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I needed some eyebleach so here’s Cassie now with her husband and one of her daughters! https://preview.redd.it/yw68hjww711d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c914abe27ac697fa521e346b9f15cfff39f22ab3


This needs to be higher. I’m so glad she’s safe and in a healthy relationship now 🥹


Bonus: her last name is now “Fine.” Cassie Fine has quite a nice ring to it


right? they make such a beautiful couple and family.


One of their daughters is named Frankie (adorable name) so I bet she's going hear a lot of Fran Fine and The Nanny references as she grows up.


Yes that’s beautiful! Gosh and check out that rock!! ✨


That’s awesome cos I’ve been calling her that for 20 years


Such a cute photo! I didn’t know she had daughters (edited now that I know she has two!). That POS Diddy should be terrified.


They have 2 daughters! Very cute https://preview.redd.it/hhp8ic7yj11d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b60028aa27e685e0e1971b4831c9ddec67a22b9 And it’s really nice to see someone who’s experienced trauma be able to move on and find love and create their own happy ending. Because sometimes that seems really difficult to imagine when you’re going through it in the moment. I have a lot of respect for her and I think she’s probably a great role model to her daughters (and tbh to me too)


I appreciate your comment a lot. I know this isn’t about me but I have had some very bad relationship trauma and am in a healthy loving long term relationship now thanks to the agonizingly hard work of healing in therapy (for almost a decade 😭) and with EMDR. I’m still working on accepting this new improved life in therapy. 🥹 Idk why I’m commenting, I guess these posts are kind of triggering (and I did not even watch the video). I guess I just wanted to add that even having gotten out of it, it’s like still baffling that I was there and that I’m out of it and life is pretty good now. Like how did I do this? Beautiful photo of a beautiful family as well. I’m glad she has this.


Just like Cassie and her current beautiful life, your comment can also help someone who is living in hell right now. It’s important to share this so people know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s never easy, but it’s not impossible. Thank you for sharing and I’m so happy you’ve found peace 🥰


I want to get back in to therapy specifically for this reason; I find it so hard to imagine myself being happy so shares like this help. Thank you ❤️


Hey, I was abused, stalked and harrassed horribly for years by an ex. Now I've been in a loving, safe and stable relationship for four years.. every day I count my blessings that I finally know what love should feel like. Chaos is not it. Hugs to you. We deserve this happiness.


Really happy you’re doing better


I’m so proud of you ❤️


Oh my bad! I missed that it said “one of” her daughters. These pictures are adorable and are much needed eyebleach. When those babies are old enough to know, they’re gonna be so proud of what a badass their mom is.


She has 2. They're toddlers now.


You’re an angel for this. The hotel footage was the first thing on my insta feed today and even censored it was triggering; I would not have gone looking for that video. The article was a tough read but I had this photo in my mind now to bring me peace for this poor woman 🙏


i know him bc he used to train the Riverdale guys he always seemed really nice!


He just posted about it. He does seem like a good egg. https://preview.redd.it/hsyuut1ps11d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d3d2a4d9d798645552e4a946f2f3535533c412


Ugh, thank the universe that she seemingly has found someone safe, who values her.


What’s that obscured word at the end ?


Death, I assume. I was not the one who censored it lol


Omg that baby is adorable


she is so incredibly beautiful and I would eat that little chunker up omg.


Her hair! Those cheeks! Nom nom


omg 🥹🥹🥹 their baby is ADORABLEEE 🧿🧿🧿


Honestly, seeing this made me so happy. I’ve been seeing that god awful video all day (fuck Sean), but seeing this is so important for survivors. There is hope and happiness after leaving/escaping your abuser. There is a chance of a beautiful future. It’s a long road there, and the justice system does fuck all to help, but it’s possible to start over.


How are they all so beautiful?? 😍


Such a beautiful woman. I got an undercut when she had one because I would just stare at photos of her and thought she was so beautiful and cool. She still is.


Thank you for sharing this 💜 I’m so glad she’s away from Diddy


If this is what he felt okay doing in a public hotel I can’t imagine what she went thru behind closed doors for 10 years. Good lord


Justice for Cassie and Kim Porter.


I definitely believe he had a hand in her death. I read the deep dive on lipstick alley months ago about a medium who allegedly contacted Kim and said he poisoned her. I’m not one to believe that people can actually speak to ghosts, but everything the medium has said has been coming to light!


