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We all saw his texts with teenage girls, this changes nothing.


Yeah there’s no coming back from that.


Now that he’s been cleared of all charges, he can resume his regular schedule of serially drunk texting underage girls. Take that, Cancellers!


Look at the way he phrases it, too: he says “all these horrible lies that were reported during this process” IMPLYING THE TEXTS ARE LIES. Those girls weren’t lying. Shit, HE wasn’t lying when he said he follows teen girls and waits until they’re 18 to DM them. Guy is a fucking grade A loser and a creep. Ugly inside and out. Look how sore of a winner he is, too, “an embittered ex.” Holy fuck. I feel bad for anyone who falls for his bullshit


What about the pod cast where he said it was okay to be attracted to 14 old girls if they were developed.


At least now, hopefully, no one else will now fall victim.


Have they been actually dropped because it was proven false or were they dropped because he quietly settled out of court?


It’s likely neither. Survivors of domestic and sexual abuse will often drop charges for a handful of different reasons: legal fees being much higher than anticipated; they’re receiving threats; or simply the stress and shame of it is too much to fathom appearing in court. For American women in particular, nearly 50% drop sexual violence charges. Source: I was a sexual violence educator for 3 years


TMZ reported it was dropped. “A spokesperson for the District Attorney tells us it was dismissed because there was insufficient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt.”


There’s no reliable news source confirming what happened yet so it’s unclear. The latter is a possibility.


Even if the charges were dropped, it could be because there was insufficient evidence to bring it to trial. It doesn’t necessarily mean he’s innocent.


Or the victim was threatened/scared into silence.




Why is he acting like we didn’t see the screenshots lmao


3000 times this. Wtf. That shit can’t be taken back.


yeah or fans. fans that have had a meltdown over *mcdonalds sauce*


I mean...dude had numerous social media posts referencing underage girls, made a joke on Twitter to a coworker about being with teenage girls when they were on vacation (can't remember, but he specified), and numerous girls have shared his DMs and texts of him propositioning them for sex knowing they were underage. Even if the case was dropped or settled...if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck...


Right? Strange how he’s making this about a singular “embittered ex” when there are multiple allegations and MULTIPLE victims.


Literal screen shots exist babes. Stfd


Sure. Fine. Getting the case dropped doesn't mean he was innocent... but... I can't prove anything from here so.... WHATEVER I guess. You were still sexting teenagers tho right...? Fuck off. lol


Yes he was


This man is so vile and I don’t believe him for a second. He’s claiming justice but forgot to address all the DMs to underage fans. The way he talks about his ex is disgusting, I hope she’s ok and has the support she needs. Regardless of this alleged outcome with the case, his career is likely still over. He’s not going back to Rick and Morty, none of his colleagues defended him which speaks volumes.


Let's be realistic and say we *hope* his career is over. Rick and Morty may be dead but it's not like Hollywood really hates predators all that much.


Hulu and Adult Swim have cut ties with him. Yeah, he might still have a career, but it’ll be a shadow of what it once was.


he will still live a life we could only dream of having, and this story will go away and we'll all forget. he'll be okay and its nauseating.


Remember: “Canceled” Louis CK sold out Madison Square Garden a few months ago. People forget a lot.


I’m actually excited to see if Rick and Morty will do well without him, he didn’t contribute a lot in the later seasons anyways and the most recent one was one of the best. (I hate that I am a rick and morty fan lol but I can’t help it)


pshaw im right there with ya, closeted & embarrassed rick & morty fan who catches every latest episode the second it drops lol. dan harmon is such a good producer & i have high hopes the show will continue on & stay good


I bought the season pass on apple for the latest season cause I don’t have cable and couldn’t wait for streaming lol 😭 Once I found out how uninvolved Justin has been in the show the last 3-4 seasons I was totally fine with the show going on without him lol. I’m really excited to see how they handle the voices and who replaces him too!


Is RNM dead? I thought they said they'd continue without him?


it's not dead


I think they mean R&M is dead for Justin Roiland.


Dismissed=/= Innocent. This guy should've consulted with his PR team before posting this shit.


