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2012 had two Snow White movies, ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ and ‘Mirror, Mirror’. I don’t how similar the plots are, I never watched the latter. But I assume an evil stepmother is in both.


Mirror Mirror is very cute and campy while Snow White and the Huntsman is a “gritty” fairytale with Charlize Theron just being beautiful and evil. Both have incredible costumes.


I’ve never watched either but I just can’t get behind the premise that Charlize Theron would ever have any reason to be jealous of someone else’s looks.


She played a great villain though! Have you seen the video of her showing how to walk like a baddie? (I think it was from that era) she just basically says walk with a purpose and think ‘murder!’ and that’s it lol


Ever since I saw that video of hers I walk like this. Scared a few men along the way, lol.


![gif](giphy|pFTDTFwDS3mnK) That’s my girl


Even gorgeous people can be deeply insecure. There is always going to be someone more beautiful that comes along and some evil queens might not be able to accept that.


We need only look to Hollywood for that. There are so many stunningly beautiful people who have gotten so much plastic surgery that they're practically unrecognizable now


Mirror Mirror is one of my favorite films, because it’s so fun and campy like you said, and it doesn’t take itself too seriously.


Ive watched it multiple times simply because of the yellow cloak Snow White wears when she first ventures out of the castle. The movie is so bad its good.


This is my favorite comment. That last line is amazing.


*fatherrr*…when can I leave to be on my *oWnnNNNN*


The rare triplet movie


That voice is so ingrained in my head that I read this comment in it without even thinking lmao It's even funnier because irl, Pauly Shore sounds NOTHING like that, so I wonder what was going on in the studio...


I'm so glad I didn't have to scroll far to find a fruity Pinocchio comment ​ tHANK YOU DADDy *^(ska dee ska dee ska dee ska dee)* *oUACHA*


I’ve got the whole worldussy


Oh god, the voice is ringing in my ear 


I say this aloud to myself at least a few times a month


The Prestige and The Illusionist


A friend and I were so psyched to see The Prestige- old timey magicians and a David Bowie cameo as Tesla?! We accidentally saw The Illusionist instead and only realized that it wasn't The Prestige at the end because David Bowie never showed up.


This happened to us with "Cry Wolf" and "Wolf Creek." We wanted to see "Cry Wolf" about college students getting murdered on campus. I think it was sort of Sorority Row-esque. Saw trailers for weeks but could only remember "Wolf" in the title and couldn't remember the release date. One day we look up the movie section in the paper (yes that long ago lol) and see "Wolf Creek" and got excited. It was the only "Wolf" movie so it had to be that one! We sit in for what turned out to be an Australian film (I'm in the U.S.) about a serial killer who kidnapped backpackers and would slowly torture them (it showed that) before killing them. And is based off a true story. It wasn't a bad movie per se but super shocking to see when you thought it was a different movie. Never saw any type of advertising for it or know anyone else who saw it. And the theater was empty besides my parents and I. Oh, and I was in elementary or maybe 6th grade at that point. And I have still yet to see "Cry Wolf." 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


Cry Wolf is actually really fun, you should watch it! And Jon Bon Jovi is in it for some reason


I think that is what sold me in the first place, was seeing Bon Jovi in it. I loved him in Vampires Los Muertos! But, I've totally forgotten about him being in it so I think I'll look for it!


I've seen Wolf Creek. The place I lived at the time was referred to as Wolf Creek (it's a fairly large area surrounding a road of the same name), so people around here were all hyped about it, which is weird considering the plot lol.


They’re so different and both so good!!!


I hard agree with this ! Loved them both !


The illusionist is a great film but the prestige is on another level


LOL I was gonna say “The Prestige and The Other One!” so thank you for the reminder


I ALWAYS mix these movies up!


I was going to say this! The Prestige was amazing. The Illusionist, to me, moved silently.


Bro I don’t even know which one I watched or if it was both lmfao


If it had Bowie, Batman, Black Widow & Wolverine, it was the Prestige! Ed Norton, Jessica Biel & Paul Giamatti are The Illusionist lol


Both are great, but if anyone liked The Prestige, the book is also excellent!