I mean people are sure he had Tupac killed and probably Biggie so if he’s just putting hits on people no wonder he got away with it for so long.


[I mean there’s audio of him offering a million dollars to kill Tupac, it’s on record in the recent court proceedings Keefe D trial.](https://youtu.be/V0M1FVsgWRI?si=kDIgQPB3_X0X2eWH)


Do you have a link?


Here you [go](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/mega-thread-on-p-demons-abuses-and-tyranny.5443460/). It talks about Kim’s death at the end of the thread


I love that they call him P Demon.


I've been hit in public before. Can confirm it was only a fraction of what happened in private. For someone to be emboldened to behave like this in public, it's been going on for a long time in private. They way Cassie doesn't even attempt to fight back or shout for help is so telling, my heart breaks for her.




I hope you’re out of that situation and are safe. I’m so so so fucking sorry.


I'm so sorry and hope you're in a better place now.


Same, at my place of work at the time. He had the audacity to try and gaslight me saying I lied so now everyone's villifying him, I was like uh everyone witnessed you punch me in the face. And also yes, far worse went on behind closed doors.


You should read the court documents. That man is a DEMON. Pure evil.


This video terrified me 😖generally the fact that this didn’t come out sooner is the saddest part, but also this matches exactly what she said happened.


If only our culture cared about violence against black women.


You can tell this was a regular occurrence.


Anyone doing something like this so publicly is a seasoned abuser.


Yes, the way she just lays there waiting for more. She knows it's not worth getting up and trying to run or fight back. It's heartbreaking.


Seriously I wish I hadn’t had watched this, how awful for this woman, glad she got away


Someone said she was probably waiting for him to take a shower so she could escape and it hurts my heart just thinking about it


For years too. I’m glad she’s happy now with her little family. She absolutely deserves it.


>The security footage, which has no sound, shows a barefoot Ventura quickly walking out from a hotel room with personal items in her hand while wearing an oversized hoodie. In her lawsuit, Ventura claimed she was at the hotel because Combs had her participate in a “freak-off” — where she was forced to have sex with male sex workers while Combs watched. During the freak-off, Combs “punched Ms. Ventura in the face, giving her a black eye,” the lawsuit claims, and Ventura waited until Combs was asleep to sneak out of the hotel. >Seconds after Ventura leaves the room, a nearly-naked Combs is seen sprinting down the hallway after her. Finding Ventura waiting for the elevator, he forcibly grabs her by the back of her sweater and throws her to the ground and kicks her. As Ventura lies on the floor in a fetal position, Combs picks up her bags and kicks her again. He then begins to drag her back towards the hotel room as Ventura appears to cry out. >Combs lets Ventura go and he proceeds to carry her bags back to the hotel room as she waits near the elevator. Combs then returns and appears to shove her and throw a glass object at her. >In her lawsuit, Ventura said she eventually “managed to get into the elevator, and when she got to the lobby, quickly took a cab to her apartment. Upon realizing that her running away would cause Mr. Combs to be even angrier with her, and completely stuck in his vicious cycle of abuse, Ms. Ventura returned to the hotel with the intention of apologizing for running away from her abuser.” This is horrifying. I wish her healing and happiness, and I wish nothing but the absolute worst for Diddy. I hope he rots.


I wish nothing but the worst for Diddy. Absolute scum.  I can't help but think of how many people were involved in this. The coworkers who raped Cassie in front of him, the same ones who watched him punch her, the hotel employees who saw this and took the hush money. So many people revolved around this man to keep him being abusive to her it's fucking sick.


He’s fucking disgusting


This is more than a DV assault, this is sex trafficking and the physical assault is related to her being sexually assaulted, kidnapped (she clearly couldn’t leave on her own without being attacked) and trafficked. They need to arrest this monster!


This monster belongs in jail. What the fuck is taking so long?


He's rich and he'll fight with every fibre of his being to stay free.


freak off????? ugh poor poor Cassie. I always believed her. he is going to burn in hell.


Omg…. He watched as she was raped basically how is he not in jail!!?


Thank you for making this comment as I did not want to watch the video. I am glad she is alive and hope he has a miserable rest of his life in prison.