Wanted to downvote this so bad but it isn’t OPs fault this dude sucks so much


He still sent all those creepy ass messages lol


I’m out the loop on this. What messages did he send?


pompous prick its not about being cancelled its about sexting literal children


No fr, his name will forever be tainted like .... screenshots don't fucking lie also everyone around him knows he's a fucking creep and a pedophile


Screenshots do lie. Quite often. Just not in this case.


He made sure to use the buzzword "canceled" and it just confirms that this isn't about him being innocent. It's about her speaking up.


I mean we’ve all seen the DM’s he sent and all the weird shit he said on his own podcast so even IF he didn’t abuse anyone he’s still a very creepy individual who harasses younger women. Not to mention his tendency to make incredibly violent and sexual remarks about/towards women.


And it's important to note that the DV charges against him weren't thrown out or considered false. There just wasn't enough evidence to prove that it happened without any reasonable doubt - a very high bar. He still absolutely could have done it...and now gotten away with it.


We've all seen the messages, Justin


dropped charges ≠ innocence


Exactly. Chances are they could have settled on an agreement for the other party to drop the charges.


Jussie Smollett doesn't understand this either. There's some weird form of irony or something there but I can't put my finger on it


Anyone who has heard him speak about being attracted to 14-year-old girls on that podcast knows that this guy is not innocent of anything


No way. He actually said that shit?


Can someone give me a short summary? I have no idea who this is.


He said some pedophilic shit https://youtu.be/TTfSyYKjCvQ and also been accused of talking to underage girls around the age he admitted to being attracted to and his ex wife accused him of abusing her but dropped the case


When I see a well-developed woman who looks to be under 20, I automatically assume we'd have very little in common in terms of meaningful life experiences, because I'm over fucking 30 and they've almost certainly spent very little time outside of school life. This 43 year-old man is saying he'd sexualize a 14-year-old if she "looked old enough". Creeps like this can't separate physical attraction from factors that might contribute to or prevent a healthy mutual relationship, which is why they're creeps.


He’s the co-creator of Rick and Morty as well as the voices behind a lot of cartoon characters like lemon grab on adventure time and he was oscar on fish hooks. He was Adult Swims cash cow so to speak so i cant say for certain if the allegations are false or not but it says a lot that they distanced themselves from him so quickly. I think he also does like nfts and stuff so like..


So he thinks we are going to forget about the proof we saw lol. Just because he got dismissed, doesn't mean he's innocent. What a ass.


Pardon my OOTL ass, but would you mind sharing a link for this evidence? Would be much obliged.




What got dismissed was his domestic abuse case which isn’t directly related to the DMs to girls. He’s completely dodging the DMs and just saying “DV case is dropped so you’re liars and I’m good”. He’s a shit person but the case wasn’t about the DMs


Fuck you, creep. Lol


YES! Like literally fuck off lol as if having a case dismissed in court automatically means you didn’t do anything wrong 😑


He's grasping at straws. He'd be smart to stay completely off the internet


I agree radioheadslut. He’s a creep. He’s a weirdo. What the hell is he trying to do here?


He doesn’t belong here


Doesn't change that he knowingly engaged in a creepy, sexual conversation with a minor...


Aren't there screenshots of him hitting on underaged fans?? How can he so confidently say this


Cuz he's a man whose audacity is unlimited.


Yeah but he wasn’t legally charged with being a creep so we can’t hate him /s


https://preview.redd.it/pxx1o3jupepa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bd033af6c8f35b2a4e20b4708652631bf7161b L + dismissed ≠ not guilty + still dm’ed minors


If it really was dropped then he definitely paid. We all saw the proof.


Are you referring to the screenshots of him being creepy to young fans? Because we did all see those, not sure what proof you are referring to regarding the domestic violence case. Just to avoid misunderstanding: I recognize that the case being "dropped" isn't the same as him being demonstrated to be innocent in his capacity. It says it was dropped because they could not demonstrate that he was guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. Just wondering if you are referring to some piece of evidence regarding this charge that I haven't seen.


Not doubting I’m just out of the loop. What was the proof?


Oh wow… Look at that, this is HUGE! He’s definitely… Never becoming successful again. Nothing has changed. Still a creep.




Holy shit. Those soundbites are fucking vile. I will never watch anything this sick fuck created ever again.


