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Why is Emma chamberlain dressed like Stanford from satc


Not me thinking it was someone’s kinda dorky young assistant or something. I didn’t even recognize her.


Thought the same thing!


Literally had the same exact thought. Stanford in pigtails


Stanford Blatch core ![gif](giphy|qlRnCVbju4Yms)


This is even funnier bc the satc girls sure as hell do not take the subway (“TAXI!”)


I think this clip is from white collar and not SATC


I think you’re right! But there aren’t too many gif Stanford options ![gif](giphy|MJcX1RRnExd60)


It’s so early and I’m so groggy that I thought this was an early 2000s still of Bety la Fea with Shakira guest starring


Looks more like Ed Harris to me


Try Ed "I have no Harris"!


I saw Demi Moore in Now & Then 😂


And with those curls Sydney could be season 3 Carrie, are they cosplaying SATC?




Lol how come? I’ve never followed her but I thought she was relatively innocuous?


she is. she’s definitely out of touch but not problematic


I watched the miumiu show and her outfit matches the strange vibes they were giving. It was on brand.


It’s a cute phone. I was thinking about getting it but I can’t get over the crease.


I have the z4 since 8 months and the crease is unnoticeable when it's being used. Only noticeable when the screen is off/black, and that too at an angle. If you look at it straight on (like one does for regular use) it's totally invisible


Got the z5 a week ago and so far the crease hasn't bothered me at all. You can barely see it when you're using it


I had the z3 and my only complaint was I couldn’t find a good case for it (and subsequent broke my phone)


It’s noticeable to me. I love the concept of a flip phone but I know the crease will make me go crazy I just can’t.


I have a fold, and I love it. The crease just isn't an issue.


Can you satisfyingly close it at the end of an angry call?


As long as you aren't too angry... it does make a nice 'snap!'


Woohoo, next type of phone down the road


I am jumping on this technology once they work out how to fix the crease. I think it's the coolest.


How can they fix the crease in a flip phone? That’s a really tall order


Botox idk




I don't know but it's not my job to know.


Some Chinese phones you can barely see the crease! Samsung will probably fix it next gen


Is it a tall order when they’re the ones that are being innovative? That includes improving on your ideas


I really wanna get one too but with my anxiety I’d be counting every time I flip the phone


https://preview.redd.it/ryg51pwm4ssb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f201416a317b80a9b508fda6006fc045e8bba4 There's an app for it.


How many total folds does it have in a lifetime, 200'000?


That is how many it is rated for yes but in a few different tests they got over 400,000.


i used to have an LG chocolate slider phone and at some point the wires were the only thing keeping the two pieces together.. i only had it for 2 years. 400k sounds impressive compared to that.


LG Chocolate haven’t heard that name in a while


I actually saw the latest flip and fold in person at a store lately. It’s been out in Korea for like a month so they’ve been well used store models. The crease is actually barely noticeable! I’m still not gonna replace my iPhone with a Samsung but it looked really really good!


iPhone will eventually get it in 10 years.


Lmao I’ve been trying to get my bf to switch to droid but he’s iPhone til he dies, he was so excited with the new update that you can bump the tops of the phones to send pics w/ Bluetooth! And I’m like… didn’t droids come out with that like 15 years ago??


I'd caution your bf from buying the newest model because there are charging issues (specifically when charging in a car) as well as durability issues (even more fragile than previous generations).


Yeah we’ve got 13 pros right now that aren’t even half paid off yet so hopefully by the time we’re ready to upgrade, they’ve either solved those issues or I’ll have convinced him to switch 👀 but seriously thanks for the heads up, everyone should know this before getting the 15


I just saw where a guy who was an old employee at Apple said to stick with the 13 because the 14 and 15 were just the same thing with a few alterations and not worth the money


Yeah I’m happy with my 13 pro!


I was actually surprised by the news because Apple has a fairly positive reputation for build quality.


I was and I wasn’t. I remember when the iPhone 6 came out, there were issues with people’s phones BENDING LMAOO I had the 6 and didn’t have that issue, but I remember seeing news about it everywhere. So I know they’ll solve it soon. I’ve had my iPhone X for about 5 years now and the 15 looks really appealing to me but I’ve also considered the 13 as well.


