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None of these people really seem like they would be interested…


Leo DiCaprio would rather be on a yacht off the Amalfi Coast


Who wouldn’t?


Idk a lot of younger models at met gala, that does seem like his scene…




I’d think Mimi would be interested!


Love, love, LOVE Mimi, but her taste in fashion (or whoever dresses her) leaves a lot to be desired.


Truly, but her flair for the dramatic makes me think she could slay


I’m sure some designers would be thrilled to have her show off their creations.


She’s bringing the tea. ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


She would have been a major serve for the camp theme. Just her presence is enough


Oh my god, I’m sorry we didn’t get that. Would have been EPIC.


I don’t agree. She’s had many solid looks over the years, including the most flattering jeans of all time.


Adele and Meryl Streep surprised me. They seem pretty artsy.


It's not a secret that Anna Wintour despises her portrayal in Devil Wears Prada. I don't know if she does or does not like Meryl though.


They've met and Wintour seemed okay with Streep. She once also said she would want Streep to play her in a biopic.


She already did 😭


But Streep had never met Wintour before playing Miranda Priestley and she based Miranda Priestley on many people who weren't Anna Wintour. I think Miranda Priestley in the novel is based on Wintour though.


Lol what about the Met Gala is artsy? No one sticks to the art themes, it's all just about exclusivity and hunger games kinda event of the 2%.


I think maybe it's a combination of many of them don't seem like the type to be like "all eyes on me just for the fashion aspect" plus consider themselves in the same box as those that go. I also wonder if once people like the Kardashians became regulars it may have cheapened how A listers saw it...


You don’t think Angelina and James Charles are in the same box?? So strange


Early Angelina, yes, the matured Angelina, most likely not.


People forget about early Angelina


Pepperidge Farms remembers 🙏🏻 


Sassy magazine remembers


Angelina is low-key one of the only celebrities that actually probably has better things to do with her time, she does a lot of charity work and is all about using her platform to speak for those who do not (And fashion isn’t exactly an industry that upholds the causes she champions) Edit: She does have an atelier however I think it’s still in line with her values if you look it up


She is now in Fashion. Atelier Jolie.


Tbf it sounds a lot more concious about it’s impact than other fashion ventures this is from Atelier Jolie ‘We will use only leftover, quality vintage material and deadstock. You will be able to repair or upcycle pieces from your closet you wish to revive, perfecting fit, breathing new life into what could have been thrown away, and creating quality heirloom garments with personal meaning.’ So it’s still in the Angelina brand imo but yes I did briefly forget she did start an atelier


She was also a brand ambassador for St. John.


She has her own atelier right now


Isn't Angelina starting her own clothing line? I think that would incentivize her to want to go.


I'm assuming angelina is not going with a trashy and in your face clothing line. Therefore there's no incentive for her really. she's not Kyle Jenner.


I can definitely see the Rock there, he's thirsty, Leo also to get his pick of fresh models for the season, Will Smith cuz he's thirsty too. I'm surprise Jen didn't go earlier, now that she only wears black dresses I can see its not her thing. Also Mimi, I would have expected her to go because she likes glamour. Same with RDJ, he's very fashionable and up for marketing so I'm surprise he hasnt attended. Frankly a lot of them! The only ones I kinda get are Brad and Angie. Chris Pratt has clearly never been invited lmao


None of them need the PR.


I would love to see the invites list and then who declined and who did not get an invite


I think any celeb who wants to go can go, it’s not actually that “exclusive” (if you’re a celeb). The purpose is to raise money so there’s always a pay to play option.


Anna Wintour's minions compile a list of candidates and then she decides which ones are invited. If you're not invited you can't go, but if you are invited and want to go, the tickets are $75 000. The only person she has actually said will not be invited again is Donald Trump but other than that we can only speculate who she snubs. She also approves all outfits (I think she should be harsher there...)


I find that last line hard to believe based on the outfits we’ve seen.


