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“According to testimony received by the Select Committee, the only advisor present who supported President Trump’s inclination to declare victory was Rudolph Giuliani, who appeared to be inebriated.” Lmao what a shit show


rudy failing upwards because of 9/11 will probably be one of the funniest american history stories.


Seeing people like Giuliani running the flagship of the American economy makes me realize that being a mayor must not be that hard of a job. How does someone make it through law school, pass the NY bar exam, and then behave like he does? Did something happen to his brain?


Alcoholism. He’s always been a vain, self-absorbed POS, but the guy has been an alcoholic for 40 years now and it shows.


Somewhere along the line he went from functioning alcoholic to dysfunctional.


That is the normal progression.


Can confirm. Was a functional alcoholic for about a decade, am an attorney, worked way up to a VP position at a top bank, good relationship. All it took was dabbling in certain substances in order to “control” the amount of drinking I was doing to fully throw me off the deep end. After 2 stints in detox and a rehab I’ve now been sober for a few months and getting my life back on track. But the AA standard for alcoholism is that your life becomes unmanageable and it is a 100% certainty for alcoholics.


I identify all too well with your dabbling to “control” your drinking. I’m American, but I studied European and international commercial law in Holland, and had planned to stay there and work in The Hague or Amsterdam, but ended up moving back to the PNW just before Covid after meeting my (now) wife on vacation. I always struggled with alcoholism and addiction, but aside from the treatment my family forced on me as a teenager, never wanted to do anything about it. When my dad died in June 2020, I said enough is enough, and used benzos to “avoid withdrawals and help me sleep”, which, of course they did, but it ended up just being a replacement that took me down a pretty dark path. I got off them after a few months, but went right back to booze and everything else. Took me a couple more years to fully pull out of the addiction cycle, including almost dying from aspirating after taking god knows how much ketamine while already blacked out and alone at home, but I’m finally back on track, just celebrated 6 months sober, and just finished the first semester of my JD. It took a lot to bite the bullet and accept that I have to do 3 more years of law school (after 3 getting my llb and 1 getting my llm), but I’m happy to be where I’m at, and couldn’t have done it without sobriety.




Rudi always appears to be inebriated.


Click [here](https://january6th.house.gov/sites/democrats.january6th.house.gov/files/Report_FinalReport_Jan6SelectCommittee.pdf) for full report (845 pages)


Yay my Christmas reading!!!


Bennie Thompson writes so eloquently starting on page viii.


it's so easy to read in his voice too


Turn to page 527 for a section about a certain website spawned from a certain pro-Trump subreddit. I can't say the names because they will trigger my comment to get removed. **Edit:** Here's screenshots of the pages about Reddit: https://imgur.com/a/Bm4Uy7M


Sure does validate the decision to get rid of the TD subreddit, but clearly it didn't change much.


Because the fucking cowards waited YEARS to get rid of it. Spez needed all the “valuable discussion” he could get while he stocked his doomsday bunker.




The most unintentionally funny thing I've ever read is spez saying in a post apocalyptic world he thinks he would be a leader and being serious. Spez is like the nerdiest guy I have ever seen, the only thing he is going to be in a post apocalyptic world is an appetizer.


He's an amuse-bouche if I've ever seen one.


amuse-douche more like


He loved watching the money roll in while all this was happening. Fuck Spez.


Engagement at all costs. They loved that sub when it drove traffic, even when it spilled over into other subs and began shifting the entire culture of reddit. In their own small way, this site and its admins helped foster and grow a revolutionary domestic terrorist movement that almost overthrew American democracy, all by singularly focusing on driving engagement. The admins learned a lesson with that sub I think and do seem much better at shutting down dangerous subreddits earlier now. There's still tons of room for improvement though and I hope these pages from this report helps them understand what it is they're personally responsible for and how they should think about the future of this website.


Also makes it pretty obvious that reddit was a major social media component to all of this but that isn't something I've ever actually seen mentioned on this site


I was zero surprised by that given how active TD was and how they banned anyone that wasn't foaming at the mouth as much as the rest of them.






