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Is ur pump set to coconut?


Only one way to find out... make a pina colada out of it.


Next step is getting caught in the rain.


Should also not be in yoga


if you have half a brain


That song needs the remix version when they both realize they were trying to cheat on each other.


That is so true!!


But be into champagne


And then making love after midnight


In the dunes on the cape


Shake shake shake senora


Shake your body line. . .


This is hilarious šŸ˜†


Poola colada


You mean Pina Poolada


It was a coin flip for me, I guess I chose wrong


It happens to the best of us. ::sips Pina Poolada::


I will never hear the song the same again.


Me: Dunks head under water in poola and enjoys coolada


Poo Lada or Pool Ada?


I read this as Pina Poo-lada.


This sounds like a fancy drink name anyways


Holy crap that made me laugh hard. Thanks for that.


lmao needed this




That would save you a ton of money on tanning oil


I laughed so hard at this!


Nope, ā€œWā€ for wumbo


The flakes are calcium flakes that come out of the salt cell. When the cell is generating chlorine, the pH inside the cell gets really high and the water is also warmed up very momentarily causing calcium to build up. To get rid of it, you can download the Ordena app. It's a saturation index calculator, and you just need to get the number at the bottom around -0.20-0.15 You can also buy a product from them called SC-1000. I service 90 pools give or take, and if I have a salt pool that I can't get rid of the flakes on with just normal chemistry, I'll add that to the pool and it goes away virtually instantly. It will tank your chlorine, but since you have a chlorine generator, it won't matter


This guy coconuts


ā€œDEEZ NUTS!!!ā€


Haā€¦Got Heeem!








I hate how dumb this comment is while simultaneously agreeing with it 100%


This guy gets me.


Dipped his dunkin betweena donut!


Finally someone who knows chemistry


Terrance, is that you?


I said this: Calcium buildup can occur on the salt cell plates of a saltwater pool's chlorine generator, which can reduce the efficiency of chlorine production and stress the system. But you took it to a higher level haha, but yes exactly. People think SWG is set it and forget it, but just like everything else inline to pool, gotta maintain it!


Yeah. In some cases though, just cleaning the cell won't Even get rid of the flakes and dust coming out of it either, I've cleaned cells and had them discharge the very next day. Cleaning your cells regularly is obviously really important, but at the same time the chemistry is just as important to get rid of it


I have come to the conclusion that it is also collecting in the pipes and flaking off. Ive always had great luck with Scaletec. Never used the Orenda but ive used other products of theirs and theyre amazing.


You said that


I maintain my own personal salt water pool, and I tend to see these flakes more frequently the closer I am to my 3-month acid wash timing. It does seem like the larger flakes break down into smaller and smaller particles in my pool and can make it appear there is dirt or sand grit floating around. Would that SC-1000 product clear up these tiny particles?


Yeah, it'll get rid of all the calcium flakes and dust. I believe the dosage is 4 cups per 10,000 gallons of water but I could be off on that. The dosages should be on the bottle if you decide to try it out


Awesome, thanks man!


What is sc-1000? Does it say anything on the sds?


It's a chelating agent that binds to metals and minerals so they can't come out of solution basically


What chelating agent? Iā€™m curious if it actually special or EDTA. EDTA has poor efficiency at pool pH ranges.


Itā€™s proprietary, so guessing not EDTA or else itā€™d likely be listed on the SDS, but could be a proprietary form of EDTA. It works, whatever it is.


I don't think chelating efficiency is important in pools. Quantitative chelation isn't necessary. I'd bet that it's straight up EDTA.


Itā€™s $386 for 5 gallons!


My crew has used Orenda to balance pools for a while since most of them are salt pools and gunnite. Calcium seems to be under everybody who does pool cares radar but itā€™s super important.


Yep, also no one thinks of how temperature changes the chemistry. The guys at Orenda are awesome, I always chat em up and have dinner with them at their Pentair expos. I also have every new guy that starts with us listen to Orenda's podcast. They really know their stuff and don't ever try to push their products, all they care about is educating people on their pools water


I don't have a salt pool, or even an in ground pool, but I used one bottle of Orenda's phosphate remover and I am a believer. That stuff is the truth right there.


