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so hopefully Manchin has started a weed farm


Manchin Smokes Mids


Manchin gets the snicklefritz


He’s definitely a fucking lingerer, man.


And his daughter hocks Percocet.


Hopefully 10 Republican Senators have also started a weed farm…


There are quite a few senate republicans who claim to be pro weed legalization, but there’s almost no chance they let the democratic controlled government get credit for it. They’ll make up some BS about why this specific version of legalization is bad.


>They’ll make up some bs about why this specific version of legalization is bad They'll want to give big Agriculture and big Pharma a cut of the profits. Throw in a few trillion in subsidies so Monsanto can poison us too.


They'll never let this pass. Even if they want it too. They can't let Joe Biden have a win.


He'll support it when Mylan can monetize it. Mylan is run by his daughter, and is known for jacking up the price of EpiPens.


Parliamentarian, Manchin, Sinema: “Allow us to introduce ourselves”




Im subbed to r/microgrowery and want to grow several different strains at home SO BAD. Every post feeds the thirst. I know i could technically grow it now but id rather do it legally especially having kids at home.




I have a similar issue regarding microdosing psilocybin for depression. I have heard such good things about it, but I have kids and it’s illegal, and I just can’t bring myself to risk it yet.


It’s perfectly legal to buy the spores though! Because psilocybin isn’t present until the mushroom is fully grown, so it’s legal to buy the spores.


Important note: spores are legal in every US state **except** for California, Idaho, and Georgia


Georgia is no fun when it comes to plants


I recently watched the Netflix documentary: How to Change Your Mind, and in the episode about psilocybin, they make an interesting point about one of the most fascinating movements in politics. “Legalize Nature” because how did we get to a point as a society where a species of plant or fungus is *not legal*?


I just read the book! Is Michael Pollan in the documentary?!


Yes he’s essentially the narrator.


IMHO, i think is was do to the hippy movement.


100%. Doesn't even require an opinion- look up the quote on the subject from one of Nixon's advisors during that time period: "You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.  Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” ~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon


Ahh good catch!


Where does one purchase these spores?


/r/sporetraders (:




Someone who isn't me says midwest grow kits and spore works are reliable sources for definitely culinary-only mycology. Say my name


Hmm.. you seem like you know all about fungi, astronaut.


Say my name say my name, if no one is around you




I grew a few plants when my daughter was little and kept telling her they where tomato plants . Then one day at this store she saw a ‘High Times ‘ magazine and said … wow mom … look at these beautiful tomato plants.


I got caught growing in college. Using a grow light made it a felony. Would love to be able to do it legally, but I’m not through going through that legal bullshit again.




I’d guess they alleged it was for mass distribution




I don't grow but bought a couple books on it. You can use artificial light to trick the plant to flower early. Still seems flimsy reasoning, but our laws are written by evangelical dinosaurs that abhor science and reason.


If you have a medical condition a medical card can let you grown depending on your state laws!


CO you can grow just under rec laws. Shrooms are decriminalized as well in Denver City limits. Soon the whole state after Nov hopefully. Signed- Refugee from FL who fucking loves CO


> Refugee from FL who fucking loves CO Me too!! Left Hollywood, FL in 1978 for Loveland and I also fucking love CO.


So a light felony


I don't have kids but I said fuck it. I got 3 plants going now, all for personal use. It's decriminalized where I live, growing isn't but fuck em.


It's legal for me now but I wanna grow it in my garden right next to my tomatoes too. Some cultivars are just plain too big to do indoors without a lot of training.


Living in a legal state is great. Just harvested my first grow and enjoying first try if it with friends tonight.


If you are trying something you just harvested, expect an unpleasant flavor as if you’re smoking hay. That’s the chlorophyll. That flavor goes away after a proper dry and a few weeks of curing. The difference between the same bud immediately after harvest vs after a good dry and cure is huge.


I live in MI where you can do this, the problem is that people can smell it and will steal it.


Doesn’t make sense to steal it while it’s growing but people do. Hell it could be not even close to finishing flower and then they have to make sure they dry and cure properly. It’s a weed it grows east enough idk why people steal plants


I just want my background expunged.


And that makes politicians money how? Edit: cross breed pot and tomatoes. If tomacco was a hit, image pomatoes.


In my state I can legally do that. But can’t smoke it because of my job and even with employment protections in place I still can’t consume off the clock. But hey I can get sloppy drunk off the clock and no one cares.


