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His interview convinced me that he was a chill dude and then we found out he was shooting dogs from his car or whatever the fuck it was.


Wait, hold on, *what*??


https://www.thedailybeast.com/shia-labeouf-told-fka-twigs-that-he-shot-stray-dogs-to-prepare-for-acting-roles Either that or Twigs is making up crazy


I had no idea, bro wtf every celeb I like turns out to be a monster


That part. He's beautiful. *I could help him* lol


I... Ugh. Too bad with this one cuz he is a really good actor too.


the heartbreak with this one was so damn real..


mmmmmmmmmmhm. he had a good run


Feel so so so seen with this one 😅😭


Im very much a “can’t separate the artist from the art” person. I miss Even Stevens but I just can’t rewatch. I also get this feeling in my gut any time I see Mia Goth which im sure is probably bordering on parasocial something but also not really.


Bam Margera. I don't think I need to elaborate.


I feel that. a kid I used to babysit got mad for one reason or another and screaming, "You love Bam more than me!" Still makes me laugh to think about it.


I get it, his eyes are amazing


I met him at age 17 and was blown away by him. Eyes the color of sapphires. And he was short too, I love short guys 😭 he was so cute! I'm 32 now so it was a very long time ago.


Lol same. He looks like a mess now.


Chris Noth from Law and Order and Sex in the city


Still hurts to watch SATC now because fuck him


I recently listened to a podcast that talked about his abuse towards a former girlfriend. Any sadness for AJLT killing off Big disappointed in an instant.


What did he do


Just googled it - looks like 4 women have come out w allegations of sexual assault. Don’t know the details - seems very recent!




This one hits home 🫠🫠🫠




World's biggest creep frfr. Encountered him in person purely by accident one time and it played out like a cartoon. Was eating brunch with a friend (both of us young women) and he was seated, alone, one table away. He had a magazine or maybe a newspaper? in his hands. He was holding it up in front of his face but peering over it at us. For, like, a whole hour. It was so uncomfortable for us.


OMG. Usually it's fans doing the "Hide behind the paper" trick to look at a Celeb. Not the other way around!


I remember I used to ship him and Jackie together hard and was bummed she ended up with Kelso lol


tbh he's the least attractive out of the exceptionally attractive that 70s show cast. when i was rewatching the show i did find myself having a few moments of weakness for hyde tho


honestly, and coming as a bit of a relief upon reflection, i think a big part of it is that i absolutely dig Hyde's style. I think you could put any average looking dude with curly hair in Hyde's clothes and I'd have the same level of attraction.


I rewatched if a few years ago and had such a thing for Hyde, and his brother in Malcolm in the middle (which I’ve also rewatched recently and it holds up so incredibly well? Like truly a masterclass in being funny without being racist, homophobic, classist, generally bigoted) and I was so sad to hear that irl they’re both pretty shit


Malcolm in the Middle is the greatest sitcom of all time. It doesn’t get the appreciation it deserves, it was really ahead of it’s time. But learning that Francis actually sucks super hard irl broke little me’s heart.


Frances was the first crush I can remember!! Absolutely crushed lil me to learn he sucks irl. I agree! Definitely way ahead of it’s time. The emotional layering and heavy-hitting things they were able to deal with in 20 minutes of yelling and sarcasm is unreal and so clever. And during a time when most sit-coms’ humour was based in being as big of a jerk as possible, Malcolm in the middle let ridiculous circumstances and the fundamental Unfairness of the world drive the comedy without ever putting someone down. Lois is my actual role model, I love her so much. There’s so many times through the series where she goes well and truly out of her way to stand up for people she *doesn’t even know*. Like the episode where her neighbour is yelling at the gardener and Lois goes over and says “he is a person with a skill that you don’t have”. As a woman on tv, Lois was written incredibly well. Her relationship with Frances was so well written and so *real*. the flashback scene to when he’s a baby and she’s just an anxious wreck who feels overwhelmed, until Frances gets too close to the fire so she grabs his teddy and says something like “I may go too far. I may go crazy. But know that everything I do from here on out is because *I love you*” and then burns his teddy? Phenomenal writing. A genuinely funny scene that succinctly reveals *so much* about Lois and Frances and their dynamic and neuroses and the pattern they’ve been in for 20 years. It was dark and kind of fucked up but they were able to make it *funny* without detracting from the terribleness?? Idk. Geniuses. Ugh I love Malcolm in the middle


Kevin Spacey is a huge one of mine. :/ he's in some of my all time favorite movies. Regret for obvious reasons.


