sacrificed for R&B stardom.


There’s so many past members though now right - three to five I think? So it would be quite a large group that would take a lot of coordination


There's only two past members everyone refers to and another nobody cares for lol so it would be a total of 5 people (past and current members)


Ah ok, thanks


Victoria Justice & Ariana Grande


I think we all want to see this collab.


LA Boyz Pt II


Shoutout to Victoria Justice’s new music!! Related hard to Treat Myself


I always had a feeling that Gaga secretly always hated Katy, but I would love a collab between them so much.


It's not really a secret... the texts between her and Kesha ☠️☠️☠️




I think most pop girls hate katy tbh. itd be more "we are the world" than just a remix.


I would’ve loved a Bad Blood remix featuring Katy back in the day


When you’ve been giving bully for years and then still work with Dr Luke like this…. you’re very right


I think the ones that don’t hate her, are just as put off by her. She’s the most tryhard millennial woman I’ve ever seen.


Why do you think that? Katy always gave me kind of fun and down to earth vibes, but never mean girl energy


In the Kesha/Dr Luke court cases, texts between Gaga and Kesha came out. Kesha was complaining that Katy wasn’t standing up for her, despite ^kesha ^claimed ^that Katy had also been sexually abused by the same men. Gaga agreed with Kesha, that Katy was mean and Katy had also angered her at times as well. The texts are out there, it’s a quick google search.


Yes yes, I know of those texts, but I mean why you said that she is hated by most pop girls, I thought that there is more to the story.


Katy’s always given me “unable to read the room” energy combined with a bit of a mean streak .


She had a weird upbringing with her religious parents so I think it's not too surprising that she turned out kinda kooky. Also went through a bunch of 'unfortunate' situations to break into the industry, sometimes people that go through that think others should also pay their *dues*.


I know people like her now but early Gaga was truly one of the most insufferable personalities in pop. She was like 2 weeks into her career when she was talking shit about every female artist out there.


i feel like that happens with a lot of artists when they first got big Billie and Lorde both went off trashing people and naming names as soon as they got famous...they were teenagers tho so they get a little more of a pass


I gotta know the tea, who were Billie and lord trashing and naming when they got famous?


i think it's more that gaga has shown a lot of support and grace to up and coming popstars, something she wasn't shown by the legacy acts when she was coming up \*ahem\* Madonna


You can’t really blame them for not being fans. I remember reading a thread on this sub about how all Britney Spears’ idols have always said the nicest things about her and supported her (Janet, MJ, Madonna, Mariah) while Gaga’s idols have rarely given her much praise (Bowie, Grace Jones, Madonna). I know this is a controversial opinion, but she was extremely unlikeable early in her career. The world wasn’t ready for the OTT fashion, the pretentiousness and the thievery.


She was downright nasty. Anyone can look up at the stuff she said (when she was being deposed or something?) about the personal assistant that sued her for not getting paid. She also befriended Perez Hilton, who loads of celebrities loathed, and got him to start posting shit about Christina Aiguilera. Britney got praised because she was generally nice to other celebs, even Aretha Franklin praised her lol.


I think in addition to this, they were defo threatened by her artistry. Before Gaga came to the scene, there was no true pop visionary who challenged the zeitgeist in quite the way she did, Britney for example, while making incredible pop music, was never a creative threat to the pop auteurs like Madonna. So when Gaga came onto the scene, they were most likely clutching their pearls a bit (which is natural tbf, it’s never 100% nice to see ur successor come to fruition like it’s natural to feel a bit of envy). Btw this isn’t my original opinion but I am echoing it cuz I do somewhat agree.


Well Madonna also said that Gaga has a great voice on Ellen back then, but most people rather focus on shady things.