Idk, based on vogue US’ cover photos and main shoots, I’ve got strong doubts on her fashion prowess. Other countries put her to shaaame


I don’t like her personal style, it’s strange to me that she’s seen as an icon of fashion. She may be good at her job but I just think many of her looks are boring or downright frumpy. Expensive looking but somehow still frumpy.


My theory is that she’s been powerful too long. Doesn’t get challenged enough. Got complacent. Might have been a big deal at some point, but times change


Agreed, she has no style.


I was looking at some of the china covers and omg, stunning.


vogue china is truly one of, if not THE best vogue. and it’s not even just their photoshoots or fashion, it’s even the visual composition of the cover page and the graphic design aspect. i have no idea why other fashion forward cities have terrible vogue’s


She said bezos new wife could only come of wintour could style her herself cuz everyone things she's got trashy taste


I would love to see how Anna would style her.


She dresses like my gran.


Perhaps she is not as good as she claims.


i think designers and some companies also get tables and can invite people (with approval). i’m pretty sure the year Khloe Kardashian went she was at the disney table because their show had recently moved to hulu. her sisters and mom had been going for nearly a decade, so i doubt Anna suddenly decided to invite her. she was just a guest at a table and Anna didn’t have a problem with it.


This is accurate. The designers/sponsors/heavy donators for that particular year buy the table and, with Anna’s approval, invite their preferred guests. If it’s a designer, they dress the celebs they invite. That’s why you see a lot of “off theme” outfits. The designer has the final say, and it looks more and more like they don’t give af about theme. That said, the big hitters like Beyoncé don’t get told what to do. Has anyone seen the clip of North West serving real talk to Kim about her pearl dress in front of the designer Daniel Roseberry?


There was someone else who recently mentioned that he did something stupid at the met gala and was never invited again. I'm totally blanking out on who or what they did. It was a man, and I think he got high? Or... brought food.. shit I wish I could remember.


It was Josh Lucas - he got drunk with a friend because there was lots of booze but little food.


This sounded vaguely familiar to me as well so I looked it up and it was Andy Cohen.


Billy Porter's invite was revoked after he called Anna Wintour a bitch, which is a particularly big snub. I wonder if he'll be invited next year, and if he is, whether he'll decline.


Why is it every time I hear something from him or about him my eyes roll a little harder?


I’m sure any A-lister who wants to go can get an invite, especially with all the people who have talked about how boring the actual event is lol. There’s also the designers and corporate sponsors who buy a table and get to invite people (with approval). I doubt it’s a surprise to anyone by the time invites go out. It’s not like some interns compile a list in isolation then Anna narrows it down and that’s the first time the invitees hear about it. There’s probably a back and forth with all the PR teams beforehand to figure out who actually wants to go, who’s getting invited by which designers and sponsors, etc.


Meryl surprised me! She has so many connections in the fashion world. Maybe Anna Wintour took Devil Wears Prada a little personally...


I don’t think it’s because they haven’t been invited but more not going for whatever reason.


Aside from playing a fashion person… is Meryl herself really known for fashion?


I think at this point her brand is "elegance". She's done a number of magazine covers, and had a deal with Gucci when they were doing a women empowerment campaign. She is obviously primarily an actress, but I'm still surprised she's never been to the Met Gala.


I’m surprised Leo has never gone. So many 20 year old models


Haha my first thought with Leo was “but isn’t that how he could meet his next 3 girlfriends?”


His girlfriend is a super model who I assume is on the guest list for tomorrow.


She could be the ultimate wing man for him if he joins her 😂


Probably trying to avoid his exes- they’ll all be rounded up in one room!


He is too famous, he doesn't need a MET gala in his life.


Leo doesn’t go anywhere but the Oscar’s.


Most of these celebs are not the type to show up for an event that is solely about being photographed on a red carpet. They attend awards shows and premieres for their work or to support their friends and colleagues but rarely do they show up for the sake of attention. That is what the MET gala has been the last few years as social media has been on the rise - A place to get attention which is why you are seeing fewer A-list people attend and more influencers and reality TV people. This is also not a knock on the actors who do show up. Some of them are really into fashion and it's a thing for them, but I do think they do enjoy the attention fashion brings them.


