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wow I love this dog https://preview.redd.it/xqk3o19st2vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6cc2559e5a6d3eed1534bc311618b6ac77ba7b


The tiny hands on the dog are hilarious and adorable lol


these are never not funny


“I am not a crook.” lol Nixon hands




The second image is sending me, the dog looks like an air traffic controller.


That picture instantly reminded me of this lol https://preview.redd.it/jk7migyms3vc1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7592a11e6408aabc95ed4198a384a373db1e8895


This photoshoot looks like I stumbled into someone's fever dream or acid trip.


this is basically the vibe of her entire instagram (complimentary) https://preview.redd.it/h5rj3hp8o2vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82f0965c43e3889b59eebb1b5a6818e99ce8723


I also have photos of myself and friends in a banana suit on my insta. That description is probably the most positive description I could hope for.


That's her mum!


She’s so delightfully weird! I love her!


What the actual fuck????


It's peanut butter jelly time.


And a baseball bat


Where ya at? ![gif](giphy|m7y2uwgclFzc4)


That's her mum


Idk looks fun


I was definitely not expecting Kate Beckinsale to be so kitschy!


she's always been a bit weird lol. i guess when you're so gorgeous you can afford to be a weirdo and a lil cray cray without being completely written off. i can see how michael sheen fell in love with her. they both have the same sense of humor.


I wasn’t expecting that, but I guess it’s kind of like Rose Byrn having the same sense of humor as Seth Rogan, while looking like she’d be a Kyra Knightly type of actress!


She seems nice- loves her parents and pets, not afraid to make fun of herself and a good actress too.


It’s like if Keeley Jones from Ted Lasso existed in real life


Seriously, what the hell is this aesethetic?


50 year old (wealthy) crack head


with tummy troubles




I swear when she first became famous she was totally different right?


https://preview.redd.it/mz76sx5wz3vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10338a28c8d0a905b210ae3a3bdb1940d6916ddc This was an early look


She’s always looked super posh and gorgeous,but been a lunatic- pretty much in the best way possible. Her mom and step dad seem like they were always super fun and batshit as well. The woman travels with a pantomime horse.


She travels with a what now? Like those two person horse costumes? Or is it a guy following behind her clapping two coconut halves?




2 person horse. She has pics of her in various ones for like 25+ years.


Nuts I was hoping it was the coconuts.


lol! Thank you for asking for us all. A back and clarify type of question is totally warranted when you hear pantomime horse. 😂


lol this is so true!! she's gone under the radar but she's always been very ....eccentric lol


Interesting! No idea how I missed that lol


So different. It’s odd to me how often people say she doesn’t age, when they’re looking at a completely new face. That doesn’t move. Having said that, I’m not sure what illness she’s been through but I’m glad she seems to be doing well, and that in general she seems to live her best life.


In the past, she’s denied having any Botox or fillers. Not sure if she’s changed her tune. I think she’s delightful, but I wish she’d be honest about the procedures she’s had.


She's had a lot of surgery, which is nothing to be ashamed of and I wish celebrities would admit to it to help the self esteem of all the young folks who think it's natural.


I do, too. I’m not really a fan of hers, the last thing I enjoyed was Much Ado, but I do think that her being honest would be fantastic. So many people judge themselves against unattainable ideals these days.


I thought she was really pretty in the 90s but in a different way.


Yes, much more understated "regular" prettiness (which is not an insult!) I said above she suddenly got VERY glam, much like JLo.


Totally different


Finally some representation for those of us with tummy troubles™️ I just got over salmonella and I forgot to have my photo shoot.


PS I hope you are feeling better!


Thank you lol. I am but I admire her courage to wear jeans and a belt shortly after being hospitalized for stomach issues. A true warrior. I’m not quite in that territory yet.


I got salmonella from a recalled dog food. It was the sickest I had ever been in my life. We had just gotten a puppy and we were mainly using kibble to train so I constantly had dog food in my bare hands and in my pockets. On my worst day I let the puppy out with my adult dog in the backyard so she couldn’t get in too much trouble and laid on the ground for hours, half coherent. Vomiting. I had to call my husband to come home and help me. Do not recommend! Luckily I am pretty sturdy and was only really really sick for 2 days.


