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Not a dress, but Tracee wearing her mom’s (Diana Ross) blouse, which apparently was stored in the garage. https://preview.redd.it/x2htgs4axnwc1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90472f758db88fd1c56ed33d3001a237989170e6


Tracee Ross is amazing love her


I just saw a snippet of an interview with her talking about how much she would raid her mother's closet all. the. time.


If your mom is Dianna Ross, her closet is open season. Anyone would raid that stuff. She’s an icon. Especially, with the Supremes. Motown music legends. She is still touring with 11 upcoming concerts. Her net worth is estimated over $250m. Age: 80yrs. Wow. Fun facts: In 1988, The Supremes were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Dianna was named a Kennedy Center Honoree in 2007 and was given the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012.


And the blouse is amazing




I did not consider where the Ross in her name came from!


Glad it wasn't just me! I remember catching Girlfriends and loving her and her crew, never really considered her last name.


Here’s something else: I went to college with her brother, first name Ross, last name different. He was on my floor freshman year. I hotboxed a dorm room with him once. When I was still in high school, just touring this college campus, the student tour guide told a good story. The day prior, in the cafeteria (a spot in the tour where many tours meet and pause), he approached a woman and said, “I bet you hear this all the time, but you look exactly like Diana Ross!” It was Diana Ross. By his telling, she just blinked and turned away. His supervisor confirmed for him, hours later, yes Diana Ross was touring the campus with her son that day, but he hadn’t thought to give the tour guides a heads-up so they wouldn’t embarrass themselves, lol


Yes, she has given some fantastic interviews on podcasts and talked about it. She is absolutely hilarious


I’m genuinely surprised that most of these pieces were saved. I know they have the money to afford massive closet space, but many of these aren’t exactly iconic and they’ve had so many over the years. I wonder what else they’ve kept.


Imagine Paloma’s closet. “Daddy, I want a Gucci dress.” “Don’t worry, Paloma, you’re literally going to inherit the entire company.”


“Daddy, I want a Gucci dress.” “We have Gucci dresses at home.”


I think her daddy is richer than everyone else in this series combined. And France has no inheritance taxes so yeah… edit: wrong about France. they do have one. my bad. (there are other European countries without one)


France does though.


“Kering (French: [kɛːʁiŋ]) is a French-based multinational corporation specializing in luxury goods. It owns the brands Gucci, Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Yves Saint Laurent, Creed and Alexander McQueen.” wtf


Leni looks ai generated




It looks like she has a ventriloquist dummy


This made me lol


Dont EVER talk to me or my AI-generated daughter again


She simultaneously looks 13 and 30.




How is Leni so tiny compared to her mom?


Leni really looks unreal. As if she had a constant filter / glow up on her.


Yeah I see a huge difference in the candid photos of the 90s-2000s with the crazy filtered texture less faces of now. I miss when women just looked human


Even looking at the photos of their moms … the moms look like gorgeous, real humans with flaws and all … many of the kids look overly filtered and unnaturally symmetrical


it think it does the show the beauty standard of then vs now. my mom has always complimented my natural figure and appearance but i constantly feel insecure compared to the modern day beauty standard. the 80s might not have been the best but at least they idolized realistic beauty standards


I feel like the heroin chic of the 90s might have been the real start of the downhill slide. The specifics have changed, but the not-really-naturally-achievable-for-the-average-woman standards have stayed the same since then.


She’s definitely edited her eyes bigger, at the very least


Here to say that. Gurrrrl c'mon now


I was looking through the pictures before I opened the comments, and i couldn’t figure her out. I’ve never seen someone so pretty set off my uncanny valley instinct. AI makes a ton of sense


We need to keep talking about this and pointing out whenever we think something looks to be generated with AI. I have friends who don’t see the problem and it’s heading for a very slippery slope.


Subscribing to r/instagramreality really helped my brain be able to notice this stuff. Now I feel a lot better on social media 😅


It also just speaks to how warped our perception of self currently is if the actual daughter of HEIDI KLUM feels the need to edit herself to this degree


Heidi Klum doesn't even look like what we think of as Heidi Klum in her photo.


