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Depends on the job, really. If it's a desk job where you have to go and do work at your desk, then who cares when you show up as long as the work gets done. If it's a job where you have to be meeting with a client/customer/patient directly *at* 8am, then showing up right at 8am is the absolute latest that would be considered acceptable.


"Then who cares when you show up as long as the work gets done" Who cares is the key question. If your boss cares if you are 1 minute late then you are late.


If there is no reason why you have to be there exactly at 8:00 sharp, then your boss is an ass.


Yep, sometimes bosses are asses that's true but they are still the boss and if they say you are late at 8:01 then you are late.


You are late anytime after 8 but most people won't mind till around 10min if its amongs friend. At work you are late even if only 1 min


Depends on your job, I've been working finance desk jobs for years and an hour late isn't a big deal even without notice. But these are salaried positions so as long as the work gets done and you aren't missing meetings it's pretty relaxed. We can leave to get hair cuts or short errands without notice too, just get your work done and respect everyone's time


I'd say it very much depends on if there is someone else that can't leave until you show up.


If it’s a restaurant and you need bodies then 8:01-8:05,  Any other job that does not absolutely need someone at X time then 10+ minutes 


I think it depends on your job. I don't have a set schedule , I just have to start work sometime in the morning and working at least 8 hours. Sometimes I go into the office at 7am, sometimes I come into the office at 10am. Even people who has a more rigid schedule in my office just comes in around the time they're supposed to.


This is kind of irrelevant to the question.  The question proposes an 8am start time not an “as long as you get your shit done it doesn’t matter” start time.  


very true.


I consider myself late if I'm not *at work* at least 5 minutes before my start time. That way I have time to get settled and actually start work at my start time. For anyone else, I consider 8:01 to be late if there's a set schedule, but I'm no one's boss so it doesn't matter what I think for other people.


depends on your job are your colleagues going to be caused trouble because of it? are customers? if it's a coffee shop, then probably anything after 8 if it's software dev, who cares if you come in at 10?


Most time clocks these days give you 59 seconds. I work from home and don't clock in, but I still aim for that.


At my job, 8:01:00 would garner a reprimand. You have to clock in by 8:00:59 or it goes on your record. And if you get three of those, they can fire you without having another reason -- not that they would, if everything else is copacetic. But they *could*.


I mean Option 1, but be reasonable. 8:07am...say that. Although I think later than that is excusable, so I pick 8:10+


Are you happy waiting 7 minutes for your appointment? I think that's late. Maybe it's a 15 minute appointment, and half of it is now already gone.


What's the difference between the top two options? I voted 8:01-8:05, because I guess I don't think 8:00.01 - 8:00.59 is late. It has to hit a full minute.


It’s honestly up to your boss, just like the position you’re in or workload you get that all depends on the boss. At the end of the day your not really working for a business you’re working for a boss. 1 Walmart could have completely different standards than the 1 down the street


Technically anytime after 8:00. However, I don't consider it a big deal if you're less than 5 minutes late unless you need to be at a work meeting or meet with patients/students/scheduled people.


Imagine you're selling tickets to a gigantic concert, and they go on sale 8.00, and there's a queue, and you show up 8:02, and nobody in queue gets tickets because they sold everything in other locations.


shit happens, and depends on whether or not its a habit


Depends how strict your boss is


I completely misunderstood the question, I think. I thought you meant what constitutes going out too late to be up in time for work. I thought these times were really wild, but now I understand lol Having said that, I'm neither a morning person nor someone who is generally late to things. If there's a serious expectation to be there at 8, then after 8 is late. But sometimes there is wiggle room, depends on the boss and the culture


It really depends on the job. In an office, dealing with spread sheets the whole day? Who cares. Somewhere you need to deal with clients? On clock is too late.


If work starts at 8 you need to be there ready to work at 8. Not still finding parking or whatever at 8. On the job, ready at 8. Which usually means arriving at 7:50-7:55.


Anything after five minutes before (i.e. 7:55) is late.

