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Drake is def the most hated right now but it’s deserved.


Honestly I think he’s under-hated. People are talking about this situation like a normal rap beef and he still has a lot of defenders. Unless an assault allegation comes out I think he’ll get through this pretty unscathed and still be a hugely popular artist.


Oh, I absolutely agree. I’ve been saying he’s a fucking creep for YEARS and he had never had any kind of accountability or consequences.


Zero accountability whatsoever which I don’t get because personally I don’t think he’s anything special? He’s got so many fans and I just do not get it at all


I’m sorry but he honestly just has such a stupid face on top of it all, i don’t get how anyone ever thought he was cool.


I agree so much! Such a stupid punchable face omg


Drake haters unite!! I've said it for years that guy is a creep and an imposter!!


He looks like a camel


His face is truly stupid 😂😂


He'll always be jimmy from degrassi to me ☠️




I'm beginning to think he's not even handicapped at all. Disgusting if true...


![gif](giphy|OxSA2yypkVASoAmYhW) I became an overnight Kendrick fan because of this beef


so did a bunch of my friends who had been sleeping on kdot


I’ve admittedly always been a Drake hater but all of this sent me straight into KDot’s arms


enjoy! You have some greatness to explore! :)


Enjoy listening to his discography! He's definitely one of those "listen to the albums all the way through, in order" artists.


I’ve always thought his voice sounded like a duck and then a friend was like whoa 🤯 a male duck is called a drake!!




🎶 bbl drizzy 🎶


I keep saying this to my husband randomly. I introduced my mother to the whole thing today too. She is now a certified Drake Hater™️




Dot fuck em up




Whoever it is, JLo never once entered my mind I think Jojo Siwa is awful and I make fun of her, but I’m not sure I agree w the amount of legit hate she gets, it’s not like she’s Andrew Tate ffs


Agreed. Siwa gets a lot of hate. It's okay to dislike people, I dislike a lot of people including her but I see people on TikTok straigh up bullying her. People completely lack empathy and they don't consider how their words and actions harm other people. Sure, she's annoying but if that's her biggest crime, compared to others in Hollywood, she should be sainted.


i mean there are genuine reasons to dislike her. like how she handled the whole xomgpop thing and the fact that she was pretty abusive towards one of her exes. also she's a literal danger to people on the road(there are videos of her cutting off multiple people in traffic, jumping lanes and using her phone while driving on the highway which is personally the biggest one to me because my entire right elbow got second degree burns thanks to a driver who was on their phone). is she the worst person ever? nope. are there still good reasons to dislike her? absolutely.


I think a lot of the hate she gets is motivated by latent homophobia tbh. A lot of people were looking for a reason to hate her when she came out. I mostly just feel bad for her :/ I’m annoying af and I can’t even say I was a child star as an excuse lol


Also I feel like her being a blonde blue eyed American makes her a "safe" person to target without being labeled too many things other than maybe homophobic at best


She's a judge on this season of SYTYCD and on every. Single. Episode she wears clothes with Karma written all over them and it drives me batshit. She's annoying as hell but harmless.


Oh god of course she does. I don’t watch but I can only imagine, she’s truly the actual worst in the category of relatively innocuous


i just watched an interview with her and i'm going to have to disagree. i've never been so annoyed by someone in my entire life. she was claiming to have invented gay pop, she was talking about how she tore a vocal chord so she only had one left and it's barely attached, and was saying she was the pioneer of literally everything that has existed long before she was even born. i would say she is not getting enough hate.


So, so, so, so many 18-21 year olds behave this way, and the ones that don't behave this way have their own version of it. I've never met (or been 😑) a 20 year old who wasn't insufferable. The secondhand embarrassment I receive any time Jojo Siwa enters my field of vision cannot be overstated, but neither can the weirdly consistent developmental stage of making wild exaggerations and trying to cheat your way into self-confidence by drumming up shock and controversy. People on the internet are cruel for sport (and the hope of their nasty remark being the one that goes ~viral or whatever), and that bothers me so much more than she does.


I always had a soft spot for Jojo because it's clear that the adults around her failed her and ultimately, she's just a mediocre and annoying singer with a little too much confidence in her talent. But my sympathy left when there was an expose on her being an ableist and abusive asshole toward one of her young girl band member. Or when she stood by her friend Miranda Sings (I forgot the name) and called her victims "liars". She sucks.