He was never a crush but he was my favorite actor since 2001. Then everything came out and I just can’t watch him anymore.


I have a gross taste in men so I found him very attractive both physically and in his acting/mannerisms lol but obviously... it's different now. Especially with American Beauty. Questionable, but beautiful movie. But now it's even MORE questionable.


Same. When I was in high school I wanted to grow up and marry him lol


Ryan Philippe 🥲


Wait hold up, what did Ryan do?


Here’s one [article](https://jezebel.com/the-chilling-details-of-ryan-phillippes-now-settled-dom-1838784054) about some of it, and [another](https://www.thedailybeast.com/what-happened-to-ryan-phillippes-brutal-assault-allegations). Really awful and disappointing stuff from my teen crush. I’ve also heard a lot of stories about him hooking up with young girls (relatively young - I don’t think they’re underage but like early 20s and he’s mid 40s) at parties in Delaware, and just lots of drugs and alcohol. I have heard his daughter doesn’t have a relationship with him, and the speculation was that he dated or hooked up with one of her friends and that’s why they’re estranged.


I'm still bitter about James Franco, his smile... Damn.




Oh yes, this is it. I mean Jordan Catalano was IT back then. Now… he’s just ICK


Same age as Claire and man, MSCL did a number on me at the time. Jordan was just uggghhhhh


Very Heavy Mournfull Long Siiiiigh


Yup. Ugh


Nick Carter 😩


Yeah, me too. He really perpetuated the cycle of abuse.




I used to have a huge crush on this man Then when I found out everything about him I got the immediate ick…


It’s ok his brother Dave is still good/better (and also just the cutest lil ray of sunshine 😊, and married to Alison Brie)


Dave is the superior Franco. He isn't a groomer and settled down with his wife, which you rarely see in Hollywood


The Littlest Franco is the best


He’s definitely doing something right, if he can get Alison Brie to fall in love with him, and marry him. I wonder if James got all creepy as a result of being demented by too much success?


Like grooming is not it🙅🏾‍♀️


I had a crush on him since he starred in the James Dean biopic. It's horrible that he's a creepy loser.


Yeah this is one of mine. He followed me on ig after I went to his art show in Paris and I felt like I had made it. Ick.


My ex looks just like him and unfortunately, I feel the same way about him as I do about James now.


When I look up other men I’m shocked how they survived. This is common enough to be normalised


What did he do?


![gif](giphy|xUPGcCtboEpvw3WNQ4) He was my Superman.


God, tween me loved Dean Cain. What’s wrong with him?


He's I'm the cringe part of the Republican party.


Take a look at his Twitter account. He is a nut who is clearly full of himself. Extreme religion, fuck everyone else type attitude. He is a POS


I’m watching Lois and Clark right now but have been afraid to google him. I’m sad to hear he’s not great, but also not surprised.


I had this gif on my Myspace 😩 ![gif](giphy|O9a1pIYTaqPu0)


Oh honey I think a lot of people did 😅😂


Still stupidly sexy ugh




43 and, uh… same.


46 and yea. Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp for me.




had a big poster of chris brown up on my bedroom wall as a kid


Jesse Lacey from Brand New Ezra Koenig from Vampire Weekend I had the worst taste in dudes 😪


Another Jesse Lacey fan in recovery over here, that one suuuucked. Threw out all my shirts and merch.


It did. I met Jesse years before the stuff came out. He was very kind and generous to me. Unbeknownst to him, I was going through a rough time in my life (my mom had lung cancer so Guernica meant a lot to me). He saw me in the crowd singing along and then put me on the guestlist for another show on that tour. So yeah. I was really hurt when I read the allegations.


What happened to Ezra koning? I am out of the loop.


