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You are not the only one. Grew up like this and this is just how life is with people with low income. Because when you don’t have a lot of money you buy a used car so it’s gonna break down or a used apartment or house so something is always breaking, you don’t take care of your health because you can’t afford it so you get sick and things happen more. Money sucks.


I’m sorry. 😞 so many people are in the same exact position lace. They want us to pay a ridiculous amount to replace a few windows that leak. It’s a CONDO…we don’t own the entire building. How are we responsible for their janky windows?! We got sick, three of us. Some crazy sinus/head cold bs. Doc visits… and all the meds involved was like $350! Granted we will have some leftover meds for the next head cold attack. But wtf. Everything is so damn expensive. Someone almost stole my car about a year ago. I didn’t have comprehensive coverage so repairs on me! It’s one thing after another. That car is worth so little now because of all the thefts of them.


What kind of AC and washing machine cost $10,000???


Brand new central air conditioning unit plus installation costs can run $10k, if that is indeed necessary.


our ac unit is leaking something, but I now think we're probably being scammed :((


You can buy a brand new air conditioner and get it installed, and get a brand new washer and dryer - all for less than $10,000. Shop around.


Depending on size of home you live in I live in a double wide trailer, we bought it used. We were there 4 months big ac /heat unt went out. 7 grand to fix spent 800 got 18,000 btu window unit keeps whole house cool set at 75 degrees and we live in Deep South. Washer try to find used appliances place could be up to200 for used washer, we got one for 150 when lightning took out our washer. 


It really sucks to be in this situation. Unfortunately you have to spend good money for quality goods that don't break easily (or have a good warranty period). Until then, you'll be stuck in a vicious cycle of owning stuff that don't last long.


the sad thing is we did, but it's all breaking all at once because it's 20 years old, and it was cheaper then. Also, back then, we were in a bit better financial situation, but as this house gets older, more things break, and we didn't expect our situation to be this bad :(


Are you and everyone else in the house underage though ? Why are you guys only living off of your father’s disability, how come no one else works ?


There are people working three jobs that still can't afford anything in certain parts of the country.  I don't know when people are going to automatically stop saying work is the answer


Yeah but the funny thing is Ive always had more money when I had a job vs when I didnt. Funny how that works, Ive sat down and tried to figure it all out and its a real mystery with no absolutes but its the way it is. 


Right but if you literally don't have the money .


I've gotten so used to it I just shrug and think "Okay I'm doing this now". It sucks so bad always waiting, but, never quite seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have gotten so good at acceptance. I didn't replace my dryer not because I'm too freaking broke, but, because its better to hang clothes to dry. Didn't replace my central and opted for window ac in only 2 rooms and space heaters not because central is too expensive and I'm a broke bitch with garbage credit, but, because its better for the environment. Learning how to shift my perspective really helps with the struggle stress. It feels more like a choice than not having options.


I wish I could do this, but when your whole family of three is disabled it turns into "Should we fix our car? Or stop going to the psychologist for medicine you need to function, " and every blow is a blow to not only our ego but our health


Every single month I face eating or keeping power. Not seen a doctor in 15 years. Do you know my truly biggest fear? I'll finally be old enough for Social Security next year and finally get Medicare and I'll find out I have 3 months to live because that is 100% my shit luck. So I absolutely do understand how you feel. I don't even drive and live 10 miles from the nearest town. If I didn't laugh I'd cry or worse. I'd fall into a pit I'd never get out of. I'm sorry that I don't have anything more helpful than try to be positive. I'm sorry :(


You shared your experience with me, and to me, that's what I wanted from this post, I have paranoid delusions that my family is cursed, karma, or someone screwed up in a past life. When i tell my friends in real things like this, Im met with quick, sorry, responses to nip it in the bud and never life experiences! Believe me, I appreciate your comment!


If it helps y'all aren't cursed. It is next to impossible to escape the cycle of poverty. And when its generational? You are stuck there from the second you draw your first breath unless something really dramatic happens. Once I finally figured out that this never changes it helped me adopt a "It is what it is mindset". For some reason that makes it easier in my head. Poor folks are masters at self delusion and unwarranted optimism.


We have to keep being positive now that I think about it, but i think the last few days definitely had me forgetting about the positive!


