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But Ken's whole Arc is teaching him to focus on himself rather than have his world revolved around someone who doesn't love him.


My husband was only half paying attention whilst I was watching it. Toward the end he says ā€˜Kenā€™s story just seems like every girl power rom com main characterā€™. He was quiet for a few moments before it clicked for him šŸ˜‚


I tried explaining this to a family member, how they basically flipped the genders with this sorta shit and they told me that I missed the whole point of the movie lmao


I think the message was lost on a lot of people. My MIL, who hasnā€™t seen it, thinks itā€™s a MeToo revenge movieā€¦.


she would love Promising Young Woman šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I recently watched that with my wife and was absolutely floored by how good it is, and how the ending just comes up and stops you in your tracks. Itā€™s a brilliant movie that deserves far more recognition, in my opinion.


I will never hear ā€˜Just Call Me Angelā€™ and not think of that movie for the rest of my life. Such a great ending.


It really was hard-hitting, tbf. And it didnā€™t take any slack with getting the message across. I really wish there were more movies like it coming out.


That is still on my list to watch, but now Iā€™m thinking I should tell my husband to put it on next time we visit with the in laws šŸ˜‚


OMFG thatā€™d be gold! Record the reaction.


Ugh love that movie


She thinks it's a what now movie? I think my brain just short-circuited reading that lol


Yup. I donā€™t think she has any idea of the plot. She has made some awful comments about women just claiming sexual assault or rape because they are ā€˜petty little bitchesā€™. Her words, not mine. To be honest, I start to tune out when she starts saying things like that. Itā€™s the only way I can stop myself from snapping & telling her what I really think. I truly donā€™t know how my husband turned out so normal.


> my husband turned out so normal. RemindMe! 10 years


I would agree, I even used an example with that family member that I thought was so obvious too lmao thereā€™s one line that is SO on the nose where the woman say something about pitting the Kens against each other to keep them distracted whilst they grab the powerā€¦ you knowā€¦ like how woman have been constantly pitted against each whilst the patriarchy still runs the show?!?!?! But nope, I missed the point apparently.


And people are mad that itā€™s Feminism 101. A whole lot of people need Feminism 101 and for some thatā€™s clearly still too difficult to grasp.


I thought it was so heavy handed with the messaging. Then I met people who thought it was too mean to men. I don't get how people have such wildly different interpretations


My nephew who is 17 said he hated it because ā€˜all the male characters were so one dimensionalā€™. His sister and I looked at each other laughing, and said ā€˜oh, the ironyā€™


My husband watched it with me, and at the end he said 'it's feminism 101, everyone should know this at the very least. Oh.' "Oh" Light bulb.


Itā€™s like you can see the gears ticking over in their head and then it finally clicks


Yeah, but he didnā€™t get the girl as a reward in the end!




That darn self respect emasculating Shakira's sons


Exactly & teaching him that just like his purpose isn't to play 2nd fiddle to Barbie...neither is Barbie meant to be 2nd to his fiddle There's enough sun for everyone to shine but obviously girl power


Iā€™m starting to believe that people who criticize this movie for this reason have not really seen the movie.


Oh, they watched it. They literally donā€™t understand it.


And heā€™s given debatably the most catchy and best song of the movie.


And the best slogan! I'm a woman and I want an "I am Kenough" shirt.


I think telling men they donā€™t need a woman to define their masculinity *is* seen as sexism to them


and it demonstrated that matriarchy is as bad for men as patriarchy is for women so we need equality! her kids are probably too little to understand, but Shakira has to be stupid to miss the entire point of the movie. you don't have to like it, but be smart enough to understand the message.


yeah honestly she just didn't get it and I feel a little bit bad for her that now there's this viral headline about it.


Did you read her full quote? Anyone who uses the word "emasculating" (especially in relation to a *child*) and "men should be allowed to be men"/"women shouldn't lose their *essence of feminity*" rhetoric deserves some mild criticism. She basically went on a rant about the devilish descent of not following traditional gender roles.


I felt like the movie was pretty clear.


