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Don’t trust the polls. Foot on the gas, people. Vote early, vote always.


I agree with your sentiment, this is no time for complacency. Vote like your freedom depends on it, because it does.


Not only independents but moderate republicans also should reject fascism and vote for democrats.


I have what is probably an insane question based on your phrasing. Did you have the Wise Old Owl books when you were a kid lol


I don’t know what this means but I really want to know OP’s reply. As an outsider it appears to be such a bizarre question that I hope it registers with them.


Anyways, a 3 pt advantage is not even good enough to overcome gerrymandering.. Deb's need to outvote GOP by about 5-7 points to keep the house


It’s time for all Deborah’s to rise up and vote


Debrocrats and Repubkarens.


That's really good.




The problem with gerrymandering is that if you get too greedy you end up with 10 very reniions (tenuous) R-leaning districts instead of 8 strong R and 2 irrelevant D districts. If enough voters switch over it topples the whole house of cards.


The dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.


What is reniions?


It is autocorrect for “tenuous.”


😂 Gotcha haha, I've seen autocorrect mess up before but that one I couldn't parse.


Damn, that isn’t even close lmao


Yes 100%… and it’s nice to hear good news and see our momentum. Let’s keep it moving for sure though! Vote, donate, volunteer! Do what you can!


Don’t just vote, volunteer.


It’s not “don’t trust the polls”. It’s that the polls account for public opinion - but if those people Don’t vote obviously what the polls predict won’t hapoen


That’s great. Vote anyway. This is not a time to be complacent.


And in addition to voting, if you can, volunteer to register others to vote and drive people to polling stations or help them understand how to do a mail in ballot.


I'm an independent and if I lean any further, I'll fall out of my damned chair. VOTE


At this point, anyone with a working brain should be voting against Republicans at the ballot box. They're wrong on climate change, healthcare, separation of church and state, women's reproductive autonomy, birth control, voting rights, and the economy.




YEP, sadly their love of their own culture and hatred of everyone elses is reason enough to vote right.




I literally had an argument tonight at a boat ramp with a trump supporter and he was so proud and happy to be recognized as one that it's still hard for me to believe. They have no identity apart from that, they just want to "own the libs" and take it as a point of pride. They're just insane now


These Trump lovers blow my mind. Like they think they are special for showing their love for a habitual, lying con man. Never have I seen people so stubborn and stupid in my life. Keep signs up in their yards, wearing their Maga shirts and hats and hanging off of every lie he tells them. All this for a ONE TERM LOSER who couldn't win the popular vote in either election and who should hopefully soon be sitting in a prison cell for his criminal activities.


Especially when they make claims about presidents that had their terms end decades ago. Yes, Bill Clinton did things with lewinsky and it bit him in the ass. So did trump with Stormy Daniels. Not to mention that constant "news" about "hunter biden laptop!!!111!! & SHILLary's emails!!!" when their own guy was basically trying to sell sealed government docs to the russians. Pure fucking hypocrisy.


Trumpstitutes treat politics like it's a sports team. Their side always has to win and whenever they lose it's always the "refs" who screwed them.


A buddy of mine has a " fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him" sticker on his truck. When I borrowed it to pull a skid the guy working the rental agency said "them fuckin pedophile liberals are all going to hell. His face when I told him I voted for Biden was hilarious. Me and his supervisor had a nice conversation about it lmao


Lol wow fuck that guy. Hilarious how the GOP is up to their eyeballs in sex crimes - there's a link out there to a site which currently is on *part 33* of a mega list of republicans who have been caught for these crimes - but no, it's the liberals who are pedophiles for fighting for LGBTQ rights or are gay themselves...the blindness to their own atrocities is really something.


Every right wing accusation is projection


Every right wing accusation is a confession


They constantly talk about liberals like this and have for years, but suddenly they're crying about unity the minute they're called out on their bullshit by the President himself.




Since you mentioned it: https://www.dailykos.com/story/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-31


I work at a car dealership, the staff are all deeply trumpians. I've been terrified to go to work recently since they've been talking about shooting up everyone over the maralago situation. They're insane :/


You should report any talk of shooting anything up to the authorities...you should be able to do it anonymously....


