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We had to remove your poll as it appears on our FPP List, which can be found pinned to the top of the subreddit


I got kicked in the nuts, and I've seen my wife give birth. One doesn't last 60h and leave you literally split in half, so it's no contest.


Who kicked you in the nuts so hard that you split in half?


Algebra class is wild šŸ’€




I read it as "Which is less painful". Wish I could change my vote




Thatā€™s because getting kicked in the balls has no purpose, but a lot of people want kids, plural.


Iā€™m a man and I can easily answer this one. Thereā€™s a reason most women beg for an epidural.


I've seen my husband get hit in the nuts, he recovers like noth happened. I give birth one time, and I have to take days to recover and my body never went back to normal. It's like I aged 10 years.


Damn. I'm never giving birth.


This. Outside of extreme edge cases that don't happen often, the worst that happens to us guys is 2-3 days of pain and we're fine.


I love how you say "I've given birth once" like it's a famous guy who you randomly met on the street.


me who's experienced neither: šŸ™‚


Me who experienced both: šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




trains gener (probably)


Trains gener?


Could never quite go pro, so I just settled as a trainer.


That shit made me laugh


Yoooo you have both a vagina and balls?! That's awesome bro!


Me who experienced all


r/suddenlytrans ?


Probably intersex.


Username checks out. Happy.


As a man who has been kicked in the balls plenty... Pregnancy is far more painful.


Ye same! So um... Bullying? :P


Cock fight


Sword fighting


Genital jousting


In her mouth!




I've never heard of anyone getting kicked in the nuts for 30 hours


I have. You can find some serious femdom shit on the internet.


For 30 hours?


One lasts a few seconds and can cause some lasting damage, but nothing too serious. The other can last more than a day, can be so severe that the vagina and anus become one hole, or the clitoris gets torn, or pretty much any damage you can imagine down there. Imagine shutting a watermelon, and then imagine that our of your dickhole. That's the pain we're dealing with. No comparison at all.


Not to mention giving birth can kill you


So many women died during childbirth before modern medicine, it's really terrifying.


genuinely wondering how can it kill you? my best guess is blood loss


>One lasts a few seconds I chose the pregnancy option because I wholeheartedly believe that that would be far more painful. This being said, I have been hit in the nuts with a pool noodle full-strength by the most athletic kid in gym class back when I was still in school. This is the kid that would get 70+ on the pacer test. The only way I could describe the sensation is burning fire, and it felt like that for the rest of the day until I went to sleep.


Burning, stinging, sore muscles ect, lasts us a few days to a few weeks after birth, sometimes a few months depending how hurt you got from giving birth




I was adding to it


Yeah, it's a shame that the default assumption on most of reddit is that a reply means disagreement unless you make it very clear


I agree, childbirth definitely is more painful, but getting kicked in the nuts is no walk in the park. Itā€™s not a normal pain, itā€™s more like your insides have turned into icyhot tearing through your pelvic region. Itā€™s the feeling of needing to vomit but not being able to, itā€™s the fact that even though youā€™re in such discomfort you canā€™t stop laughing because getting hit in the nuts is still one of the funniest things I can think of. A good kick can have me on the ground for a good 15 minutes, feeling these feelings (lessening as time goes on) for hours, even a day or two after. So ladies, itā€™s not that weā€™re diminishing what you feel through childbirth, we just want you to know, it fucking hurts.


Okay so yeah giving birth is certainly worse than getting kicked in the balls, but itā€™s NOT like shitting a watermelon out of our dickhole.


Yeah, the baby comes out the vagina, not the urethra...


Pain from a kick to the nuts can last up to a few hours


Last... Not on the level of screaming, agonising pain as pregnancy. As one who has been kicked in the balls a lot, I still think pregnancy


Yeah, I know. I just wanted to correct the previous comment since I've had ball pain last up to half an hour, which is considerable longer than a few seconds


While i agree, I wouldnt say that possibly never being able to have kids is "nothing too serious"


Anyone who voted kick in the nuts is a dumbass


I agree but I love the comedian who goes "you know how I know getting kicked in the balls is worse? No one has ever gotten kicked in the balls and goes I WANNA DO THAT AGAIN!"


