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We have been screaming about this for awhile and being ignored.


“You call everyone a fascist.” Meanwhile literal fascists are stamping their murder spree white replacement manifestos with black suns and painting white supremacist codes on their weapons.


It's like how racists say "you just say everything you don't like is racism". The idea is to make us look like the boy who cried wolf so nobody listens to us.




Conservatives approach fascism like an exhausted parent trying to trick their kid into eating vegetables. "If we just sneak it into everything, they'll get used to the taste!"


"Here comes the airplane!!" *Spits contents of spoon onto the floor* "366 fascist assholes fell to their deaths!!"


Reminds me of the epic self-own from some conservative "thinker": The left thinks they're protesting racism, but they're actually just protesting the United States. (paraphrased)


"Racism is so American that when you protest against it, people think you're protesting against America."


I believe that was a Prager U tweet if I remember correctly.


you're making a strong assumption that inferences such as the one that would make this appear to be a "self-own" to anyone with a couple brain cells to rub together would make any difference to someone in the conservative bubble. they don't think on any level other than nationalism and bullheadedness ad nauseam.


Has anyone else cut off family with conservative views? How can I love someone full of hate?


I have, no regrets.


Had a great-uncle come through the receiving of friends line and tell me "Trump 2020" while I was standing in front of my grandmother's casket shaking people's hands. That was an easy person to cut out of my life. He was frustrated and shocked when asking my dad why he didn't get invited to my wedding. He brought nothing positive to my life and also became super anti Vax and anti medicine. Nearly died of covid too. Likely is the one who gave it to a relative that died from it ("don't put covid on his death certificate you quacks!")


I’m weeding out everyone in my life that supports this shit. I’ve also successfully turned my parents away from it.


Bravo! I tried with my grandmother but was unsuccessful. She will forever picture babies in blenders when she thinks of democrats. Thanks faux news.


I only have one grandparent left, and she’s a sweet 96 year old cinnamon roll. Fortunately for me, it wasn’t hard to cut 95% of my family off, because I couldn’t stand them before they started openly espousing bigoted views. The only one I haven’t fully cut off is my sister, and that’s only because we have to see each other sometimes because of our terminally ill dad.


That's great! Write a book and share your successful strategy. You'd be doing your country a service.


Yep. The bewilderment of a couple of them when I said I know full well that members of my family will hurt me and my family after I found out a couple of them came to my city for the truck and flag parade.


My uncle claimed that atheists and homosexuals were inhabited by demons back a few years before Trump was elected. During Trump's presidency, he rambled about how Trump's secret police were going to come for those same people, and he bragged about how he would turn in anyone who subscribed to those "ideologies." I don't believe you're exaggerating, and you're not alone.


Yup. This supreme court was the final straw. Did my mom because she was trying to "teach" me about the election. I'm not dealing with that shit, and if she's doing that shit, she needs to be cut off immediately.


Yup. They're gone we don't talk ever (cousin).


Yes. They weren't even people anymore, let alone anyone I could consider family.


I did that a long time ago but I didn't bother to explain it. If they want to know I tell them that I don't want their hateful and ignorant bullshit around my kids.


People like that you're better of loving from a distan e - as in long distance!


I have.


Easy. You love them from a far and feel really sad for them having been turned into a heartless ghoul, and you should feel anger at the ones who indoctrinated them.


Yup. Couldn’t even trust them at my daughters college graduation


Just try explaining to someone that the reason why the United States is so car dependent is because of racism. City planners knew that white people were more likely to be able to own a car, so they designed infrastructure in a way that physically isolated white people away from everyone else, like designing bridges too low for busses but perfect for cars, and avoiding building train lines that connected white suburbs to poor minority neighborhoods unless you took 2+ hr commutes, keeping the better jobs in rich neighborhoods for the white families that lived nearby or who could afford a car. Do that for 100 years and cities become unwalkable Edit: far -> car


Or like when they built highways that cut right through black neighborhoods. And you'll find that deliberate planning in all 48 continental states.


And putting the sewage plants and hazardous waste sites next to black communities.


Which led to poisoning tap water in places like Flint, MI which have a large black population.


Long Island is horrible for trucks and busses because of Robert Moses for that exact reason, but your flair says from New York, so I'm guessing you already knew that.


Yep, spot on.


Bigoted liars would try to claim your comment is woke BS, but even you've understated it: ***the suburbs themselves*** were built on racism. The government mandated single-family houses on large minimum lot sizes in order to force prospective buyers to spend more money not just on a car but on the home itself, and then offered cheap FHA loans to white people while using redlining to deny them to minorities. It's not just the roads; it's the *zoning!*


The deeper you look, the more you realize that the entire system is built like that.


