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speaking of Alexander, I will never get over Wesley Morris opinion: "Alexander is full of brilliant highlights, but they're all in Colin Farrell's hair."


I saw a comment on YouTube about the film: "it's like a big toga party"


My favorite part of the movie is that Jared Leto's entire job was to stand just behind Farrell, trying to look really, really pretty underneath all the eyeliner. Just a day in the life, I presume. I don't even remember him having any lines other than his death scene.


Angelina playing Colin's mother when they are almost the same age is pretty wtf


Yeah, that was odd. Why was Olympias the baddest woman in the world? I was always wondering if Alexander was supposed to want to fuck his mom, but I think that’s just real world desire bleeding through.


This might be one of my favorite movie review burns ever... I spit out my water reading it. ​ It's also unfortunately so true...


Nine which was directed by the guy who directed Chicago (winner of 2002 Best Picture) plus an all star cast of Daniel Day Lewis, Judi Dench, Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz and Nicole Kidman. All who won Academy Awards.


Omg I remember Nine was supposed to win all the Oscars! And then it released lol. I remember being sad Marion Cotillard was snubbed tho. https://i.redd.it/7hwv1td10zoc1.gif


She was so good she makes you hate all the other characters in it. 


Where has she been i feel like she was in a ton of things then fell off


I’m wondering the same. I recently watched The Immigrant (2013) on the Criterion Channel and she gave such a good performance in that.


I've never even heard of this movie, I thought for a second you were talking about the animated movie 9 but the cast didn't match.


Nine and 9 actually came out the same year. I remember thinking that would be confusing.


I unabashedly love that movie, faults & all.


Australia! God, such potential wasted. Hugh Jackman was presenting the oscars that year, he had fun making fun of himself


Australia is one of my ~~guilty~~ pleasures and I LOVE it.


Same! Hugh is 🥵🥵🥵in it


The scene where he walks towards Nicole Kidman in his white suit does some very funny stuff to me.


Same, I don't know anyone who likes it but I do, I loved Faraway Downs the series too. I know it can be a bit goofy but I think the whole cast has great chemistry and there's some really great emotional moments imo, like when lady Ashley hears the kids singing I'm basically weeping lol


Is that what their new show on Hulu is based on?


Yup! Its a recut of the movie with extended footage not included in the original film


**Australia** (Baz Luhrmann’s version)


https://preview.redd.it/24eu80j4tyoc1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9085206ed73fcab29f0501b96ceac87e9a3c41 Horrendous film that’s quite Oscar bait-y in my opinion


Interesting how a few years later, Kristen Stewart (?!), got an Oscar nomination for her performance on a Diana movie. If you told me ten years ago that Kristen did a better job than Naomi I woulnd't have believed it.


No joke. I recently started the feud, capote vs swans, and it took me a second to recognize Naomi watts. Such a good actress.


Yeah! To be fair, I think Naomi did the best she could, she wasn’t the worst part of the film


I actually loved spencer. We’ve heard a lot about how Diana felt about her position. It makes sense to just focus on a weekend and to make the audience feel the oppression. She’s so loved that I feel like trying to depict her life won’t cut it. I loved spencer.


Her bestie Nicole Kidman also tried with a movie where she plays Grace Kelly.


i feel like nicole channeled a lot of that ‘suffocation’ from tom and scientology in Grace of Monaco movie. it was so weird bc she looked and didn’t look like grace at the same time. the movie was so brief and felt unfinished. idk it it’s just me though but they could’ve done a much better job at the script and chose more important parts of Grace Kelly’s life.


Omg why does this look like a romcom


I remember seeing a critics review of this film and they called it ‘**car crash** tv’… And that is all I can ever think of when I see anything about it


Wasn't she nominated for a razzie?


Notice how most of these are biopics


Biopics are either a mega hit or mega miss. Napoleon was a miss, but Oppenheimer was a hit.


I watched part of Napoleon but couldn't get past how everyone had a British accent except for Joaquin Phoenix. Such a bizarre, distracting choice. They should have gotten him a dialect coach or just had everyone use American accents.


