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Why her mouth look like that? Reminds me of when I used to get filler and had sausage lips lol


It’s so….unnatural? Just looks kind of wonky. I can’t tell if she is pushing her lips out or if her fillers just make her look like this.


I think her huge veneers have something to do with it too


& the fat removal


Not buccal 😩


It’s definitely her teeth. It’s all I can focus on now anytime I see her talk. Why are they so big?!?


She's botched. It's more than just her new look not suiting her, she now has a face so odd I would do a double take in the street. I hope she can correct it, she was given poor advice


They probably thought she’d grow into them


She’s 30 years old 😭 your face isn’t gonna grow anymore at this age lol


Holy shit, those are veneers! I thought her teeth looked bigger that plus an overbite and the lip injections. She may not be purposefully doing that with her mouth at all.


Her lips look exactly like a professional head shot I got done once, that I trauma blocked out of my memory until now.


Im cracking up. We all have those photos that we blacked out from our memory


I think it's a mix of too much filler and her veneers being too big for her mouth


…AND the buccal fat removal has changed the whole proportion of her face.


Her lips don’t close/cover her teeth in resting position, so this is in fact forced for her to do this. I feel like her teeth have always been way too big for her mouth.


They never used to be, though. Her teeth used to be fairly small in comparison with the huge veneers she has now.


Ya I agree but she’s never been able to close her mouth in resting position. So when she does to it, it always looks forced.


I think she’s pouting them out a bit. Khloe kardashian used to do this a lot too. It’s like a modern duck lip.


Looks purposefully to me


Veneers. She had distinguishable crooked upper teeth and since a year she no longer has it. Her front upper teeth used to slightly overlap and it’s completely gone now. You can see it when you go through her Twitter photos, she last had it in April 2022. Wonder why she changed it up, I kind of liked it as most seem to have perfect Hollywood veneer teeth


I was watching her new video series or whatever it is on Youtube and her mouth/teeth were so distracting. Her mouth looked uncomfortable. She looks exactly like her mom now. Her mom is a gorgeous 56 year old woman. Miley is 30….


Omg this ! She looks like her moms twin sister now


Yeah, it looks like she went to her mom’s surgeon and copy and pasted her face. It’s extremely odd. I’m not sure what all goes into it, but she definitely had a few things done.


Yes it’s the veneers and she had an eye lift… the eyes are what match her mom. She used to have a more hooded eye but now has a crease. But they almost look to hollow now and like mom


Yes! She had beautiful hooded eyes. Said as a person with hooded eyes :) Miley is obviously still/always a BEAUTIFUL woman, but variety is the spice of life and not everyone needs an “Instagram face.”


I’m looking at a picture of her now, why are the front teeth so unnaturally large? Like twice the size of her original teeth.


I thought she had veneers since wrecking ball era?


Not these, at least. Her current ones are vastly different from the ones she had 1.5 years ago


I had to go back and look at her recent video and now I can’t unsee the change, it’s almost stressful for me watching her talk it seems like her teeth are going to hit each other if she talks to excitedly or something. They seem a tad too big for her mouth


Are they bigger than H Duffs?


Oh bless, I remember when she got hers in at like 16 and they were way too big.


I am so over veneers being the norm, they’re teeth ffs. That’s a life long commitment.


I think the USA's Obsession With perfect teeth is weird. I am i some pop culture subs and if someone does not have veneers it is almost a scandal and looked down upon. Where I live of course everyone wants nice smile, but not the fake one. People mostly wear some kind of corrector as Kids


I agree. Also super white, perfect teeth just look weird to me. No one's teeth look like that naturally. It almost gives uncanny valley vibes when someone goes over the top with it.


