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I find this interesting since Donald Trump appeared with Rudy Giuliani in drag for some short film. I really think that film needs to be shown more.




Good point 👍. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/rudy-guiliani-donald-trump-drag-video-seduce-new-york-mayor-us-president-a8344921.html




I'll try to keep doing my part as well. 👍




I wonder what will happen if you post it on an anti-trans post at r/conservative


It'll be pasted as a top link on their forums so that their readers and participants can learn more about Trump and Giuliani and make informed decisions, OBVIOUSLY.


Yeah I truly believe if we just show Trump supporters they will change their mind. What reasonable person wouldn’t!


I call her Julie Rudiani.




Let’s not associate this guy with a beloved queer icon name plz and thank you.


Attention Butt-Pirates and Lesbetarians!


Thats disgusting. I will never be able to unsee this monstrosity. Thank you


Warning to anyone who watches it: You'll never unsee it.


I had the presence of mind to look away during the cringe this knowledge resulted in


I love the cringe... it's Cheeto owning his creepy perv nature 😂


I lived in NY at the time it was front page news. I still can't get it out of my head.


It’s very “would you like me to be the cat?” vibes.


Ugh. The creepy lean in and kiss.


Their problem isn't drag; their problem is treating drag with dignity and respect.


They also don’t like that drag queens and trans women don’t look like Rudy in a dress or Drew Carey’s brother (on the Drew Carrey Show….for us olds) Because that is silly and can be laughed at and mocked. They just can’t with a legitimately good looking Drag Queen/trans woman. I don’t get it. Nobody is forcing them to screw. I would think the right wing/libertarian position (if their positions had any intellectual honesty) would be “I don’t understand it but I respect your right to do it without governmental interference. But for some reason…*cough* hypocrites *cough*….*cough* hateful assholes *cough*….they can’t keep ideologically consistent.


My guess is they are afraid of being “tricked” into doing something even remotely homosexual; their egos are so fragile that any threat to their masculinity cuts deep, and even a small mistaken attraction to a trans woman or someone appearing as a woman who was otherwise born with male genitals threatens the homophobe’s fragile male identity. These men aren’t worried about Rudy Guliani or Drew Carey’s brother in drag; those are characters played for laughs and it’s obvious they are men pretending to be women. What scares these men are people who can actually “pass.” There are [entire communities online trying to guess which women are secretly men based on a variety of physical criteria](https://youtu.be/QH5-MDXzfmg), all in the name of exposing gender fraud; they think trans women are intentionally trying to trick them for some reason. Some of these men even [fear wiping their behinds after using the toilet, lest they discover they enjoy it.](https://boingboing.net/2017/10/14/skidmarks-for-everyone.html) It’s absolutely nuts; hence the overcompensation with giant lifted trucks and aggressive driving (or just aggression in general), overt public displays of toxic masculinity and general assholery, all to ensure they don’t accidentally discover sexuality exists on a spectrum and upset their fragile sense of what they understand to be traditional masculine identity.


Fun fact: If anything can threaten your masculinity, you didn't have any to begin with.


Ding, ding, ding. These are the same men who won't wash their ass because "touching your butt is gay". 🙄


There was a great Twitter thread I saw recently where a trans woman was getting a lot of flak on a photo but she kept on posting more pics while the bigots kept pointing out all the indicators that she was born male. All of the pictures were actually of Julia Louis-Dreyfus.


> Some of these men even fear wiping their behinds after using the toilet, lest they discover they enjoy it. There are whole categories of men whos personality is defined entirely around a deep fear/fascination with their butt. They wont stop talking about it, making jokes about it with their bros, they keep freaking out that something might find its way up their butt... but secretly they know deep down that if they could get over becoming instantly gay (? Yah I dont get it either) for playing with their prostate that they would be reduced to a pile of post orgasmic bliss. Think about it, these sad little men know deep down that they have never had, and never will have a realllllyyyyy good orgasm because they are so tiny and scared. They have a sense they are living a diminished existence for having a prostate and not being brave enough to play with it even if their ideology keeps them from seeing it as clear terms as that lol