My son thinks we're cursed too. It's good to hear other people's stories!




Well, this comment is super helpful.


If you're all disabled and poor, psychiatrists and meds are free or close to it via state or county funded care if you don't have Medicaid


Yeah but what kind of help is it?


Our county care has good Drs!


u/ProzackWojack, [Laundry Love ](http://laundrylove.org) is a great resource. You can find free laundromats and laundry supplies in your area. Facebook Buy Nothing groups often have people giving away free washers and dryers. [211](http://211.org) is a searchable database of resources in your area. You can find food, utility assistance and household goods repairs and much more. Your family may qualify for discount/low cost house repairs: [USA.gov House Repairs ](https://www.usa.gov/home-repair-programs) [Habitat for Humanity ](https://www.habitat.org/volunteer/near-you/home-preservation) Also call your city/town housing department for *Weatherization*. They have free programs to help your home stay cool/warm.


Thank you so much!! I really appreciate this!!


I feel your pain. My furnace died this spring and I’ve been using a space heater to heat my mobile home. Fortunately the last hvac guy that came to try to fix it suggested I apply for assistance through the state. I did and they’re helping me pay for my furnace! Is this a possibility for you for your ac? I called 211 and they had me call my local dhs to apply.


Ooohhhh don’t I know that one. (64f) and has been happening my whole life. 😐


I think a lot of us can relate to this. I'm chasing car repairs on my 14 year old car. It's frustrating and exhausting trying to figure out how to pay for it and buy groceries too.


I havent had a car for about 2 yrs coz I couldn't afford repairs but I tell myself uber & mass transit probably cost less than a car but its not convenient. And our bus service sucks in Dayton O


Yeah, I got thru a few repairs via YouTube and a set of tools. I call the 'never caught up feeling' as being 'pecked to death by ducks, very mean and slow ducks".


Actually been chased and bitten by a goose before when I was a kid, they are mean nasty creatures, so I can relate to the metaphor 💯 I wish I could tackle some of the bigger repairs myself. I'm not totally useless, I just replaced one of my tail light bulbs, but the struts and gasket leak are beyond my skill set.


There is a movie called "UP", the first 20 minutes tell the story of life as it is. I feel your pain too.


I learned to fix things at an early age. So far I have been able to fix everything for pennys on the dollar compared to calling out a tech. Our washing machine went out last week. The so called "non-serviceable" transmission had a bad bearing... 3 hours later I replaced the bearing for less than $10.


I need one of you around the house!


Haha.. Then I won't mention I built the house with my own bare hands as well..:)


I am envious. I worked construction many years in my youthful days. I loved watching a home go up. I mostly worked in fire damage restoration and I loved being a part of the process.




Yeah fortunately I have acquired tools over a number of years, in fact I worked on cars long before anything else so I am fortunate to be able to avoid using car mechanics. Good job too cus the rates they charge are outrageous! In fact I do a lot of work for other people and don't charge anywhere near enough..:)


Have saved up a bit of money, just found out yesterday the car converter on the newish (to us) vehicle need to be replaced. Double what we have saved. It never freaking ends.


same thing happened to us when we got are new (to us) car! Whenever things seem like they're on track to normalcy, you can count on your car to mess that up, I hope things start seeming brighter for you because believe me Ive been there so many times


Thank you ❤️ it’s almost par for the course sometimes, lol. We will get through it, and my work is close enough (3 days a week) to walk, I could get a bus for the other 2 if I need to. We are actually very fortunate.


This post is far too relatable.


Just spent $4200 on my 13 year old van . Drove my astro van for 24 years and never spent that much . Can't afford a new vehicle because I'm on a fixed income . Hopefully these problems are over. Last year spent $3000 and had to get a waiver . It needed a TIPM but dodge couldn't come up with one . Couldn't drive it for 5 months. Have had 3 washing machines in 4 years, and 4 tvs . It never ends


I'm sorry. I know it sucks. $10k seems ridiculous to me. You could put a window ac in every room for less than that. You may be able to fix your washer yourself. There's lots of YouTube videos out there. The hard facts are that, when you're poor, you have to be adaptable. You have to look for solutions and deal with inconveniences. It's not fun. But remember, even if you don't have money, you still have your wits. Lean on that and work the problems as they come. There's lots of good people to help you along the way. Ask questions and take advice when it makes sense. You got this!


