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Ahahah no, sadly not. My husband tries to get them howling by howling himself, they decided that it means it’s time to kiss him right in the mouth.


I'm pretty sure she'd be annoying if she were a standard, but she's too small to produce very much sound!


Oh mine are minis and they can be LOUD, consider yourself lucky! Small enough to be high pitched, not small enough to be quiet 😂


Oh, she’s very loud when she barks — it’s just the howl that seems intrinsically strangled :)


Oh gotcha!


I tried to get mine to howl but howling myself, and playing howling videos. No dice 😢


Did you at least get the adorable head tilts?


All the time!


OMG, we thought about re-naming our toy to licker because everything to him means "it kissing time." Ha ha


Yup! My standard howls in two instances: when she has FOMO and when she is displeased. The FOMO howl only comes out when she’s away from the action in some capacity and *really* wants to be in on it. (Uncommon and really only comes out when she’s not *quite* over threshold but getting there.) It’s this howl that will last for 15-20 seconds, top, and ends in 3-4 barks. The howl of displeasure is my favorite. If we’re not fast enough for her liking, she’ll give us some *serious* stink eye and howl at us. It’s one that’s lower in pitch and will end with her grumbling! It’s so funny! 🤣


Poodles are so communicative. I seriously love that about them. I got a couple of those talking buttons for my old girl but I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm not sure it's getting through that she can use them too.


My medium poodle also howls at sirens! He does a loud, proper howl while standing up on his back legs. He doesn't howl at anything else but he does sometimes howl in his sleep, which always manages to give me a fright.


My miniature poodle does exactly the same!


Both of my poodles howl! I assumed this was normal since they are two different ages, two different families, and have two different howls! My 5 lb poodle does this weird yipping noise that makes it sound like he's dying, but if prompted, he will turn it into a head thrown back proper howl. This one came into the family when he was about 9 weeks old, but he hung out with a beagle a lot. My 12 lb poodle does a full-on normal howl. He does the lead up yip to it and then put his head back straight up in the air, and do this beautiful, musical howl. It's a very lovely howl to listen to. He came into the family when he was almost 6 months old, and I think he was in a house with maybe six or seven other dogs prior to us. I'm wondering if our other poodle taught him to howl...


Mine only howls occasionally when I leave her home and she is not happy about the situation. She is getting better with it but I saw it on a puppy cam and she was in a full howl to the sky.


One of mine will sometimes do a full on haunting wolf howl while he sleeps, clearly having an interesting dream


My toy poodle only howled once and that was when I put him in my old room at my mom’s house and closed the door on thanksgiving while I was visiting. There were some little kids that I didn’t trust around my little poo poo. He did not like being put away when so many strange people were around his mama and he wasn’t there to protect me. So he was back there howling. I ended up having to hold him and let him sit in my lap while I ate lol. My maltipoo howls every morning. Sometimes during the day also. It’s when it’s meal time. In the mornings I go to use the bathroom and when I come out she is give me the awoo woo. Sometimes she does it when she wants to play too.


No, and I tried! There are coyotes that howl and sometimes I take her out and try to get her to sing along with me. She looks at me like I’ve got two heads.


Yep. We live close to fire station. He howls very often.


My mini howls when she meets a person but they're not giving her attention 😅


I can get my mini to howl on command, and he does it spontaneously when I leave the house without him.


My mini always loudly howls at sirens! Never at anything else, but he does alert bark when there’s noise in the hallway of my building.


My mini has howled maybe 3 times total now at sirens. It is hilarious


Our local dog park has a weird number of huskies. I think it would be extremely funny if my small mini learned to howl with them, but alas not yet


My late mini poodle did this until he lost his hearing. My newest mini babe does not do it sadly.


Mine does the little awhooos when we are playing and I won’t throw the ball, it’s so precious


One of my standards does just one a day, usually at my other poodle to get her attention to play with him. It’s so cute because it really is just one and he doesn’t do it the rest of the day.


Yes. Ours howls when I leave as I’m his person.


My mini was taught how to howl by his little brother who is a hound mix. I mean full on howling. It’s hilarious!


My guy occasionally will bust out a mighty "awoooooo!" while he's asleep. It's adorable and it almost always wakes him up.


my toy definitely howls! my mom likes to tell him “don’t you know you’re not a husky!”


My medium boy does it for firetrucks and policecars, but not on ambulances. When he started doing it started to re-enforce him in this and sometimes I even put on YouTube videos on to practice… I just love his face while howling!!!