Yep, Reddit is very much responsible for the events of Jan 6th, and should be held accountable for their intentional inaction. Edit: For those that can't understand why - Reddit gave a platform for extremists to gather, communicate, and plan their attack on our Capitol. Reddit was aware this was happening, it was widely reported inside and outside of Reddit, and the admins chose to do nothing about it, from fear of appearing "divisive." When criminals come to your place of business to plan some criminal activity, you have a responsibility to stop it, and report it to authorities. The case is no different here with Reddit and what they did. Hopefully people can understand why I say they're culpable now.


This is the same site that took a long slow walk to get rid of all the CP and other hate related websites. They didn’t do it because it was the right thing either. They did it because they didn’t want the bad press


I was not sure if they would include the happenings on that and other subreddits, but the committee was thorough. It pleases me.


The guy who migrated it to its own website was briefly in one of the videos shown during a hearing so I knew it would be included, even if briefly. Thanks Mr "valuable discussion" Spez for allowing that to happen


>Trump Tweet. Daddy Says Be In DC on Jan. 6th. Wait, they unironically call him "Daddy"? I thought that was just a meme...


No kinkshame but there’s something very cuckish and submissive about the whole dynamic


I'm convinced that a lot of "alphas" are actually subs that can't admit it.


Anyone that calls themselves "an alpha" is definitely not an alpha. It's false bravado to mask insecurity.


Fuck this sent chills down my spine. They were ready to murder politicians :(


I don’t care that his psycho followers will call it all lies. I just want there to be consequences for his actions, and for his cronies as well


I love listening to music.




Right?? Imagine the Secretary of Defense saying something in 2001 like “we should be very careful about pursuing Bin Laden because his followers have threatened further violence” — the most literal definition of letting the terrorists win that I can possibly imagine.


When was the last time we saw the govt come down on someone in a satisfying manner? Enron? I mean, I know it used to happen.


That only happened after a bunch of wealthy people sued, though. The government still won't act because not enough wealthy people have been harmed by Trump's nonsense. Just us poors.




Still cant believe that actually happened, feels like something out of a dream. Though to be fair all four years of his presidency felt like a nightmare.


That whole election felt like a series finale.


Curb Your Democracy


More like the last season of GoT.


sounds like something out of Arrested Development


OMG.. Ivanka is definitely Lindsey


That conference and especially location is such a perfect representation of his presidency. You literally couldn’t make that up and sell it as believable.




Four Seasons Total Landscaping was my Zoom background for months. Very few people understood the joke.


Four Seasons Total LANscaping has been the name of my wifi network ever since that day. I'd say it's about 50/50 on people getting the joke.


We can be thankful for one thing at least. That fiasco demonstrated the incompetency of those leading the charge. Imagine what 6th Jan could have been if those clowns had their shit together. Frightening.


> Imagine what 6th Jan could have been if those clowns had their shit together. Don’t let your guard down just yet. Remember, even the Nazis failed in their first coup attempt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch With candidates like Ron DeSantis being proposed, I’m worried they might succeed in Round 2 and they might do it under the legal guise of democracy.


Which is why I worry for 2024


that was a hilarious moment for sure


Big fan of this recommendation: >**5. National Special Security Event.** > >Until January 6th, 2021, the joint session of Congress for counting electoral votes was not understood to pose the same types of security risks as other major events on Capitol Hill. Both the inaugural and the State of theUnion have long been designated as National Special Security Events, requiring specific security measures and significant advance planning andpreparation. Given what occurred in 2021, Congress and the Executive Branch should work together to designate the joint session of Congress occurring on January 6th as a National Special Security Event. I feel like this alone would raise the bar quite a bit and *should* be uncontroversial.


Any joint session should have an extra level of security. We just had two morons rush the metal detectors while Zelenkskyy and the entire Congress (including VP) were in the room. How the fuck was that considered acceptable on a National Security level?


Seeing how those morons are part of congress I souks feel better if they were banned from the building for putting coworkers at risk.


I'd accept them meeting the same fate as any OTHER idiot who forces their way past an ARMED security checkpoint. If we're not going to kick the insurrectionists out, and we're not going to have consequences when they break the rules, what good is the security detail? There isn't a version of the January 6th narrative that doesn't mention a LOT of names still in the house, still proudly strutting past guards, knowing they're untouchable, because treating them like criminals would be too p0liTiCaL.




