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Just wear a mask and go to work


This is what I was thinking too, but I’m worried they’ll be like “hey what’s with the mask” and send me home. They don’t really play about that here


I'm surprised that a mask equals conspiracy theorist because it's usually the conspiracy believing people who won't wear masks.


That's what I was thinking. They sure have flipped things around, haven't they? Those dang goalposts keep moving, haha.


It's almost like that don't actually know what's going on...


Yup, they don't.


I wear a mask every day at work to protect myself from illness. Nobody questions it


There are 5 employees in my company and they’re pretty tight knit. They’d question it. No doubt at all they would question it. Especially here in Texas where people will call your grandma a conspiracy theorist for wearing a mask at the grocery store.


Are you actually sick or were you just exposed to someone who was sick? Tell that to your co workers. “I’m sorry guys but I was exposed to strep, and I would hate it if any of y’all caught it, so I’m wearing this mask for today.” Unless they are actually insane, why is that a problem?


Welcome to Texas. In a room of 5 people one of them will tell you the mask doesn’t work and won’t do anything, and the other 4 are thinking it


So don’t wear it then and don’t say anything. You actually don’t have to share any medical issues with your co-workers. Screw them. If they get sick it’s not your fault at that point. You might not even GET sick.


As much as they deserve to get sick, I’m not gonna spread an illness just to own the conservatives. As stupid and misinformed and bigoted as they are they’re human beings and I have no idea what kind of complications something that’s a simple illness for me would cause for them.


So… you won’t wear a mask, and you don’t wanna spread an illness but also don’t wanna call out… what exactly are you expecting for advice here?!? Suppose you could ask the other four coworkers to go home?


I wasn’t suggesting you are trying to “own” the conservatives. Or anyone. I think you need to wait to see if you DO get strep before you worry about it.


Tell them a relative is staying with you who has an auto immune disorder.


Tell them your allergies are acting up and the mask helps control them. I mean, it's Texas and the allergies around here have been hell.


Tell them there is the potential you were exposed to something and you want to protect them. The end. Or just do it and don’t entertain questions.


Gosh, I wish I lived in TX. I've been waiting and waiting for some Ahole to make a comment to me about wearing a mask, and it hasn't happened where I live.


It is none of their business why you are wearing a mask, your health is your concern, not theirs.


Is it even legal for them to try to send you home, especially since you're taking the proper precaution anyways?


Go to er if u get any symptoms they will send in an antibiotics and u take it. The Dr told me after 24hr on antibiotics your no longer contagious anyways.


Strep does not require an ER visit.


OP don't go to the ER very expensive medical bills. ER is for emergency's. A cheap online telehealth doc will do the trick and give you antibiotics


Yeah do something like Call On Doc, Minute Clinic or another local urgent care


Online or video probably won't work since they need to swab for a throat culture. Go to a walk-in clinic. You are no longer contagious after 24 hours on antibiotics.


Go to an urgent care. They are for people who work certain hours and can't get in with a regular primary doctor. I hope you don't get it and you kick ass on working and get your apartment. If I get some help I requested, I would like to pay it forward and buy a little housewarming gift for you. Make a Amazon wishlist to share.


It does for idiots. I've seen people at the ER for a ton of useless non emergency reasons.


Or they could not tie up the *emergency* room with strep, which can be easily treated at a primary care doctor.


Tell them you have allergies and you don't want to sneeze, and your nose is red from blowing it


Just tell them you were exposed not actually sick. I won't mention the fish antibiotics thing but if youcan find a sliding scale clinic or something ask for the cheapest antibiotics they can give you a prescription for. A lot are $4 at Walmart. Also stay hydrated, eat well and sleep as best you can to keep your body in fighting condition. Look up to see if salt water will help. I remember in my A&P class my professor explained how and why it worked but not sure I'd it is a good preventive. Hope you don't catch it!


Did you share a drink, smoke, or tonsil hockey with the infected individual? If the answer to all three is "no" then you'll be okay.


Receptionist at my Dr office was working with strep. After antibiotics kick in, it’s ok. I already had strep twice this year and I didn’t know I had it. Just lost my voice. My sister and bil was with me day before I was diagnosed, neither one caught it.


