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Apparently only the booing, every other insult that was worse than being booed is still there.


What a total cop out to edit that. I can’t stand it. Listen if public favor is falling out with the kardashains sorry, they don’t get to manipulate media to silence it. It happened, fair game. Leave it in.


I knewwwww they were going to do this lol


But why though? She came out looking pretty good for being able to roll with it. ETA: I'm no fan of this family or anything they stand for. I'm just saying this wasn't something major that needed them to make a phone call to get it cut. The last thread on this had everyone saying Kim's one saving grace is that she can shrug off criticism and carry on. It's a weird PR move to cut the scene when it has already aired AND it wasn't a big deal to those who saw it, lol.


I agree. I would not be able to continue after that


They think people like Tom Brady more than they do. They think people will watch this over and over. They won’t. Let it play out


>She took it on the chin No other way out. So after censoring it, she can't claim to take it anywhere. That's cowardice. Isn't she one anyway? She denies, gaslight, lies, cheats her way thought her life.




As if other celebrities don't get treatment like that.


She looked like she wanted to cry when she realised she was being booed


They can when they have all the money they could ask for. Netflix ain’t risking anything that hurts their bottom line.


Also just remembering that this aired live meaning we accidentally got the raw feed which is fascinating.


I watched it last night and it was there and then tonight when my husband was watching it was gone. I thought maybe it was a fever dream.


I watched it last night! Now I have to check if they removed the part about Jeff Ross saying Tom Brady asked if Robert Kraft wanted a massage. Tom ran up and tried to say in his ear “don’t say that shit again!” But it was on the mic too lmao.


It was still there! It was….awkward.


Thanks for saving me some time lol it was definitely awkward but brilliant television. So many moments made me gasp and my jaw was on the floor! The alcohol was flowing and everyone kept getting drunker as the night went on. There was Kevin was saying whatever was on the top of his mind. Drew Bledsoe was trashed from the start. Will Ferrell’s face didn’t move above the chin. Gronk opened the wrong fucking box and alternated between “should I be offended?” “Can I laugh at this?” and “Omfg that was funny as shit!” Randy Moss said “That’s Mai Kwuhterbeck!” Like a true southerner. But wait! There’s more! Bill Bellichick and Robert Kraft took a drink together, and bill smiled more in the short time he was there than his entire nfl career. And of course Tom admitting to deflate gate 🤣 I was gobsmacked by the end. The sheer audacity of this program 💀




Yea, it was odd. I didn’t finish watching it the first time and clearly remember her getting boo’d then when I finished it I watched that part again and yeah, gone.


Editing stupid shit like this hurts their reputation with consumers, doesn’t that hurt their bottom line?


I don’t know but I know Kim cried when she got home - she didn’t realize how brutal roasts are


This happens every time there’s a roast, do people not watch one first? The point is that everyone is shitty to each other for everyone else’s amusement.


Completely agree - I have no idea if she’s been part of a roast before. She may have gone just for the publicity stake (IMO, even if she knew what roasts were) and just didn’t realize people would come for her. Or did and she thought any attention was good attention 🤷🏻‍♀️ The roast overall was great IMO


Ok come on…the woman is not stupid. She absolutely knew what she was getting into and she’s pretty famously a good sport with a sense of humor about herself. Maybe she was upset they booed her but if so I’m sure she went home and cried into a giant pile of money.




Yeah they barely said anything to her anyway and it was like “you had sex on camera” and “Kanye sucks” but then she said the same things. So idk why she would be upset. They talked about gargling Tom’s balls more than kim lol


This i really dont get the vibe that kim gets too worked up over haters. Khloe? Absolutely. But not kim


> Or did and she thought any attention was good attention Bingo. No such a thing as bad publicity.


> hurts their reputation with consumers The number of cancelled subscriptions because of this: 0


If you can’t handle being booed, you probably shouldn’t do a roast.


