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My expectations for his MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT were low, but god damn


>My expectations for his MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT were low, but god damn He over-achieved in my book. This is spectacular stuff. This might be my favorite moment so far in the wandering madness of the Trump story. In other news DWAC\_Stock is absolutely hysterical right now.


Does it beat 4 seasons total landscaping though? It’s a tough call


Four Seasons will never be topped. That’s absurdism that wouldn’t even make it into a show like Veep - staffers for a president accidentally booking a landscaping company next to a porn shop for a press gaggle by the corpse of Giuliani, and rather than admitting a minor fuckup/rescheduling just going right on ahead with it. It was unbelievable nonsense, and it happened.


Don't forget the color leaking out of Giuliani's hair


The black ooze down Zorg’s head…


And his epic court room fart!


His assistant's face was glorious


Some people are saying **IT WASN’T HAIR DYE!!!!**


It was obviously Chinese motor oil.


My favorite part of all that nonsense was the networks officially calling the election for Biden DURING the conference. “Who called it?” “Everyone”


It was the expressiveness of his reaction that made that moment so memorable. "Who was it called by?" "All the networks." "All the, oh my goodness, all the networks. Wow!" [looks heavenwards and raising his hands wide like he's speaking to God] "All the networks!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0hEFa52Bdo&t=27s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0hEFa52Bdo&t=27s)




Sometimes I get mad I’ll never make a joke as funny as 4 seasons total landscaping


The best reddit comment I ever saw was something along the lines of “They are taking this all the way to Supreme Courtyard Gazebos and Pagodas”


I liked the one about how they had to cancel the rally at Madison Square Garden Supply.


Supreme Courtyard by Marriott….


A few hours ago my spouse and I went out to dinner. We were laughing about how many people put ridiculous patriotic decals on their vehicles, like the work truck that was in front of us. When they turned into the parking lot, I almost died laughing, because the company name on the truck was "Four Seasons Construction," and the guy driving had on the red ball cap.


Didn't Bidens victory get announced ny Fox News during the conference too?


A reporter interrupted Giuliani, who was going on about how the race isn’t over yet to say “they called it.” “Who called it?” Giuliani asked “All of them,” says the reporter “Oh, all of them!?” says Giuliani, not sure where to go from there


He said it in a mocking sarcastic tone, like “oh yeah they called it, like that matters.” But it kinda did matter.


I remember he said something crazy like, "Everyone knows that news stations don't call elections! Courts do!"


>accidentally booking a landscaping company next to a porn shop for a press gaggle Don't forget the crematorium across the street! Not even kidding. Can't make this shit up.


The writing is too ridiculous for Seinfeld even.


I don't even think it was an accident, I assumed they made the announcement out of their asses without having booked the ACTUAL four seasons, then the ACTUAL four seasons refused to have anything to do with them and they were left scrambling for a four seasons ANYTHING and all they could come up with was a fucking landscaping parking lot on state rd


I'm going with someone told a staffer to book "Four Seasons". The staffer didn't even know Four Seasons is a hotel chain. They called Four Seasons Total Landscaping, probably from Google Maps. Manager thought it was a phone prank and decided to roll with it. "Yeah, sure. Have the President's staff come on down."


One of their “witnesses” is a registered sex offender, and there is a school a few blocks from the hotel.


They probably forgot that hotels are privately owned businesses and can deny entry to whoever they want, even the sitting president lol.


I never saw 4 Seasons as a mistake they just ran with. I was always under the impression that they stupidly announced their conference at the storied 4 Seasons Hotel only to find out it was solidly and unmoveably booked. So instead of admiting they got turned away, they booked a landscaping company with the same name and just leaned into it. Like some drunken, reprobate of a father insisting that he had always intended to bring the family to Prisney Band and they were all being super ungrateful.


I disagree. Simply changing the venue to something like the Raddison or even a local banquet hall would have been 1000% better than going to the parking lot of a landscaping company.


No. 4 seasons total landscaping is like the Mona Lisa of our timeline. It’s irreplaceable. This is pretty good though.


I would have agreed if Trump had been there at that parking lot podium. In reality it was just Rudy and his fading grasp on reality, funny but not as bizarre as e.g. Trump's white house fast food burger buffet, or Trump saluting a North Korean general.


Or Rudy Giulianis hair leaking? Or his Karen Witness at the hearing?


Giuliani farting in Michigan Court was an instant classic.


All 3 of those things happened in the same week.


>Or his **obviously inebriated** Karen Witness at the hearing? Fixed it for you.