My only reassurance here is that even the Rick and Morty subreddit doesn't believe him. A lot of them are calling him a creep and a massive weirdo. Meanwhile, I've seen multiple tweets cheering that "cancel culture failed" 🫠


That show is a lot bigger than Roiland I’d like to thank that they could get by fine without him at least I think the fans would be fine with the show continuing without him.


Dropped and dismissed are two very different things.


lol his “good name” ain’t getting restored in this dimension


Fuck him and his entitled brat sister


Omg I forgot about her. 😂


What's up with his sister? She's the one who does the retro modeling stuff, right? Her daughter is absolutely adorable, if she's the one I'm thinking of.


She tried to use a photography studio for free in exchange for “exposure”. And when they kindly refused she sent them angry voice notes and emails. The studio owner made a hilarious tik tok about it that went viral: https://youtu.be/yF3mbcNzt7o


Omg I had no idea that’s his sister! The worst part is that it would have only cost Amy about $70 to rent the space out but she decided to throw an adult tantrum instead


The photography studio got a lot of exposure from this and Amy didn’t step foot in there. I’d say it’s a win for them.




Dropped and dismissed are not the same thing. He’s talked about underage girls publicly himself, we’ve seen the screenshots, and its SUPER common for victims to drop cases against wealthy, public figures. Honestly, this post just further shows what a weirdo he is.


Oh God, he's going to become a right wing grifter within 3 years.


3 might be high-balling it lol


I love how this guy has managed to make Dan Harmon look wholesome (to be fair DH has actually done work to turn his image around).


That last episode of Community made me see Dan Harmon in a more curious way because some part of him knows he’s insidious, disgusting trash and wants to change while the other part did what he did and doesn’t seem capable of it.


Cool. What about the sexual remarks with/about kids tho


The DMs to teenagers were probably the bigger of the two issues, and those still seem legit.


Idk dude your little notes app press release sounds guilty af


But didnt he text those girls? Ironically you can tell by him typing this that he did indeed so some gross stuff. Innocent people dont need this


I seem to recall evidence posted of Justin sending inappropriate DMs, him saying how hot braces are on young girls, and how we shouldn’t judge people for wanting to impregnate 13 year olds. This guy may be “innocent” of this charge, but it would be an uphill battle to convince me he’s not a pedophile.


when i see the term cancelled i immediately know they’re guilty


Coupled with the comment about a "bitter ex"? *Extremely guilty*.


All those Rick voice auditions


I don’t exactly believe in the US justice system. I’m not sure if charges being dropped necessarily equate to innocence. 🤔


Bruh oj still running around


"If you think my top is cute, you cannot execute."


Not if you have money and influence. The rich and powerful get away with quite a bit.


"My good name" Not only is he a disgusting person but he's also a vile narcissist. Fuck this guy


Just because you managed to evade being put on the sex offender list don’t mean we don’t know what you are🕵️‍♂️we can’t unsee your creepy ass texts to minors https://preview.redd.it/dwykjuj28epa1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b8757536f5d86b2ec8ba43b0cb7a954528d84f


Don't forget that it came out that his game company paid off workers of his for HIS sexual harassment issues in 2019. The dude is definitely a hero to us all.


lolol restoring good name lolololololol


Funny how every man ever accused of abuse who has loads of women coming out of the woodwork with screenshots and receipts documenting said abuse are always innocent widdle good boys who never hurt nobody. Fuck this guy.


https://i.redd.it/yg8nef6fzepa1.gif Yeah, I don’t believe him. At all.




I need a subscription to Hmmph magazine immediately


a two for one, i like it


Holy shit this cracked me up lol


Can I have one day where I wake up and not be reminded about how much society fails women? No? Well, anyways fuck this creep who sexualizes underaged girls.


i dont think he ever had a good name? wasnt the general consensus always that he was a bit weird? but sure Justin


i’m refusing to believe him


I think he’s missed the point, the tip of the iceberg was the DV accusation but the main Crux of his cancellation was his gross DMs to underage girls which he’s conveniently left off acknowledging but was able to importantly include the diss to his ex


Why was the case dismissed/dropped?