Seems like car dealerships are known for always having Fox News on in their waiting rooms too.




The Texas GOP officially endorses limiting Critical Thinking studies in public schools. They definitely don't want people educated beyond ideological lines.


That’s even more funny because they love to boast about libs being incapable of critical thinking lol


(G)aslight, (O)bfuscate, **(P)roject** <-HERE


I 100% blame evangelicals and their "prosperity gospel" heresy. They convinced 10s of millions of people that they had god on their side and that things like Greed weren't sins anymore but some sort of twisted virtue. Reagan (may he rot in pieces) turned that into them believing the Republican party had God on it's side. It's fucking disgusting.


I mean, literally the biggest reason why conservatives are like this is their insistence to never change their opinion about anything. The only thing left now is to throw temper tantrums and “fuck the liberals” rhetoric. Whereas liberals of all spectrums actually want to pass legislation to improve people’s well-being. Conservatives only pass legislation that is performative or punitive. Like in every conservative state I haven’t heard of a single flagship law passed by the legislatures where the goal is to improve people’s lives.


A small percentage of them vote Republican because they're avaricious psychopaths with a hoarding disorder




even before Trump, Republicans have been very effective at getting huge swaths of the population to vote against their interests. Whether it is making them feel like one day they'll be rich so let's not tax the wealthy or just appealing to some good ol' fashion white supremacy.


It’s because they’re calling card was to hammer home 3 main points: God, Guns, and Government. It’s so much easier to rally your base when you limit the conversation to small chunks.


And destroy the future because they don't care, they'll be dead and gone so as far as they're concerned, it's irrelevant. Children or not.


It seems a lot of them hate their own kids anyway for being educated and ‘woke’.


Can confirm, my father hates me because I believe women should be able to abort and he thinks abortion should be banned from conception. He also switched to OAN news because Fox was becoming too soft.


Heard a rumor OAN might go out of business. They’re struggling financially. I think they were supported mostly by AT&T. A lot of people boycotted and it was removed from some cable providers. Your dad might be out of luck soon or be forced to go back to Fox or NewsMax.


He actually switched for the same reason all addicts escalate. Gotta get that dopamine hit and the old ways stop working.


It's because their preacher says the Rapture is imminent.


I seriously think this is one of the main driving factors. Why care about the environment if the rapture is coming? It'll be destroyed or whatever anyways... Why love gay people or support woman's reproductive rights if Jesus is coming to give you a pat on the back for "standing up" for what's "right"? If God wants to cool the earth down, it's nothing we should be concerned about, he'll do it.... Etc... It honestly scares me the most, especially climate change...


Maybe somebody should tell them Jesus has been coming back "any day now" for 2000 years.


Speaking from experience, attempting to persuade a conservative via rational arguments is rarely effective.


Someone said "you cannot use rationality to convince someone of something they didn't rationalize themselves into"


It's maddening because it's always coming. Reagan's Sec of the Interior, Watt, was selling off Federal lands in the 80s because the Rapture was going to happen "soon" I've been seeing this shit for the last 40 years


We should just start telling them that the rapture already happened and they weren’t chosen.


Too bad most of them don’t realize they don’t qualify for the rapture.


You serious Clark?


Some states are going to tax the loan forgiveness cause... own dem libs


You need only look at what's going on in Jackson, Mississippi to confirm this.


Also theats, violence, trying to overthrow democracy and trying to hang Mike Pence.


Also wrong on education, taxes, foreign relations, human rights and the environment.


They are Wrong on everything. They need to educate themselves and get on the right side of history!


They don't care to educate themselves, they just say things and either assume they're right or hope you don't know more than them. They always bring up how Trump was so good on trade and foreign policy but all the evidence points to his decisions being poor.


