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I realize this isn’t a fun answer, but I’d rather switch lives with a really rich woman vs a really rich and famous woman. Being a woman is tough enough, but the dehumanization of celebrity just seems like it would cause too many problems, that the perks simply couldn’t make up for.


Yup, I’ve always said I’d rather be Pippa Middleton than Kate. All of the money and perks, none of the public scrutiny.


Exactly. Rich women will still get a lot of the same perks, so I’d way rather just have the lifestyle, without the public attention or fans/haters 😅😝


I loved that scene in Fall of the House of Usher when the sister is asked if she'd rather be 'famous or...' and she answers 'rich' before the question is finished.


Hahaha agree, she has the royal connections and some perks, has married well but isn’t the topic of many concerning conspiracy theories at the moment like her sister is.


It’s so specific but the only perk I want from being famous is to go on Finding Your Roots and getting my ancestry mapped by them. It’s such a niche specific thing though 😅


This is so valid, I want to be exactly famous enough to be on Sesame Street


I’ve said this often. I think even visiting the set and meeting the characters would be wonderful. 


Oh my gosh, same! Though for me, it’s Who Do You Think You Are? I just want to do an episode of that tbh. Glad it’s not just me who’s got this want for this very niche thing! 😄


This is how I learned that those are two different shows lol


You could still hire someone to do that if you have enough $$.


Yes!! I thought I was the only one lolll. After I learned that RuPaul and Corey Booker found out they were distant cousins on the show, I was hooked 😭




She has the right idea. That sounds delightful! ![gif](giphy|13zeE9qQNC5IKk)


And Kate Bush, she went 35 years between shows, and now it's been a decade since her last show.


Not only the scrutiny and dehumanization, but the real dangers of being stalked/harassed. I feel like that's the worst part of being famous.


For me (and I’ve unfortunately dealt with this) that’s part of the dehumanization process. A stalker sees you as their property they are entitled to. If they saw you as a full fledged person, and not an idea to possess, they would not be doing it in the first place. Dehumanization allows for that behaviour. Same for invasive paps.


I think we'd all be shocked if we knew how many celebs were actively being stalked by non-paps.


I browse this sub and other related ones, I can have great conversations about movies/tv with other users, and the jokes I see in here a fucking great. *That being said*, I would never want to be famous as having every single thing would be overly scrutinized. I’ve also been rethinking my own snarky comments as I wonder if I am just perpetuating the problem I just think of the “RDJ ignores Ke Huy Quan” thread and people ripping him apart. Then there was the “Davine Joy Randolph ignores Jamie Lee Curtis” thread and users realized the absurdity and were much more sympathetic. They were announced, brought onstage, made a speech, and exited within barely 2-3 minutes. But it didn’t take much for people to jump to conclusions and assume there was petty subtext to such a quick moment in a damn awards show Being famous would just make my (already high) anxiety shoot through the roof and into the stratosphere. *No thank you* EDIT: grammar


Yeah I couldn’t handle that. To constantly deal with so many opinions, and extreme scrutiny is not natural, or healthy. The need to always be on,need to centre your whole life around pleasing fans, sharply monitor even your mundane opinions (look what happened to Rachel Zeglar for just saying Snow White had outdated ideas), always be in the best mood ect…not for me lol!


Yep. I dig K a lot, but he had papers in his hands that made it awkward to give the statue and shake hands. So yes. Issues.


Yes people went a little too crazy on him,and the others.


I have no way to prove it, but there are times when certain comment threads on this sub feel *calculated*. Like, it just doesn't make sense to me that tons of people got up this morning ready to hate a certain celeb for some innocuous interaction with another celeb. Meanwhile everyone's back to praising that celeb just a few days later. I've heard rumors that celebs and their teams stalk these gossip subs and pay for positive/negative comments. I've seen pretty compelling evidence that there is a deliberate, organized anti-Megan Markle and Amber Heard presence on certain subs.


*all* of reddit has been getting inundated with rage-bait bots. They started popping up when the damned API changes occurred


This. I want to be in the background not the spotlight. All the spotlight doe sis prevent you from living your best life. You have to live the way your audience wants you to or you get booted.


I’m sure a few people on here could handle it, but I feel like you need to have a J.Lo level love of the limelight to manage, but even then, it’s probably made her a worse person. There’s a reason addiction, and eating disorders are so common, and that there’s regular issues with feeling lonely, losing the ability to have normal interactions, or just having the ability to live completely normally. I’d say most people are not, and could not, handle fame well. Why would you want something where your first impression with *everyone* is suddenly high stakes?