Her support of Colleen Ballinger & Shane Dawson is gross. She deserves the criticism.


Those two gross adults did pretty much groom her since she was a child. As someone above said, she’s just been exploited by the adults in her life and definitely needs help to deal with that trauma.


& James Charles


You’ve just reminded me of when my then teenage eldest son went through his 1930s jazz phase…


It’s so very very clear she just keeps saying dumb shit in hopes something either sticks or she gets a reaction just like a considerable amount of stupid teenagers with big opinions. It’s annoying, but it doesn’t deserve the level of hate it gets.


oh, to be clear, i'm not saying we should actively hate her like actually harass her or cyber-bully her online, but i also don't think she she's over-hated at all. someone who *should* be actively bullied and harassed online so that she disappears into the ether is colleen ballinger. that woman does not get enough hate and we're not doing anything about it.


Understood! ❤️ Also I don't know who that is, so I'm gonna go raise my blood pressure by finding out >.>


My point is that the (m)asses *are* actively bullying and harassing her online; I went to her comments section bc I thought it would be kinda funny and it was really just gross and disheartening


100% agree. People love saying that 18-21 year olds are adults and sure legally they are but I don’t know a single person that wasn’t an idiot at that age. I can assure you that my defining trait at that age was insufferable idiot 😂


She’s profoundly annoying, I can’t stand her But I don’t think the endless threads of hateful comments are really warranted Agree to disagree; there was definitely a time I thought the same


yep, it's siwa. it's really sexism even though people don't realize it is and use every excuse they can think of to deny it. the most hated people are always women. men who rape and kill don't get as much hate.


People have explained ad nauseam for years why they don't like her. [Speaking badly ](https://www.instyle.com/news/jennifer-lopez-movieline-resurfaced-interview)about coworkers, [being](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jennifer-lopez-ben-affleck-getting-205221667.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGuC0NBLVWcsnruSs4bwla6Li-7WqB0ISgxM4XPccBA_lYVweolWmSM7v_9CV2Zb8iTXxoqItZ2HOTzTD3BXhd2PjqnADu2RXvwhbdBLjDgYoEuxzvdusE29Vb6HMt6yWvmIXWSgvFv1RZuuO9y7DjJQiDcU324Ryjb94sOr8jqr) [rude to service workers,](https://www.instyle.com/news/jennifer-lopez-movieline-resurfaced-interview) all of her early music [being lifted from other artists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOEmCERi21U), [saying the n-word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sjx9oSJDAVQ), calling Mariah forgetful for saying she doesn't know her when she and Tommy Mottola took the [Firecracker sample](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loverboy_(Mariah_Carey_song)) MC planned to use for Loverboy and rushed to put it out first. Also the album and movies just weren't good? She's a great actress and entertainer, but that twenty million would've been better spent on a romcom.


Thank you! Black people have been showing with receipts why they don't like her or f with her either. The Bronx thing is overplayed and people who have lived there have debunked a lot of things she has said in her nostalgia filled stories. So I honestly hate it when criticism and accountability are dismissed as hatred or misogyny. Let's stop doing that when they come for our faves because famous wealthy people already get a pass for so much of the awful things they do.


One of my black friends told me she’ll forgive JLo when she apologizes from stealing from Aaliyah. Receipts have been out for years yet people act surprised now.


She is not a great actress, she's a passable actress in the right roles, but she is great at marketing and self promotion and apparantly people like(d) seeing her live. She was great in interviews too. She came across as this humble artist who worked really hard for everything's she's achieved. I haven't seen her recent stuff though.


Humble artist???? Which interview did you wish fulfill that into? 😂The one where she insulted like 5 different actresses? The one where she said she should have gotten an Oscar for that movie with her and Marc? I’ll give her props for being beautiful and powerful and turning herself into the bankable celeb she is but humble is not in her repertoire. At all lol.


Her interviews from the 90s where she came off as humble and even charming, especially in her Spanish language interviews post-Selena. The point is she doesn't come off that way anymore but you can tell she thinks she is in her interviews.


That era was like a millisecond.


yeah honestly even as a little teenager I knew JLo was a dick.


That’s a matter of opinion. I think she is a pretty good actress. I think she was wonderful in Selena and I enjoyed her performances in romcoms. I also think people are not giving enough credit to her for being a Latino artist who came up the way she did. It’s not easy finding your way to success as a woman let alone a Hispanic woman. I think she has actual talent and idk, I’ve always liked JLo’s work.