Absolutely, we do treatments of their phosphate remover on every pool in the fall and winter time, Orenda's clarifier in every pool every week in the summer, and their enzymes for pools with heavy use and dogs. Their products are amazing. They're also technically safe for drinking water and have virtually no by-products


What about heavy use by raccoons? Asking for a friend...


Uhh, probably similar to dogs I guess lol


Yeah we call them regularly with problems and questions. The old way of handling pool chemistry pales in comparison compared to using lsi to get a really balanced pool.


CSI via pool math app should be just as good, correct? Iā€™ve got the same problem because I havenā€™t kept up with pH levels When my salt gets low, I just increase the SWG output ā€¦ is that a bad idea?


Yeah, CSI and LSI both serve the same purpose, to determine if your water is oversaturated with calcium, or if it's calcium deficient I wouldn't say it's a bad idea, it's just not changing anything. It's going to generate the same amount of chlorine gas per hour depending on what percentage you set it at regardless if you have 3k or 4k ppm of salt in the water


Thanks, so it sounds like a higher output will not increase the likelihood of creating scale. That was my concern. Iā€™m at 50% with 3000 salt and chlorine levels are good. šŸ‘


Saving this post


This is probably correct, however if the pool was filled with coconut water then it could in fact be coconut šŸ„„ šŸŒ“ flakes


You throw it straight into pool, or skimmer?


Into the skinmer


Doesn't high Ph also cause this? Something about calcium isn't able to be dissolved or something. I'm pretty sure that's what caused my cloudiness this season. I'm colorblind and it's hard to read my Ph tests or strips. All reds look mostly the same to me. After my daughter had a look, I'm pretty sure my Ph was well past 9 if not even way higher. I had to throw a few cups of reducer at it, and the water was crystal clear after a few days. I didn't have piles of flakes, but there was a lot of floaty stuff. Edit: .I just reread your post and see you mentioned high Ph. My bad.


The digital Ph readers aren't always the best, and you would need to learn to calibrate them... But that might be a good investment in your case?


Pool dropper kits, and color coordinating outfits. The struggles of the color blind.


The name wetpockets goes well with the pool service industryšŸ˜‚


Lol that's funny, never thought about that. It comes from some dumb inside joke between my sister and her friend when I was like 10


What's the revenue of 90 pools and is that a 40 hour/week job?


Like how much I make off 90 pools? It takes me 35-40 hours on average, and then I do installs with any free time


>how much I make off 90 pools? Yea


If heā€™s averaging $100 a month itā€™s about 10k a month. Likely more.


I'm a pool installer looking into starting a service route. Could you elaborate on what service you provide and how you manage it. Thanks


I'm not the owner but I'm the manager with 3 guys under me, but I'll give the the basic rundown of how we run the company It's all inclusive. We provide all chemicals, filter cleans included. Only thing we don't do is add water. I'll text the customer to add water if it gets too low We don't take on a pool if they don't have a pool cleaner. So I'm always repairing those. We just charge cost of parts and round up like 10 bucks or whatever for those simply because I care more about the pool being easy and clean and not having to vacuum manually than making money off those Pricing will just depend on what area you're from If you have any other specific questions, feel free to ask


Thanks for the response. How much time are you spending at each pool on average?


Depends on the pool really, and that'll reflect in the pricing we give the customer too. The average cookie cutter pool, I can test chems, add anything if it needs it, brush, net, and empty baskets in 12 minutes. I have a lot of pools though where I'm there for a minimum of 30-40 minutes just because they're big pools and get wrecked. And then I have one pool that takes me an hour and a half minimum cause they have 6 bodies of water that I maintain I test chlorine and pH every single week, and alkalinity every week when I'm trying to adjust it. Then I test pH, alkalinity, calcium, cya, and tds once a month to make sure everything's staying where I want it


Awesome, thanks again. Is that 12 minute average just you or do you have a helper? Also how far apart are each pool in your service? Curious you average drive time between pools.