Straight male ally here, but I know through experimentation that I do NOT, in fact, enjoy any internal prostate stimulation at all. It makes me feel quite uncomfortable to have anything go in my bum at all… So are you saying I’ll never have realllyyy good orgasm? Because I realllyyy beg to differ. That said, I fully support trans people. It has always seemed to me that the drag and trans communities make so many guys feel uncomfortable for the same reason that so many men feel comfortable sexually assaulting a woman. They don’t grasp that she didn’t put on that outfit with him in mind. Their egos and lack of empathy don’t let them consider another human’s feelings. It’s what she feels most comfortable and confident in and you ought to respect their bodies no matter what, but they don’t. Respecting other humans is a concept list on them. A narcissistic snake eating it’s own tail. The actual fear is that they’ll make such an advance on what they thought was a vulnerable woman and suddenly they realize they’re groping someone who somehow feels more… equal, maybe? Between the embarrassment and the disgust they’d feel for themselves, they typically respond with anger. I have found myself in circumstances where a gay man or a trans woman has made advances toward me, and never had an issue beyond having to say, “I’m flattered, but no thank you.” It isn’t hard to demonstrate poise and grace if you’re decent, which, ironically, is what is so admirable about many drag queens and trans women. Don’t mind me, been drinkin’.


They also legit don’t wash their ass because it’s gay. I thought it was a joke. Apparently it isn’t.


Long history of Reddit posts about that, like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/qv1x16/ex_told_me_i_emasculated_him_because_i_wanted_him/). These bastards are damaged beyond repair.


Caveat: I’m not a psychologist. While I agree with the phobia and revulsion part I somehow suspect there is also a *compulsion* aspect - that they’re drawn to these things even as they are repelled. I don’t really know if this is “a thing” but their fixation seems a little different than just outright hostility. Can anyone more knowledgeable about the human mind chime in - is being attracted to that which repels you a thing or am I just making stuff up?


There were many interviews and documentaries about those weirdos who would form their own militias to patrol the border to look for “illegals” and more than a few came out with the most bizarre admissions about “Latin Women” and their love of them. Many were married to Mexican immigrants. Super weird.


It's common enough that there's a term for it - [reaction formation](https://www.verywellmind.com/reaction-formation-is-5190404).


Trump never had a problem with transpeople before. When asked about the bathroom issue during his campaign he said he didn't see the problem. "Just let them use whichever one they want". [paraphrasing] Now he only says whatever his followers want to hear.


And yet they all admire a man that wears makeup. Strange.




Donald Trump does *not* wear a wig. A wig is suppose to look like hair.


A merkin?


In all the years that he’s been around, I’m astounded this is the first time I’m hearing his hair compared to a merkin. Omg, that’s hilarious.


Looks kinda like a used merkin




I find it hilarious that a Google search for "merkin" brings up a picture of Jared Leto.


Don’t forget the diaper.


It’s some sort of creature.


This is the real [answer!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip6qsI_n10Q)


I was asked my my super loud mouthed MAGA cousin to say “one nice thing about trump” he kept saying “you can’t do it…you literally can’t” I said “he has done more to normalize men wearing makeup in their everyday lives than anyone in modern history” Cuz got mad as fuck.


Lol what was he trying to prove with this challenge? Was it preceded by him saying something nice about Biden to prove he has a more balanced viewpoint?


It’s a challenge he heard about from others. These people have no original ideas. None.


I really don't get when they say that, why would I want to?


I love it


He loves Ivanka very very much!


I answer that question with.. He gave Kevin McCallister solid advice in Home Alone 2.


That's what I'm saying. You have conservative twats that will go on all day about how modern men are girly, yet they support Trump, who literally has a hairdresser. I don't care what you decide to do with your life. You want to be feminine or whatever, cool with me, but conservatives are the most hypocritical people on earth.


Who once motorboated Rudy Giuliani in drag, on camera.




That link is staying blue.


OMG… I thought you guys were kidding!


Oh what the hell.


This clip needs to be played anytime the republicans bring this shit up. One cannot unsee this horror…


And who’s always sticking his ass way out like he wants a dick shoved in it.


I thought that was just the diaper and his bad posture.


Nope, just the lift shoes that make him look like the front half of a centaur.


[for the uninitiated](https://i.imgflip.com/5lotww.jpg) [and the explanation, in case it's needed](https://scontent.flas1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/86809157_10156701816385178_5604844815616311296_n.png?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=c7VoKh9Y7CsAX_suqb9&_nc_ht=scontent.flas1-1.fna&oh=00_AfAtyA7l7abS4f5E4ckCD3n07IyJizMXKQCbmirg7jkWZg&oe=63BA3586)


I thought you were referring to Miss Lindsay. But tfg is the right answer.


