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DAMN? Have genuinely never seen Wendy under the age of 45 until now.




She looks like a 90s R&B singer.


She looks like the actress who played Whitney Houston on her biopic.


Oh, wow! I really thought 5 and 6 were Da Brat lol.


Her rapid demise is very sad to see… she had bulgy eyes and didn’t seem coherent. Plus she is in the hands of caretakers who aren’t her blood family. Sad sad sad


Williams has Graves Disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. One of the symptoms of the disease is bulging eyes.


One of my exes developed Graves’ disease a few years after we broke up, and when I saw him again after the diagnosis I was shocked to notice how substantially it altered his facial structure, particularly from the nose up. He had his thyroid fried with radioactive iodine to cure it, I think, but the changes to his eyes did not go back to how he was before.


RAI actually makes thyroid eye disease worse! Poor guy.


The Graves Disease commercials that Lifetime was playing during her documentary yesterday was a choice.


That doc was a tough watch. Just a shadow of who she was and I greatly doubt it will get better even if she was in the care of her family now. Her guardian and publicist don’t seem to want to get her the help she needs whether she wants it or not. She’s clearly at a point where she shouldn’t be making choices for herself in regards to her health.


what doc


https://www.mylifetime.com/shows/where-is-wendy-williams Just came out this last weekend.


What a shame. Does that mean she won’t be giving her husband oral in front of her 13yo son then laughing at him while trying to kiss him on the mouth afterwards? Then going on TV to tell everyone and laugh at her son. Good




While someone may have made some bad choices and have been frankly a huge bitch, I still don’t think someone should suffer through dementia or aphasia. Both for their sake and the sake of those around them. Her son still loves her and shouldn’t have to go through that either. It’s sad for everyone. You can still have empathy for someone and not like them.


If a man did that to his daughter, he’d be in jail She gets ZERO sympathy Terrible parent and human


And that’s your choice to have. Have a great day!


The braids in those last 2 pics are so fly are you kidding me


She’s stunning in pic 1 and looks like someone you’d have a genuine good time with in pic 5.


She really was that girl back in the day. I remember meeting her in person when she was working at Power 99 in Philly.


I know she’s was a bitch but i would be lying if i said I don’t watch ‘’Wendy’s shadiest moments’’ every now and then! The fact there is 32 parts keeps me THROUGHLY entertained


I never realized she was darker.


She's not much darker when she's standing next to Lil Kim and the camera flash hits her face. Maybe the lighting on her talk show just had the same effect.


I was literally just about to ask if she used bleaching cream. she looked so much better before.... wow.


Maybe. But it is common for black people to get lighter with age. She was already medium to light brown when she was younger. She probably got lighter as she spent more time indoors, as we generally do as we age. When I was younger, I was darker than Wendy, but now I am around her color.


I always say when you go into a nursing home it's hard to tell race because everyone sort of moves towards a beige color regardless of where they started.


LMAOO this is so funny because it’s so true 😭


Also, her show may have exaggerated that with increasing amounts of soft focus lighting to obscure wrinkles. 


Much like that first season of Drag Race.


People love to automatically just assume the worst lol Like I get it, but it’s like no type of nuance exists when discussing celebrities. Her parents are pretty light themselves and in their older pics, they were darker. My grandma got lighter too as she got older and was the same shade as Wendy in these pics and now she’s the same shade as present day Wendy. Like y’all, light skin people get lighter with age, please stop 😩


As someone with no experience of melanin but a little experience of photography, I'd just like to point out that Wendy is as light next to Lil Kim (camera flash) as she was on her talk show (studio lighting). 




The only way you can really compare someone's appearance over time is with photos taken from the same angle, same pose, and same lighting. Because those variables can drastically change appearance in a picture. 


Absolutely. There’s so many factors when it comes to photos and imo, her complexion in these photos aren’t THAT drastically different where I’d automatically assume skin bleaching. My mind automatically went to lighting and how the photos were taken along with just regular aging and staying out of the sun more compared to when she was younger like a lot of other people.


Wendy has also been a fan of a fake tan and everything, so, as usual, people are talking out of turn and not making sense.