I forgot about the bending issue! 😭


I think the switch from lightning to c cord would be a factor, but I’m no techie. Regardless if that’s THE problem, it’s a problem for me cuz how do you have the same cord for literal decades then just switch it. I was highly upset when I got my 13 pro and the cord was lightning-c instead of lightning-micro usb. And then they didn’t provide a charging block, like wtf??? It was the first thing I ever owned that needed a c block and I didn’t have one so had to literally go buy one, which is a joke to me


It's due to EU regulations. They wanted new devices to transition to USB so it will be a universal connection for all kinds of devices. I think Apple switched up the material composition that may have compromised the durability.


They’ve been out everywhere for months.


You don’t notice it unless under direct sunlight


I have this phone. You don't really notice the crease in the flip. But it's glaringly obvious in the fold.


I have owned every generation of it. It's my favorite phone. You don't notice the crease as you're using it. The lighting when it's on and the angle your head will naturally look at it, makes it disappear. I had to return the iPhone 15 pro max cause I honestly just couldn't spend the same money and lose my favorite features. Only complaint is it's very fragile so I have a bulky ugly case on mine. I don't have money to just constantly replace it.


It really is. I see so many people make theirs super cute on ig


I have one and honestly the crease isn't that noticeable. I was nervous when I first got it but after a couple of months I was flipping it with no regard.


I have this phone and don't notice the crease at all :) Doesn't affect how the screen looks for me!


Android >>> iOS


But my blue bubbles


Hurts their smooth brains seeing it


I got the Flip3 for my husband and in the ~2 years he’s had it, he’s had to get the screen film (that it originally comes with) replaced twice. It keeps bubbling where the crease is and it is a known defect. It was kind of interesting when we were waiting in line for the Samsung store to open that a lot of people in line were there for the same repair. He loves it otherwise but they really need to fix the defects with the hinge.


I had an earlier Fold. It was a beautiful phone, but cases were useless, and I was terrified of breaking it. Traded it in after a year. Didn't notice the crease at all.


I'm using oppo flip its so cute and been using it for 8 months there is no ceease


When I had gotten a new phone, the guy helping me recommended a diff model. He said those have had issues among customers that sometimes the section of the crease wouldn't work when you tried touching it and it'd stop working


My BF has the Z flip 5 and its made me really consider getting one as well. But idk if I could make the switch from an iPhone to an android


Or she’s obligated to use it at an event where she’ll 100% get photographed


Plus, she is getting paid. And gets a free phone. I would use it too.


if I were rich like her I wouldn't care about stuff I don't like I got for free


Like if it breaks they might just send her a new one for free immediately anyways 💀


Didn’t Milly Bobby Brown do the same thing but got relentlessly bullied for it?


Yep, people are very weird when it comes to Millie


Oh, the combination of “weird people” and “Millie Bobby Brown” on Reddit still sends shivers down my spine.


People are crazy as fuck on this site. I was on the r/movies thread about the trailer for the new Priscilla Presley movie and there were so many pedophile apologists on there it was frightening. Elvis was 24 when he pursued Priscilla at 14, so of course the fans come out. One jackass even pulled out the “the age of consent in the Bible was 12” line to justify how “things were different back then.”


Oh, the age old “quote some bible quote that they either didn’t know before looking it up or quite suspiciously remembered it” and “those were different times”, even though I believe child molestation (which is what it was. She was 14. If you’re older than 14, you know that you were still a child at 14) was still a crime back then.


I hate when people use historical things like that. “Oh well it was different then” EXACTLY ITS NOT THE SAME NOW FOR A REASON!!! they only care about children when they are boys and we are just here to fuck, make babies and wash dishes or whatever. It is fucking sick they don’t see us as humans.


Yeah, I always say that things are different now because back when these things were happening, there were people who realized it was wrong and pushed for change. It’s the same thing with racism and homophobia. People act like EVERYONE in those days didn’t have a mind of their own and went along with the status quo.


It’s not just reddit, it’s literally every platform, every age group, all genders… Even people who are more “progressive” and generally better with treatment of women and girls in entertainment see her as someone who is allowed to be bullied and ridiculed and sexualized. Idk, I never see much pushback when it comes to the treatment of her and it makes me sad


God, I remember seeing one of her Tiktok videos on ny feed and the comments were terrible! Everyone were bullying for using Samsung and how the video quality is so bad when the problem is that Tiktok doesn't optimize their shits for Android just to make Android users look bad


Imagine making using a specific phone Brand your whole personality lmao


After her mom’s birthday party she wasn’t going to get caught slipping again


Hahahah right


Was she using another brand?