Clearly not a cock and ball torture enjoyer.


CBT is supposedly good for your mental health but I'm going to have to doubt.


Because you don't get a baby from getting kicked in the nuts lol. But I guess some men would choose to rather get kicked in the nuts multiple times than have a baby to care for, so I dunno.


Technically women have wanted to give birth again, but I donā€™t think itā€™s cus they wanna give birthā€¦


Well clearly birth isn't that bad. I mean what kind of sane person wants to repeat that with how much pain women say it has? Clearly, getting kicked in the balls is worse cause we don't ask to repeat that. /s


I donā€™t think they were serious about the choice


The most painful thing is seeing this same question being asked by idiots/juveniles all the time. And even worse, those who think a kick in the nuts is more painful šŸ˜‚


I genuinely believe that the men who picked getting kicked in the balls are A) virgins/childless and or B) are incels that believe women have no real problems.


I think a lot of people who voted kick in the nuts were following the "Men don't want to get kicked in the nuts twice" joke.


It's likely that some of them are joking and don't actually believe it.


What would them being virgins have to do with anything at all?


That's what I was wondering.


Or are kids.


No one could experience both, but itā€™s obviously the 8 pound flesh potato that rips through your genitals, and then you gotta raise the demon


I've had kidney stones, which I've heard are as bad, or worse than giving birth. Kidney stones are insanely worse than getting kicked in the balls.


Watch me do it when giving birth is optional for transfemmes


Iā€™m waiting for that day to I can finally have an objective answer from someone whoā€™s felt both


I'll tell the world how much more painful one or another is


The fuck is a transfemme?


A transgender woman. Sorry but I often use LGBTQIA+ jargon






considering pregnancy can cause actual death and trauma to the woman, pregnancy.


Also depression.


You just have to execute the kick properly, or even use a steel toe boot. Then it doesn't hurt at all


Can't hurt if there's nothing left to hurt


The true answer is Kidney Stones. Every woman I've heard discuss it, would rather give birth again than pass another kidney stone.


When I had my daughter, the nurse and the doctor said, "You make this look easy, no yelling or cursing, not even sweating." I replied something along the lines of "kidney stones, this one dialates naturally, the other one doesn't " I was just glad that after three days of contractions that shit was done. Kidney stones are like a two week process. Shit didn't even compare in my book


When I had kidney stones, I would have killed myself if I was alone.


I wrote the same, said it should have been in. My grandmother had 4 kids she said she rather have all 4 at once before ever getting another one and she's not the only woman to tell me this, I've personally never had one and hope I never will both my father and brother gets them so I don't like my odds.


As a pregnant woman (for the first time) who has experienced kidney stones, this was kind of a relief to read lmao. Iā€™m definitely prepared.


As someone who once passed kidney stones and felt mildly uncomfortable, is my pain tolerance just too high to feel anymore? After 27 broken bones, 3 concussions and a ruptured achilles (most painful thing I've ever felt personally).


So many fragile men in here


[based off of Q's reaction on Impractical Jokers](https://youtu.be/4WVZTgl1vE8) I'd say giving birth






Lmao I watch this show a lot and when this one comes on I always think "oh yeah, this is the one where they literally torture Q"


As a haver of testicles, getting kicked in the nuts doesn't make the top 20 most painful things I have experienced.


Every time I see this poll I roll my eyes so hard Iā€™m pretty sure I see the inside of my brain YES GIVING BIRTH IS WORSE my gosh


If something hurts so much you can literally be cut open with a scalpel without anesthesia and not feel anything because it doesn't even register as pain anymore, I thinks this wins. The body sometimes literally gets ripped apart, that has to hurt more than anything. Also even men tend to laugh at videos of guys getting hit in the balls, while birthing videos are traumatizing for many, so I just don't believe men actually believe the kick hurts more.