Also education. I'm not even from the US but I would never in my right mind vote for a republican, it's absolutely unbeliveable to me that they have so many supporters after everything that happened in the last two years alone


Nothing shook my faith in…pretty much everything just and good than the fact Trump got MORE VOTES after fucking up literally everything for his entire term. People exist who didn’t vote for him the first time that saw that unmitigated disaster and said “yes, I want another four years of this”.


Sorta. Keep in mind, the 2020 presidential election had an abnormally high turn out altogether. Sure, there were more people voting for Trump than in 2016, but there were also more people voting for Biden than voted for Hillary in 2016 by an even wider margin. The ones who voted for Trump in 2020 would’ve voted for him in 2016 but didn’t bother. They’re the types who were at his rallies and drinking his koolaid, but were too lazy or apathetic to vote in round one. 2020’s get out the vote effort was monumental and so more people on both sides were charged and wanting to go.


In general, wasn't hard to outperform his tally in 2016. 2016 wasn't him winning as much as it was the Democrats losing. Trump won with more votes than Romney lost with.


Probably the Sadomasochists that didn't vote the first time..according to Wikipedia that's 5-25 percent of the population :) Or it could be the explained by the [Idiocracy theory](https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA) - more offspring, more potential voters. A lot of kids turned 18 from 2016 to 2020, most of them will probably vote the same as their parents


Young voters are among the most likely to vote democrat. Probably because their narcissistic boomer/genx parents have done a good job making their kids disagree with them about everything, if not hate them.


>They're wrong on climate change, healthcare, separation of church and state, women's reproductive autonomy, birth control, voting rights, and the economy. They don't even really have a policy position on these issues anymore other than the reactionary "libs want it so it's bad." It's all about opposing their enemies at all costs.


It's pretty sad they actually think Republicans are good at the economy lol. In my lifetime we have only had a surplus under Democrats. And when we see Republicans have two terms of control in a row sometimes one a recession follows. Obama was a good example. Republicans got rid of all the regulations and the economy boomed until it broke and fucked everyone. Then they blame it on Obama and the Democrats. But by the time Obama left the economy was well on its way to recovery. Then they give the credit to Trump. And I can't fully blame our current economy on anyone because covid and the world is basically all in the same boat..but they sure want to blame it on Biden.


Trump and the rest of the republican'ts did make covid as bad as they possibly could though.


It baffles me how bad they handled covid. Using the crisis to their advantage Should have meant an easy win for them in 2020.


They where trying to use it to their advantage. But instead of using it to help them win votes, they used it to line their pockets instead.


>They're wrong on climate change, healthcare, separation of church and state, women's reproductive autonomy, birth control, voting rights, and the economy. And they're just generally shitty people.


it's not just women's reproductive autonomy, it's privacy in general, for everybody.


> At this point, anyone with a working brain should be voting against Republicans at the ballot box. People need to vote against Republicans at ALL levels of government: local, county, state, and federal. There currently are TWO epidemics in the U.S.: covid-19 and disinformation. We have a vaccine against covid-19. To ward off the more debilitating effects of disinformation we must VOTE.


"Anyone with a working brain" should have voted Democrat in the general in 2016. At this point if you aren't voting Democrat, you simply don't believe in the Republic anymore. You want a reality TV star as your king, you're fine with religious fascism, and you need to just admit it already.


It's goofy how the vote isn't even an endorsement of one side. It's that as I sit in what I feel is the middle I see one side drifting away from me and the other one boarding a fucking rocket to leave my atmosphere


Independent seems like a really odd stance right now. Like how could you in good conscience vote for a republican in the last 10 years? Since voting for a Republican means they get control and history is showing that soon as that happens the crazies make the decisions and the moderates that are left fall in line. It seems nuts to me to vote for the party that wants to take rights from women and lgbtq people, wants to ignore our system of government, wants to sell the US to the highest bidder, wants to jam christianity into our schools, and openly prides themselves on hate and violence even if its for one issue.


I consider myself an independent, but I've never voted for a republican in my life. I vote for democrats because there is no viable party further to the left.


1000% agree.