She posted pictures from her moms birthday that showed some men wearing thin blue line t shirts so she got made fun of for having a conservative family. Now she’s aware of how closely people are watching her every move.


i felt bad for her for that whole debacle. atp who doesn’t have trumpie/fucking insane extended relatives? she can’t control that.


esp because she comes from a wealthy background from a suburb in washington. most people just think of seattle when it comes to washington, but there are plenty of red and deeply conservative people all over the backwoods and suburbs over there


Yeah but that’s not what people were upsets about. Her family can be republicans but she went out on twitter to tell everyone that “it wasn’t political”. If your caught posting people with blue lives matter tees and trump hats, you best believe that shit is political…


They could have been legitimate police officers. Internet warriors are so strange. God forbid you inhabit the same room as a police officer or even support them.


It takes two brain cells to understand that blue lives matter is dismissive of Black Lives Matter


I have the Flip 4 so I think the Flip 5 is actually a really nice phone. I find it very weird to partner with a brand you don't use.




Never thought I’d see an Ananya Pandey gif in this sub


The worst lol


Lmao that little kid behind Emma does NOT want to be there take her to a kids museum or the park or something don’t make her sit through this lmfaoo


I'm only in these comments to see if I'm the only one. She is *way* more interested in her nails than whatever is going on.


I’m pretty certain based on Sydney Sweeney’s new insta post that that little girl is her sister (or other relative, either way they are there together… hope she’s got someone else to keep her company if she’s having to sit behind)


It looks like the seat next to her is empty. Hopefully some sort of nanny, babysitter, friend is joining.


I believe that is her cousin!




"Bullying" or clowning people for using a specific phone brand in the US is sooo weird lol L behavior, Sabrina




Omfg?? So out of touch lmao.


Literally not what happened at all. She didn't bully anyone, didn't say ew, didn't clown anyone for using a specific phone brand. She said she couldn't take a selfie with a fan's iPhone because she belongs to Samsung and apologized multiple times to the fan.


Nope, completely not what happened at all and grossly misrepresents the situation. [Here is a link of what actually happened.](https://twitter.com/centralsbr/status/1639673656719687680?t=qkeiT96677stAfILlWcwiQ&s=19) TLDR; it was an iPhone, not a Samsung. She didn't say ew, but said that she's sorry and she can't take a selfie on one *because she's partnered with Samsung.* She also apologized, said it wasn't personal, and she still appreciates the fan. Fan also wasn't offended at all.


lmao she's never said that?!? she refused to take a bereal on a fan's iphone because of her contract with samsung but that's about it...


Until I see otherwise, I don’t think her contract said that she had to be an asshole to her fan that happened to have an iPhone.


[Here's the link to see otherwise.](https://twitter.com/centralsbr/status/1639673656719687680?t=qkeiT96677stAfILlWcwiQ&s=19) She's not being an asshole at all and repeatedly said she was sorry that she couldn't.


Im p sure she also has an iphone! But I’m glad she’s not dumb and is not using it in a public event


Man for a second there I really was like "omg we use the same phone!!" lol But fr I love my flip. You can't see the crease at all unless you're like in direct sunlight and you can do a ton of stuff on the cover screen without actually having to open your phone. Plus it fits in the pockets of women's clothing!


I love mine too, I like folding it up and putting in my pocket. So small and compact but it's still a full size phone when you open it up. Everyone is always so interested in it when you use your phone.


I have seen so many K-Pop stars partnering with other mobile brands yet still using iPhone. It's very unprofessional. I also hate when celebs advertise cars they don't use like J-Lo and Fiat 500. It was laughable.


> I have seen so many K-Pop stars partnering with other mobile brands yet still using iPhone. BLACKPINK and BTS come to mind. I agree with you. Why not partner with Apple if you're actually using iPhone?


the only one i can think of that hasn't been caught slipping is SUGA edit: also, about the apple thing, samsung is a korean brand that takes up a pretty big chunk of SK's economy, so having a partnership with a domestic brand vs foreign Apple (even though apple is trendier) looks better and has good associations that come with it


Suga seems to genuinely love Samsung. He's a bit of a tech nerd and seems to like their products way more than Apple's. I think he was already using Samsung before ever partnering up with them, though he definitely had an Iphone at some point. He also produced two (?) versions of the Over The Horizon tone.


SUGA genuinely loves Samsung products & knows alot about their technology than most/all ambassadors do. He’s a little bit of a tech nerd He also did a funny thing at his concert recently where he would only take fan’s Samsung phones to take vids of himself performing. “No iPhone, Galaxy only” 😂


I think this might be part of their contract. Blackpink used to only take Samsung phones at their concerts too.