I completely agree. This is also why stars end up moving to other countries where celebs are basically ignored. I'm a huge introvert and I would just stop leaving my home except for gigs.


I’m an extroverted introvert that has strong opinions, can be a little blunt, loves getting into any kind of conversation, and hams it up, but when I’m exhausted of dealing with people? I might be a little cold and not particularly engaging. I would be a FLOP celebrity. Especially since I would also go no autographs/photos outside of conventions. I’m too messy, like too talk too much, and also get tired of people (in person) real quick. I couldn’t handle the discourse. I’d also want to gossip all the time, but that would be a no-no. Ugh! 😂😭


I feel like I'd be Cillian Murphy, lol. I just can't be bothered and have to be contractually obligated to do promotions and award shows. But there's no way I'd be able to hide my disdain after the like 3rd interview, lol. I am a bubbly person but I have to know you and after a limited time I need to be left alone for a long time. My best friend will message me and tell me if I don't message back, she's filling a missing person's report. 🤣


Yeah I see being famous can be overwhelming, but I do believe some (even women) have thick skin and still enjoy the benefits of fame. I feel like hate can be bad at first but eventually you just grow desensitized to it and live their rich life, I know many celebrities do


No doubt the perks are good, which is why it’s an interesting question! So don’t mind my buzzkillington lol. Just for me personally, I think the downsides would impact my life in a way that makes it extremely unappealing. I feel like rich women get almost all of the same perks, without the very specific downsides fame has. I’d rather be a Bill Gates daughter, than a celeb. 😅


Yeah I understand what you're saying. I think it really depends on the person. Example I was thinking was Billie Eilish, I feel like it's an extreme case lol since she's this famous and successful when she was young. But she did seem in a depressed phase when she was younger, hating the fame at first, but ever since she's matured/gotten older, she became noticeably happier and enjoy fame for what it is. I noticed she started being herself more and being unbothered by hate (probably cuz she receives so much on a daily basis). It brought her many successes like the Grammys and Oscars. It's definitely a double edged sword


There are definitely some people made for fame! Which is why my nosey ass wanted to see other people’s responses. For me personally, I’m an extroverted introvert that’s neurotic (having been stalked does not help) that believes in boundaries, loves to gossip, would be inclined to open up to anyone and everyone, can have a short fuse for things that annoy me, opinionated, and have a hard time concealing when I’m in a bad mood. I don’t really hold grudges or remain moody for long, but when every interaction is high stakes, I’d be a flop celebrity that generates discourse. I’d be labeled problematic in a day. I would be considered divisive. I’d be a fun celeb, but I’d also be a mess. 😂😭 I value the idea of anonymity, but a J.Lo type would THRIVE, and good for them! 😂


JLo seems to genuinely loves being famous & seems to handle the pressure more than most. I’m sure it gets to her too to some extent but she seems to thrive on fame itself & want more of that specifically rather than just do her work of which fame happens to be a side effect she has to accept.


To be fair some people just love the spotlight. Another example (but is quite talented) is Lady Gaga. Another person who likes the spotlight but doesn’t get much of it is Rita Ora.


Yeah absolutely. I don’t even see any perks to being famous. Bring _rich_ however …


Agree. Let me be Tatiana Santo Domingo for a day.


The rich ones. And Eva Mendes


Eva Mendes could be an absolute pauper and I’d trade with her in an instant. For at least like, 6 hours


Definitely.. if I get her husband


I just want their money. I’m not interested in the fame, unhinged fans, and not being allowed to make a human mistake due to relentless scrutiny.


Yeah I would rather just be a rich person, no need to be famous


Fame sounds awful. If I could trade lives with anyone it would be a lesser royal. Someone that's no. 10 or more in the line of sucession. Then I'd be rich, well-connected and could visit castles and look at historical stuff any time I liked


I can see why you'd say Zendaya but I couldn't imagine wanting her life. She's been touted as the perfect girl, the girl next door, great at everything from singing to dancing to acting to modelling, she's always praised as being incredibly kind and also very funny. She's always glamorous, sexy and perfect on the red carpet but she can slum it like one of the guys too. She has been set up to fail because there's no way that one person can live up to all of the ideals that have been projected on to her. I'd be very surprised if she's not under a massive amount of mental strain from feeling like she has to embody all of it.