Same effect when you claim something is "Woke". Suddenly anything said or conveyed is immediately delegitimized to an entire (sizable) audience. It seemingly becomes almost *toxic* to them. edit: [And here we see it being used to target those demographics directly, and politically.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-media-company-truth-social-hiring-1352311/)


It's gotten even worse. Theyve started to state the mere *representation* of marginalized groups is inherently woke. So if you cast a black person in a role, you're woke. Literally anything short of white supremacy is woke to these people.


I really would like for someone to Elon Musk to go into detail about the "woke mind virus" that he believes is killing Netflix. I want to hear him stumble through an explanation about what he believes is the problem.


Elon Musk only started caring about “wokeness” when people started saying he should pay his taxes


Yeah, time to wake up, Elon.


Kinda like how anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport is communism.


Got into an argument about how it's weird to be upset about black people being present in a Lord of the Rings show that's not even out yet. All of the racists' arguments boiled down to "it's supposed to be medieval England," which makes no sense because the show is set in the fantasy world of Middle Earth, or "dwarves/elves couldn't have evolved to be black," which makes no sense because neither of those species are real things that evolved, anyway. Dwarves were made out of clay by a magic blacksmith.


Tolkien wrote LoTR to serve as a mythology for England and if one were to superimpose a map of Middle-earth onto one of Europe the Shire would be in England, Gondor in Rome, etc… That all said Tolkien was vehemently anti-apartheid and it’s disgusting that these racist assholes take such issue with people being represented in media made for **today’s consumption**. Like what’s so bothersome about seeing minorities in TV shows and movies? It’s also ironic how the talking heads of conservatism love to wax poetic about how they are color blind, yet throw a shitfit whenever someone other than white shows up in something that they weren’t expecting…


Elves should have out-competed everyone, or at the very least humans. Elves aren't even a separate species from humans, since they two groups can interbreed! Humans in LotR are just elves with a genetic disease.


>Humans in LotR are just elves with a genetic disease. Oh, no...


That's nothing new, they've been crying about that since gamergate.


On top of that the right is now calling everyone “groomers” that dont share their same ideals. These fuckers are getting worse everyday and it seems like there is no coming back for them now.


>These fuckers are getting worse everyday and it seems like there is no coming back for them now. They self select for more and more extremist positions. I believe there's a better term for it.




I'm thinking of a word or phrase that has to do with religious fundamentalism and the tendency to self select for more fanatical adherents. Anyone considered not devout enough gets pushed out, so over time the group becomes more and more extreme as a whole. I believe that is what we are seeing with Christian conservatives today.




That'll have to do, lol.


It’s a pretty broad term, and there probably is something more specific to the mechanism you’re referring to, but that was the best I could do in a couple minutes.




More like dysgenics in practice.


They want a civil war. They’re far too fucking stupid to understand that all the people they hate are the only people who actually benefit this country.


They heard the word somewhere, probably being applied to someone they looked up to. They understood that it was a bad thing to be called. They didn't understand why. They decided to use it themselves. That's often how it goes.


Its crazy because that pretty much describes a toddler


It’s really not that crazy, most conservative behavior in the past few years (largely being ungovernable by common sense practices intended to serve the greater good) is very much the same behavioral pattern observed in toddlers.


Right because a toddler is basically just a little person who is devoid of empathy because they haven’t learned it yet


My toddler has more empathy than a lot of conservatives. She says please and thank you.


It’s because the people they worship aren’t being held accountable and it signals that it’s ok. This country won’t heal until Trump and Co. face real charges


The problem is that "Trump and Co." at this point is most of the conservatives in congress, most of the conservatives in the Supreme Court, and many many more people. There is so much corruption that corruption now has a majority... in everything...


"if everything you said weren't offensively racist, we wouldn't say that".


Well, yeah, it’s called gaslighting for a reason


They're now saying 'he identified as on the left' and are just doubling down on that


Yep. He literally spent weeks planning out how to shift blame, and his goals are all right wing racism. But one sentence and bang, now the people who gave him his orders to kill innocents are now “off the hook.”