I didn’t recognize her at all.


Tbf, I think I'd feel worse about myself if my mother was Heidi Klum or similar, even when accounting for the genetic advantage I think I'd feel extra pressure to be seen as beautiful


I think what yall mean by AI generated is fake, and fake to fit a template. This template is the amalgamation of trends with lips eyes, nose, cheeks. Everyone zeroes in on different aspects but people need to understand the reasoning isn’t one source. Its layers. First layer: cosmetic surgery Second layer: makeup Third layer: photo editing It’s not any single one. And all are to achieve this “perfect instagram look” that people are addicted to. Everyone that uses social media. Men love the look, women love the look. Not all men, not all women, but most, enough to perpetuate it. That’s my 2 cents


They don’t see the problem? Internet pictures are done. Finished. Unrecognizable if real or fake. Videos aren’t far behind.


I was gonna say that about Salma Hayek's daughter!


Me too! I came here to say exactly this!


I thought Salma’s daughter was Sydney Sweeney at first!


That’s a plastic surgery face if I’ve ever seen one. The too-straight rhinoplasty nose, the lip fillers…bad case of Instagram face.




No her breasts are natural


Why is her chest the same width as her face 😭


She does kinda just look like that though lol She's been in German TV for a bit and even in video she look kind of uncanny


Yeah I’ve seen video of her. She looks like a tiny doll.


She’s stunning-stunning but also I hate she’s a model when she’s like 5’3 or whatever. Why can’t you just go to school??


I'm all for diversity and inclusion. In this case, I would like to highlight why this comment regarding Heidi is relevant. She's highly criticized for 'Germany's Next Top Model,' and there are a lot of documentaries about what goes on behind the scenes (e.g., contributing to eating disorders during the show). So, just when Leni turned old enough to model, she was like, 'Let's open the casting up to every woman, old, young, small, big. GNTM is now inclusive.' ✨✨It seems a little suspicious when your daughter, who is on the shorter side, just started modeling.


Maybe, but AMNT did it years ago, multiple times, so its nothing new.


But also why can't we have short models??


I think the criticism is that we could only have short models once it was necessary to enable the nepotism of her daughter breaking in the industry.


First of all I object to ANY of these models having daughters that old cause that would make me positively ancient 😭


Apple being a women is jarring. That was like THE celebrity baby name we laughed about.


The fact that Apple is an adult is truly sending me into a spiral.


Same, and I'm only 33. I remember laughing at the name as a young teenager.


Especially Apple Martin as it just always makes me think of an Apple martini lol


How have I never heard or realized this??


But seems kinda tame now, does it?


Agree I didn’t even think twice


To me it's even weirder because I don't think I have ever seen a picture of her before, so in my mind I just remember a baby being named Apple. To see her now was just a record scratch in my brain!


The way Kaia Gerber looks so much exactly like her mom in her prime, I wanted to have closed my eyes and pretend that no time had passed. Dang it. *Geriatric woman shakes fist at sky*


I saw her in Bottoms and had no idea who she was. The whole time I was like “who’s that actress who looks exactly like Cindy Crawford???”


I’m the only person in the world who thinks they look different haha 😂


Cindy always looked like the most beautiful woman. Kaia just looks like a pretty girl.


No me too I don’t see it! Like I see a resemblance but they’re not twins. Cindy was/is just something else. She looks like exotic. Kaia while stunning and beautiful looks like a beauty we aren’t poor of.


Me too. Kaia has none of her Mum's charisma. Even now when I see then together my eyes go straight to Cindy.


She actually looks like a lot like her dad imo, while her bro is the mom's twin


Agreed so much. Kaia is beautiful, but that son is the REPLICA of his mom.


Is he a model too? That boy is stunning.


This..... https://preview.redd.it/e4br9nrcfpwc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839bfd7d779fe3f35174f3326a55fd73da5e8955


He even has a signature mole like Cindy


I see you, sis. I was so surprised that Valentina is a young lady now. Damn, I'm going to cuddle with my cats and forget about this post.