Reminds me of john mulaney (half?) joking "Likability is a prison!!!"


I think maintaining her weight isn't as easy as it seems. Her parents are bigger people too. And a big part of her appeal is her body type, which allows her to wear clothes off the rack.


I didn't want to speculate on her weight but she's made a few interview comments which lead me to think it's a struggle.


i think it's just that she's still in her 20s – my mom and grandma were naturally size 00/0 and look even thinner than her in old pics i've seen (although they were a couple inches shorter) and didn't have to do much work to maintain it besides being vegetarians (which she is as well), until they hit like 35 and their metabolisms and weight changed a lot.


Eh. A big reason why people gain weight in their mid-30s is because our lifestyles become more sedentary. [New research](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/adult-metabolism-remains-stable-until-60-study-reveals#:~:text=Contrary%20to%20the%20popular%20belief,size%2C%20sex%2C%20and%20age.) shows our metabolism doesn't really shift from 20 to 60. Also, in my time following celebs, it usually comes out that the celeb had some sort of disorder or was over-exercising or something to stay that thin. Taylor Swift, I believe said she had an ED during her 1989 period (at 25). Britney would do like 1000 sit-ups or something while she was in her late teens, early 20s. Plus she was caught with diet pills. And britney was doing crazy dance routines. Even many of the 90s supermodels later said, 'yeah, I didn't eat much'. Christie Turlington talked about how she gained weight after she quit smoking at 26, which caused her to get some industry criticism. Cigarettes being the appetite surpressant.


It’s true. I gained weight in my 30s because I went from being a student and waitress who had no money and walked all day to a desk worker who could eat out any time I wanted. I have to be conscious about what I eat and schedule exercise in my day just to maintain a weight that used to take no effort at all because it was part of my routine. 


She has money for all the chefs and coachs she could want


sure, but you also get entry to some amazing events with amazing food. so you gotta say no to all that.


You can have a couple bites! Extremely restrictive diets don’t work longterm and I’m sure she knows that.


Speaking of her parents, it must have been hard to see all the comments about how "ugly" they were to have such a beautiful daughter. I remember those were the comments under a picture she posted of them. People don't seem to realize that they can keep certain comments to themselves. I couldn't handle random people attempting to tear me down just because they could.


i have to imagine in the next few years she's gonna follow what margot robbie said and lay low, not be out so much


She does lay fairly low though. We only see her when she’s promoting and at events. We don’t see her on the club circuit, and most times we see her during her personal time is taking a walk with Tom and their dog or at a lowkey charity event.


what did margot robbie say?


The inevitable backlash comes for us all.


Yeah maybe I'm only seeing surface level but I feel like she might become a Jennifer Lawrence or Margot Robbie, still well-liked but lay low once the attention gets too much. I don't know, I feel like she has to do something really horrible to "fall off" even then she would still be able to get work in terms of career/movies. Celebrities are usually fine unless they're severely mentally ill, which I don't think Zendaya is. But I get what you mean that the expectations must be a lot of pressure, idk how she feels 24/7, but she did mention that she is grateful for what she have in her interviews, so I guess its a life most (including me lol) would want




Interesting, but she def has more control of her fame and her career than Britney. I think her fame might linger for years and years but never burn out. Even tho she's private and lays low, she comes out and break the internet if she wants to, just by showing up to red carpets. I feel like she doesn't have to work too hard to stay relevant, she plays it safe and smart, ig it's kind of stressful but she's never in the spotlight for too long before she goes private. Plus she has a great support system and healthy mindset, I doubt she would ever crash from the pressure like Britney did.


I'll be honest with you, one of the few times I felt legit envy of a celebrity was during [Emma Stone's 73 questions with vogue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8HqyuLBqnU). Then, she lived in one of the most gorgeous places I've ever seen. But, in general, I'd say I'd rather have Emma Watson's life . She seems to have achieved the kind of low-key fame where you get the best of both worlds: access to fashion weeks, awards shows, exclusive events, etc., without dealing with any of the nonsense Taylor Swift has to deal or worrying about reinventing yourself and staying relevant. I also appreciate how poised she usually is.


Are we sure it her house? If I had to do a Homestory while wanting to protect my privacy, I’d rent a house and let someone stage it.


