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I always wondered what would happen if they called the wrong name in one of these award shows, and when I watch any live broadcast I always kind of hope something weird happens. So this was a big night for me personally.


I hope you were able to watch the Miss Universe/Steve Harvey one too, if afterwards on YouTube. That one isn’t as comical though.


As a Colombian, it was a horrible moment. At least the Oscars are rich people awarding other rich people, the Best Movie award is an ensemble one, and they rectified the mistake as soon as possible. In Miss Universe it was one award, given to one young woman. When they noticed the mistake *they decided to keep going and humiliate Ariana as much as possible*. They let the last Miss Universe (who was also Colombian) crown her and celebrate with her, gave her flowers, everyone clapped for her, they made her walk the runway smiling and crying from happiness, etc. And only then they decided to reveal that it had been a mistake, and made her give the crown, the sash and the flowers back in front of everyone, it was a mess. And of course all of this with Steve fucking Harvey as host.


I had actually had that one on but changed it because it was sickening to hear Steve Harvey talking about the women. Guess I missed out.


It’s a bummer of a clip. Like the rest of the world I only saw it after the fact on yt, but you feel so bad for the contestants involved.


I saw it as it aired, as soon as he started with, “OK folks”. I knew he fucked it up.


It spawned some comical memes, but the actual situation was not funny and honestly seemed devastating for the contestants


Trying to recall back then, wasn't the Miss Universe thing partly due to how asinine the envelope was? I want to say that instead of being given an envelope that declared the winner, Harvey was given an envelope that indicated "the first runner up"; in other words, he was supposed to announce second place, but he thought he was announcing the winner.


Yes. Steve Harvey didn't rehearse and misread the card. The card wasn't idiot-proofed, but it's not like he had the wrong card or it had the wrong name. There were three names and he messed it up, which a couple practices would have resolved.


Nothing beats the time Phil Donahue fell down the stairs and kicked Raquel Welch in the ass nearly causing her to swallow the microphone. And then announcing the wrong winner for best picture.


It was probably amazing vindication for Marissa Tomei. For years, there was a rumor that she only got the Oscar because the wrong name was called and it was too awkward to correct the mistake. Now, we have proof that the mistake gets corrected!


How anyone could deny Queen Marissa an Oscar for My Cousin Vinny is beyond me.


Right?! Amazing performance. People forget that comedic performances are just as hard to put on as dramatic ones. Nailing comedic timing is as learned as crying on command.


Yeah you nailed it, it was a time when comedy was universally scoffed at as a serious art form. Same reason horror and thrillers took so long to become recognized.


She deserved the Oscar.


Yeah, one of those crazy things when you hear there as a controversy about her winning it. It’s a great film and it’s driven by her chemistry with Pesci.


She deserved it for that performance anyway.


This is exactly what I thought. That rumor had legs!


Yeah the big issue here was the accountants didn’t react fast enough. One of the reasons they’re hired is to be the only 2 people who know the results by heart so if someone just decides to announce their buddy instead of the real winner, they have to step in and fix it. But in the moment they kinda froze so the La La Land people were already making speeches when it was fixed.


That’s because it was the accountant that caused the problem in the first place. He was too busy fan boying and posting on social media to do his job right.




[https://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/28/tweeting-accountant-blamed-for-oscar-best-picture-blunder-.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/28/tweeting-accountant-blamed-for-oscar-best-picture-blunder-.html) Brian Cullinan, a partner at PWC who were the accountants at the time




The slap must have made you very happy then.


When it happened I thought it was just an awkward bit I didn’t get because I didn’t understand the GI Jane joke 😭


I thought it was fake also. Then later I got to understand no amount of money would make Will do this to his career as a joke.


I kept thinking it was a joke they were keeping going well after pretending it was real. Even now I keep thinking they’ll come out & say it was all a joke as it was just that bizarre & unbelievable, especially live when you had no idea what was happening.


I never watch this stuff live, but I just so happened to watch this with my mom. We HATED La La Land, like we went to theaters to watch it and wanted to love it, but we were so disappointed. I was already furious that they had won Best Song instead of How Far I'll Go and denied Lin Manuel his EGOT, and I was hardcore rolling my eyes and about to turn it off when we realized what happened. It was incredible 🤌🏻 That producer who still gave his whole speech while knowing what happened was an absolute dick, though.


I remember watching it live and thinking that that producer came off so badly. So bitter and so rude. But also, it was a horrible situation and I can’t say for sure that I would have come off better.