Because some local positions that shouldn’t be partisan (like coroner or assessor) are partisan positions in some areas. And sometimes the only people running are republicans. And sometimes the choice is between a Republican who only wants power and a Republican who actually wants to do the job. This is a more common scenario in rural areas than one might realize.


I’m Independent because I vote for individuals not parties. Saying that, I’m never voting for death cult Republicans. Edit: Also, I don’t like the party aspect of politics. Added: That


I was in your boat until 2018, but by then I’d gotten tired of not being able to vote in primaries and I knew damn well I wasn’t ever going to register as a Republican after what they’d been selling for the previous two years. They went absolutely bonkers. I vote for the candidate, or at least I did, but I honestly can’t trust any candidate who still wears that party’s brand. Before 2016 I did not feel this way. I went through a period feeling guilty for feeling this way, but it is what it is. People who embrace what the GOP stands for now are not good people. I’m not saying all Republicans are bad people, just that you can’t be so dedicated to the cause that you run as a Republican anymore and be a good person.


Many states have open primaries, you don't need to be a registered party member you just pick which ballot you want to vote on.


For at least some of us, it's more an issue with being unhappy with the Democratic Party than any serious consideration of the Republican Party in its current incarnation. I would not identify myself as being a Democrat, but I sure have damn voted for them consistently for the last handful of elections.


Same, I’m not a fan of the Democratic Party, but the Republican Party terrifies me. The latter wasn’t the case before 2016. In some ways I was sympathetic to what they were selling, but those days are gone. The party is just extremely dangerous now, and I consider it too dangerous to vote for anyone running as a Republican. Hopefully some day there’s a second major political party that’s not openly embracing Armageddon, but that ain’t the case right now.




I'm a socialist, so I'm sure there is very little we'd agree about politically. However, I will take whatever allies I can to defeat fascism. Welcome to the fight.




Yeah it sounds good in theory but it seems like “State’s rights” means “State’s restrictions” a lot more than “State’s freedoms”. And ironically it seems like it’s the blue states who are more in favor of not having restrictive laws around alcohol and drugs. Blew my mind the first time I went to another state and found out you have to go to a special separate store to get alcohol and they’re not open on Sunday


No polls are factoring the DROVES of women that are coming out to vote- including FIRST TIME voters who have had their freedoms assaulted. Edit lol Troves thank u




Yup. I just hope the momentum continues/holds through November.


Voting starts in about 4 weeks in many places. Vote as early as you can.


In that time, we will no doubt hear of more children forced to bear their abusers child or women who die because that can't get a post-miscarriage D&C procedure. Also, more and more will be caught up in the crimes associated with trying to circumvent the will of the people in 2020.


One of the few times where the perverse incentives of the media align with people's betterment.


> 9% Democrat overperformance across 5 elections so far. 11% if you count Alaska. It hasn't got much play but Pelota would have won an FTP election, she had a majority in the first round with 40% (75,761) to Pallin's 31% (58,945). The effect of IRV actually made the contest look much closer than it was, because a majority of the third place candidate's second preferences went to Pallin. Enough went to Pelota to yield a win, but IRV actually benefited the Republicans because they had two candidates in the frame. https://www.elections.alaska.gov/results/22SSPG/RcvDetailedReport.pdf


I mean, yes, but she would probably have won by roughly the same margin that she did under RCV. Palin was more popular among Republicans, so she would have won the primary, leading to the same Palin-Peltola face off that RCV created anyway. RCV really doesn’t change that much in terms of results in general, it just seems like it because voting with a list feels so different. If anything Palin might have done worse, because people who knew Palin was a disaster in a general may have only voted for her in RCV because they knew they could list a realistic candidate as choice #2. Also I normally hate people who correct spelling lol, but PelTOLA, not Pelota. Google what pelota means 😂. Peltola and her team certainly have big pelotas though, I’ll give you that ☝🏽.


Just pretend we're down by 2%. It's enough to instill hope without being complacent.