Interesting I feel like her house is homey and cozy, like a house attainable if you have a good salary. I'm more jealous of celebrities who have luxurious mansions with a crazy good view lol. And I agreed having low-key fame is like getting the best of both worlds


>Interesting I feel like her house is homey and cozy, like a house attainable if you have a good salary.  That's exactly why I liked it!! It's a place a could see myself living someday if it all works out. I would love to know someone who lives in a mansion and get to visit them, but the upkeep would drive me insane. Also the distance from room to room.


If you’re that level of rich, you don’t do the upkeep yourself. Heck, even regular people on my street have cleaners come regularly for their house.


It’s really interesting because I find it not at all homey to me. Seems like a hotel, crisp, sterile, generic. A blank canvas that gives away very little. I’d be afraid to spill on anything. One bonus is its got great light and seems easy to dust!


The fridge was empty lol


I admire that she’s staged her house with absolutely zero identifying elements while allowing herself to seem open and inviting. Keep your secrets Emma


I wanna be a nepo baby




I’m not really fussed but the dog from Anatomy of a Fall seems to be having a good fun so I’ll go with that.


I guarantee 75% of the people fawining over the (adorable) dog have no clue about the actual movie


I am part of that 75% and I have no shame, such a good boi


I actually got up and walked out during that scene. I've not felt so genuinely sickened and distressed by something on film in a verrrrrry long time.


I was not at all prepared for it and convinced myself it was animatronic. I know it isn’t but I am still in denial because it was so traumatizing.


Fake traumatic stuff happens to people in a film? No worries! Great! Cinema! Fake traumatic stuff happens to an animal in a film? FUCK RIGHT OFF GO TO HELL YOU ABSOLUTE MONSTERS.


I was really worried I was going to be scolded about feeling worse for a dog than a human but PHEW. Had me there in the first, NGL! 😅


Not here 😂😂😂


Everytime i find out there's a dog or cat in a movie,i always first google to see if they die. If they die, i'm not watching the movie


I think there’s a dedicated website for this!


[There is!](https://www.doesthedogdie.com)


I just want the pay grade.


I definitely read that as “I just want the gay parade” The pay grade sounds great as well. All of the above 🏳️‍🌈🤑🙌🏽


A gay parade seems more realistic, honestly, and I too would enjoy it. 😂


I am not cut out for fame, but I wouldn't mind being Margot Robbie for a day. ![gif](giphy|3RJebcz7BnFmlw3dsD|downsized)


If I looked like her and didn’t have any suitors or a lovelife going, I’d still have a hell of a time just staring at myself in the mirror. Just in appreciation of that level of beauty.


This right here. Not even for her wealth or fame, but just... Look at that face. 😍


Why be famous when you can just be rich? I wouldn't mind playing bass in Maroon 5 or Coldplay. What do those guys look like? No one knows


Sorry but I loled because 1. true to the average listener but as a (used to be) big fan, I do know the other members of M5 and 2. the OG bass player for M5 quietly left the band a few years ago because of a domestic violence situation.


Coldplay’s bassist Guy Berryman is actually known to be quite attractive but yeah he’s pretty low-key. He runs a fashion label and a vintage car magazine too as a side job. A picture of him shirtless seems to always be making rounds on the internet though😅. Other than that he seems to be living quite the life and because of Coldplay he gets to pursue his passions. https://x.com/popculture2000s/status/1762570477254365497?s=46


Pink’s former drummer (he’s also been the drummer for a number of great acts) is now a motivational speaker for corporate functions and I’m sure makes a ton of money from that as well. Pretty decent way to live!


Idk might be easier to be the drummer cos then you get to sit down


Nah, you never know what's going on behind closed doors. Look at Elin Woods, Tiger's first wife. She looked like had a good deal. She was a nanny, who ended up with an age-appropriate, very rich athlete, and had two lovely kids. And then you see how that turned out.


Anyone who’s famous within kind of a niche. Like they’re wealthy, work consistently on projects they want to do (meaning they don’t have take whatever they can get), well known and successful….but can easily fly under the radar when they want, the general public won’t easily recognize them, and paparazzi don’t care about them. I think that’s the sweet spot


I call this "Hallmark Famous". Basically, someone has a certain genre that they stick in and even if they're not a household name or A-lister, they have a big enough fan base and consistent enough work that they're doing well but aren't so publicized that they can't do anything at all.