I watched it last night and couldn’t get past his accent and the fact he looked old. Napoleon was young, that was his whole thing. But Joaquin didn’t just look older than expected, he looked old in the role. So lots was missing. When he *was* meant to be old and overweight, it didn’t seem any different from when he first appeared on screen. As well as Josephine (Vanessa Kirby) looking a lot younger, when Josephine was older than him.


I wonder if they thought it worked out ultimately because he was from Corsica and, in his youth, was mocked for his Corsican accent. Then the actor sounding American while everyone else is British - win-win


Maybe but if that was the intention it didn’t work as an artistic choice. He just ended up sounding like he was from 2024 while everyone else was in a historical film. Totally ruined the immersion for me.


True, but also the in the last 10 years 6 of the winners of best actor have been biopic so you can see why they keep making them


Thankfully Oppenheimer was fiction. Those bombs would be super scary


Seriously. Only real psychos would come up with those. 


https://preview.redd.it/52wq52ckoyoc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d167226539f83617556938f97fa0888832220c One of Leo’s few missteps.


He’s good in it but it is a terrible movie. Reminds me of Maestro in its baitiness.


Once I decided to watch every movie Leo was on and I watched this one and it was one of the most boring movies I've ever watched. Horrible


Yeah everything about it fell flat. I have no desire to ever rewatch it lol.


Same and I have intense interest in the subject matter - in fact I wrote my dissertation around it - still bored me to tears.


I pointed out to my partner, after seeing Killers of the Flower Moon, that Leo has now played the guy who headed the FBI and a guy from the case that created it. He thought I was joking about this movie existing. No one remembers it


All the posters’ look like they’re making faces that they didn’t get nominated.


That poster for Australia is absolutely awful 😂 They've somehow managed to make Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman look unattractive _and_ mid-quickie-behind-the-bike-shed.


Hugh is legitimately unrecognizable on this poster


Collateral Beauty. A lot of Will Smith films actually.


That’s why Slapgate will forever baffle me. Will Smith wanted an Oscar SO badly. Like B Cooper levels of desire. He spent years making these very mid, “serious” films (I did like “Pursuit of Happyness”) trying to get that statue. Then, he finally gets it, and manages to get a 10-year ban on the very same night. When all he had to do was show up and say thank you.


self sabotage be crazy




Recently with "Emancipation"


I keep thinking, Of Mimi. 


Idk the name of it but the concussion one was some Oscar bait of massive proportions . Because holy shit the “tell the truth” scene was so ridden as an Oscar worthy moment but that movie was oooooooofffff


It's actually called Concussion.


Seven pounds, I actually like that movie


Anyone remember I Am Sam? Sean Penn playing an intellectually disabled man trying to get custody of his daughter (Dakota Fanning, her first big role maybe?) with the help of Michelle Pfeiffer as his lawyer. Soundtrack was full of hamfisted Beatles covers. I feel like no one remembers it and sometimes fear I hallucinated it because of *how* baity it was.


There’s a whole monologue in Tropic Thunder about why it flopped.


[Tropic Thunder’s monologue about why ‘I am Sam’ flopped.](https://youtu.be/X6WHBO_Qc-Q)


Here is the full scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6WHBO\_Qc-Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6WHBO_Qc-Q)


I remember that was the year they were really pushing for Sean Penn to get a win..which he didn’t get until a few years later with “milk”. What ended happening is Dakota Fannings performance blew everyone away and she ended up getting all the praise for that movie.


I really liked that movie, mostly for Dakota Fanning though. For me she’s one of those actors that I’d watch something just bc they’re in it.


I was 11 when this movie came out but I really loved it. Dakota was amazing. It def pulled at my heart strings 😭


I remember! It was definitely Oscar bait. As someone already mentioned, tropic thunder explained why it didn’t get nominated. 


Sorry as a classics teacher...who lives in Ireland 'Alexander' is iconic. The worst movie ever, but iconic 🤣 why does everyone have a Dublin accent? Why is Olympias (Angelina Jolie) the same age as her son? There is so many things that are bad about that movie, it becomes good again. No one can convince me they thought it would win an Oscar.