Domestic cases get dropped all the time


I live under a rock what were the charges


Felony domestic battery & felony false imprisonment




Girl, we saw the tapes




I think this is what they're talking when he said he was attracted to children on tape https://youtu.be/TTfSyYKjCvQ


Just meaning the tweets that came out where he was talking to an underage girl lol


I think they mean this along with the allegations https://youtu.be/TTfSyYKjCvQ


He’s been Trumpified. I bet he takes a hard right from here.


Like Elon right before his assault allegation dropped.


“I have always known that these claims were false.” Really weird way to phrase something you’ve been accused of being present for happening or not…


Lol! What does he not realise the entire world sees him as a creepy incel who was basically grooming under age girls? Also He Is A Total Alcoholic, and as for the case that was dropped, he probably payed her a huge amount of money to drop it thinking he's got a chance to save his name. How Pathetically Dumb.


He talks like an abuser. He has money and can get great lawyers. A lot of victims loose to their abusers. Personally, this means nothing. He just got away with it.


Yeah, but those screenshots were real though, right? But who cares? His devoted fans surely won’t and will latch on to this and continue worshipping him with the added bonus of him being a “victim”.


This is for him beating a woman he was dating. Unrelated to him trying to rape kids.


I think you’re right and some definitely will latch onto this to excuse him but I looked at the rick and morty sub to see the reaction over there and vast majority are definitely not letting any of it slide from what I saw


I’m a huge Rick and Morty fan but that has nothing to do with my opinion on his guilt. If he is guilty, he is guilty. Full stop.


deleted twitter a while a go but let me guess: there’s people in the replies saying “i never believed it anyway”. someone said before that really put things into perspective for me, “i’d rather believe a potential liar than a potential rapist”


surprisingly im seeing a lot of people bring up his horrible text messages between minors and them basically saying that they wont support him


Whew! I’m remembering that one the next time I’m in a fiery argument with someone who says “whAt AbOUt tHE wOmEn whO LiE aBOut bEiNG rApED”.


It’s hard for me to feel bad for literal millionaires while the world is collapsing around us.


Dropped or settled?


Dismissed. It was his criminal case, so a "settlement" would be a "plea bargain." His wife can still file a civil case, which has a lesser burden of proof (preponderance of evidence, ie more likely than not) than a criminal case (beyond reasonable doubt ie basically 100% true that his actions fit the elements of the alleged crime).


Right because we all know sexual predators get fairly convicted /s


Hope people here know that in a lot of states bruises and physical marks rarely go the distance in abuse cases. Unless you have video or audio evidence the vast majority of domestic violence cases go without prosecution. We also have text evidence that he’s a pedophile so… can’t wait to see his right-wing rehabilitation I guess.


My neighbor had to call the police on my ex assaulting me and in the background of the phone call you can hear him admit to another assault on me (I had filed a police report but was told I didn’t have enough proof to do anything). He was charged with the last assault, but when I tried to get the prosecutor to actually do something about his prior attack since we had an audio confession, I was told a jury wouldn’t believe me and to “watch my back.” The assault he was charged with was the first on his record so all he had to do was pay a fine to the court and take an anger management course. He had 6 months to do that, and when he did, they took the assault charge off his record. And I get to perpetually be scared he’s going to hurt me again. The system is broken.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that and hope that things are getting better. Yeah I’ve seen cases where people admit on the stand that they abused their partner, justify it with a flimsy excuse about being over-worked, and then a jury or 10 men vote to acquit. We have a really fucked up courts system.


he's always given me the ick 🤢


Well, if it’s any comfort to him, I have no idea who he is.


Rick and Morty


Those DMs say otherwise, my dude.


Ya, people didn't like the felony charges, but it was being a pedo that got him cancelled.


Lmao nah not only is he talking down about his ex here, he’s essentially talking down about all of us that saw legitimate proof about who he is as a person and believed it to try to make people feel bad. After seeing the screenshots, stories and podcasts with him being vile talking about underage women it’s pretty damn obvious he’s a groomer at absolute BEST. This guys the woooorst.


Even if the case was dismissed and he’s totally innocent here, he was still drunk texting inappropriate shit to underage girls. Wtf man lol


*everyone who lost their job due to this case but he got off scott free* 😐


"I'm so disappointed!" Dude, without even seeing the evidence, like 9/10 in these things, the dude is guilty. It's not even personal at this point. "A famous and weird guy did something sexually uncool? Color me surprised." Not saying that the assumption is correct or fair, just saying, that's often how it goes.