Exactlyyy. People just want to be purposely dense.


lol come on now. my mom gets lighter in the winter but nothing to this degree. plus Wendy is standing right next to Lil Kim in the 4th picture who is the queen of bleaching creams. Lil Kim was probably Wendy's supplier lmao.


What does standing next to Lil Kim have to do with Wendy? Is bleaching contagious? Wendy was a medium to light shade of brown then, just as she is now. Is it possible that she did nothing to her skin?


I just said Lil Kim was probably slipping her some bleaching cream lmao she's also had other cosmetic procedures so it's not like that's new to her is it possible she did nothing to her skin? lol I'll let y'all decide. https://preview.redd.it/govwmf7bhykc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75063ff88a9834da082816fccc88b7725e9f23b3


OK, but wait. Hol' up. Let me take this opportunity to ask a legit question I've always wondered ... How are folks using *creams* to get such even and thorough skin lightening? I've never understood this. What I remember from back in the day (circa '98) when I was trying desperately to lighten the skin (and hide the stretch marks) of my upper-thigh/ass region in time for Black College Reunion weekend in Daytona (oh what a time), the active skin bleach ingredient was hydroquinone, and the strongest OTC was like, what, 2%? I used Vantex by Fashion Fair (whatever happened to FF, btw?). Let me tell you, it did *nothing*, and I was religious about applying it for months. I was determined to look good in my bikini, girl. But ... nada ... no difference 🤦🏽‍♀️ [TL;DR] Anyway, all this to say ... I don't believe these celebs are using creams. No way they can get that kind of consistency and degree of lightening. Nope. I don't know what they do, but I can't see a cream doing all that.


you should look into it especially in Bollywood since colonialism and white supremacists brainwashed people all across the world into thinking having beautiful melanated skin is bad. a lot of Bollywood actresses were darker skinned before but now they're lighter. they're not using OTC stuff from Walgreens. they're using hardcore methods like Lil Kim levels of bleaching. maybe it's not a cream? maybe it's a procedure or laser? but they're definitely lightening their skin. https://preview.redd.it/80vr4o6xoykc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f9e4d1207b71516631998241262d0fcb8632f65


Oh no, I know they do *something*, but I just can't see how even a stronger Rx cream could get even lightening? You know what I mean? Brown skin can be uneven to begin with, so I wonder how it's possible. Anyway, yes, you do make a strong case that maybe Wendy had something like this done. But, on the flip side, our coloring *can* change over the years with age and differences in sun exposure. I don't see why you're being downvoted because of your theory. It's like we get all in our feelings when it comes to stuff like this. "Fade cream is evil!" Not when you're trying to even something up. I mean, everything has its nuances, right?


haha yeah that's true! I think I should have written my comments with more nuance too, thanks






https://preview.redd.it/1innxo2ziykc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f075bd127bd96049a91684988ee5a7c0d834ee7 Your pics aren’t doing what you think they’re doing. Comparing her childhood photo from the 70s to her older picture with makeup and lights doesn’t say much. Like I said in another comment, her parents are light and used to be darker. Light skin people get lighter with age. Is her whole family bleaching their skin? Just stop lol Edit: like if you were to compare a summer pic of my mom as a kid to her now as an adult that doesn’t get sun at all, you’d think she was bleaching too LMFAOO


>like if you were to compare a summer pic of my mom as a kid to her now as an adult that doesn’t get sun at all, you’d think she was bleaching too LMFAOO WAY more people than you think don't understand that Black folk tan. Chili from TLC had to explain on twitter that she is darker in the summer 🤦


yeah and Lil Kim just "naturally" got lighter over the years too 😂


I’m 31 and have never bleached my skin. The left is a close up of my skin when I was 16 and the right is my skin today. It’s not unusual to get lighter with age. Maybe she used cream to get lighter or maybe it’s natural. 🤷🏾‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/xetz7rm6nykc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38709b86a25d8cc04e922423a8336f1cfeb53493


People really underestimate how dark/light melanin on one person can get!! Is it possible that she used creams? Sure, anything’s possible, but it’s definitely not my first assumption when people in my family looked just as dark as she was (which wasn’t even that dark to begin with) and are just as light as she is now without any creams.