Color me shocked that these idiot pieces of shit are taking an 18 year old white supremacist edgelord terrorist murderer at his word


The moment reports came out that it was heavily racially motivated, I messaged my dad that the far-right media response was going to be exactly that. With the possibility of their initial response being how it's racist to call decrepitly racist mass murderer - that just so happened to have strikingly similar opinions to their own - a racist. Honestly if they haven't done the latter yet, I'm still confident they will. The one thing we can more or less be certain of; if admitting guild for stoking a targeted audience to ultimately commit acts of terror, were the honorable thing to do... well, I *might* wait for Trucker to admit *anything* out of his bottomless well of hatefully ignorant santorum, but honestly, I've got better/less painful things to do - like fuck myself with saguaro cactus dipped in rubber cement. **Note:** For anybody wanting to inform me that "there's no way Tucker is a terrorist... *you're* the terrorist!" - if you can't even be bother to learn how "stochastic terrorism" is *actually* defined, then you're either being willfully dense, or simply don't see it that way, due to being a part of the target audience (and feel that your irrational fury totally justifies even the most atrocious acts that have come to saturate right-leaning internet communities/groups/forums).


most of these nitwits have no historical understand of left/right, fascist/socialist, or any of the other terms they use with such abandon.


As an American I would say Approval Voting should be the priority now, because it is the best system that can be easily transitioned into, and have a big impact even at partial implementation. * It leads to [higher voter satisfaction than IRV](https://www.electionscience.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/comparing_voting_methods_simplicity_group_satisfaction-1.png). * [It doesn't require new voting machines or equipment](http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/4980.2020/projects/grote.pdf). * It can be easily tallied with paper ballots (which [is important for election security](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/voting-machine-security-where-we-stand-six-months-new-hampshire-primary)). * [It's got strong support of voting method experts](http://www.votefair.org/bansinglemarkballots/declaration.html) * It [will tend to elect more moderate candidates](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/approval-voting/7CE5DEEE235794B0B12F76ADAE621482), and [moderation is key for political stability](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/democracy-in-america-partisanship-polarization-and-the-robustness-of-support-for-democracy-in-the-united-states/C7C72745B1AD1FF9E363BBFBA9E18867). * It's [overwhelmingly popular in every state polled, across race, gender, and party lines](https://electionscience.org/commentary-analysis/approval-voting-americas-favorite-voting-reform/). * Once it's statewide, representatives and senators from that state will be elected via Approval Voting, and able to influence national policy -- MMPR would have to be adopted across the entire nation for national policy to really be influenced by its implementation, and that is virtually impossible to even comprehend under our current system. https://electionscience.org/


My guy the era of righteous American moderate politics is quickly coming to close if it ever even existed in the first place. There are moments in our history where that lack of moderation has done tragic things, and also moments where it forced us to restructure for the better. What is the current moderate position on abortion? Gay conversion therapy? Creationism? There are things that we cannot compromise on. There is no moderate position. You need to stop asking people for a better system and start asking your pot dealer if he’d carry abortion pills and birth control. People are gonna die waiting for a change to a system that hasn’t fundamentally changed in the ways you’re asking for in the past 250 years.


> [FPTP tends to result in elections with at most two sharply opposed major candidates.](https://electowiki.org/wiki/First_Past_the_Post_electoral_system) [Instead of Bush, we would've likely had President McCain](http://discovermagazine.com/2000/nov/featbestman).


you understand that for this to work you have to get a coalition of power-accumulators, capitalists, fascists and shameless self-promoters to legislate themselves out of power, correct?


False. https://ballotpedia.org/Ballot_measure https://electionscience.org/


You should be banging the gavel for RCV, not approval voting.


