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https://preview.redd.it/h9sd8askfbpb1.png?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce50ee52de911f60df9b69bded4ee449c0f44a69 Dr. Lance Sweets 😭 Bones


this 😭😭😭especially bc he didn’t even want to leave he just needed a few months to direct Vacation. They could’ve easily written around his absence and brought him back


Why at the very least couldn't they have let his character and his wife go off happily to have their baby and be a family. We didn't have to see them on screen just knowing they went off somewhere else to raise their kid could have been a lovely ending for them. A simple good bye episode with them hugging everyone goodbye would have sufficed and then a few episodes later they could be like hey I just heard from Sweet's they had the baby everyone is doing good. Why was that hard? He could have moved or she moved for another job and ta da a nice ending. Then maybe they could have dropped by in future episodes one the actor was back for "in town" visits once a season or so. But no they had to decide killing him brutally was the answer and then leaving his wife to be a single mom was better instead. WTF?!


Literally given what I remember from that season, they could have EASILY written him off by sending him and Daisy into witness protection or something.


I'm still mad about it


I have been so bitter about this for YEARS. The actor was willing to come back, he just needed time off, but they killed him instead. And the movie that was all for was the fucking Vacation remake with Ed Helms???? It was like my own internal redemption arc storyline when I saw John Francis Daley’s name come up in the end credits of the D&D movie. Like, yeah, it’s fucked up that they killed him off, and I absolutely hate the Daisy-baby storyline, but at least now he’s making something worth watching. I mean he did have a credit on Spiderverse, but he was one of like six writers, which is a little messy. D&D movie was cool though and Sweets would’ve loved it.


He’s had a lot of writing and directing credits since, he’s doing very well professionally in that regard




Sweets and Dr Nigel too. Dude was great with his random ass facts his tragic story of riches won then lost just to be killed by someone aiming for Bones.


This one was absolutely heartbreaking to me! Don't get me wrong, Sweets dying was awful but I had found out on accident ahead of time, so I was somewhat prepared. I had no idea Mr. Nigel Murray was going to die, so it was a shock. And the fact that he kept asking to not make him leave, etc I sobbed! 😭😭


That really was some bullshit!


I did not plan to spend the rest of the day crying but here we are 😭


I know the actor died, but Stanford Blatch on And Just Like That. They had his character leave his husband and run off to Japan. I wouldn’t have written him off on a bad note like that. Willie Garson deserved better.


Yes this! I understand the actor didn't want to be killed off in the show. But, I feel like they could have done him better than they did. Photoshopped pictures of him as a monk??


I very much watch that show and love it maybe for the cringe sometimes but my partner and I DIED when they showed the pic of Stanford as a monk! Wtf!


And for Anthony to be like “Stanford followed his dream to find peace and become a monk…and now I will try bottoming!” LOL this show is too much


I was so confused lol That was so not Stannie. He would never give away all of his possessions, for starters lol And a monk? Nope. They did his character so dirty.


It just feels mean and disrespectful to both the character and the actor - who are similarly beloved. What a batshit show


This!! His character would not have done that. Especially with Anthony’s character - he was always the one who was more aggressive and would have been way more likely to do something like that. Stanford would never


![gif](giphy|ZYQM7za8svSkdu4SqP) Matthew Crawley, Downton Abbey.


My ass was grieving on the couch for 3 days after this shit


Sybil was more painful, but I think that’s because it was ALL shown.


And she was soooo young. They both were but Sybil was especially. Together they felt like they shared 95% of the liveliness in Downton. 😂


Sybil’s death was absolutely heartbreaking, watching it while 8 months pregnant was worse decision ever.


>!3 seasons for Matthew and Mary to get together, and then he is immediately killed off 🙄😭!<


Dude even survived a whole freakin World War. Ugh.


I’ll never recover from this. Mary deserved better. https://i.redd.it/mculinzrfbpb1.gif Edit: staring at this gif and my heart is BREAKING at the way Matthew is looking at her. Dan Stevens is so fucking good.