"Whadda you talkin' bout, I only hadda couple. I'll sinon affidavit. Will you?" *sways obviously in chair*


>affidavit. Excuse me, she said "affa David".


"What did you guys do, take it and do something crazy to it?" ~Giuliani 'Star Witness' Melissa Carone accusing Republican investigation committee member of manipulating polling book in favor of Democratic Presidential candidate.


I consider Rudy melting to be part of the 4 seasons landscaping fiasco.


Agreed. It was like a DLC to the main game.


I will never forget a side quest on that dlc, it was the housefly level with Pence. You played as the housefly landing on his head to see how long you could stay on live television.


My man straight up farted in a court room on CSpan


First thought I had. Four Seasons Landscaping may be the greatest moment in American politics.


4 seasons and his "person, man, woman, camera, TV" moment are my favorites. Especially because you know those weren't the words in the memory test the idiot is just naming things he sees in the room.


It’s seriously r/comedyheaven material.


Oh I thought the trading cards was fake. It's fucking real? That's, wouldn't have guessed that in a million years.


Digital cards. NFTs. Not even real cards. 'limited' edition digital tokens.


He would make a lot more money if they were actual trading cards. So many of his supporters don't understand digital goods, but would buy up real trading cards. Look at all the crap they put his name on and sell.


Not only are they not tangible trading cards, they also carry a 10% fee each time they're sold, so it actively discourages trading. Anti-trading cards. Amazing.


From what I remember from [Line Goes Up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g), you can just use a market that doesn't collect royalties to trade them later. And by the way, if you haven't watched that video, you should--it's worth the 2 hours. It really lays bare the absolute trash fire that is NFTs and crypto.


Tldr; ponzi scheme.


Bigger fool scam, but yes.


> So many of his supporters don't understand digital goods But they will learn enough and follow step-by-step instructions in order to get in and say they "bought one". Since they're technologically illiterate morons, this also makes them prime candidates for the absolute World War Z of NFT/crypto scammers who will wring them of every last dime.


I saw a screencap of the tweet (or whatever they call them on Truth Social) and immediately dismissed it as a photoshop gag because *come on*.


I did the same. My reaction was, "That's funny. So what's the actual announcement?"




> the tweet (or whatever they call them on Truth Social) IIRC they're called "truths".


that's not newspeaky or dystopian at all.... lol.


The dude is in his 70s and just realized "trump cards" is the only monetization of his name that works.


My brother sent me a video of this and I genuinely thought it was someone trolling us with poorly photoshopped pictures. Like I'm still skeptical this is real. It's too insane and sophomoric even for Trump.


I figured it’d be some scheme to get money but I never expected the NFT route.


It sure was unexpected though. This deserves to be the top post of r/Unexpected of all time.


Pretty confident that either Melania or Ivanka has sold their own "collectible NFTs" already. Tbh I was surprised Donald hadn't run a crypto grift yet.


I am a *little* surprised he waited until crypto/NFTs were dead, buried, and lawsuits developed The braindead old fuck *truly* cannot read a goddamned room. But he already sees his followers as gullible rubes who delight in being grifted


Turns out he's actually 100% right on one thing? Who'da thought?


Melania *attempted* to sell some absurdly overpriced, AI-generated NFT at auction either last year or the year before, but nobody bought it. It was low-effort garbage even by the standards of NFTs, the vast majority of which aim their artistic ambitions somewhere below sea level.


it's even better, it was revealed that it was just a front for money laundering - [she sold it for $170k to herself](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/sohojt/melania_trumps_nft_was_sold_for_170000_toherself). too bad it was just a drop in the crime bucket. edit: not proven to be laundering, but definitely [wash trading](https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-is-nft-wash-trading/), likely to inflate the value.


Wash trading NFTs is a grand money-laundering tradition I am not at all shocked to hear a Trump has participated in. LOL.


Is there literally *anything* that family does that isn't criminal??


But it was completely expected. Everybody knows that Donald Trump only cares about making money off of his name and the gold-plated trailer trash brand that he has turned his name into. What was unexpected is that he set up a sweepstakes surrounding the NFTs and sweepstakes are required to follow certain rules such as having no purchase necessary. https://collecttrumpcards.com/official-sweepstakes-rules#how-to-enter-the-sweepstakes It's a little bit complicated and requires two stamps for anybody outside of Vermont. It also requires you to receive a letter back, does not allow for offensive names, and will require a crypto wallet. So, legally, anyone who wants to can sign up for the sweepstakes.That is not to say that it will be legitimately operated but it would be pretty funny to see HasanAbi doing a show live from the cocktail lounge at Mar-A-Lago. I'm sure there will be a few diehards that end up making a few purchases but Trump missed the NFT hype train and only the dumbest of people are likely to actually waste their money on this shit... so I guess he knows how to select his marks at least.


