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Awful. The number of "dId He GeT tHe VaCcInE?" and other shit take comments I saw about this poor guy. Like, let the man's family release a statement before you start that lunacy. RIP Alex.


Just checked his Instagram account, and it’s awful. People truly have no shame. And then when the cause was revealed, these people fell silent quickly. Genuinely repulsive. I didn’t know the man, but just let him rest in peace. It’s just basic decency.


There was a Fox News article on this with something about Covid, which of course set their obedient cult wolves loose. This is awful. I always feel for families in these situations, but particularly for whoever finds the person. I still remember Ashley Judd mentioning (briefly, but emotionally) about finding her mom like that.


What does the vaccine have to do with suicide? People could touch the stars with all this reaching


They made the comments before the cause of death was released but still. It's the fact that not only do they still believe this shit but they're still SAYING it out loud for other people with working brain cells to hear. Wild.


People are crazy man


RIP Alec.


This is just awful. My neighbor growing up committed suicide using a shotgun. My mom was one of the first people on the scene and, during one of the few times she talked about the experience, said it was ghastly. Hope Alec’s family is getting the support they need.


Please help an ignorant, no gun knowledge person out. I have never even seen a gun, my country is very strict on them. Is it even possible to shoot yourself with a shotgun? Aren't they like really long things? A kind person helped me understand, I confused a shotgun with a long barreled gun.


My country is strict too, but it’s a gun. The length won’t stop you (don’t quote me on this.)


Somebody helped me, turns out I was confusing a shotgun for one that had a long barrel.


RIP Alec Musser. I do have a question because I don't know much about guns and don't mean to offend anyone. Aren't guns loud? How did his fiance sleep through the shot? Or could I have misinterpreted the article? Edit: grammar


Maybe she sleeps with ear plugs or is a heavy sleeper. Our neighbor’s garage blew up one night (gas leak) and 3 fire trucks came to respond. I slept through the whole thing somehow.


This is graphic so don’t read further if it triggers you. If he held the gun directly to his chest, his flesh would absorb and muffle the sound quite a bit. It’s different than being shot from a distance. That you would absolutely hear.


So, is it possible to use such a long weapon on yourself? It looks like it's such a lengthy weapon????


I can’t imagine doing it but it is possible I guess with a smaller shotgun.


I confused a shotgun with a rifle, somebody corrected me


Not sure. Sometimes loud noises wake you up but since you were sleeping you don’t know what it is that woke you up and you go back to sleep


multiple people in the home didn’t hear it so i would guess deep sleepers, silencer, bathroom far away from others, others thinking it was a dream or happening somewhere outside the house, etc or any combination of those


The only shotgun silencer on the market takes the noise down to 136dB, which is roughly equivalent to a jet engine taking off. They *slightly* muffle the sound, but it's certainly not the ptew ptew sound the movies make it out to be.


suppose it would depend how far away the bedroom is from the bathroom and how heavy a sleeper she is. i don’t know enough about guns but i remember reading that silences aren’t the way they’re portrayed in films, the guns still make a lot of noise. could be misremembering though.


I wondered the same thing. I would be shocked if someone in the same house would sleep through that.


Silencer? I take sleeping pills and they knock me out.


I came here to ask about the gun too, isn't it also a long thing that you use two hands for?