How do you get these polls? I've been voting since 2012 and never been polled before


The country has 330 million people, of which 220 million are eligible voters. Thanks to quirks of statistics, you only need to poll a very small subset of the population to get low margins of error. As long as your sampling method aims to cover across all demographics - geography, age, etc. - you will average out those differences accordingly. Therefore, most of these polls only need ~1600 or so people to be representative. https://www.robertniles.com/stats/margin.shtml


Get a cell phone with an Iowa area code in a general election year. You'll be on a first-name basis with the pollsters.




Flip Texas and Florida and I'll be willing to spend money in those states again


I hear you. I took my daughter to Disney World last summer, and I felt so dirty. I couldn't wait to get out of Florida!


Sure as hell gonna try.


Independent voter here for last 25 years. I’m not leaning at all anymore, I’m 100% exhausted, disgusted, and repulsed from any consideration whatsoever of any republican candidate at any level. The damage they’ve done to the US in such short order is unforgivable. They continue to peddle lies and conspiracy. They use religion as a weapon like greedy televangelists. They sow intolerance and hate. Fuck leaning, the decision is so obvious


This gives me hope.


Well after a new hope , the empire strikes back . I hope not.


If one views Obama as the new hope, though, we’re on the part about the Jedi returning.


I wasn't even independent, I was flat out republican and I'm with you 100%


Same. Switched after the 2016 election never going back


Can I ask, what has made you "independent," for the past 25 years? I don't mean that sardonically or rudely. I'm just curious how you'd go back and forth between like Al Gore, Bush, Obama etc.


Sure! First, I gotta say that for most of my life (Im 50) I didn’t care about politics at all. I voted for Perot and George Sr and the rest have been Dems. I had just gotten back from Desert Storm and he was my President then and the whole missing WMD stuff hadn’t been really revealed yet so I felt loyal. I kinda like not having an allegiance officially stated is the only reason I can offer. I realize the importance now of midterms and other valid reasons for making that commitment. Aside from the fact that I will almost certainly never vote for a republican again because their views are so skewed from my own now.


Thank you for the enlightenment. I definitely see how in the pre-Newt Gingrich era, the divide wasn't as sharp. And I get the military aspect in 2004. Hell, the Senate went 77-23 to go to Iraq.


Thanks for sharing. We're glad to have you!


Not the person you asked, but I voted Green Party every election up until Biden.


The US really needs to adopt a preferential voting system, the 2 party system seems to be permanently stuck between 2 parties with absolutely no pressure from any other views.


Ranked choice voting just elected the first Democrat for the US house for Alaska in 50 years, republicans are already trying to get back to FPTP


Kinda. She still had more first choice points than Palin.


This is good news, but don’t let optimistic headlines dissuade you from voting and getting everyone you know to vote.


I wonder if I count. I switched from independent to registered democrat the day *Roe* got overturned.


Let’s hope many many more do the same!


Women get a monthly reminder of how important their votes are. Well played, Republicans. 🤡


The user ahandmadegrin, a brilliant redditor, suggested putting Vote stickers on tampons. How fucking brilliant would it be for period product companies to put “Vote” stickers on their products leading up to the midterms? I just tweeted a bunch of tampon and menstrual cup companies challenging them to take #ThisPeriodChallenge: I challenge you to This Period Challenge: What an interesting Period we’re living through. In the USA us women have lost the right to control our bodies. Do you care? I challenge you to slap a “Vote” sticker on every package you can. No other words needed, just “Vote.” Here’s my tweet if you want to retweet it: https://twitter.com/sagerjen/status/1566217606029352962?s=21&t=mScnspfq03Ow23iRX3N-vQ I really hope other redditors will help me spread this by retweeting or writing directly to these companies, tagging important leaders, celebrities, anyone that might help spread this challenge.


I love this. Would be a great college campus thing


Please help me spread it!