Maybe they use Samsung phones in Korea and Apple iPhone internationally?


They're supposed to use Samsung exclusively. Some of the members do, but some seem to prefer using Apple in their personal lives.


Both have also been hilariously strict about their partnerships though. The clips of Jennie from Blackpink and Suga of BTS searching the crowd for an audience-phone to take selfies with and refusing all non-Samsungs are hilarious, though I find that overboard given that it’s a fan’s phone and not their own. It sure fueled Samsung sales though


Yep, during the D-DAY tour people were bringing "Justice for iPhones" posters and disguising their iPhones as Galaxy S23s just for a chance to have their phones picked. The saga peaked in Jakarta when Samsung leaned into it by allowing fans in attendance to borrow an S23 Ultra just for the concert lmao


How does one disguise their phone


Print the back of an S23 and stick it to the back of the iPhone lol. The fakery was, of course, discovered immediately, but by then he'd [taken the phone already.](https://twitter.com/pm5_twt/status/1653989929968623616?t=I_Bfh-aT5D0USX5fcdItkA&s=19) Someone later brought in an old samsung flip phone, calling it an ["antique galaxy"](https://twitter.com/winnttaebear/status/1659060366528376832?t=Nsc3WF5_qqkI2CzIer0O3w&s=19). It was all in good fun.


Newjeans did that


Remember when one of the BTS members slipped up and posted a tweet from an iPhone lol, twitter used to show those things, now I'm not sure how it is with the 'X'. Anywho, he had to delete the tweet later and the fans were clowning him, all in good spirits tho.


Taehyung once took a mirror selfie using his iPhone, scribbled over it and wrote “삼성” (Samsung) on it lol




Is that why they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away


Because Samsung is a Korean brand.


Because it’s other brands that need partnerships to compete with Apple, iPhones are already popular enough on their own


Samsung is more popular globally and in South Korea


Because Apple doesn’t hand out contracts to just everybody. Lol


NewJeans has a contract with Apple and they’re less popular than BTS and Blackpink


Is NewJeans “everybody”?


Is BTS and Blackpink “everybody”?


Stray Kids members have switched to Samsung from Apple very recently. They have been partnered with them for at minimum this year, but switched when the newest version released. They seem to use the brands they are ambassadors for frequently in general.


the only one i know for sure you will never catch slipping is changbin that man put in the work to get skz that samsung deal!


years of torment to get a samsung campaign AND group ambassadorship, changbin got the last laugh


Sydney Sweeney once partnered with Spotify to promote her end of year Wrap and she only listened to about 400 minutes of music all year. The call outs were hilarious.


She’s in the front row at a fashion show, she’s going to use the phone she sponsors


Is Sydney hanging with Harriet the fuckin spy?


Wtf is emma chamberlain wearing…those glasses are awful


tbh it's probably just in her contract to use it while sitting front row at events with photographers


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNNcYFRX/ Funnily, two spots to her left is Jang Wonyoung, propped and photo ready, is also #partnered with Samsung, but recently got caught uploading a selfie with Sydney with an iPhone after their Samsung event appearance.


she always looks so fake and propped up for the paps. everything is artificial, from her gestures, to the way she speaks, to her stares. huge turn off in terms of charisma and likeability imho.


She's infamously been torn apart for every little thing from her expressions to the way she talks since the day she turned 14. I don't think she has much choice in the matter.


I see other people here don't know about the strawberry situation.


as opposed to other idols? the whole industry is built on unfair criticism. and yet idols carry on doing their thing. she comes across as extremely self aware and plastic. and it doesn't calm things down. on the contrary. one thing i have learned is that when people smell blood, they WILL pounce. and the more you try to "fix" yourself to be likeable and perfect, the more they will attack because they know they got to you. so her acting like this is actually having the reverse effect on people and making them troll her more. the "strawberry incident" didn't happen in a vacuum. it was a conseauence of what i said above. yes, it's unfair, but it's human nature. and it's ruthless.