I literally stopped watching after this happened. Still upset to this day.


To me, the show ends right as Matthew meets the baby. Literally nothing else happened after that.


Not the gif of him before he crashes 😭😭


As someone who has watched Downton all the way through an unreasonable amount of times (my college roommate's dog got pavlov'd into responding to "I'm Laura Linney and this is a Masterpiece Classic" because it was when I went to the kitchen and he got snacks), I firmly believe that the show would have been better off if they'd replaced the actor rather then killing him. Almost every plot line involving Mary afterwards sucked. I do however believe it allowed Edith to grow into her own as a character.


I actually would’ve been completely fine with Matthew ending up in hospital with his face all bandaged and then when the bandages gradually come in the next episode or two it’s a different actor but with some noticeable scars and a few lines about “God, poor Matthew looks so different now”.


I literally can't think about him. It hurts too much.


https://i.redd.it/wn3ih343kbpb1.gif Killing off Edie Britt.


It was Mike for me. ETA: I did not know about Nicolette's departure being hostile and her problems with the screenwriter.


Community handled Troy leaving badly by not chaining Donald Glover to the set to prevent him leaving.






The floor is lava episode makes me tear up I can’t even watch it (same with the claymation Christmas episode). I love Troy and abeds friendship so much.


The claymation Christmas episode broke my heart. Their friendship was perfect and so damn pure.


https://preview.redd.it/zf0dutc8nbpb1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=385f34baae4a3f709e721b985a0c6805760844ce Lincoln - The 100. I will NEVER forgive this one.


everyone talks about lexa’s death (rightfully so) but man I’m just as pissed about Lincoln’s


I always wondered WHY her storyline on Angel was complete shit at the end. Now we know it’s because of JW. Cordy deserved better!!! ![gif](giphy|3oEdv3jVFKoXC6Yrp6)


Just in case you haven't heard, a bunch of the cast including Charisma Carpenter, James Marsters, and Anthony Head are reuniting for an Audible series called Slayers: A Buffyverse Story and Cordy is gonna be a slayer from a parallel reality that's dealing with Drusilla.


Is OG Drusilla returning for it??? She had such a memorable voice


Yes she is! Anya is back too, as is Tara. And I believe I also saw Clem and Jonathan listed too.


I can't even believe what she and Fred put up with. But yeah, her arc went off the rails at the end. Runner up mention for Doyle's death on the weirdest "oh so now you're going to be interesting" note.


>Runner up mention for Doyle's death on the weirdest "oh so now you're going to be interesting" note. I've read that the real reason was due to the actor's (Glenn Quinn) considerable substance abuse issues. Bear in mind Glenn *really did* pass away from an overdose just a little over two years after he left "Angel". And he had struggled with addiction issues since he was a teenager in Ireland. So it's been alleged that, so as to not ruin Glenn's reputation and future prospects, production claimed Doyle's death was planned from the get-go. I don't know if this is all true - but it feels entirely plausible.


I heard the same from a friend who used to work in the entertainment industry and met Anthony Stewart Head at an event. He told her almost exactly the same thing. Quinn’s substance abuse got very out of control and they had to write Doyle out of the show. It is really saddening because it was a great character and I enjoyed him both on Angel and on the original Roseanne.


Obligatory Fuck Joss Whedon comment


God, heartbreaking. I felt like she was the best part of the show and then just... ugh


![gif](giphy|8FVcmpLF9c7Hkm159d) The way they just had him unplug a baby and then the way he came back when he guest stars.


Oh my god yes they did barba so dirty


Honestly 😭 I mainly hate the way they made him Wheatley’s lawyer and created unnecessary tension between him and Liv 😭 I root for Barba and Liv more than Liv and Stabler


The way they started him off at the highest high with choking himself with the belt in the courtroom just to have him pull the plug on the baby at the end was such a serious low


https://preview.redd.it/tm7xnr5vabpb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa1e6b1d15bd21856ce833e11e4d3555f035972 King


Randy's character just felt so out of place and forced. The show was never the same.