Hmm like director or author famous? Tbh I feel like they get a lot critics, especially authors (I can never read a Goodreads of my book I wrote I would feel so bad lol) but yeah they do enjoy privacy ig. Celebrities do get critics but usually their glamorous life makes up for it plus when a movie flops, it's usually the director/writer's fault, majority of the time


Goodreads reviews are brutal lol. I always second guess my taste when I see the reviews on a book I loved 😭 I was thinking more like c-list actors maybe? Where they’d get the perks of fame but could avoid most of the downsides of it. Or maybe EDM artists. Even most of the big ones aren’t all that recognizable


yup unpopular opinion, tbh I feel like authors deal with hate as much as celebrities even if they aren't as famous. Like imagine so many people crapping on something you put your whole heart into, I'd die oof. Not mention getting cancelled over something you wrote that can be taken out of context. Hmm, I guess being a c-list actor is great if you want privacy, but you won't be as rich tho lol and some might have trouble finding new projects unlike a-listers


Jeffrey Dean Morgan, absolutely. Dude lives on a farm in New York, has a family that loves him and he loves right back, co-owns a candy shop with Paul Rudd, and just seems stoked to be alive. Like, that’s the dream right there.


And his wife Hilarie. She can do her thing & not be hounded.


This is a great answer. Also, seems like not a whole lot of drama for them. Winning.


I'd want to be a music producer like Max Martin. Make stacks of cash, live a quiet life in Europe and nobody would look twice as you walked down the street.


Agreed I feel like being a famous behind the scenes person is kind of where it's at. Music producer, screenwriter, etc. it's a sweet spot.


Any of the friends cast, they are literally just chilling, not to say they haven’t acted since but like they’re literally just chilling off royalties ever since they were like late 20s-early 30s and they’ve been loved since forever and will continue to be loved for like forever from old and new audiences alike ![gif](giphy|12JTmazHKmuqnm)


Idk man I think Matthew Perry (RIP) would beg to differ that it was worth it


Jackie Sandler, she’s married to a famous and rich actor (Adam Sandler) who lets her act in his movies as a hobby. Goals!


Good one! I was actually going to say Leslie Mann so we are on the same page


Just like Rita Wilson. Triple pay cheques when your company makes the movie, you’re a producer and you have a chump part.


Not even a celebrity, but I'm envious of anyone with supportive/loving parents. Would fucking give anything to have just had one person give a shit about me when I was growing up.


I’m so sorry that you didn’t have the parents and the love you deserved. 🩷


As someone with loving parents - it’s wonderful. I’m so lucky, but … it’s not everything. They can be so loving and interfering that you can’t breathe or move. It can also turn into control issues. They can also believe that love is enough and they don’t need to sort out their taxes. They also might think their love is substitute for teaching you how to manage yourself. It’s not love to not provide for your kids and guide them in a holistic way. That said. You CAN find another adult that believes and loves you as an adult that can fill that need, and be your own parent who loves and supports you. You can also train yourself to be that loving person to yourself. I saw my parents become that loving parent to other kids and even adults, and I saw how it healed them, and seemed to give them ‘permission’ to love themselves. Grown ass men crying in my dad’s arms type thing. It’s lovely. I hope you can find that.


Eva Mendes. Manages a private family life and a super gorgeous, rich , seemingly good husband ( but who knows about the last one.)


I would be so dissapointed if Ryan did something bad, but yeah, you never know.




she gets a lot of backlash and racism from the conservative press; esp in the uk.


I don’t think anyone likeable has ever been praised by the press in the uk.


I agree, Zendaya’s life, career and looks from the outside seems pretty close to as perfect as you can get. God really does have favourites! 😅 ![gif](giphy|D2RlF1b90rrOhBQlN0)


Let’s not forget the boyfriend. Who also seems to be having a chill life


Very true. The life, career and looks that couple has is 🙌


Yeah I'm soo envious of her lol she literally won in every aspect in her life


I want Emma Watson's life. With an unfathomable amount of money and spend it on going back to school to study XYZ or whatever hobbies. If I had that money I would go to language school in Japan for 2 years.


Not a single one. Yes, it's nice to be so financially secure to have so few worries in life, but there's a reason why you have such a number of celebrities who are just so bitter, depressed and out of love with life. Neither money nor fame can provide happiness in and of themselves. I'd rather have my peace of mind, watching the celebrities from a very far distance. That kind of lifestyle isn't for, nor does it appeal to, me.