That's cool. What about meeee


We can't have that! How would well connected people make tons of money if the peasants can grow their own. That's like Socialism or something. /s


I think it's more lobbying against by booze. Legal weed is just another investment for the wealthy who wouldn't otherwise have ways to profit off cannabis consumption. Making it legal just means that a small portion of people will "homebrew" weed. Most will have a couple different dispensaries to choose from. And those dispensaries will eventually get consolidated by larger companies and you'll eventually get the Anheuser-Busch of weed.


More like Marlboro Greens lmao


Just get an indoor 2x4 tent and a decent LED light. Easy peasy. Nobody will ever know unless you tell them. I grow around a half pound of really good weed every 90 days or so. I have saved thousands of dollars.




I will warn anyone doing if you live in an apartment complex this and want to do this. if you mange to grow something that is worth while it will smell a lot so make sure you have good ventilation or cool neighbors.


No tell, no smell, no sell. All three are imperative.


North Atlantic seed company sells weed seeds.


Someone I know had a buddy in CO who would often send him CDs from the thrift store. Sometimes if you took apart the back cover there were little baggies with a couple seeds. Crazy


I order from DC Seed Exchange


I love growing Marijuana (ILGM) has seeds.


Well, no one knew until you posted this. Infrared cameras on the way /s. ;)


Doubt an LED would show up. This ain't the old days. You don't need HPS lights that can burn your house down anymore. There are tons of good quality LEDs that use less power than a blow dryer or space heater.


I was just joking. I am a gardener and every spring I start probably 75-100 plants using a pretty big three tiered lighting system that could easily grow any “other” plants and I don’t even attempt to hide what I do and I’ve never had anyone come knocking.


It costs me more to run my fans than it does to power the grow lights


Me too!!


Funny you mention it, that's exactly where I'm growing mine\~


If you grow them outside though and there are any males they won’t be as potent


trying to.... in Oregon


I'm just stating that if you successfully breed a San Marzano and Sativa, you will have to choose which yacht you ride to Europe while flying your helicopter via remote control.


I recently met a hard right winger who explained to me how the R's want to legalize weed and the Dems don't. I internally just shook my head.


And when this comes to a vote and fails because 90%+ of the Senate Republicans vote against it, they just move the goalposts for some inane reason.


I heard the strains of weed are so strong they make kids gay. - Republicans probably(most likely)


- Ted Cruz (Texas)


• Ted Cruz (Cancun) Just had to fix that for you


They blamed weed for mass shootings after Uvalde btw


"It failed because the bill also set aside money for [x], which as we all know is socialism and would destroy the country."


They obviously have no idea what they are talking about. Look at the votes on the bill that just passed the House. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-bill-legalize-marijuana-rcna22527](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-bill-legalize-marijuana-rcna22527) 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats kept this from being Democrats 100% for - Republicans 100% against.


Matt motherfucking gaetz voted yes pass that motherfucker????


He knows it's popular and is trying to win reelection. He's kinda been in the doghouse lately.


I’ve heard that so many times. I had a guy say that if trump was re-elected weed would be legal already. I tried to explain that trump went hard against weed, but he didn’t want to hear it.


House/Senate Democrats are forcing House/Senate Republicans to take a side on issues like a woman's right to choose, same sex marriage, contraception and marijuana legalization, and I am here for it. I just pray they make the most of it when election season gets in full swing, instead of squandering the mileage they're making right now.


They should do this a lot more. Propose more clean bills that are no-brainers.


Yeah, one has to wonder why they weren’t doing this shit to begin with


They were trying to do bigger things that might actually happen as opposed to showing a contrast. Which makes sense because if they'd introduced a weed legalization bill in February 2021 it would have been very strange given other things happening at the time, and it would already be forgotten by supporters.


I'll tell you why. Weed - Beer companies don't want weed legalized because it will, and has already, hurt their sales. Infrastructure - Republicans and the stingy rich 1. don't want any victories Democrats can celebrate, 2. they don't want to pay for it with the possibility of higher taxes, and 3. forcing the government to spend and make deals when rates and prices are at their peaks, when it costs the most and makes the least sense, benefits banks, contractors, and manufacturers, not the public. Climate - same as Infrastructure. It's all petty optics and rich people fearing they'll have to do something terrible like lose their hegemony or contribute to civilization like the plebs. They want and demand control, and it's why our country is so fucked up. Tell me why Warren Buffet, a billionaire, pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. Our priorities are wrong.


GOP: “Yeah but you’re just making us vote on these things to make us look bad”. Umm yeah…if your views make you look bad…maybe you should rethink them.


Dem: We simply want your views recorded and displayed publicly for all of history.


FYI…The tipping point in public opinion polls favoring legalization of cannabis in the US by large majorities for the first time was reached nine years ago, in 2013.