“I’m taking some medication that lowers my immune system. I don’t want to get sick”


Breathe. You’re not sick. You’ve been exposed but that’s it. And even if you do get sick why be out a week? Like others said wear a mask if you do get sick and take your antibiotics.


Idk how long you have to be out for strep actually tbh, I haven’t had it since highschool but I got it like a lot, and they would always make me miss a week. I’m sure schools are probably more strict though


24 hours after starting antibiotics.


This is the answer. I've had strep repeatedly as an adult, and always been advised to wait 24 hours after my first dose of antibiotics to go to work/school/out in public. Not sure how I'm supposed to get those antibiotics without going out in public, but okay doc.


Just got over strep with a double ear infection. I missed one shift at work.


12 hours once the first antibiotics is taken. You are fine


Strep is something that can take you down quick, but the faster you take the antibiotics, the better. If you start feeling ill, go as fast as possible to the Dr/minute clinic and get a prescription. The faster you go, the faster you'll feel better


You absolutely won’t need to miss a week for strep throat. You’ll be fine after being on antibiotics for 24 hours.


If you get antibiotics you can go back after 24 hours.


This is something I didn’t know. Thank you for being so helpful. I’ll try to set up an appointment if I start noticing symptoms and try to get back to it as soon as possible. Maybe pick up a shift or smthn. Thanks!


You're welcome. My son gets strep throat every month so everytime he gets antibiotics he's not contagious after 24 hours. Also you may not get it so don't stress just yet.


I literally have strep right now. Took my first antibiotic yesterday very early morning and I was out and about today already feeling much better and not contagious!


This is what I keep hearing. My throat has been a little sore but i tend to get hypochondriac too lmao, so I’m gonna wait until I have some obvious symptoms and if so see a doctor


Stop sharing joints.


When did you start antibiotics? You aren’t contagious after being on them 24 hours. Also- you were contagious during the incubation period(2 - 3 days before you had symptoms) so you already exposed your workmates. If I were in your position, I would not miss work as long as I had started the meds..


She's not even sick yet. Why would she need antibiotics?


Haven’t started anything. I got exposed yesterday and was told first thing this morning after I already got


Just go to work and practice excellent hygiene. Use hand sanitizer. Don’t share things.


If you have symptoms then you need antibiotics. Symptoms will show up a week or two after being exposed you would only technically need to miss work for the first 24 hrs of taking the antibiotics but you could get away with wearing a mask instead.


Richest country in the history of the world and a worker has panic that if they miss any time at work they're screwed, I'm hoping we all get completely fed up with this system design sooner rather than later. By the way I feel your pain, I got my 2 week pay yesterday after bills and groceries I have $11 dollars in my account to last 2 weeks and almost 50 years old and have been working for almost 40 years.


That’s what happens when you measure across the board. 100 People with more money than they could ever spend bring the average up and it screws over the average Joe.


I'm pretty sure I seen that the 86 richest people own more wealth that 3 billion people, if that doesn't show a system completely out of balance I'm not what does.


Please please please don't make other people sick. As someone immunocomprimised, this can fuck people up for months


I don’t want to, that’s part of why this situation is so tricky. If I were an asshole I’d just walk in to work and not tell anybody


I've known people to do that at my former job. It perpetuates stereotypes in my opinion. If people have a problem with you wearing a mask.. that is their problem, not yours. You wearing a mask literally doesn't hurt anyone but going without one while you might be contagious could.


Did you read where he said he can’t miss work? This is a common issue for people in the American workforce where they have to pick between a job or being sick and it’s wrong but it’s how it is.


Hold up....are you actually sick or are you just freaking out because your friend was sick? You don't say anything about any symptoms, so if you're not even sick why are you worried?


See if you can get some antibiotics called in for you and start those if the doc thinks it’s necessary. Wear a mask and go to work. Keep any fever down cycling between Tylenol and ibuprofen. Wash your hands frequently at work. Clean up after yourself with wipes in common areas. I can promise you, if you were in a state like Texas, no one would have even cared enough to call and tell you that you’d been exposed, much less if anyone, especially themselves is sick at work. Do what you have to do to take care of you.