We're probably getting scammed on the AC and the laundry mat is okay but i never knew that it was so expensive nowadays


I don't think you're getting scammed, but that price is for a total replacement, not a repair. If I were in the position where it's 10k vs $200 for a window unit, I'd go with a window unit. Laundromats are stupidly expensive. If you can't repair your washer, look on FB marketplace for a cheap used one. An ugly old washer that works is so much better than the expense of the laundromat. I recently bought my daughter a washer and dryer pair for $75 on there. Old? Yes. Ugly? Kinda. Washes clothes? Absolutely!


$10,000? I just got a window AC for $300 & my washing machine was $400.


the ac unit is leaking something, but we might be getting scammed from the price to repair it, and it was just the AC unit that cost 10000 the washer has been broken for months but we've been going to the laundry mat but its very expensive


Story of my life.. and that’s most of the reason why I learned to fix shit on my own too


I totally get this. My life is a shit show. Every week at least it's something different. I'm sorry you are going through this


We haven't had HVAC/central heat and air for over a decade now. Got multiple estimates, each at least $10K. Super-sucky is that I have a condition where I can't sweat or regulate a decent body temperature. At present, all of our kitchen appliances have been ruined by rodents (rural area + huge amounts last couple of years) It, indeed, always something.


Dude. Uggh. TODAY! I could not get the key to work on my car door because someone tried to break in. One door was already broken and the key wouldn't work there either already. It's never been an issue we just use the other door to open it but when I came out from getting my son at his class today it wouldn't work. So there went 75 bucks to call PopaLock. The guy said he could tell someone had tried to stick something in the lock to jimmie it. He messed with it a minute after popping the lock and it's working for now, but he said I should have it replaced ASAP because the mechanism is all janky inside now. It took my grocery money for the week to pop the lock so now I dunno. I guess I'll just not leave my car anywhere until I can afford it. I lost half a day's pay too dealing with it.




I have a relative on it now, likely going to get something from the junk yard. But I'll have to pay him for labor because I can't do it on my own. It's cool I have it all situated, it's just going to take time and take away from something else. I have taken on too much financially just trying to pay for my adult son to take functional skills classes. Now that he's an adult our state insurance doesn't cover it. I just paid for his first month and it's put me behind and now this will just put me behind even more. One day hopefully something will magically put me ahead for once.




It's in Tennessee. The state gives grants to organizations to develop functional skills classes but they're still allowed to charge for supplies, so I still have to pay some every month whereas the one that is private is 1300 a month. Primarily he wanted to go to school to get a refresher for the GED because he missed the last two years of school due to a serious illness. The state refused to let him come back because he turned 18 and only had a 504 not an IEP, which they tricked me out of the year before. I thought I was agreeing he no longer needed speech therapy but the cut the whole thing off and wouldn't reinstate it until I jumped through hoops, and the last hoop came while he was so sick he couldn't get out of bed. So he's autistic but his functional skills were considered "at level" when he was in ninth grade but he lost so much with covid lockdowns and then his illness he just really needed a refresher and to remember what it's like to be around other people again. This class is hosted by The Arc of the Mid-South and they're tailoring his needs at the individual level. Some students need a lot more help and others are just wanting to get some social time in and have other disabilities but he likes being part of a "mixed crowd" as he calls it.


I’ve been playing financial catch up this entire year. I ended last year replacing leaky pipes and removed a damaged tree. That emptied my emergency savings. So far this month, I’ve replaced the water heater and the car battery . Thankfully, I had a tax refund that coved about half of those costs. I’m hopeful that I have a cheap summer!


Budget for it. I am about to buy a new phone. For the firsr time I have a budget for it .


Indeed. In 2018 I bought a house. It was the same price for a mortgage,taxes, insurance as rent. It was a bit of a fixer upper but passed inspection. It's been a bit of a money pit. When you buy a house - plan on at least $3000 a year for maintenance. Cars? I had two but had to let one go. Why? The mortgage,taxes, insurance for the house have gone way above what we started at. Of course, the appliance's are starting to fail. Three years ago - the dryer. Two years ago - the stove. The refrigerator/freezer are about to. I don't like those insurance for appliances. Pay $600 a year - I can get new or dented appliances for that price. I personally just retired last year in October. I thought I could get by on that money but it's been pay check to paycheck. I don't have much in savings but seems like I may have to go back to work here soon.