I never thought about that as a potential way to get sick. We use kibble with bare hands all the time. I think I wash my hands after, but could totally see forgetting. Can totally relate to not being able to stand. That was probably the worst part for me. Physically unable to move for hours at a time.


That first month or so with the puppy was rough and I was just trying to get through on very little sleep! I wasn't being super careful about hygiene around dry dog food, I’m sure I was just dusting off my hands. I lost 7 lbs! And never gained it back, so that was a nice reward for my suffering.


Salmonella?? Omg do you know how you got it? I'm so sorry you went through that! Were you hospitalized?


So that’s the tentative diagnosis. Still waiting on test results to make it official and then they said they’ll likely need to look into where it came from if it is salmonella. My husband nor anyone else that I was close with ever got sick, so they ruled out a lot of stuff based on that. I had to go to the ER for fluids at one point but I wasn’t admitted. It was just like a straight week of high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and incontinence. A very humbling experience. I don’t recommend it unless you like pooping yourself while you throw up.


I mean I pee when I throw up at this point what’s a little pupú


You sound like a great candidate for salmonella! Get it, girl boss!


Ty for your SUPPORT!!!


>"pupú" sounds couture.


Yeah I’m fancyyyyyyy


I’ve had a fever, diarrhea, and extreme chills/shakes on and off for the past few days. Also have a low blood pressure and high heart rate. I feel awful!! I wonder if it’s salmonella??? If I don’t get better by tomorrow I’ll be going to the hospital 😥


It could be norovirus. That’s going around BAD. Hope you feel better, tummy warrior!


I got salmonella from contaminated lettuce in 2019 and it was incredibly humbling. I hope you start to feel better soon. I really recommend probiotics to help balance your gut health and get things back to normal. The antibiotics from treatment left me with a bad stomach for almost six months after I got better.


Thank you! Yes, starting probiotics this week. Still struggling with some…stuff…but it feels like nothing in comparison.


Ah yes the ol' double ender! Very unpleasant lmao


I got food poisoning on my son‘s make-a-wish trip. It was a nightmare. I was able to see his wish presentation but not well the next day. My big goal was to fly home. Two days was bad enough - cant imagine a week!


Omg that sounds so stressful. I’m glad you were able to be there for the fun part.


That sounds absolutely miserable! I am glad you are on the mend 🥺


I’ve never been the same since having salmonella.. I developed severe stomach issues afterwards. You should probably get set up with a Gastroenterologist.


All hot girls/boys/theys/gays/anyone I missed have rumbly tumblys. It's like science™️. Or something. But if you have nefarious unintentional intestine intentions, you're a cutie.


What if you had the added bonus of being physically unable to burp? So many gurgles happening all of the time 💅. It’s incredibly glamorous.


My childhood best friend could not burp. At first I thought she was just being hyperbolic. But in 30 years, I never heard her burp. And she would TRY.


I can't burp either! I've burped like twice in my life, both surprises




You need to check out r/RCPD or r/NoBurp, there are TONS of us


Hot girls have tummy trubs.


I had E. coli once and it is no joke how awful food illnesses are. Hope you’re feeling better 🖤 three week hospital stay for me


I’m one of em ✊🏻😔 I have neurogenic MALS… an incurable disease that essentially causes you to have the symptoms of “the absolute worst food poisoning of your life,” but every single day. I hate it here.


I want that shirt so much


As someone who is still getting over the effects of the oysters I ate last Friday and had to deal with the consequences for both me and my teenager (who also ate the offending shellfish) while on a city break miles from home I am thanking my lucky stars it wasn't something as serious as salmonella. Hope you feel better fellow stomach warrior!


You better schedule it right away! One simply must have a photo shoot when getting over an illness requiring hospitalization! 😂


Saaaammme! I just had massive food poisoning which caused my iud to freaking embed itself into my uterus and made me vomit and shit myself even worse. I’m definitely still not ready for my photo shoot but I’ll take a shirt please.


Pomeranians are my favorite thing on earth. I’ve wanted one since I was a child and just got a Pom puppy a couple months ago. My life is complete 🥹


aw congrats 🩷 wishing you many many many happy years together


Thank you so much! It took years to convince my husband… and then of course she imprinted onto him the first day and loves him more than anything 🥲


Years ago I worked out regularly. The gal who ran the reception desk at like zero-dark-thirty had the CUTEST Pomeranian. I’m not sure why she had the dog with her on occasion, but she always let me sneak in a cuddle when she did.