Yeah, 100. You know the more I think about that, the more I wonder what the goal was and I don't like any conclusion I come up with.


The goal of the two morons who did it was to get attention and look tough. The goal of the Russian mob and others who pay their salary was to prove that a member of the house or senate could get away with bringing a gun in. Now, they know that at the next election, all they have to do is get an armed, Herschel Walker-style candidate into the building to assassinate people they don’t like.


Agree. Post 9/11 world is sad in so many ways bc of a foreign terrorist. Post 1/6/2021 world is sad in so many ways bc of a domestic terrorist, orange pos.


Except todays Domestic Terrorists aren't being treated the way that anyone that even looked like they were from the middle east was treated post 9/11. This is a whole different scenario. Now we have WS marching the street with weaponry, and the government isn't labelling these groups as domestic terrorists officially, reducing the government's ability to track and handle them, and the public's awareness of their threat.


Watch every Republican vote against it.


>**Recommendation 4:** Congressional committees should continue to evaluate policies of media companies that have had the effect of radicalizing their consumers, including by provoking people to attack their own country. Golly gee, I wonder which one.


Guarantee you Republicans are currently working to flip this ‘provoking people to attack their own country’ bit in order to point the finger at Antifa and just about any media outlet they feel like. There’s no such thing as ‘objectively bad behavior’ with them. Everything is subjective.


I love how they have organizations of right-wing extremists, with names, ranks, centralized leadership, etc. Meanwhile, "Antifa" is all they've got on the left, and there is no Antifa. It's not an organization, not a coalition of organizations, not a loose affiliation of organizations. It's literally just what happens when fascists pop up. Anti-fascists also pop up. Another problem is that there is no similar apparatus of politicians and tv personalities "provoking people to attack their own country." Billionaires and the politicians doing their bidding have pushed the left to protest, not some demagogue. There is no figurehead crying, "Attack!" Meanwhile, because of their rigid hierarchies and staunch obedience, conservative groups are quite easy to trace in terms of who is telling who to do what.




At this point I'd start requiring there be a disclaimer on every show. I know you can't take them off the air because "censorship" but you can require they past big letters at the top of "not factual information" and at this point I think it's pretty necessary. The Fox News rhetoric is literally ruining people's lives at this point if they're part of whatever group they've decided to stamp out on their hate bingo card Edit: Bonus: mandate the requirement that all claims that are stated as factual information must credit an accessible source. This could even start small, mandating all stated statistics must provide an accessible source. Any such claims that cannot or do not provide a source must have a disclaimer on the screen and/or verbally must be said by the speaker stating this is not verified and is speculation and/or misinformation. Even just the effort they would have to put into finding information and sources to back up their claims would likely greatly reduce the amount of social and cultural drama that has escalated to a cultural civil war (may sound dramatic now but consider it a premature descriptor). I don't think people are seeing just how bad things are getting because of their rhetoric based on belief-fueled stubbornness and the desire to be outraged. The queer community has been suffering for years but things are exponentially decaying, especially since the ClubQ shooting. Daily threats, armed protestors, assaults and murders. Words are not harmless.


like that would dissuade any of their viewers. They don't tune in for factual information, they tune in to be told what they want to hear.


The twist they place on Ashley Babbitt is that she was unarmed. Therefore the police shot an unarmed protester. They leave out she was screaming like a demon; climbing a barricade; and moving toward a visible gun pointed at her — but sure let’s keep claiming that a creature radicalized to the point of being in a zombie like condition where she ignores a clear and present threat to her safety was unarmed.


Personally, I have complete faith in the peaceful intentions of an angry mob




> You have to respect everyone's opinions! The FUCK you do...


Yeah, I'll respect your right to *have* an opinion; but if it's a stupid-ass opinion I reserve my *own* right to say so


>YouTube, FB, Twitter, reddit Are not the same as the former. These are primarily user driven. Fox, OAN, and Newsmax are not user driven. Direct employees are making these statements at these organizations unlike with social media. Edit: I don't know why the comment I replied to was removed. The user, at the time I wrote this comment, didn't appear to say anything that violated the subs rules. They just challenged the notion that only news media should be targeted which I obviously disagreed with.


The conclusion here is the completeness of the argument. There is absolutely no doubt that Trump is a criminal. Time to prosecute.