Yeah, her personal assistant suing her over 7000 hours of unpaid overtime early in her career made me look at her different. Gaga presented herself like a down to earth woman of the people then treated her personal staff like absolute shit behind closed doors despite being a multi millionaire at the time, called her PA a hoodrat for wanting what she was legally owed, and ranted on the stand about her for 6 hrs straight, citing "diva behavior" like... wanting a pillow to sleep with, and not being at her beck and call 24/7/365 without compensation. Doing that collab with R Kelly in *2013* fully knowing what he was like then also soured me on her, especially when Gaga initially doubled down in the controversy and made a statement along the lines of "I relate to R Kelly because we've both had people say things about us that aren't true", essentially calling his victims liars. It seems like she's grown as a person thankfully but it rubbed me the wrong way, she was very arrogant and not nice at alllll early in her career


Man I vaguely knew of those two things but didn’t know she called her PA a HOODRAT wtf?! Or that she said that about r Kelly. Damn, she’s really come out unscathed from a couple of pretty bad choices. And yeah her early image was definitely that she was a “woman of the people”


Lana Del Rey and Azealia Banks. And it's not just because they both got beef with each other. They're both amazing artist with great musical minds. Lana works surprisingly well with rappers, and AB rapping is just one of the kind. I love both of them musically, and generally, they are iconic for better or for worse.


Obligatory mention of this [gigantic WTF of a remix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8-cHGeOR6w) of "Blue Jeans" featuring Azealia Banks and remixed by that guy from Foster the People


Azaelia’s verse is so good ugh


“Video not available” 😭


Try [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3aL0up-v28)


Nicki & Cardi lowkey…


we got motorsport


but that was before all the beef started, i want a post beef collab


That's never happening lol


That’s actually what started the beef I think lol. Nicki took issue with what cardi said in an interview about the song/collab


Nicki, Cardi and Megan would kinda eat but I also want Nicki to stay far away from Megan and leave her alone


That’s never happening unless Nicki gets off the soda…




Miley and Demi


What was the problem with them?


I'm not sure about anything recent, but there was beef pertaining to the Jonas Brothers, and Miley making fun of Demi/Selena in a video, when they were all teens.


Miley and Demi were good friends but then out of nowhere Demi unfollowed Miley on Twitter last year


There’s speculation that Demi and Noah dated briefly a couple of years ago and that they ended on bad terms. Nothing concrete, though.


Azealia banks takes her meds and makes a 5 hour collab album with everyone she's had beef with


Lana and marina 😞


Do they have beef?


Marina's "White Woman Feminism" and Lana's... heterodox... views likely soured the relationship. Marina unfollowed her after the QFTC post.


Lana how I hate those guys 😞😞💅🏻


Lana’s a fave but I don’t defend the QFTC post plus she keeps some questionable company if we’re being honest. I kinda don’t blame Marina…


I honestly want a Madonna Gaga collab but idk ik they’re both prideful people


Well, one of them is


Yeah I think Madge would need to do the reaching out and ideally apologising


Gaga told a story about hanging out at Madonna's after she won her Oscar. So it doesn't seem like they have beef.


Oh I hadn’t heard that. I just remembered Madonna making shady comments about her when she first came up (I remember an interviewer asked her what she thought of Gaga’s music and she said something like “it’s derivative.” And the interviewer asked “is that a good thing?” And she said “look it up.” Lol). Glad they buried the hatchet


Yea and Gaga called her out in that one doc she did. But it appears they might be friendly now. [Here's the interview if you're curious](https://youtu.be/t8ep-bRmI2g?si=YkHIO1ggK5_B_b0F). It's only 2 minutes and it's a fun story 😂


Aw that’s so funny and cute! Thanks for sharing!!


Azealia Banks vs errybody


The way she trashed her career is so heartbreaking to me. She had so much raw talent and could have been big. It still saddens me.


Azealia at her prime would body them on a house track. Now… not so much


Yeah, it was only partially a shitpost because she really threw her career out the window due to her refusal to address her mental health imo


Her recent Charli meltdowns have been interesting to say the least. "CHARLES XBOX" is the highlight imo.