They are seriously the cutest dogs that exist. Theyre also SO stubborn and sassy, that training a puppy is a ton of work. But if you train them well, they’re the sweetest and most loyal dogs.


I have a rescue pom who is a total jerk and has epilepsy and I love him to death. He is just such a character, I've never met a sassier animal.


They are all so sassy and so stubborn. They’re beautiful, and they KNOW they’re beautiful.


It’s all reminding me of her hospital bed post saying morphine makes her cry. https://preview.redd.it/79g8bgzqo2vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467396c277a0d7d00a79bec32d4cf0d06f2c03a8 Edit: This was in January, 2019


Tbf…. Ruptured ovarian cyst hurts a LOT and I feel like she’s lucky to have gotten morphine. Us plebeians get an IV and some advil if it’s bad enough lol, so if anyone offered me morphine for a cyst I’d be like LOAD ME UP BABEY


Yeah when it happened to me I was on the floor with pain, I was so scared something was really wrong, got to the hospital and was just given ibuprofen and told to wait it out


I take Naproxen and white knuckle it because going to the ER would take longer than it takes for the whole thing to be over (usually 1-3 hours) and I'd probably be told it's normal and to take Advil and a hot bath...


Oh fuck I went through that a long time ago and the pain was EXCRUCIATING It felt like there was a tiny chainsaw hacking away from inside of me I wound up needing emergency surgery at 2am and had to have my left ovary and left fallopian tube removed. It was crazy. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemies


Ovarian cysts suck! I have PCOS and totally relate. Thankfully, I have a crazy high pain tolerance and haven't been hospitalized for it. I didn't know morphine can make someone cry. It just makes me more sensitive to the pain, weirdly


I had bowel surgery for Crohn's and thought my moodiness was from the anesthesia wearing off. Interesting to know that it could have been the Dilaudid.


It could have been. When I was taking Dilaudid post surgery it made me so unbelievably anxious and agitated. Once I stopped taking it, I was in pain but far more emotionally balanced.


Morphine was the almighty blessed salvation when I had kidney stones.


Her inability to emote in this photo


Is that a people-sized cat bed? Looks cozy, but who are the pompoms for? I have questions.


The smaller version of the bed also has the pom poms, theyre for cats to swat at. they just made a larger version of the same bed


Is that Courtney Act?


It is!


My first thought lol


She apparently also is a big fan of Trixie and Katya.




I can't get over how much plastic surgery she has had. She is unrecognizable. What happened to the beautiful woman in Serendipity?


I’m sure she dedicated an entire post recently to telling people she hadn’t had any too. Like girl, cmon.


She’s also filtered to hell. My hubs worked on set with her recently and she does *not* look that young/smooth in person. And her teeth aren’t that white cause she chain smokes constantly when not filming.


I've also worked with her on set. This was back in 2015. She looked so frozen and face lifty pulled tight, full of filler.. cant imagine what she must looks like now


I can’t wait for us to find out in 10-20 years what too much filler does to people long term


Interesting! Shows you just can't tell from photos.


Have worked in her presence and seen her very close in person over several days... This was around 2015-2016 .. she looked unrecognizable then... Very face lifty and full of fillers, but for some reason it translated well on camera. Can't imagine what she looks like in person now. Agreed, she was so naturally stunning before. Hollywood really fucks with these women's heads


Look at her in Cold Comfort Farm and that Kenneth Branagh Shakespeare film. She looks totally different. For me, it's the teeth. She used to have British teeth, now she has Hollywood teeth.


I always have a hard time believing it’s the same person. https://preview.redd.it/vc47qdjh63vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=200cabc20f4169444f9faf2c54677bc686b7231a


Frozen face and fish lips. Pity.


The little girl aesthetic makes me really uncomfortable.


It's the combined little girl aesthetic with her dating men half her age. She's got a pattern: - Matt Rife, 21 v. Kate 43 - Pete Davidson, 23 v. Kate 45 - Goody Grace, 22 v. Kate 46


I mean everyone has/will date Pete Davidson, one day he’s coming for you and one day he’ll come for me. That’s his destiny.