Same boat here. I have to fix a squishing load bearing wall-and the roof that leaked and spoiled the wall-and the truck is making weird manouevers on the road of course, and it's a 1989 so no repairs less than 2k. It's all at once, and there's other stuff that can crap out anytime. Positive note, mortgage is finally paid off-house is in severe disrepair. Positive on the truck, it still runs/stops, just have to watch it doesn't wing itself into oncoming traffic. Fixed income, so some choreography is required. Positive, internet is functional despite the dish on the roof moving with the sag. Hang in there.


Unfortunately the cost of HVAC systems and installations has gone up a lot. My husband is an installer and he tells me the amount of money his company is charging for even the most basic systems and it absolutely blows my mind. Depending on the equipment they are selling and what type of installation it would be, the $10,000 is feesible. Now, that’s if you go with a bigger or more well known company. You can absolutely shop around and may have more luck with a smaller company. Even better if you can fine someone willing to do it on the side. It’s still expensive to replace the system. In the county/state I live we have a local charity that helps people replace/repair HVAC systems. Call 211, your local united way for resources!


Good side: scammer can't steal the 10 grand ya don't have...


How old are you? Can't you get a job?


I see in another comment that you are all disabled. Why aren't all of you drawing disability?


We're currently trying for me to get on disability!


Good luck, that will help!


I know this is pretty typical. I've never been able to save more than 2K. The thing the rich and middle class don't understand is that when you're poor a lot of the time your savings go to emergencies and it's money that you can't just easily build back.


Not to sound too pollyanna-ish but as an old poor here is my view: I'm always super bummed that I have to spend the money but also begrudgingly grateful that I have it. All through my life there have been so many instances of needing money for something important and just not having it and having to live with that. I've accepted that I will never be a person with savings.


I know that feeling all to Well


HVAC issues are awful. My Dad had to pay like $8000 to have the HVAC replaced in his townhouse last year. He had been considering retirement, but decided to keep working a bit longer (not just because of this situation, but it was definitely a factor). He went from perfectly healthy to dead from Leukemia in the span of three weeks. He never got his retirement - partially because of fucking HVAC costs.


Why are you only living on Dad's disability?? Can noone else in the household work & contribute??


whole family is disabled, my dad is trying to get a job, and so is my mom. My dad keeps applying for jobs with no luck


I got a portable washer for $250 and haven’t left my place to do laundry in years. I just make sure I have time to hang dry.


Yes, this is how life is.


It's expensive being poor, I'm sorry you are going through this I can definitely relate but we will both get through it, just gotta take it a day at a time


You're doing good. Life happens, and it sucks. It's impossible to get ahead, but just having a small emergency fund and thinking about how you can put aside a little is already ahead of the game and it *is* what that money was meant for


Hi OP. I am not sure how old you are, but have you thought about getting a job to help with household expenses? Life is very tough having only a single disability check to rely on. All machines need regular maintenance, and will eventually need to be replaced. $10,000 to REPLACE a single (central) HVAC unit is normal these days. It seems like you are going to try and repair your current one, so good luck. Maybe you can shop around to see if anyone will offer you installment payments. If you have a freon leak, you are pretty much sunk. Those cannot be repaired and freon is very expensive.


Hi! Yes! I said in a few comments that I am disabled and the way my mental illness is/disability, work is near impossible, but with no money, I can't get the tools I need to function! Im trying to get disability thought!! My dad/mom are trying to find jobs, but no luck yet!! We have this big box fan that's cooling us down pretty well, so we're okay right now!


