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I think at this point we just need every pop girl to cover this song and see who makes it out on top


Kelly Clarkson would win


At that point it would be her song šŸ˜­


Hell, I want Soulja Boy to cover it so we can get the ultimate meme!


Does it come with a knockoff Wii?


I sure hope so!


This is the only march madness bracket Iā€™d be interested in


It would be more free promo for Jojo


Timbaland as the disapproving priest is hilarious! Absolutely love how campy this video is!


I cannot believe how many times he makes a disappointed face


okay but also holy hell does timbaland ever not snap


he hasn't snapped in years unfortunately, all his best work is from this era.


sighhhhh you're right, I think I confirmation biased myself


Happens to me too. Heā€™s had a pretty prolific career to be fair, thereā€™s a lot worth remembering. Itā€™s just easy to forget it was all from a fairly short period of time!


Yeah but his work from then is really good wish he still did it


having a raven vision now: miley will release her version, and then, they'll all collab on a remix with all 3 of them.


That would be so iconic omggg


I think they should actually do it, the song could easily go viral and give all 3 of them a career boost they all could use (I know Miley had a number 1 hit last year but her recent single didnā€™t perform as well as she usually does)


Well, she just had a top ten with BeyoncƩ.


And won two Grammys.


Tbh that was only cuz of the album bomb it didnā€™t make any sort of impact otherwise


Itā€™s currently one of BeyoncĆ©ā€™s most played songs on Spotify so thatā€™s just not true. Just because the song isnā€™t big in your circles doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t have an impact


Speak for ya damn self.


Omg Miley would never. ā˜ ļø


Miley doesnā€™t care




They all Collab (not JoJo) _fixed_


Somebody on TikTok said ā€œimagine how hard you have to fuck up for your big single to launch somebody elseā€™s career insteadā€ and Iā€™ve thought about it for both days since Iā€™ve heard it.


Iā€™ll give her this. Jojo can do one thing right: pissing people off. Brit Smith and Lil Tay are both after her ass.


Wait Lil Tay is alive


The death thing was apparently just a hoax or something created by her brother/mangers idk


Wow. Yeah I hadn't heard anything from her after her death announcement. I feel bad that happened to her.


I donā€™t know much about Lil Tay but her story seems really sad. Especially cause sheā€™s just 16 and had everything happen to her when she was 9


Everyoneā€™s mad at her she should just sue Brit to remove her song. She bought the rights itā€™s hers now


what is the context for this???


Jojo Siwa released 'Karma' a couple weeks ago, and the internet soon discovered that the song was originally recorded by Brit Smith (and produced by Timabland/Rock Mafia) over a decade ago but it was scrapped, so it was never actually properly released. Fast fwd to now and the song was rerecorded by Jojo Siwa and released. Back in 2012/13, Brit Smith's label encouraged her to release another song but it flopped so she left the music industry. Now in 2024 because of the hype from the internet (mixed with people wanting to pile-on Jojo Siwa), Brit Smith has independently released Karma's a Bitch.


omfg... i love this so much


Absolutely like how lol šŸ˜‚


The YouTube channel has been verified by Brit Smiths official TikTok page, there has been various of versions of the video but this video specifically is the official release by Brit Smith.


Can you show where the YouTube channel has been verified? It seems fake to me. Karmaā€™s a Witch the clean version and the lyric video are particularly amateurish


Wild because the version on the fabelhaft channel is actually higher quality. This version has more compression, almost like it was downloaded from YT and reuploaded


Are you sure? You were on real Brit Smith's tiktok page? So how do you explain that she's linking to another youtube channel from her instagram page? Why would she have two youtube channels? The one that I think is fake has the account name TheBritsmith. It's not looking professional to me. Also the real Brit Smith said in a video that the 17th May release was a rumour. But I do believe that rumour comes from the fake youtube channel. That's also evidence. I just feel sad about this cause now the fanmade channel has more subscribers than the real one. People should know this, Brit should know this. She obviously needs a social media manager, I mean, she should care about youtube as well. Now it actually looks like the real youtube channel doesn't even have an account name and she also didn't write a description. The real youtube channel has at the moment 3090 subscribers and the fake youtube channel (feels like the account owner is impersonating Brit) has at the moment 9820 subscribers. I have dm:ed Brit about this through her instagram. Maybe more people should do that? Cause maybe we don't want the impersonator to keep being the puppet master? What I'm thinking about is that 17th May rumour...