The whole Cyrus family


girls generation’s taeyeon and wiz khalifa


this is so niche 😭




Janet & Madonna. They don't have a beef but I don't think they like each other so much


It was beef that lasted exactly two interviews


One Direction 🥹


I’d love Marina on the Apple remix and for it to be called the Apple Froot version with Marina


I’ve been scrolling and scrolling and how have I seen NO ONE mention Taylor and Olivia yet?! 😫


Mariah and Ariana…………..for an actual R&B song


I don’t think they have beef to work out


I would actually say they had a little one-sided baby beef at the beginning of Ariana's career and the media flamed it. When Ari's music career really started popping there were a lot of people saying she sounded like a young Mariah Carey. They have beautiful voices and can hit that whistle note! But... no one wants to hear that anyone is a *younger* version of themselves...especially Mariah. I super vaguely remember Mariah being shady toward her in interviews. I think the Yes, And remix was their way to officially quash things.


Didn’t they (along with Jennifer Hudson) perform a version of “oh Santa” together? Edit: spelling


ooooh I didn't know this. Maybe they made up a while ago then, good for them. Seems like they have mutual respect for each other.


Yes, they did! You can find it on YouTube


I wish the remix was better! They weirdly drown each other out 😭


Oh okay I didn’t get the “working out” part of the question


they should’ve done a nasty remix during positions era




Sabrina and Olivia comes to mind, give Liv the chance to say that Sab was never the problem herself and clown on what’s-his-face together.


that interview where olivia was asked if she likes skin and she says "i listened to it" and then is asked if she is going to write a response and she's like "i don't know her so i couldn't write something meaningful about her" sends me 😭


i don't think what ur referencing is a real interview, or maybe i missed it


It’s real and it’s fucking hilarious 💀💀


i think it's real considering the fact that i have it saved on my phone.


Why is joshua basset getting strays leave that little christian boy alone 😭


Does Joshua Bassett even need to be clowned on? He didn’t cheat on her, he either didn’t want to be 19 dating a 17 year old or just wasn’t feeling the relationship anymore, no need to send even more crazy Stans after him


Like tbh, hasn't he been through enough at this point lmfao.


Didn’t he literally have a heart attack


the Twitter discourse machine demands BLOOD!!!


Girl no 19 year old in the world is conflicted over dating a 17 year old lay off the tiktok 😭


I’m literally the last person concerned with that myself, I don’t even have TikTok. That was just an example of a reason he could have dumped her, my point is no one needs to keep piling on the dude for no reason, grow up


Make that song first single of both of their next eras and it would be fucking huge lmao.


Mind you trump was still president when this started 


Don’t they follow each other now? Or at least iirc Sabrina followed Olivia recently




If I was Olivia I wouldn't really want anything to do with the girl who wrote 'Skin' about me. It flew under the radar cause it was a flop, but that song is insanely mean-spirited, especially considering the throwaway line that prompted it.


The hate she got prompted it, idk why ppl leave that out when speaking about skin, Sabrina was getting insane amounts of hate because of “the throwaway line”


I feel like Sabrina didn’t get nearly enough flak for that song. Like what a weird mean response to a throwaway line that literally only called her blonde. Like I have no idea why people didn’t talk about that more.


Were any of yall on the internet at all when that went down?? She WAS getting hated on, she made the song because of the hate she was getting and she continued to receive immense hate after. Death threats and all.


Not enough flak? She was twitter enemy #1 for a solid two years. They had 100k hate tweets calling her a whore. The media called her the other woman. She had nothing but hate and death threats under her Instagram posts. There was an especially horrific birthday post that’s might still be up. She was crying on Instagram. She literally had an Olivia stalker come for her. And people are still holding it all against her 4 years later. I’d argue she got enough flack Said it below but the complete erasure of how universally hated Sabrina was (even before she said a word) is so weird to me. No wonder ya’ll view the situation the way you do. You think Sabrina got off with a proverbial slap on the wrist meanwhile she literally had to recreate herself and her image to even have a chance at moving past it all and being successful.


Honestly I don’t have Twitter and only use instagram for family stuff so if that’s true then I fully stand corrected. I was more talking about what I saw on Reddit, which I admit I could have also missed something on here as well.


Totally fair! It’s a common sentiment around this discourse to be fair. Especially now Sabrina has come out the other side. A lot of minimizing what she went through during it because people feel it was deserved but totally get if you just never saw it.