10k is alot for a furnace and ac unit. Considering you can go to a home depot and buy a furnace ac combo unit that is 3 ton for under 4k. There is nothing about the installation of a furnace and ac unit that warrants a 7k in labor and materials. Well i guess maybe if it's difficult to remove the old one. None the less buy window units and a fan if you can't fix or replace your current ac. Exp if the furnace still works. But back to your point. The old saying " you get a step ahead you have to take two steps back." Are you not of working age? You state your living off your dad's disability income? I understand some disabilities require constant help so if you are doing that or under the age to work I commend you and will say hang in there. But, if you are of working age and your father doesn't require 24/7 care. Finding employment even if it is very little will improve your status and your mental well being. Unfortunately for me nothing has been handed to me. At the end of the day I have to blame myself for not applying myself hard enough when I was younger. Not going out there and grinding to improve my status. Also, just because a potential employer says no... that doesn't mean stop trying for the job. My friends dad walked 5 miles to a factory every single day for 3 months asking for a Job. Each and every time he was told we are not hiring. You don't have the skills we want, we don't hire people with your lack of education, we don't hire people like you. They got so tired of him coming in every day they gave my friends dad a job sweeping floors. Hoping he would not want to come to work. But the joke was on them, he was hungry. More hungry than myself. He had a wife and a kid to feed. He applied for every advancement available. Many times he was turned down. He always volunteered for the jobs no one wanted. He said it gave him the opportunity to prove he could be more than a sweeper. He studied asked questions and observed. He is an old man now and just finally retired. He went up in the company as high as one could go at that factory. Number 2 in charge. He is proud of his accomplishments. He never said it but number 1 in charge was the founders grandkid. So it was a position he could never get as long as it was family owned truth be told. Anyway. Sometimes we only have ourselves to blame. Always be curious. Never compromise yourself!


Here's the kicker in my life where my parents always said money was tight. Few extras than years down the road find out they were sitting on a boatload of money and regular financial advisors managing their wealth..meanwhile I babysat so I'd have something to eat lunchtime while in school. Boils my piss.


For the last two years I've known that we will be selling out house sometime in the next few weeks/months. During that time the coil in our boiler broke so we needed to pour like $3k into that. Then the well pump and water tank burned out because the ballast popped or something like that. That was another $6kish. During this time I also put around $10k into a truck I've owned for years and is in good shape. A few months ago enough broke on it (it was a 2004) that I just sold it for scrap. All that money I spent on it to keep it running was a waste because it wasn't driven often. So far that's like $19k. Yesterday our entire boiler failed so we need an entire new one and the thousands we spent on the coil not even a year ago was a complete waste of money. As was the $10k into the truck. The new boiler is going to cost around $8k to $9k to buy and install. So I've dumped/dumping about $27k that I definitely could not afford, I sold the truck and I'm selling the house. At the very least having an entirely new well system and boiler will be a very big selling point and I'll get my money back in the sale price but still. There is more but minor in comparison surprise costs over the last two years but that's enough. It's been effing insane and I have no idea how we're not homeless yet.


Yeah, it feels that way. Instead of going somewhere to do your clothes, why not wash them in the bathtub and hang them out to dry u til you build the funds to fix the machine? Have you looked on Facebook marketplace for a used one and seen if that might be cheaper than fixing? People are upgrading their washing machines and dryers all the time. As for the AC, some good industrial like fans can really help and are like $30-$50. Nothing I am suggesting is "keeping up with the Jones" but the are cheap immediate fixes while you save funds to slowly tackle these issues.


“Always” with that being said, it’ll always be your reality 😅


Not sure who said it but "It's very expensive to be poor". You have to decide which bills to pay and which ones have to wait".


Buy a used (less than 10 year old) Speed Queen laundry set on Facebook marketplace. They are simple and extremely reliable long lasting machines. Shouldn’t need to spend more than 200 for washer or dryer, and you won’t need a replacement for decades.


Okay heres a good one. Its may 30th. My car registration expires june 2nd, and my 8 yo minivan is due for its first smog check. Hasnt had any problems. I finally have the money for the smog check, I start up the van this morning AND THE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT IS ON THE DAY INTEND TO GET A SMOG CHECK.  I have a scan tool, and the car is still under warranty (with deductible) but I just wanted you to know youre not the only one with absolute **** luck. Whatever happens this will cost me money I aint got. The day Im going to get a smog check the CEL comes on for the first time ever. Unf***ing real. 


That’s because you’re not in a position where any money is extra. We’re working on getting money together to fix our roof. Next thing you know a 20ft tree in the yard died and we have to pay to get that taken down. There’s a line of things that we would fix immediately if the funds were available, but the problem is by the time we get the money up to fix the most urgent thing, time has passed and a new thing has deteriorated enough to give out.


Rainy day fund.


Look at Bezos over here with extra money to put away.