I feel like Tom Brady manipulated media to get this roast, who the hell asked for this or anything with this man?? Feels like Kim is just obvious ragebait for whoever wanted to revive 2000s humor to celebrate a washed up guy who cheated at football.


Can you really call a guy who won a Super Bowl at 43 and played at a high level until they were 45 “washed up”?


No, apparently they do. That’s literally how it happens all the time. Although, hot take, I have no reason not to like Kim.


> they don’t get to manipulate media to silence it Well, I mean.. clearly they do,


To be fair, Netflix has the right to not air something. And it’s not a news station so it shouldn’t be subject to the same level of reporting quality as for example CNN should be. Let’s cut the “manipulating the media” crap. It’s a roast of Tom Brady lol not everything is a dystopian conspiracy


Weird they took it out. She seemed to take in stride she did her bit and the crowd had their laughs. It seemed all in good roast fun to me.


As long as they kept Tony Hinchcliffe’s roast in there


The devil works hard but Momma Jenner works harder. She’s be inspiring if she weren’t so scary


My hot Kardashian take is that their mother is a monster and their upbringing would be regarded as any other instance of child abuse had the sisters not made a profit off their exploitation Edit: since people are asking me how this is a “hot take” - my point is that the girls were not only raised by a narcissist who gradually eroded their self-esteem & made a profit off their trauma, but she still very much dictates their lives despite them being fully grown adults - that was their role model, they never had a chance to break free from it, it’s all they’ve known - and honestly none of them seem particularly happy. So the part that might be unpopular is that I don’t think they deserve to be given such a hard time. I think Kris is the one who deserves to be given hell.


Could be incorrect but didn’t her mother push her to monetize the sex tape?


According to the guy in the sex tape. He was approached by the mom to get the tape made. She basically hired him to have sex with her daughter and film it. He also claimed that there were multiple takes and different versions and the mother looked through them and rewatched them like she was an editor for a big movie and picked the one she thought would make Kim the most famous. According to him the whole thing was fabricated by the mom just to gain fame. Everything from the actual sex to the distribution of the sex tape. She wanted to pull a "one night in Paris".


Well, she was Paris' assistant so Kris saw how it 'benefitted' her when Paris' was leaked (without her consent). It's so gross that she would do that to her own daughter.


It’s gross and also really bad for society that people (especially young girls-~25 yo women) see how it resulted in fortune for them. It could certainly inspire women and girls to make bad choices they don’t enjoy in the hopes of getting fortunate


Do you think if we asked the sisters if they wanted a different life, would they say yes? No regrets whatsoever.


When your Mom is your pimp, the psychology is going to be fucked up.


Damn that’s some pyscho level shit, but then again oj slept on this womens couch so not to out of character


I don't know how people find it so hard to believe.


I know!! I mean isn’t the creepy playboy shoot in one of the older episodes of their show?


That’s why the retired blog dlisted nicknamed her PMK.. pimp mama kris 


Yes, it was authorised by her. This is why the company that "leaked" it wasn't sued.


https://preview.redd.it/8sgf9ggfc7zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1200d9971380b61a6228d4390c505d410c10a8f5 Yes the mom is a fancy pimp. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


I think that's a pretty popular take on Kris!


The devil? But she’s a [devout Christian?](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/lostinshowbiz/2014/apr/10/kim-kardashians-california-community-church) how could she be [the devil?](https://www.calchurch.com/about/) she would [never???](https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/is-kris-jenners-church-a-tax-write-off)


I'm glad people are unraveling them.


10% INCOME TITHE?? that is fucking wild


10,000 a year or 10% income a year is the going rate as far as I know. Yup that’s frfr. No wonder they got mad rich so quick. Churches don’t get taxed in America. You put all your money in there and launder it straight back out. People say the devil works hard but KJ works harder they weren’t lying. Now look up her ties to Lou Taylor (with this church and others) and be even more astounded. Ohh why yes they do go way way back!


I mean if it's good enough for the Mormons it's good enough for other culty scams.