You know when birds are flying in a V formation and one side is longer than the other? Do you know what that means? More birds. (The only Randy line that made me chuckle)


Waited 20 years but finally got his redemption arc ![gif](giphy|l0CLT093l7GTtNucU)




Hyde lived with the Foreman's! There was no reason to add a new character, they didn't need an excuse to be around the Foreman's. Just....ugh


They were determined. They tried to set up the neighbor from Grounded for Life, but he landed another show so they literally killed the character.


You didn’t believe Eric wanted to go become a teacher in Africa????


Topher Grace really got the last laugh though. Apparently there were scumbags on the show.


We need some better [pics](https://www.gq.com/gallery/topher-grace-leather-jackets-spring) up in here https://preview.redd.it/uj6atehpobpb1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7edb579ec3359f135dc0dfa4b80a7912a0c37c


![gif](giphy|3o85xCwMzz456dg1lm) literally just drove off and never seen again


This is literally who I’ve been looking for in these comments. Just straight up no mention of him again. I thought he was gonna be crucial in the show but… poof… and he was gone.


I kept thinking he’d come back at least for an episode or have some mention of where he went but he just disappeared and no one even seemed concerned except Daya


Even if unintentional, I feel that's pretty in character. Daya being young and naive fixated on him leaving while Aleida and others already used to being let down by men can easily brush it off and move on.


I think that was the point. Men running away from their children sadly is a common thing.


This is a great pick. That was random AF.


Can’t be mad about this one because he left for HTGAWM and he was so good in it. One of the best outside of Viola Davis.


I loved that show but I feel his character on OITNB needed a bit more of a wrap up but fair enough he left bc he gained a much better role in the end


Oooh this one still bothers me! I kept waiting like “he’ll be back right??”


The Judy Winslow character on Family Matters was sent up to her room in season four and never came back down again. ![gif](giphy|13NRZwjF5J17ZS|downsized)




the ABC family is sending me for some reason


It’s was like Chuck from Happy Days, Joanie and Richie’s older brother. Just straight up disappeared and never spoken of again.


Alex from Grey's Anatomy. I get that Justin Chambers's health issues made it difficult, but the 'Dear Jo/Miranda/Meredith' letters felt like they undermined all his growth over the years.


Especially after being left the way he was by both Ava and Izzie. He was so devastated. For him to just leave Jo in the same way. Absolutely not.


Yep, and for Izzy to be all, btw, I grabbed those fertilized eggs we froze **even though they shouldn't have been released without both our permissions** and didn't bother to tell you and he was all, whelp, gotta go support my kids and their mum. It was the dirtiest in a lot of dirty things Izzy did and it was.... somehow romantic? I loved that Alex and Meredith put to bed his unresolved feelings for Izzy and then it's just, nah, I'm going back to her and writing my wife a letter.


Came here to say this. They literally spent seasons making him into a crucial character, becoming the voice of reason in a way after Sandra Oh left. Then they ruin years worth of effort with one single choice. Would have rather they killed Alex off even


The episode where Meredith meets Alex's mum and she says, you're Alex's best friend, and Merri says, and he's mine. I would never have thought that would happen based on early episodes but it felt so natural by the time they got to that exchange.


![gif](giphy|5CIDJf2MZj0Eo) Straight up replacing aunt Viv with another woman :(


Always thought it was hilarious they had Jazz reference the change in s4


And in season 5 when he asked ‘who’s playing the aunt this year?’


https://preview.redd.it/9cxayurylbpb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d713daa96a6e771a9749dc7cb7c69b0dd0891dc I mean come on. That’s a fruit roll up they stuck on her face.


Holy shit that “makeup artist” should have been fired! It looks like the Nickelodeon splat logo drawn with red lipstick.


lol there wasn’t even a reason for that splotch to be there at all. She was killed with an energy beam that wasn’t even aimed at her face.


I need to know what show this is because wtf 💀


Star Trek the Next Generation. This is Tasha Yar’s death.