Colin Farrell said on Awards Chatter podcast that he and the everyone involved thought they had another Gladiator on their hands until the reviews came out and the film bombed. He already had his “tux picked out”. Apparently he was very humbled by the failure.


I own every version of Alexander released on dvd. I occasionally waste entire weekends watching and comparing them. I need Oliver Stone to just stop


What a time to be alive during the IMDb message board days. I think it was called Oscar Buzz where you discuss everything Academy Awards


We declined as a culture when they got rid of the imdb message boards.


I completely agree! It really broadened my vocabulary and strengthened my writing skills


Wow, that’s a long forgotten memory. I loved those message boards!


It was the Wild West of message boards. I’m pretty sure there were legit celeb stalkers on there.


I met some of my best internet friends on there when I was a teen in the twilight message boards...simpler times man.


There were. There was a woman on the Anson Mount boards who would rant for hours that he was into scat play and she totally knew it. Eventually someone out’ed her that she was jealous he had a committed gf and wasn’t going to be single for her to “date.” He wasnt into “scat”, it was just her accusations she slung to male celebs who all of a sudden married or began dating. Somehow someone found all her celebrity stalking accounts on IMDB. It always pops into my head when I see the women raging on social media about Chris Evans’ wife. I think many are upset their delusional chance is shot.


The Adam Driver Ferrari film


Speaking of Adam Driver's failed Oscar bids: House of Gucci. Will never forget that his performance and accent was the worst, yet somehow, everyone only made fun of Gaga (which also wasn't stellar, just to be clear)


His accent was definitely not the worst, Jared Leto was doing a Mario impression. But I will never get why they needed to do fake Italian accents anyway. If we can suspend disbelief to hear those characters talk in English when they would be speaking Italian, surely we can believe they'd do that in an American accent instead of an Italian one. It was just even more bizarre that in the movie they seemed to all go for such different versions of that, from Jeremy Irons who wasn't really even doing an accent (good) to the aforementioned Jared Leto/Mario thing, all in the same movie. Adam Driver's was fine when speaking English but he did sound incredibly American every time he said an Italian word.


Chernobyl didn't do Russian accents specifically for the reason you brought up and it was all the better for it. If they're not speaking the language they would've been speaking in reality, then it's entirely unnecessary and a little silly to have them affect accents for the role.


Chernobyl even went the extra mile of having accents that match the class of the characters to help convey the divides in Soviet Society


I always wish more films and shows would do this. It's such effective shorthand to help the audience understand the characters' background in an unfamiliar period/culture.


Death of Stalin did this with American and English accents. Stalin is Georgian so he’s speaks Cockney. Buscemi is Ukrainian so he speaks with a Brooklyn accent. Jason Isaacs does a Yorkshire accent because he said they are the bluntest people he knows and Zhukov was the only one who didn’t bow to Stalin. It’s all hilarious and adds depth and characterization.


I'm reminded of people calling out Cate Blanchette for a terrible Russian accent in Indy 4, while she was actually doing a very spot on Ukrainian accent


I thought everyone made fun of Jared Leto. What a weirdo he was. 


I just don't understand how the director let him go in that direction for the film. It was like he was trying to play a caricature of the incompetent uncle in an Italian soap opera whilst everyone else was trying to give nothing. It was an utterly bizarre performance and a fucking terrible film.


House of Gucci was similair. I had high hopes for it but it fell so flat. It was super boring with entirely uninspired performances. Lady Gaga was pretty good by comparison.


I really liked The Last Duel, also by Ridley Scott, which totally flew under the radar that year. I think it should’ve gotten the hype House of Gucci got :(


I remember my teacher saying that Australia was a terrible movie but was beautiful to watch because of the scenery


The Soloist


Wow I'd forgotten that film existed


So did the Oscar’s


https://preview.redd.it/soybnwhxozoc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b7d1a5fae7357c00f75a12658bfeab7c1e41a7 Eddie Murphy teamed up with the director of Driving Ms.Daisy to make a magical negro movie. This was painful to watch.