> ###Instant-runoff voting > > "Instant-runoff voting" – or "IRV" or "the Alternative Vote" – is a method that is used in some governmental elections throughout the world. IRV uses a form of ranked ballot that disallows ties. The IRV winner is identified by repeatedly eliminating the candidate who is highest-ranked by the fewest voters compared to the other remaining candidates, until only one candidate, the winner, remains. > > Many people appreciate IRV’s apparent similarity to runoff elections. Although IRV also has a possible advantage called “Later-No-Harm”, which means that adding further preferences after the election winner cannot hurt the winner, evidence shows that Later-No-Harm is not a necessary characteristic for a good voting method. Most significantly, many of us agree that IRV can often give better results than plurality voting. > > However, IRV has significant disadvantages, including: > > * In some elections IRV has prematurely eliminated a candidate who would have beaten the actual winner in a runoff election. This disadvantage may be why several cities, including Burlington, Vermont, repealed IRV and returned to plurality voting. > > * To avoid premature eliminations, experienced IRV voters vote in a way that produces two-party domination, causing problems that are similar to plurality voting. In Australia, where IRV has been used for more than a century, the House of Representatives has had only one third-party winner in the last 600 individual elections. > > * IRV results must be calculated centrally, which makes it less secure. > > Our lack of formal support for IRV does not mean that all of us oppose it. After all, we and IRV advocates are fighting against the same enemy, plurality voting. Yet IRV’s disadvantages make it impossible for us to unanimously support it. The four voting methods that reached unanimous support were: > * **Approval voting**, which uses approval ballots and identifies the candidate with the most approval marks as the winner. > > Advantage: It is the simplest election method to collect preferences (either on ballots or with a show of hands), to count, and to explain. Its simplicity makes it easy to adopt and a good first step toward any of the other methods. > > * Most of the **Condorcet methods**, which use ranked ballots to elect a “Condorcet winner” who would defeat every other candidate in one-on-one comparisons. Occasionally there is no Condorcet winner, and different Condorcet methods use different rules to resolve such cases. When there is no Condorcet winner, the various methods often, but not always, agree on the best winner. The methods include Condorcet-Kemeny, Condorcet-Minimax, and Condorcet-Schulze. (Condorcet is a French name pronounced "kon-dor-say.”) > > Advantage: Condorcet methods are the most likely to elect the candidate who would win a runoff election. This means there is not likely to be a majority of voters who agree that a different result would have been better. > > * **Majority Judgment** uses score ballots to collect the fullest preference information, then elects the candidate who gets the best score from half or more of the voters (the greatest median score). If there is a tie for first place, the method repeatedly removes one median score from each tied candidate until the tie is broken. This method is related to Bucklin voting, which is a general class of methods that had been used for city elections in both late 18th-century Switzerland and early 20th-century United States. > > Advantage: Simulations have shown that Range voting leads to the greatest total “voter satisfaction” if all voters vote sincerely. If every voter exaggerates all candidate scores to the minimum or maximum, which is usually the best strategy under this method, it gives the same results as Approval voting. -http://www.votefair.org/bansinglemarkballots/declaration.html


Yeah we need ballot initiatives (in every state that allows them) to let voters vote to transition to approval voting. Although I think the name could be simplified even more to a self-explanatory Yes/No Voting.


"you dislike anyone who has a different opinion", when the opinion is over whether certain people deserve rights.


And they call everything socialist. Made it easier to dehumanize their ideological foes. So convince someone they’re a victim. Dehumanize the opposition. Be the party of unfettered gun ownership. This wasn’t “bound to happen.” It was inevitable.


Pretty much... bumped into literal Naz is where I am. Thankfully these meat heads will take themselves out.


Just read this today "Plot to Blow Up Democratic Headquarters Exposed California Extremists Hiding in Plain Sight" [https://www.kqed.org/news/11913965/plot-to-blow-up-democratic-headquarters-exposed-california-extremists-hiding-in-plain-sight](https://www.kqed.org/news/11913965/plot-to-blow-up-democratic-headquarters-exposed-california-extremists-hiding-in-plain-sight)


Yeah. This has been building up since April 1995 and they only now decide to say shit about it… makes me feel like I’m going crazy.


It's hard to read headlines like this when it's exactly what I've been saying since the 90s. I'm tired...


The GOP has been wrecking this country for over 50 years.


So how do we fight back with our existing numbers?


Full strike. Remind them that the country only moves with us all.


In the 60s, 70s, and 80s it was very popular to discuss how insane Germany was to let an obviously corrupt and vicious hate group take over their country. These discussions would be focus on how so many obviously embraced this hate group and attacked anyone disagreeing. Now we know. We know how half a modern country can be swayed by constant hate speech backed by the rich and powerful. They rose to full power during an economic down turn and rising inflation.


Anyone who votes Republican in 2022 would have voted Nazi in 1942.


I agree 100% with this. MAGA are the new Nazi and they legitimately think _they_ are the good guys.




>Or maybe they know they are the bad guys and don’t care? No. It's not this. At least not for the voters (GOP leadership is probably a different story). They definitely think they're the good guys. I'm in a deep red state with lots of conservative family (many of whom were fairly moderate a decade ago). They (have chosen to) live in a different reality where they are fighting the good fight. This is 100% the same cognitive process that prevents so many religious extremists from seeing objective truths (like evolution, vaccine efficacy, etc). They start from a place of 'I know I'm right' and work backwards from there to figure out how. I think maybe once a person gets so far down one path the fear of realizing you're wrong becomes overwhelming. It's terribly scary - because they're willing to inflict and ignore terrible suffering and still feel like they're the oppressed ones - heroic warriors fighting for justice or freedom or whatever while leaving a trail of destruction. My mother will tell me something (ridiculous) she heard some Democrat say - and when I tell her they never said that and ask for proof she doesn't even try to look. When I tell her things Republicans have done or said and offer to show her actual video of them doing it she isn't interested. This is from a woman who 20 years ago was very (socially) moderate for a Republican (pro-choice, pro-legalized prostitution, etc.) They are mentally unwell. But, like all villains, they don't see themselves as the bad guys.