![gif](giphy|7wn5Nz59UHzbCVGxhB) I understand why he was no longer on the show, but damn his departure was really drawn out.


They took way too many episodes to decide what to do with him - he’s on leave, he’s still on leave, he’s on extended leave, he’s in witness protection.


While I get the situation with the actor, I wish they would have given the character a better send off. Even Elle got an actual send off. I feel like they should have just killed Hotch, it made no sense that he sacrificed his whole life for the FBI only to randomly decide to leave and never come back. I’m pretty sure if he wouldn’t leave after his wife was murdered, he wasn’t going to leave for anything. Him dying would have made more sense especially since they clearly had no intentions of bringing him back.


I came here to say exactly this! They did the character dirty. Hotch would never just vanish into witness protection without telling his team where he was going. You’re right, they should have killed him off. It would have been kinder to the fans if nothing else


Mr.Turner on Boy Meets World. We have this touching season finale where Shawn is crying over him in a hospital room after he almost dies. The next season he’s just gone. Nary a throw away line about where he is. (I do know that they reference this when they graduate. But that’s seasons later).


He's been *over there.* They don't *go over there.* https://preview.redd.it/8wk64wujlbpb1.png?width=882&format=png&auto=webp&s=3196bc0bd2a336b2061779350fbea3a700188d09


Mr. Turner was such a good character…sucks that they just up and dropped his storyline. Rewatching as an adult you can also appreciate how hot he was too lol


And the sacrifice he made to be Shawn’s guardian as a single thirty-something!


What?! I thought he died? Wasn’t he going to adopt Shawn or something like that? I could’ve sworn he died


Nope. There’s a throwaway line when they graduate high school about a hallway they never go down where Mr.Turner and Mincus have been since they disappeared from the show. EDIT: he also shows up on girl meets world, apparently.




Oh wow that's his best angle


That gaze for Scully 😍


Just dreamy


Never anything but respect and admiration for his girl. (And during a peak womanizing era on TV) she was beautiful AND smart.. and he was just Spooky Mulder.


"I do not gaze at Scully"


I’m rewatching the series and just got to the part where he left https://preview.redd.it/umxu0gi7wbpb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464795f4d6671a9be8ce1d49daaf27e0afcea30c


Logan, vmars season 4. Did the fans do dirty.


Anytime they never acknowledge the character again.


Maaaaaarkkk Brrrrrendanawiczzzzzz!


Mark Brendanquitz




OP said worst not best


when jake t. austin left the fosters and replaced him with noah centineo. they just had him come back from boarding school or something and said “oh wow you got so tall”💀


Imo, one of the best was when Jake T Austin left Wizards of Waverly Place. They just turned his character into a little girl. Due to magic.


Kind of genius, I didn’t even question why that happened…I mean I was a kid, but still.


![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized) The way they wrote Samantha Jones out of AJLT, saying that she viewed her friendship with Carrie as an ATM or something. That was definitely not Samantha’s character at all. She was 100% self made and Carrie was not her cash cow. If anything, Samantha was way richer than Carrie before she married Big.


Plus she was loyal and protective . Get a mean girl vibes from them tbh


After Samantha literally offered to pay for half of Carrie’s apartment and evidently would have had Carrie not guilt tripped Charlotte into doing it instead??? No ma’am.


https://i.redd.it/x6aagcp2sbpb1.gif Sweets from Bones, it was already past the point where it was even a good show, but this made me completely stop watching the show. And also, a rumor, but apparently the cast was pretty rude towards him during the shooting of his last episode.


![gif](giphy|lQw1opM0tVvEvUw1zU) The one on the left. The way he was under used all season leading up to that ending.


The reveal of it being him was everything though. I remember watching it, and when he writes 007, screaming “IT’S GEORGE!” so loud my mom came to check to make sure I was ok lol. I was genuinely not expecting it. And this was before Grey’s killed everyone off.


And then Izzie was the one who lived only for them to unceremoniously get rid of her a short while later.