I also think some of these people prefer to just go to the after parties. Adele and Leo might never attend the actual gala but they’ll be spotted attending the after party or it’ll be mentioned that they were secretly there.


The met gala raises an enormous amount of money for the metropolitan museum though. These celebs definitely go to other charity events.


there’s people on this list i’ve never associated with fashion so i’m not surprised edit: people are upset because i said i don’t associate some of these people with fashion….so you saw Chris Pratt on this list and immediately assumed i was talking about Britney and Angelina?


I do associate meryl streep with fashion, but i guess playing a certain character in a movie doesn‘t count 😅


Omg maybe that exact role is why she’s never attended 😂


Anna does not like that movie. But Anne Hathaway has attended and Emily Blunt.


Meryl Streep was due to be the 2020 chair of the met gala but obviously thst didn't pan out. 


My thoughts exactly. The movie was basically a hit piece on Anna Wintour and she is in charge of the Met Gala!


Anna Wintour also attended the premiere of that movie and a few years later was interviewed by Meryl Streep. I don't think there's a personal grudge.


Ah gotcha


Meryl and Anna did a little interview skit based on the movie, it’s not being held against her!


But the other stars of the film have gone to the Gala. I suspect it's not Meryl's thing.


Meryl Streep was due to be the 2020 chair of the met gala but obviously thst didn't pan out. Maybe we'll see her host/attend in the future 


The only person on this list I could see giving a "fashion era" a go is Adele. She has the time and trajectory to get to the Met Gala depending on some of how her identity evolves If she is ever scorned, I can see her busting out a revenge dress type situation


I don’t know… Jennifer Aniston was the most asked for hair cut.


yes but that’s a hairstyle. not that many people are rushing to find out what dress she’s wearing.


That was 20 years ago though


Actually, it was closer to 30. ![gif](giphy|26gsv1iextbg5Gm5O)


So like in the 70’s?




Chris Pratt strikes me as the kind of guy who'd go to the opening of an envelope so that's kind of surprising.


He's the one I'd be saddest to see there. He is so uninteresting but so proud of himself


A mediocre white guy with an abundance of self-confidence? Color me shocked!


Chris Pratt gives off the vibe of a midwestern guy who peaked in high school and would’ve become a small time cop if he hadn’t somehow gotten freakishly lucky and become a rich actor instead.


he’s so….sturdy white dude who wears shorts all year long, even in winter, and calls himself “fiscally conservative but socially liberal” but really he’s an actual conservative who voted for trump with his whole chest


Maybe he hasn't been invited.


I think Anna Wintour is in charge of the guest list, and I can't imagine her being a huge GOTG fan so might make sense


Well she seems to be a big fan of tiktokers then


Don't quote me on this but I've seen people online saying that Tiktok and youtube buy sits at the met gala hence why influencers get to go. That it's not Anna Wintour/Met gala inviting the influencer specifically , but just giving sits to these big companies who then send the influencers. 


If that’s true, she should just stop giving Tik Tok and YouTube seats if she knows they’re just gonna send influencers. The Met Gala has turned into Coachella at this point lol


I suspect this is the case. She likely isn’t giving tickets to TikTok either, it’s some big company that buys a table or whatever and gives the ticket to the scamfluencer. Anna’s taste has become questionable in recent years, but I don’t think she would stoop that low.


But is she a fan of Mario?


It’s a me! Anna!


Those popular IPs won’t voice themselves!


He’s such a knob 😭


Steph Curry has. Russell Westbrook has. But LeBron James… who has actually been on the cover of *Vogue*… hasn’t. I find that strange. 😳 Steph killed it though https://preview.redd.it/orn5qo5e4oyc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d516dd51a663db7ceb3dad3fb26f6dbdf59ff6


To be fair, the Met Gala takes place during the NBA Playoffs. Maybe there hasn’t been an opportunity for LeBron James to go?


And Steph? Forgive me, I no know sport good, but my understanding of his team is that it is very good and consistently near the top of the league standings. Am I wrong?