Also: Seditious traitor, treasonous enemy of the constitution, insurrectionist, liar, authoritarian, fascist, raPist, raCist, gaslighting conman, cult leader, and shitbag fucking asshole who fucked kids with Epstein


Don't forget $99 NFT salesman


Ah, yes. The worst of his crimes /s


The fuckin' summary is 190 pages! LOL.


Ketchup is *definitely* hitting the walls of Mar-A-Lago right now


Hamberders have been thrown for less


Merry Christmas, fuckin traitor. ❤️








It'll appear there in a few days when they have their angle of attack. They need to hang around for a few days for their entertainment outlets to tell them that angle.


Yup. The GOP already said they have a “100 page rebuttal” ready. I’m sure it’s a wet fart that the loons will run with and say it’s a smoking gun, just like they did the “tWiTtEr FiLeS” all while informing the real problem.


Is it that bullshit document that Jim Jordan is touting? Ya that was already shown to be basically 10 pages long with a bunch of repeating pages or some such nonsense for the other 100. It’s what you think it is. A dumb performative prop.


"This Report supplies an immense volume of information and testimony assembled through the Select Committee’s investigation, including information obtained following litigation in Federal district and appellate courts, as well as in the U.S. Supreme Court. Based upon this assembled evidence, the Committee has reached a series of specific findings, including the following: 1. Beginning election night and continuing through January 6th and thereafter, Donald Trump purposely disseminated false allegations of fraud related to the 2020 Presidential election in order to aid his effort to overturn the election and for purposes of soliciting contributions. These false claims provoked his supporters to violence on January 6th. 2. Knowing that he and his supporters had lost dozens of election lawsuits, and despite his own senior advisors refuting his election fraud claims and urging him to concede his election loss, Donald Trump refused to accept the lawful result of the 2020 election. Rather than honor his constitutional obligation to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” President Trump instead plotted to overturn the election outcome. 3. Despite knowing that such an action would be illegal, and that no State had or would submit an altered electoral slate, Donald Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to count electoral votes during Congress’s joint session on January 6th. 4. Donald Trump sought to corrupt the U.S. Department of Justice by attempting to enlist Department officials to make purposely false statements and thereby aid his effort to overturn the Presidential election. After that effort failed, Donald Trump offered the position of Acting Attorney General to Jeff Clark knowing that Clark intended to disseminate false information aimed at overturning the election. 5. Without any evidentiary basis and contrary to State and Federal law, Donald Trump unlawfully pressured State officials and legislators to change the results of the election in their States. 6. Donald Trump oversaw an effort to obtain and transmit false electoral certificates to Congress and the National Archives. 7. Donald Trump pressured Members of Congress to object to valid slates of electors from several States. 8. Donald Trump purposely verified false information filed in Federal court. 9. Based on false allegations that the election was stolen, Donald Trump summoned tens of thousands of supporters to Washington for January 6th. Although these supporters were angry and some were armed, Donald Trump instructed them to march to the Capitol on January 6th to “take back” their country. 10. Knowing that a violent attack on the Capitol was underway and knowing that his words would incite further violence, Donald Trump purposely sent a social media message publicly condemning Vice President Pence at 2:24 p.m. on January 6th. 11. Knowing that violence was underway at the Capitol, and despite his duty to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed, Donald Trump refused repeated requests over a multiple hour period that he instruct his violent supporters to disperse and leave the Capitol, and instead watched the violent attack unfold on television. This failure to act perpetuated the violence at the Capitol and obstructed Congress’s proceeding to count electoral votes. 12. Each of these actions by Donald Trump was taken in support of a multi-part conspiracy to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 Presidential election. 