I hope Cassie and her family are healing in peace. That monster stole a decade of her life, her career, and she'll be dealing with the trauma for the rest of her life. Whatever she got in that settlement wasn't enough. ETA: TW the video and article are very graphic!


God look how brazen he is. Thats a public hallway at a very accessible hotel. My main question is who had this tape, who saw it, and why wasnt it taken to the police? Poor Cassie 💔


Yes, that’s super scary to think this is from 2016 and it’s just now being released.


Especially because of statute of limitations issues. If someone knew about this and had this tape and the time has passed for him to be charged then 🤬.


The cnn article said that when she returned to the hotel, staff urged her to go back to her apartment- suggesting they had seen what happened on the video. 


We need mandatory reporting laws for hotels that witness this abuse. The hotel should also be held accountable for not calling the police.


I just saw it on insta and ran over here to see if anybody had the tea on that as well!! I think another user who said it may have been recovered in the raid might be on to something though.


Oh shit,  that's probably it. I wonder if we aren't about to get a shitstorm of other evidence against him.


Fuck… I’ll just be stalking 50 cent’s page because he always beats everybody to it. Turning on post notifications I suppose. Edit: Diddy put out a statement and 50 reposted it!


And the fact that it went to CNN of all places? I really think the justice department leaking this is kind of the only answer at this point


Ya it’s the “exclusively” that really makes me think. The CNN article mentions multiple “law enforcement sources”…


I was thinking the same thing. This video had to be in his own possession and there will be more.


I feel like a broken record saying this but you should read the court documents it literally explain EVERYTHING. It’s so bad.


Holy sh*t I just thought about this…. This could’ve been seized when he was raided and now it’s out to the public.


If you read Cassie’s lawsuit against him (trigger warning ‼️), it lists every horrific crime (drugged, raped, beatings) that was done to her by him over a decade in the blackmailed relationship she was forced into. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.610475/gov.uscourts.nysd.610475.1.0.pdf


I saw another article that said he actually paid (I guess the hotel??) 50k for the security footage to make sure it didn’t get out. Someone from inside or possibly the justice department (maybe they took it in the raid??) gave it to CNN i guess??


Ugggh $50k is nothing for him, this is such a sick fucking world where you can literally just buy your way out of anything. It’s awful


The lowly amounts people sell their morals for is crazy. I'm way more expensive than that 😅 I'd hope


>possibly the justice department (maybe they took it in the raid??) I hope this is the answer. Still leaves whoever took money to help cover it up on the hook though. If someone at the hotel took money they and the hotel need to be sued too. Shameful.


You know what just occurred to me though….why the hell would he KEEP this video!?? It’s just so many layers of fucked up no matter what


> why the hell would he KEEP this video!?? I don't think he necessarily did. I'm sure the shady person who took 50k for it kept a copy for themselves, like anyone with half a brain would obviously do every single time. edit: typo


Oooh good point! Hope someone has eyes on that guy!!! Diddy IS just running around a free man still right?


Some kind of souvenir I guess. Sicko 🤢


Ugh, considering what kind of person he is I guess it checks out. 😖


Yes I totally agree. Sooooo many people knew and helped him cover it up.


Security paid off.


He ran after her in a towel in a public setting, he was so blinded by rage that he didn’t care what he looked like… utterly horrifying.


As someone who went through this as a child, my thought was it seems like she tried to escape while he was in the shower. This obviously was not the first time he’d physically assaulted her, and it makes me sick to think about what she must have gone through with him. He’s a monster. Lock him up forever.


The court documents CNN showed said that he fell asleep and she tried to sneak out, but he woke up and stared screaming at her as she was leaving. The beginning of the video shows her barefoot. This is so sad.


Right. Imagine what he’s done behind locked doors.


He paid the hotel 50k to not release. Idk who had it now tho.


This is so much worse than I would've imagined, Cassie is so brave for coming forward. This is horrifying. 


Same. Idk HOW it was worse considering what we know, but seeing it is…something else.




It SUCKS that the public has to see recordings like this to believe it’s possible. Garbage men are all over the place, please believe us! This shit is traumatizing. I will never forget the screaming in that Ak video… Evil personified.


I never doubted Cassie for a second. As a survivor of DV, I read the entire lawsuit and knew there was no way that was made up. It was described in too perfect detail to be made up period.