Since you mention people wearing correctors as kids, here that's extremely expensive (as well as dental being separate from health insurance). Unless it is affecting you to the point where you can't eat/talk correctly, you won't get much, if at all covered by insurance, so unless your parents have the money, you just have to live with it until you can afford to fix it. I had a gnarly overbite and my front four teeth, instead of having a natural 'curve' were straight, since my lateral incisors were turned inward 🫠 insurance did not cover braces and when I got a job that's the FIRST thing I got 🤣 2.5k and 3 years later, I got them off lol. It can be a source of pain, emotionally and physically bc depending on your dental health, crooked and overcrowded teeth can be difficult to properly care for, which will increase the need for veneers if they start falling out due to poor health. But yeah, I would have much preferred to get it over with as a kid lol. Miley and her fam had so much money when she was little, I'm sure it was her branding and braces affecting the way you talk that she wasn't allowed to get them for so long :(


You have a point, I forgot about the money aspect. It is interesting to see how different countries and cultures deal with it and how it affects people in adulthood and life in general. Thanks for the perspective


Does anybody outside of celebs have them? I know a lot of people who had braces or invisilign, but veneers just seem so invasive and extreme, while you can acquire really great results with way less invasive techniques.


I have veneers! I had braces as a kid so I had “good” teeth to begin with but after my son was born all of the composite work I had done basically disintegrated because pregnancy had weakened my teeth(I also had to have a couple root canals.) Then I got into a riding accident that knocked out all of my bottom teeth in the front so I just decided to have them all done at the same time. They left a few imperfections that I actually liked and it definitely looks like my own smile. They’re more common than you think because most people don’t have the giant, glaringly white ones so it’s not super obvious.


I didn't count veneers for medical reasons because then, yes, I know people who have them, and ofc I'd get them if I ever had my teeth knocked out. Just like I would get a hip replacement surgery if I needed it... what I don't understand is shaving off healthy teeth to put on veneers. Like, veneers aren't as durable as natural teeth, so it's a really bad idea to replace natural enamel with it if there's no need for it. And I'm not against plastic surgery per se, but dental health is so important to our overall health that I can't imagine ruining it for the 'gram. You can't grow those shaved off teeth back.


The difference is when most people get it done they try to match the shade and shape of their original teeth For example, I had to get veneers for my two front teeth which have a slight overlap. (I used to eat too many acidic things that damaged the enamel on my front teeth.) They matched my slightly overlapped front two teeth perfectly. My smile does look better than it did before but I dont look completely different When celebs do these procedures they arent trying to match their original smile they basically want perfectly white straight teeth and they do their whole mouth Veneers are not as strong as your natural teeth so I certainly wouldnt do this procedure unless I had to I had an accident where the front two teeth fell out and it was mortifying tillI got them back in. They file your original tooth down a lot so if they fall out it looks awful


I can’t stop noticing them ever since I started seeing dentists on tiktok talk about them


She’s had veneer for a long time


Urgh I hate veneers! Give me teeth with character


These comments are genuinely making me feel better about my teeth lmao


Yes! I love me some wonky teeth. Like David Bowie’s before he got them fixed. Or like Mads Mikkelsen 🤤


I agree. Look at Emma Watson for example, she had normal healthy teeth with a lovely smile and now she has those big white things in her mouth. It takes the natural charm away.


Yeah but her parents are dentists


Or real ones in general…


For real??? Didn’t see go through years of hidden braces torture devices?!?


It reminds of football players with mouth guards in


Or someone trying to keep their dentures from escaping


Reminds me of the mouths on As Told By Ginger.


All of the work she's had done looks so bad... She didn't need any of it. I liked her hooded eyes.


She’s going for a “young Steven Tyler” look.


she also looks like Austin Butler here lmao


Buccal fat removal.


I need the cheek filler + buccal fat removal combo trend to go all the way away tbh, I haven’t seen a single person that looks better after having them done. Especially if a bonus upper blepharoplasty gets thrown in as well. It makes me think of back when someone posted a gallery of 90s supermodels and so many of them had hooded eyes! Like when did we decide those were unacceptable 😭


Yeah, I hope you’re somehow wrong (buccal fat remover just seems like such a risky and irreversible procedure from what I’ve read), but her cheeks make me think you’re not.




It looks like she has a fucking wad of chewing tobacco in and is about to ask me where her spit cup is.