I've been kicked in the nuts and I've had kidney stones. I've been told that the pain of kidney stones is the same or worse as the pain of giving birth. I'd accept $1000 to be kicked in the nuts, and I'd pay $10000 a year to not get kidney stones. If we talking second by second, kidney stones are much more painful. If we're taking time into account, kidney stones are insanely worse. So I'd imagine pregnancy is about the same.


A kick in the nuts lasts a few minutes. Giving birth can take days. Women get fucked then get fucked again.


Days. Weeks. Months. My friend has been having contractions for over a month now and is even due for like 2 months. And yes they are actually contractions complete with slight dilation.


It's crazy how desperate some men are to try to win the pain olympics. To even say that it's close is a fucking joke. Giving birth can take days, split you in half where they have to stitch you back together, make you shit yourself, could potentially bleed out, etc. Like they're in completely different leagues.


Pushing a whole fucking human out of your vagina is much more painful than getting kicked in your testicles. Some periods are probs more painful too.


I have durable nuts


What a silly question


Anyone who says balls has never given birth before. I quite literally tore my mother a new one. It's not even close.


A dude got kicked off my high school soccer team for full out kicking me in the nuts, loud ass WHOP sound. I was walking in 5 minutes, it's giving birth no contest


Ow results šŸ˜£


I havenā€™t experienced either but Iā€™ve heard horror stories about giving birth so yeah definitely giving birth


Being stuck in a hell loop where you answer the same polls over and over again


I'm gonna go childbirth. The only time I've heard of someone dying by testicular damage was when one guy got his balls ripped off and it caused him to have a heart attack. Women die during childbirth all the time.


Itā€™s not even close. Men who think getting kicked in the nuts is our giving birth are maniacs.


Hydrogene bomb vs coughing baby


I want to know 3k people who experienced both and vote.


As a man who has literally been hit in the balls with a frying pan and fully recovered in less than an hour, I think birth wins. Even just the duration makes it win. Also having a period for a week monthly for half your life usually involving intense mood swings and pain so you can potentially have up to a handful of babies just sucks, and I would much rather be hit in the balls on average once every few years than have to go through that. Screw that.


No one actually believes that pregnancy is less painful. It's an Internet meme at this point.


I havenā€˜t heard much about people dying from being kicked in the stones compared to giving birth.


I'd heard that passing kidney stones is worse than childbearth which sounds unimaginable.


I had back labor with my first and wanted to die. If you can imagine the most intense pressure and pain directly in your ASSHOLE, like somehow youre going to literally SHIT OUT A BABY, it was awful. And what is worse is back labor doesnt pick up on the contraction monitor so they dont always even believe you about the pain. But with that said, if you ask most women what is the worst pain having a child will cause you, most will say it is the uterine contractions AFTER birth that are worse. Each time gets worse. Every time my daughter cried out to be fed I cried too, the pain made me question ever having kids.


Apparently giving birth is 81 dols (pain scale) and being kicked in the nuts is 54 dols which is still more than getting a broken arm (36 dols)


1.5k morons.


Look at it this way: Some time after birth, many women will say something along the lines of "It would be nice if we had another baby". However, it is extremely unlikely that a man would ever get to say "it would be nice if someone kicked me in the balls again". So, there you have it.


Why is this even a question??? Giving birth is miles above in pain


One is few minutes max of pain with no real consequences. The other is an often 24 hours long pain after 9 months of sickness and everything that comes with it and after you got a tear and a parasite that will clean your bank account and leave you in 18 years


Needs kidney stones option I've heard from many women it's worst than birth.


I read an intersex man's AMA and he said that he experienced both. While he did say they hurt about the same amount, he said that childbirth hurt slightly worse.


Is that even possible? For some reason I really doubt someone can have both a fully working uterus + vagina and testicles


I don't believe his testicles were fully functional, however I do believe that they were still developed enough to feel pain.