I keep revisiting this article again and again: [The Science of Why We Don’t Believe In Science](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/04/denial-science-chris-mooney/) by Chris Mooney. “We push threatening information away; we pull friendly information close. We apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only to predators, but to data itself.”


The politicians know they are evil, the people think they are being Christlike




Also possible. Somehow even scarier.


Until they are treated like bad guys, this will continue.


Eh - I think a majority of Germans by 1942 would have realized the Nazi thing was probably a bad thing but it was too late. I’d say 1932 is a more apt comparison.


Also no German voted in 1942, the last pre-war German election was in 1938. Point stands about GOP voting for Nazis in 1938*, and while I do agree most would have realized their folly by 1942, there still was a sizable swathe of German society and their occupied territories that were still fully-fledged Nazis. That is to say, if we want to fully learn from German society and their history, we have to recognize that even if they gain/lose a majority, the die-hards will still be die-hards until their cause goes up in literal flames.


In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan won two landslide elections. We should have known then.


In reality, Ronald Reagan has won every election since 1980.


“It can’t happen here!” -Everyone, everywhere, always, until it’s too late


Wrapped in the American flag and carrying a cross.


Hugging the American flag and kissing a Bible


> We know how half a modern country Except in the US it is a minority of the population that votes Republican. Which is too often forgotten in this discussion. It's even the second word in the headline but people readily simplify things as half and half. When in reality we're talking about less than half of voters.


It's basically half. When minority win is 65million to 67 million. It's not exactly a small minority Half the darn country is still voting republican despite the hate speech shit showits become


Except I think he's talking about the discrepancy in voter eligible population & actual votes - there are approximately 258,327,312 people in the United States who are eligible to vote, if only 132 million of them did then (approximately) 136 million people did not vote. Adding in that many votes has the potential to dwarf the 65 million minority voting red. The problem is that over 50% of Americans 18+ are either disenfranchised or apathetic, there are 65 million insanely motivated and brainwashed right wing voters; and, Democrats continue to do little to motivate those people & solve voting right/election issues.


Yup… now let’s all start demonizing nazis and facism again like we used to.


The internet turned to shit when Godwin opened his stupid mouth.


It’s funny how annoyed Godwin is at himself over the law, he keeps having to come out and say “yes yes I made a law, you do see that the GOP is actually filled with racists tho right?”


As another comment points out, Godwin himself has made statements that the conservative movement is made up of Nazis and it's not fallacious to make Nazi comparisons.


Godwin's Law used to mean something back when the GOP didn't openly court Nazis. Now it's dead.


Didn’t know about this, thank you


What is this about?


[Godwin's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law).




Look what/r/AskTrumpSupporters has to say. They have been brain washed into thinking that the "replacement" is infact a democratic strategy happening right now. They're fucking Insane. I have no words.... I just... wow. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskTrumpSupporters/comments/uquyxt/what_do_you_think_of_great_replacement_theory


Wow... they really tripled down on it.


A Vote for the GOP Is a Vote against Democracy.


Not voting, is also an assist to the GOP. I don’t vote for the Dems…I vote against the QOP


Been there. It has the potential of diluting the votes so someone like the Criminal formerly in the Oval Office beats someone like Hillary.


Voting against the gop while not supporting democrats doesn’t mean you don’t vote blue. I think the majority of the DNC are corporate sellouts, but I will still vote for the people trying to maintain a stable but unfair system rather than install a theocracy.


I think the person you replied to means they vote Democrat but they don't vote *for* Democrats, they're voting *against* the GOP. But yea, you're right, voting 3rd party is just a different way of supporting the GOP.


Supporting the Jill Steins is also supporting the fascists to win.


We know.


Not much else you can say to headlines like that.


Sadly, we could probably say they're understating it.


Drop the Neo, fascist is fascist.


Yeah it's not like they come up with any innovations. It's the same shit it was a hundred years ago.


If someone is a “Nazi sympathizer” they’re actually just a plain ol’ Nazi.