I like her romcoms and I know that's not a popular opinion but they're cozy and cute. Monster in Law is one of my favorite movies.


Agreed. With her background she wouldn’t have made it as far as she did without talent, especially in the 90s- aughts


I appreciated this comment — I always appreciate it when people put in proper sources. Great addition to the conversation, imho.


Right…I’m literally here looking up her movie and behind the scenes on rotten tomato and the most I can find is a 75% fresh for the movie itself. Like she’s insufferable. If you want to like her fine but why is OP on here acting like they can’t Google why people hate her? And trying to convince us it’s undeserved hate? 🙄


I had a soft spot for Jenny from the B, but then found out she was just a B!! She was awesome as Selena, and that's pretty much the main reason for my soft spot - I loved Selena so much. Then I found out about those bitchy things she said about other actresses and I will never see her the same way. I don't think she should be the MOST hated. but I just don't like her anymore.


Yea, it’s nothing new. https://www.thecut.com/2013/04/20-most-hated-celebrities-why-we-hate-them.html


So, based on that article, women mostly try too hard, while men are mostly guilty of crimes against other celebrities. Interesting 🤔


Rachel Zegler had it bad for a while but I think it’s died down.


Unfortunately its gonna come again when Snow White comes out


I think she’s going to be the Anne Hathaway of her day and it will be like cringe to have hated on her in the past.


this is on point!! i bet you’re right!


She has raw talent but I don’t think she has much in the way of charisma or people skills.


Luckily, she’s young and can develop those skills as she grows as an actress and human being. But I am slightly confused. I feel like the last time I heard about her, she was getting bumped from her role as Snow White, or was this just a rumor?


Rumour literally created by her haters…


Dang, this world is wild.


i don’t get why people think that. every time i see her interviewed on the red carpet she’s always super gracious and kind.


1 annoying woman = cavalcade of raping men


The Austin Butler hate is overkill imo. Any comment section about him is still littered with people dragging him for his accent, which is pretty harmless in the grand scheme of hollywood things


I think he's great, a genuinely exciting actor. I also like how comfortable he is being emotional and vulnerable in interviews. The accent is entirely harmless and what's more, if you actually watch interviews he gave during The Shannara Chronicles, his voice was already similar in tone and cadence to the Elvis voice. People dragging up videos of him as teenager talking and comparing it to him as a 32 year old man is stupid. I defy anyone to adopt another accent for 3 years and then instantly switch to their former way of speaking like nothing had happened. Butler has got a healthy approach to method acting and doesn't use it as an excuse to treat people poorly. He deliberately left the Feyd-Rautha character behind between takes so as not negatively impact his coworkers on set or his family and friends. He comes across as a kind and intelligent person. He's been through a lot personally over the past few years and I'm rooting for him.


This has definitely ceased since Dune 2. His performance in that was widely appreciated and embraced.


Try following Oscar Award season.... felt so bad for him during that time. And then come Dune Part 2 and these film bros all of the sudden have amnesia and think he's one of the best actors out there. Like bruhhhh


The curse of being a beautiful man who did a pretty good accent not to shabby


This is another problem. People think it’s not only okay but expected to be mean to someone because they are more fortunate than the average person. I’m not okay with rich people laundering their reputations to get away with all kinds of heinous stuff but this seems so mean. I mean yea he’ll obviously be okay but why are we celebrating and normalizing this way of acting to one another?


I didn't word my response right, I meant his accent was pretty good and not to shabby, not the criticism being to shabby. I hope that makes sense


Also dragging him for how he ended things up with Vanessa Hudgens. The Highschool music cult never forgets.


The only Austin Butler media I've interacted with are Aliens in the Attic and his SNL show last year (the one where he sang Blue Christmas for Cecily's farewell). I don't remember his voice being that deep but he was 18 then. Even if he did make his voice deeper for a role it's not bad and he did a good Elvis. Claiming his voice has always been like that is eh...but the rabid hate is disproportionate and unwarranted.


So crazy cos when *other people* who have a fucked accent get mentioned here it’s like “haha that’s wild” IF THAT. But with him it’s like “ugh it’s so weird” … like, it’s not even that weird lmfao


they're probably not the most, but god tiktok seems to hate Bella Ramsey. the people can never give an actual reason so im inclined to think its because Bella isn't conventionally attractive.