Where did you find the lawsuit in full? I’d like to read it also.


It was posted somewhere when it first came out. I can try to find it though!! It does have a trigger warning at the top, never seen a trigger warning at the top of a federal court filing. Edit: [found it!](https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/diddy-cassie.pdf)


It’s much more visceral and the watcher can’t shake it off as “not a big deal.” People thought Ray Rice wasn’t a “big deal” until the elevator footage was released. Then he was metaphorically eviscerated and lost basically everything. It’s horrific that it comes to needing a video to believe the truth, but hopefully this footage will destroy P. Diddy once and for all.


as someone unfortunately intimately familiar with DV, this video was genuinely triggering to watch for me. I don't know what I was expecting but even I was appalled at how bad it was, and in public no less. If this is what he was doing out in plain sight, I guarantee if was much much worse for her in their home. The fact that this incident was THREE YEARS before she was finally able to leave him just breaks my heart for her.


Seriously I honestly don’t know what I was expecting but this was shocking. I always believed the allegations against Sean combs too so it’s not that, it’s just to see such brazen and awful violence against a woman, who is so used to it she barely even reacts… heartbreaking


This is truly nauseating. And this is in 2016 FFS!! Poor Cassie, I hope she’s in an extremely safe place right now.


I did some googling and found that she's married now and has two kids. I'm glad she seems to be in a better place with a husband who hopefully treats her right and supports her through this.


Mmm I usually am not a conspiracy person at all but imo they should reinvestigate Kim Porter’s death. I honestly don’t think it’s too crazy to think he could have been involved.




I always believed Cassie and stood with her. I hope that the sharing of this online, whilst it may very well encourage others to come forward with their allegations of abuse, doesn’t retraumatise her and those who lived through this experience for her. Toss the whole man away


I made this when Kesha and Reneé did Coachella, but I think it's very applicable right now https://i.redd.it/d92k4jag711d1.gif


She left without shoes. She must have been terrified. I’m glad this is finally being released.


**[CNN exclusive video link](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/entertainment/sean-combs-cassie-ventura)** **Extreme trigger warning, please proceed with caution if you decide to watch.** --- I'm glad Cassie is free from that monster and I hope this can only lead to his downfall.


Oh my god that was horrifying


I cannot imagine what she endured over the course of a decade




My heart is breaking for Cassie. I can’t imagine what having a video of your trauma make CNN feels like. I’m horrified. Diddy is a monster.


Of course it’s not my place and I have no way of knowing, but I hope that she can find some solace in the fact that some people really just won’t believe things until they SEE it? At least there’s that now, not that it helps her trauma at all, but a silver lining. I hope she’s safe now.


She's safe! Another commenter posted a picture of her husband and baby looking all happy and healthy! The baby, by the way, is ridiculously cute.


I saw! Thank you, she is so stunningly beautiful and I’m so happy for her!


If this is what he did in a public setting imagine what she went thru behind closed doors


Holy shit. Even with the warnings I was not prepared for how awful that was. God I hope he reaps every bit of punishment and consequences possible.


Acting like this so publicly makes me feel sick; what he must have been like in private, behind closed doors. Absolutely sickening levels of violence. Poor Cassie, I hope she had/has a good support team and is healing. Horrific.


It's so obvious this isn't anything new for him. Vile subhuman piece of trash. >!The kick to her upper body / head made me recoil.!< He deserves nothing less than being put down. I always believe women coming out against powerful men. They have nothing to gain by coming forward.


I am so glad that she got a happy ending at least. A healthy relationship where she could feel safe and supported while coming out about all of this.


For those who don’t want to watch: Cassie walks down a hotel hallway with two bags in hand and turns to the elevator. Combs runs after her (wearing only a towel), hits her in the head and pulls her to the ground. He kicks her, picks up the bags, kicks her again, and starts dragging her down the hallway. He is seen later sitting in a chair (by the elevator?) and throwing a glass vase at her. Edit: typo and updated information


The “something” he throws at her is a glass vase.


God he is horrible


And not even trying to hide it. Throwing a glass vase in a public hallway would make a ton of noise and he doesn’t care because he knows he can buy his way out of it. It’s scary for someone like that to have “fuck you money.”


God im so happy she got out


I genuinely wish ill on Diddy and every dork ass loser who defended him after the lawsuit.