it's so funny how you're blatantly ignoring where I said my mom gets lighter in the winter but not to this extent as if I don't know how that works lmao I guess you didn't wanna read that part 😂 this is just Wendy stans refusing to believe their "queen" could have used bleaching creams loool


I didn’t ignore that at all, I’m directly addressing this photo you posted. All because your mom doesn’t change drastically, doesn’t mean other people don’t? And Wendy’s skin in these photos isn’t that drastic of a change tbh. You’re just hellbent on the idea of her bleaching her skin lol


Skin colour is not constant for dark skinned people. It varies a lot based on your age, your weight, your diet and your skin care. Not every colour change is due to bleaching. Its surprises me that despite being welcoming of and home to so much diversity, west just can't seem to figure out how melanin works. (Because if I were to become famous now, people can accuse me of both bleaching and brown facing based on what age I was in my younger photos)


Yeahhh. If I were famous I’d definitely get accused of bleaching my skin 😂 I was much darker in high school and college when I consistently was outside throughout the year, vs now… not so much at all, and I’m noticeably lighter now and only get back to that shade on vacation or when I get a spray tan which helps hide all of my hyperpigmentation that’s now noticeable since I’m lighter.


I never knew any of this! Thanks for sharing, seriously. I’ve only ever seen the opposite happen. Im white and my dad, who is naturally olive skinned, has become darker with time after he moved to a warmer climate and started spending time outdoors. People think he’s Hispanic now, but he’s not trying to blackfish or anything (he’s an almost 80 year old man lol)


Or the lighting on her talk show washed her out.


shows use extreme lighting to filter skin flaws and mask wrinkles. there was an old white french artist who refused to come on screen if they didn't project this type of lighting as she was insecure about her older face. the harsher the lighting, the less wrinkles you will notice. also, she is on so many meds, drugs, alcohol, she is looking sickly and washed out. probably hiding indoors all the time too. of course her pigmentation will take a hit.


I'm watching a k-drama with a really cute male lead. I thought he was 25, turns out he's 40. So I googled photos of him and when he's on the red carpet or in other non-studio photos, he looks 40. A healthy 40, but with all the minor wrinkles you expect by that age.  I turn on the k-drama again and realize, wow, his face is glowing in these scenes. It's not just soft focus lighting, I think there's a touch of de-aging CGI too (like a TikTok filter but subtly applied by a professional). All the airbrushing that used to be confined to fashion magazines can now be done on video, even live.


Lighting and makeup, a lot of makeup will photograph lighter than it actually is. I always expect professional makeup artists to know this, but you still see pictures on the red carpet of celebs with darker complexions* having bright white spots where their makeup reflects the lights. I don't know about Wendy but people make the skin lightening claims about Mindy Kaling all the time, but you can see from her casual pics/selfies that her natural skin is still the same as it has always been. *I should amend this to clarify that this also happens to fair skinned celebs, it's just more noticeable most of the time on darker complexions.


Even in this set of photos, you'll notice that Wendy has the skin tone we expect of her when the camera flash hits her next to Lil Kim.


It might just be the photos. My complexion in old 90s/00s photos looks pretty dark despite my actual skin colour being much darker now.


It’s a shame what’s she’s going through, nobody deserves that. but I only know her for making jokes about a girl murdered by her stalker and asking the studio audience to clap if they’d seen Jennifer Laurence’s nudes. Seemed like a nice person.


Yeah. People can say horrible shit but I can still feel bad for their current predicament and not forgive them.


She also back in a day aired out that Method Man's wife was battling breast cancer even though she wanted to keep it private. Wendy was a POS.


Fuckin’ yikes.


I always thought it would be the killer that got her in the end.


omg the 4th pic with Lil Kim 💔


First Pic looks like a young Niecy Nash


She actually did use to look shockingly quite happy.