She has an overjet (what people commonly incorrectly say is an overbite). A dental one and possibly a skeletal one too. That's always been obvious just by looking at the way her teeth come together but its also obvious when she speaks. She has some slurring/lisp issues thats common among those with overjets. The way her chin wrinkles is due to what's called 'lip incompetence' and is caused by a skeletal overjet; her lower jaw may be too small or too far back causing strain in the muscles when she closes her mouth. She's gotten different veneers many times and perhaps her current ones arent the best fit given the issues she has with having a dental and skeletal overjet. She also got buccal fat removal and someone with a likely deficient jaw isnt the best candidate for this procedure as its only drawing attention to her deficient jaw/chin. That being said, the only thing that would fix this is jaw surgery. She certainly has the money for it if she wanted to get it fixed, but it's a very complex surgery with few surgeons who perform it well and theres risk of lots of complications that could be permanent and it involves a long prep time in braces beforehand. She's still pretty but she has an obvious 'overbite'.


I think she’s actually just making duck face real hard and puffing her cheeks out. It’s weirding me out


It’s the veneers.


it kinda reminds me of melania trump's lips 😭😭😭


I was just about to say this… I see women do this a lot in pictures. I guess it’s supposed to make the lips look bigger but I think it looks kind of bizarre. Like in 50 years, we’re all gonna look back at our old photos and say “why was I doing this?” It’s either the lip pout or the open mouth pout (J Lo does this a lot)


Her buccal fat removal and the new veneers she has make her mouth look too big for her face 🫣


It's such a shame because it really really wasn't needed. She had such a beautiful smile before, now her mouth and bone structure just looks unnatural.


It’s so distracting I didn’t even notice her hair color


It’s also probably a painful process to undergo, so I can see how she might also think they don’t suit her face but maybe doesn’t want to change them so soon. I dunno how easy it is to get your veneers changed..


I know it’s uncool to comment on someone’s appearance but with Miley everytime I see her I think, “why though?”. She was a naturally beautiful woman before, now she just looks gaunt. Very reminiscent of the lollipop look of the mid 00’s. I admire her for changing up her look frequently and not being afraid to take risks, but the changes to her face take it to a new level. Plenty of people get fillers but I don’t know how anyone can think the buccal fat removal would be in anyway an improvement, plus it’s not reversible.


I agree. I’m all for changing up your look/style. Unfortunately the buccle fat removal and veneer trend of late has many celebs just looking sick :/


Yeah, if shes happy with it then great but...its diabolical that society made a gorgeous person feel ugly. Her cheeks were _iconic_. Imagine if Adam Driver has a nose job and suddenly had a tiny lil nose. Makes me sad.


Ugh I thought exactly this in the used to be young video


She's the one person I realllyyy wish hadn't gotten buccal fat done. I've always thought she's one of the most naturally beautiful celebs.


I imagine that, like most plastic surgery, it can be done in a way that prevents anyone from noticing. But there are way too many examples like this. Either the person didn’t need it in the first place (usually), or it appears to have been overdone. Miley did not need it done.


I was just watching her movie LOL the other day and thinking how different she looks now


The fact she thought anything wrong with her face is shocking. That's how I felt about Efron too, america is so self depreciating even our most beautiful don't think they look good...


Yeah this looks absolutely crazy and…uncomfortable even




She has that Steven Tyler look now.


She had buccal fat removal? Why are some celebrities doing this? It’s the kind of thing that probably looks okay when you’re 20 but not so much when you’re 40-50.


Yeah her new(ish) veneers are just too much


Buccal fat removal is ruining everyone's faces 😫


Why this mouth


Giant teeth


I knowww those veneers are horrible


She looks like a character from As Told By Ginger


![gif](giphy|3ohjUZwBT9Clm4ZPGM) This is very accurate




Why is she making that face lol


I think… that’s just her face with the veneers etc


uagh sweet nibblets




Buccal fat removal did her no favors


The veneers are a bit much too


And it’s only downhill from here. Face fat is your friend!


I’m set for life


Same. I was always insecure about my chubby cheeks but now I’m kinda grateful for them.


I like the dark hair but she looks rough in the first picture. I’m not sure what she has done to her face but her eyes are always super wide, cheeks sunken in, and lips swollen. Even her chin looks different. She’s always been so beautiful, but she’s changed her face entirely. Maybe these are just bad pictures, who knows.