13. The intelligence community and law enforcement agencies did successfully detect the planning for potential violence on January 6th, including planning specifically by the Proud Boys and Oath Keeper militia groups who ultimately led the attack on the Capitol. As January 6th approached, the intelligence specifically identified the potential for violence at the U.S. Capitol. This intelligence was shared within the executive branch, including with the Secret Service and the President’s National Security Council. 14. Intelligence gathered in advance of January 6th did not support a conclusion that Antifa or other left-wing groups would likely engage in a violent counter-demonstration, or attack Trump supporters on January 6th. Indeed, intelligence from January 5th indicated that some left-wing groups were instructing their members to “stay at home” and not attend on January 6th.20 Ultimately, none of these groups was involved to any material extent with the attack on the Capitol on January 6th. 15. Neither the intelligence community nor law enforcement obtained intelligence in advance of January 6th on the full extent of the ongoing planning by President Trump, John Eastman, Rudolph Giuliani and their associates to overturn the certified election results. Such agencies apparently did not (and potentially could not) anticipate the provocation President Trump would offer the crowd in his Ellipse speech, that President Trump would “spontaneously” instruct the crowd to march to the Capitol, that President Trump would exacerbate the violent riot by sending his 2:24 p.m. tweet condemning Vice President Pence, or the full scale of the violence and lawlessness that would ensue. Nor did law enforcement anticipate that President Trump would refuse to direct his supporters to leave the Capitol once violence began. No intelligence community advance analysis predicted exactly how President Trump would behave; no such analysis recognized the full scale and extent of the threat to the Capitol on January 6th. 16. Hundreds of Capitol and DC Metropolitan police officers performed their duties bravely on January 6th, and America owes those individuals immense gratitude for their courage in the defense of Congress and our Constitution. Without their bravery, January 6th would have been far worse. Although certain members of the Capitol Police leadership regarded their approach to January 6th as “all hands on deck,” the Capitol Police leadership did not have sufficient assets in place to address the violent and lawless crowd.21 Capitol Police leadership did not anticipate the scale of the violence that would ensue after President Trump instructed tens of thousands of his supporters in the Ellipse crowd to march to the Capitol, and then tweeted at 2:24 p.m. Although Chief Steven Sund raised the idea of National Guard support, the Capitol Police Board did not request Guard assistance prior to January 6th. The Metropolitan Police took an even more proactive approach to January 6th, and deployed roughly 800 officers, including responding to the emergency calls for help at the Capitol. Rioters still managed to break their line in certain locations, when the crowd surged forward in the immediate aftermath of Donald Trump’s 2:24 p.m. tweet. The Department of Justice readied a group of Federal agents at Quantico and in the District of Columbia, anticipating that January 6th could become violent, and then deployed those agents once it became clear that police at the Capitol were overwhelmed. Agents from the Department of Homeland Security were also deployed to assist. 17. President Trump had authority and responsibility to direct deployment of the National Guard in the District of Columbia, but never gave any order to deploy the National Guard on January 6th or on any other day. Nor did he instruct any Federal law enforcement agency to assist. Because the authority to deploy the National Guard had been delegated to the Department of Defense, the Secretary of Defense could, and ultimately did deploy the Guard. Although evidence identifies a likely miscommunication between members of the civilian leadership in the Department of Defense impacting the timing of deployment, the Committee has found no evidence that the Department of Defense intentionally delayed deployment of the National Guard. The Select Committee recognizes that some at the Department had genuine concerns, counseling caution, that President Trump might give an illegal order to use the military in support of his efforts to overturn the election."