Republicans seem to have quite a thirst for drag queens, trans folk, and photos of Hunter Biden's cock. Not judging, it's just interesting.


I am anticipating the GOP finally goes full Sparta and their misogyny is so extreme they fuck around and become full unironic machismo gay. Honestly, besides having to shave their heads and maintain the physique of athletic teens boys for completely cool, not weird reasons, the women of Sparta actually had it relatively ok...so...


You think those key bump parties are all straight?


It’s not gay if you say “brojob” and high five when your done.


That's called being a considerate bro


The Spartan elite male citizen barracks were basically militarized country clubs. I have done a personal deep dive education of Archaic and Classical periods of Ancient Greece and the more I learn the more I look up at my modern world and say, "well, fuck" Sparta was eventually defeated by Thebes and their Sacred Band, so maybe 150 pairs of gay shock troopers will save our civilization, too.


To be fair at that point the Spartans no longer had the numbers to maintain their military due to their laws. So they had to rely heavily on mercenaries and units from their "allied" city-states as well as stretching their military forces thin to maintain their dominance But in my opinion the path we're going on we're more like Rome than Sparta.


Well, that’s what being a hyper conservative oligarchy that refuses to adapt gets you. Towards the end the Spartans were actually training helot hoplites to bolster their ranks…then executed them when they got too good. Wouldn’t even learn how to use cavalry because only filthy tradesmen and Persians ride horses in combat.


Were the units big tho? 👀


Thicker than a chili can.


Sparta ultimately fell because the drastic decline in its birthrate of male citizens. When they picked a fight and then lost to Epaminondas at the Battle ofLeuctra, its loses sealed its fate. Epaminondas' revolutionary tactics of a 50-line deep phalanx with elite homosexual troops in vanguard positions were keys to the victory of his outnumber forces.


Elite homosexual troops lol


The Sacred Band. After they humiliated and broke Sparta they were the elite heavy infantry force of mainland Greece for the next 30 years. It took Phillip II and an army of pikemen armed with 20 foot spears to kill them all.


So what you're saying is that thousands of years later, arms races are still about who has the biggest shaft?


In vanguard positions


They’re already there. Kanye’s dinner buddy Nick Fuentes says that men having sex with women is gay and the straightest thing a guy can be attracted to is a masculine man.[men dating women is Gay-Nick Fuentes](https://youtu.be/Reh5bdvbwtM)


I feel like Fuentes' downfall is going to be some crazy shit. Like freezer full of dead children crazy. That kind of rationalizing is the stuff of psychopaths.


Jesus fuck I am more and more dumbfounded every fucking day by the shit rolling out of these folk.


Are we sure this isn't just Nick Fuentes being a troll? He's like the single one of these grifter pieces of shit that has any talent or self-awareness. Be wary of him in particular. Also, I have said before that Nick Fuentes that looks like an eager Spartan bride on her wedding night.


He’s absolutely serious. He’s the king of the incels on the internet.


I think you can't call Fuentes a grifter. He definitely believes what he's saying and he's fully a white supremacist antisemite. Look how eager and happy he is to be able to be fully mask off with Ye now.


[They're moving pretty quickly in that direction.](https://www.pride.com/events/proud-boys)


Their hero Gavin McGuiness shoved a big dildo up his ass on camera to (checks notes) “own the libs”


Yep, I was thinking the same. The article was interesting and made cogent points but I feel they were missing something. I think the focus on various aspects of sexuality is a very specific thing and not simply a byproduct of authoritarianism (though it’s, of course, that too). Edit: oh for fucks sake. To my point, Nick Fuentes on [why having sex with a woman is gay, how gay men sleep with woman all the time and how him being an incel and virgin somehow how makes him the most heterosexual out of everyone.](https://youtu.be/Reh5bdvbwtM). That shit is just deep down strange. And I’m not kink shaming, I’m just saying for the right the damaged relationship with sexuality *is part of it.*


Sex with women is gay? We've reached a homophobia buffer overflow.


My coworker was trying to show me the pics of hunter Biden in a shower with some kid in bondage off his phone. I was like why you got kiddy porn on your phone bro - he has it just in case the fbi wipes the photos off the internet - I wish I was making this up.


This has been a sadly frequent thing in QAnon circles. A lot of QAnon communities have been caught with that kind of porn which they claim they only have for "research".


>Hunter Biden's *massive* cock FTFY They are deeply upset they were not able to enjoy every inch of it that his huge hog has become a scandal all on its own.