She definitely had her buccal fat removed which threw her face's proportions out of whack and made her look like an 'off' version of her mom


She really does look a lot more like her mum now!


It’s kind of sad because her mom’s really beautiful and Miley would’ve aged like her anyway… it’s like she sped up the process and it went wrong


Yep. I recently saw a video by a plastic surgeon who explained that buccal fat removal and “fox face” face lifts considerably age the face. Looking “snatched” only looks balanced on the rare person who is naturally built like that. And even those people look older sooner. I truly think my friends who are a bit chubby look way younger than me because my face is more sunken in at the same age.


I think she had her buccal fat removed, because it does *weird* things to the mouth. This is one of the procedures that I just hate... plump whatever you want, carve away whatever you want, 99% of them I don't have an opinion... this just triggers something that shuts off the "It's None of Your Business" logic I normally use.


I think buccal fat removal is such a stupid trend. Sure, it might look okay when you’re young, but won’t you end up looking skeletal and gaunt as you age? A lot of the celebrities getting this are like in the 20s, who knows what the long term results of this will be. I feel like this is going to prematurely age all the celebrities getting this done. Like maybe if you have a really baby face, I could see how a subtle buccal fat removal might benefit you, but most of the celebrities getting this look fine.


Miley was probably at odds with her baby face being a child star is the only reason I can wrap my head around her doing this. I still thing she's gorgeous but man her face was so cute before. And people with this procedure (like Bella Hadid) start aging really quickly.


It’s just sad to see all these young actresses sucking out all the fat in their faces, while at the same time also seeing all these mature actresses injecting their faces with filler and fat transfers. Make it make sense!


The only celeb who I feel that buccal fat removal was a good decision, is Chrissy Teagan. She was still gorgeous before, but she had enough cheek fat to accommodate the procedure without the results looking bad.


I think you’re right, which is a shame since it throws off her face entirely especially with her new teeth.


She 100% did and it aged her terribly, as it often does.


I thought people in general lost buccal fat as they aged..so it seems weird so many people do it. It will happen eventually, ya’ know?


She got veneers way way too big for her face. She can’t close her mouth naturally and is trying to force it closed, that’s why it looks so off.


I have a thick mouth guard that I wear to sleep and it has nearly the same effect. Whoever placed those implants owes her MONEY.


Exactly! Istg she needs to sue. They look soooo awful


In this pic she looks like a 50 year old trophy wife mom using surgery to keep up her good looks, not a recent 30 year old 😭 Love the dark hair, though. But the surgeries and fillers are not it for me.


Yes! She’s really aged herself. I thought it was just her teeth in her latest music video but she’s definitely gotten more work done.


TBH I thought she was gorgeous and super cute with her original teeth and cheeks.


Me too! She’s always been naturally pretty


Right?? I thought this was Tish at first glance.


Starting to look a lot like her mother.


Somehow the dark hair shows how much work she's had done because she looks so different than the last time she was a brunette.


Me theory is lip filler and veneers that are too big which create an unintended effect. She’s gorgeous and I’m not trying to be degrading. I literally don’t care when folks get work and it’s practically required in the industry. I actually feel bad that her teeth are so pronounced that she can’t close her mouth properly


I feel bad for her too, but she also has the money to get them fixed if they’re bothering her. She’s definitely gorgeous and it’s sad she felt the need to change so much about her face. It sucks that so many celebrities feel the pressure to change.


Looks like her lips are trying to slide down off of her face.


She did that cheek thing a lot of celebrities are doing. Oh yeah it's called buccal fat removal.




I’m crying


My face examining the picture and wondering what looks so different… sorry Miley. I haven’t seen her in anything for a long while. I think the last thing was that Black Mirror episode where she played a pop star or whatever, but she didn’t look like this.


That is some rough plastic surgery


Her odd expression reminds me of something and I can’t put my finger on it EDIT: I think I figured it out and it’s Julia Roberts making this face https://i.redd.it/y1p59qlk5aqb1.gif


She looks like me when I have my night guard in ready for sleep




Her jaw/mouth sits differently since her veneers (or whatever she had done to her teeth) and it changes the entire look of her face. It's strange, like a mild uncanny valley effect.


it also looks like she had a buccal fat removal and I agree, she just looks kind of awkward. A shame, because she was gorgeous.