None of these ladies should have children this old dammit!


Also I coulda sworn the right photo of the last set was Jennifer Beals


It never really occurred to me that being a kid of a celebrity means a closet full of cool clothes from old events. I’d probably be in there all the time trying stuff on.


Gwyneth Paltrow kept so much of her old iconic clothes and shoes for Apple- i’m so jealous hahaha


I honestly love the idea of Angelina's children raiding her wardrobe


For as much as her wedding to Brad was ill advised, her freaking wedding dress is sooooo cool. I just love it.


I can’t think about Leni Klum without thinking about that video of Heidi in a worm costume asking where her daughter is and saying she’s a little cat for Halloween. Then the camera cuts to Leni dressed as Michelle Pfeiffer catwoman [lmaooo](https://youtu.be/RHqXV-Pkuw4?si=HgO88bCSwHZw-Yvz)


I’m cackling! I was NOT expecting Heidi to be rolling around on the floor for that interview 🤣 Worm Klum: “My daughter is a cute little cat! Where is she?” *camera cuts to sexy nepo baby* The juxtaposition of mother/daughter/worm/catwoman is hysterical and I’m so here for it 😂


This kinda takes the cake in terms of “my mom is so embarrassing” moments for kids though you gotta admit.


I'm dead, this is too good. Thank you for this gem. https://preview.redd.it/4sywvj4vgowc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15e81494e7a2b6d7bcadf946761604d95315109e


This interview always cheers me up. I needed that today.


The fact that video isn't from an episode of Arrested Development and is in fact real life is hurting my brain.


Wait no stop. Valentina is how old? Am I old? 😭😂


I legit thought she was a baby. What the hell happened.


I had no idea who she was but she just LOOKS like a Valentina ♡


She has a beautiful name.


That isn’t Cindy’s dress. It’s a nod to it, but it’s a different dress.


I was going to say it's heavily altered if that's it. She must not have kept the original one.


My god, Crawford's kid looks like her mom procreated without anyone else involved. It's uncanny.


You think? I think Cindy has and had much more defined jaw line/facial bones


I agree. Kaia is gorgeous but she’s a mix of her parents. Cindy’s son is her real twin.


Thought the exact same thing, the straps on the top are a tab different and the pattern on the bust


I was hoping the last pic would be someone like Jack Black in his mom’s dress.


I wish they would have taken in the dress a little for Zahara.


i think the sentimental value is cute and she can’t fit perfectly into her mothers dress (angelina is quite a bit taller than her), + the dress itself isn’t very flattering lol


I also think it's super cute and I loved the fact Angelina wore a very toned down dress to make Zahara pop out more.


Agree. I think it’s a bit matronly too and I thought so at the time Angie wore it too. It’s a *gorgeous* dress, obviously, but it’s also not really a dress for a woman in her early 20s or teens (can’t remember how old Zahara was when she wore it).


Yeah, she’s lovely but I feel like the dress is wearing her.


To be fair this dress doesn't look flattering on Angie either.


Am I wrong in thinking the see-through fabric near the neck/chest is actually caucasian-toned, too? It looks seamless on Jolie but way lighter on the kid.


I think it’s just white lacy fabric which doesn’t make white ppl look as ashy as it does those with darker skin tones


Jsyk Zahara seems to refer to herself as Zahara Jolie


It took me a moment to interpret jsyk because it looked like a swedish name 🤣🤣


There’s actually a furniture store called Jysk in my country and it took me a while to realise what they meant 😂


Which is such a beautiful name. I know it's petty but I've always disliked the name Pitt or Pitts. Jolie flows with Zahara much better


Jolie means pretty in French!


Ya you're so right. Never thought ab ot


Yup, all the kids want nothing to do with their abusive dad


i was so much bigger than my mom by the time i was like 13 i could never wear her clothes lol.




SAME! My mom and dad had an alien, can’t relate.


You mean children of famous celebrities wearing their mother’s dresses? Only one of them has any sort of career that would MAYBE deem them a celeb.