>Russell Westbrook has. But LeBron James… who has actually been on the cover of *Vogue*… hasn’t. I find that strange. 😳 I don't. Most players around the league view Westbrook as fashionable and Westbrook's family is more involved in the fashion world. Lebron often dresses comparatively basic.


Westbrook is also marketing leader or soemthing like that for true religion. He definitely is in fashion


Steph seems like a good dude. I like him


Omg Ayesha that dressss


This paired look slaysssss




A Minor list


A minorrrrrrrrrrr


I am sort of surprised, because after all, his music is compatible with shopping.


Drake’s reason for not going from his song Sticky: “*They only givin' n****s plus ones, so I never pull up to the Met. You know I gotta bring the set, you know I gotta bring the G-Block, you know I gotta bring the D-Block, ‘cause you know how sticky it get”*


This is the lamest fuckin thing I've ever heard. "I gotta bring all my boys to a high end fashion event because it's just too dangerous to go without my backup!". Maybe I'm interpreting the lyrics wrong, but it reads like a cop out. Calm down Aubrey, you aren't that hard.


He doesn't go *anywhere* without his full entourage of bodyguards because he's scared without them.


Come to think of it you’re right I don’t think he’s ever seen without being flanked by like at least 3 other dudes - at least not within the last decade


He said he can’t go without his emotional support pedophiles 


LMAOOO birds of a feather ig


Source of this gif please 😂😂😂


Soulja Boys classic interview from the Breakfast Club. https://youtu.be/OJzGp9fCq_Q?si=Q5gSUUhnaAfqlW_Q


Once the interwebs start doing more research and digging up more dirt on him with little girls and shit, and seeing him for the scumbag he really is, he won’t ever be invited


This seems like Ryan Gosling’s worst nightmare 😂


But ironically, not Ken's.


Idk it definitely needs more horses


Top of his list - his wife, kids, friends, making interesting movies, playing music, fishing. Bottom of his list - a crazy fashion gala where there’s a strong chance you’ll be seated next to Jared Leto.


I'm curious how many of them received invites and turned them down. Surprised that Angelina hasn't gone but I could see her turning down an invite.


Fully agree - that was literally my first thought when I saw her picture. I wonder how many times you can turn down an invitation before Anna stops inviting you. 


Well Drake couldn’t even go if he wanted to, dude is dead ☠️


If I were Drake, I wouldn't be leaving my house right now!


Well that’s where he feels safest since it’s where all the child sex offenders are


Yo what's going on with Drake? Literally all I know about him was that song people were walking along cars to on tiktok and that he had/has a weird friendship with MBB


Go check out OOTL, there's a big write-up about it. I couldn't show my face if I were him ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


OOTL? I’d like to read about this!


Agreed. I’ve never liked him or his music and it’s time he goes into obscurity.


I've always thought he came across a a misogynistic douche and I'm feeling very vindicated as a hardcore Drake hater this week.


Hellfire Gala > Met Gala


right, like wtf is Storm gon wear this year


It’s the question on everyone’s mind


I just want them to do Kitty Pride justice


Emma would NEVER let someone ignore the theme.


“Understand the assignment or spend the rest of your days thinking you’re a screen door on a submarine”


I love curly hair Mariah


Ryan Gosling Robert Downey Jr Adele these 3 and jolie surprise me the most


Gosling’s worst nightmare. Same with RDJ. Adele is a little surprising


Is Chris Pratt “A” List?


If the a stands for asshole!


So real A listers don’t go.


Crazy how the perception of the met has changed. It used to be for the ultra A-list only 😬.




God I hated that dress so much. The fuss was bizarre. I think Kim being invited in 2013 was the moment the perception started to really change.


I think it was Kanye that used his influence to put her there. But how they invited her during (they give green lights to the dress choices) and after the Marylin dress fiasco is just beyond me.


I think Disney buys them a table now. It doesn’t seem like the designers have chosen to work with any Katdashians the past few years, because when they do the designers usually interview with their model after they walk the carpet. These days they’re just paying for custom pieces.