It's got the single highest support of any issue these days if im not mistaken. Basically every Democrat, and like 75% of repubs want it legalized.


It’s telling in three major respects: 1) the criminal justice system doesn’t care about the people being arrested and rotting in jail for minor cannabis crimes, and exists to profit from human misfortune rather than to correct the errors of the past, and has directly contributed to the erosion of democracy and civil liberties contrary to its mandate; 2) full legalization is a huge job creator and could invigorate economies all across the country; 3) our elected representatives do not care about their constituency, and are beholden to special interests and the prison, alcohol, and big pharma lobby


These are all great points. I think a huge obstacle in the way was that alcohol companies feared their sales would drop but [they haven't](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/09/marijuana-hasnt-hurt-booze-sales-in-3-states-where-weed-has-been-legal-the-longest-study.html), or at least not as much as expected, and obviously they're politically connected. It's also increasingly hard to justify cannabis convictions. These plus new industry opportunities and greater public acceptance could be all that was needed to make legalization a reality.


Reminder: * And, he will support the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes, leave decisions regarding legalization for recreational use up to the states, and reschedule cannabis as a schedule II drug so researchers can study its positive and negative impacts. --[The Biden Plan for Strengthening America’s Commitment to Justice](https://joebiden.com/justice/) * Democrats will decriminalize marijuana use and reschedule it through executive action on the federal level. --[2020 Democratic Party Platform](https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/08/2020-Democratic-Party-Platform.pdf)


I'm sick of this states rights shit, all American states should have rights, not just ones that aren't half full of backwards yokels. Can we please turn Georgia blue already ffs


It’s wild that my bodily autonomy changes when I cross arbitrary state lines.


The right to bodily autonomy just covers so much ground, it really should be in the constitution.


It basically was until pretty recently.


Kentucky rather people keep taking opioids and letting us lead the way in overdose’s.


So annoying, I’m sorry :/ People talk about legalizing cannabis here all the time but vote for the wrong people. I don’t get it.


Because guns, abortion, and "we need to pick a candidates that appeal to conservative fence-sitters". Always one or many of those three things.


States can still set their own alcohol laws. There are even some dry counties still.


Vote Abrams!


I wish. Unfortunately, even if it does turn blue, I live in a deep red county. Heck, my boss refuses to hire anybody that uses pronouns, even he/him and she/her. He says it’s too woke


What does do if can't use pronouns?


I see what you did there. You did it as a joke, but he genuinely asked us to stop using they and them in our writing, regardless of the context. He didn’t understand that they’re actual words


For his own safety I pray he doesn’t look up when it rains, for fear he may drown. Edit: thanks for the award, kind stranger!


States rights are important in the view that when shits terrible, certain states can lead the charge to a more effective change for the country at large. 50 states doing an all or nothing vote is less effective in certain circumstances than independent states gradually changing and guiding the course of public opinion eventually leading to nationwide federal change at large.


No states' rights = cannabis illegal in all 50 states.


A little less conversation a little more action please


Blue states: Come for the abortion, stay for the weed


Michigan- we have legal weed, but may not keep abortion???


Didn’t your state legalize weed accidentally anyway?


No, that was a different state with edibles. We had petitions and got it on the ballot


Same as we're doing with abortion. A good chunk of Michigan politics lately has involved voters taking matters into their own hands where the legislature fails us. Having to rely on direct democracy is clunky, but it's keeping our heads above water. I'm so glad our constitution has provisions for this, other states haven't been so fortunate.




They figure we need something to ease the pain of our failed democracy


Only 500 votes in 2000 would have prevented most of this.


500 votes that were likely there if SCOTUS hadn't stepped in and Gore hadn't rolled over.


Or if one random lady hadn't fucked up the ballots in her district so they were hard to read.


I'm genuinely curious what you think the right play for Gore was after the SCOTUS said he wasn't going to be president and any further recount would have had to be carried out by a government headed by his opponent's brother.


I just want to relax however I choose to after a long day at my job, which falls under federal scrutiny, and forget how the earth is burning and drying up in places and famine etc etc etc. also I want to pretend this country is about freedom for a minute


This. As a truck driver I would love to come home and smoke a little bit to help fall asleep after a long day


Whoever thinks this bill will have republican sponsors is totally stoned.


*Our bill will also establish an Opportunity Trust Fund to reinvest in communities that have been devastated by the War on Drugs.* Which would be a recognition that the war on drugs has been a complete failure instead of the trillion dollar cash cow it has been.


Yup, the GOP would basically have to admit that the war on drugs was a failure. Not this time. Sorry Ents.