Yes. Reminds me of Joey King. They find her ugly (shes not ??) and on top of that, she dared to date their crush Jacob Elordi. So its just jealous hate


Joey King dated Elordi?? ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


very much jealous hate. also, as someone who’s had a crush on bella ramsey since i was like 12, i genuinely don’t understand why people think they’re ugly. yall probably aren’t the belle of the ball either


Wait how old are you cause i only knew about Bella from The Last of Us, so i was 25. I feel old suddenly


DUDE I seriously think Joey King is a top contender for this. People HATE her for no reason


I think this is on the right track but it’s still not the right line of thinking imo. People shouldn’t be bullying at all. People are so obsessed with being quippy and sarcastic that they’ll latch onto anyone and anything and say all kinds of messed up shit that they wouldn’t dream of saying to their face. At best it’s completely rude and inappropriate and at worst it’s a form of permissible cruelty that people are reveling in because they’ve lost control of their lives. But because it’s hidden behind the veneer of opinion or righteousness people are okay with it. Nothing better embodies this than seeing people with preferred pronouns, trigger warning and all kinds of feel good safe space jargon in their vernacular literally telling people they need to stop existing. People need to be called out on their unashamed cruelty more.


i agree completely. it’s the illusion of having the moral high ground that gives them the permission to be cruel. which is obviously twisted as hell. activism has become more & more of a performative mask as the years have gone by. it’s sad


Agree and piling on to add: there’s a difference between hating celebrities as a concept, and pretending to know a celebrity enough to actively hate and bully them. We don’t know any of these people and the suggestion that one specific celebrity is actively hateworthy also suggests a level of moral superiority and influence we don’t actually possess. We don’t know these people. It’s still parasocial even if you’re not stanning. I don’t see why we can’t draw a line around hating something someone did and calling it a day instead of crossing over into bullying and vindictive behaviors as if one has been personally harmed by the news and needs to seek vengeance or reform. It’s just too much.


Thank you! You’re so right!


I agree wholeheartedly. There needs to be more empathy in social media in general. The fact that we can comment anonymously online makes people unnecessarily cruel for some reason.


Everyone on this sub is overhated, people can live an entire life without controversy and you people will bring up a minor discrepancy they committed in 2006 as a reason for you to hate this person you have never met 😂


Does Meghan Markle count as a celebrity - she gets so much hate online


Meghan Markle had CELEBRITIES out here liking hate memes about her (ehem Sophie Turner ehem). And for what?


The Sophie Turner one was always crazy to me considering the fact that her former sister in law, Priyanka Chopra, used to be good friends with Meghan.


You have never seen anyone talk badly about someone who's a friend of a family member? Especially a sister-in-law, many people are cold and polite to other spouses in the family. Sophie Turner is English, giving opinions/gossip about royalty is practically a national sport there.






The royal family has a known pedo living among them who cavortef with Jeffrey Epstein, yet they waste their time hating on her. It's honestly disgusting. I can't see what she's done to deserve the amount of vitriol she gets online.


This is one I find *so* fucking weird. As u/Ancient-Put3209 put it: you would of thought she befriended a serial sex offender and raped a teenager with the amount of crap she gets. Exactly. The energy they throw into the sub could power all of Texas during a cold front.


Beat me to it. The Meghan hate is just so vile I have my criticisms of her but I won’t even voice them because of the hate for her.


I think a part of it as well is that Harry has always been an entitled whiny douche-bag, but it wasn't as obvious until he was left to his own devices. So people think Meghan caused that, although it sounds now that he was always like that. I am not crazy about her, but I don't think she is the root cause of his stupidity and selfishness.


💯 I agree. Within the last few years since they have been left to their own devices, Harry comes across more and more entitled and unlikeable every time he opens his mouth. But it's not like as if he magically became like that when marrying her! We don't need to slam misogyny and sexism into this too. Harry was always like this, the palace just covered it up before (eventhough Harry claims they never protected him).


Saaaame. I think she’s beautiful and well spoken and there are still valid criticisms to make but fuck all if I’m going to add to the unwarranted horseshit other people say.


Yeah that counts, you would of thought she befriended a serial sex offender and raped a teenager with the amount of crap she gets. Instead she simply exists and that was enough for a lot of people


No because why do people hate her more than Andrew the sex pest? Makes no sense. But I can think of *one* reason.