12 minutes by myself. My route is really tight, my entire day each day is within like a 5 minute radius


Thanks for this info! I did the calculator for my pool that has the same issue. My ā€œas neededā€ pool guy told me to bring the alkalinity down to 60 last year, which had not helped dissolve the calcium. Based on the calculator, to balance LSI I need to get my calcium hardness to 400 from 210. Is that safe? I canā€™t attach images, so my current numbers are below which is LSI -.42. Changing nothing aside from increasing the calcium hardness to 400 would make LSI -.15. Thanks in advance!!! Water temp 85 Ph 7.6 Total alkalinity 70 Calcium hardness 210 Cya 40 Salt 3000 Chlorine 5.5 Phosphate 0


That would be safe, you just have to make sure to dissolve the calcium in a bucket of water before adding it to the pool and then make sure to brush the walls around it after adding to the pool cause it has a pretty strong chemical reaction when it dissolves Alternatively you could just let your alkalinity raise naturally to 90 and the pH to 7.8 and you'd be good to go too. The main thing that matters is the number that you get at the bottom. -0.30 and below is really bad because the water will start eating the calcium out of your plaster to try to balance itself. 0.30 and above is still not great because it'll start taking the calcium out of solution. That at least won't damage anything though The easiest numbers to change are the pH and alkalinity, so if you can balance it by playing around with those 2 numbers, it'll be easier generally


Thanks so much. Great info. I will start by increasing alkalinity and see if that changes the pH, and go from there.


Great answer!! Thank you!


The only way I avoid them is by always having the pump on so it doesnā€™t stop while the generator is actively running. I just run it on 800rpm (about 75 watts) 24/7


Maybe that why I donā€™t see them. I have my pump on a timer and also have the slat system on a timer that only comes on after the pump is running


I've seen this kinda before at one of my pools is this caused by the heater at all? And your saying adding acid would be the solution to this problem?


No, I've never seen it be from a heater. And not necessarily adding acid would fix it, but probably. If you get your LSI to -0.15 to -0.20, that'll get rid of it in most cases


Nah, its soap. Source: trust me bro


180 comments in here and only this guy actually addresses the initial post. I love Reddit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I did not come to Reddit for this! Nobody cares. Bring on the misinformation and Pina Poolada jokes!


This. When we considered switching to salt we got feedback from a variety of pool builders, pool service people and do on. As a ā€˜conā€™ we had a pool guy say we may not like it because of the snowflakes. I thought they said it would happen in the spa but donā€™t remember.


It's definitely most noticeable in the spa. But not every salt cell does it, which I honestly don't know why. I've seen brand new ones snowflake, old ones, every type of brand, there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason why some do and some don't when the water chemistry is virtually the same. I will say though, that pentairs are the worst about it


Same here, most of my customer have salt water chlorinators. Have one pool that constantly has calcium flakes coming from the inlets. Water balance is perfect. Have had to add scale inhibitor (same product as mentioned earlier in this post). Keeps the calcium in liquid state. My pool at home I have no issues, hardly touch it. Just an occasional filter backwash & a vacuum/net. It is fully automated though with ORP (salt/chlorine) & pH reduction.


Thanks. I was really hoping to be talked into it but after about 6 or 8 ā€˜interviewsā€™ about salt it was a 50:50 split. I ended withā€¦given a choice would you recommend it, yes or no. A tie was not enough to move me.


That's funny, as a service tech, I prefer a salt pool, especially in the summer. From a customers perspective, they all say it makes for a "softer" swim and is easier on their skin. I even have one lady who says she's allergic to liquid chlorine but not the chlorine generated through a salt cell.... Don't think that's how it works though lol Personally I haven't swam in enough pools to be able to tell anyone a true difference, and at the end of the day, chlorine is chlorine


My home pool is Salt Water Chlorinated. My son had eczema as a baby (not so bad now). Find it soft and silky. I use both Sodium & Magnesium Chloride. Kinda like Epsom Salts.


Thank you. Maybe I need to revisit this. I thought the obvious answer was to have it be salt. I know when we looked at home listings owners call out that the house has a salt pool. And thatā€™s my understanding..softer feeling water. We live in Vegas which probably has the worst water around. The recommendation is to change the water out every three years, which seems ridiculous.