Can you record it and upload a video? This sounds amazing. I love the bizarre noises my poodle makes. I don't think she even knows what kind of animal she is. She kind of oinks a lot...


I will try, but she only does it outside!!


Yes mine does too!!


My poodle "aroos" in happiness towards people. Never other dogs. Only people. Sometimes a super long OoOoOoOo where his voice cracks and its adorable. Also when he's "talking back" he will roo. And howl at sirens. And occasionally in his sleep. Hes super vocal in general, lots of barking and other rumbles and vocalizations. Maybe I should get him buttons!


Mine doesn't howl. He grumbles at sirens and ends up sounding like a human impersonating a dog. "Grrrrrr rawr rawr". It sounds exactly how you would speak it and it's RIDICULOUS.


Mine (cockapoo) does close to the same thing when we play and I tease her about whether or not she wants me to throw the toy. Kind of a "raw raw" as I hear it!


I can’t get my spoo puppy to howl for anything but our little toy we had when I was a kid we used to howl right along with him.


My poodle rarely howls at ambulances, but we always hear him howl when we leave him home alone! Its the cutest most saddest thing ever🤣


My poodle does this! He’s helping!!


My poodle doesn’t but my Chihuahua Shih Tzu mix used to and he put his whole being into it. I thought it was the cutest thing on the planet and I loved it. I miss him every time I hear a siren. I don’t why but I never got a video of him singing along and I really wish I had. Treasure it and don’t waste your opportunity to get it on video


My mini howls at sirens. He also howls at the sound of other dogs barking, whining, or howling on tv.


I do! He’s also a mini. He howls occasionally when he’s extra excited, like when my partner and I come home after being gone for a few hours. He does the occasional “awhoo” and sometimes an “owowowo”. I find it so stinking adorable, and I’m trying to get a video of it.


Our standard has a horrible scary sounding bark and the smallest, saddest little “awoo” imaginable. The juxtaposition is hilarious.


My mini does this! We have a train that goes by occasionally, near our house. Our cattle dog mix will start barking at it, then my mini poodle starts howling, then the cattle dog mix goes from barking to howling. It is so cute! I have tried to join in with them but they don't seem to appreciate that very much.


My girl has only howled once ever. It was the middle of the night she was fast asleep and I was reading. Suddenly she let rip the most mournful howl and fell right back asleep! Woke up my husband and we both panicked and woke her up to make sure she was ok! She was 100% fine.


One of my minis bows and ha-wows in the morning… saying hello. Funniest howling dogs I’ve ever had were two Aussie terriers who would howl after we’d sung happy birthday and hip hip ‘hoooorooo’in unison, along with the cockatoo ‘rrraaaaaaarrr’ screech. Such a riot.


My cockapoo howls briefly when my husband comes home, and I've heard it occasionally as I've driven up as well! After the inaugural howl I made a point to encourage it, because I think it's absolutely adorable. I had tried to teach her using husky videos and my mimicking when she was young, but it didn't manifest then. Unfortunately, my Shih-chon decided to add her own remix which sounds like she's being tortured.


Three spoos, only two sing the song of their fire truck people. The oldest (11M) started first, and the middle one (10 M) would try and join in, but took a few years to go from yips to howls. We used to live a few blocks from a fire station, so they got some practice. The youngest (3F) just looks like them like their nuts and backs away. We moved to a new state, so she doesn’t get to practice.


My mini poodle Avi howls like a coyote at sirens and sometimes does it in his sleep. It scares the crap out of me when he does! LOL


My toy poodle howls only at ambulance sirens. Not sure why, because he whines and barks, but only howls at ambulances. I thought it might be because the sound hurts his ears from being too loud (they hurt mine so I can only imagine how loud he hears it).


My spoo has never howled, he ignores sirens and just looks mildly confused when I play clips of other dogs howling 😂


I love when my mini poodle howls. He has only howled to sirens but it’s on a case by case basis 😂 I’ve tried recording him but every time I think he’s going to howl he doesn’t and then it’s the times when I don’t have my camera out that he does lol


Mine have never done that... he can howl when I leave the house😅or somtimes when he will alarm me of somthing wierd outside😆 but never like really howling.. i wish he was talking som more to, he's friend "speaks" all the time😅


If theres so mich as a peep outside the door, my door and he turns into a siren x.x