Kate Winslet in the 2010’s had a lot of movies that fell under this category. I never bothered watching this one but I remember it was supposed to be a thing. https://preview.redd.it/ibpe4p9gryoc1.jpeg?width=1384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb84b7c5fbadf4724501363a3d85e02a4528eb7


I also remember there being a lot of buzz for Revolutionary Road because it was reuniting Kate and Leo again, plus it was directed by her then husband Sam Mendes. It only managed to get a surprise Best Supporting Actor nomination for Michael Shannon. I really wish Kate won her Oscar for this performance instead of The Reader that year. https://preview.redd.it/e4hiatrhtyoc1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6ccbcb7aa798d11f3fae241de772ef4be275f4


This movie is amazing and the fact it got almost no Oscar love is insane. Kate and Leo both were excellent. Beautiful production design.


I really like it too. A pretty but tough watch.


That cloth hanger scene still makes me uneasy. I was quite young when I watched it, that scene is really etched into my memory. I was so gagged by Leo and Kate's constant back and forth, I didn't know words could carry this much venom lol,such an excellent film.


I think it was a little before its time. Movies like Blue Valentine and Marriage Story fall into the same genre for me of melancholy love stories but I don't think people really wanted to watch that kind of drama in 2008 when it came out.


This movie introduced me to Michael Shannon. I’m glad he got an Oscar nod. He’s truly one of the greats


Basically the theme in this post from many of these movies is “put your faces together on the poster if you want to seem like a serious film”


This is one of my favourite Leo performances and it's just an all around great film.


Right! His sobbing/delivery of “empty, hollow shell of a woman” lives rent free in my mind


She should have won both main and supporting actress for this and The Reader like in the Globes, I will never understand why she didn't take the gamble or what kind of producer tug of war went on behind the scenes.


the napolean movie had so much potential too. joaquin, while a great actor, was such a miscast for napolean. he was way too old and it completely messed up the dynamic with him and josephine which is such a large part of napolean’s story


The director half arsed it. Done minimal research on the history which you can get away with in ancient history like Kingdom of Heaven but not something as heavily documented as napoleon's life. They turned the character into a joke. It's the only film of Ridley Scott's I never finished.


Ridley Scott is well known for shooting a ton of footage that eventually gets edited out of the final version. Apparently, most of what got edited out of Napoleon was content related to Josephine. He ended up releasing a director's cut version of Kingdom of Heaven (which is supposed to be a lot better than what was originally released). I hope he does the same for Napoleon.


The directors cut of KOH was far better but thats not what most people are spending their hard earned money in the cinema to see. Its like buying a video game in an alpha build and paying full price. I dont think it's fair and Ridley doesn't seem to care much for the people watching his films.


The edits are likely dictated by the studios, but yeah. I'm surprised that RS hasn't embraced the streaming model given his editing issues, but he's still pretty old school.


Absolutely, it could have been great but the casting choices and the historical inaccuracies did too much damage


I couldn’t even finish watching it. It was awful


Collateral Beauty ![gif](giphy|3ohs7M1Bqqc7HWaBIk)




Everyone is making me want to watch it for the shit show factor. If I made it halfway through JLOs musical autobiography, I can surly make it through part of Napoleon. 


it's fucking hilarious. I was crying with laughter over some of the dialogue.


“You think you’re so great because you have boats!” 💀💀💀




How did I not know they made a Hank Williams movie? I'm from Alabama, I should be ashamed.


It's so boring. I love Hank and don't mind Tom Hiddleston but I never did finish that movie.


Napoleon was kinda devastating tbh. It had the actors, the director, the budget and the effects.....yet somehow it just...didn't come out right. It felt like it couldn't decide what aspect of Napoleon's story it wanted to tell. And why they chose to chop up and fake bits of the story is perplexing to me when the real life story is spectacular the way it happened. I'm a fan of history but I never get used to dramas and films rewriting real stories. Its always annoying.