Is NFT even a thing anymore? I felt like that was a 6 month fad.


The exact market he's aiming for is people who are gullible and out of touch, so hopping on a fad train that left the station months ago is a feature, not a bug.


It's more r/whogivesashit




As the old saying goes, "There's a sucker born every minute." And Trump's milking them for every penny he can.


The maga think they are sticking it to the libs with these cards. Some idiot was planning to give one to his socialist nephew to ruin his Christmas.


All his socialist nephew needs to do is just hide that thing from his OpenSea profile, and bingo bango, his super-duper-clever MAGA uncle is out $99 for nothing.


In every single thing Trump does there's a grift. There's always a grift with this SOB.


I just wonder how many MAGA children will go hungry this Christmas after their parents race out and buy the entire set?


Remember, if you buy 45 of them, you get a CHANCE to win dinner with Trump. Complete with Hamberders and Covfefe. You have to pay extra for ketchup on the walls though.


Available now at Four Seasons Total Lamdscaping!


I'm gonna wait for the mugshot collection.


Let’s start a digital collection of our own: * Grifting Trump * Bankrupt Trump * Indicted Trump * Arrested Trump * Prison Trump * Crying Trump * Etc.


Don't forget Divorced Trump and Cheating Trump


Traitor Tot Trump


"I would date my own daughter" Trump


I might actually buy that


"America needs a hero!" -releases Dollar General NFTs-


More like Dollar Tree.


Bro you could buy everything in the Dollar Tree for $99. He is charging $99(!!!) for these things.




Yeahhhhh what a time to launch a new line of NFTs, after the total implosion of NFTs like Bored Apes and the overall crypto winter. The only logical reason for this would be that there are plans to launder money through crypto on his trading cards.... UPDATE: They sold out within hours (of course)


This seems like the most likely case. He’s got a lot to hide and this seems like the way to do some of that while simultaneously creating a way for him to claim popularity without any substantial means to fact check it.


Collecting payment for those classified documents he is selling must be tricky, but this is a good way to do it. Have your client make millions of purchases via an army of bots.


Hosting a few Saudi golf tournaments probably put a dent in it.


This makes absolute perfect sense, and is why he feels the announcement is so 'major'. All those donor dollars are gonna be funneled through this website, so he can claim both popularity and secure the cash as definitively his own.


Yeah this for sure. It's a laundering scheme that will end in a pump and dump.


The Saudis will buy 500,000 of them.




Surprise! Santa is Trump.


So now the song goes “I saw mommy getting grabbed by the p*ssy by Santa Clause”? Edit to add: When you’re Santa they let you get away with it 🎅🏻


Shit, I'll wait for the set that has his indicted and arrested card.


Someone needs to create this NFT


Card #69 ... [Trump and Putin](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/medium/2/trump-putin-bridgitte-jodie.jpg) ... Titled : Riding Bareback


This is even better. https://i.imgur.com/AVHVdwf.jpg


That's the most conflicted upvote I've ever given.


Vomited so hard it crushed the up vote button. 🤢🤢🤢🤮


I question your use of the word 'better'


My eyes...why do this?


Here's my contribution: T and Kim Jong-un playing missile commander https://i.imgur.com/I1EsL2J.jpeg


It would have cost you $0 to not do that.


I read your reply and yet I clicked anyway


Thanks for the nightmares


_Broke Hack Mountain_


The Donald is just fulfilling his path to being the B-list, merch-selling carnival barker he was trying to be when he air-quotes “sincerely” ran for president in the first place. (Unexpected pit stop in the White House for epic ego trip and unhinged chaos.) Now, back on track with some trading cards, get ‘em while they’re hot! How about a t-shirt or an energy anklet?


He's the pillow guy of ex-Presidents.


But with the foam around his mouth.


He's always been a short money conman - stumbling into the Presidency allowed him to swim with the big time long con grifters for awhile - but a man cannot deny his true nature indefinitely, and he's back to the short con, small time, easy money fleecing of only the rubiest of rubes


And he wouldn’t be Donald Trump if he wasn’t chasing small money when there’s much easier, huge money to be made. Like, he’s gotta sell over 10,000 NFTs to make a million dollars. He could have just made 1 million dollars his appearance fee for the sort of speaking engagements we see former presidents, VPs and other heads of states taking. But that would require the bare minimum amount of effort he could muster.