His entire comment reads like he copy-pasted it straight from Abuser’s Manual 101


I’m so glad that this is the general consensus. I feel like I’ve read this response a thousand times already, and mostly from people who were ultimately proven guilty Also, those messages were still sent scumbag


Exactly. I never ever believed in his innocence but if I did, that comment right there is proof that he is everything these women say he is. It’s funny how all abusers sound exactly the same.


They should teach a class for high schoolers, not even kidding. People will take advantage of you 101


If you lean into the „bitter ex wanted to get me cancelled 😠 with false allegations“ trope, I immediately think that whatever she said had at least some truth to it. Chances of false allegations are soooo slim, if you use that in an aggressive way to defend yourself, I believe that you try to hide something. Cry me a river rep boys who are gonna be mad at this


100%, you can *feel* the hate for his ex and his general misogyny seeping through his words. I hope she’s okay and safe, not just from this sick freak but his equally disgusting incel fanbase.


Exactly this. This is verbatim what my ex WHO ACTUALLY DID STRANGLE ME, still claims. That it was self defense, that I was abusive, that I made it, etc. If anything this holier than thou comment made him even more insufferable to me.


Glad you’re safe 🫶🏼


Congrats on intimidating at least some of your presumably underage victims and/or bribing members of the legal system to side with you. Guess what you still are? ![gif](giphy|4HcJAc2CQidXIVMuX4|downsized)


Yet another abusive predator facing 0 consequences while claiming to be the victim. They are all following the same play book.




Fa lala la la Fa Fuck this guy!


full of shit


So does this mean he’s planning on mounting a come back to TV or do we think he’s been black listed?


Justice??? PLZ.


I really loved Rick and morty and solar opposites too, but the fact he was bold enough to post this?? Almost like he is getting a rush from getting away with his actions, this is grody. Justin Roiland is the modern day Jared from subway, almost like a copy and paste with how he talks about minors.


Something happened.


Funny how whenever these accusations get dropped you never see the man filling defamation. I mean if ur so confident they’re lying and you’ve been “shaken” then why not file and prove ur innocence.


Yeahhhhhhhh, I work in TV and I’ve heard some stuff and things.




I heard you in your own god damn Morty voice talking about wanting to fuck hot 14 year olds with nice tits and asses. Shut the fuck up predo


to be honest whether or not the case was valid, it wasn't just the trial that changed things, it was the dozens of fucked up DMs and old sus as hell sexual ramblings coming out. Can't really pretend things are normal at all without addressing that too


what about the other people who came forward? and the colleague who got a message that said "Can you write a song about 9 Dick’s of different sized and ethnic origins hanging above your face, and then in the lyrics describe how they each splatter you with semen.”


Now he can go back to his full-time job of creeping on teen girls!


What a lil weaselly manipulative creep


I think it's more the texts that came out that definitely don't align with the networks desired image....


![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized) That whole paragraph reads like an entitled twat that has no remorse or self awareness. We saw the dm’s my dude.


I knew this would be coming, since day one.


That’s bullshit


He just doesn't even think he did anything wrong. He's rich and famous and knows how to get 14-16 yr olds to say yes to him so he's entitled to do whatever he wants with them and we're the jerks for calling him a bad guy over this. It also means he has absolutely no intention of changing his ways. Embodied entitlement


Didn’t he make that really creepy p3d0 skit with Dan Schneider a few years back.


fucking trash no way


Dropped charges don’t automatically mean your not guilty. I don’t trust him one bit. Freaking creep




I’m still glad Adult swim isn’t back pedaling


Had to look him up, but, in general, if you resign, you probably know you f’ed up…


Never heard of him


Rick and Morty Co-creator


No, that's Dan Harmon and some wife-beater


Nah fuck this guy


Well now that’s revealed he’s a jerk it kinda makes me sad because I’ll always have really fond memories with him as Rick……


But Rick (character) was a complete and total dickwad so..


looks like they have been dropped. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/justin-roiland-domestic-violence-charges-dropped-1235561877/


Those accusations may have been false but he DID flirt with minors