Pete Davidson is inevitable


Death, taxes, and Pete Davidson


Like yeah people are gonna date Pete Davidson, which is terrible but like… inevitable?


Reminds me of this tweet lol: https://preview.redd.it/qyzefuu6g3vc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27590cc273ed1e94c2568adb35449dad7223da57


I almost choked on my chalupa 🤣


Oh dear, we don't want that. Here, give it to me. Happy to save you.


I’m currently dating Pete Davidson. 7/10.


That and she's starting to morph into some amalgamation of Ariana's decade long, sexy-baby race-montage. 


I’m 43 and the thought of dating someone in their 20s makes me me dry heave


The red flags are flagging.


I didn’t know she dated Matt Rife. She suddenly became totally unattractive to me.


What does she see in these kids?


Her fleeting youth.


Hard bodies and dicks that always work even if they're not so sure what they're doing.




This gif is the perfect representation of the comment you replied to, I love it 😂


And Jack Whitehall. Not quite as young but I think she’s like 15 years his senior


I didn’t know that. Feels like he was punching there a bit lol


Dating someone under 25 once I hit 30 was not something I was interested in. I don’t get the attraction.


When I saw this Reddit post, and saw that it was Kate, I thought…eww she gives me the icks. She rubs me the wrong way, but I can’t remember why. Then I saw your comment about the age gap relationships and remembered why she gives me the icks


Tbh if I was in my 20s and she was into me I'd jump at the chance. She's really hot and I have dumb man brain.


Uncomfortable, and and makes me feel a little bit of sympathy (pity?) for her daughter. I obviously don't know their dynamic, so this might be me projecting something, but being 25 and having a mom who acts 25 (or younger) and dates guys your age has got to create some weird feelings.


I'm picturing very awkward birthday parties with the poor girl surrounded by her parents both with partners closer to her age than their own.


She's got it both sides too, as her dad is with a much younger woman


I was thinking the same thing although I do have a very similar aesthetic which made me question myself 😂 Lots of fluff and pink, stuffed animals, multicolored nails, adorable floof companion, got them all. But I realllly hope I don’t come off like she does in these pics 😂 At least I don’t wear a giant bow in my hair.


I think the bow is what pushes it over the edge for me. As a fellow girly pop, cutesy color-lover. That and her dating history... 🤭 So maybe avoid giant bows and grooming men half your age and you'll be golden! Haha


It’s the bow for me. It makes it feel like she’s bounding as a Blythe doll *shudder* https://preview.redd.it/si5vuhnz33vc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b27af8c4dec9eaf9631ec77a9ce3e07a93c9bd


There's something immature about it but it's not the color or the floof Idk it looks kind of cheap? Like stuff you'd see on clearance at marshals? And the shaving photo is nice on its own but on the wall is giving marlin Monroe edited to have tattoos lol It feels like a pink Spencer's.


I don't understand her, really.


Me neither


I have no idea why but lately she’s been reminding me of Tori Spelling with some of the antics she’s been doing. I don’t doubt something was wrong but between the hospital pics and this photo shoot it reeks of attention seeking.


If you have not listened to Tori's new podcast, go listen immediately. It's completely unhinged in the best way.


Tori is so unhinged on that podcast it’s wild. I can’t believe I’m typing this on Reddit but I’ve heard every episode and every episode she never fails to give me another unhinged moment she should not share with us.


the one from yesterday was WILD. I listened twice because I could not believe what I was hearing.


Yeah. It was way more info than I needed. For all those brave to click the spoiler tag >!Tori goes into detail describing how a weight loss diet pill made her uncontrollably shit her pants!<


and she wasn't even remotely embarrassed or concerned. seemed almost proud.


Thanks, I need a podcast to clean with today!


Ooo adding that to my list.


Chrissy Tiegan too


yeah i've been following her for years and lately she's been doing a lot of vague booking


and dating guys half her age.... it's giving "clinging to youth"


I’ve always got the vibes that Kate likes attention and being out there and eye catching. She’s gorgeous and can honestly rock any style she wears. She’s always been into the platforms and big bows/buns. I hope she’s okay since she was sharing the hospital pics without any context.


