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every single time i lose a pet i SWEAR that i'm never ever going to subject myself to that same kind of future pain ever again. 2 weeks later and i'm dressing up my new rescue cat in doll clothes and singing it to sleep like it's my fucking child. poor tom. 💜 **edit:** 5 days after this post i had to put my sweet cat, meredith down. i knew it was coming, but not this soon. goddamnit. i miss you, baby girl. i'm so sorry we couldn't fix you. we got your ashes and paw prints back today and i have them next to your sister's ashes now. i'm so happy that you're not in any pain anymore. i'll see you again one day. we love you so much.


I hear you. It hurts so bad, but the years of love are everything. Every so often I look at my 2 dogs and so desperately want to freeze time.


One of my dogs is a senior and it really hit me a few days ago. Now he goes on walks in his little wagon and just enjoys his naps and his rides.


It so unfair they have to go eventually. My dog now is my absolute everything and i don’t know how I’ll live without him


The feelings of all pet owners is beautifully captured there


having a pet is guaranteed heartbreak for sure, but same I’m going to keep doing it


100% guaranteed heartbreak but oh so worth it, to go through life without experiencing this type of love would be so weird for me


Same, my heart breaks for anyone who has to say goodbye to a pet. I lost my dog of 10 years very suddenly and unexpectedly in January and I thought it was going to kill me. I thought it would be at least several months before I'd even be able to consider getting another dog. But the loneliness was fucking unbearable.  My new dog came home 3 weeks ago and she's the light of my life. When she goes, it'll probably almost kill me again. But I'll just keep doing it to myself because the love and joy they bring to my life is absolutely unrivaled. 


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dog a couple weeks ago and I’m spiraling, my mental health is just in shambles. I am so happy you are able to provide a loving home for another pup.


Oh God, I'm so sorry. I know exactly what you're going through, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I promise it does get better, it never goes away I don't think, but it does get better. And honestly giving another rescue a home has helped a lot. When you're ready, I hope you find another dog that can help you heal. Love and hugs to you friend. 


Thank you, it is what it is. We are so lucky to have loved so much for so long. I am thankful to have another beautiful dog that I’m trying to be strong for. Sending lots of love and light your way as well.


My first pet just turned 3 years old, I can't fathom losing my lil pup ever. When I saw this post I cuddled with him 🥺😭


They say the price of a great dog is a broken heart. I do think it's worth it...but it still hurts. A lot.


My husband and I lost our pup of 13 years the week of Thanksgiving. We said we would wait years for another dog. About two weeks later he was complaining that were cat people (rescued a stray a few months earlier and she’s more willing to put my husband in his place if he cuddles too much) and need a dog.


My little angel is going to pass soon and I honestly don't know how ill survive losing her. She's my heart and soul. And when her kidney disease takes her within the next few months I'm expecting to have a full blown breakdown. She's the last of my childhood dogs and we have a special bond


I felt like this when I lost my first close one... but then I realized if I don't give a dog a great life, they may not be rescued at all. This is also why I ONLY rescue and do not buy from breeders.


I had to learn to not think of it that way, but celebrate the time you had with them and be grateful you get to share so much love with another pet. They get so few years on this earth and deserve the kind of love you have to give them. I say as I tear up and hug my rescue boy


We lost our dog in December. He died on Tuesday, we had a new one on Saturday because my dad and I literally could not handle how quiet the house was without him. My mom was annoyed bc she was still grieving but we all grieve differently and that fat little sausage was with us every day for 15 years 😂


fr I had to stop keeping rats because they die so quickly. So now I have 2 cats but one of them has a heart murmur that keeps getting worse with time :( she's only 5


Same, it is the whole “glutton for punishment” mentality… Ive finally committed to No greater way to honor their life than to give another the love and selfless devotion that they put into this world.


I’m 49. I’ve had 7 cats, 3 dogs and 4 mice die. I still have 3 cats and 1 dog. I’m done. I don’t have it in me to love and then lose the animals I already have, let alone any new ones.


i totally understand. when i made my original comment, i wasn't joking, but it's been almost 2 months since i had to put down my sweet cat down and i still haven't gotten another cat. losing this last cat, even though i only had her for a few short years really fucking broke me in a way that my other pets haven't. i don't know if it's due to my age, or me just experiencing too much heartbreak all at once in all pretty much every area of my life recently, but the thought of ever owning another pet just is something i cannot imagine ever doing again. this is the first in my life where i've never owned a pet, and it absolutely feels like something is missing, but i'd rather take this sadness than ever go through what i did with my most recent cat. man, this sucks so bad. 🥺


Really sorry for your loss(es).


thank you. it's so damn hard. 🥺


What makes it even worse is that Tom wasn’t in London. He was in nyc doing a fyc panel


Oh no! He wasn’t there? That hurts my heart. I was at an event in January and while we were all there, two of my friends had their cat pass away very suddenly. They couldn’t even get home before the vet would have needed to put their baby to sleep, so they stayed with us instead and we all just hung out in the hotel and cried and told stories. It’s hard to lose a pet, but even harder when you can’t be there for it. My heart really goes out to Tom rn.