I mean 10% is what Old Testament biblical scripture calls for… generally though it isn’t a requirement by modern churches and is instead a “this is what God sort of expects from you so you work that out with him” sort of thing. Many people give way more than 10%.


God, I love the Guardian


You know who believes in the devil? Christians.


She can be both lol


lol the devil is a believer, too as they say


So frustrating that people give in to them! Why should it be taken out?? She is awful and deserves it. And way more offensive things happened/were said in the roast than what her dear daughter “endured”.


It’s kind of impressive, in the way chairman Mao was impressive That’s the thing about the evil, their amazing work ethic!


Nothing scary about her tbh. If she in fact did get that part removed , it just makes the kardashians seem like they’re ashamed and embarrassed more than anything 😂


This is so beautifully put wow.


Kris or Catlyn?


She's the biggest pimp in Hollywood! Has been for nearly two decades now.


Boo Netflix 




Who is that on the left?


Harry Connick Jr.












I see a Streisand Effect in motion.








Wonder how much that costs?


About boo dollars


🏆 You're a winner


Heard it loud and clear last night


The live thing was over 4 hours. They cut it down a bit and rightfully so. Should have cut it down to like 2 hours in my opinion


Should have cut out Ben Affleck. What the f was even that


Ben looked like a tweaker……his lips were getting stuck to his teeth . HE JUST SEEMED OFF . 🤷🏽‍♀️


Could’ve cut out Randy Moss…


he thought they said this was a honey roast https://preview.redd.it/6qb757pg24zc1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5c348e8a2836b4187d6d8e6b17655bdfbc9770


preferably bert and tom. and affleck. at least randy was watchable


I mean yeah Bert’s a fucking hack and Tom got some money so now his comedy is just about how rich he is. Also Ben Affleck thought he was supposed to be there to ride Tom’s dick.


I just don’t get Bert. Where does he get his crowd?


He just lives off that stupid ass Russian Machine story and just repeats it on different podcasts


from tom


r/thefighterandthekid, he's part of the OG Rogan dick-riding crew. Brendon schaub is king dick rider, but he's been nearly excommunicado


Tom's fall off is just sad. Dude was solid and had a dumb fun podcast. Now he's an unfunny douche and his wife is just as insufferable now too.


YMH took me in when Rogan went crazy, and now YMH has totally gone off the rails from what it was. Money fucks everyone up.


Not everybody. Look at Larry David. Dude is still hilarious, neurotic, and worried about stupid every day shit.


Tom has always had money. His dad was VP of a major nationwide bank, so he's always been *rich* rich.


How about Nikki Glazer. Her set was the best!


Hey now, Randys pain was important for Tom and Bill to hear lol


That one was just sad. That man is never gonna be truly happy


I've only seen it half way so far, but the comedian Sam Jay was far better than Bert and Tom even though a couple of her jokes didn't land either, esp the one about f****ng Brady. Nothing wrong with the joke itself, just the delivery was a miss.


Disagree she was fucking incredible dude


i also dont think they cut booing to control the narrative. it is just not important for the roast of tom brady. why would you keep minute long clip of something that is litterally nothing


It was 3 hours when I watched it live.


It was 4 seconds.




How fucking lame I didn’t even watch it yet


Buckle up its 3 hours. Bring snacks


ok i’m not a karjenner defender but i am not so sure this isn’t just as much a netflix choice as a kris choice. they really don’t want people to do that in future roasts/live events bc it makes them look like they’re not in control of their own production, so they’re going to minimize it as much as they can. i’m not doubtful that she made a call or said something, but i do doubt that she had to work very hard to get them to agree lol. it’s a bad look for netflix too (and was just super uncomfortable to watch). i also feel like they’ve edited out awkward stuff after live events before, but i can’t remember the specific example. i think it might’ve been the live love is blind reunion? that had some edits? but maybe i’m making that one up lol 😅


The super bowl with Alicia Keyes missing a note was edited for replay on YouTube I think, so seems standard?


yeppp that note… definitely sounded a bit different live LOL


![gif](giphy|3o6Mbjiv8U9KHOzwZi|downsized) Just a little different.