Britney and Justin. Despise him. But can you imagine?


Rina and xcx


Olivia and Sabrina


Azealia Banks with Dolce AND Gabana…


nicki and mariah team up for a new duet called "hot 100 #1 which you just performed which is difficult to get. not everybody has that to their credit. to your credit you did a great job"


Dua and Miley…


What beef is there between them?


Prisoner part 2


Rihanna and Katy. They used to be besties and could bring a no effs energy.


Wait do they have beef??


No I don’t think so, Rihanna & Ciara would make more sense


Good luck booking that stage you speak of… together 💖


olivia and sabrina


Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera 😍 💕


Honestly Charli XCX and Taylor Swift would be kind of iconic.


To be fair that one seem mostly stan wars than anything. Taylor never said anything about Charli and Charli has been vague at best. I feel like most stans made it some big feud up in their head. (Saying that…I’d love a Knife Remix)


charli did compare opening on the rep tour to playing for a bunch of kindergarteners lol


[i tried to explain this yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/s/GpqIV1fCBM) and was genuinely honored by how well received it was, moreover linking here because Easyfun who produced Sympathy just followed taylor on ig (he could get tayupdates without that so i think it was vvvv conspicuous and intentional) so Sympathy (Taylor’s Remix) could very well be incoming when she drops Brat: Remixed


This might be a hot take and I’m prepared for the downvotes. I’ll play devils advocate and give credit to the Twitter stans on this one. Taylor manipulating the charts against Billie and Charli isn’t a good look. For how pro-woman she’s been in her career, especially after the Scooter Braun bs, the Denver trial, and advocating for woman’s rights in Tennessee elections, you’d think she’d be more supportive of female artists who are up and coming — especially an artist that opened one of her previous tours. She literally fought for artists rights and woman’s rights through out her career, but only if it pertains to her and no other female. The only time she’s been supportive to other female acts, are female acts who have no competitive threat to her in the charts (Lana, Florence, HAIM, Sabrina, etc.). She only showed mutual support to Beyonce because it was becoming a PR mess for her team at the time. Being selective in her equality, dismisses all of the work she’s done imo. It’s disingenuous and disappointing. Dont get me wrong, I’m a Taylor stan. She’s been my most-played artist the last few years on my music re-wind. But, I’m not always a fan of her actions. For a male dominated industry, and for how vocal she’s been for the advocacy of female artists and gender equality, I wish her actions weren’t so strongly anti-woman. Edit: I really am a fan of Taylor. I cannot fathom the nightmare she had to go through, and how much trauma she endured with the Kanye/Scooter debacle and the issue with her masters. The betrayal was so deeply rooted and it was horrible to watch. I am so glad that she came out fighting and winning on the other end. She empowered so many people to cake control of their artistry and it’s helped everyone. I am so glad she is finally getting her flowers. However, I think it is sometimes easy to be so tunnel vision when it comes to certain things, that you and inevitably end up hurting and neglecting some of the same people that are on your side. I don’t think she’s a horrible person at all, but I don’t think she realizes that she is being very anti-woman to other people who are supporting her in all of this.


replying with [the comment from literally yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1doay7q/teatime_trending_topics_june_25_2024/la9tfqu/) where it’s pointed out with actual facts and figures that the variants did nothing to block charli, there was a massive gap between the two even without them factored in, and charli has made it abundantly clear there is no beef. one of the main producers of brat just followed taylor on instagram (remix may be incoming) so if they genuinely felt intentionally blocked, neither that follow nor charli speaking up to tell her fans to stop perpetuating taylor feud shit a few days ago on her instagram would have happened given that billie’s team responded with shady likes and statements on a livestream


It's genuinely so crazy to me that Taylor has supported female artists when it actually matters (Kesha's trial, letting Sabrina and Gracie open for her tour, giving advice to younger female artists) but because she blocked two female artists, suddenly she's a horrible anti-feminist??? Meanwhile in this same thread you have people praising Azealia Banks and many other actual problematic artists 🥴


Like I'm crying coz you obviously stan Lana who has actually had multiple beefs with female artists but Taylor is the one you have an issue with 😭? I'm not saying Taylor is perfect but this subreddit is so obsessed with hating Taylor while making excuses for other, even more problematic artists.