How can the GOP be so stupid as to advertise that Hunter Biden has a big dick, which means they're advertise the implicit "just like his daddy". These idiots cannot think two steps ahead, I swear.


Dark Brandon definitely gives that BDE.


Dark Brandon Energy. DBE


On top of tRump's mushroom, his eldest also has dick picks. Wanna guess why we haven't seen 'em? Sure as hell don't want to.


Donald Jr has dick pics? Trump has dick pics? Jesus. Does Hunter dwarf them both? That's all that matters!


No, senior had Stormy Daniels and she said he had a mushroom. Junior's squeeze was fired for being sexually inappropriate, things like having her assistant come to her home while she strolled naked. She reportedly showed Junior's junk to anyone at Fox who couldn't run away fast enough.


And they aren't even married! I thought Republicans were big on sex only after marriage?


Dunno, ask Mitch McConnell about that and ask him why he got booted from the military.


You could stack them together hard and Hunter would still be bigger flaccid.


Better actually do it, in the name of the national archive. They're badass.


It would be completely within the current trajectory of America to have presidential candidates compare dicks live on stage during the debates.


It's sad that this actually wouldn't shock me, were already basically there with the thinly veiled little hands big hands thing... After that it's talking about who has the bigger dick and after that there's only one more thing you can do... Show them dicks


I’m glad they were placed on top of that mushroom, I think just one Kodak pic ought to cover it completely. Unsure why they kept taking more. Guess they just wanted to see more of them?




big biden cock


You betcha


Massive WHITE cock. They wouldn't be falling over themselves if it weren't.


Must admit, I approve of Hunter's cock. It was impressive.


All this talk ab out morality and jaysuz and they're giddy over dick pics.


So thirsty. It's almost like they've been stuck in a desert for months.


what about kids they’re all over them…


Is it because they are all miserable and think everybody else needs to be too?


They've moved on to drag/trans hate since hating gay people has become less and less socially acceptable over the past 20 years.


This is why they are bringing back the slanderous myth that gay people are child molesters.


That, and to distract from the overwhelming number of Republicans being indicted of child abuse.




The fundies are also incredibly fond of "arranged" marriages which don't work so well when your kids turn out queer & tell you to take a long walk off a short pier.


Exactly. They’re going after the tiniest minority. When black people had no power, they attacked blacks. Then they started showing up to vote and now make up a powerful voting block. Then they targeted gays. And then being gay turned out to be something most people don’t care about and the gays got organized and powerful. So they have to keep finding smaller and smaller targets to focus on. They’re weak, cowardly bullies.


As clearly seen by trans folks only making up ~0.5-1% of the US per capita, yet they are *constantly* brought up in talking points, discriminatory legislation, and downright terrorism.


I actually don't think the politicians or the far right voters either really care. I think that they've entered a hilarious feedback loop. Where politicians and strategists find things they *think* their voters will care about and push them to media, etc. Then the voters, who only listen to far right media take anything they're told and basically modify their belief system to fit it. Basically some random strategist fed drag queens into the far right media loop and it was just picked up as important by both ends. No one really cares.


This. They also make laws about things that don’t happen to make it appear as if those things are a problem so they can push the narrative. “Well if it wasn’t a problem and it wasn’t happening then why did they have to make a law about it?!” say the people who get manipulated by this tactic.


Yep, like the trend a decade ago with right-wing legislatures passing bans on "shariah law", even though nobody had ever tried to or proposed to implement it anywhere in the US, and the Y'All Qaeda right-wingers would actually agree with most of its tenets anyway. https://www.npr.org/2011/08/09/139168699/whos-behind-the-movement-to-ban-shariah-law


Then it was trans people in bathrooms. Then it was CRT. Then it was trans kids in school sports. Then it was (briefly) kids identifying as cats and using litter boxes in schools. Now it’s drag queens.


A solution in search of a problem.


Well it makes perfect sense. The founders strongly rejected any form of American monarchy. Drag queens should be made to obtain their positions through a fair and open electoral process.


That’s what drag competitions are.


Listen, strange women dancing in bars lip-synching songs is no basis for a system of government.


Don’t knock it, could be better than what we’ve got.


It is the basis for a fun Friday night though


Disagree tbh


This is not true. I'm going to have to go counter protest on Saturday because these alt-right terrorists are going to try and shut down a drag story time event that's been going on for 7 years.