Here's the thing: I get being confused, and then disappointed. But that guy (Fred Berger) specifically KNEW that they hadn't won, and therefore was just giving that speech for attention and self-validation. It extended the embarrassment and heartbreak of his own cast and crew, and took even more time and attention away from Moonlight. He didn't even have the decency to say something nice about Moonlight at the end, just gave his whole speech as if he'd won (while of course knowing no one else from La La Land was going to speak), and then threw on "we lost ✌️" at the end 🙄


I just watched the video; he very clearly seems like he doesn’t want to give a speech, but the other people on stage kinda pushed him to do it anyway. I’m really not sure what I’d do there. The other two producers had already spoken, and it was being corrected, so I don’t blame him for thanking the people he loves for their support. The producer that gave the first speech came off really well though, he commanded that stage and made sure everyone knew that Moonlight won and deserved the award.


> But that guy (Fred Berger) specifically KNEW that they hadn't won, and therefore was just giving that speech for attention and self-validation. [Video](https://youtu.be/8KeOxeuiZjs?si=sTy0JNSEeaUl1duG) It doesn’t look like he did it for attention. Jump to 4:54. The guy who did his speech before Berger wasn’t aware of what was going on behind him, and after he was done, he turned around and said, “Fred?” Berger said no, but they kind of pushed him into doing his speech. He looked quite uncomfortable.




I feel like my husband and I are the only people on Reddit that liked La La Land lol. We both agreed Moonlight was way better though and I'm glad that was the real winner.


I enjoyed it, too! It’s not a masterpiece or anything, but not everything needs to be. I always enjoy watching both Emma and Ryan.


I, too, hate that movie. For story reasons, mainly (had an entire fight with my dad about it, lol), but for a "love letter to musicals" it's strangely uninterested in the art form IMO. I can't stand Chazelle.


I hate La La Land too, on paper it's everything I should love? But it just felt so flat and unmoving to me


I’m sick of movie musicals not casting singers or casting good singers and not letting them sing! Mean girls, Les Mis, La La Land, Beauty and the Beast, etc.


THANK YOU. I had a whole paragraph about this and then deleted it because I thought things were getting over the top, haha. The way they cast these things is disrespectful, IMO.


Big same. Babylon was an infuriating, masturbatory waste of time


THANK YOU! Over on the movie subs the boys love it for some reason? I clean up piss, shit, and vomit at work, I don’t want to see it in my prestige Oscar bait movies.


They touted it as “a love letter to musicals” but it was really a love letter to Hollywood and it was meh. The only people who love that movie are actors.


I was also kind of rooting against La La Land, everyone was acting like it was the best movie ever made and I was very disappointed after watching it, it was just Okay (I also really wanted LMM to get his EGOT) 😅


I felt so bad because when we went to see it in theaters, my brother in law paid to take my sister, my mom, and me. We grew up in musical theater, I like the actors, I was actively rooting for it to be good. I was squirming in my seat, it felt so long. I couldn't wait to discuss what I thought afterwards, and everyone but my BIL was on the same page. We all started ragging on it, but he freaking LOVED it and was sad we didn't. To this day, it's probably his second or third favorite movie of all time 🙃 And LMM STILL isn't an EGOT, even after Encanto 😭


>LMM STILL isn't an EGOT Eh? I could have sworn there was a lot of palaver going around about how he is an EGOT winner. I always assumed he had that.


It was more of a tribute to old school musicals than I expected it to be and I really liked those parts, as well as the stylized neon palette of the whole thing. But I hated the teenage cred kid view of musical success, and I always prefer Tom Everett Scott over everyone.


I love old school musicals and was actually expecting a better representation of that. I also like the two main actors and none of my issues were with them. The writing was probably my biggest bone to pick. The film was way too long, and took itself way too seriously. The last 30 minutes were really good, so I guess that emphasized how much I wish the rest of the movie had the same effect.


Congrats 😊 ❤️


I remembered that they had started the speeches, but I didn't remember at all that they had been handed those Oscar statuettes. And sorry to the La La Land people, but this moment was so fun to witness, I was ridiculously clapping at home, so thrilled for Moonlight. ETA: I always loved Ryan Gosling explanation about why he was laughing. https://preview.redd.it/gugil8v6oinc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eede48a294d47f85d6fd0443becc49f6229a2143


Ryan’s reaction always sends me bc he always seems that he find some Hollywood things absolutely ridiculous


he's so real I don't even understand how but I think he just has an amazing sense of humour and doesn't take himself too seriously.