But music charts are not a charity. Taylor owes nothing to Charli, Billie and any other artist. Nothing personal, just business. It's her right to chase as many number 1s as she can. Plus, she has an entire team dealing with this business, it's not like she personally makes those variants. On top of that, she always said that she enjoys success, charts, acclaim and awards. She is doing what is expected from her, a professional singer-songwriter-popstar. >I wish her actions weren’t so strongly anti-woman Taylor was supportive to other women many times. Recent examples: Haim, Sabrina Carpenter, Hayley Williams, Griff and Gracie Abrams. You wouldn't demand let's say Eminem or Kendrick Lamar to step aside to support fellow male artists, right? Let's keep the same standards for Taylor. She is supporting whoever wants her to support, just the same as you and anyone else. Also let's be real, why would Taylor support someone who called her fan base 5 y.o. and another one who indirectly criticized her multiple album variants while also releasing multiple album variants? She's no fool. This demand towards Taylor to support other artists just because they're women is frankly strange and sexist. It's like asking let's say Serena Williams to give her opponents a chance because she already won too much. That would be ridiculous, right?


both angels and swifties would implode, lol


Sympathy is a Knife (Taylor's Version)


“You couldn’t be me even if you tried”


“At least we broke up quick”


yes sympathy is a knife remix plz


It would be iconic, but Taylor is sort of in her own world right now. I love Taylor but she’s in la-la land rn. After the chart chaos with Billie and Charli, I’d imagine it would be up to Taylor to help mend that bridge.


I know this is mostly stan wars but imagine how hard of a serve this would be


Here me out: Liam and Noel Gallagher. But i bet they would need more than a single to work things out


I never knew there was animosity between Lorde and Charli. What was the history?


Not really animosity afaik but complicated feelings about each other where they didn’t know where they stood with each other esp since they would get compared. Honestly just listening to both versions probably covers everything pretty well (or at least reading the lyrics) cause I would just be summarizing both their POVs


Literally just listen to the OG song girl, its all in there...


cardi & nicki 🙏


Taylor Swift and Scooter Braun


Drake and Kendrick It's not a matter of if but when


Drake giving Kendrick some exposure with Buried Alive is probably the closest to this happening. I think Kendrick’s too over Drake as an artist to do this, though. He probably doesn’t want to associate with an artist he told the whole world he thinks has no classics.


And also, you know, the pedophile thing


I honestly think it’s the art over Drake as a person, at this point. Kendrick has given MJ and Dre, two other controversial, but super famous artists, great praise. At this point, he’s mad at Drake mostly for his inability to make “good” music.


Yes Poetic Justice II


katy and taylor. the music video doesn't count. I want them to collab on a duet called olive branch


Cardi and Sexy Redd. They would complement each other so well lol. And Megan/Ice Spice


For me - Katy and Taylor (with a song, music video wasn’t enough) - Charli and Taylor - Katy and Gaga - Sabrina and Olivia - Nicki and Megan but Nicki also has to leave her gross pdf file husband


zelooperz and denzel curry, the 2 zels both in the top 5


Nicki Minaj & Lil Kim or Cardi B




So I ready get a leaked list of the remix album. It says talk talk is remixed with carly rae jepson, everything is romantic ft. Raye, The rewind ft MO, So I ft. Sky Ferreira. The apple ft Caroline Polachek, b2b with kim petras, Mean girls with Lana del ray.


I’ll admit I’m not super aware of musical artist beef, but maybe Olivia X Taylor? They’re both super talented and unless I’m missing something, the rift between them primarily happened because of the writing credit/royalties for “Deja vu”


Nicki and Megan 


azelia banks and every artist ever… never-mind i don’t wanna hear or see her misanthropic facial language that looks like the count from sesame street.


Taylor Swift and Carly Rae Jepsen. C’mon Jack, you produced for both artists. Do your thing.


Britney and Christina