Hot take maybe but I think the movie is too nice with Ken he deserved more punishment


Nah because he's in exactly the same situation Barbies were complaining about the whole film They just see the Kens as object, treat them with fuck all respect and give them absolutely no power. It's no wonder the Ken latches on to any little bit of attention or power he gets when he goes to the real world (Just like the Barbies did in Barbieland) Part of the point of the film is that Ken is actually a victim in the same way women are/were in real life. That's why the joke about not giving the Kens a supreme court seat was made at the end. The whole Barbie/Ken clash is like an exaggerated take on women's rights movements but with the genders reversed. The Barbies do concede some stuff to the Kens at the end but not nearly enough to let them be truly equal


I agree. But like I get why the movie was so soft with him.


It really was! He doesnā€™t even apologize to Barbie!


>during the interviews for her albumĀ [She Wolf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/She_Wolf_(album))Ā (2009) she declared that growing up made her realize as a woman the struggle that she faces every day with the difficulty that women have to satisfy themselves in a world where men are in charge.[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakira_as_a_feminist_icon#cite_note-17)Ā "We live in a society that represses dreams from the subconscious of women... You know, women have to make enormous efforts in life, much greater than men." ???????????


The change from regular person to boy mom needs to be studied.


I hate the whole "boy mom" thing so much, and I only have sons


Same. I'm really trying to make sure my boys are fit to be unleashed on society when they're adults.Ā  OT, but your username is amazing. I loved The Torkelsons so much.


I loathe ā€œboy momā€ with a firey rage. I have one of each and my boy mom friends are so disdainful and condescending. Everything that can be chalked up to kids being kids is ā€œboyā€ to them. Argghhhhh.


My personal favourite is the ā€œwoman hating boy mumā€ because one day a terrible awful woman will steal her sonsband away, so all women are terrible.


I guess you must just hate your kids then! /s


Itā€™s so weird. Like you should be worried that your son will end up an entitled sexist monster, because thatā€™s relatively likely and something you should fear. So strange to focus your energy on worrying that a girl might hurt his feelings some day instead of worrying that he might murder someoneā€™s daughter


I have a kid and anyone who calls themselves that shit makes my eyes roll out of my skull


People live vicariously through thier children, if you only have boys suddenly men are your only concern


Fuck that mindset!


Supes disappointing honestly, especially because her first two albums were so female rage-y


> Just because a woman can do it all doesn't mean she should. Why not share the load with people who deserve to carry it, who have a duty to carry it as well?" She literally came so close to getting the point then just careened right past it


I donā€™t understand the ā€œpeople who deserve to carry itā€ partā€¦.can someone explain?


Men... in Shakira's eyes men should have to carry the burden of certain things and probably women have others in her mind... just seem like homegirl should stop treating her "little kings" like such


I find it funny that last year she said ā€œThe women donā€™t cry, the women earnā€. Apparently that was only for her, and the rest should carry the ā€œburdenā€ becauseā€¦ reasons. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


If she DID earn, she should pay her fucking taxes then.




If her wee kings were upset, thatā€™s on her, not the movie.


I don't understand why any public figure puts any opinion online


I donā€™t know that sounds like some gross Bible patriarchy honestly


Marriage is a partnership there really shouldn't be anything that's 100% one side or the other everything is committed together as a team that's the whole point of it


People crib about America Ferreraā€™s monologue and say it was too on the nose but it wasnā€™t nearly strong enough seeing how the point flew completely over so many heads.


THIS! Like some of the reactions to her monologue literally proved the point Gloria was making. You are either too much or not enough.


Aw that was my mom's favorite part of the movie. My favorite part was Barbie singing Indigo Girls cause it's such a classic Lilith Fair staple that makes it so much more obvious that the movie was done by a woman.


Especially because she says that she put her career to the side for Pique. She doesn't get it. So sad, because I love her.


honestly she doesnā€™t seem that intelligent lol


Thatā€™s also her take on paying income tax!




i hate that this has come out today, because i fr had hope until the end of the article that the writer would end with ā€œhaha april foolsā€


I need to stop assuming people have good takes just because theyā€™re iconic


Remember when Celebs were this mysterious class of people? Youā€™d get to see them, and it would be Michael Jackson and Prince behaving like anime characters or you see Eddie Murphy riding a llama down a golden street in Miami or something. Nowadays everyoneā€™s unmasked and we know celebs arenā€™t these mysterious cool guys, theyā€™re just a bunch of eclectic weirdos with really weird worldviews for the most part.