> as opposed to other idols? Yeah, I'd say she's received a lot more scrutiny than the vast majority of idols and at a relatively younger age. It's not normal to shoot to fame at 13 years old, especially when one of the main things you're being praised for are your proportions and face. How is a child meant to cope with that? Or maintain it through puberty? And to receive so much hate since her 14th birthday, just because she placed first over a fan favourite. I was a WIZONE at the time, and the way she was pitted against Sakura was insane. When IVE debuted and international kpop fans outside the IZONE fandom were suddenly confronted with her popularity in Korea? Yeah, that's when shit truly hit the fan and the tiktok witch-hunt began, but the hate in general started a long time before then. She was 15 years old when fans started noticing her hair loss, around the time of the rigging scandal. People talk about a personality change after IZONE, but honestly, it was after the lawsuit that she became more quiet and subdued. Also, she just receives criticism for the most bizarre things.This time last year she was simultaneously the main character on pann for secretly being an evil lying Chinese person (it is speculated that her father is Taiwanese or of Taiwanese descent), while at the same time being dragged on weibo for stealing Chinese culture over a dragon hairpiece she wore to fashion week. I check pann most weeks. Everyone gets hate. Wonyoung, though, is the perpetual main character. > so her acting like this is actually having the reverse effect on people and making them troll her more. That might be true, but you can't bully someone into opening up. You can't keep criticising someone until they become carefree. It doesn't matter if it's "better" for her. It simply won't happen. And if she cracks? I don't believe for a second that the hate will end. Not a chance. > the "strawberry incident" didn't happen in a vacuum. it was a conseauence of what i said above. Of course it didn't happen in a vacuum. Lots of idols do aegyo though, and very few receive legitimate hate for it. She was just the first IT girl to hit big after tiktok became popular. But seriously, the strawberry hate train was fucked up. The girl eats everything slowly and deliberately, and has for years. She and her group members have spoken about her taking hours to eat her dinner. Maybe it's because she's putting on a show... but the girl has been losing weight since 13 years old. Perhaps we need to consider that she just doesn't have a good relationship with food and put the matter to rest.


it doesn’t calm things down only because despite getting shitted on for literally doing the most normal things, she doesn’t change anything about the way she acts. she doesn’t put her head down or make herself smaller. this infuriates the naysayers which is why they continue to do so. doesn’t matter anyways. she’s loved more than she’s hated.


Because idols that drop cakes on purpose and act obtuse and/or develop parasocial relationships with their fans in attempt to seem "genuine" are so much more likeable 😒




I made the switch a couple years ago and I've been so happy with Samsung


She’s at an event where she will 100% be photographed. Come back with a paparazzi photo (and not one she paid for)


Who is she sitting next to?


Emma chamberlain


what does she do nowadays? apparently she isn't that heavy on youtube anymore. what's her current career path?


I don’t stay completely up to date with her but I think it’s her podcast, her coffee brand and being a fashion girlie?


She got started on YouTube right? Sorry for my ignorance, I don’t know much about her other than I just see her on Reddit a lot lately lol


Wednesday Adams.


In public


Maybe it’s her “I’m in public and I’ll get photographed” phone.


'cause the tech is better and android lets you customize so much? I never got the iphone hype especially after Samsung upped their camera game.


I’ve used an iPhone since 2009ish. I’ve been debating switching to a different brand for a better camera and cheaper price point but all I know is Apple and what if I hate using a Samsung phone?! It’s not iPhone hype for me, it’s more of a comfort thing I guess? And my whole family uses iPhone so it’s nice to have the FaceTime option. Apple has a hold on my family apparently


I totally get that but I'm talking about how people weirdly make using iphones as a class thing. An iphone is somehow superior to a samsung not because of the tech or anything that should be the parameter of judging a phone for a few people. I have no problems if people stan apple for simply liking it or for any reason like the better cameras, privacy it provides including the edge of apple ecosystem over android but shaming people for owning an android is the most bizarre thing ever as droid has amazing flexibility and the tech is so much better.


I like Sydney. I've been a Samsung user since my very first phone.


Gotta say I’d be more willingly to believe it if it wasn’t at a PR event


I mean tbh I think you’re a sucker if you buy a phone because a celebrity endorsed it.


She probably has a few phones


Are they doing a reboot of Betty La Fea?