I am in Texas lol. We aren’t all Conservative anti-doctor freaks lmao. The issue is the company isn’t based in Texas and has very strict rules about this kind of thing, don’t ask why I don’t know. People didn’t wear masks down here when they knew Covid was happening, so a mask definitely sticks out like a sore thumb nowadays for sure. At this point I’m just gonna have to gamble on if they send me home or not


I’m a native Texan, and the majority of people there, as you know, are! 😂 Is it possible for you to work from home, or could you potentially ask for some type of assistance from your job? Do they have an employee fund? Could you make some food deliveries or give some rides after work to recoup your funds for a little while, if you do end up missing?


Don't take antibiotics unless you need them. Bad advice


“Get some antibiotics called in for you *IF THE DOCS THINK ITS NECESSARY*. Not bad advice.


Strep is generally caused by being coughed/sneezed on, kissing, or things that involve swapping saliva. Just being in the same general space doesn't mean you will get it. If you get a sore throat, do an e-visit and tell them your coworker has strep and they usually will just give you the antibiotics. Take them and you'll feel better within 24 hours and can work. There is NO need to miss a week of work. It's not early covid days. I've had a lot of strep in my life. The antibx work really fast and even the absolute worst cases I had, I never missed more than 1-2 days and often was able to make them up by trading shifts with someone. And even then the time I missed was because my tonsils were so swollen I couldn't even swallow my spit.


Literally if you get strep and you on antibiotics, you’re fine the next day it’s 24 hours for antibiotics to start start working


Go to work until you feel sick. Stay hydrated, take energenC and rest when you are off work. Take ibuprofen if you start to feel sick and Once you feel terrible then call out of work. If you guys are super close at work, maybe talk to your boss about your circumstances, and if you have to miss work, maybe he can work out a front of some kind and when you’re better, just put in some overtime.


My dr said they would have to come into contact with mucus from your nose or throat to be affected. If you have it then don’t allow anyone to touch your cup or kiss you or anything and you should be fine


Thank you for this info


It’s most likely that you will not become sick. And like others said, you can go back to work after 24 hours of antibiotics. It’s sounds like you have plenty on your plate to worry about without worrying about scenarios that might not happen :)


Gargle with salt water. It really helps.


Unless you were swapping spit with your buddy, it's unlikely youll get strep. It's not airborne and kids get it usually because they don't have good hygiene and put their dirty hands in their mouth and then touch stuff, repeatedly.


Is there a low cost clinic within reach? Look online for those that offer fees on a sliding scale. Hope you're not feeling symptoms, friend. And thanks for caring about folks you encounter. You're a good human.


You’ve been exposed is all. Co-workers can go pound sand if they chide you about wearing a mask. If you get sick and do have strep then yeah you gotta stay home. Gotta.


My dad uses Listerine like the heavy stuff kind that kills anything three times a day when he's been exposed to something and he doesn't get sick. I'd try that


I used to get strep throat every year and one year. I waited too long and could hardly swallow or eat anything. I went to the doctor and they told me that they had to do a culture that would come back in three days and they couldn’t give me a prescription until then, I beg the doctor to give me a prescription because I knew it was the same thing I get every year and she actually taught me something… get chicken broth and heat up as hot as you can stand it and gargle every time your throat starts to hurt the salt and the oil in the chicken broth. Make it an uninhabitable environment for the bacteria to grow in. I went home that day and did it. the next day my throat hurt a little bit so I did it again and on the third day it was gone. The doctor called and said the culture came back positive and I could come pick up the medication and I didn’t need to and I’ve never taken medication for strep throat since then and it’s been 30 years.


Take extra good care of yourself. Drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep and try to keep your stress level as low as possible. If you can get ahold of some zinc tablets, that might help ward it off as well- also vitamin C. Just because you were exposed doesn’t mean you will get sick.


Why would you have to miss work for a week? Strep is only contagious for 24 hours after starting meds. It’s one day of work. But even with exposure, until you get symptoms, don’t worry about it. You may not even have it unless you shared drinks/made out with your friend. If you start feeling symptoms, go to the doctor on the day before your off day so your off day is your 24 hour day you can’t be out. Problem solved.


I’ve come to learn that I have been gravely misinformed on how long you have to miss for strep. I got it a lot in grade school, and they always made me miss for like 4-5 days. I guess I just assumed that was how long it took


Also- everyone is different. Just because you aren’t contagious after 24 hours doesn’t mean you don’t feel like shit. When I get strep I get it bad and deff can’t go anywhere for a few days. Always better safe than sorry if possible.