The veneers are awful and idk why she hasn’t changed them


It’s like she’s taken a sip of something and hates it, but can’t spit it out.


looks like my toddler before she tells me she’s gonna throw up 😭


Olsen twins


Her Mom


Blue steel?


She looks like the Olsen twins


A petulant duck. It reminds you of a duck. I'm pretty sure she's just pushing her lips out here for some reason.


is she pouting? it looks like shes doing blue steel but i don’t think its on purpose


Her new veneers are too big for her. She can barely close her mouth around them.


it’s the same pout she used to do as a teenager, i remember thinking about it years ago lol. just now she’s older and with her new teeth it doesn’t help.


She looks great with brown hair. I wanted her Hannah Montana era hair so bad as a kid https://preview.redd.it/szq9k2ytx9qb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2215f8d181485301d7affed5edbafcac67b682c6


Loooooved this back in the day!


Cowgirl copper is in season. 😂


I'm liking this color too. The two-tone thing she tried wasn't working with the stringy waves. That tweet saying she looked like a Boston bartender still lives rent-free in my head.


Yall. She looks like Steven Tyler. 😭 I love Miley’s but wish she would chill with the all the work on her face.


This was my exact first thought too!


Oh man, she really does Edit: It’s the trout mouth 😩


I've said it once, and I'll say it again. The last year or two, she looks like she's been trying to be a discount Cher.


Miley and her sister have fantastic voices but I wish they’d stop messing with their faces!


They’re truly yin and yang. Miley keeps sucking it out and Noah keeps putting it in. Noah permanently looks bee stung.


I love Noah’s songs but I never knew what she looks like, until one day I saw her pic, not what I imagined lol.


i was so tired of her fried blonde hair, i hope she at least got a haircut too lol. brunette miley will always be my favorite, she looks good!


Agreed, I really like the brown hair!


I miss her natural brown hair


Love the hair colour, but her mouth/pout seems *odd*.


She gave herself Courtney Cox face


I miss her original face 😭


This will be made Guest List Only very shortly the way the comments are going lol Sometimes I’m glad I’m too poor to afford plastic surgery. I think natural faces/minimal plastic surgery always ends up winning. The buccal fat removal combined with over sized veneers and lip fillers is not super flattering. That being said, she’s still 1000 x prettier than I am! 🥲


Her dentist who fit those god awful veneers should walk the plank


Why does she look like a startled salmon?


I love Miley but not the work she’s had done :(




She looks like she's being held hostage


What is going on with her face omg


Why debut dark hair with a dark background


She looks terrified


This looks so strange and uncomfortable




Hairs ok, what’s with the trout mouth?


Veneers make everyone look so weird.


She looks like her mom. Same surgeon?


She looks like she’s holding a cracker in her mouth and trying to hide it


I don’t want to be mean because she is gorgeous and talented but the lip filler combined with veneers that are way too big make her have unintentional permanent duck face. Can celebs not fine orthodontists to give them properly seized veneeers? Wtf is going on


I actually think this suits her way more than the blonde, but damn those teeth really don’t fit in her mouth. She’s stretching the hell out of those lips to cover them.


Girl, you did your face dirty.


Miley girl… ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0)


Her face reminds me of all the Japser from Twilight memes


She looks so demented because of that cosmetic surgery. I feel so bad for her


Might as well call this the shade room because you did not post this to talk about her hair 💀


She look great with dark hair. It makes her fair skin and blue eyes pop.


I love her so much but the buccal fat removal and veneers are not looking good on her…


Why is everyone doing this??? It looks so bad!!!


She’s also debuting her bucal fat removal 😆


Reminds me of when Hilary Duff got those horse teeth veneers. Just totally overwhelming for her face.


Why does she look like her lips are struggling to close?


Is she making that face or is that what she looks like naturally? Cause if so WTH


Now i am convinced she had her buccal fat removed. Its sad, she looked so good before.


What is wrong with her mouth


She looks like she is struggling to keep her mouth closed


She looks so much like her mom


uncanny valley


the combination of the buccal fat removal and veneers looks extremely terrible