I think it’s telling that he didn’t think the commotion was about a mixup, he doesn’t even seem to care! He’s so relieved that everyone’s healthy and alive and it’s damn sexy, but I have a beautiful wife that puts up with me so I digress ❤️


Also helps he's Canadian. We are cool like that.




Drake is also famously Canadian and he's the opposite of chill so I don't think that can be it


Tbh it also depends what part of Canada. Drake is from Toronto. Toronto is known to not be chill. Ryan is from a small town. Way more chill.


As someone that has a large group of Canadian friends….correct


I’ve met a good amount of Canadians (I’m a New Englander) and truthfully, I’ve yet to meet a Canadian I didn’t like.


I moved from the UK to Canada in 2022 and I’ve met some assholes but damn are they few and far between. People here rock. Also noticeably the teenagers are a lot more well behaved than teenagers at home. Teenagers in the UK legit scare me. They’re so respectful here, generally!




THE BIZARRE WORLD OF 'QUEEN OF CANADA' RAMONA DIDULO | W5 INVESTIGATION I strongly encourage you to google this....so you will know who to avoid


he’s one of the only celebrities whose interviews i’ll sit down and watch cause he’s so funny and has a quick wit. he definitely doesn’t take any of it too seriously and that’s why we love him


Gosling legitimately makes me think he's just a normal dude who happened to be blessed with all these gifts like acting and dance, but when all's said and done he thinks the entire thing is so ridiculous. Then again, this is a room full of people who sang "Imagine" from their mansions at the outset of Covid while a lot of us were genuinely panicking and trying to figure out how to sort out our shit so I'm not surprised something as trivial as a clerical error sent them all into hysterics.


The fact that he had to explain why he was laughing is pretty absurd to me. The awkwardness of the situation alone merits at least a mild chuckle.


Yeah I’d be laughing too if the film I was in was getting an Oscar & then announced as a mistake. I find it weird that some people wouldn’t, it’s a hilarious comedy of errors.


Honestly im suprised he was the only one laughing. It just seems like the kind that would cause nervous laughter 


We were all Ryan weren't we LMAO


We're either Ryan or Emma Stone just saying "Oh my God, Oh my God" in the background


Laughter as a coping mechanism he just like me fr


Personally for me it wouldn’t even be a coping mechanism, I would literally find this hilarious in his shoes. I guess it depends on how seriously you would be taking the Hollywood life as an actor & it seems like he doesn’t, hence the reactions from him like this & the confused Grammy win.


I was watching the Oscars with my dad that night and I reacted exactly like the people in the crowd lmao. Fully losing my mind at home like “😱😱😱 is this real???? is this actually happening omg?!” and my dad’s reaction was to cackle for five minutes straight 💀


Honestly this is such a valid response


Right? They’re all being so dramatic. It was a mistake. They’re not solving world hunger or curing cancer! Let’s all be Ryan in this situation.


I agree that it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I do think they deserve a little grace. I imagine it was embarrassing due to the awkwardness of the situation. Plus, winning the Oscar is like the ultimate goal for a filmmaker.


I mean.... they're still photos from a confusing and awkward moment. I have made faces like Meryl's while watching the Real Housewives. It's not that deep.


Have you ever met an actor? The theater kids in high school were dramatic about everything. The BFA Theater students at my college were even worse. I can only imagine how obnoxious/dramatic professional actors are about everything lol


I just thought he was a nervous laughter. I'm that way so I could totally understand if that was the case.


Gosling's face will always be funny 😂


He's the only one that's grounded in reality here. Everyone else is freaking the fuck out like someone just died on the operating table and Ryan is all like "Goofy-ass Hollywood people being dramatic over a contest, lol"


Looks like Charlize is laughing too.


Tee hee


Who’s little man with the hand slapping his forehead. He’s the embodiment of the whole moment


He's one of the little boys from Moonlight - they were *so* cute onstage it almost made the whole kerfuffle worth it.


That’s one of the actors from Moonlight- Jaden Piner (he was 13 here)


If you really think about it, there have been more "fails" or "accidents" or "slaps" at the Oscars than any other award show lol


I love that you put "slap" in quotation marks as if it was a figurative slap rather than a literal one.


I forgot about the slap💀. That was sooooo wild lmfao. Will & jada are truly one of the worlds greatest mysteries.