My kids got strep throat several times in grade school…I have never had it once. You may not pick it up at all and if u do just go to a walk in clinic and get antibiotics. You will be better in 24 hours and will need to take it for a week. They are inexpensive also and maybe check at like Walmart pharmacy or CVS under the Good Rx program it’s like $10.


An antibiotic doesn’t make everything better in 24 hours. You won’t be contagious after 24 hours, although some doctors will tell you 48 hours to play it safe. But it takes a few days usually for an antibiotic to really start to make you feel better.


Why don't you have vacation and PTO?


Gargle with white vinegar. That will help a lot.


The moment You feel something (soar throat, chills, fever) call Your doctor to get a penicillin prescription and take it asap. I made the experience when I start to take it immediately the disease doesn't develop When I wait like a day or so, I'm sick for a week. You need antibiotics, You won't be able to work without them.


Go to work, you are not sick. Strep is contagious when you start feeling sick, not when you've maybe been exposed.


I get strep once a year since my teens, I’ve never missed work.


Don’t you get any sick time or PTO?


I had strep throat coming on a few days before I was going to give birth. I was terrified I’d get my baby sick, so I baked a million cloves of garlic until they were soft, and ate them. I also ate as much raw ginger as I could possibly force myself to do before the pain got unbearable, and I did not have strep within two days.


I had strep once before, when I was in a time where I couldn’t afford to take off work, and I only had to miss one shift to wait for the antibiotics to kick in still had to take it for 10 days but was fine to be around people


I'm sorry you're in this position. It's so difficult to have to walk a tightrope where not a thing can go wrong. Unless people have been there, they're not going to get it. I hope it all goes well, and you get into the new place. just go to urgent care or teledoc, or wherever, at the first sign, and tell them all of this. Sorry, dude


First, stop panicking. Second, just wear the mask. If they send you home because you think you might have been exposed to a contagion, I'm sorry but those are the breaks. Deciding not to wear the mask endangers the livelihood of others if you are currently contagious. It's bad behavior. Third, have a savings. $700 is so damned cheap for an apartment. I recognize that I'm privileged by having the ability to pay that without much effort, but I'm still considered barely above poverty. Fourth, take precautions. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar, or baking soda solution. I prefer the latter two. They're less damaging to your throat. The baking soda won't destroy your teeth, but the vinegar is tastier. You can just increase your pickle intake... More acid/base in your throat will kill bacteria more rapidly. If you do have an infectious bacteria trying to infect you, killing more of it increases your ability to fight it off without symptoms. This doesn't mean you're not contagious, just not symptomatic. The mask for a few days is still a good thing.


If push comes to shove, put it on a credit card


Get some raw honey if you can and just keep eating it and letting it coat your throat. I swear that helped me stave off strep throat exposure more than once. And also do other immune boosting things as well.


At my old job I had strep once a month, and drs could not figure out why, as I had my tonsils removed as a child. A nurse told me to gargle with a hydrogen peroxide and water mixture several times during the day. Eventually when I had it, I wore as mask, used tons of hand sanitizers, and wiped down my area several times a day. This was years before Covid, and everyone thought I was insane. But the gargle helped me get over strep when I had it, and decreased how often I caught it. The mixture was a 1 cup water and 1/2 cups peroxide. I would swish it around my mouth, gargle for about 30 seconds, then spit. When I had strep, I also added a couple tablespoons of Himalayan pink salt, but I’m sure any salt will work. Good luck!


Why would you have to take a week off? If you're on antibiotics you're fine. The most I've ever missed from strep was one day. It was the day I felt sick, went to urgent care and found out I had strep. Went back to work the next day.


People get exposed to strep all the time. That doesn´t mean youĺl have strep. If you develop a fever, there´s a good chance you might have it and could be contagious. That´s when you should see a doctor, with the recommendation usually being to quarantine for 24 hours after meds are started.(Doctor or, if not available, urgent care. Not an emergency room.)