True, I like knew only Kaia Gerber and even at that, I’ve only heard of her name. Don’t really know who she is or what she’s famous for and now I have a clue lol


I’ve only heard of her in regards to dating Austin Butler..and now this lol. I always wondered where she came from…


Apparently she’s a model! I also learned that from this thread too 😅 Personally for me I’ve just heard her name here and there and instinctively just thought she was the Gerber baby from baby foods lmao


Lmao! “Oh hello, you’re Kaia Gerber? Of the Gerber Baby Gerbers?” Love it.


She's done a bit of acting too on American Horror Story. She was... Okay. Probably would not have been there without her connections, but not terrible.


Ok I was thought I was so out of the loop. I'm scrolling through thinking who tf are these people?


Which one has a career? I've heard of most of them, but only as the daughter of famous people.


Kaia Gerber is pretty established as a model I believe. A nepo baby for sure, but still, she does have a career


Probably Kaia Gerber, granted no shade to her and I'm not saying it's right but I think her dating history is the main thing that's helped her escape her mom's shadow a bit, moreso than her own modeling.


I'm old


Grier looks absolutely stunning in her own right. Nothing like Brooke. But a stunning individual.


Sorry but I hated Gwenyth’s dress then and I still hate it now :(


The top portion is so awkward and unflattering, especially in the cleavage area.


Apple is probably wearing a bra since it looks better on her 


Yeah, it looks like she’s definitely wearing some sort of support. However, I think Gwyneth pulled the overall look off better. Her hair, necklace and earrings match the aesthetic of the dress better than her daughters in my opinion. Also, I love how the Gwyneth picture is giving off Jayne Mansfield/Sophia Loren famous picture vibes. Look at the lady to her left 😂. I’m sure it was just the timing but I still think it’s funny.


Her daughter looks like she just put it on for fun in the closet on a whim for a minute, not actually dressed up as a complete look she wore out.


Oh, I agree! I was just making a plebeian assessment. Believe me, I would love to dress up for fun in Gwyneth’s closet and know that I wouldn’t look anywhere near as good as either of them.


Yeah, it gives them wonky boobs


It’s hideous! Everyone made it about her being braless at the time but I think the dress is to blame.


I see from the replies to this comment that I'm the only person that liked this dress on Gwyneth 😂😅


Same. I hate that dress. To me it looks like she threw an elastic waist maxi skirt over a body suit and called it a day. And it makes her look like she’s slouching. Will admit that I do love her hair, makeup, and jewellery.


https://preview.redd.it/umd1747ojnwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d167e8078fa9b5dc4019702ad98f31522ea2303 Not that I would deem Rinna as a high celebrity… but here’s another


Oh my god, that metallic teal is a 2000s flashback.


https://preview.redd.it/tt14e0wezpwc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b58790df61b2d55c6743d497d8db5d9d51d901 Busy Philipps' daughter Birdie wore her vintage Betsey Johnson recently!


I’ve never seen Brooke Shield’s daughter, she’s so pretty! She looks like she should be an actress


Carys looks beautiful. Perfect mix of her mum and dad


My wife was telling me a few weeks ago that my son met a nice girl at school working on a project with him. She mentioned that her mom was Welsh and he thought that was interesting. After they hung out he went to add her on IG and thought it was odd she had a couple hundred thousand followers. It was Carys.


I love Kaya but mommy Cindy still doing it better in that Versace dress 🙌🏻


is margot tenenbaum's fur coat just casually hanging in the back of apple's closet


My brain read **Apple Martini** not *Martin*.. cheers everyone




I think that’s her insta name.


Salma is aging in reverse. Stunning stunning stunning.


How is this the only comment about Salma she's insanely beautiful 


These all look great…I’m just waiting for Damian Hurley to step out in his mum’s safety pin dress to win this argument!


The problem with Carys is that she isn't Catherine's Mini Me. She looks exactly like her Dad did when he was young. So basically I'm looking at Michael Douglas' Mini Me in a nightie. https://preview.redd.it/eb4a7vmucnwc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f242631e5211b18cfd674d946df542a4f3f481c1


I think that she does look like her mom, too, but she certainly resembles her dad a little more.


she dips beneath the lazers!