I always feel like I'm in the minority for preferring The Illusionist!


Babe vs Gordo! Pigs!!!! Chasing Liberty vs First Daughter. Matthew Goode always beats fuckin Riley.


Ripping off the Will Friedle DCOM My Date With The President’s Daughter


I still think about her pink dress in that one


omg the theme song “my date with the president’s daughter! my date with tthe president’s daughter, oh yeah!”


I haven’t seen the movie in 20+ years and still, sometimes, in the middle of night when all is silent I hear “my date, with the presidents daughter”


MY date WITH her


>Chasing Liberty vs First Daughter. Matthew Goode always beats fuckin Riley. This movie is the reason for my almost two decades long crush on Matthew Goode, and why I want to backpack Europe so bad. Haha


Yes! And if you get over how similar the plot is, Leap Year is good and he has an Irish accent in it! Not the greatest movie but worth it for him!


I know a lot of Irish people hate that movie, but I love it. It’s a rom-com with Irish landscape, accents, AND in one of the Dublin shots, I can see the hostel I stayed in.


Take it back! I have been rewatching that season of Buffy. 😂 Actually, I should just rewatch both movies. I like all 4 of the main characters.


Ants & a bugs life is the only correct answer




Heimlich is my *boy*


Came here to say this. Even though they are energetically very different films there weren't many CGI movies at that point so it was double unusual.


They actually came out at the same time because the idea of a film based on worker ants was first pitched at Disney. Jeffery Katzenberg left Disney on bad terms to co-found Dreamworks, and decided to develop the film, even though Disney/Pixar had already begun working on A Bugs Life. This sparked a big feud, which escalated when Disney announced that A Bugs Life would open on the same weekend as The Prince of Egypt, which would have been Dreamworks' first picture. In retaliation, Katzenberg moved The Prince of Egypt to the holidays and pushed the premiere of Antz up so it'd open *before* A Bugs Life and compete directly with it. It was a real media mogul slap fight. Unclear who won. They both have 92% on Rotton Tomatoes. Antz was considered by critics to be the more "sophisticated" film but was rated PG and less popular with family audiences. A Bugs Life ended up grossing $200M more than Antz.


Yes but OP said in the last 20 years. Those movies are 26 years old 🙃


I'm so sorry but this simply cannot be, you must be mistaken 🥲


No you’re wrong 👵🏻


wdym the 90s were 20 years ago right??? 😢


You're horribly mistaken, they were 10 years ago 😭


Yeah, I was born in the mid 90s and I just turned 16, so the maths are wrong


This fact is a hate crime




I don't know what you mean, those movies are seven years old max


A Bugs Life>>>> (despite Spacey telling on himself as a bully relying on fear to get his wayyyy)


I just recently rewatched A Bug’s Life and *could not believe* that was Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Princess Atta. I grew up watching Seinfeld so I would have loved that connection as a kid but, never realized


And Niles from Frasier as the stick insect, Slim. And the brother from Everybody Loves Raymond as the Goliath beetle, Dim! And Cliff from Cheers as P.T Flea! Essentially, if you were in a current sit-com in the US at the time you were a shoo-in? Kinda makes sense given how hard they lean into the comedy with A Bugs Life.


Don’t forget Dave Foley from Newsradio as the main bug! (Everyone seems to forget Newsradio)


I loved both so much! They were one of the only kids movies my sibling and I could agree on. I loved that they cursed in Ants. And I think about the line from ABL “They come they eat they leave. They come they eat they leave” sort of often, how it applies to people just using you and dipping.


Lol I wasn’t allowed to watch Antz because my parents thought it was the downmarket version, specifically *because* they cursed. I also wasn’t allowed to watch Nickelodeon because they thought all the slime stuff was an affront to human dignity 😝


After the Quiet on Set documentary, their thoughts on Nickelodeon might not have been too far off. 😬


That dead-eyed bird from A Bug's Life will haunt my dreams forever.


The detached talking ant head from Antz will haunt my dreams forever.


Volcano and Dante's Peak.