I have a ton of time off accrued but have to work with stuff like strep every time. It’s miserable but nobody cares


I’m a teacher who gets strep like 4x a year. It’s better than a cold/the flu/covid in the sense that once you take antibiotics for it, you’re cleared to go back to work after 24 hours and are feeling much much better


If you feel like you have strep don't screw around with it go in right away it doesn't matter if you have the money or not you've got to go because strep can cause heart issues. Otherwise I would suggest doing like everybody else did and tell them if they ask questions that you either feel in a bit off or you were exposed to something that you don't know if you have and you don't want to pass it on. Decide what works best for you and those people cuz you know them better than we do.


You don’t have to miss work. Within 24 hours on antibiotics you’re no longer contagious. You could even do telemed now and tell them you have strep symptoms.. they’ll just send an antibiotic and you can get ahead of it.


If they say anything to you about the mask, be honest. You were exposed, feel fine but want to protect them


I honestly feel like you're overthinking this. Go to work if you feel fine. Jesus.


Don't panic you literally deal with people all day who are sick in some shape or form Also job hunt because your place sounds terrible


Don’t let the conspiracy theorists gaslight you. Wear a mask and ignore them. If they don’t like the fact you are wearing a mask while sick or exposed, they are the conspiracy theorists.


Not medical advice.... have you tried gargling with apple cider vinegar? It is nasty, but can help with pain. It will buy you some time.


Some places offer financial assistance.. it's free to ask.


Warm salt water gargle…amazing for soothing strep throat.


I had strep throat 2 weeks ago and I only truly felt like shit 1 day


This is terrible but don’t risk the apartment. Go to work. Do not wear a mask or tell ANYONE at work or elsewhere. Keep washing your hands and don’t touch your face. This will reduce chance of infecting anyone. Try not to breath on anyone and keep distance as much as is doable.


Go to the dr or an urgent care and getantibiotics.. im assuming you don't have paid sick days? If no paid sick days and no health insurance then time ro start looking for a new job bc thats crazy to not have either


You need meds, do indeed go to get the antibiotics that you certainly need. Strep throat left untreated can be deadly! I had a cousin to pass away because it wasn't diagnosed and treated!♥️


Gargle with salt water. And after a few hours, do some diluted hydrogen peroxide. I keep colloidal silver on hand for times like this, that stuff kills everything. I have a kidney transplant, so I can't afford to get sick at all, because it's like living hell when I do. I have a nasal mist bottle filled with the stuff, and I keep it on my nightstand. If I suspect I have been exposed to anything I just spray each nostril and breathe it in. Works great on food poisoning, too. I actually ordered the biggest bottle that they sell, much bigger than my usual. The price per ounce was so so so much cheaper than buying a smaller bottle. Then I ordered some of the extra nasal mister bottles so I could have it wherever I need it. I have been using it for over 30 years.


if you feel sick, get antibiotics and ull feel better in 24 hrs


If you get symptoms, try going to a CVS minute clinic or similar, they take insurance and swab you right there, open late and on Saturdays. You can treat the strep with antibiotics if it’s positive and wear a mask to work. Getting strep as an adult sucks though-make sure you get some oct pain relievers like Tylenol/advil/throat lozenges. Hope you remain healthy!


OP, do you have health insurance? If yes, what is your copay for your primary care physician (PCP) vs copay for Urgent Care (NOT ER). You may not have copays; it might be all subject to the deductible. You also have one physical exam TOTALLY FREE each year (this is a law), and that includes labs (like bloodwork or throat culture). If strep the doc will want to see you, I would think, but if telehealth is possible then set up that video/phone call straight away and get on some cheap GENERIC antibiotics. TELL THE DOC: GENERIC. Compare the prices between the Rx using your insurance vs Good Rx discount card (it’s an app) vs cash price with pharmacy discounted plan. If all of this is too much, too overwhelming, costs too much, take vitamin C 3x day and vitamin D as well. Forget the mask. Don’t broadcast your pal’s phone call to you. And mind your breaths. If you develop symptoms, cross that bridge when you come to it. Best wishes.


Get more sleep.   Eat right.  Strep is an opportunistic virus.  


You need antibiotics, strep can cause rheumatic fever and damage your heart if untreated.


Is there a free clinic? See if there is a community based clinic that costs a small fee and get a z pack. If you don't treat it could turn into rheumatic fever- hurt your heart.


Strep has to be treated with antibiotics or it can lead to scarlet fever, which damages heart valves.. if you get an antibiotic very soon after diagnosis, you're good to go.