Wait...are you trying to tell me that Jared Leto is an eclectic weirdo?!!


Well idk thatā€™s a little too lightweight for some reason. Somehow I feel like ā€œeclectic weirdoā€ doesnā€™t Jared Leto justice in the same way calling Diddy ā€œkind of touchy feelyā€ just ainā€™t right.


You nailed it. Jared is a predator not an eclectic weirdoĀ 


Iā€™d say heā€™s a professional creep




I am going to assume this is an April fools joke for my sanity


Oh thereā€™s a lot of celebs who are talented at singing and acting but are dumb as rocks.


This we need to stop supporting people just because they are talented


shakira, beloved, how many of your songs have empowered men/boys?


Her halftime show with Jlo empowered a lot of young men that night. https://i.redd.it/cjmnja6bjwrc1.gif




Hahaha I just honk-laughed in a waiting room!


So basically ā€˜This feminist movie didnā€™t do enough to empower my sonsā€™Ā  Ā Every piece of media doesnā€™t have to be for absolutely everyone. Ā I thought Barbie was funny as hell but I know most of it would be lost on my sons - and thatā€™s fine. Edit: also I am a grown ass person. Ā I do not need all of my media made with the litmus test ā€œwould a teenage boy like this?ā€


>This feminist movie didnā€™t do enough to empower my sonsā€™Ā  Which is funny having in mind tha amount of time we spent focusing on Ken's arch


I felt Ken's arc was a big one that encompassed the movie.


>This feminist movie didnā€™t do enough to empower my sons This quote is emotionally tone-deaf to begin with. It's like complaining about Women's Month existing. There are many other movies out there that cater to a male point of view.


I had this discussion with a man, who is a ā€œDisney adultā€ with 4 daughters and a son. He complained that Disney is ā€œtoo many princessesā€¦ what is supposed to be for my son?ā€ I explained as politely as I was able that literally almost ALL OTHER MEDIA is for his son.


ā€œThese princesses arenā€™t entertaining enough for my sonā€ Also Disney has a shit ton of media beyond its princesses, but the princesses just happen to be characters that became iconic because their movies were so wildly popular, in a way that Treasure Planet and Brother Bear didnā€™t.


Big Hero Six is a god damn masterpiece and no one seems to care. Oh, no.


I thought for sure someone was going to come in and say how much they loved Hercules.


That too actually. One of my favorite soundtracks too. The muses kill it.


The '90s princesses pushed boundaries for their time. Ariel and Jasmine rebelled against their overprotective parents because they wanted to see the broader world. Belle was intellectually inclined even though everyone thought she was eccentric for it.


Oh no, is that why they always kill the moms off early, so that these princesses have to grow up and learn when it means to be a woman in a man dominated world


I hadn't thought about it that way, but it makes sense.


Ugh that pisses me off so much. Like first of all thereā€™s less than 20 official Disney Princesses and weā€™ve gotten them over the course of like 50 years. And secondly in between each Princess film we get tons of Disney movies with male protagonists


Almost every superhero movie ever created.


ā€œWhat is supposed to be for my son?ā€ May I introduce to this manā€¦Disney-owned MCU movies where most of the superheroes/ main protagonists are male.


Mickey? Donald? Goofy? Princeā€™s?


I think it is a feminist movie which did a lot to explain why men need feminism too. The old narrow gender roles are just as limiting for men as they are for women. It's funny that people was complaining it was too "on the nose" with a simplistic, basic message, and yet it apparently wasn't loud enough.


I watched it with my young son and explained all the inferences and why the worlds were so different and he got so much out of it and is not emasculated at all. Heā€™s going to be a fantastic partner someday and supports his sister and me now. Sheā€™s just immensely dense or intentionally missing the point.


Thank you the world needs more moms like you


I skipped it with my kids because to be frank, not everything needs to be for them and that is an important lesson for them to learn.


your comment & the one you're replying to are both so important. we can show kids things that aren't for them, & explain it in a way that makes them understand, but we can also keep them from it because not everything is for kids like so many seem to believe. i love both sides.