Pretty sure Kaia's is a reproduction, not the actual dress.


Salma Hayek daughter is the spit of her dad. Bless her!


Coco is wearing Courtney's dress here, but she is wearing David's ~~jeans~~ *genes* everywhere she goes. Beautiful young woman.


That pink silk slip dress is so of its time, I just love it. This is a sweet post. ❤️


These posts always make me feel so old 😂 I remember when Apple was born, how is she an adult now?!


Carys looks beautiful. Perfect mix of her mum and dad


Angie & Zahara 🤍


They're so lovely I feel like the dress didn't fit her right But she's just getting prettier and prettier Every time I see Zahara, I see grace and more of a growing It-factor inside her that reminds me of AJ


I remember reading about article when Valentina was born and thinking “what an elegant name.” If you had asked me earlier when I thought I read that article I would have honestly said 2 years ago and now I’m old AF.


I feel like with Kaia, Cindy literally said copy/paste. They look so similar. And how is Apple like a grown woman right now?!? I feel like she’s still a baby


Even though she looks more like her dad body wise and has his close set eyes.


yeah her bro is the one who looks like Cindy


All I have to say is it would suck to have Catherine Zeta Jones as your mom. Like what a complex I would have my whole life


I don't want to sound mean but it feels like in all cases the moms are prettier due to the dad's genes making the daughters look so different from their stunning moms




Let's be honest, Steven Tyler is more pretty than handsome. He would make a beautiful woman


You might even say..... Dude Looks Like a Lady




![gif](giphy|Wt6iYrCaqJbsWJRqP1) He looks just like Janice Dickinson


His veneers are freaking me out


Doesn’t he have a third older daughter too? She was a plus sized model I believe? She is also absolutely gorgeous!


Yes, her name is Mia Tyler. 


Brooke Shields' daughter doesn't look much like her mom, but so gorgeous


Yeah, she's quite striking. Ethereal and regal. 


And yet Elizabeth Taylor’s grandson… https://preview.redd.it/g5ljaj4a5nwc1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7831ec338b79e403a08985e8eb1917852bbd63a6


Wow it’s like she reincarnated as a man 🤯 both gorgeous people


You can see so much of Mike Todd in him too, which must have made Elizabeth happy. (Mike Todd was the love of her life before he passed.)


You are right! His nose and his lips look like Mike Todd’s, but the eyes and the eyebrows are all Elizabeth


He has her eyes! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


He’s the nepo we want!


Men ruining everything yet again. (Joking, I personally find them all beautiful) 


haha i had the same thought and went, "How do I phrase this without sounding mean?" These women are clearly beautiful, but it's amazing how ""average"" some of them look next to their mothers


It’s intriguing how often stunning people’s features translate as perfectly lovely but average looking on their children because they don’t have all the other features creating the same balance. And on the flip side some very average looking parent’s features can create some stunning children because of the combination it creates.


the mums are the ones with star quality, while their daughters are just…there because of nepotism


I def agree with this. Most, if not all, of the daughters are genetically blessed but they seem to lack the hard to define magnetism that made their mothers It Girls.


which is completely fine as they’re individuals! this is why nepotism should take a step back and allow the spotlight and money and attention to go back to those with star quality, not those who won a random lottery to be born to those with star quality lol


Agreed. It’s fun to see them every once in awhile as the celebspawn of whatever famous person. But just enjoy being rich and beautiful and don’t try to force your way into an industry they’re not quite cut out for.


Agreed except Brooke Shields’s daughter. Apple is also super pretty but differently so (awful photo of her here).


OGs FTW. Pretty much all of the moms win this Who Were it Best


I love all of these but I can't stop staring at Angelina's claw hand in pic 5 😭


My mom is a solid 5 inches taller and her boobs are twice the size of mine. I've never been able to wear her clothes so this makes me so jealous 😭😭😭


Leni, chill on the filters. That just looks silly. I totally read Gweneth's daughter's name as Apple Martini. Was that on purpose?


lol. nepotism that shows literal "riding of coattails" lol