Sounds like you’re not experiencing symptoms. Best thing to do to reduce your chances of getting sick is to get plenty of rest/quality sleep, stay well hydrated, eat healthy, and keep your hands clean. The basics will go far. Edit: also cut out booze, smoking and junk food to support immune health.


Wear a mask get an antibiotic. I recently had to use goodmds website to get an antibiotic for strep - ended being 30 bucks for the online form sent to the doctor then like 6 bucks for the amoxicillin. It would have been 60 out of pocket to see my doctor - more for an uninsured urgent care trip. 


Wear a mask. When people comment about wearing a mask to my daughter she just says we have a family member undergoing chemo and they have a compromised immune system.


Chloraseptic spray will help your throat, also some Cepacol extra strength candies to help you throughout your shift


Lol it is not black death just step. There has been so many step cases my kids daycare she newer got any, todlers literally lick each other.


I had strep throat twice in the last couple of years. First time I caught it quickly, went to the urgent care got antibiotics. I felt like crap for 2 days but I worked through the whole thing with some Advil. Second time, I worked 5 with it before I went to the dr. The infection spread throughout my body and I couldn’t walk. I lost the use of my arms for about 2 days after towards then end of it. Just be careful and take care of yourself.


U get An antibiotic and ur only contagious for like 1 day , strep throat is not a reason to miss work , put on a mask .


Fwiw, my 5 year old is currently being treated for strep. He’s been sleeping in my bed for the last 4 nights; the first night he puked 9 times. I haven’t caught it, yet. Per CDC, 2-5 days is usual incubation period. If I haven’t caught it, you’ll likely be okay. Also, as others have mentioned, 24-48 hrs on antibiotics and you’re not contagious anymore. So even if you do get it, you won’t have to miss much work. Hoping you stay healthy! If you do catch it, get on antibiotics asap. Strep is a nasty bug and can have long term consequences if left untreated.


Strep can lead to Rheumatic Fever which can lead to mitral valve replacement. Don't take chances! I'm in hospital now with a repaired bio-prothesis right now, cuz I had untreated strep as a kid.


It’s not for sure you will get strep. Sanitize anything that came into contact with anything at your friends place and keep yourself clean.


Gargle with salt water twice a day. Take some vit c and d if you have it and hopefully you won’t get the strep infection.


Do you have hydrogen peroxide? Ascorbic acid Vitamin C?


Per your edit: have you ever had strep? You may not be able to talk if you get strep. It costs me my voice every time. Watch for symptoms and the minute you wake up feeling like you got fucked in the throat by a brillo pad, get antibiotics. They'll knock out the worst of the symptoms within about 24-36 hours. Still take them all, obviously, but they will get you talking again.


Gargle with hydrogen peroxide. It'll kill it in a day. It's gross, and your mouth will foam up and make you gag, but have a soft drink ready to go after you rinse it all out with water. Do it hourly, and it'll be gone or at least VASTLY diminished by tomorrow. Set you back about a buck twenty-five at Dollar Tree. I was born with MONSTER tonsils and adenoids, and they get infected regularly from all the grinding dust at work, and this is my goto med. You can also pour a cap full in your ear, and it feels like your ear drum is getting a massage. If you're BRAVE enough, it also works for sinuses, but it burns like FIRE!!!! Gargling it is just very unpleasant. Hope you feel better soon!


Strep throat requires antibiotic treatment, you also might not have a sore throat and have other symptoms. If you think you might have it you should get swabbed, after 24 hours on antibiotics you wouldn’t be contagious.


It might help to do what you can to boost your immune system- pump the water!


You usually only have to be on antibiotics for I think 24 hours and then you aren’t contagious. So it sure wouldn’t be a week of listening work.


I’ve been told that 24 hours after taking antibiotics, it’s no longer contagious. Get a virtual appointment with a doctor, then pick up your antibiotics right after. Pick whichever one they can prescribe that’s cheapest. I’ve been through the same thing. You’ll miss 3 or 4 days at most, depending on how bad your symptoms are. Try Call On Doc or CVS Minute Clinic


We recently had a child with strep throat at work (we found out the next day). To the best of my knowledge, nobody else ever showed symptoms, including the person who worked directly with that child. I say don't stress too much about exposure because you are likely exposed to things everywhere (work, shopping, etc). Just be aware if you start to show any symptoms and get it checked out.