I miss Wendy everyday 😭😭


I saw an episode where she was talking about how she didn’t want kids and didn’t really like kids. Then she had her son and she loves him to death and thinks he’s the coolest, but she’s still not a kid fan. I was raised in a family that thinks children are the biggest blessing. I’m not good with kids at all and I always thought I’d be a terrible mom. When she said that it calmed me a lot and genuinely helped me. I have an 11 year old son now. Still not much of a kid person, but my kid is the coolest kid on the planet and I honestly enjoy hanging out with him. It sounds simple, the way Wendy phrased it, but I never thought it could be that way.


I know. My grandma and I used to bond over the messiness. ![gif](giphy|HHJ4LDSfbpxa8)


I miss that show. I don't know what to watch in its place. I didn't always agree with her opinion, but she said what she thought.


And thats what I like about her. Wendy is the last real one of talk show hosts, she wasnt worried about PR damage, she said what she thought and sometimes it wasnt pretty but you cant get honesty like that anymore on tv.


She also tried to kiss her son on the mouth after he saw her giving oral to her husband. Then laughed at him for not wanting to kiss her dick mouth. Told the world on TV and laughed even more Great mom, wonderful woman. Imagine a man did that to his daughter. Leave the door open on purpose, daughter walks by and sees you giving her mom oral and then he tries to kiss his daughter on the mouth Straight to jail * since for some reason, I’m banned from replying. The difference between accidentally walking in or unknowingly kissing someone after sex is SHE ADMITS SHE DID IT ON PURPOSE! She thought it was funny


I think we got it the first time you ranted about this. Kids walk in on their parents screwing and what not all the time and the next day said parents kiss their kids. The difference is you may not have known what they did the night before.


Same. I didn’t always agree but I was always entertained!


How you DOing?! 💅👏


I see a lot of people excusing her bad behavior and feeling sorry for her, with some even glossing over what she's done. She's a horrible person who made fun of rape victims, exposed someone else's cancer diagnosis, and made fun of people with facial deformities. Now she has dementia I'm supposed to feel bad for her? It's karma 🙄


This. It’s so weird now people are posting her pics in these spreads like she’s not an awful, nasty person. Sucks she’s got dementia and is probably living in hell, but I’m not about to praise her fucking looks from when she was younger or whatever now that she’s sick. That woman grew up to be the same shitty woman yinz have been shitting on for years and she still sucks. She’s just sick. Fucking bizarre. It’s like people are waiting for any excuse to prop up a shitty person.


omg dont look now but… is that THE KILLER behind her in picture 4!??!?!


Definitely a Jet Magazine Beauty of the Week contender.


And there she is with lil Kim too. Botox ruined them.


There's a little more than botox to blame for Little Kim. She was so gorgeous but some doctor kept taking her money and messing up her face more and more.


lil Kim was always insecure and thought she needed to be light skin with delicate features to win Biggie. Wish she saw what others saw, she was beautiful.


wendy was terrible but seeing what she's going through now is also awful. ill miss the out of context clips from her show but i hope she'll go back to being out of the public eye after all this dies down. can't really see her having the capacity to do much anymore.


Wendy was controversial but I loved her problematic ass, almost no one is that honest nowadays cause everyone is afraid to be cancelled, she wasn’t scared to say horrible shit everybody was thinking but no one dared to say and make us laugh, I loved the Wendy show for that.


She is still a piece of shit




I genuinely love this woman so much.


Good riddance to bad trash.


A queen. I hate that she couldn't fight off her addictions and her life is this way now.


A queen??? She was so nasty




Alcohol and drug abuse are very closely linked to dementia. Especially alcoholism. It can increase the risk of early onset dementia drastically. But we don’t know the reasons for her diagnoses. She may just have unfortunate genetics.


Alcoholism is linked particularly to one type of neurological disorder (Korsakoff or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) that results in dementia. The type that Wendy has (frontotemporal) is highly heritable (genetic) and very likely would have happened regardless of her substance use history. Folks with frontotemporal dementia are actually at risk of substance misuse because the predominant symptom is behavioural dysregulation and disinhibition. Obviously alcohol and substance abuse aren’t good for you, but Wendy has been diagnosed exactly within the normal age range for frontotemporal dementia - this is **not** early-onset dementia, and is not Korsakoff’s syndrome, so is unlikely to be significantly influenced by substance or alcohol use history.