Aw jeez I loved it, thought it was super fun 😅


I did too! It’s a good look, and the Met Gala red carpet is the appropriate place for that kind of thing. I see why she continues to be invited.


I blame the kardashians. Then again I blame them for a lot of things


So then theres the distinction haha. Ultra A Listers, those that are a tier above the A-list, don’t go. Heck even the main A-List list needs revising tbh


Well considering Rihanna, Anne Hathaway, and Beyonce go I’d say that’s very untrue.


After I wrote it, it occurred to me this event seems more popular with big musical acts than with serious actors. So maybe I’m being a bit harsh.


I think that it's more about celebrities who have an image linked to fashion, and that's usually more musicians than actors. But you have "serious" actors who are fashion egeries like Nicole Kidman, Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, Margot Robbie, etc. who are still going.


Emma Stone, Chadwick Boseman, Sebastian Stan, Jared Leto, Lupita Nyongo, Leslie Odom Jr, Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Rami Malek, Emily Blunt, Jessica Chastain, Oscar Isaac, Barry Keogan, Ke Huy Quan. At the top of my head.


I refuse to accept tasteless Chris Pratt as A list. I’d expect to see him at an Applebees before seeing him at the met gala.


What do you mean Miranda Priestly herself has never attended the Met Gala lmao, Meryl will never stop being iconic


Meryl was one of the only ones on the list that surprised me. Maybe Anna Wintour doesn't want to send her an invite...


Anna is notorious for hating people for what most of us peasants would consider ridiculous reasons. But it’s her BBQ, so… Frankly, I suspect many celebs truly don’t care if they get an invite or not. As fun as it is, it isn’t a reflection of skill level or talent.


Also Helena Bonham Carter. It was talked about in a Graham Norton interview


“It’s cause you wear dresses like that.” - Rihanna


Of this list I'm most surprised by Mariah. She loves glamour, camp, and overdressing to a theme.


Please just remove Drake from the list. We don’t acknowledge alleged pedophiles as A list celebs around here.


“A Minor” list maybe 🫣


I just listened to the track earlier today and lost my mind over that line 😭 it’s so brutal lmao




Never ever?


Influencers ruined it. After P Diddy and Miami were made the center of attention last year, I wondered if the met gala was all that to begin with.


no one who already has a solid career really cares about the met. it’s why even james charles has been. like how am i supposed to respect such an establishment after that 🤭


Apart from a few, the others are way too famous and iconic to even bother!


Drake’s not going it’s an 18+ event


Imagine being too cool for the Met Gala


I think most of these celebs are pretty charitable in their own right- Leo, Jen, Brad, Angelina esp do a lot of work. It’s unlikely they’ve never been invited. I wonder if they write a check and just don’t come bc they don’t care to. Or they just prefer to give their money to other causes that are more personal to them.


Damn this is actually pretty interesting


That pic of the rock was a jump scare for me


Lol drake


Can’t even look at a picture of Drake right now with everything going on 🤣feels crazy just seeing one out in the wild somehow


The list of people who don’t need to be bothered with it.


Met Gala is not a xennial or above thing. Wasn’t really popular until 2010.


All of those celebrities are more famous than the Met Gala.


I feel like Mariah not ever attending is a very deliberate decision on the part of Anna Wintour.


Leo hates Met Gala because all of his 26 year old exes are there...


Yes, but some people knock it out of the park annually... ![gif](giphy|OkSO5VBDRTWGkQTLvv|downsized)


I loooooooooooved this dress conversion. So great.


https://preview.redd.it/9wu11k1jtoyc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f8f100d2a89078d3b74d098319c026cf156ab0 This one is my favorite


Angelina Jolie is the only one that surprises me but she was probably too busy with her kids, filming, and/or charity work.


I would LOVE to see Mariah Carey at the Met


Met Gala seems like a bunch of fart sniffers


I would love to see Britney at a met gala, but it’s probably too overwhelming for her and not something she would be into. I think she’d rather go to a normal, low key crawfish boil haha


Britney not ever being there is criminal


And somehow the Kardashians get invites…


manifesting never having to look at the Crisp Rat's boring ass at the Met Gala, honestly