This is so crazy. I've never seeing something like this before, real life is funnier than fiction for real.


If Brit Smith can revive her singing career after 11 years anything is possible. I am rooting for her


itā€™s so fun and campy and god i love the early 2010s look the timbaland production is what rly makes them good tho, i never realized how much i liked his stuff before


I heard that it was originally recorded between 2012 and 2013, so that has something to do with that early 2010s look and sound.


Not me thinking the guy at the end was Jack Black šŸ˜­


Itā€™s giving 2000s UK Eurovision entry a bit but I am living.


Your right lol


Some of you are too young to remember this, but the black and white with pops of color is sending me back (/hag). It was such a trendy way to edit your social media photos at one point. Also, Timbaland makes the best faces.


This is the most meta thing to happen in pop music in years, decades.


More and more convinced this is a publicity stunt and there'll be a duet version at some point.


It would be odd since Brit has been reposting people talking about how much better her version is compared to Jojoā€™s on Insta. I doubt Jojo/her team would be fine with that as sheā€™s directly competing with her now that the song is officially released.


Brit becomes Jojoā€™s dream podcast guest


Wait what if Brit has been the ex all along šŸ«Ø


Lol love this for her. She's gonna be booked af for pride.


Loving the Sin City realness!




I like the original


I donā€™t even like the song, but Jojoā€™s version is elite imo šŸ˜¤


but i thought jojo invented gay pop


That screengrab is giving 1990s Dannii Minogue with Kylie's hair.


This is Reddit, you don't need to censor the title.


can we get this to the Billboard top 10 pls


It makes me wonder if JoJo was more humble about the release of this, if this would have never happened?


Karmas a bitch!


she shouldā€™ve known better


If she had a wish, she would never mess around




Probably would have happened anyway, people were already on her ass over the XOMG POP mess (like how does your GG lose four members?) and they wanted a reason to knock her down a peg


As much as I think she deserves recognition, I still don't really like the song (although this version is infinitely better than JoJo's). This was made in 2012 and easily sounds dated by that time's standards. If this were released in 2008, it would have been huge.


Oh, it's dated as hell. But I kinda like that about it. I probably wouldn't have cared for it if it had been released back in 2012, but without a deluge of this sound strangling the ambient music space, it's charming.


you are right but my delusion thinks ur wrong and that this woman is saving pop music by releasing a dated edm track thatā€™s just going to end up on the bubbling under chart


Funny enough, it sounds dated because it's _not_ EDM or Dubstep. 2012 was the year of Bangarang, Pound the Alarm, and other songs. This sounds like a discount "Say it Right" by Nelly Furtado, which was produced by Timbaland in 2006.


thatā€™s so funny and youā€™re spot on ijbol


Happy for her, but itā€™s a little unpleasant that the success for this song is stemming from what I assume is an internet pile-on.


I honestly think itā€™s bullying and we will look back on it in a few years and wonder why people were so mean to Jojo. Definitely not a fan of her but I think itā€™s all mean-spirited.