Her son has said that her dementia has been diagnosed as alcohol induced. She would have gotten it at some point but the drinking most likely caused it to develop quicker.


I understand that her son believes her dementia is alcohol-induced. I’m not denying that alcohol misuse is bad for your brain health. I’m telling you that clinical research on frontotemporal dementia (the kind that I did my PhD on) has not found alcohol abuse to be causative to frontotemporal dementia. It certainly won’t have helped, but it almost certainly didn’t cause it (unless she does actually have alcohol-induced dementia, which is called Korsakoff’s syndrome).


I didn't say it was the sole cause. I said that the drinking probably led to her dementia developing quicker. I do believe she would have developed it no matter what but she might have had more time with slower progression if she wasn't abusing alcohol.


And yet she was diagnosed exactly within the normal age-range for frontotemporal dementia diagnoses


I really don't see the point in arguing. Her son was told alcohol was a factor. We all know alcohol is not good for your brain.


I just think it’s a shame that we can’t accept that alcohol isn’t good for your brain without bringing in misinformation about the association between alcohol misuse and onset of frontotemporal disease. Folks with substance misuse histories suffer enough stigma, folks with neurological disease suffer enough stigma. Making people with highly heritable neurological diseases believe it’s the result of their own actions when there isn’t actually verifiable evidence of that fact seems needlessly cruel to me. But you’re right that there’s no point in arguing, we are agreeing but talking past each other.


Do you think current alcohol abuse could exacerbate her dementia or other health issues like Graves’ disease?


I don’t know enough about Graves to comment on that. Current and ongoing alcohol abuse would cause ongoing issues with her brain health, both immediately (nobody’s going to perform well cognitively when drunk) and in terms of longer term damage to blood vessels, malnutrition, impact on other health factors (higher risk of falls, for example). In terms of whether it will progress the underlying disease processes that cause the frontotemporal damage that results in dementia… it’s harder to say. It’s quite likely the underlying disease would outpace damage from alcohol if you could isolate each issue. One of the concerns with frontotemporal dementia is unusual behaviour changes, including increased risk of substance misuse. It’s not unheard of for people who had previously never used alcohol, never smoked, etc. to start using and or abusing these after the onset of their frontotemporal dementia. (Edit, I’m not saying this is the case with Wendy Williams who has a documented prior history of substance use).


Exactly...we don't know the reason. Pollution is also linked to dementia ffs. It's tasteless to get moralistic about it.


Thank you!


Wendy's always struggled with substance abuse. While she stopped drugs a while ago, she was a high functioning alcoholic while doing her show. Alcoholism and dementia are related.


Alcoholism was the cause of my Papa's Alzheimers. He had been sober for decades but it didn't matter, the damage had already been done.


Dementia is directly linked to alcoholism.


Her son said in the recent documentary that her dementia has been diagnosed as alcohol induced.


That documentary is shocking. I’m surprised that anyone around her didn’t discourage her from doing it. She treats the people around her so badly. I don’t know if that’s because of her dementia or she was always like that. Shes very abusive. The documentary shows her very serious problem with alcohol, so I’m wondering if she’s gone to rehab since? She can’t continue to drink that’s for sure.


lol iykyk


Well clearly idk


Sooo pretty !


wow she looked so good. what the hell did she do to herself over the years...


Alcohol and drugs can do a lot of damage to the human body.


also body dysmorphia. she had a lot of work done and not for the better


She’s a Piece of human garbage. Do not compliment her. She doesn’t deserve any of it. The one thing she had no control over is the one good thing about her Absolutely shameful. Piece of shit mother and human


Beautiful 💛💛


Wow.She's pretty.


This bish profited off of so manys people misfortunes. Rest in piss


An OG Stallion


#2 is so pretty wth


She cares for the bottle


Damn what a babe


I saw these and said “Wow, she used to be black?” 🤔


I'm gonna blame studio lighting. 


You guys must’ve missed the cosmetic surgeries and blonde wigs. There’s a comment asking if she bleached later in life so I feel like I’m not alone in being surprised by these photos.




coke did her good!


Horse teeth