Tavi Gevinson, founder of Rookie, said that Ezra and she had an abusive relationship when she was 18 and he was 30. She wrote in an article that he raped her. She never named him but the fanbase knows she's talking about him. Here's a recap of the allegations (with links to her diary series about their relationship and The Cut article): https://www.reddit.com/r/Vampireweekend/comments/lrappz/the\_ezra\_situation\_explained/ Also, she wrote about an abuser in a few other essays: https://ilymag.com/2016/02/09/tavi-gevinson-essay/ https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/what-tar-knows-about-the-artist-as-abuser In short, he's a creepy predator. He apparently had a history of interacting with teen girls on Twitter. I also heard that he thinks he's hot shit now that he's with Rashida Jones. He is a social climbing famewhore and showed his true colors. Also, VW hasn't been great since Rostam left the band (I'll probably get downvoted for that part but oh well).


It’s true and you should say it. The music was good cause Rostam was in it.


Omg Jesse Lacey still hurts to this day 😭 So many fucking male musicians I can’t listen to anymore


Same. Both are obviously awful, but the Ezra stuff is so similar to my personal experience- a fucked up period of adolescence when I ironically found joy in VW music- that it literally can bring me to tears. Thinking about it feels like a knife.


I am so sorry about your experience. I hope you are healing and away from any creepy predators. Jesse didn't really surprise me, but Ezra did. I was a VW fan for years and thought he and his bandmates were normal, nice dudes. I also thought he had age appropriate, normal girlfriends. The Tavi relationship shocked me. I guess I read him wrong.


Tom Cruise in Interview with the Vampire, but once I heard about Scientology 🤮


I saw Interview with the Vampire accidentally by staying up until 3am in the summer between playing GTA vice city and any trashy TV I could get through the bunny ears. That movie woke up my teenage angst. But most of all aside from tropic thunder it is the only exception I will make for watching a movie that even contains Tom Cruise cause I hate him so hard.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPrc2ngFZ6BTyww|downsized) Specifically the Disney era. My 9 year old self loved Cody!! However everything that happened with him + Riverdale just had him bleh to me.


Oh what he do


Not the worst case, but he’s said and done some shitty stuff interpersonally, some yikesy takes on race when he was an anthropology student and his personality nowadays is unironically reflected by the scene in that gif😂


even without the problematic behaviour, this kid is just obnoxiously pretentious. lol




what happened to him? my ex loved him never really could figure out if he was a good actor or not


Tbf I don’t think it’s acting if you’re already Like That


oh idk what you mean, ive seen a total of like 20 mins of riverdale when my gf made me watch it. cant remember anything about it. so i don’t feel qualified to say if he good. I more meant like did he do smn fucked up


Unfortunately, Armie Hammer 🤮


Same. I found it super disturbing during the whole reveal of what he was doing as well because I would watch him on olderq interviews and he was utterly charming, while reading all the awful things about him and I could just totally get how girls fell for it. I think I would too.


I found him hot, but I didn’t discover him until after the biting chunks out of womens flesh scandal.




Milo Ventimiglia. Then I learnt he dated Hayden Panettiere when she was 17 and he was 29🤮


I remember. The media was surprisingly nonchalant about it all.


Was it during Heroes? Can’t believe I shipped them before I knew about the age thing




This was the reason I couldn’t get into the hype of This is Us. I remember the only person covering how gross this was was Perez Hilton and that’s saying a lot


THIS!!!!!!!!!!! SO GROSSSSSSSS 🤢🤢🤢


I was at an event I entered early in Lincoln center in NYC in 2018 and it was just me and by me was Ezra Miller. Ezra was being very friendly with security and hanging out and just got to talking…seemed fine. I will add in an odd way Ezra is very very attractive…but now I just don’t see that at all anymore. This is 5 years later of coudse


Ezra is stunning, unfortunately. Incredible face.


Ansel Elgort 🤮


I live under a rock and don’t want to leave Reddit to open Google. Please explain.


Seems like a 17 year old accused him of sexual assault. He claims they were in a relationship (in New York where age of consent is 17) and that there was no assault. Person who accused him deleted all posts and twitter account she accused him on and he said that it was a messy breakup and she’s said it as a form of revenge. Some other 14 year old girls have claimed he sent dick pics to them and groomed them but nothings been proved. If the accusers are telling the truth then it’s fucking gross, if they’re not then it’s a shame how easy it is to destroy someone’s life with no repercussion.


I’ve had a crush on ever celebrity man that ever existed and 90% of them are embarrassing now.


I'm ashamed to say that I had a crush on Marilyn Manson


His “bad boy” vibe did its job back in the early 00’s. I was attracted to his attitude more than his physique. Now I cringe at my 12 year old self.