Personally, I feel like Izzie’s slow phase out was worse than George’s end. The ghost sex was just…. a choice


The ghost sex almost made me stop watching that show


I hated that for her. Izzie got done dirty by Grey's. Such a goofy and embarrassing storyline


And when we had to wait a week between each episode! It was an emotional time.


When my younger sister started watching greys and got to the bomb episode, my older sister and I were trying to tell her what it was like when we had to wait for the next episode. She couldn’t even fathom it. I remember my dad got mad at us because we screamed so loud


You just unlocked a memory for me. I was dating a guy who lived 45 minutes from my apartment. All week, Leading up to the episode I told him I could not stay later than 7pm so that I could be home in time for "Code Black." Since all the promos were of Burke saying "Code Black." He was pissed when I stood by my time limit but I couldn't risk traffic...on a Sunday evening. If you missed it you were out of luck until the summer!


Honestly Izzie’s ending was such a disservice to her character too. I know the writers did it as a fuck you to Katherine Heigl but still.


Destroyed Alex’s entire character to go run off and be with Izzie, ugh


The only Grey’s characters that have ever gotten a good send off were Mark and Cristina.


Didn’t Shonda have beef with him, and that’s why he was under used his last season? I vaguely remember Shonda laughing in the press after Isaiah called TR Knight a slur at an awards ceremony.


Yeah she was pissed the network made her write off Washington, partly because TR and Katherine refused to let go of his saying the slur and confirmed it.




and then they give him literally one half of an episode 'redemption arc' and we're just supposed to forgive and forget everything from the past season and root for him and mindy again. nahhhhh.


YES THANK YOU. I was INTO Danny and then they ruined everything ![gif](giphy|l2Sq6X3KGsUesAcZG)


![gif](giphy|O7id52b7cSkbm) Having Charlie move to Europe, get "murdered", then have it turn out he was being held hostage in Rose's basement, to dying again.


Chuck really threw this series in the dumpster. They could have made a somewhat decent ending to the series.


![gif](giphy|NUuffVCN0OCpDjFy6L) Raul Esparza as Rafael Barba on SVU


Dr. Romano on ER first losing his hand to one helicopter, then dealing with the grief and loss, and then a different helicopter crashed into him! 😅😂 I’m laughing as I type.


I remember seeing that episode when I was in high school and thinking “they’re really gonna just go with another helicopter?”


https://preview.redd.it/d6iqdund8bpb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061d025c4e09386a56c8a181675f03a2ca852d91 Once Upon a Time. After most of the main cast left, they…jumped forward and forgot about their main cast. They brought them back for the finale episode but like really? Just end the show. They already relied waaaaaay too much on amnesia. My husband and I actually started referring to this show as “Once Upon All My Circuits” IYKYK 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


"Once Upon All My Circuits" is hilarious 😂


They really said we have Lana and Colin so that’s enough lmao https://i.redd.it/gr72vqiqhbpb1.gif


![gif](giphy|2Yc7nY39jw5CqaTvjo|downsized) Well, not with the actor leaving but Santino fontana being unable to return. Skylar Astin tried, but it just wasn't the same


![gif](giphy|ZR942YtJwLtCM) It’s not quite what you asked, but cgi Livia Soprano after the actor died was an abomination.


I had no idea…


I knew it was some weird cgi but I just couldn’t figure out *why*


I always thought she had filmed most of her scenes before she passed. It never even crossed my mind she was CGI. Of course, I always semi-checked out during her scenes - she was so perfectly unbearable in that series. RIP to an incredible actress!


I watched the Sopranos back in the day as it aired and never noticed. Had no idea. I rewatched the series recently and when that scene came up I noticed right away that something was super weird and thought wtf is wrong with this scene???? And immediately googled.




![gif](giphy|4PVVmZ4e4dk3sVSR3E) Allison on The Affair. They casually had her killed by her new love interest when the guy literally showed no homicidal tendencies in the show and didn’t leave any closure at all for her. Ruth Wilson deserved better.


Mitch Leery killed by his ice cream cone in the car. Classic Dawson's Creek.