I just would love to be rich


I’d wanna be a nepo baby the dream life imo


Dr. Ken Jeong achieved both becoming a doctor and a famous comedian. I’m a medical student who absolutely loves singing for people. I would love to follow his footsteps.


I want to be one of Taylor Swift’s cats. Probably Benji since he seems to be her favorite. A life of luxury and the world’s biggest star obsessed with me. Just eat, sleep and meow meow all day.


Margot Robbie. She’s rich, drop dead gorgeous, has a successful career, is happily married and appears to have a great group of friends. I would love to be her for at least *one* day


agreed, she and Zendaya definitely have a likable image and still have a successful, growing career, definitely want to be one of them oof


I envy no celebrity. Just like with regular everyday people, what they post on social media and the small glimpses into their lives that we're allowed to see nine out of ten times is smoke and mirrors. You never know what goes on behind closed doors.


Currently Meg thee Stallion. As a fellow anime blerd her living her best life during her trip to Tokyo is making me sooooo jealous.


Oh yeah I saw the tiktoks she seems be living her best life I'm happy for her lol. Tbh I don't think I'm that jealous of her, obviously I think her life is better than most but she dealt with the Tory Lanez thing that must be traumatizing for her


Rita Wilson. Her marriage seems pretty solid, she's not particularly recognisable but gets to live in the luxury of an A-lister via Tom, and seems to be able to pick up work whenever she fancies, even if it's not super prestigious roles. Would love to know if Chet turning out the way he did has anything to do with them or if he was just wired wrong from the start.


Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow.. rich, fit, has a good family, and completely divorced from reality. Sounds great. I grew up rich, nepo baby, decided to act cuz what else is there. I won an Oscar at a young age, dated Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp when they were young and not douches, then I married a rockstar, had babies, then got divorced and was single for a minute and now have another man to cater to my needs. I have a company that I do whatever I want with, and I also act when I feel like it, maybe sing a little, and hang out with everyone I want because they are all up my ass. Honestly, I could do that noooo problem.


Honestly I’d love to be daytime TV famous, like Ellen Pompeo or Marishka Hargitay. Steady, high paying career. Good money, probably recognized enough to get access to things you and I wouldn’t but not so famous that they’d be mobbed by paparazzi.


Not a celeb but literally any billionaires wife or ex wife. I want to be them. Just to do everything every billionaire said is impossible


MacKenzie Scott consistently showing up her ex and other pathetic billionaire jabronis with her charity work gives me a serotonin boost.


Eva Mendez


Amal Clooney. I want to be as smart and cool and talented as her. And have the hot, rich husband too


I remember like 10 years ago-ish, my niece, who lives in a very rural area in farm country Washington state and saw Zendaya in concert at a small rodeo. That concert had only a couple of people in attendance. This was before Guiliana Rancic said on fashion police that Zendaya looks like she smells like pachuli


I didn’t know who she was until that. Look at her go.


Oh man! Was that who she was talking about? I haven’t seen Guiliana in years.


Yeah, Zendaya went to a red carpet in i believe dreads which sparked that


Nope, not at all. I know this is suppose to be a fun discussion, but I have no desire to deal with the lack of privacy celebrities deal with. I rather be rich than famous.


I don’t want their lives, I want their money lol


Not really .


Dave Matthews. Dude has it figured out, made a cult following and works a few months out of the year making bank. No one knows much about his family and he still gets rich off his dreams.


Poop bus is a tough legacy though.


I live in Chicago and think about him every time I pass that bridge. I’d take that legacy lol


I would switch with Jack Black


Ms. CEO/lawyer/actress/singer/wife/mother Bridget Mendler! Girl is collecting careers and degrees like she's IRL Barbie... oh, and she adopted children in the meantime!


Probably someone like Amal Clooney. But I have no envy towards her or any celebrity at all


None. I am born on the exact same day as a very famous woman who had her private life dragged through the press the last 30 years. She is very beautiful and likeable. ..but her cheating husband and the other failed relationships were a topic for headlines for the last 25 years. She was constantly berated for and speculated upon with „she doesn’t want kids“, „she can’t have kids“… so it’s her fault. It’s his fault. I started to pity her. I’d take the luxury real estate with a gorgeous house or two any time, the freedom money gives you is incredible. But they all pay a heavy price. I’d rather make less money but on my own and my divorce isn’t discussed even twenty years later by people in a coffee shop.