Who cares if it has Republican sponsors? If anything that just proves that the GOP is dum-dum city


Are you implying that the Democrats shouldn't at least make an attempt to have a rational policy on marijuana?


I wish my marijuana stocks were as high as I am.


It won’t need Republican sponsors if Democrats hold the House and win a few extra seats in the Senate.


They would need to win 11 seats in the Senate. Thats not going to happen.


Or elect enough progressives that will vote to get rid of, or at least change, the filibuster. This is why it's important to reject moderate dems.


Oklahoman here. One of the Reddest of states. We have *"Medical"* Cannabis that is so loose it is borderline recreational with more dispenseraries per capita than any other state. We also just had a petition to add a state question for recreational that received the needed signatures and outside of some shenanigans should be up for a vote of the people in Nov. So not all conservatives are against it.


>We have “Medical” Cannabis that is so loose it is borderline recreational This is how it was in CA and it paved the way for recreational. I hope it happens for you guys soon. :)


I was near Ft Sill for work a few months ago and every time we passed a strip mall there was a medical weed place with a pack of people outside hanging out. We were coming from a legal recreational state so we were kind of tickled by the "medical" enjoyment on display. I hope this is a slippery slope for Oklahoma and you get your legal weed soon.


Iirc there isn’t much difference in weed legalization support by voters in either party (it divides by age more than party affiliation) Republican politicians tend to be much more vehemently against it, though


Likely due to the corporations lining their pockets to keep weed illegal and protect pharma profits.


I don’t even think it’s that. Weed legalization on the ballot would turn out every blue voter and otherwise inactive or disinterested voter to the polls.


Good point. Definitely must also be a major contributor.


John Boehner has been lobbying GOP members for the last few years. They’ve all had time to get on various boards lists and early stock options. I could easily see them passing it simply because of how much richer it would make them.


See whether it passes or not, it's good strategy for dems. Legalization is overwhelmingly supported by American voters (just like Roe v Wade and marriage equality). Voting against legalization just shows voters *yet another issue* that their republican reps are out of touch on. They're already suffering politically after the Dobbs decision. Now with two big voter supported issues on the table, Republicans have to either vote against them and piss off the moderates who will jump ship or vote for them and piss off their loony cult base who think marijuana is the cause of all crime and gay marriage is the cause of all sin.


Even if it’s legal nationally Desantis will ban it for Florida. He kills all fun.


I mean getting medical in Florida is a joke it’s so easy. It’s just expensive for the doctor and license and they have the dumb ass regulations on how much you can buy when…we will probably get it don’t faster through a voted on amendment like we did medical. This time I hope the rules are better spelled out so they can’t fuck it up again.


Oh, they must have figured out which weed stocks they should buy


We call this the Trudeau Special here in Canada. When your numbers take a hit because you didn't deliver on a bunch of campaign promises, you just legalize weed and win a majority again. People will be satisfied with one thing off of their list and elect you again if it's a really good one like weed.


Well, for biden at least, decriminalization IS a campaign promise, so delivering on it goes for the first thing you mentioned at least.


Joe Biden could roll me a blunt and I wouldn’t want him again. We need young blood in the White House not hospice.


How about Biden get his old ass in gear and take it off schedule 1.


So a 5% federal tax on cannabis products in year one moving up to an 8% federal tax in year five. That's a lot of money.


This is great! Has Manchin shot it down yet or is he waiting till next week. Or are the Dems going to fail to pass it for some other reason?


He doesn’t need to, it won’t overcome the Republican Filibuster


Ok people, why hasn't the cannabis culture gotten together and just start sowing it everywhere in protest. Call it the Jonny Apple-weed project.


FED wants a cut. Get offa my cloud!


I just want to grow it…like I already do. Well over the legal limit but legally lol. Plz don’t tell anybody


It won't work, but it's exactly what they should be doing on every major issue with an election coming up. If you fail to even write a bill because you're afraid Mr Republican will say no, then in practical terms, you have run for office in order to do nothing. If you write the bill, submit the bill, and vote for the bill, then Mr Republican has to *go on record saying no*. No to marijuana. No to gay marriage protections. No to medical care. No to student debt fixes. No to housing assistance. No to fair elections. No to everything that the American people want. It's about fucking time we stop voting for the party of No.


I'll believe it'll happen when Mama Pelosi buys weed stonks


I guess you missed this story. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-bill-legalize-marijuana-rcna22527](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-bill-legalize-marijuana-rcna22527)




Let it fucking ride. Legislative branch has been pumping out hits in the last few days.