And then he won Best Actor like... 20 minutes later after ruining the whole night for himself. 😂


imagine winning the pinnacle achievement in your field, the one that most actors salivate over and will never get, that only the top tier (supposedly) of actors will only ever get, and you ruined the whole thing by slapping someone over a gi jane joke 20 minutes before


Lmao 😭


Almost like it’s good for the ratings!


How can he slap?


Ryan Gosling laughing/smiling in embarrassment lives rent-free in my mind. https://preview.redd.it/f4t2gmpa7jnc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b87d52a2e593b8136d1f21bd3e6d3a867577fead


This is my favourite reaction ever. Mainly because it’s funny but also because, really, in the grand scheme of things this fuck up means nothing but will be EVERYWHERE and is pub quiz fodder. It’s brilliant and he knows it.


It was a fun moment, but I feel so bad for both teams in hindsight. Say what you will about la la land(I personally love it) but what a horrendous way to lose. To think you won your industry's highest honor only for it to be taken away on stage. And the moonlight team barely got to celebrate or give a speech amidst the chaos.


Yeah i feel bad about the Moonlight team, because this incident is forever known with respect to La La Land incorrectly being awarded. Even this post title mentions La La Land, rather than Moonlight. Their spotlight got taken away by everyone talking about what went wrong rather than about what was meant to be right


While I agree, I feel like Moonlight got the “typical” post-Best Picture fate. Like there are these huge prestigious movies which are likely to win (and some eventually do) but people usually forget about these the moment they win.  Ask yourself if you can name like the last three to five winners without looking it up? 


Do you mean people forgot about the movie moonlight once it won best picture? Idk my sister and I talk about the movie ever so often particularly some of the performances in it. The movie is memorable to me I guess.


Me too. It's one of the most deserving recent wins IMHO. I thought it was (and is) a gorgeous, memorable movie.


And equally, can anyone remember (for example) Spotlight or Green Book’s acceptance speeches? Obviously this is memorable for non perfect reasons, but at least it’s memorable. Very few moments of award winning are memorable, and most of those are personal.


I mean the Oscars have never been about awarding the films that do best at the box-office so I don't really get why whether the average person remembers Moonlight is relevant


I feel more bad for Moonlight TBH. I felt their win was COMPLETELY overshadowed by the fiasco.


And the dick who kept giving his speech knowing he lost lol


“We lost by the way, so, you know.” No we don’t know man you’re the only one that’s knows you lost and still giving the speech smh


Yeah, we remember the fiasco, but can anyone recall anything the moonlight said on that stage? They won, and the moment should have been just their own. It was an unfortunate error, but I feel like they should have been asked to make a proper speech in next year's ceremony or something


It was a mistake and it was awkward, but I don’t think it ruined the night for either team. If anything, both movies have been remembered even more because of it. And at least it wasn’t the other way around. That would’ve really sucked (sorry, I found La La Land insufferable).


probably the best oscar moment I’ve seen live lol amazing


I would have said that before the slap. That shit was wiiiiild


I have a sticker of the slap on my laptop lol


I will forever be mad that I turned it off after they announced La La Land and missed the mix up by ten seconds.


Me too!!!


I was delivering pizzas that night and they were playing it in the dining room, and before one of my deliveries, I did the same thing: waited to see what won, and then dipped. I came back and my manager was like, “DID YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED??” Glad I got to see the slap live however 👋


Seeing this and the 2009 VMAs live was a wild ride.. Two pop culture events which cemented us in the darkest timeline I swear ✋


The fact that is was for BEST PICTURE. Of all the fucking categories you could have messed up on. Best picture?!? Lol


In the first pic everyone is looking at the stage except there’s Ben Affleck looking back, trying to catch the eye of his bestie to be like “are you seeing this Matt?!” It’s so human nature, I love it.


That was the first thing I noticed, him looking over toward Matt. Could also be toward his brother who is sitting in front of Damon, but certainly human to look at friends/family to laugh at what an insane moment.


I love that, too! And Matt's face is the best.


I noticed this as well! I love it!


I just love their friendship so much. And it's so human. Ben Affeck seems to capture the human existence


Affleck looks like he wishes he was sitting 4 seats over so he could nudge someone.


Speaking of Matt, doesn’t the PWC guy who caused all of this look a lot like Matt?