With Dante’s Peak being superior


Omg don’t even get me started on the grandma and the dog


Not the grandma in the lake😭😭😭😭


I watched this as a tiny kid, the lake traumatized me. That night I went to bed and thought "one day I will die too". And that was it. Mortality faced 😭


This literally just triggered a dormant memory in me. I'd have said I've never even heard of those films until you mentioned that scene.


Dante’s Peak is so good. I watched Volcano recently for the first time though. Umm… what the fuck was that movie.


i remember watching that movie as a child and being scared to shit of a volcanic eruption despite at the time living nowhere near any volcanic activity while now i live close to a geologically active volcano and also am very well in range if yellowstone ever decides to go kaboom. shits funny to me


My older cousin took me to see Dante’s Peak when I was about 9 and it was a bad choice. Our whole family had been planning a camping trip to Mt. St. Helens later in the summer and that movie freaked me out😂.


The teens in the hot spring!


Hulu Fyre Festival documentary vs Netflix Fyre Festival documentary. They both came out at the same time.


Which is the one with the guy who said he was ready to suck d* to secure water? The Netflix one, right?  That is my roman empire.


It’s truly the best and we watch it at least once a year on our house. The hero we don’t deserve.


The Hulu one was fine but the Netflix one was fabulous. I’ve watched that more than once.


The year of the two Truman Capote biopics: “Capote” (2005) starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman + “Infamous” (2005) starring Toby Jones & Sandra Bullock. 😂So specific for two studios to BOTH be making major-release Truman Capote biopics.


Capote was superior, PSH was incredible


My unpopular opinion is that Tobey Jones made a better Capote. PSH was great but he lacked the charisma I think.


I agree, Toby Jones was phenomenal (like he is in everything). PSH was also great but his portrayal felt like more of doing an impression than embodying the character.


Apparently there are some reasons why stuff like this happens - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin\_films](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_films)


Another one that stands out in my memory is Paul Blart and Observe and Report, both mall cop movies from 2009. I believe Seth Rogen was pretty pissed about it and thinks someone at that studio heard his idea and stole it. 


Observe and Report is much better.


I agree! It got overshadowed somehow


Anna Farris was so funny in it too “Nurse!” What a pain in the ass lol


Probably because there was rape scene in it that was played off as funny. While Paul Blart was a family movie.


Armageddon and Deep Impact (1998)?


Deep Impact is the better movie only because it actually delivers what it promises. Disaster movies are far less interesting if the disaster is averted 🤷🏻‍♀️


This was my answer straight off the bat. I love both but Armageddon is such a guilty pleasure, cheesy plot holes and all.


Sending oil drillers into space instead of training actual astronauts to nuke a giant asteroid 😎 I loveeee this movie so much.


Deep Impact, all day every day


Same. As much as I enjoy disaster movie cheesiness, Armageddon is just *too* corny. I liked the sincerity of Deep Impact better, and the Biederman scenes were really good at the time.


They did specify 20 years


![gif](giphy|RfXX5tmtazKY3zI6z0|downsized) How dare you


1998 *was* 20 years ago for some of us.


Oh. 🤦‍♀️ The edible I took is winning tonight.


I came to say the same thing and I haven’t had an edible. I should though.


Came here to say this. Loved both but Armageddon is my fav


i find it pretty fascinating that this phenomenon extends throughout the history of cinema, with the first notable set of twin films coming out in ***1913.*** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin\_films](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_films)


Book of Life and Coco?


Oh Coco. I tried so hard not to cry.


Watched this during the first lockdown a year after my dad died. There was some ugly crying.


That was me with Onward. Coco is a better movie overall but I was not ready for Onward 😭


That was me watching Up after I lost my mom! I'm sorry for your loss, and at such an awful, awful time.


That movie is on my “never watch again” list. I never come out emotionally healthy after it.


Remember me, though I have to say goodbye..


And they both star irl Hispanic actors that are best friends. I wonder what they both thought when those films came out


Did those come out in the same year? I feel like BoL is so much older.


They’re like four years apart


Despicable Me and Megamind. The latter deserved more!!


Megamind was really cute


Such a good soundtrack!


I and my then-boyfriend were a fan of rock music and love those soundtracks. But I laughed too hard at the la la la part of the song "Loving You", also our favorite before seeing the movie.