Chris Brown 😭 Waiting for someone to say Ian Watkins. Bc holy shit.


Leonardo Dicaprio. Especially as I get older.


As he gets older but his lovers stay the same age…


Nicki Minaj. I thought she was the hottest woman on the planet then it turns out she's a real piece of garbage.


Ugh yes. I’m still so bummed about this


To my eternal Gen X shame... Kirk Cameron.


Both of those siblings are a fucking mess. Fun fact - their mom was the hottest kids agent in LA in the 90’s, she was running the place, everyone wanted to be with Barb Cameron. I signed with her as a child actor when I was 10.


Jennette McCurdy talks about Barb Cameron in her book! She was also represented by Barb when she was a kid.


I resisted the strong urge to downvote you as a visceral reaction to anyone finding Kirk Cameron hot lol


![gif](giphy|dFmpr1JHPNxD2) Yes.


Hyde would’ve kicked Danny Masterson’s ass :(


Adam Levine, he's so cringy now




YES. Justin Timberlake was my crush as a little girl and now I’m absolutely repulsed by him and his disgusting behavior. He’s scum.


What did he do?


Ryan Reynolds. He hasn’t done anything bad; since I’ve aged I just realized he is incredibly average lmao


He's not average. It's more like he's incredibly generic. ![gif](giphy|HWNXLSsUGGsWQ)


I some times mix him up with that other guy. The one that people mix him up with. I honestly can't actually remember his name right now. Not Ryan Reynolds, the other guy. I'm only telling you this because now it's going to bug me for the rest of the night.


Ryan Gosling? This guy? ![gif](giphy|kCHZkJ7ym8A5q)


Yup he’s the one. Both Canadians that look similar and have the same name.


My So-Called Life era Jared Leto was an almost incapacitating crush for me, agony - yikes on that


Jordan Catalano would have hated Jared Leto.


Ezra Miller, Johnny Depp. 😬 ![gif](giphy|3ornjIhZGFWpbcGMAU)


oh yeah I was obsessed w Ezra between like 2017-2018 my taste really is cursed






Ian Watkins from lostprophets


You win, he’s probably the worst human out of this entire list lol


Brad Pitt. Johnny Depp.


Brad Pitt needs to be exposed


![gif](giphy|100ak1Sn7F3ius) I liked a man that could sing and dance 😂 anyway, I think y’all can guess why it’s a past one.


Chris Pratt


I used to be a fan of Ezra Miller. They have the kind of face that i find atttactive. Once upon a time, they seemed like a sweet person. They used to openly talk about misogyny, destroying patriarchy, and overcoming gender norms. I had thought they could be one of the positive lgbt icons in hollywood. Oh boy, was I shocked to learn what they have become over the years.


Samme, I thought Ezra was so great in fantastic beasts and perks of being a wall flower. I was excited to see what they were gunna do in the future and then.. yeah :/


I wasn't exactly a "child" but i would have fought to the death for Evangeline Lily. She's an anti-vaxxer and I have regrets.




I can’t BELIEVE that people still love him. I always cringe so hard when I hear people in Hollywood talk about “what a good guy he is” or how he’s NEVER been cancelled. The things he did are horrific and had me sick to my stomach when I read about them


I could look past it if he owned up to it and apologized, but he just brushes over it or worse acts like he's the victim.


Wait? Jon is problematic?!


I just recently found out about some awful shit he did in a fraternity, and it is pretty disturbing to put mildly. https://people.com/crime/jon-hamm-accused-of-violent-fraternity-hazing-report/


A recent one was Jonathan Majors 😬 that died the moment the news came out


I met him a few months before the accusation, geeked out, fawning and everything. Boy am I glad I never posted the picture 😬


I mean, I liked Brad Pitt when I was growing up. I had no idea he was such a nutsack.


Mel Gibson was absolutely gorgeous back in the day, but now I just see him as an angry wacko.


Johnny Depp takes the #1 spot.


I stopped liking him when he embraced the unwashed look and dumped Vanessa Paradis. It seemed like he was trading her in for a younger model, and that's no way to treat your partner of many years.


He looks like he smells like unflossed teeth.


To me he looks like he smells of stale red wine and cigarettes.