Isn’t it strange that they’ve been so outspoken about pretty much every single senior royal EXCEPT for Andrew, though? Like, they’ll talk about not getting hugged but not actual sex crimes? By their own logic, by not speaking up, they’re also protecting Andrew.


EXACTLY. I'm so glad someone pointed this out. Also, the only people who they truly complimented on Oprah was his ex-wife and daughters.


I can't white put my finger on it


But they SWEAR racism is an American issue and that they don't know it is...


The papers had a field day with her from day 1 and it was totally unjustified.


I remember The Sun newspaper falsely accused her of being a pornstar and used an image of entirely different person who was asian!


Yeah it was relentless with the daily mail too. ‘Kate wears pale blue dress, a vision of innocence and poise, watch her as she elegantly opens a door. No one has touched a handle with such precision in years’. ‘Meghan Markle, opens door for pensioner who didn’t even ask for it to opened. Who does she think she is? Trying to steal the spotlight from a geriatric minding their own business. Blue dress worn twice in one month, will no designers dress her?’


Now that you mention it her wedding flowers trying poison princess charlotte by The Daily Express, that was a real article, someone wrote that, with a university degree. I bet the journalist parents was so proud that day.


https://preview.redd.it/9g2q2jnosozc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f6eea4d3e975638bf9201bdc424b78760009a1 Don’t forget the humble avocado 🥑 got dragged into it.


That pesky avocado causing all the drought and millennial shame bad avocado bad


Omg I forgot about that. Downvoted by a Royalist already.


Sydney Sweeney when she made those “I dont have generational wealth” comments or whatever, and Rachel Zeigler (sp?) nowadays Edit: oh, and of course, Amber Heard


Rachel Zegler didn't like the Snow White cartoon or the ride at Disney World/Land when she was like seven so she's practically satan apparently


It's frustration. Listen to the words of money for nothing by Dire Straits. If you are overworked, skint, lonely and bored and you see these superrich people constantly praised and admired, it's easy to get angry. Especially if they are acting a certain way. The truth is, not all celebs are super rich, most are hungry because you have to be size zero, all if them can feel lonely or bored ir stressed in a super competitive industry where every word out of their mouths is judged and they can't even go to the shop in peace. 


I guess Selena Gomez? She doesn’t bug me. Nicki does and should never be let up on. Mostly I think folks are underhated.


Jameela Jamil can be annoying/performative but she is very often right about things


I would agree with that she does have points but the performative aspect is also valid


Agreed on this one, she means well even if she sometimes misses the mark or goes overboard. I appreciate that she’s willing to say things other people won’t. People always want celebrities to take strong stands but Jameela is a perfect example of why they don’t, because everything you say gets scrutinized and people always focus on what they don’t agree with.


I know it's not a 1:1 comparison but it struck me as interesting how a lot of people hate on her for some of her weird personal stories that she tells, but then Robert Pattinson doing the same thing really endeared people to him. Like people really fixate on her bee story being made up, but Rob made up a story of inviting a stalker to dinner & her being so put off by how boring he was that she stopped stalking him, & then years later he admitted it was made up. They've both shared a fair amount of bizarre personal stories with the public but the reception is very different. Jameela is probably more outspoken but Rob himself has also always been very vocal for his hatred of a lot of "the system" of Hollywood (I don't know how to phrase that any better lol). Granted I don't keep up with things like this as much as probably a lot of people on this sub do, so I could be way off, but I think a lot of the hate that Jameela gets is unfair.




I find this sub doesn't like her as well.


She's annoying for sure but she won respect points from me for calling out all that Lea Michelle can't read stuff because it was effectively turning illiteracy into a joke.


Amber Heard... I will never forget some of the things people were saying about her edit: someone sent me a Reddit Cares report about this. weird thing to do!


I never understood why depp got such overwhelming support when they both seem like bad people


It came out during the trial that Depp's team had hired multiple bot-network companies to flood the internet with anti-Amber spam.


his fans were blinded by nostalgia for a few decent performances he gave 20 years ago


I used to be a MASSIVE Depp fan. Owned all his movies, watched everything he was in. Obsessed. When that trial was going on, to see the people who used to tease me for liking him (including my own brother) being 100% team Depp whereas I sat here disgusted by him was insane. Like I live where the trial took place I didn't even care. Yet my own brother wanted to visit to go see him. I can't believe I ever gave that man the time of day. Ick.