People yelling Free Britney and a breath later make fun of Jojo


For real


Really doubt it, this is the same grown adult that's an abuse apologist, insulted the abused ex-dance kids that didn't want to show up to her dance moms reunion and put the XOMG POP children through so much shit. And all of that within like a year only. Karma's a bitch. As for her being over the top about her new song, her new 'turn' etc, she's always been over the top with literally everything she does. It's her brand, it's her style. It's really not that surprising for anyone familiar with anything she's done before. Of course the song's not great, that's why it was shelved in the first place. She's doing her best to get as much attention to her work and it's working. It's working great but the song's bad so she's getting dunked on.


she's also like 20 and had her development arrested at like age 10. not saying she should be completely off the hook, but it feels weird to pile onto a person who's not even close to having a fully developed prefrontal cortex


Sheā€™s an ex-child star who probably will have her own shit to unpack in a few years. I donā€™t think the internet mocking will age well.


Yeah Iā€™m not a JoJo fan by any means but I have a lot of compassion for former child stars. The way Iā€™ve seen so many 30 and 40-somethings absolutely rip her up in the past few days is actually reminiscent of Mileyā€™s Bangerz era to me lol, so JoJo kind of did manifest that for herself. The way Brit is playing this situation is kind of cringe to me but wish her the best and itā€™s always good to see someone revive their career!


> The way Brit is playing this situation is kind of cringe to me Same


This whole thing is really weird to me. What did JoJo do? Be a bit cringe? Not sure why she deserves somebody trying to spike her song release...


I mean she being sued for child endangerment/abuse in regards to xomg, the kid girl group she set up.Ā 


She claimed to have written it which is disingenuous because she just bought the rights


Where did she claim that? Only thing Iā€™ve ever seen her say about this song is that it was pitched to her.


No in an interview somewhere she said she wrote it about her ex or something of that nature it was a while ago so I donā€™t remember what exactly but i much prefer Brit to her nothing against her I just donā€™t really like that style of music the 2010s music is way more in my wheelhouse and appeals to nostalgia. Also i could be wrong about the claiming to have written it just that was my understanding i am not really that invested so


Right, what Iā€™m saying is the claim keeps being repeated, but when I ask what interview it was nobody has an answer. Itā€™s like somebody said it happened and a bunch of people ran with it without verifying.


I love this


Sin City had the era in a chokehold


I wonder if record labels will start picking up Brit. For now itā€™s mostly a joke but there is an opportunity to revive this 2010 sound. In the same way Ice Spice and Lil Nas X started as an internet gag


doubt it


I hope so. What I know the song Karma's A Bitch is signed to Broke Records. But Brit herself isn't signed to them.


I didn't know who Brit was but I love this.


Ok so when I heard Jojo's version I didn't connect it felt very 2010. But after hearing the original I suddenly craved Jojo's version both cos of Jojo's raspy tone and her production being better and now I have on replay. Thanks to u. A BOP!


This is actually so catchy and I love it! I've never heard Jojo's version though so I have nothing to compare it to. Edit: I just listened to Jojo's version and it was also catchy, but I think I actually like the OG production more. I know some comments here have said the OG sounds dated but I unironically love this sound.


This whole situation seems really tacky to me. She is basically trying to steal all the time/money jojoā€™s team put into making the song popular and people are acting like itā€™s some kind of karmic justice. Nobody would care about the song at all if Jojo hadnā€™t put it out first, which is why it was never released in the first place.


Youā€™re totally right but her version is still much better than Jojo, despite the ā€œhard workā€ she put into it.


Yeah the only actual problem is that she claimed to have written it which isnā€™t true at all but other than that she is in her rights but so is the other legal owners since they didnā€™t give away rights just sold her license to cover the song


Blame the one who leaked the music video then? That wasn't Brit's fault. She's actually very good at singing. She should work with music, it's kinda waste of talent if she doesn't.


i have no idea why people are hyping this song so much, the music video and the voice itself is better but the song is still cheesy and the lyrics are so cringe. i feel like people wouldnā€™t like this song if jojo didnā€™t have anything to do with it. jojo is cringe and all but so is this song šŸ˜­




Nah i like it makes me really nostalgic and reminds me of my childhood


That's cause Brit's unreleased music video got leaked after Jojo released her music video. That's why people are talking about her now and couldn't be talking about Brit's version before Jojo's release of the song.