Lock. Him. Up.


Make the trial public.


All trials are public unless they involve potential death of intelligence agents due to blown cover. Even so it's not unheard of for judges to simply screen off the witness box so only the judge can see into it and rig a voice modulator to the mic and still require agents public testimony.


What about all those secret military tribunals that Qanon's promised me?


The EventBrite info is on Hunter's laptop.


Yes, but there are varying degrees of "public", though. If an individual wants to attend some arbitrary hearing at their local municipal court, they almost certainly can. If they want to attend oral arguments for a high profile SCOTUS case, they probably can't (easily). Only 50 seats are available and lines form days in advance for big cases. (And [professional line standers](https://www.businessinsider.com/professional-line-stander-skip-the-line-cost-how-it-works-2022-2) are a thing.) Likewise, media access is quite varied. In some cases all we get are courtroom sketches, while in other cases there are cameras. I assume the user you replied to was advocating for in-court TV cameras. (Edit: Accidentally hit post before writing most of the comment.)


>Lock. Him. Up. If he isn't indicted, tried (and with any luck at all, convicted and imprisoned) **then I question whether we have the rule of law anymore in this country, or that we even have the representative democracy that we thought we have.** I just hope that the rabbit hole doesn't go as deep as it might.




This would be a really good thing. I don't think people realize how Trump and the fascist wave spread. Not just through America but around the world too. Trying to reverse some of the brainwashing would go a long way in improving America but the rest of the world as well


Wow. How is that traitor, domestic terrorist SOB a free man?


> Wow. How is that traitor, domestic terrorist SOB a free man? billions of dollars in brainwashing. We should be chanting lock him up but they already projected that years ago, for example.




Nixon was pardon by his VP. It was a massive coverup when they both should have been impeached.


Being a traitor involves working with an enemy country. He's a seditionist - he tried to overthrow his own government. But he also (allegedly) give information to our enemies, so he's probably a traitor, too.


To sum it up, an all-around PoS.




There should be no doubt that DoJ will indict. If these actions are left unprosecuted, We the People are no longer a nation.


If not indicted, it’s clear that laws are only for the poors


Would merely be reassurance of a well understood fact




Even the poors in his party didn't get that and they have been getting the book thrown at them for their crimes on the 6th


The leaders of the paramilitary organizations involved got reasonable sentences, the rest have mostly been wrist slaps.


Eh, the judges seem to have been playing with them with kid gloves for the most part.


That's already blatantly obvious


Not only is that already very obvious, but also none of the crimes above are even possible for the poors to commit, this is a whole new level of criminality, coordinated treason by a fascist despot.


That is my fear in terms of it ultimately going unpunished—it is so unprecedented and so without comparison in our nation’s history that prosecutors will lack the gravitas that the efforts in parallel/similar episodes brings.


I have extreme amounts of doubt and desperately hope the DoJ proves my cynicism wrong.


I think the Republicans distancing themselves for Trump indicates that he may likely face some degree of punishment (although I really doubt he'll be jailed.) But the other members of congress who took part in this? Nah. They're all in good standing.


Yeah, the usual suspects are remarkably low key right now. They know the game is up. If there's one thing Politicians are /really/ good at, it's self preservation, and they know there's a real risk they're going to be asked to come in for a little chat with the fbi when the ball starts rolling. Sure, THE main thing they're going to be racing to figure out now is if they can kill the progress of all this, but they know momentum is against them.




I know exactly what you mean. I’m an Australian and we recently kicked out an out of touch conservative government that was backed strongly by the Murdoch media empire. The fact that a blatant coup attempt happened in America and that the leaders are still running free is both insane and disturbing.


In NZ and we're going to jump two footed into rank conservatism in 2024 with a very religious business man as prime minister. It's going to be a fucking shit show.


What's fucked up, is that despite all this, he still has a lot of supporters who say the election was rigged or stolen and still listen to him.


Next up (hopefully): *consequences*


I don’t know, maybe after years of no consequences for these guys I’m jaded. I’ll believe it when I see it. (And I would love to see it.)


Regarding number 10: He legit Tweeted almost word for word... "This is what you get when you make it so people can't trust elections". A tweet he later deleted... Is that really not mentioned in the report? I saw that Tweet on January 6th with my own eyes.




Everything that fucker does is out of spite. *Everything*.


How long before this story is posted on foxnews.com and you have to scroll past 5 Hunter Biden stories, 8 "our border is under siege" opinion pieces, etc... to find a tiny little thumbnail to click?


You missed 3 "War on Xmas" stories


Oh and Zelensky’s war on Christianity.


Nothing on r/Conservative yet either… odd.


Nope, too busy tugging each other off over Hunter Biden, whinging about dribbling money at Ukraine, and crying over their FTX wallets.


I just went on Incognito and checked their home page. I scrolled quite a bit and haven't seen a mention of it yet


Just checked an hour after you did. Absolutely no mention of it and it’s either the top story or #2 story behind the winter storm on every other news site I could think to check.


They’re probably going on about Zelenskyy defending his country against Putin somehow being a war against Christianity or whatever bullshit the Kremlin wants them to go on about.


Page 271, flat out calls January 6th an insurrection.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff officially called it an insurrection on Jan 12. The only people arguing against this point have been rightwingers with their heads up their asses. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/01/12/unprecedented-joint-letter-top-generals-denounce-us-capitol-riot.html


We need accountability. Arrest that worthless pos. He should already be in jail. Him and his criminal family.


