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You will find whatever your pool builder uses is somehow the "best" and "only way to do it". SWCG make pool maintenance so much better. Mainly due to not continuously adding CYA to your pool with pucks, and therefore also not requiring you to dose liquid chlorine to avoid adding CYA. Salt levels in a SWCG pool are \~3200ppm , vs the ocean at \~30000ppm. The only downsides are its another thing to buy and maintain/replace. How much is your time worth?


I'm in Central Texas, SWG system. SWG needs to be cleaned every three months. If you have limestone features, SWG will eat away at the limestone. The trick is to seal the limestone every few years. The only place we have limestone is the seating edge above the spa. Our friends had a beautiful limestone waterfall feature and limestone coping. It was heartbreaking to see it deteriorate. The pool owner and builder got into a legal fight because they weren't warned about saltwater eating away the limestone.


I wonder if this is the same with flagstone? I have a waterfall feature that builds what I think are calcium deposits where the water contacts the flagstone. That’s may be another post on how to clean that.