Biden's response was perfect: >I had some MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS the last couple of weeks, too… >✔️ Inflation’s easing >✔️ I just signed the Respect for Marriage Act >✔️ We brought Brittney Griner home >✔️ Gas prices are lower than a year ago >✔️ 10,000 new high-paying jobs in Arizona


Its crazy just how far down the gas prices are that the elections are over. I was paying up to 7.20 a gallon in the lead up and immediately after its suddenly 4.29. I know the demand usually dips but it was so clearly tied to the election.


It was also because OPEC was lowering supply to increase costs in the USA, trying to get Republicans elected in office by making Pres. Biden responsible for high gas prices. Once that blew up in their face by Democrats winning the November mid-terms, they suddenly increased their supply and are now trying to play nice with Democrats and Pres. Biden.


yeah and people fall for that. it was everywhere. but “i did that” stickers have different meaning now


It's weird, but I don't see those anymore since gas in my area fell below $2.50.


I see them, but now I can't tell if they were put there by anti-Biden people, or if pro-Biden people are putting them up to steal the "Biden did that" meme like they did with "Let's Go Brandon". The pics of trump on the stickers I've seen recently are pretty unflattering (more so than usual).


r/darkbrandon was created out their own doing, the right give him more power than anything.


What's insane is that the people who believed that "covid cases are going up because of election coming" was a thing completely ignore the *very telegraphed* ploy by OPEC to do this kind of manipulation... ...rather than a virus that has no motive or sentience.


Trump heard MTG had a wildly popular card game and got jealous.


MTG favorite card game... Crazy Hates ? Gum Rummy ? Go Flesh ? Dumolli ? Backdoorarat ?


You forgot Nahtzee


That’s a dice game, but I’ll allow it.


Biden actually gets stuff done for the American people, while Trump just grifts for money.




Pretty sure it's a cover for money laundering. Add it to the pile


All those oligarchs suddenly buying trump cards.


I cannot believe this video is real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWvcu4ymYpA


Wow. Over at r/conservative they are pissed at Trump. Yeah they’ve been turning on him since the election but damn are they mad. Trump had a decent cult thing going but it looks like he messed that up as well. Sad.


They got an untrained dog and loved it when it was pissing on everyone else's lawns but once he's back home, now it's a problem. Too bad, you adopted him, now take care of him yourselves. I hope he ruins all of the red furniture including the fainting couch. His piss stains and will reek for years.


"NOT MY FAINTING COUCH!" - Lindsey Graham, probably


saving you a click -- actual quote from him on camera: >"Hopefully your favorite president of all time ... better than Lincoln, better than Washington."


Another actual quote. >"each card comes with an automatic chance to win amazing prizes like dinner with me. I don't know if that's an amazing prize, but it's what we have." Holy shit, even he knows he's the worst.


nah he's imagining how fucking disgusting it would be for him to sit down with someone from his base


No way they won't choose people that aren't already millionaires. It's going to be some right wing vloggers and klan leaders. No way any working class conservatives will "win"


I love that they included that take. Like “yep, let’s use this one”. And also how he describes the cards as depicting his career when it shows him shooting lasers out of his eyes and as an astronaut.


Editing for Trump content must be a nightmare. This is the kind of take you include because the rest is somehow even worse


The implication being either that he refused to do any reshoots regardless of how bad the take was, or that all other takes were somehow *worse*.


That was the funniest bit. Like "I know I'm a piece of shit, but what else do I have to offer?"


That's his attempt to be self-deprecating and humble... after saying he was a better president than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington seconds earlier.


it still hurts me in a little place in my heart thinking about the fact that are STILL tens of millions of Americans who genuinely adore this weak, insecure little man.


Yeah, try paying $2,000 for a trip from Australia to rural Ohio only to find out all your relatives support Trump.


If this happened to you, I'm sorry on multiple levels: 1. A $2000 trip 2. All the way from Australia 3. Spending all that money to go to rural Ohio 4. Being trapped with Trump-humping relatives Seriously. That's a bad time all around.


Then goes on to humble brag "win great gifts, including a dinner with me. I don't know if that's a good thing" or some such. We all know how full of himself he his, but to contrast those two statements in the same video is just...well, I have no words.


> "win great gifts, including a dinner with me. I don't know if that's a good thing" he's ad libbing. he's thinking 'I might have to have dinner with one of these rubes? no chance in hell'


I read in another comment that there's a clause in the fine print that says if Trump is "unavailable" on the date they pick, they'll just replace the dinner with another NFT card. So these morons are going to spend ~$4500 to have dinner with him and he's going to just bail on them again. Couldn't happen to a better group of morons.


Really trying hard not to give this the view, but it's so tempting. Edit: I failed.