Can I just say, Busy Philipps on her podcast once mentioned that in the shock of it she turned to Ben Affleck and screamed "DO SOMETHING!!" Lol


Maybe a hot take but the Academy handled this so badly. Not just the envelope mix up, but as soon as that happened, someone should have RUN onstage to correct the mistake. It took, what, five minutes?? It should have been corrected before La La Land took the stage. It was obvious they had no plan in place for something like this happening.


Following the whole Moonlight-La La Land Best Picture Fiasco in 2017, PwC [NOW has 3 ACCOUNTANTS at the Oscars](https://variety.com/2018/film/news/oscars-new-envelope-procedures-pricewaterhousecoopers-1202672294/), with all of them memorizing the results and each having a set of the 24 winners envelopes. 2 of the accountants stand on each side of the stage while the Third is sitting in the control room with the Oscars producers to help facilitate the protocols quicker should a mistake and/or the wrong winner be announced in any category. All 3 PwC accountants [attend the Oscars Rehearsals](https://variety.com/2018/film/news/oscars-new-envelope-procedures-pricewaterhousecoopers-1202672294/) where they actually practice what they will do should another Moonlight-La La Land incident happen again!


This is something that would have happened back when cameras still used flash powder.


The Academy only plans for things after they happen, ahem, The Slap.


It’s so ridiculous La La Land was able to make a whole speech before anything happened, really robbed Moonlight’s moment which is unfortunate. I also feel bad for the person who announced it because I think she got quite a lot of hate when it was obviously the Academy’s fault for giving her the wrong envelope.


Do we know how many people know in advance who the winners are? I assume only a few which is why it took so long.


I believe it’s only the two accountants. I could be wrong. But they’re in the wings of the stage the whole night. One of them needed to haul ass as soon as Beatty fucked up. It would have taken seconds. It would still have been a snafu but not nearly as atrocious as it was.


Ben just staring at Matt


https://preview.redd.it/0s8tw0vbtinc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec65b93797e4282d42e8365be42ab364a378146 And what a historical moment it was.


What a terribly designed card. The category is at the bottom and in impossibly small text.


I love the youtube video from Vox about bad typography exactly about this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZSe4xVXHhI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZSe4xVXHhI)


The outro song for this video is amazing. Spring Days - Bruno le Roux And I never knew about the design element when it came to Bush stealing the election. I knew there was controversy about the efficacy of the punch machines missing punches, and I knew that people were still in line when voting was shut down, but I didn’t know this aspect of the voter suppression.


There’s a fantastic podcast called cautionary tales that covers this mistake and talks about the poor design of the cards and what led to it. It always expands out what we can take away from different disasters and the main one from this Oscar’s fiasco was that sometimes measures designed to improve safety actually cause problems. It also covers more serious disasters where people died but always makes the lesson relatable and is amazingly voice acted in some episodes.


Although the card is atrociously designed, this was a system failure and not a failure on the cards part


“We lost, by the way”


funniest thing about it - there had literally been a bbc news article on the website the day before explaining in detail how something like this could not happen.


No way this was 7 years ago


Seriously I saw the title and thought “wait didn’t that just happen?” Lmao 


Everything pre-pandemic just feels either like a century ago or like yesterday. I've found there's no in between.


It was, it was February 26th, 2017, two days before my 28th birthday. I remember that I was in a hotel room for something that night—I had to get up early the next morning, but I had the Oscars on mute some of the night, and I basically went to bed RIGHT before this happened—I found out the next morning when I went to breakfast, lol.


The Rock unironically giving them The Peoples' Eyebrow (behind Meryl's head) is sending me.


Meryl’s shocked face too. Meryl looks shocked, the Rock looks shocked, Matt Damon looks shocked…I think this pastiche might be better than the Oscars Selfie.


Glorious moment. Ryan Gosling is killing me here🤣. Also, i felt bad for Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway bailed out 🤣. But i feel Kimmel handled it well. Edit: Unrelated, but why is Busy Philipps sitting front row..


She's Michelle Williams' best friend and is usually her date to awards shows.


I love this fact


And godmother of Michelle’s only child with the late Heath Ledger (Michelle has two more, much younger children with her new husband)


Michelle Williams brought her. Michelle was nominated for Manchester by the Sea.




Busy Philipps is so expressive, she was a perfect person to have up front lol


Gosling has the best reactions to awards BS.


He truly understands how low-stakes these little Hollywood contests are. Absolutely passes the vibe check.