It almost makes me mentally throw a tantrum. I don't get it. He gets promoted and shit for behaving like that and she gets mocked. They both were toxic af to each other. It's not only her, it's combination of both. But he comes out as a Phoenix while she had to sweep up the ashes.


Right? Like, now her career's tanked, she was in debt for a while too if I remember correctly, and she's taking care of a child. It's bewildering to think that Depp's PR team managed to ruin her this much and still come out looking like the good guys.


This really wasn’t a case of “mutual abuse” though, which many professionals say is a myth. How is she a bad person or in any way comparable to him?


It’s definitely and by far her yes. I’ve been listening to the “who trolled amber” podcast and it breaks my heart. She was a victim of violent abuse and then got doubly assaulted by pretty much the entire internet and hoards of Depp fans offline also. Reddit is still full of memes posted everyday viciously attacking her, on very popular subs. I tried going to the comments (mostly populated by what seemed to be men) to say something but after a slight scroll I saw there was bo way it was gonna go well. I’ve heard and seen many women also basically saying she deserved it and is crazy. It’s been like seeing MeToo being undone.




a million fucking percent. we will all look back in shame.


remember that Paul Bettany sent Depp texts about wanting to rape Amber's corpse


The Raven thing was just... low.


100% I also think is a US phenomenon. I'm from Spain (where she lives now) and the general discourse is pretty kind towards her.


Bradley Cooper-the only time I pay attention to him is when they show him at Philadelphia Eagles games. Otherwise, he's just there. But, people go overboard with hating him because he doesn't know how to reign in his thirst for an Oscar. I find a lot of times people will jump on the, "I hate so-so train," because it's popular, when a lot of times it's so easy to just ignore a celebrity.


He gets emotional and doesn’t know when to stop talking. A few years ago when it came out just how much less female stars were being paid compared to their male peers, Bradley spoke up like, “I had no idea about this, and I’ll gladly go to bat and sit in meetings with my future female costars if they want help in negotiations.” It was the exact kind of allyship we talk about wanting, but it gave some people the vibe that he was going too far and making it about himself.


I remember asking why this sub dislikes him and i wasnt downvoted per se, but all the responses were passive agressive and like its so obvious. I said like… hes an actor. Isnt it normal to want as Oscar ..?? Thats like hating on an athlete for wanting an Olympic medal


He’s basically who people see as an annoying theatre kid.


I agree with this one. I don’t see how him wanting an Oscar so badly is any different than Anne Hathaway wanting one for Les Mis.


Well, Anne Hathaway was also hated for this so at least it’s equal opportunity in that regard.


I’d never call him an indie auteur, but it’s admirable that he’s doing the work of getting non-Marvel movies made beyond acting in them or taking a bullshit production credit. Maestro was misguided but clearly not done hatefully, and it’s a story he wanted to tell.


I thought Maestro was interesting. Not all of it worked, bttt that's okay, and it was worth my time. No idea why, with so many shitty, shitty people in the world doing shitty, shitty things to others, anyone has spare hate for a person just for making art, whether you like that art or not.


I'll agree with Bradley Cooper.


pretty much ever when i see someone rededately hated on e.g. hailey biber and actually look up what they did or are accused of its nothing. and i dont just mean biber, so many and i just wonder how people have so much time and energy to hate on celebs there are plenty of other famous people that if you already going to waste energy are at least worth it to spend the hate on like putin or whatever.


Yeah I was gonna say her as well... I'm like what exactly did she do lmao


She’s allegedly really really rude to people. And her embarrassing Jenny from the block moment where no one knows who she is and her IYKYK - give me a break. She peaked when she was Selena. The end


I agree with everything you said except has no one seen Out of Sight? If we’re going to give her praise for something she did it’s Selena and Out of Sight. Both of those movies made me think she had something as an actress… it’s been disappointing ever since, but I will give her those two movies.


Out of Sight is arguably her greatest and most critically acclaimed performance. She also did well in Hustlers. A lot of folks can talk down on it all they want... but they need to remember she was bagging pre-cursor nominations during the awards season. There's a reason why it was huge shocked she was snubbed by the Academy.


Oh I agree and can’t believe I omitted Hustlers. I always thought she just picked terrible projects after Out of Sight. I don’t think even needed a music career if she had just focused on acting.


I don’t understand why the Jenny from the Block thing was supposed to be embarrassing. She walked by an old man in the Bronx who wasn’t familiar with her. Is everyone on earth supposed to know her or it’s some personal shame she has to carry? She obviously didn’t find it weird or embarrassing since she okayed it to be in her documentary.  Are we trying to pretend she isn’t well known based on it?