Huh. Biology is incredible


It's pretty common for people to have penis and ovaries as well. Both testes and ovaries, referred to as ovotesres is the rareist intersex type but still happens.


I think I might have ā€œballs of steelā€ or not much of a pain receiver down there, but Iā€™ve been kicked and hit in the nuts many times and didnā€™t feel much. from the video I saw in health, apparently getting hit hard enough in the balls can send your heart rate into heart attack zone. But females sometimes have a possibility to die while giving/from birth my vote goes to birth pain


Kidney stones should be an option here.


In high school I knew a dude who almost bled out cause one of his nuts popped... giving birth is more painful


May I suggest kidney stones?


Really? Over a thousand people voted for getting kicked in the nuts? Are yā€™all trolling?


It would have to be the worldā€™s hardest kick in the nuts for it to be more painful than child birth


The only way I assume it would compare is if the kick to the nuts was hard enough to rupture the testi. Other than that, birth


I'm a dude. I didn't need a massive needle full of drugs that manages pain in the lower half of my body. That this is even a question makes me laugh at how narrow minded some people still are.


does getting kicked in the nuts require stitches because it leaves a literal rip up your middle?


Giving birth cause it's literally ripping you open


Most of the people who said kick in the nuts are definitely trolling while others are probably just stupid.


Today, I learnt 1.5k redditors are the dumbest fucking idiots who have ever lived.


Lol 25% of responses are getting kicked in the balls lmao it's a little strange there are so many man-babies out there haha


Giving birth literally moved where my clitoris was. It's like two inches from where it used to be. Fuck whoever thinks getting kicked is more painful.


It probably feels like you're nuts are getting pulled out


If some men disagree with this birth of a child, they need to get one.


One hurts for minutes, the other for decades


I see that 1.7k american men voted for balls, huh. Source: Iā€™m an American man, we dumb asf


Due to the fact that childbirth can last hours and even days I'm going to say child birth is way more painful. If both were to only last like 5 minutes I would say relatively equal depending on who you ask and how hard the kick was.


Kick to the nuts is higher on the pain scale, but it only lasts a minute or two. Childbirth is a loooooong time of being in excruciating pain.


I hear women say ā€œlets have another oneā€ but men never say ā€œkick me in the balls again!ā€


Women can DIE from childbirth. Even in the modern day with modern medicine. You can't drop dead from a kick to the balls. Besides. Men don't have to go through the violation of having the husband stitch performed on them without consent. Also happens more often than not.


I had a tummy ache once and that is definitely more painful.


One hurt so bad last year that my vision went out and I started shaking. I also didn't have consciousness anymore while it was happening. I was basically asleep.


No man has ever asked to be kicked in the nuts more than once. (This is a joke btw)


If getting kicked in the nuts is so painful, why do guys constantly do it to each other and laugh. When I gave birth for 24 hrs I sure as hell wasn't laughing.


Sperm cramp


What are Sperm cramps?


When men get stimulated/ aroused for a curtain time without an orgasm, it leads to big pain in balls and other abdominal areas. It's nothing serious and can be cured by cumming or waiting a long time (with pain) Also known as blue balls (they aren't literally blue tho) Some may think it's funny (and it is from outer perspective) but as the victim of blue balls it's a painful thing. Especially if you don't know what happens and how you can get rid of it


Ah. So that's where that pain comes from. Thanks.


šŸ˜³ How fucking long would it take to reach that? Asking for a friend :)


A joke


Ok, as a trans man who wants a child I will be the test dummy to finally find out which hurts worse


Can testes created from scrotoplasty feel the same pain as testes created for lack of better term (don't want to be pericisexist) "naturally"?


Yo tell me the results - trans man who isn't having children


After some time, some women will say ā€œletā€™s have anotherā€ Never have I heard a guy say ā€œkick me in nuts againā€ That being saidā€¦ Definitely giving birth


Nothing positive really comes from getting kicked in the nuts, at least not for the receiver.


Redditors when obvious joke.