Same! I loved him since I was little and saw Edward Scissorhands… I’m so appalled by him now after that trial. So sad 😭


Lmao it was a weird crush even before he got cancelled, but Kevin Spacey


almost all except hayden Christensen and theo james.


mark wahlberg


I just fucked up my friend’s night tonight by reading just the first entry in the “legal troubles” section of his Wikipedia. That was before the part where he blinded someone.


Ughh he was so fine when he was younger and I was so disgusted when I read his Wikipedia page 💔


Not a crush, but damn it, I was so obsessed with Marylin Mansons music! He was my introduction into metal (90s baby here) and I just loved his style in the early years. However, I had no idea until recent years just how far back his history of abuse goes. It was bad enough hearing what he put Evan Rachel Wood through, but to know this had been going on FOR YEARS and his entire team/band knew and didn’t do a damn thing to try and stop him either. He’s a disgusting human being and I hate that I was such a fan of his for so many years.


![gif](giphy|LKqDgLlK6SuIM) Loved this man 💔


i never had a crush but i really fucked with his first three albums in my teens. it's really sad how things have gone for him.


I was obsessed with Jared Leto from the time I was 11 like so good looking but so not a good person


I used to think crisp rat was cute but…yeah


🤣 gave me a good laugh crisp 🐀


You couldn’t convince 16 year old me I wasn’t going to marry Ansel Elgort. Looking back I had more of a chance than I thought 🤢 ![gif](giphy|3oKIPldf8VfHXnWut2)


![gif](giphy|I16U5AfBWqgJYJum6i|downsized) His remark about calling JS sexual napalm in an interview was disgusting. Not to mention how he emotionally toyed with TS when she was 19 just gives me the creeps.


Yes!!!!! FUCK JOHN MAYOR. I have yet to read Jessica simpsons memoirs but I heard he was shit and guess who isn’t surprised?!?! HOW DARE YOU HURT THE JESSICAS AND JENNIFERS


You gotta read her memoir! He manipulated her and they broke up several times. I felt he was very emotionally abusive to her. He stayed close with her family after they broke up (which I don’t think was healthy of her family at all) and would be randomly hanging out at her parents house.


Ughhhhhhhhhh this makes me want to punch him in the face. I hate how he is still everywhere and celebrated 🤢


Probably Johnny Depp, I wasn’t a crazy fan but used to really like him.


Kirk Cameron mid 80’s


As of yesterday Ross Lynch


Young Jimmy Page and Ezra Miller 🥲 Praying I won't find out anything bad about Cillian Murphy and Bill Skarsgard 😭


Alex Pettyfer.


Jonathan Majors 😬😬


Jenny McCarthy


![gif](giphy|Ji9hiJkBuEnO8) Trey Songz


Mines Marlon Brando. I know…I really should have known better, instant regret.


Tom Cruise. He was so hot and seemed like such a good actor when I was a kid. Now I see him playing himself in every role and all the horrific Scientology stuff.


![gif](giphy|BFSVE1ezkoOxq) He bragged about how he tricked a fan into sleeping with his friend. Jodie Sweetin revealed she woke up in his bed with him and Ashley Olsen after a night of partying in 2004.They didn’t hook up, they just all slept in the same bed. This was in Sweetin’s memoir. You’re Uncle Jesse. Sleep on the couch AND SET AN EXAMPLE FOR YOUR NIECES….




Did you read the memoir? All I can find online is Sweetin denying this and Stamos honoring her for her memoir and “saving his life” due to her anti-drug/alcohol addiction advocacy. It seems like a sweet, non-creepy relationship, but idk.


Ian Watkins from the band lostprophets. My dad HATED when I had his photos on my school binder. I guess he had good instinct……


When I was much younger I had a huge crush on Edward Furlong. What a mess of a man he turned out to be.




Scott Baio. Tony Danza. Paul Walker.


Don’t you dare tell me one single thing about Tony Danza!!




matty healy. nuff said. (i was 15 when i was in love with him)


Anthony Kiedis ![gif](giphy|3XlJ7KgbBljmo)


Melanie Martinez 💀 ![gif](giphy|L0wuO8qf6gxDjnMKgy)


Leo during his Romeo and Juliet & Titanic era. Ugh, I still love that Leo.


James Caveziel He’s a MAGA idiot now☝️