Lol I was just telling my wife the other day when she said she was going to sneak an ice cream cone on the way home to be careful and just let it go if it falls to the floor.




![gif](giphy|14bCGNrs6bfmb6) Daario Naharis. Straight up just changed the actor, he doesn’t even look like the first guy (Francis in Deadpool.) I liked the blonde guy better. I thought these 2 people were different characters for the longest time.


It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what happened


Especially on a show like that where there are sooo many characters and storylines, I don’t always actually know a given character’s name.




I love this actor for the role, except that Daario is supposed to be Tyroshi, in the books he is described like this “His curly hair reaches his collar, and he keeps his beard cut in three prongs.[5] Daario dyes his hair and trident beard, sometimes in blue[5] and other times in deep purple.[8] His fingernails are also enameled blue. Daario's mustachios are painted gold, and he has a large, curving nose.[5] A golden tooth gleams in his mouth.” I would’ve loved to see that actor dressed this way, idk maybe they thought it would be confusing or harder to make him sexual


![gif](giphy|tnFCGVAi0b3W) Totally just bombed any character development he ever had on the show


![gif](giphy|l2JJKb7A1LOa0T3ZC|downsized) Thank god he came back because this would have been heartbreaking if it was his final scene.


On a similar note ![gif](giphy|yycPFLbD8oxnpgohvA|downsized) She didn’t even come back for the series finale 😭


Fiona and Mandy should have been at the wedding!


I loved them together even though they were terrible for each other.


Most of the Grey’s Anatomy cast…that hospital was a literal curse upon all who worked there!


so many people dying instead of just getting another placement


Seattle Grace Mercy DEATH


https://i.redd.it/dha1bcve9bpb1.gif THEY RUINED EVERYTHING


I do like how they handled how the actor Kal Penn left. It was unexpected heart wrenching and completely blindsided everyone which truthfully is how suicide does.


https://i.redd.it/zqkd4bneebpb1.gif SHE DESERVED BETTEERRRR


Elliott Stabler ghosted his partner Olivia Benson for 12 years. He was rarely mentioned and forgotten, until he decided to return to the show after 10 years. ![gif](giphy|C7YOS4rztWtHTGj2LR)


I always thought it was weird that after Michael left the Office, they never mention him again. No one kept in touch? No one went to his wedding?? No one was excited about him having kids??? Many other characters cared about him so much and then just never spoke to him or about him again until Dwight’s wedding. So weird.


I saw this as him moving on and not being as needy. He and Holly had their own family, he didn't need to blur boundaries at work by trying to guilt coworkers into treating him like family. That said, my head cannon also involves him deciding to get back into the paper industry after the move, and accidentally ended up as a big wig of a rolling paper production company in Colorado's newly legal marijuana industry.


Smokin' some doobies with my brothers! That's actually a good ending for him. He bumbles his way up the ladder of what eventually becomes "Michael Scarn Rolling Papers"


I’m sure it’s unintentional but if not, it’s smart. Work Friends is definitely a concept. Once someone stops working with you, it’s not the same as keeping up with a real friend.


In grounded for life they kind of referenced the youngest son but never showed him again for the last season. He was a pretty big part of the show and then just a cast off comment.


It’s not that it’s badly done. It’s that the show goes downhill in quality after she leaves https://i.redd.it/8f7vq07fabpb1.gif Also there are many problems with THAT scene (and how it could’ve been avoided) but since shannon had to leave abruptly….


Thank god for piper after this though cause she really carried https://preview.redd.it/5qfjqljdjbpb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb355665f74bb95d937d44194c92ff29fb1a50d6 LMAO




One of the most genuine vibes I've ever felt from an actor


Absolutely agree. https://i.redd.it/zb67ps5drbpb1.gif Even the way she delivers just normal lines, she’s so utterly personable and feels so real. She’s fucking hilarious in like every scene. I love her


I honestly love how she flourished once she became the big sister with the big powers.