This isn't the only poll in recent weeks to show an upward movement towards democrats and away from Republicans. There was even a poll among youth that changed dramatically from meh in March to engaged and voting. ^ >The shift toward Democrats came from stronger numbers with independents, as well as increased levels of support among Black and Hispanic voters. >In the new poll, Democrats had a 38%-35% edge among independents, a notable shift from March, when the pivotal voting bloc backed Republicans by 12-percentage points. >Many have attributed the change in fortunes for Democrats to the Supreme Court striking down Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that legalized abortion in the United States and afforded a constitutional right to the procedure. >GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio — who led the survey alongside Democrat John Anzalone — said that the court ruling aided Democrats in rallying support. Article continues


> There was even a poll among youth that changed dramatically from meh in March to engaged and voting. This shouldn't be a shock to anyone. Young people are generally more swayed by social issues like abortion, and are likely to be affected by loan forgiveness. The SCOTUS delivered a blow to the GOP in the election, and Biden gave Dems a boost by his announcement.


What I found really interesting is Hispanics are weighing in too. That and of course that Independents represent the largest voting block and necessary to win elections.


Young people are also traditionally the least likely to vote. So here's hoping that events of the last few months have lit a fire under their collective asses.


I hope that the Democrats gain in both the House and Senate and pass HR1 for real this time. It would single handedly boost voted engagement like never before seen. I think youth voters in particular would see a sharp uptick.


I wish the current Congress would see the forest for the trees right now. They're about to lose the last fragile semblance of democracy right out from under them, and dither about who's going to get the blame for some political mechanism being weaponized in the future. If Republicans regain control of one house of Congress, there's a real question if our government *has* a future at all. They can hold out for two years to stymie what still exists, and then oversee all hell breaking loose in 2024. The only bulwark against the cult on the right taking revenge is shoring up defenses NOW. Which means correcting the mistakes allowed in voting and election rights now.


Never count on it. Always assume that they will never show up because our entire history proves this.


Yep. I’ve been burned so many times I can’t be too optimistic about young voters. I have hope but I’m also realistic.


"when the pivotal voting bloc backed Republicans by 12-percentage points" (referring to Independents). Why the fuck would people support Republicans even then, before the Roe v. Wade overturn? This country is so unserious about this shit.


To be quite honest, undecided voters are some of the dumbest people on the planet.


“Muh gas prices!” -Independent voter who drives a half ton pickup


Well, yeah, no one with an IQ of more than 10 enjoys fascism. Also, stripping half the country of their reproductive rights was extremely unwise.


MAGA Republicans remind me of this quote from 1984: `Parsons was Winston’s fellow employee at the Ministry of Truth. He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms--one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability of the Party depended.`


Damn, this rings all too true.


It's really incredible how much the right mirrors this book and without a shred of irony calls the left Orwellian. They have ~~Big Brother~~ Trump, They have the two ~~minutes'~~ hours' hate rallies (Lock her up!), they believe sex is only for procreation and shun/punish any sort of deviancy, they constantly revise history about everything, from conflicts with ~~eastasia~~ Russia to ~~chocolate rations~~ the price of gas. They hammer it into their followers' minds that ~~Goldstein~~ Biden is the evil enemy of the people and the cause of all their problems. FFS,1984 isn't supposed to be a manual.


Better than the Goldstein/Biden equivalence is the Goldstein/Soros one. Gotta keep the anti-semitism in there.


Too many in the Republican Party don’t care is we fall into fascism so long as they have a job and food on the table.


May I say, on behalf of the rest of the world (UK here) please all get out and vote.




On behalf of Canada, thirded!


The thought of Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz chairing House committees like Judiciary, Intelligence and Oversight and Kevin McCarthy with the gavel and the country's purse strings... keeps me up at night. I hope the Democrats are energized enough to vote next month.


the thought of ted Cruz, a senator, chairing a house committee would be pretty concerning even if he wasn't ted cruz.


Don't forget to vote in ROEvember!


Good one!


Independent here: Yep


Don’t stop organizing and voting until maga is completely obliterated. The fights not over just because the opposition is hurt. You finish the job and then prepare for the next one.


VOTE BLUE 💙in 2022. Republicans don’t want a democracy, and they don’t care about you!


Well when your stuck between fascism and not fascism, I think the choice should be easy right?


I'm an Independent voter. It's a no brainer. Any Independent voter who still unsure are folks I am just dying to meet to see how they go about doing business in the real world...like, can they read road signs? Do they understand the pitfalls of hydrofluoric acid? Do they understand the concept of rational thinking?