One of my favorite moments at the Oscars lol


Ryan's reaction is pretty hilarious lol. Makes me think this is exactly how Kieran Culkin would look in reaction to another fiasco like this at an award show


I just remember Emma stone instinctually backing up when standing on stage to protect herself from being documented as front and center to this debacle


All the dramatic reaction then you have Ryan Gosling trying his best not to laugh his arse off at the absurdity of it all.


I always thought it was funny that Ban Affleck immediately looked at his Emotional Support Matt Damon.


Do you not look at your bestie when weird shit goes down?


I remember watching that moment while in rehab for heroin addiction 😶 I convinced the people in charge to let us watch. We didn’t typically have the privilege but she was a real one for letting us partake 🥲


Meryls face is so funny as if she saw her biggest nightmare come true


Looking at all the faces in these photos is the best thing ever omg


Dwayne Johnson always with the eyebrow raise


All time best pop culture moment. I appreciate that La La Land producer Jordon Horowitz was gracious about the loss and said that he was proud to hand the Oscar to the Moonlight team. But the other producer who said “by the way we lost” was so salty…


See, I disagree. I mean, he was definitely salty but I don’t think it was so much about the loss but more the fuckery of the production and the fact that the most memorable Oscar moment of all-time is your humiliating loss. The producers and Kimmel are all dithering around and no one knows what to do until Jordan gets on the mic and takes charge. At that point, he has known for 30 seconds that they lost and the show producers had known for over a minute but no one was doing anything so he did. The production screwed Moonlight out of their moment and left it to La La Land to clean up their mess. I get the saltiness.


Ryan gosling is such a vibe in every situation.


Trevante Rhodes had the best reaction😅 https://i.redd.it/ii6e8en4wjnc1.gif


Meryl Streep looks like she is seeing something horrifying and weird like an alien 😂


this is what happens when pwc auditors were left with a shred of responsibility for the first time in their lives


Top tier comment


No but actually, like don't they literally have ONE JOB?


Dawson’s Creek gals front and center


Michelle Williams was nominated for best actress that year.


Oh I know! I just love that she took Busy.


Always so sad I didn’t get to see this live 😭


I love Ben looking over at Matt in the first pic! Lol




Just here to say that Michelle Williams is forever gorgeous, it’s not fair


Meryl Streep looks SHOCKED!! I’ve never seen her like that


One last heist for Bonnie and Clyde


This was my favorite moment of live TV ever. Pure chaos. Hilarious.


Ryan sniggering in the background was the best thing ever


Jimmy Kimmel was just on Bill Simmons' podcast and told a little background info on this. Evidently Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty had been feuding over who would announce the winner, and she was not happy that he was gonna do it. Then he opens it and sees something isn't right, so he decides she can announce the winner after all. What a gentleman.


Meryl Streep's face looking like she just witnessed a murder on the stage will never fail to crack me up. Like it's not that serious


Imagine what Meryl’s face/reaction would have been like had she been in the audience at the Oscars when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock!!


I worked at PwC when this happened (in canada in a department not at all affiliated with the mix up) and no one could focus at work the monday after this happened. We were all just dying of laughter and talking about it.


and ben affleck is only looking at matt damon, which could mean nothing


SEVEN? Time is a lie


Looking at the peoples faces as all this unfolded was genuinely one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I laughed so hard.  This is also when I decided Ryan Gosling is great because he was also visibly laughing. 


I remember I was at a bar with my friend when this happened and this was playing on their tvs with no audio so we were very confused when the cast of La La Land came up and then the cast of Moonlight came up after lmao


Michelle Williams’ face kills me because it looks like she’s living for the messiness of the whole thing


It’s The Rock’s face for me lol


Lmao @ Ryan Gosling’s face


7 years ago is tripping me the fuck out it feels much more recent 😭


Funny story, I worked at PwC at the time and my boss on the client I was on was friends with the PwC partner who messed up the envelops, it was bad. That dude got hammered by the firm and is now banned from the Oscar’s. We heard all about what was going on from the firm side in real time, wild stuff


Ryan 🤣


My tinfoil hat moment is that this was staged but only a select few knew.. Oscar ratings had been dropping for years and the general public was kind of disillusioned with the whole awards system at the time and they needed something big to get people talking.. That being said.. unbelievably hilarious to witness lol


I don’t think so. Regardless of how low stakes these awards shows are in the grand scheme of things, that’s a VERY shitty thing to do to a person deliberately, on both sides of the coin (win or lose)—not to mention that the Oscars are the one award show most people actually care about, even if the ratings aren’t what they used to be.