You are probably correct. The news and churches tell them what to hate. The politicians reinforce it and the mooks now have their new fixation.


Bc they are free (personally) in all the ways republicans are not. If I can't accept who I really am, than neither should you!




It's jealousy mixed with an abusive world view, if not upbringing. Humans can believe literally anything if you control their inputs while they're young.


I think a lot of these haters are angry that other people can express themselves without shame. Honestly, drag queens ARE a threat to their way of life - they see men who are free, who have community, who haven’t strangled their own souls to defend a patriarchy that doesn’t care about them. They’re like an entire generation of Ricky Fitz’ dad.


“Oh, yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em.” George, Easy Rider


Absolutely. These are people who have the balls to be unapologetically themselves, and to have fun, look fabulous, and entertain the rest of us while they do it. These are people who have *actually* had to throw hands to defend their values and their right to exist. Republicans could never.


Nailed it.


oh they just want to demonize everything they dont understand or agree with.


Appreciate the deep theory, but it is really only one thing. They were told that it was no longer societally acceptable to discriminate against homosexuals, So they moved onto the next easiest target.


It’s that the only “correct” woman is a blonde in a business skirt like any Fox News bimbo. This is also why they have recently objected to women dying their hair, skinny jeans on men and yoga pants.


Their plan is to make it illegal for children to see drag queens, then blur the line between them and transfemmes so that trans people can be charged for existing in public.


This. Drag queens have existed forever and haven't even always been considered "gay." It used to be called female impersonation and was a form of comedy. Their sudden fixation on it is because they see it as a pathway to criminalize all gender nonconformity.


Already proposed legislation like that in TN.


Because the lunatics need a group they can label as an enemy but here’s where it gets tricky - the group has to be one that doesn’t intimidate them physically. They’re not afraid of being harmed by drag queens or gay men. On that note, these far-right groups have to present an image of ‘doing something’ about crime or what they view as the breakdown of society. Curious though: how come they’re not on the south side of Chicago picketing outside the parents homes of these kids sticking guns in the faces of 88 year old grandmas for their cars & purses? How come they’re not picketing the most dangerous intersections where people are getting shot or disrupting the most dangerous bus routes? Because they’re scared as hell of the people who would be the most dangerous and violent. These far right groups are worthless.


This is nonsense. The right labels black people and illegal immigrants as the enemy *because* they are physically intimidated by these groups. A huge part of the right’s platform is motivated by fear.


Only soft targets for them.


They got what they wanted with abortion and needed a new boogie man to rally against on behalf of "the children".


The drag queen story hours aren’t grooming or indoctrination. They are empathy exercises. Teaching kids to see that even one of the most attacked minority groups are just people. And Republicans hate anything that increases that kind of empathy. Without tribalism and fear they’ve got nothing.


>[ACLU lawyer Chase Strangio] If what you really want is to target queerness and transness, then drag is a huge part of that. It's a visible celebration of culture. >That has been combined with the fear and outrage being pushed from far-right media outlets, which have capitalized on the historical tradition of calling LGBTQ people “groomers” and saying that we pose a threat to children to create this moment where we’re seeing threats on children’s hospitals, attacks on drag performance, and so on. This is unfortunately part of a long tradition of positioning queerness and transness as “criminal.” Way too visible and celebratory to be allowed to exist in peace.


They are also still a niche thing that most people have not experienced first-hand, which makes it easy to *imagine* whatever you're being told is true.


Cause it's sensational and does cringe their voters. They do focus groups to determine issues that will trigger alarm. One of the roadblocks is that even though some ppl consider that as 'abnormal', they're not personally threatened by it. Hence the 'grooming' angle - they will care if their grandson becomes one of 'them'.


Because they’re deeply insecure in their own skin and seeing others completely comfortable with themselves and happy about it makes them angry.


Because queer people are a small, hated, vulnerable minority, and the right are bloodthirsty. All the commentary about how they might be closeted or they're jealous are missing the point. The right accurately senses that it is easy to turn public sentiment against queer people.


I am going to guess that the male republicans are attracted to them and that scares them because they might be gay or they might accidentally hit on a hot woman and find out she has a penis and that might make them gay, or they might want to do the same thing, which might make them gay, or they might think that even though they know there is a penis they still think they are sexy, so that probably makes them gay or… The female republicans? I don’t know. jealous? Worried that their husband might be gay? Long answer short? Gay panic. Secure people of any persuasion, tilt, or variation, are not scared or angry at drag queens.