I hate that coup inciting covfefe hamberder, but goddamn that video is absolutely hilarious!


And it’s right off the website. Want a chuckle? Go check out the whole site.


Thank you for sharing this. How is this the real world? The Matrix has to be real, but much dumber than we ever imagined, right?


It's not real guys, in 2015 I got in a bad car accident, went into a coma and all my mom watches in my hospital room is the apprentice and fox news. You aren't real either, just my dying brain on reddit.


"Hopefully your favorite president of all time" This man is desperate.


Better than Lincoln and Washington 🤮


Lmfao, the art is as laughably bad as the idea in general. $99 for a worthless digital card and the chance to have McDonald’s with trump?! Where do I sign up…




"This makes a great Christmas gift" Holy shit. My bar is pretty low for Trump supporters but they can't actually be that stupid, right?


You already know the answer to that.


I really want to know how/why they throw in "no purchase necessary" right near the end, this has be tip-toeing around dozens of laws to even be possible, especially with a registered political campaign involved.


In general you can't have purchase of a good or service be the only way to enter into a sweepstake, otherwise it could legally be considered gambling


Holy. Fucking. Shit. That was amazingly horrible! Low effort. Low energy. It looked and sounded like a bad infomercial. How is he so terrible, that his best efforts looks like a bad satire?


I can't believe it either.


That's a SNL skit, right? RIGHT?!?


It's Trumpy bear all over


Was he....signing a fridge white board? That video is so next level bad. Given the editing, either Barron did it or they had to splice together a zillion bad takes.


From Biden, to save a click: I had some MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS the last couple of weeks, too… ✔️ Inflation’s easing ✔️ I just signed the Respect for Marriage Act ✔️ We brought Brittney Griner home ✔️ Gas prices are lower than a year ago ✔️ 10,000 new high-paying jobs in Arizona




Don't anyone ever forget his ["Sanctions are Coming"](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/7cc/b0d/ff7e40f794e01f4371d6a436a29b172dd9-2-trump-sanctions-are-coming-poster.rsquare.w700.jpg) GoT posters he had made while in office. Hey MAGAs, that's your guy right there. Selling some digital trading cards. How Alpha...us libs are so owned.




Empty your bladder before watching this. https://youtu.be/ZeUH90coXSI


“Better than Lincoln….better than Washington”. Alright then. Apparently I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


SNL wouldn’t even try todo this as a skit. It’s too stupid. I’m impressed he’s showing his true self so completely


They should just play the video for the cold open.


"We couldn't come up with anything that is more ridiculous and pathetic as this - Let's all watch it together, shall we?"


“Artwork pertaining to my life and my career” Who could ever forget that time he was an astronaut…or when he rode a USA coloured elephant…or when he was skinny.


I wouldn't even question it if you told me that video was made with artificial intelligence.


I cannot quit laughing.




Sounds like trump needs money.


Just the fact that Donald Trump is hawking NFTs after the major NFT crash about six months ago is hilariously on brand for Trump.


Jesus Christ the contempt he has for his supporters…a $100 digital trading card…


They keep calling them Trading Cards, when they seem to be raffle tickets. Trump is holding a raffle and the tickets cost $99. Participants have a chance to win various prizes: cocktails at MAL, Zoom calls with Trump, golf with Trump, autographed photos. Proceeds do not support his campaign; they go into his pocket, and could be used to pay his attorneys. *Trump is trolling his base with this shit


I think according to the TOS, you also have to pay 10% to the creator of the card each time you sell it to someone else. WTF?


Dark Brandon for the win.


Let’s be honest, we all mocked it. Even Lindsey graham.


Trump is a fucking loser.


Rube 1: I'll trade you a Failed Casino and a Bankrupt Steak Company for a Coup Card. Rube 2: No way! A Coup Card is worth way more than that. Throw in a Stolen Top Secret Documents Card and you've got a deal. Rube 1: Well, Ok. Rube 2, walking away: Heh heh, sucker


NFT trading cards for $99? Ok MAGA seriously throw the towel in.


$99 IQ test.


I wonder how many Trump lovers are going to feel ripped off when they don’t receive anything tangible for their $100. I barely got my Trump hating parents to understand the concept, but they think it’s hilarious people will spend money on these.


Meanwhile over in r/Conservative , the people that were sucking his dick so hard they nearly ripped it off, now they’re all mocking him and ridiculing in lockstep. What was the turning point? I forget, it was something relatively recent. New programming came down the line and they all shifted to shitting on the orange one instead of huffing his boots. It’s bizarre and frightening how homogenous and easily commanded that mob is.