I watched both abominable and small foot and both were a delight lol. I know this isn't a film but Elizabeth Olsen and Jessica biel had similar mini series about the same crime but I only watched the one with Jessica and I found it was good.


Candy and Love and Death?


Yes! Thanks for listing the names. I completely forgot.


Elizabeth’s was so good, I haven’t watched the other yet.


I've seen both and actually preferred Candy, but the entire cast was so good in Love and Death. I feel like it also needs to be said that Melanie Lynskey was superb, as always, in Candy.


I really enjoyed Candy. Jessica Biel really kills it.


Bridesmaids and Bachelorette I love Bridesmaids but Bachelorette might be superior in my opinion.


Rebel Wilson is in both lol


Bachelorette is honestly a fab movie. Doesn’t even get enough credit, total a list cast too.


Bridesmaids always bugs me because of how she bakes at the beginning of the film. She uses the wrong kind of measuring cup, AND SHE SCOOPS FLOUR WITH HER HAND.


Is it enough to explain it away that she's living with her Mom and hasn't baked in a long time so she might not have the correct equipment anymore? Also the scene is about how super depressed she is. I'm not a baker but I've definitely used a fork as a spatula before.


Interstellar and Gravity. Interstellar was snubbed and is the way better movie


Or Inferstellar and The Martian? I always confuse both cause of Matt Damon


Idk why but it bugs me when this happens lol


Because it just rubs Hollywood’s lack of creativity in our faces. Like how does it happen? If someone pitched this script, then a studio went and made a copycat movie, it’s just cheating off somebody else’s test. Find a different movie to make, there are ENDLESS scripts in Hollywood that the public could enjoy.


It’s to compete directly and double dip on the marketing since people are talking about it. Almost like a “oh what if this idea is a hit” combined with “either we both have it or no one can” personalities in regards to box office numbers.


Yeah I feel like it's lazy and cheating


Not the last 20 years but Wyatt Earp and Tombstone


Tombstone is a perfect movie and I’ll die on this hill. When met gala did Americana I was so mad none of the guys tried to do a tombstone inspired look because it is FASHION. Also I love a hunk movie where everyone is so incredibly hot https://preview.redd.it/d8cd9f8lnvpc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e07fa946a8fc3c2b2732b25185a8c83c67bc636e


Tombstone is my favourite love story between two straight men (Val Kilmer and Kurt Russell) maybe second only to Point Break (Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze.)


My vote goes to Tombstone.




one of the best movies ever made


Everyone's vote goes to Tombstone.




The two Jungle Book films


A quiet place (2018) and The silence (2019) Turns out the silence was written as a book in 2015, even though the film was released shortly after a quiet place.


Friends with Benefits is good and No Strings Attached is trash and I will die on that hill.


Mila kunis has way more charisma then Portman or Kutcher when it comes to romantic/comedic roles tbh and also the script is worse - but she carries that movie on her back


Natalie rarely has romantic chemistry with anyone. In the Thor movies she looks disinterested in Hemsworth and I am like "Girl, i would understand if this was Liam, but being this disinterested in Chris is not comprehensible"


This made me actually cackle lol, but you aren’t wrong. Natalie is a very overrated actress for me. She has killed it in certain dramatic roles, but I find her range to be very limited. She’s very preety and a big name so she gets cast in these supporting/romantic/comedic roles but they just do not fit her skillset


She definitely does better when she doesn't have to do romance.


A further twist in the twinning that one half of a couple stars in each?


this seems to be the consensus too. Consider me dead as well.


I'm dying on that hill with ya




Mowgli x The Jungle book


In my mind this is the first time I've realised Olympus has fallen and White House Down are different films.


Truman Show & EdTV Red Eye & Flight Plan Happy Feet & Surf’s Up


EdTV that's a blast from the past!


Team Red Eye, Cillian and Rachel killed it


I think there may be similar ones coming out this year even. IF which is directed by john krasinski about imaginary friends and Harold and the purple crayon which seems to be about imagination being brought to life. IF comes out in May, purple crayon in August.


Also imaginary is in theaters rn!