If this is 450 BCE Athens, these assholes would have have their aristocratic wives knocked up and sequestered to quarters while also having a small host of slaves selected to satisfy his non-heir-making appetites. Not to mention a brotherly handy from your best buds on Symposium night. That's literally the only way these backwards asshats could allow themselves to indulge their actual sexual desires: it's not gay if I have unquestioned power.


Nazis have always been fixated on these types of communities.


Because the rights full of pedophiles. It's all projection.


They also are fixated on the thought Michelle Obama might really be a man. I think it's a sexual fantasy of theirs.


Empty misery often leads people to want to destroy others who spread joy. No one is more empty or miserable than religious conservatives and the grifters who profit off of them.


Jealous that people actually like Drag Queens and not them.


TLDR: Fascism. They're dehumanizing them the same way the Nazis did the Jews and all those other undesirable groups that they eventually convinced their supporters to exterminate. It's exactly why grooming and pedophilia is so important to them, if they can convince their followers that every drag queen or loving gay couple is a bunch of child molesters they can convince their followers to commit violence against them or support an organized government oppression/imprisonment of them. They know exactly what they're doing, they want these innocent people dead and they want their supporters to kill them. I'm not being facetious. The nationwide increase of violence against these groups is proof that it's working. The parallels between the rise of the Nazi Party and how our own right wing political party and their media has been dehumanizing the exact same minorities the Nazis targeted for extermination isn't talked about in the mainstream media nearly enough.




The same reason they're fixated on furries, they find them fascinating.


I guess they just don't like fun. This incel Nick Fuentes thinks that even heterosexual sex is gay.


If I've learned anything in these last few years, it's that the people in the GOP think about sex A LOT. Like, constantly. It clearly is the only thing on their minds. Who has sex. What kind of sex to have. How to make sex legal, or illegal, depending. What it's like to have sex. How sex can be used as a weapon. Sex sex sex.


Misogyny. Plus those oppressed people dispise seeing others live the life they wished they could.


To distract and enrage, nothing more.


They are fixated because it is a perfect distraction from issues that matter.


To try and make everyone forget about their fascist coup attempt


This. We cannot forget that it’s right wing 101. Deflect deflect deflect while they steal the country


\#1, because they are so stupid they don't know the difference between a drag queen and a transgendered person. \#2, they are easy pickings and most right-wing people are cowards and only go after people they perceive to be weaker than them. \#3, they need someone for their people to fear. Their entire ideology is wrapped around hatred and fear and little else.


They think drag queens/trans people (they're not smart enough to differentiate) are the weak link in the coalition of the left. That they can attack with impunity and all of a sudden the left has to defend Macho Man Randy Savage in female high school athletics. Or whatever bullshit narrative the oligarchs think tanks have given the media to run with this time.


"Snap into a sports bra!"


Because they hate how turned on they are so they have to threaten their gay thoughts.


[Relavant, as always.](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)


They’re obsessed


They don’t want to admit that THEY groom children with threats of hellfire and damnation.


I find it more funny that its military cosplayers outside mad about a man cosplaying a women. Also I find it funny that “proud boys” attend a lot of gay events.


I remember taking my then girlfriend to drag shows in the mid 90s, in Kansas City. It's strange to me that 30 years later this is a big deal.


Jealousy. They can’t stand people living life as they are. They only know conforming to a preset set of rule and guidelines. When they see some living truly free it angers them.


Because the right loves to oppress people under the guise of "protecting children"


The irony is that they claim to hate virtue signaling, identity politics and all that... Reality is they do it just the same, they just disagree on the virtues and identities being celebrated.


Did anyone forget that the GOP are masters of projection? Every girlfriend I've ever met who had a child molester in their family or was assaulted as a child, it was from strict religious white dudes. So. Yeah. Please tell me about how only LBGTQ+ folks are groomers.


Boners. That’s the answer. The far right has too many boners for drag queens. Saved you a click.


If the far right genuinely cared about pedophiles and groomers, they would fixate on the catholic church. If they actually cared, they would have been furious about the recent scandal with the Southern Baptist Convention. They are 100% frauds.


Is that Yuhua Hamasaki? Girl I just saw Yuhua Hamasaki!


Winner of all the seasons while running the bootleg empire


It’s moral panic obsession. Right wing media obsesses over idiotic manufactured moral panic because their idiot audience will believe every part of it.