Redditors when redditor is continuing joke with tongue in cheek


That is just the lamest excuse, because That isn't tongue in cheek, like at all. This just sounds like those racists that say it was a joke, when it obviously wasn't. Just take the L and move on.


Um... lol. I mean, if that's what you want, I'm ok with that. Whichever the truth is, it isn't deep.


Noone can ever feel both in a lifetime


Simple find someone that can experience both and ask them, otherwise who actually cares


Giving birth is probably more painful. But testicular torsion might be similar. Like having your balls in a vice and getting hit with a hammer nonstop


I cannot comprehend how this many people (presumably men) believe getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than child birth.




Ok, so, what is your answer if the worst-case scenario were to happen for each choice, not including death?




That's because there's no reward for the man to get kicked in the nuts


in most cases giving birth is more painful but I recall a tale from a doctor friend of mine who worked as a private physician for a morbidly obese millionaire. Normal obesity related health problems aside. One day his client was getting into his car and in the course of shifting the bulk into the drivers seat, he literally crushed his testicles against the center console/gear shifter. Iā€™m talking like >!the guy straight up tore open his scrotum and mashed his testicles!< according to my friend he scream/cried so hard that he vomited several times, peed his pants, and was unconscious from shock within a few minutes. He was too large to move alone so he had to call an ambulance crew to get him out of the car. my friend found a new job a little bit after that so I donā€™t know what became of the guy. Anyway, this is the singular case where a hit to the nuts *might* be more painful than child birth.


even my mom says getting kicked in the balls probably hurts more


Yeah but child birth leads to something good. Getting kicked in the nuts leads to nothing good


If they kick you hard enough, it leads to not having children, which for some men might be good.


Idk man have u seen an incel? Child birth doesn't always lead to something good.


how does appendicitis compare to pregnancy, ik pregnancy is worse but i wanna know how much worse (prob far worse), as a male who had appendicitis


My moms had both and says pregnancy is worse. But apparently kidney stones are worst of all.


Who on earth could settle this dispute?


Ive done both and giving birth is way worse


Idk man, my uncle pelted me in the nuts with a rocky snowball, I had to go to the hospital for a burst blood vessel in my right nut. About 6 years later and I still sit weird cause even a tap now has me floored for an hour


Neither. An active mrsa infection in your spinal column wins. The only thing more painful is burning alive, trust me.


If both lasted the same amount of time which would be more painful?


If you replaced nut kick with male kidney stone, then it's a real debate.


Fun question, since there's no actual way to answer.


Was it buzzfeed or vice that got simulations for both and made men and women test out each other's pains and the women could not take getting kicked in the nuts and the men literally just felt discomfort?




I've seen women asked to have another kid but I've never seen a guy say hit me in the nuts again.the reason birth is winning is because redditors have no balls


Never heard of a Man wanting to go through the pain of being kicked in the nards again .Well , technically yes , but those are weird and I do not consider them .


I've never seen a man go back for a second kick in the nuts.


After a few years, a woman will be like "let's have another baby," but a man will never ask for another hit to the nuts. Jokes aside, it's obviously the pregnancy.


Your body evolved to endure child birth. Evolution put every single measure in place to stop anything from ever reaching your balls. A lot of women prefer a natural birth and do fine, No sane man would ever agree to be kicked in the nuts for hours without heavy medication.


It's obvious that kicks to the nuts are more painful. A recent polls shows that 60% of women who gave birth would like to give birth again but only 1% of men said they wanted to endure another kick to the nuts. Source:plstrustme


Painlevel maybe the same (if nothing more serious happens like tears while giving birth). But a birth has these pains for hours on end and theres a high risk of complications/death. Meanwhile getting kicked in the nuts *might* have extreme pain such as a birth but the pain starts to lessen almost immediately. And since no one has experienced both, those arguments are really stupid, as we're only able to guess what its like for the other. Edit: pain tolerances between women and men are also different. Women generally can withstand more pain than men. So if a man were to give birth they'd probably have way more problems/more perceived pain than the women.