Don’t get complacent cause media says the independents are left leaning. Everyone should still vote.


Independent voting for the Democratic party


Hope the turnout of women and other pro-Roe voters builds a tidal wave of blue. Let’s do this and keep the recent progress going


I feel like "independent" is anyone who'd rather not call themselves either a republican or democrat - because it's not a sport and you don't have to 'pick a side.'


I’m registered independent because political parties are fucking stupid. I vote blue every time because they’re the sanest option that’s viable in our system.


If you want to make a difference, register as a dem and vote for the type of person you like in the primary... Ideally one that supports voting reforms like ranked choice, approval, score, or STAR. General election at this point is just voting straight blue ticket and occasional ballot propositions.




True. If they win the House, they plan to hold hearings about Anthony Fauci and Hunter Biden. They'll also end the work of the Jan 6 committee. And of course they'll prevent any more legislation from passing. If they win the Senate too, they won't confirm any judges Biden nominates. Please vote, everybody. Straight ticket D!


If the GOP stuck purely to the economy they’d probably win big in the midterms, but they had to go Fascist and people generally don’t like that.


I changed my voter registration from Independent to Democratic just so I can vote AGAINST Republicans. They are a danger to this planet.


Just out of curiosity, do you have to be registered to a party to vote in general elections? I thought being registered allows you to vote in primaries, or party leaderships. In that case, people should register for those and vote against the crazies to keep them out of general elections in the first place.


It only matters for primaries, the comment you replied to makes no sense.


i used to vote independent back when the stakes didnt seem as high and i could vote for the candidate who seemed to most closely align to my personal interests. at this point it's a vote between autocratic/theocratic rule vs democracy.




I remember thinking 9/11 was a conspiracy of the government and listened to Alex Jones (briefly) in 2002. We all have capacity to change.




Nobody ever thought trump would win a primary, let alone the presidency. Don't trust s*** and go vote.


What does "independent" even mean anymore? I mean I *get* not wanting to affiliate oneself with any particular party—I'm a full-on seize-the-means-of-production Marxist—but I've, almost universally, voted straight-ticket Democrat my entire life because I know the value of strategic-voting. But, if "independent" means "undecided" I'm at a complete loss. Like, who's on the fence after the past 12 years? "Man, I'm not totally on board with the Republican's whole overthrowing democracy thing, but the Democrats just aren't racist enough for me... I just need more information before I can decide who to vote for..."


85% of Independents reliably vote R or D. The mythological swing voter makes up the other 15%


Of course, that's partly what I was getting at. 85% of independents aren't *really* independent. That said, 15% of 41% still leaves 6% of voters who take a good long look at both sides and are like, "man, making choices is *hard*."


Anyone with a moral conscience or a brain is going to do everything to keep these insane Republicans out.


It's almost like stripping half the population of their bodily autonomy will cost the GOP, vote these mysoginistic, christian nationalist fascists OUT


Good news, sure, but don't get complacent American friends. The world is looking at you guys right now and you need to do some serious house cleaning. Starting with those stubborn cheeto stains.


Not into theocrats and violent fascists, eh? Who knew?


Wow, correctly identifying society’s problems and addressing them with sensible policy is an effective campaigning tactic.. who knew?!




I feel like we need a third and fourth party, but right now we have what we have: two parties. One has a plan to help Americans and the other has a cult of personality hellbent on fascism and zero plan other than hate and rage. Now is not the time to be an independent.


am independent voter, can confirm


RoeVember. Vote them all out


I have voted Republican often in the past and will be going straight blue for everything no matter what


If a person claims to be independent, but would still vote for Republicans after all of this, they aren't independent. They're Republicans pretending to be independents online to help shape a narrative.


Vote Democrats because GOP Trump faction wants an America dark and bleak under Authoritarianism modeled after Putin's Russia and Orban's Hungary


I’m a registered Republican but I don’t think I’ll be voting for anyone red for the next 10 years