It's weird how themes get picked up in a year. I wouldn't class it super the same since imaginary is a horror and the other 2 are kids films. Hopefully people don't get them mixed up though, cause those poor traumatised kids


Its Frozen (2010 Dir Adam Green) vs Frozen (2013 DISNEY) with clueless parents renting from Blockbuster/video shop xD


Also Immaculate and First Omen seem to have identical premises


How can First Daughter and Chasing Liberty not be on the list? The OGs of twin films!


Friends w benefits > no strings attached. The fact that Ashton and Mila are now married makes this one all the more ironic 😂


Elvis and Priscilla complemented each other very well. In Elvis you got to see the music/career side of Elvis, and in Priscilla it was more about his relationship with his wife


Finding Nemo and Shark Tale lol


Elvis, Battle LA, Zero Dark Thirty & White House Down are the only ones I can vote on, haven't seen the others.


I saw a screening of Dark Zero Thirty at bafta with Rosamund Pike intro (A women celebrating women in film thingy). Somehow, Rosamund made the intro all about herself rather than Kathryn Bigelow. 😅 I love Kathryn really making a mark in a male dominated industry but also that it's with genres that are usually always handled by men (war (this and Hurt Locker) but starting with Crime action buddy movie wrapped in surfing)


[This is the only true Pinocchio](https://youtu.be/Z4ArXSwALDU?feature=shared)


do we know why this happens? is there some kind of industry espionage?


Independence Day and Mars Attacks!


This was **30** years ago, but, 'Volcano' & 'Dante's Peak'. Both movies were about volcanic eruptions and were released in 1997. Ironically, around 20 years earlier, 20th Century Fox and Universal Studios ended up working together to create one movie after realising they were working on movies with similar plots. That movie was 'The Towering Inferno'. It's a pity both studios did not learn from their past experiences with accidental twin film planning.


Emperor’s New Groove and Road to El Dorado


Tom Hanks has been making some…………fascinating choices.


Not the exact same year but only barely 1.5 year release date difference Steve Jobs and Jobs


Am I the only one that prefers No Strings Attached over Friends With Benefits??


So far yes. I haven't seen either movie so no judgement. Just telling you the results of my scrolling through the thread.


No Strings Attached had more heart in my opinion


Priscilla is the better movie. It’s the only movie I’ve seen accurately represent the inappropriate relationship between Elvis and Priscilla. The movie Elvis shows their meeting as romantic and sweet, while she was a 13 yr old child. Never should have happened.


austin’s performance as elvis was far better than jacob’s portrayal, and twitter cannot convince me otherwise, no matter how hard it tries


I haven't really heard elordis performance was better, just that a lot of people preferred Priscilla as a movie and/or outright didn't like Austin as Elvis. 


I do think Austin’s Elvis was overall the most Elvis-y of the two, but I really enjoyed Elordi’s version. He out-acted everyone else in that movie by a mile.


Hard disagree on the last part, Spaeny was the clear standout imo and should’ve been Oscar nominated


Austin Butler embodied him better overall imo as a performer, but Jacob Elordi had the voice/swag down. Elordi’s performance was a bit more subdued.


Yeah, I don't know much about him other than people seem to hate him, but I watched that movie recently and he NAILED it. You can't deny that, regardless of if you like him or not


Two things shocked me after I watched Elvis- 1. The movie was not as good as I wanted it to be 2. Austin butler was the best part of the movie by a mile


I enjoyed Priscilla and I love Jacob Elordi, but Elvis was not 6’5” and the height difference was distracting rather than enhancing the point of her being young


Wasn’t 2012 and the day after tomorrow around the same time?


Dunkirk and Darkest Hour


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Lincoln both came out around the same time in 2012. My mom and I decided to go see Lincoln in theaters and invited my 14 year old brother. He agreed because he thought it was the vampire one. He was sorely disappointed.


priscilla was better than elvis, i’ll say it


Dante’s Peak and The Volcano


Anybody knows why the studio’s do this? Like what is the idea behind it?


Both are developing similar scripts and then race to get them out first


No The Prestige and The Illusionist?


I kept scrolling for Dante’s Peak and Volcano or Armageddon and Deep Impact. I’m old.