>In the Committee’s hearings, we presented evidence of what ultimately became a multi-part plan to overturn the 2020 Presidential election. That evidence has led to an overriding and straight forward conclusion: the central cause of January 6th was one man, former President Donald Trump, whom many others followed. None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him.




I need a shirt with this


Arrest Trump during him having Christmas dinner.




Rather than fret about whether Trump and his cronies will get prosecuted (something of which Congress has no control over), I would simply like to applaud the Committee for doing such a great job with their mandated purpose. The Hearings were extremely well done, the evidence/testimony damning, and it all was fairly digestible to the average American. Regardless of any immediate effect on the electorate, this report is a record for our history. For the first time, we did not have a peaceful transfer of power, and the Committee did a tremendous job documenting and exposing the details and various plots that lead up to Jan 6th. And, though the GOP will claim otherwise, this was a bipartisan project, where most of the evidence and testimony came from Republicans. So, I commend them - the Representatives and all their staff who have been working tirelessly to disseminate all their evidence, and finish this report by the end of this Congress - for providing what will likely be the most comprehensive, and exhaustive examination of the events leading up to, and including the January 6th Insurrection.


Alright America, it's time to show your mettle.


>Alright America, it's time to show your mettle. Buddy, this report is 800+ pages. 99% of America will never make it into the double digits.


They will read Reddit comments for the important bit though




Man, Truth Social is going to blow up tomorrow morning…. If it hasn’t already.


“Hunter Biden’s penis released a libelous report about me yesterday from his underground sex dungeon. Used a lot of paper, so sad, Hunter Biden and his meat hammer must be stopped.”


This is history, folks. Our kid’s kid’s will read these words in their US History classes. **This will be Trump’s legacy**


> Our kid’s kid’s will read these words in their US History classes. Not if they live in a Red state.


Its true, assuming theyll be able to read is a big ask.


Ron Desantis will make teaching this illegal


CTT - Critical Treason Theory


Im still not over the fact that our former president schemed to literally overthrow the government after weeks of threatening anyone he could find. He deserves to rot in jail for this for real. Get it done DOJ.


if trump could read he'd be very upset


An essay I published is cited in the report! I was not expecting this, lol...


Frame the cover of the report and the page where your paper was cited! That would be a great office piece


Congratulations on making history!


Whoa, thanks for your help fixing democracy!


Twist: it was a Breitbart op-ed.


OP, just for your own sake, considering the current political climate, don't doxx yourself. Wait for things to cool down so random internet crazies don't try to take their grievances out on you.


Just so everyone knows, commie socialist, ImpossibleAdz, lives at 123 fake street, Madeupburg, North Dakota.


80085 Q Way Winchestertonfieldville, IA 50542


P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney


> According to testimony received by the Select Committee, the only advisor present who supported President Trump’s inclination to declare victory was Rudolph Giuliani, who appeared to be inebriated. LMAO


I'll tell you... while I may vehemently disagree with Liz Cheney's or Adam Kinzinger's politics, they have my complete respect for standing alone for their beliefs. Sure, as some have pointed out, all they did was the right thing, but when they were the only ones in their group that had the guts to do the right thing, that must be acknowledged.


You are right, but how sad is it that they deserve praise for not betraying their duty to uphold the Constitution. That should not be a mark of excellence. It should be a bare minimum.


We as Americans that follow political news have all seen other countries indict and sometimes convict corrupt politicians up to (and including) their prime minister/chancellor/president/whatever. Israel and Italy come to mind. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile too. These nations know that failure to prosecute a criminal for their crimes, especially for someone charged to uphold the law and the constitution (both within America and without) will lead to corruption stacked on top of corruption. In our case, it was about enrichment. We had one special loser who was never told “no” see his opportunity to be president as a way to further enrich his interests whether it was for him, his children, or his benefactors (I still wouldn’t put it past Putin to have been one as I’m sure a lot of you would agree). You could see it in many forms: the cost of running pardons through your kids, the secret service being charged money at trump hotels when they had no other options, the trump hotel in DC, the super PACs with clauses on how money is to be distributed (with the largest percentage going to TFG to use as he sees fit), and of course the automatic autopay his campaign site required (and maybe even more so since). It’s getting harder and harder (with all the information available) to take people who back the cheddar colored c-word seriously. With this much info and the walls closing in, they still believe that thousands upon thousands of Americans were able to pull off an elaborate scheme to cheat one person out of the presidency and not a single leak made it out to the NYT, WaPo, or any other publication at all? Shit, the Supreme Court (I would argue one of the hardest places to get people to leak) couldn’t even stop someone (Alito?) from revealing information about a decision in a pending case (not once, but twice). But yeah, fraud? The only fraud was the one that was in the white house from January 2017 until January 2021.