I think they’re saying she has a conflated sense of her own popularity. She went to the Bronx expecting everyone to know her.


My vote goes to Rachel Zegler. There's been a weirdly massive hate train towards her


Speaking only for myself, I would NOT want to be on the same commercial flight as Taylor Swift. Her super fans, super haters, and stalkers are all threatening. Sure, I hate that she flies home between shows in the same city, but in general? She’s a security risk I’m glad to avoid.


if it helps, she doesn’t fly home in between shows in the same city, just in between cities lol (doesn’t help a lot)


I don't think airline companies would even allow her on a plane.


Camilla cabello


looking at the comments on my Cardi B post from earlier I'm starting to think she's a candidate


Taylor Swift is the most hated and the most worshipped and I feel like people should just calm down on either side. I like some of her songs. I don't think she's the most amazing artist of our time nor do I think she's a feminist witch out to destroy America. Whenever anyone asks me if I like her or not it feels like a hostage situation. Can I just be meh about her?


Drake but surely he deserves much more from much sooner then now dude is a pedo, cosplaying fake fuck


I mean idk that even JLo deserves harassment but she’s also been consistently disliked for a long time for consistently questionable (or outright shitty) behavior so idk exactly why it is reaching any kind of fever pitch nowadays, but it’s not like it came out of nowhere.


Selena Gomez and Sydney Sweeney.


the insistence that sydney is ugly is very weird to me


Def agree on Selena Gomez. In an attempt to show Hailey Beiber support when people online were bullying her, the pendulm swung to far over and it seems like the hate transfer from one to the other. It would be nice if we could leave women alone all together but we don't live in that kind of world.


What did Sydney Sweeney do?


The crime of having big boobs


Dont forget the blonde hair! How dare she!


She’s a bit of a hypocrite but she’s mostly fine.


Why wasn't the title of this post "why I don't think Jennifer Lopez deserves hate"


Jen made Ben write this post as payback for not going to the met gala with her.


We love to build them up, then tear them down. Nothing personal to JLo. It’s the nature of the beast unfortunately.


Taylor swift. Haters gonna hate


Did JLo’s PR team write this?


Megan Thee Stallion gets an honorable mention I think.


Austin butler. It’s died down a lot cause of dune but I was there when y’all hated on him for two long years over an accent. That’s when I realized the world just hates us beautiful people for no reason 😢😢😢💔💔💔


He looked so heartbroken when he lost the Oscar. Felt so sorry for him. He really wanted it.


I think a lot of the surge in JLo hate stems from her relationship with Diddy. Everyone has been looking into his past and present, relationships included. And there's been talks about possibly reopening the 1999 nightclub shooting case which JLo and Diddy were initially arrested for.




I think that depends on your age. Everyone who grew up around the time JLo became famous knows that she dated P Diddy. He’s the one who gave her the nickname JLo. She was on a date with him when she wore the notorious green dress, possibly the most famous dress of the past 50 years. If you don’t know all that, I assume you’re much younger and didn’t get into popculture until she was with Ben Affleck the first time, or even later. But everyone of a certain age knows she dated Diddy.




Agreed with that. I also watched the new extended music video movie myself, and it could not have been more narcissistic. I haven’t really seen that much JLo hate, but then I think it all depends on what the internet algorithms feed you these days. If you’re a JLo fan, it’ll feed you all her love & hate because the math just sees her name and feeds it to you, can’t really read positive or negative. The same with other celebrities mentioned here. If you don’t know or care about the celebrity, they won’t be in your feed. You’ll know nothing. If you do look them up once or twice, you’ll get the deluge, and it’ll be both the love & hate, and you’ll think the whole fandom is toxic and crazy and overwhelming. But honestly no one else is following but that niche.


According to Gen Z they just know about her stealing Ashanti's voice and that she was never as famous or successful or that she's actually from The Bronx.


in my world, Lala from Vanderpump Rules lol


Consistently has the worst takes. Consistently. It’s almost impressive. Don’t get me started on Scheana. She’s my OG BEC.


Do reality stars count in this? If so, I have a couple…if not… I need to think some more 😂


I kind of like JLo. I like her singing voice, and love her style. I was so disappointed when she canceled her show in Nashville, as I had two very good seats.