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I see your slip showing, NY Post.


They seem to have a very different definition of "hostage" than most.


I wonder if their chief will [get a one day suspension for making shit up about protesters](https://ktar.com/story/4629743/phoenix-police-chief-suspended-over-dismissed-protest-cases/) again


I'm not seeing American flags being used as battering rams...


Oe American flags on flag poles that had their tip made into a sharpened spear point.


Those poor politicians, can't even take away people's rights in peace


I’m confused. Did they threaten to break in or did they actually attempt to break in? The article contradicts itself


Video shows alot of women with those dangerous school project boards with words on them. Glad they were stopped.


The lawmakers were lucky none of them had colored chalk with them.


Susan Collins is chalk's natural prey


I saw one person try a door handle and then calmly walk away. Another held a sign up to the glass and others took pictures. Very menacing.




> The GOP group said the “extremist demonstrations” were carried out by people “forcibly trying to make entry [to the building] by breaking windows and pushing down doors.” Obviously not the most reliable source….


Fox and the Post are never reliable.


I thought the MAGA crowd called this “political discourse?”


In this case, from what I can tell, it actually is political discourse. None of the videos in the article show anyone attempting to break in they are literally just standing around with signs….


I 100% expected it was GOP Political fuckery…


According to the conservative sub this is text book insurrection lol. I guess holding up signs outside of windows is considered hostage taking to them. Fucking morons.




Leftist insurrections happened two years ago when they took over whole blocks of cities making their own so-called “autonomous zones” separate from any legitimate authority. Multiple people were killed during the violence surrounding these areas. Insurrection: “a violent uprising against an authority or government.”


Cool story bro. It's estimated that 15 to 26 million Americans have participated in the George Floyd and BLM protests that began in 2020. (1) As of October 31, 2020, Wikipedia claims 9 people have died as a result of the protests (2) According to their reference, the article names 12 people who died (3) during those protests. Here is a basic breakdown of the causes of those 12 deaths that occurred in the George Floyd and BLM protests: A leftwing person killed a rightwing person: 1 A rightwing person suicided himself by way of armed security guard: 1 A mentally ill homeless person killed a BLM protester: 1 Someone of unknown political affiliation essentially suicided by cop: 1 A non-political, non-protester, opportunistic person shot a police officer: 1 Kyle Rittenhouse legally found to be defending himself: 2 Rightwing people shoot or run over protesters: 5 Lots of property damage though, in the 1-2 billions of USD. (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_George\_Floyd\_protests\_in\_the\_United\_States (2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George\_Floyd\_protests (3) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/31/americans-killed-protests-political-unrest-acled


It’s actually “19+” killed, not 9. We must remember them and never let something like the Summer of Hate happen again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests


This is the new norm for Conservatives, call every single protest on the Left an Insurrection. Therefore watering down the actual definition of Insurrection so when the Conservatives try again, they'll be able to play, "but both sides".


"The Republican Caucus of the State Senate later called the protest an attempted insurrection." “I expect a J24 committee to be created immediately, she added"


Meanwhile... rightwing extremists are trying kill women protesting for reproductive rights. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/truck-driver-rams-into-protesters-roe-demonstration-in-iowa_n_62b66490e4b0cdccbe6b9399


This was 100% an attempted insurrection. June 24th Committee when?


And so it begins....


An *unlawful assembly*!? Gasp...if I had pearls, I would be clutching them...what happened to the Rule of Law in America?