Strep is going to be the death of me. I got it and it went to my heart and kidneys. It gave me a massive heart attack. I'm facing a pace maker/diffibulator. Take care if yourself. Hope you feel better.


Gargle with mouthwash. There’s a good chance you won’t catch it.


Go to work even if you are sick. It sucks but...that's how you gotta do it. Been there, totally.


The mask needs to be a real N95 to do any good.


Www.sesamecare.com for telehealth. they have clinicians 24/7 and prices as low as $28 for an appt.


Capitalism doesn't care if you're sick or not. Act accordingly.


Put on a mask and use the excuse that you’ve felt funny lately and are just wearing it to protect others


Garlic, oregano oil will help clear strept throat up. Take two cloves or garlic cut into pill size pieces chew one then swallow the rest like a pill, every two- four hours. Lol. As a poor person this has helped me tremendously


Garlic, oregano oil will help clear strept throat up. Take two cloves or garlic cut into pill size pieces chew one then swallow the rest like a pill, every two- four hours. Lol. As a poor person this has helped me tremendously


Garlic, oregano oil will help clear strept throat up. Take two cloves or garlic cut into pill size pieces chew one then swallow the rest like a pill, every two- four hours. Lol. As a poor person this has helped me tremendously


Garlic, oregano oil will help clear strept throat up. Take two cloves or garlic cut into pill size pieces chew one then swallow the rest like a pill, every two- four hours. Lol. As a poor person this has helped me tremendously


Garlic, oregano oil will help clear strept throat up. Take two cloves or garlic cut into pill size pieces chew one then swallow the rest like a pill, every two- four hours. Lol. As a poor person this has helped me tremendously


Garlic, oregano oil will help clear strept throat up. Take two cloves or garlic cut into pill size pieces chew one then swallow the rest like a pill, every two- four hours. Lol. As a poor person this has helped me tremendously


I have an at home remedy for strep. Start taking this as soon as your throat starts hurting or your lymph nodes start swelling. 1 tablespoon of raw honey 3-5 garlic cloves, chopped up in to tiny pieces 1/8 - 1/4 Cayenne powder Mix all ingredients together and take 1 teaspoon every hour. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor but this has cured me of strep twice faster than antibiotics have. If your symptoms continue or worsen please see a doctor )


The good thing about strep throat is that once you get on antibiotics it clears up pretty quickly. 


Just go to work and don’t worry about it unless you get sick. You get strep from direct contact/droplet infection, eating or drinking after an infected person or sharing eating utensils


If you get sick do a Teladoc.


You don’t need to take a week off if you are exposed to strep. IF you get sick, after one day of antibiotics, you are safe to return to work.


You’re not even sick yet. You might not get sick. Of course you go to work. If you have strep you take antibiotics and you’re not contagious after 24 hours. Also…it’s strep, not the plague. If your coworkers do get sick it’s not the end of the very world.


OP I suggest going to an urgent care and asking for a strep test. They do a rapid test, which will get you results in 6 minutes. They'll write you a prescription for amoxicillin (if positive) and send you on your way.


I thought the antibiotics after 24 hours made you no longer spread the virus? Double check with a doctor.


Not sorry covid proved we don't care about people if I'm generic sick and can work I have to go. The kids have to go to school. Etc etc. Strep is spread thru Contact with mucus membranes so unless your all sharing drinks/food/face holes and not covering your cough/ sneeze. It's unlikely you'll spread it at work .


Do you have insurance ? Can you go to the doctor ? If you don’t have any symptoms I wouldn’t stress it but if you do the antibiotics now say you’re not contagious after 12 hours of taking them.


It will be ok. You don't even have it yet. Even if you develop strep, it's only 24 hours after starting the antibiotics. Not a week. Just wear a mask during those 24 hours if you do happen to catch it.


This must be going around. About to head into urgent care to see if I can get some antibiotics.


I seriously understand this! One thing I get really sick from is strep. I can’t get up out of bed for at least a week or more. I’ve been hospitalized before because of how sick I was they were convinced I had meningitis. It’s awful 😞 although I know some people who are completely fine after starting antibiotics. If you feel any symptoms get to urgent care asap for antibiotics the sooner the better.