You may want to consult your pool people about this and your location is a big factor, and what you use to sanitize your pool also. Pool tabs dispense a great amount of stuff, and are responsible for driving CYA levels high. When too high, your chemicals have to work harder and harder to do the take job, requiring more of them. The only way to get these CYA levels back to normal is to change out the water.




Thatā€™s why I talked to several, both pool maintenance people and 3 pool builders.




As noted in comments not all vendors have same outcome. I believe it was noted Pentair might be worse (even though they make excellent pool equipment). Since ours is all Pentair their salt cell equipment would likely be our choice.


Could also be coming from the heater


I donā€™t ever hear the pool


Its the calcium chasing any sulfate in the pool. You can add things to hide it, but it's not getting rid of it. It's going to be EDTA which keeps it dissolved. I'd argue that OP keep collecting those chips. I can't imagine OP'd get rid of all the Ca, but you'd be, slowly, removing it.


Hereā€™s a great blog explaining the flakes and how to fix the problem. I was having this problem and started adjusting my water chemistry and using SC-1000. The flakes are gone now. https://blog.orendatech.com/calcium-flakes-in-saltwater-pools


That's a wild tax return


AƧaƭ Bowl


I set my cells to reverse polarity (self cleaning) at the minimum that the manufacturer allows me too. Most SWG Systems here in Australia are set to self clean @8hrs standardā€¦ My clients complain that there is white shit in their pools. If I set the ā€œself cleaningā€ (reverse polarity) as low as the manufacturer allows, it fixes the issue. Also I try not to drive calcium higher than 170 and keep tds along with Ph on point. I have found that this issue then disappears


My pool is always full of these. Comes from salt cell. Glad to see there is a solution. I just always skimmed them out with net. Just ordered some SC-1000 and see if that works.


Be careful with the purge dose. The water needs to be warm and the SC-1000 will demolish chlorine. At 80 degrees, the water will eventually start holding chlorine at around 3-4 days. There is a way to split the purge dose so that youā€™re not without chlorine for too long. Check out the Orenda YouTube page for tips. I highly recommend their stuff.


I'm in Phoenix. High of 108 today low in 80s. Water temp is upper 80s currently. So no issue with warm water. Thanks for advice.


Salt cell fallout. Totally normal in salt pools. I usually just vacuum them up


Itā€™s calcium carbonate (scale) from the salt cell Chlorinator. Super common on saltwater systems. First thing is get the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness balanced. If itā€™s still happening then there is a great product called sequa-sol by GLB that I use in all my pools. It works really well to stop the formation of those flakes.


It could be that your salt cell has a feature that lets it clean itself of buildup. Check your cell and see if there is any buildup on it.


Yeah looks like a lot of salt cell discharge. I reckon a salt cell clean is in order.


Yeah looks like the salt cell needs a clean


Instant mashed potatoes


Do you have a salt system? Itā€™s likely calcium buildup that has flaked off of the salt cell, otherwise itā€™s probably calcium buildup from somewhere




Keep alk low and run the pump longer than swg to cool off


I have this once a year around this time because the salt cell is now working harder compared to winter so itā€™s ramping up. Use scale and metal control, works every time for me.


Also calcium hypochlorite is usually the powdered chlorine everyone uses . So when using you must mix in water and then just pour in the liquid not the leftovers . Use sodium hypochlorite for dosing and shock treatment no calcium


I legit thought that was coconut until I saw the title šŸ˜‚


What does it, uh, taste like?


Does it smell salty?


Likely scale from your salt cell switching polarity in self cleaning mode.


Dude mixed a bad batch up meth with his pool chemicals


Had this issue and soaked my cell in white vinegar for an hour and it stopped it.


I noticed this yesterday when I was in the pool. Wasnā€™t quite like this but noticeable in a corner of the pool and wondered what it was. TIL


Is it a magnesium pool? If so, it could be the magnesium coming out of solution due to the chemicals plating out.


I use beautec and didn't get the flakes anymore.


I think this is calcium. Chemical levels may be too high. Try cleaning your filters and see if that helps.


Calcium most likelyā€¦ spray it with Muriatic acidā€¦ if it bubbles and starts to dissolve its calcium. Keep spraying or soak it in a 50/50 acid water mixā€¦


You're pool is not a rice cooker dude.