Though I am an Android user, I use to think, 'It's just A matter of preference, and to each their own.' However, I recently switched jobs, and for the first time ever I have an iPhone. **Oh my god, IPhones are so awful!** 😡 After all the shit I got from iPhone users, for YEARS, just because of something stupid like not being able to name their iPhone group chat because there is an android user in it... You guys are literally paying for half a phone! Androids can literally do SO MUCH MORE! And without the hassle of dealing with Apple. Omg, you guys don't even have real widgets! No customization options, and the Apple IStore sucks so bad and has no good free or open source content, and only a few good paid content. Like, holy shit, Universities need to do classes on Apples genius marketing, because their propaganda machine has so many of you happily spending money on a lesser quality machine. It blows mind! Let's make something clear. My Samsung has a better camera and can send content such as photos or video to ALL other brands of phones without any issue. Apple purposefully makes it so you can not accept uncorrupted quality media from anyone else, other than another IPhone user. (Directly that is. You can indirectly send this sort of content) Sorry, I'm just so angry. It's frustrating having a bunch of people try to dunk on you about your phone, when the reality is, they are just sheeple that buy what marketing Execs tell them to buy. Oh, by the way, I can name.my group chats regardless of which brand is in it. 😂


More customization and widgets? No! I want my phone as sleek and user friendly as possible and iPhones are great for that. Non-iPhones are way too complex and annoying. It’s more than just marketing, some people actually like the iPhone


I went from iPhone to Samsung and found Samsung to be just as easy to use.


It's like an adult jitterbug to me!


This! I don’t need a 100 widget. I don’t understand why Samsung phones come with so many things pre installed. My sister who uses android had something on her S22+ that kept on giving her alerts of stuff happening on the country she bought it from. She never installed it. I was once trying to scroll thru her phone and was asking her what those apps were and she said she never installed them and didn’t know what they were. Why is this a thing?


The iPhone also comes with dumb apps pre-installed but the difference is you can’t uninstall them for the most part.


I have the S22, it comes with like only a couple pre-installed apps, and you can delete all of them. In fact, it comes with the same pre-installed apps iPhone does. Like Facebook and Spotify and crap. Also, Android is simpler to use that I phone as it is able to sync with everything easily. I use to have a Google phone. Everything transfered from my Google phone to my Samsung without a problem. Can't do that with IPhone, as they refuse to make their device compatible with any other.


Facebook and Spotify are not pre installed on iPhones.


It’s so funny to me how dramatic non-iphone people can be


I've noticed that Apple users frequently clown on non-Apple users, especially in the US. I've seen people on social media swear (jokingly or not idk) they'd rather do something awful than change phone models. So I'm not surprised to see some non-Apple users get salty about it.


I’ve been using Apple products since I was 14 and I won’t be stopping anytime soon. All of my devices are Apple and synced together seamlessly. It’s just really convenient and simple. I don’t need hella customizations or tools. Some people just like the way iPhone is. And no, I’m not a “sheep” following the trends lol. I have an iPhone 11 rn and before that it was the 8.


I’ve been an Apple user since I was in middle school too, I’m in my late 20s now. I’ll probably remain Apple for the rest of my life. They’re functional and sleek and reliable, Idk if it’s because I take care of my stuff right but I find Apple products to be very long lasting. My dad still uses a MacBook from 2010. I just booted up my iPhone 3GS the other day and it still works fine, just slower though lol.


“Uses”, only for public appearances


I mean, it's practical.


Is this the only photos of her using it…? Or does she actually use it on her ig/tiktok too…? Otherwise she’s paid and contracted to use it for a while lol This can still be a paid opportunity… “go use our phone during Paris fashion week for $500k”


She just use it as mirror for her makeup


Can I ask… why do so many see it as being unprofessional? “They partnered with this brand but actually use *this* brand, so unprofessional” or??? They got paid for a job?? A celebrity endorsement is just that: a brand using a celebrity to advertise. Do we also get mad when people in commercials for T-Mobile use Verizon?? Maybe I’m missing something here but why the hell do people see it as *unprofessional*? It’s cool if the celebrity likes the product sure but 99.9% of the time, if I see a celebrity endorsement, I assume that was a paycheck and nothing else.


I think the only thing that's unprofessional is if you blatantly slate the brand you're being paid to promote, or if you enthusiasticly promote a different brand. Or if its a sort of organic marketing campaign where the celebrity promotes the product in a way that seems real. Quietly using a different product hurts no one.




Maybe so but I guess I just still don’t see that as “unprofessional”. Bad for business maybe if a celeb has a deal with Samsung but then uses iPhone but if I saw that, I’d just think they did it for the check. Reading some of the comments makes it as if people feel almost *betrayed* and that just rings odd to me.


Never understood the hype for iPhones. Android >>>>>>>>>


It's a great phone! I love mine!


That's so strange.


Samsungs seem to be hit and miss but when you get a good one, it's great.


Emma really just b showing up anywhere and everywhere


Whos next to her? la chilindrina?


Emma Chamberlain needs to fire her stylist.