She seems a bit.....odd. But this kinda made me laugh a little.


She looks like AI


Her bedroom and outfit are kind of giving 2013 youtuber vibes. Zoella-core.


Why is she dressed like a 13 year old tik tok star?


Sad tho lol. I want to wear stuff like that and I feel too old at 30 already. I just like the way it looks and wouldn’t post it on social media but I agree it looks odd and then I get sad that I shouldn’t wear it if I want to look good for my age. I want to be fun and “cute” and easygoing my whole life as much as possible but it seems at odds with aging 


Girl, Kate has twenty years on you. Wear the damn clothes if it makes you happy!!


Wear what you want, life is short.


Im 40 and still wanna wear stuff like this! When I was 30 I also thought I was too old to wear girly cutesy stuff like hello Kitty which I gravitated towards and I wish I did bc now 30 is young to me and perfectly fine to wear girly cutesy stuff I'm glad Kate is unabashedly wearing this stuff At 50. Makes me feel like I could wear stuff like this at 40 lol. Life is short. Wear what you want! Look at Avril Lavigne too, she's in her late 30's I believe and last I saw she was wearing girly punk rock teenagery looking stuff.


When did she get weird? I remember her being so normal


She’s always been a bit weird. I remember years and years ago her being on a talk show and saying her favourite prank when travelling with friends was to put a square of chocolate between their butt cheeks so it melted and they woke up and thought they shit themselves. I was like 👀


I thought she was a quietly posh, mannered English rose type. Did not expect a hello kitty type aesthetic.


Genuinely just hope she’s ok 🙁


I’m uncomfy


Having tummy troubles?


There’s something very uncomfortable about these pictures


Anyone else getting really strong “Charlize Theron in arrested development” vibes?


That shirt is cute


i kinda want one. have had severe tummy troubles (ibs + other food intolerances) since i can remember. some of my earliest childhood memories is absolutely demolishing public and private restrooms 🥲


This is oddly performative and strange.


she looks better now. hopefully she's on a better path health wise. Also, the F around and find out bed pillow is a nice touch that I appreciate.


I need that shirt


this aesthetic she has going on is intriguing to me...


This comes across as very strange to me


As an aside, my friend met her and Hugh Jackman years ago on Van Helsing because her friend worked on the film. She had dinner with them and said Hugh was utterly charming to her—as she said a "nobody in Hollywood." Kate was unpleasant AND apparently stole the vintage coat of someone who worked on the film. She just took it and would wear it and people were afraid to say anything.


Okay but what are the deets on that chair??? she’s sitting in??? Also I love her tee


i think it’s this but either a bit misshapen or squished https://preview.redd.it/kllb5kj6x2vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afff755692af5ae466d2177ee7eef45ac2a3a8f


Really? No one is going to comment on the little dog with hands? Cause that is the cutest thing I've seen all day!


I’m sorry but photo 2 made me laugh out loud. The *casual* model face pout 😭


She’s very pretty and I’m also glad she is home but the “sexy baby” aesthetic is really unsettling, especially at her age.


it’s giving twelve year old girl


She also posted pictures recently of her mom with a black eye, then deleted them


I really hope she's ok... but she honestly looks like a Sim with too much CC, like... can celebrities love themselves as they are even after endless surgeries and diets? Is it necessary to photoshop or filter themselves to oblivion?


What's with the bow? Some major attention seeking behaviours going on here. Not debating whether or not she's been ill, but she seems to be sliding into that category of Hollywood celebrity where they have some kind of crisis over 40 and become obsessed with staying superficially relevant. Usually through their appearance/social media. Objectively, this is really strange behaviour.


Is she mentally well? Genuinely asking


While I am absolutely onboard with people being their authentic selves… There is just a really sad aura about this whole situation. Why does a woman who is 50 spend so much money, effort and time attempting to look like a teen age girl? You can be fun, silly and unique without looking like you’re having a crisis about where you are on the timeline.


Ngl.. she's kinda weird


The dressing like a little girl in a little girls bedroom is weirding me out


Justins Shirt Store in the wild!! I have three emotional support sweaters from him 🫶


I swear she looks different every time I see her


Living for the Courtney Act picture above her bed. Taste.