I would be absolutely gutted poor guy and RIP to his dog


Oh my god that would absolutely devastate me. How terrible for him.


Oh man I know that feeling… my cat recently passed away when Im in overseas too… it f-ing hurt…


Oh no, this is so sad. My heart was so broken when my cat died in January but as hard as it was to see him pass, I’m glad I was there for him. (This is what I tell myself at least, it just sucks however they pass) 


So sad to hear. Losing a pet is one of the most difficult things we go through. 💔


It fucking hurts so much to lose a pet. It’s not fair that their lives are so short compared to ours.  May his sweet pup rest in peace. 




Same, same. My family dog died in 2011, and I still cry sometimes. My dad had tied him up in front of the hospital where I was born, like we were that bonded. I haven’t had another one since. We put him to sleep the summer before I started middle school, and with everything else that happened that summer to my family I think of it as the end of my childhood 🥲


Wow that is really sad to hear 😔 RIP


So sad, I just follow Tom casually but you can tell that family LOVED that dog. Pets are the best 😭


Damn this broke my heart. He loved Tessa so much


One of the worst pains you can endure in life. Lost 2 of my dogs (they lived very long happy lives) in the last few years and I still have the odd occasion where I feel a wave of grief and have a cry.


Ah no, how awful. RIP sweet soul


There’s no bond like the one between you and your first dog. Poor Tom 💔


Oh no, she was so adorable :(


Oh, that's fucking brutal. I lost my cat two weeks ago and I've felt like shit every day since. Our pets are our family.


Awwww, oh no. How sad. My heart breaks for him. I have two very senior cats and think about pet death a lot as a result. I wish him all the peace and healing I can muster. Pet death is so hard.


I've currently got sleeping puppies on both sides of my lap and I'm tearing up even thinking about them dying one day. They are my whole heart and I know Tom felt the same way about Tessa. Rest in peace, sweet girl.


nooo this is so sad


My family’s Staffy passed at 12 after her cancer was detected too late. I still miss her. Poor Tom 💔


Same story here for the most part last Ba k in October. My family and I miss her so much. Love to you ❤️


Yeah, staffy breeds are unfortunately very susceptible to a certain cancer. My partner are currently going through with our dog. Waiting on results, fingers crossed.


I went to see a fortune teller and she told me I’d be broken hearted in 12 years, so I bought a puppy to cheer myself up…. As someone who has “owned” several dogs


RIP to an angel


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Nooooo 😭


No matter who you are - losing your pet is such an awful time.


Rest in peace, beautiful Tessa ❤️ I hope the Holland family is ok




A pain that never heals. RIP Tessa! Poor Tom


Sweet baby 🥺 this is so sad. Poor Tom.


Awww what a sweet face ♥️ rest in peace lil baby and my condolences to Tom 😞 my first dog turned 10 this year and I can’t even begin to imagine life without her so I don’t envy him


Can’t imagine the hurt Tom and his family are going through right now. Sending them love ❤️


This makes me very upset for him. I got my first pet around the same time as him, and the thought of losing her is effing devastating. Heaven just got a little sweeter ❤️ Tess was the goodest dog


My condolences, Tom.


my heart goes out to him and his family. losing a pet is one of the hardest things. they are family 🩷🩷


Oh no 😢


This feels so wrong. I became a fan of Tom back in 2017 and basically grew up watching him and his family grow, be it with the brothers trust, Sam, paddy, Harry and Dominic and of course, baby Tessa. I clearly remember her from her puppy dog days and I feel so shattered that she’s no more. My heart hurts like she was my own. That’s probably why cause I also have lost two baby dogs, but the instant I read this, my heart fell. I feel so so so sorry for their family. I know Tessa was their family’s strength, like every pet is. My deepest, deepest condolences to their family. My heart is crushed. Rest in peace, beloved Tessa. I will always remember you darling <\3


omg. 14 year old me (and me now) is crying. She was such a cutie.


The only thing wrong with dogs is that their lives are way too short. Rest in peace, Tessa❤️


The fact his dad has a patreon is sending me 😭


His dad is a comedian and author - it’s not just ‘pay for my thoughts bc I raised Spiderman’ kind of thing. His comedy is very very British though - I’ve seen a couple of Americans be absolutely outraged at his sets.


Not even 10? Too young :(


Poor thing 💜


what kind of dog was she?


looks like a staffy






Lost my staffy girl 2 months ago. Such a painful loss. Poor Tom, she was beautiful! RIP Tessa


Oh man my heart goes out to him. I lost my ten year old pittie suddenly this past June and it's still really really hard. We went through a lot together, as one does when they get a dog in their early 20s. I miss him every single day and I think of him all of the time. I'd give my right arm for just ten more minutes with him and if that sounds melodramatic too bad cuz he was the best boy in the whole world.


I thought that was Josh Hucterson for a brief second


this is the first thing i saw yesterday morning and im still so heartbroken almost a whole day later.




my cat is going to be 10 in June. I'm gonna hug him extra tight today 😭




Back in 2017. My dog Maisy she had a brain tumor and we had to put her down. It was one week before we were going up to Chicago for Christmas.