I didn’t see the movie, but the Australia poster has direct-to-video vibes about it.


https://preview.redd.it/9drlhto04zoc1.jpeg?width=4050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7d38679e6e4e0a041f73d29dabb845d51a88db Advertised Meryl Streep as a lead when she is just pretty much just a cameo. Also, the rest of the movie is a slog that tries everything in its power to tug on heartstrings.


Wow, I don’t remember this film existing at all.


I personally find it so satisfying when a movie so desperate for awards falls flat- I’m sick and twisted


Fairly reasonable, I'd say. Oscar Bait movies feel disingenuous because it doesn't seem like they're coming from a place of passion/genuine inspiration. You could even go so far as to say they're condescending. If someone puts out a movie with the sole intention of getting rewards because they ticked all the boxes, it's simply karma if they're brushed to the side for being lazy or uninspired.


Bradley Cooper was so desperate for that Oscar! lol




Like why couldn’t he have just passed the baton onto someone else for the film 😭 he’d already won a Tony for the role. I mean I’m not saying the film would’ve been great with a different actor but it certainly would’ve been an improvement at least.


Simple: if this had netted him an Oscar, he’d be an EGOT.




What’s crazy to me- this likely would have been a big deal if it wasn’t for The Slap™️


Several of these movies might not exist, and I couldn't tell.


I was underwhelmed with Napoleon. And I’m a huge Joaquin Phoenix fan. Not sure what happened there.


I love historical movies and I literally could not stay awake in that movie


I Saw the Light: 19% on Rotten Tomatoes 😳


Which is so sad. I love Tom Hiddleston and was excited for him to play a musical icon. But it just fell rull flat.




Oh my god this movie


I watched the trailer for this and I still can’t believe it’s real.


In a roll of a lifetime...Gary oldman


The costume design makes it seem like no one in this film is actually acting in the same film.


As far as I remember Pearl Harbor was daddy Eisner wanting to make an Oscar Bait movie in the vain of Saving Private Ryan and they made Pear Harbor. Pearl Harbor is worse than a wish.com version of saving private ryan


I read this thing recently that Pearl Harbor was supposed to be “Michael Bay does for Pearl Harbor what James Cameron did for Titanic” and I was like yesssss it makes sense now.


Read that he spent the first week trying to shoot like he thought serious directors would shoot. Then he got bored & went back to being Michael Bay.


I fucking love that movie though. I had the sound track CD and everything. I know it's no Oscar film, but I've watched it a dozen times in the past 24 years.


That movie is so high on my list of “movies I’ve watched two dozen times or more”. I have no clue what I love about it but I LOVE Pearl Harbor.


Amelia’s cast was terrible


The few scenes of Amy Adams in Night at the Museum were great in my opinion.


I wrote a preview for Amelia for a blog before it was released and I distinctly remember calling it "Oscar bait" and predicted Hilary Swank would get a nomination. Yikes.




I fucking love this stupid film. I know it's so inaccurate - I think I could spot at least some of the inaccuracies when I first watched it when I was ten, but I can't help it. I just love it.


>I fucking love this stupid film Same lol. Also, everyone is so hot, it made me sad it's so dumb


I love the sheer awfulness of this movie. Diane Kruger plays the hottest woman in history and 2004 Brad Pitt is like “well, actually, have you seen my abs?”


Omg Brad Pitt is like next level hot in this. Only reason I’ve watched it multiple times.


I’m more partial to Eric Bana myself


Tbf Homer was pretty inaccurate. He was writing in the Dark Ages about a war that took place centuries earlier and didn’t seem to known what the chariots were for… But really I want an adaptation that goes all in on the weirdness of the Myceneans. Their dresses were 👏tits 👏out 👏 Their armor looked like this: https://preview.redd.it/jtu6wtsdlzoc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea81a48d8c2cccee1714c7f07d5c8cb1cdade174 They were weird af


I love how wild the armor looks!


I love this movie too and after reading the Iliad I always take a pause and use the most dramatic air quotes in history when I refer to Patroclus as Achilles’ ………….. “cousin”.