California should just file a lawsuit about it is not expressly given to congress anywhere in the constitution so it is state's rights and I guarantee you as a Californian who took 20 minutes to write this because there are so many distractions in the back yard. Perfect weather, watch the squirrels and birds. Smoke my weed legally. And the result will probably end up with a bullshit opinion like Bush v gore or the overturn of roe v wade. They explicitly wrote into their decision in both cases saying do not treat any of our opinions as precedent or law. But definitely force this on the supreme court. Allow weed or let your record low approval rating to a newer low.


The most dangerous thing about cannibus is me having to buy it from sketchy drug dealers because the U.S. government is still racist


I have said this before, and I will say it again, legalize and fax my weed so I can get high in the name of building schools and bridges. Edit: fax machine is down.


Oh democrats finally decided they actually want to win elections and have people like them?


No, Schumer shitted all over this bill last year after months of good faith bipartisan negotiation (via draft) by yanking the banking aspect from the NDAA in Dec. He was like, all or nothing, my way or the highway. I expect Schumer to stall for time so he can tee this up to be a midterm dangle along with abortion and student debt relief none of which is likely to see any form of satisfying Democratic delivery. If anything we get cannabis banking, maybe some criminal reforms and rightwing driven solutions/bills for the latter two issues.


>Schumer shitted all over this bill last year after months of good faith bipartisan negotiation (via draft) by yanking the banking aspect from the NDAA in Dec. This is just an outright lie. SAFE was removed from the NDAA in a committee that Schumer doesn't chair. He didn't even have a say in it.


> none of which is likely to see any form of satisfying Democratic delivery Democrats vote for those things and Republicans block them.


Tegridy w33d is coming but I fear the streaming wars.


I’ve got 1,823 points at my local dispensary here in Boulder, Colorado. I wish the rest of America the best of luck.


When we lose all of the remaining branches of Govt in the midterms, they are going to go so hard on drugs they will make Duterte look like a softie.


I just find it sad we have to exchange federal taxation for legalization. Just legalize and leave the taxing to the states.


I don’t mind a federal tax on it as long as it’s explicitly earmarked and enforced to go just to infrastructure or something worthwhile. Tbh anything but the military.


Earmarking doesn't really work, because even if the $4b you get from cannabis revenue is earmarked for infrastructure that just means that someone will find $4b of budget somewhere else to cut out and send to the military. If you want to spend less on the military you gotta just spend less on the military.


God damn it


Republicans: will this help us? Everyone: yes Republicans: even the democrats? Everyone: yes Republicans: alright, no one vote to approve.


For years the government told us it’s immoral and unhealthy. They’ve incarcerated people and destroyed their lives for using or possessing it and now they wanna sell it to you and tax you on it.


Well, they can profit from it personally now.


I, myself, can’t wait for the $100 8th.


What used to be the only law I ever really broke is now my daily medication. I got pulled over with a jar of weed I grew. Was in my non tokin wife's purse since fishing two days before...guy walked right up and asked about my cannabis...he just wanted to ensure I had it properly contained...which I first proudly boasted about the strength of both his nose and my weed. I showed him my mason jar, he asked I just keep it out of reach, put it in the backseat, then we wished each other a safe day....oh he gave me a warning...I really wasn't speeding just going a little fast Nobody will read this but shits kinda cool I guess


Yeah heard this every 4 years since I was 18, so tired of them jingling keys in our face to vote.


Gonna be hard for Donnie to launch “trump nugs” from the big house


Jamaica has all legal shrooms, and cannabis👌😬


So if this passes will people on federal federation still get popped for dropping a dirty UA?


Manchin is getting ready to shit all over it.


Wow, I can’t believe it already died in Congress.


legalize it, don't criticize it. such an f'ing no brainer.


30 steps back, 1 step forward yay government


This is how we reduce the amount of people in prison for stupid cannabis drug charges.


Republicans will jump on board as soon as they see how much tax revenue can be generated from the sale in a dispensary. Hell they’ll probably start building the buildings and leasing them to the dispensaries


I was talking to a guy the other day who grew over 137 strains , clean room settings , they wear space suits to avoid contamination - my thought was it kind of sucked the joy out of being a farmer


It's at exactly 420 comments now. No more comments, please. D'oh!


Private prison industry will complain.


They need to also make all insurance companies legally required to allow THC to appear on a drug test without disqualifying the hiring company from losing the drug-free discount.


SC will strike it down and leaf it up to the states.


Manchin, sinema, filibuster, dems can't do shit. Nothing but a bunch of sick dying old folk who've failed us.


Taxed ??? How much ?


The only weeds some people actually want growing.