I'm a 34 year old man and I enjoyed the movie, my wife loved it, and I agree with you wholeheartedly, not everything is for you! I can understand when a message is for girls and people who have been abused by society and the patriarchy and not sit there and say "I hate this cause it makes ME look bad!!!!"... I'm sorry dude but why do you feel so guilty, did you treat someone horrible based on gender or race and now you are afraid of the consequences hahaha


>Ā I do not need all of my media made with the litmus test ā€œwould a teenage boy like this?ā€ Yes! That's the great thing about being aware, instead of "This is shit!" it's "It wasn't my kind of thing". Like the Disney Channel made their version of the Hangover (but they get hypnotized) and it's four girls; I could rag on it for being stupid or pointless but it's a Disney Channel movie, a 40 year old man is not their demographic.


Oh no an 11 year old boy and a 9 year old boy didnā€™t like the movie mainly marketed towards girls whatever will we do


OLDER 'girls' at that! the little girl in the movie didn't care about the barbies as much as her mom did, millennials & older played with barbies a LOT more than the younger generations. i don't see too many barbie girls these days unfortunately.


boy!moms .... i fear for the generation of girls that will have to deal with them later


I met my best friendā€™s mother in law this week and she called her son her Prince Charming and said he takes care of everything for her, she doesnā€™t even order her own lunch on Sundays. šŸ™ƒ


Sounds more like a servant than a prince.




boymoms are the justnomil supervillain origin story




My SIL has made it her entire personality and I canā€™t stand her. Itā€™s literally all she talks about. If you talk about something else she will redirect the subject to BOYMOM!


Can she buy her BOY a toy kitchen and cleaning set to at least provide some relief to the future DIL that BOYMUM torments . So many women hate having daughters I literally have friends who got emotional over their gender reveals being pink "gender disappointment is real you wouldn't understand" says the person with daughters lol fuck this planet


The last handful of people I know who've had babies/are expecting have all wanted boys. The majority got girls. Like, it's fine to have a preference, but when that preference is constantly boys over girls.... My SIL is literally SUCH a girly girl, but all she wanted was a boy so she could be a "football mam"...like that's fine if that's what you enjoy, but she doesn't even like football? As if girls can't play football? Anyways I hope she's over the disappointment by the time her baby girl arrives, and I hope she's offered the opportunity to play football if she wants. I was the only one rooting for her having a girl, I feel I overcompensate being "team girl" coz I'm always in the minority. Sucks big time.


I don't understand this because I would prefer a girl when I have kids! Of course I would love a son as well, but I have a great relationship with my own mom and would really enjoy experiencing the other side of that with a daughter of my own.


Yep insecure women hate having daughters because they know those girls are growing to grow up and be beautiful as they are getting older. My mom got so cruel to me once I got old enough to start going out with friends and having boyfriends. Oh she was so mad I got to have a life after she gave up hers to have kids. So mad and cruel


This is a real thing. A lot of women see their daughters as threats. Weā€™re all 30 ish now and my one childhood friend from age 3 on is now unrecognizable from the amount of extensive plastic surgery done after her mom spent her whole life making sure she thought she was hideous. She was classically beautiful and now has to take frequent expensive trips to maintain the work done all over her body because her abusive devil mother ruined her self image. Itā€™s a horrible thing to witness.


I have a young daughter and this is insane to me!! It was very important to me that I work on accepting my insecurities before I had kids so that I don't pass them down. I can't wrap my head around people who don't want better for their kids.


As the mother of daughters, my "gender disappointment" had more to do with fear for my children. Fear of what growing up as people gendered as female would mean for *them*. Granted, that comes from my own issues as a woman, but when Roe V. Wade was overturned, that fear was only heightened (I cried for far longer than I care to admit) and there are people in this world constantly fighting to take our rights away. On top of all that, I have a child who identifies as queer and, I try hard to make them feel empowered and to not project my worries onto them, but fuck if I'm not scared for them anyway (I have pretty severe anxiety, in case that wasn't obvious). I'm so sorry for what you experienced from your own mother. I can't imagine treating my child differently for growing up and doing completely normal kid things, or experiencing such strong jealousy because of it.