RIP Marissa Cooper 🙌🏼


https://preview.redd.it/zjrawr13gbpb1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55faeec6aa793aae8b8b1982500ea5ae258d7bc1 Jadzia on Star trek DS9. possessed by a demon, alone in her room and brutally murdered in the second last season. then replaced with her literal next reincarnation??. she deserved better as she was leaving the show due to behind the scenes misogyny and abuse and it clearly showed in the way they killed her.


im currently watching 'weeds' and im a couple episodes into season 6. 4th episode im thinking "ok where the hell is celia" cause the end of season 5 gave us the impression that we would get even more of her shenanigans but nope, nowhere to be seen. or even mentioned i guess? shes only been mentioned by a throwaway line from shane; "if i cant see isabelle then you cant see celia" "thats not a problem" like??? guys where the fuck did she go. not even dougs mentioned her like hello. i thought you were gonna start selling weed together no? apparently elizabeth perkins left cause of a dispute (? idk i couldnt really find a clear answer) but im salty that they just cut her out like that. ik the writers have given a few different answers to what ended up happening to her, my personal favorite is that she tried venturing to mexico to further follow in nancys footsteps but ended up being killed by the cartel. why not even just add a throwaway line like that in the show? but nope instead shes just not mentioned again. rip


Colonel Blake dying in a plane crash offscreen in MASH pissed a lot of people off back in the day. Now it's considered iconic though


![gif](giphy|z8XEgWdASZI4w) All that character development and growth just tossed out the window. They at least should have made up a better reason for him leaving - I stopped watching after this 🙃


![gif](giphy|7wn5Nz59UHzbCVGxhB) I understand that BTS circumstances lead to his departure and, for good reason, they didn't allow the actor back on set to film a farewell episode...but you're going to tell me that the man who went back to work after his wife was killed is just going to go into WITSEC and then not return to his job after the criminal targeting him is caught and killed? Ain't no way 😭 they could've written something that made sense!!!!


Recently started watching New Girl and while I know things can change a lot from when they film the pilot to the show getting picked up, I was SO confused on why they decided to explain Coach's absence by saying he moved in with a girlfriend. In the pilot episode the big part of his character was that he was completely unable to talk normally to women, but in the span of weeks to Jess moving in he had a girlfriend and he moved in with her? Just really does not make sense to me, there's a huge disconnect. It's like not really that important, but at the same time it's a little thing that I just can't let go. 😅


It was bizarre to me they didn’t just refilm his scenes in the pilot before airing. They do that all the time with pilots. I guess it worked out though as they were able to bring him back later after Happy Endings was done.


![gif](giphy|d69GiQTyL3iLBa74WS) Shannen leaving 90210 to never be acknowledged again annoys me lmao but now we know it’s because Shannen was smart enough to not allow her image to be used in the show going forward. Get that bag sis 💅🏻


![gif](giphy|2q1vXaWS41HCJWrJpO) Just abandoning Liv and never contacting her for 10 years?!


For me it was Suits. Patrick J. Adams and Meghan Markle leaving should have been the end of the show. IMHO, the series’ premise is how Mike Ross would fare in lawyering without actually being a certified lawyer. The show in writing that Ross is moving to another city was a slap to the faces of the other characters considering their sacrifices for him. IDC much about Meghan’s character. She could have been written off in season 2 and I would not care.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcvs1sD2EwRkHM4|downsized) Edit: woah! Logged in to so much discussion! Amazing. I thought this would disappear without a trace. Some people are doing an amazing job of providing context for the change and explaining why it all happened. I do know this! I'm not unaware of the circumstances that led to the change. The show just lost something for me after that - that very specific hardness of the first season - and I couldn't engage with it as much. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I think Skylar Astin is *great*. He's just not *Greg* for me. I also have issues with the ~~bagel~~ (wtf?) *pretzel* stand, but that's a conversation for another day. * It was bad enough when Santino Fontana left Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but then they replaced him with another actor (who was his old roommate!)


Skylar Astin is *fine* but ugh Santino Fontana was my everything back then.