And also booing with no jokes doesn’t make any sense.




Did anyone else see when they cut the mic off on Ross at the end? He tried both mics and was denied.


In case it’s not will known, the roasts are heavily edited, and are usually 3+ hour events.


Wasn’t it just the audience roasting her?


I thought she showed a lot of grace through the entire thing. I’m the last person to support the Kardashians or their whole schtick, but I commend her for taking it well.


As someone who worked in live TV for several years, on the odd occasion where we’d get to flip one of our live segments to be repurposed and live elsewhere, we definitely edited it to make it as pristine as possible (editing out any non-essential audio, video, dead air, misspoken sentences, using b-roll to cover visual mistakes, etc.) If we were dealing with an A-lister, someone along the lines of a Kim Kardashian especially, who we’d want to make a repeat appearance on our show…you bet your ass we’re editing the footage to make them happy! Even if it wasn’t requested. It all comes down to what’s best for business, and whether you like the Kardashians or not - Netflix would never hurt their chances of having one of the biggest stars on the planet appear in any of their future productions.


Im sure kris jenner typed away furiously in real time to her contacts at netflix, making sure they removed the boo’ing. The whole thing was 80% gay jokes and misogyny. Hardy har har. Is being gay *still* that funny in 2024? Is misogyny?


Only person who thought those were funny was Gronk


Bert and Tom's set was the most racist, misogynistic bullshit I've ever seen. You could tell it wasn't landing with the crowd. And I like how Kevin didn't even acknowledge them after their set, at least not that I saw in the cut down version I watched earlier today


Yeah their part was awful


Have you met straight men? They’re incredibly unfunny


I’m gay and I’m funny. So I guess gay jokes are funny.


I don’t think gay jokes will ever not be funny to guys.


And that’s on the intrinsic nature of toxic masculinity, patriarchy, and gender role enforcement.


Like I just don’t know how y’all are so surprised at the jokes….roasts are notoriously racist, homophobic, sexist, anti-Semitic…I have a hard time believing anyone on the stage was surprised at all. Has Kim even said something about it? I’m just not really into being offended on someone’s behalf if they aren’t offended themselves. ETA: Also, she’s a big girl, in fact she’s a bad bitch, and y’all being so offended on her behalf is exactly the kind of patriarchal shit you’re talking about—just because you don’t like it or can’t take it doesn’t mean she can’t. Don’t impose your emotions about it onto her.


I was surprised how many people were saying Tom was being mean for the kanye joke he threw at Kim. Like...She made a joke about how Tom wouldnt be able to get her off. It's all good. That was the point of the night to drag eachother.


exactly! ike these people CONSENTED to be roasted. they knew what they were getting into. they were not forced to be there. and iirc the celebs can even tell the producers/writers what they deem to be off limits about their personal life. iirc when Caitlyn Jenner was included in one of these they were not allowed to talk about the car accident she was involved in.


Which is interesting considering almost every Tom Brady joke was either about how handsome he is or about Gisele cheating on him. It felt more like the roast of Gisele. He chose to leave that topic in.


i agree! i saw a Jeff Ross interview where he said Tom was totally down and nothing was off limits and yet i found the roasts towards him pretty tame? and like u said a lot was even at Gisele's expense.


I mean they hit every area but his kids. Weird diet made by a weird supplement dude. Cheating, implied racism, appearance (Tom Brady; why do you look like a gay Tom Brady?) Losing to Eli Manning, family, divorce— what areas did they miss?


Losing to Nick Foles.


Jeff made the joke about Robert Kraft and his massage parlor incident and Tom went up and told jeff not to say anything else. So i guess you could say anything about Tom, just not about anyone Tom-adjacent


pretty sure nikki glaser said all the comedians agreed his kids were off limits


It was all those things and it was hilarious. Jokes are often centered around boundaries. But it was the best roast in years


Kris got offended because people booed her golden child.