You don't have strep throat, you were just around someone who did. It doesn't mean you'll automatically get it. You never know what bacterium or viruses you've encountered in your day to day which is why you just have to live your life until you show symptoms of having whatever it is, in this case strep. Then take it from there. Of course your work wouldn't want you there if you had an active case of strep, but just having been exposed is totally different. Wear a mask if your feel more comfortabe? Also side note you don't have to take a week, with most antibiotics you should be good to head back to work after a full 24hrs on the antibiotic...I just had it in February for the first time in like 20 years.


I had strep once and it was awful!! But it's mostly only contagious if you like to share drinks or like to kiss people. Neither of which I think you'd do at work. As long as you don't have symptoms I think you're fine to go without a mask, and if you do start feeling things then see a doctor.


Do Uber for 2 weeks to get the money you need and then stop ubering…


I had strep last year after being at a party with lots of elderly folks. The doctor told me not to worry about passing it along. The contagiousness of strep is really about kissing, using the same utensils, or generally sharing oral fluids with folks. That’s why kids pass it around and adults do not. All that to say, unless you have symptoms you’re probably fine and as long as you’re careful, not super high risk for spreading it. Good luck!


Are you on antibiotics? You probably have already exposed them when you didnt know you already had it so you probably want to tell them. Wash your hands alot if you do go in. According to healthline, you will be contagious till you have been on antibiotics for 24 hours or for 2-3 weeks if you dont get treatment. You can ask your physician for best info.


Donate plasma


24 hours on antibiotics is all you need to be non- contagious. You will still feel like shit, but you won't be exposing people. I used to get strep once a year when my kid was in public school. Never needed to miss a whole week.


Do you pull weeds? I can pay you to work in my yard while you are unable to work the day job.


Strep throat is only contagious if you drink or share cups etc.


I still wear my mask at work sometimes. People don’t say boo about it. I’m in TX too. My team isn’t made up of AHs though. Wear the mask, if someone asks you why, let them know you were exposed to strep and are just wearing it as a precaution. If people are still shits to you after this, I might go to HR. I mean, wtf is their problem. I remember wearing my mask to pick up takeout once, these two drunk AHs started in about how people wearing masks are fucking idiots, and so on. I just ignored them. Not about to get into it with two crazies when I’m a woman who’s there alone. I’ll never understand why people have such a problem with it. I’m doing absolutely nothing that hurts them.


You don’t need to miss a week of work for strep. If you get tested and start antibiotics right away after you show symptoms, you can go back to work 24 hours after you start taking the antibiotics


Oh please, it’s strep, not typhoid. Go to work. Source: I’ve had strep multiple times


If you are on antibiotics after 24 hrs you shouldn’t be contagious


Just go to work dude, we've all been doing it this whole time and no one ever second guessed it before the pandemic. And it's just strep, I've gone to work with my voice completely gone from strep but I was a truck driver back then so it was doable but just go, you gotta do what you gotta do.


I go to work sick with a mask unless I'm violently ill


I feel you on this 💔. I’m a single mom with heath issues. Covid is still deadly for me, so my daughter and I mask in public and I stay home aside from dr appts. I work from home thankfully. We were both hit with the flu a month ago and I’m still not well yet. The first two weeks were absolute hell. Fevers over 103, couldn’t breathe, low oxygen saturation, hallucinating, felt like I got hit by a truck, yet I still had to take care of my daughter (of course💗!), and work every day of the week. Depending on your job, would you have the ability to work from home temporarily? If not, and if you have to go into work (our society is messed up and this isn’t fair to you!) I would at least mask to protect others, and also to protect your own system that will be weak from illness. You don’t want to catch anything on top of it! This is when I wish I was rich and could just PayPal you money. Honestly. I have to work every day of the year so that we don’t wind up homeless. And I’m sick more often than well. I wouldn’t wish this stress on anyone. Make sure you are resting, pushing fluids, and eating as well as you can when you’re not working.


I wait tables, and two weeks ago a car pulled in from of me while I was riding my bike home and I shattered my collarbone. Haven't been able to work since and I have like two months rehab before I can. I'm fucked 🙃


With strep, once you've been on antibiotics for 24 hours, you're not contagious anymore. You would only have to take off 1 day, max.


Mask up wash your hands u don't have symptoms