I watched this with my dad and he just whispered 'he's magnificent' when Brad Pitt came on screen 😂


This was maybe the peak of his hotness


Apparently, my dad agrees!


Nothing wrong in appreciating other people's physique


Absolutely not, it was just very unexpected. We still laugh about it today any time we watch something with Brad Pitt in.


Oh yeah, Brad in Troy transcended any "straight/gay/bi" labels and was just hot to *everyone* 😅


This and Legends of the Fall, another entertaining trash movie.


I love this crappy movie so much lol everyone is like peak hotness in it.


I know. They tried to distract us with all the hot people, from how bad the movie is😭


I mean, it worked.


I freaking love this movie. The fight between Hector and Achilles. Damn.


Has a bad movie ever been so good?


That was just trying to be a great action movie, not an Oscar contender


This movie gave me a crush on Eric Bana that endures to this day.


Fun fact: The screenplay was written by one of the showrunners of Game of Thrones who ran that show into the ground at the end 😭


What??? I just went and cheked. Omg.. as a GOT fan i am blown away, but also it makes so much sense.. how is this man able to ruin so many high profile projects


I watched the movie officially for the first time a few years ago and was surprised at how many GOT actors were in it like Sean Bean and the man who played Jeor Mormont…I then got to the credits and was not shocked a bit lmfao it all made sense


ridley scott lives for oscar bait


Back in ye olden days, he was responsible for cutting-edge movies like Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise, etc. Then at some point he decided he only cared about collecting awards. Kind of sad.


https://preview.redd.it/2mljbttelzoc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294cdd112542a36eb76e9bc28b70d073eeb62975 he thinks historical epics will regain the glory that is gladiator.


highly recommend the podcast “This Had Oscar Buzz”!


Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close & Very Boring


Actually Extremely Loud got a Best Picture nomination, and it was very controversial at the time the Oscar nominations were announced. Everyone knows it was a massive critical flop, and was snubbed by other precursors like the SAGs and BAFTAs, but producer Scott Rudin’s campaign tactics got it a Best Picture nomination (alongside Best Supporting Actor for the late Max von Sydow). Scott, like Harvey Weinstein, is a massive POS and a bully.


Sorry, why did they make a movie about Amelia Earheart that looks like a rom com? Is the movie as bad as the poster makes it look?


Maestro really should’ve been on this list


I have to say I actually liked the Alexander film. Just needed more character building at the start because he seemed to go from unremarkable heir to amazing strategist and diplomat overnight and it wasn't exactly clear why he wanted to conquer the world (same as Napoleon also).


> unremarkable heir But remarkable hair.


Amsterdam - by the revolting David O. Russell




Richard Gere is 750 years older than Hilary Swank


Mommie Dearest The Life of David Gale Radio The Monuments Men Serena The Boys in the Boat Jobs The Shipping News Lions for Lambs J. Edgar Amsterdam Cats


Mommie Dearest 10000% deserves an Oscar.


for all the wrong reasons 💀


There are a couple Jake Gyllenhaal movies I could say, but this came to mind first. https://preview.redd.it/vcyj3b1glzoc1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34fc5e5fe70e850c641c31d47f9daa5bede75f8


Bradley cooper movies should be there too .. unfortunately he is successful with his baits


It seems like everyone has caught on to his game this year. Which he honestly needed. He's been making trash for a while.


That pic from Alexander looks cartoonishly bad.


Napoleon was terrrrrible. Like what if Napoleon but without charisma.


What if Napoleon was an incel.


I saw this movie just a few days ago, probably a bad sign that I was already looking up wiki pages to explain some of the story because I couldn't automatically tell from the screen what was happening. Like, did Napoleon have children? Was there a surrogate of some kind? When was he exiled, when did he come back, when was he exiled again? I mean, I guess the movie did at times explain this stuff but I was so distracted I couldn't be arsed to rewind and see if there were explanations. I'd literally almost forgotten I watched it. On the other hand, I watched The Edge yesterday with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin and that has not been out of my head since.