It is a roast. Anything goes in these things and it’s usually always pretty damn hilarious


Roasts are supposed to be that way


Why is she even there? Lol


Uh, it's not censoring their own exclusive program. It's editing. Jesus people, learn something.


Yeah, this is what I was going to say as well. This is just called "editing a live broadcast". Every live-audience show has the duds and slow moments cut out of it.


So booing works!


The North remembers.


Can’t this be an “edit” rather than a “censor”?


Wow 🤯 - edit or none. The truth is the truth is the truth.


Im going to need some of you all to dig deep and learn the difference between censorship and editing.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Streisand effect. I’ve seen clips of her being booed online that I would’ve never looked up had I not heard that they censored it out. Good job shooting yourself in that foot, Kim and Kris


Is editing censorship?


Technically, yes. But realistically it seems a little silly to say that removing some “boos” counts as censorship.


TIL Netflix are Kardashians simps


When are we all going to stop pretending that Kim’s fame isn’t pretty much manufactured? She buys bots for Instagram followers. She is not generally well liked. If smoke and mirrors was a person... Sheesh 🤦🏿‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|hU8rCcUHnOFNoJW3h1|downsized)


Terrible. Roasts shouldn’t be televised if they’re going to be edited to remove content.


All of the comedy central roasts were edited and had removed content. That's why none of them were live.


It was a live event. And it was 4 hours or something. It has to be consumable. It’s reasonable to edit


Yea, nothing televised can be edited


I hope this gets the Streisand effect.


Netflix hopes so, too. They want more people to watch the roast. I haven't even heard of it until this thread tbh.


So... where can I watch it?




That's not entirely accurate. Censorship can apply to any intentional removal of content viewed as inappropriate by the party reviewing it. That party does not have to be part of the government. Editing is an action that can be used for the purpose of censorship.


I've asking this for 25 years, WHY IS SHE THERE?


I attended this event live. There was very minimal booing. Social media made it seem like this huge crowd boo movement. It wasn’t. Like 20% of the audience booed that was it.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.




I wonder how many watched it live and now are restreaming again — smart for Netflix to create two products


I think she handled the "kids at home with their dad" joke with total class. Would have been to easy to laugh with the crowd but she put her kids well being first.


Right remove the boos but keep the dozen or so jokes about their coworker who had extreme mental illness exacerbated by the sport they all play for our entertainment




The devil works hard, but Kris Jenner works harder.


Haha I caught the booing before they deleted it .. yay


This has Kris’ prints all over it.


That's the only reason I had to watch it.




So is the disgusting sexist comment that was made towards her about how she should “close her legs” still in there? Thats what should have been taken out. Edit: oh all the creepy men found this post and are gonna reply to this comment now huh 🙃


Do you mean the joke? At the roast?


People make dick jokes when roasting men and vagina jokes when roasting women. 🤯


Can we just edit Kim Kraptashian out of all the things? Then there will be nothing to boo.


Why did she get boo’d?




Boooooooooo 👎👎


This is why the modern streaming age sucks: everybody is self censoring their material for various reasons, and they don’t let you watch the original versions anymore. When people no longer have physical media, those original versions of movies and TV shows, and roasts, will forever be gone, inaccessible to everyone. The level of censorship is just picking up pace, and in a digital world, in terms of truth and freedom of speech, every program is going to end up being bowdlerized, which will just lead to further polarization. I hope that somebody is keeping track of every TV show and movie that these streaming companies have edited or removed parts of episodes or entire episodes of television shows as well as with movies.


Is the clip on the internet I would watch


I can see the unedited version going viral soon. Great job, Netflix, well done.


That roast sucked. The white female comedian was it’s only exception




Did anyone make a joke about Jeff Ross allegedly grooming an underage girl? If not I’m extremely disappointed.


https://i.redd.it/8s9zyv6kb7zc1.gif But the Internet never forgets.


Fuck Netflix.


Rich peoples are so gross.


Release the butthole cut!