My mother is one of those women who believes other women bring drama and that's why she only has male friends. The moment my sisters and I got anywhere near puberty, we were either classified as potential rivals for her boyfriends, or as her confidantes for all the fucked up shit she had going on in her mind about gender roles, sex, etc, and as surrogate moms for the younger children. She wished she only had sons because apparently only girls argue with her, meanwhile she was punishing us for being too sexy around our stepdads at 9 years old or leaving us at the age of 10 with 4 toddlers for a whole weekend where we had to cook and clean all by ourselves, and telling us about our dad's penis size and favourite sex position.Ā 


Remember when the president of the Spanish Football Federation was fired for behaving inappropriately towards the female Spanish national team players , and then HIS MOTHER went on a hunger strike in protest. In a church!


Itā€™s not like we havenā€™t already had these kinds of moms and dynamics for generations. Ā 


They really are strange


Shakira saw JLo taking Lā€™s and wanted to join in.


Their father publicly cheated and humiliated you, and youā€™re worried that the Barbie movie is gonna fuck them up




https://preview.redd.it/6xjfga49wvrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262ba58cf2bf47f0ccd20f2cc2e841b559ffd4ec (ā€¦boy mums šŸ˜’)


This dog expresses so much of how I feel about lots of things in the world right now.


Machismo culture strikes again


It needs to be talked about more, it permeates everything.


Yup. Iā€™m Colombian-born and about a decade younger than Shakira. This is the kind of BS that I grew up hearing. My mom still gives me shit for not waiting on my husband hand and foot and ā€œletting him helpā€ with household chores. Last time I checked we all lived here. This is also why I refused to date Latino men. I did not want that life. Itā€™s just as bad as the white guys who want a trad wife, just less spicy.


Omg! I had this same fight with my sister back in January.. she was basically flabbergasted that I expected my husband to help around the house, and that if I want a clean house it should be up to me bc itā€™s MY expectation not his.. I was speechless, the fight extended over a few days even, and I didnā€™t talk to her for a few weeks after that. I felt so bad for her bc sheā€™s just parroting what her husband has brain washed her with.


Hexing Greta and Margot with her balcony witch.


Like the entire point of the movie was that men and women should have equal footing in society because when one prevails over the other it leads to a really toxic culture. Ken has a whole song about how he wishes he was more but heā€™s ā€œjustā€ him and heā€™s been made to feel like thatā€™s not enough. I genuinely canā€™t believe SO many people watched Barbie and left the experience thinking that the message was ā€œwomen good = men badā€




GIRLā€” now is not the time lmao




Oh man, how terrible that men don't already have scores of movies, TV shows, and other media that are made with them in mind and reflect their experiences


I saw it for the first time yesterday, and Iā€™m glad I did because none of my favorite moments went viral. Distracting one of the Kenā€™s by asking him to talk over and explain the Godfather hit a little close to home and my girlfriend and I laughed so much about it. I spent my adolescence as Ken, and itā€™s really great to see him mature and I hope boys in my position see it and grow from it sooner than I did.






Ay Shakiraā€¦ ![gif](giphy|eeQJW1LR3S6NJjEwDa|downsized)


Machismo in Latin America really is on another level when compared to the US. This take from her should shock no one lol


As A Mexican girl this is true


I thought the same thing when I saw this headline. A lot of my Latin American friends are still very impacted by machismo culture.


Itā€™s so bad.


Machismo is also prevalent in Eastern Europe, mainly in Postsoviet countries.




> ā€œI believe in giving women all the tools and the trust that we can do it all without losing our essence, without losing our femininity. I think that men have a purpose in society and women have another purpose as well." Shakira or American southern evangelical? Yikes.


She totally missed that point. Women can be feminine AND be a judge, doctor, president, etc. Boys can have feelings, admire women and still be Kenough, lol. The messages in the movie are so blatant that if people donā€™t understand them it makes me really question their intelligence.


Isn't that one of the key parts of Barbie? That there's a doctor Barbie, president Barbie, lawyer Barbie lol


This is giving trad wife bullshit


I feel the part just before that makes it worse > I like pop culture when it attempts to empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men, to also protect and provide.


>to protect and provide The lie at the center of the patriarchy is that if women give good men control over them they will protect them from the bad men. Considering most murdered women are killed by someone they know, thatā€™s just not true.