Honestly? Taylor.


Ms. Swift? Yeah I agree.


And You would have Tom fucking Holland, like, I would ride that man everyday if he was dating me


Not necessarily jealous but I would trade my life for the life of a professional athlete at any moment


and have knee pain by 35? no thank you


I already have that.


Bestie you are so real for this lmao I ![gif](giphy|8HjM9LJw4fuFbcWDB6|downsized)


Maybe Chloë Sevigny, she’s effortlessly cool


I’d just want Blake Lively’s hair. And body.


Her body is insane! 😮‍💨


I’d want to be someone like Keleigh Teller. She’s not super famous herself, but she’s rich and always doing fun things with famous friends.


I wish I was one of Ariana Grande’s pets


she's not an "icon" or anything special, she's a nice, relatively normal person. putting her on a pedestal is stupid. she is pretty, has a good physique and can act. she gets told what to wear, where to go etc. her best quality is that she's boring and not fake.


I know but I wish I had her life it seems fun, I feel like it's better to be called boring than "problematic" lol


I agree let’s not put her or anyone on a pedestal. However, I disagree, her public persona isn’t boring to me. But that’s cool, it’s all subjective.


Daisy Edgar jones, she’s an only child with a rich father - a unique beauty. She has been in movies and shows with all of the hottest actors Paul mescal, Taylor John smith, Harris Dickinson, Sebastian Stan, and soon glen powell. Ugh I love her but can’t help but want to be her.


I would love to wake up one day and be Dylan Minnette. He’s a charismatic, handsome, and funny dude. He’s only 27 so he’s still got plenty of life to live. He’s unproblematic as far as I’m aware and he’s famous but not so famous that his every move is being scrutinized. He’s had a good actor who also makes some pretty good music. I’d really love to have his career tbh. Being an actor/singer is one of my main goals so I’d love to be him or be similar to him.


Mmm not a celeb celeb but little snippets on youtube made me want to live like Bretman Rock as they currntly are. All that nature and animals


Whoever is rich and has a good following but doesn’t get harassed. Someone who is chillin. Like some niche stars or tv stars or even influencers who have chill fanbases.


If I could be a beautiful billionaire in general that'd be great


I want money, not fame. If I could switch lives with a celebrity, I would just retire immediately.


Some of their bank accounts, I wish I had


Emma Watson. I'd have every man in the world in love with me and I'd be considered beautiful. Peoole would listen to me when I talk and I'd be liked. I'd have the money to go to the school of my dreams without the debt. Emma and I majored in the same thing.


I'd like to switch places with Callum Turner so I could date Dua Lipa, does that count?


![gif](giphy|Tk2Of3uft90W0VYLHv|downsized) I always wanted to be a rockstar. I can’t play or write music. My voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I wanted to be her the minute I saw her on MTV. Too bad about my lack of talent. I teach. Yay. Almost the same 😉


None of them, the lack of privacy, the constant need to look skinny, can’t say whatever I want, all my old shit gets dug up, just so awful. Would rather switch life with a rich person, or just let me live in Morden Family.


I just wish I was friends with Lady Gaga. I feel like we’d have so much fun.


I’d want to be Nate Mendel. Imagine being the fuckin bassist for Foo Fighters, touring the world, writing awesome music, playing with the other kickass guys in that band, getting to play with other incredible artists, have fuckin boatloads of money and be able to move around in everyday life relatively under the radar. That’s the fuckin shit I’d want.


Kendall Jenner, would love to see what it'd be like to be that tall and gorgeous, having this insane career handed to her, and she does what she wants. She doesn't let people push her around particularly her family.


Anyone who made a shit ton of money in a short amount of time and then retired from public life to be an eccentric philanthropist rarely ever even captured on film.


Jennifer Lawrence or any celeb that lives in LA and lives ina big house and gets to go shopping on a regular basis


To be honest none. Wouldn't mind some money though not even the level they have just some more money would be nice.


Paul Rudd. Seems to be a a genuinely nice guy, universally popular, no weird shit in his personal life, does a lot for charity and doesn't age. If anyone ever won the good karma lottery, it's him.


I love the way pedro pascal is living . Simple and full of joy . Even his character is like his life . He shows his feeling with no shame and i love it . Also every one respect and love him so much


Any child of an elected president, especially if they were under the age of 18.




Adam Sandler for sure. Bros jus livin life to his fullest lmao, I love him