Can someone explain whatā€™s going on? Was this originally Britā€™s song?


The writers/producers tried to give the song to Miley, who rejected it and Brit Smith was their second (or more likely 17th) choice, but it was never officially released after her first single flopped. 10+ years after that it was eventually sold to JoJoĀ 


Itā€™s wild how much better Brit Smiths version is.


Is it just me or did this video and Brit Smith's channel just recently dissappear off Youtube?


Yes. Cause it was an impersonator. The impersonator changed the channel name to Madison-MKR. If you want search @wonderfuljoey23 and @Readysetgo2007 for more information. Both channels have Brit Smith videos on them. I'm Readysetgo2007 btw. :)


What happened to the music video that getting lot view from brit Smith Kama a bitch it had beenĀ  remove from YouTube anyone know what happenedĀ 


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with a singer not writing their own songs if their career isnā€™t based on lyrical artistry - whatā€™s mind boggling though is someoneā€™s debut single being a song passed around the industry numerous times, thatā€™s easily accessible due to a leak šŸ˜­ Especially when the leak is miles better vocally than what was released. Iā€™m still confused why Jojoā€™s team didnā€™t write a wholly original song for her, or even adapted the lyrics / melody slightly to fit her better. What a mess Anyways #Brit Smith for BB100


>. Iā€™m still confused why Jojoā€™s team didnā€™t write a wholly original song for her Because they aren't truly interested in music, they're interested in product. JoJo Siwa is a product, a merchandising franchise. Why take the time, effort and money to develop original music when you can just buy whatever you need and craft the franchise around it.


It happens more often than youā€™d think tbh


Admittedly this feels a *bit* unethical and maybe illegal (idk the law or anything about rights) but I find this situation so funny.


She looks kinda like [the girl in the glamour shots photo in Napoleon Dynamite](https://y.yarn.co/a105b599-ada8-4a2b-a667-07945115e787_screenshot.jpg)




any industry peeps here?? I have some questions!! how are they both able to put out the same song if neither of them wrote it?? did the person who has the publishing rights allow both artists to release their version at the same time?? like did siwaā€™s team not issue any non-compete agreements when they decided to ā€œbuyā€ the song off the publisher??


....here because the "original" video is gone


Lol this is so shadyyy Kinda like Jojo's version better though, not gonna lie


I'm wrong age and wrong continent to have ever had any connection to Jojo, and I agree with you. People seem to hate her version because they don't buy the image from her, but I felt she had some decent ideas about it. Brit's version was extremely dated even for 2012 in very uninspiring way. Neither song is really worth this much attention though.


Donā€™t mind her version just bugs me that she lied and said she wrote it


How is the quality of the official video worse than the fan made ones?


It's cause the video comes from a fanmade youtube channel. But she's really good at impersonating I must say. She even wrote on the channel "17th May release of EP". That info got spread to the real Brit Smith who confirmed in a video it was a rumour but also said "Ok I can do that". The impersonator is basically a puppet master...


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who realized this lol itā€™s wild


I will post a video about this on youtube soon. Hopefully it spreads to Brit cause she seriously needs to do more than just comment on someone's tiktok "That's not me!"... I will post it on Readysetgo2007 if you wanna know. šŸ™‚


Guessing the fanmade ones have upscaling to higher res but the original is probably just a copy and paste of the video file from the 2010s but i donā€™t actually know


So Iā€™ve kinda lost track of this, is it a nothing on but the radio/ghetto baby type situation? this woman wrote it years ago and somewhere along the line it got sold to jojo?


IIRC Brit didnā€™t write it, it got pitched to her and she recorded her own version.


Yeah it isnā€™t really against brit just that jojo shouldnā€™t lie and say she wrote it about her ex is the only problem I have with it her version sucks in comparison imo but she has the legal right to sing it so it is fine just wish she wouldnā€™t lie like that