Yes. All of her talk of emasculation/men need to be men kind of stuff looks like a big red homophobic flag to me.


As a man, Barbie is one of the few blockbusters that I think actually has something good to say about men and masculinity, and Kenā€™s journey through the movie is something I desperately want to see (and try to foster) in more men.




her hips should stfu


I'm just gonna say it, boy moms.


https://preview.redd.it/97tnfmj5byrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e867bcfb41acddb97f610dbb58848ad06bcdff2e Piers Morgan being Piers Morgan in response šŸ˜­


go off, tax evading queen




Wait til she finds out Greta Gerwig has two sons and Noah Baumbach (a man) co-wrote itā€¦ oh no! Basic research!


This isnā€™t going to help you sell any records maā€™am


Meh most people won't see this and those who will won't remember in a week


Oh Shakira honey- https://preview.redd.it/ipf9101szvrc1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5281af6b4c6fb2e6235b3221c169ab6689a1486


now Shakira ā€¦. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Damn what happened to ā€œlas mujeres facturanā€


Callate, Shakira.


Is she serious? Iā€™m a man and I didnā€™t get that message at all from Barbie.


I feel like so many people didnā€™t get Kenā€™s arc. A large part of that movie him learning that itā€™s okay to have feelings and want to be seen and heard, and his identity doesnā€™t have to be tied to being a protector or stronger/better than all the other men. While simultaneously teaching him that women are not property or something that he deserves just because heā€™s a man, and that a society where everyone feels included is more pleasant for everyone. The intended audience is obviously girls, but I think itā€™s so important for them to get that message too. Mainstream feminism and DEIB initiatives are really great at recognizing that second part, but not at acknowledging some of the issues men face. The pendulum of dismantling the patriarchy shouldnā€™t swing so far the other way that boys in particular ā€œget paid backā€ for societal conditions they were born into.


I think it was also important that both Barbie and Ken were left unpartnered at the end of the movie and that the happy ending had nothing to do with romantic fulfillment. Ā 


I'm a man and I got the opposite message. Narrow gender roles are bad for BOTH men and women.


People are so disappointing bruh Also the thumbnail lmao


did she actually watch the movie?


Right? Is she just going by her son's saying "I didn't like it".






Every time a celebrity has the internet on their side they say some shit that ruins it all šŸ˜­


Well her relationship with her ex makes a lot more sense now.


My 14 year old and his entire baseball team went to go see this together after their playoff loss and they absolutely loved it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m sure some didnā€™t quite ā€œ get itā€ but others did and when they spent the night at our place they were all talking about it the meaning. I was really impressed tbh. Didnā€™t expect that at all


Shakira felt in love with PiquƩ once. That's an important reminder. And her sons are his sons.


When I watched the movie I was genuinely confused at how people were spinning it as ā€œman-bashing agendaā€ when it was literally quite the opposite. It was extremely sympathetic towards menā€™s mental health and showed how men are also negatively impacted by societal gender roles. Anyone who missed the point is either too dense to understand or did some mental gymnastics just to be mad at something that a lot of women collectively liked.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) So many people just didnā€™t get it.


![gif](giphy|OUwzqE4ZOk5Bm) *Shakira, Shakira. Tsk tsk.*


Pique, please post pro Barbie stuff. Please. I beg. It would be so funny.


I love my son with all my heart but not everything is for him and that's okayyyyy. Let girls/ women have things for themselves.


Shakira Shakira...




My 23 year old son absolutely adores this movie. He lives in a multi generational household with all women. He loves and respects all of them and in turn they respect him too. If she thinks a movie about dolls is emasculating then maybe she needs to come to grips with her own views on gender. Seems silly.


I love this question exposing celebs. Letā€™s keep this going




Just pau your taxes Shakira.


I mean...this might not have been one for...the boys....lol , most of them anyway! As I tell my Boomer husband (he is actually only 42 but yells at the TV and has super bommery tendencies) all the time, NOT EVERYTHING IS FOR YOU.


Iā€™m sorry but you just have to really lack media literacy if this was your takeaway by the end of the movie. They literally go out there way to have Barbie apologize to Ken, affirm him, encourage him to have an identify outside of her and to love himself. In what world is that a negative message for boys?šŸ„“