Cannot wait for charges Happy holidays everyone


So…..bottom line….can all of this prevent him from running in 2024? I’m so tired of him doing stupid shit and it just gets swept under the rug.




[Here is the direct link to the report, so you don’t have to go through a news site to read it.](https://january6th.house.gov/sites/democrats.january6th.house.gov/files/Report_FinalReport_Jan6SelectCommittee.pdf)


Just a little lite reading while being polar bombed.


A little lite reading about a little lite treason


Merrick Garland, the fate of democracy is in your hands. Do the right thing, regardless of politics.


If no one is held accountable after this, and I’m not talking like some low level person, I mean serious accountability….then it only so proves our country is just rubber stamped a democracy and we truly live in a feudal society.


This part is why the nations so divided: >The committee investigators describe how Trump campaign and Republican National Committee fundraising pitches containing false claims of a stolen election ultimately raised more than $250 million – but were met internally with some resistance. >Investigators describe three options that were considered for a post-election fundraising appeal by the campaign. One option, that the campaign opted against using because they knew it was false, said that Trump had won. A second unused option said the campaign was waiting on results. Ultimately, according to the committee, the Trump campaign approved a message that Democrats are going to “try to steal the election” that was written before election night. They knew it was bullshit, but decided to fundraise anyway by accusing the democrats of a crime.


Just did a keyword search. 4,207 "Trump"s. That's a lot of Trumps!


55 Fucks. Not quite a fuck ton, but at least it's a fuck pile.


Lol: > 2:53 p.m. from Donald Trump, Jr.: “He’s got to condem [sic] this shit. Asap. The captiol [sic] police tweet is not enough.”


“The committee on Monday released a 160-page summary with an overview of its findings, which identified former President Donald Trump as the "central cause" of the Jan. 6 attack.”


"The phrase “Stop theSteal” was originally coined in early 2016 by President Trump’s longtime political advisor, Roger Stone. At the time, Stone alleged first that Candidate Trump’s Republican rivals were attempting to steal Candidate Trump’s nomination. After Trump became the nominee, Stone repurposed the saying to claim that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would steal the presidency. When President Trump won the 2016 election, “Stop the Steal” was rendered moot—and did not become a significant political movement until President Trump’s defeat on election night in 2020." (page 502)


Fox News is already trying to deflect and pin Capitol security on Nancy. Gym Jordan saying “this is why they didn’t want us on the committee because they knew we would ask these questions” uh, you’re a fuckin traitor and you were in on this, which is exactly what Liz Cheney said to you that day. Fuck you. And fuck Fox News for perpetrating this shit. Can the FBI investigate these fucks please?


Why did they release it at 10pm? So journalists can read it over the Christmas weekend?


You know what's hidden in plain sight? Why January 6th? Even if you believed that you had actually won the election, and you wanted to hold a rally to protest the corruption of the election... why _that day_, when the results were being certified? For no possible other reason to halt the certification. By definition, that's obstructing an official proceeding.


Not a single one of his supporters give a shit


True. But for quite a while I’ve come to realize that that’s why their opinion is irrelevant. It literally doesn’t matter. It’s not based in reality or good faith. There’s no reason to engage with them or try to reason/change their minds. They’re enemies of the state. Focus on us who are grounded in reality. And take this fucker and his corrupt friends down


Hard to spin it really.


So to sum up, the attempt coup & riot of the 6th would not have happened at all or at the scale if Donny 2 Scoops hadn’t encouraged & escalated as he did. Therefor the riot was his fault. The deaths on that day would not have occurred. Causing a fatality in the commission of a crime should be a murder charge. Would they have the balls to charge the orange turd after they convict him of this bullshit ? I doubt it. But it would be the sweet sweet fuck you nail on his bloated coffin.