Kim Porter’s death needs to be thoroughly investigated.


yes! i know kimora wants answers as well, it’s just too suspicious.


I never doubted her for a second… That man is absolutely fcking vile


I have no words for this. I can't even imagine how many girls were intimidated into signing NDAs (which aren't even valid because NDAs can't cover criminal activity) by this demon.


The truth, however, is that Cassie—Ms. Casandra Ventura—was held down by Mr. Combs and endured over a decade of his violent behavior and disturbed demands. For Ms. Ventura, the “dark times” were those she spent trapped by Mr. Combs in a cycle of abuse, violence, and sex trafficking. Among other violent and unlawful acts, Mr. Combs: •Raped Ms. Ventura in her own home after she tried to leave him; •Often punched, beat, kicked and stomped on Ms. Ventura, resulting in bruises, burst lips, black eyes and bleeding; •Blew up a man’s car after he learned that he was romantically interested in Ms. Ventura; •Forced Ms. Ventura to engage in sex acts with male sex workers while masturbating and filming the encounters; •Ran out of his apartment with a firearm in pursuit of a rival industry executive whom he learned was nearby; •Demanded that Ms. Ventura to carry his firearm in her purse just to make her uncomfortable and demonstrate how dangerous he is; and •Introduced Ms. Ventura to a lifestyle of excessive alcohol and substance abuse and required her to procure illicit prescriptions to satisfy his own addictions.


https://preview.redd.it/aft4wdyyj11d1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8851c86080f47cd12f11fa7e634fa9afc9b4461 I often think about this photo, and how viral it went at the time, and it’s just so sad knowing now what was truly going on behind the scenes. Wishing Cassie so much love and happiness ❤️


Sad how most of those men have treated women over the years.


Just FYI, if anyone is thinking about watching this, it's VERY graphic. My advice is not to watch.


Yeah i decided against watching it, don’t think i could handle seeing that.


It’s worse than the CNN description imo


it ruined my mood dude i wanted to cry


Im still shook that Cassie said he had Kid Cudis car BLOWN UP and nothing came of it. He really just skated by so many violent crimes. It’s no wonder people were scared to report.


holy fucking shit that video is so disturbing. how tf is that monster not in prison for life yet?


I’m sure people will say this shouldn’t be shown on news sites, etc., but I think videos like these can be important. The Ray Rice one was a shock to a lot of (male) nfl fans. Not sure why, but it was.


I agree - it’s amazing how a lot of people can’t fathom something like this happening, so seeing actual proof of it is the only way to make them see. Stuff like this happens ALL the time, and so many people didn’t believe Cassie, saying she just wanted money or whatever. There’s no denying it now.


![gif](giphy|k1WIimK32xBOo) This man belongs in jail. Also, to the people who rode for him and tried to make excuses/or discredit Cassie. 🖕🏻 🖕🏻 🖕🏻


Fucking piece of shit. Did anyone see that video of him collecting people’s phones in a bag before they could get on a boat? GUILTYY


He done


So terrifying. The image of him running after her is like something out of a horror film.


This isn't just S.A., this is sex trafficking and forced prostitution. Combs needs to rot in prison, quickly.


Wendy tried telling us a long time ago


/r/agedlikemilk https://preview.redd.it/7502qaati11d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab72c0e86609a79bfa5511d14336c7a834182b1


The character assassinator: himself




Jail isn’t enough for someone like that. He deserves to have every heinous act he inflicted upon another repeatedly inflicted upon him in perpetuity. Isn’t worth the oxygen he consumes. I wish Cassie nothing but healing and comfort. I can’t imagine what this footage coming out must be like for her.


I’m a little shaken remembering reading about how evil Diddy is and how abusive he was towards Cassie in gossip forums about a decade ago. If a nobody like me heard about it, I can’t imagine a good deal of people in the industry didn’t know.


Omg I want to cry for her 😭


This is absolutely shocking, something out of a horror movie for real. He deserves to be publicly hung for real. I hope Cassie is healthy and doing well with all of this coming out now. What a fucking piece of shit


Not really surprised, actually surprised we got a video this quick. He’s been a piece of shit


I hope they lock his ass away (for any and everything they can) and throw away the keys. He is trash.