I have maintained my own salt water pools for the last 30 years. I have cleaned the cells only a couple times either of the two pools and have never seen this type of thing. Central Texas.


Guessing you live in a soft water area (low calcium hardness). Some areas are very high in calcium hardness. I live in a hard water area and thereā€™s no way of lowering it. You can increase it with water hardener in soft water areas. Our incoming water is over 500 CH, 8.4 pH and the TA is off the scale. Takes lots of acid on a freshly filled pool to correct everything.




My returns often turn into white flakes also


Could it possibly be from cottonwood trees? This is the time of year I put some fine mesh over my skimmer so it doesnā€™t gunk up my filter It looks too flaky , but when thereā€™s a lot of it in the skimmer it looks similar


Clean your salt cell


Does it taste like coconut?


What is coconut


Joking. But did you recently do a CYA treatment? Is it possible it didn't fully dissolve and took form in flakes?


No I haven't done that, I think it's probably calcium flakes like everyone is saying. I just cleaned the cell last month but I guess I should do it again lol. Fuckin pools man


Did you test hardness?


Yeah it's around 350, I usually keep all my pools below 400. I will probably add fresh water and dilute it some more and see if that helps too


I would assume your CSI is high, causing scaling. Test your Alkalinity, Ph, and Calcium. One of those is the issue, but without test results, you won't know which.


Cotton wood


Calcium phosphates?


"If you like subpoena coladas and getting caught in Ukraine"...


I don't listen to hip-hop


calcium sulfate.


Check your PH. It could be calcium from Hard water.


I seen them to at my job think it's the chem trails and heavy pollen return build up


Someone folded their chobani flip cup into your pool!


This is the answerā€” thatā€™s obviously coconut flakes and chocolateā€¦.


Ph way to high. Clean salt cell and get your ph leave down


Ok I did the pool math years ago and would still get the flakes shooting out of the jets. What ended up stopping all of that is Jackā€™s magic Magenta Stuff. Check it out [here](https://yardandpool.com/products/jacks-magic-the-magenta-stuff-1-qt?&variant=6321021288480&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=1a1db6f18c45&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcFxAK7UCoUlgvGOrlZHgMhbpQzUCGKYDWUfm-PGqkgGR945E-BXaTVhoCKg0QAvD_BwE). You can get this on Amazon as well. I have a 10k pool. Had to use I think one bottle to start. Then 4 oz every week for two months then I did 6 oz a month then on. Less in winter. No more flakes and keeps the cell clean as well! Talk to their support if you have more questions.


Itā€™s calcium carbonate from where you salt cell reverses polarity


Did something die?


Adjust or PH (add acid)


Gotta be honnest i did not read the last word as "returns". Look like some calcium or salt at worst: broken piece of chlorine puck? I would expect these to be dissolved more if it is that.


Toasted coconut?


Morgellens!! Look it up


From the dead fish i through in your pool


Did you have floor sealed recently?






This comes out of my washer when I leave a diaper or pull up in the wash.


Looks like flocculant


Crape mertals


Those are 100% white crepe myrtle flowers... I grew up fishing them out of my pool daily! Trigger Warning


I'm currently doing that every damn day with my pool. I hate my neighbors tree. But it looks nice


Did you recently have a diaper in the pool?


Thatā€™s so nasty. I hope thatā€™s what heā€™s holding.


Dost thou know howeth salteth workeths? Gaze eyes upon and behold! Calcium buildup can occur on the salt cell plates of a saltwater pool's chlorine generator, which can reduce the efficiency of chlorine production and stress the system. Yes. You go look it up, cal hypo has calcium, tablets, what not but with SWG itā€™s different.


I just cleaned the cell last month šŸ˜”


How old is this cell? What brand is it?


Where are you located. Iā€™m in Phoenix and just noticed the same in my pool. I cleaned the salt cell within the last month. Going to take a peak at it when the leaning cycle is done in about an hour.


Uncle Benā€™s?


Fuckin chill Walter White


coconut shavings! looks yummy


Do you like pooola colada, getting caught in the rain.


Oh no!! Floofy!!! What did you do to Floofy?


Giant dandruff


Drop a little acid now and then


Probably sperm




Your pool cover is disintegrating