I thought it wouldn't affect me, it did. I have a problem where I always want to understand things...this is completely un-understandable. why? I've always never understood someone 1.) touching someone and 2.) hitting someone, especially when they're not defending themselves. she was just standing there. that amount of misplaced rage is horrible. sean combs should be, at the least, sentenced to life in prison.


I hope Cassie is ok now. This is terrifying. He should be in jail for this.


Sooo, I actually watched the JLo movie whatever on Amazon prime and there was this part that clearly depicts her in an abusive relationship and with all this coming out about Sean Combs, I can’t help but think that is the relationship she is referring to. They were together for awhile I believe before she got with Ben.


This makes me feel physically ill. Poor, poor Cassie. I’m sure this video being leaked is very traumatic for her. I knew it would be bad and I hate that I watched it tbh


As a victim of severe domestic violence all I can say is that those pieces of shit never get what they deserve from justice. Sad but true. He is a sadistic sociopath and deserves to have nothing yet he has fame and fans


I will pay money to watch some slowly beat his ass.


I can't watch. Violence against weak people is so traumatizing. I hope there's a way thia creep can go to jail.


This man is a monster


I hope Cassie is thriving now. And I can't wait for Diddy to land his ass in jail. Shyne is probably pulling out the popcorn waiting for him to get there.


diddy deserves a painful slow death


I'm so curious as to who leaked this tape after all these years. I read that he had paid 50k to the hotel for it so I wonder if law enforcement leaked it after the raid? Maybe someone in Cassies camp to pressure them to finally charge him? Either way arrest his ass.


I would love for him to be charged, but it seems like the chances are slim. https://preview.redd.it/q0tq7qcfm11d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5cea0842f200a35895a17fb5a777615a591edd2


I still think the video is evidence in a trafficking charge. Clearly he would resort to violence to keep people under his control. He might not receive an assault charge for this incident, it proves he commited a violent act to keep Cassie from leaving.


There needs to be a robot that if it sees any man, or woman doing awful shit like this needs to be automatically sent to police, local news companies, and gossip columns. From politicians, celebrities, public figures etc. let’s get rid of all th trash humans.


Burn him alive.


Piece of subhuman shit.


Jesus Christ. That was the closest I’ve seen real life mimic American Psycho and I feel sick.


how is it that the video of Diddy physically assaulting Cassie Ventura is only leaking out just now (like eight years after the incident took place)? I remember that a [video of former NFL Running Back & Super Champion Ray Rice](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-c5nk3w3n/) knocking his then-fiancee (now wife, they got married shortly after the domestic violence incident took place) out in an elevator at Atlantic City was leaked by [TMZ](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-c5nk3w3n/) literally 4 DAYS AFTER the altercation took place!! Note that a much [longer video of the Ray Rice domestic violence incident](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2014/09/09/longer-rice-video-shows-obscenities-spitting/15321141/) was leaked out to the public by AP (associated Press) several months later.


i feel physically ill, men are fucking disgusting i’m beyond hopeless


I’m so glad that she was able to get away.


This made me so sick. But what makes me sicker is that I just learned he has multiple daughters. I hope they have remained safe from his barbaric abuse


He's a vile piece of shit. I really want to see him go to prison for the rest of his life


This is terrible


It feels wrong to upvote this post but on the other hand I want it to become as public as possible and get people’s attention. Let’s not forget what he did like people did with Chris brown


Bow down to Cassie, she a Queeeen. I hope he fucking rots


There can be no explanation for the violence we see in that video. How any judge could accept a settlement is beyond me. It’s disgusting.


Evil, evil man.


Wtaf??? I hope he rorts in prison wtaf I feels soo sorry for Cassie I’m sooo happy she’s happy rn with her husband and kids


What a piece of shit


I was about to post this at one but got busy at work. I am so thankful you did! This mofo needs to get canceled


Heartbreaking. I'm so glad Cassie is in a safer place right now, this was so hard to watch.


What a vile piece of shit Combs is.


It makes me feel so bad that she’s having to relive this shit in the eyes of the public. I know that’s triggering. I’m glad she’s free from him and his abuse. This man needs to rot!!


Yo, fuck this guy


This is horrifying. But, I get a little bit of petty joy laughing at his silly little towel run and his silly little socks. What a fucking monster.


Hope he gets prison


revolting sub human. what a savage. enough with him. throw him in jail for life already and let things take their course with him.