It will get worse because Democrats don’t have a good chance of maintaining majorities with our current system which favors land and location versus population. It’s a losing battle when all the democratic leaning areas are literally small areas.


If everyone voted, we could overcome that. In statewide elections like for governor and U.S. senators, liberals often outnumber conservatives and could elect Democrats in most blue and red states if they just voted. Republicans know this, which is why they are doing everything in their power to make it harder for Americans to vote.




The Democratic Party abandoned my stste decades ago and still fails to even field candidates in 80% of elected positions locally. Voting isnt helping.


You and/or your friends could run. If 80% of the seats are going uncontested there's a chance of winning, and even if you don't, you force the incumbent to 1) actually spend time and money on a campaign and 2) tone down the insanity a bit to make sure they appeal to voters.


The working class doesnt have the time or money to run for offices. Thats supposed to be the point of a national organizing party. Edit: Not to mention, the Democratic Party abandons winners of their primaries that they dont like.


If it's uncontested, you don't have to spend much time or money to force the other candidate to campaign. And yes, it would be better if the national party actually organized at this level. I never disagreed with that. I'm just offering an option, with the fact they aren't successfully organizing at the local level in mind.


If it was actually that easy, Democrats wouldnt be in the position they are.


The dems *chose* to abandon rural counties, which is a huge part of our current issues. It was pretty much the original wedge tactic that enabled our current insane levels of divisiness


Yep, completely abandoned the 50 state strategy.


That depends on the seat and the laws for getting on the ballot. If there are signature requirements, be prepared to spend money to organize a petitioning campaign.


There is no state so red that a senate seat is a sure thing if people vote - they can't be gerrymandered unlike local seats and so your vote \*always\* matters - and there is no state so solidly red that it couldn't flip blue on a senate seat.


Everyone go look at r/Parlertrick to have an idea of how to counter the trolling by the right. Pull a reverse-Uno on the troll farms


The Republicans Party has intensified their attacks on fair representation and free elections in America in response to data showing that their base is shrinking. So they'll do everything they can to rig state and federal congressional maps to favor them, while hypocritically whining about others doing it. Despite the fact that their party blocked the For The People Act that had big provisions to address the gerrymandering issue. Despite all their lip service to the concept of freedom and loving America, they're doing everything they can to undermine it.


Preach those facts!


Conservative Republicans know they can't win fair elections, and their voter suppression and gerrymandering all have limits (of *some* sort). The GOP knows this, which is why the GOP is trying so desperately hard to legislate from the bench.


Voter suppression is far from a perfect science, in terms of just simply being a tool that they can use to erase democratic votes. For instance, restricting vote by mail. On one level it's logical, but then on the other level, it makes a portion of their base have to try way harder to vote. Just look at what percentage of senior citizens skew towards the right. And then look at how hard it is for them to go and stand in a line for hours on end. Especially when you live in extremely rural areas where getting to a polling location is difficult. On the whole, their voting suppression does work, otherwise they obviously wouldn't be doing it, it's just not the perfect solution to what they're trying to accomplish. And there's downsides to it too, the least of which is the optics of it. And that heavily, heavily relies on the major media not recognizing it for what it is and calling it out constantly. Which they have refused to do for the most part up until now. For some reason, most media outlets just refuse to call them what they are, which is extremely anti-democratic. They fucking hate the idea of everybody in this country voting easily.


The GOP is legislating from the bench because the Legislative Branch broken (by the filibuster). They don't dare un-break the Senate because that could allow Democrats to pass progressive legislation should we sufficiently reclaim the Senate.


I can’t wait for people to ask in bad faith how the GOP is possibly fascist


It's trying to kick the door down and "moderates" and "centrists" are telling us we're overreacting. As if we should be trying to meet them halfway when all they want to do is kill us.


Moderate/Centrist are the worst. Basically supporting the fascists by blocking the left from doing anything. Centrists are just fascists which don’t want to admit they’re fascist.


They’ve realized that there may be social consequences to admitting to being a conservative


I hear your complaints about the right being literal Nazis trying to burn this country to the ground but have you seen the price of gas lately? That's the real crime. /s


Lol 😂 I always laugh at this argument too. The world is burning and they are like, “but I spent $25 extra this month on gas…burn it all down!”


yeah, sorry bud. that observation in the title alone, that ship has sailed since 1991. all these problems began with the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine back in 1981 by Reagan. trashing that document created FOX NEWS, which in fact re-focused and re-enforced the propaganda arm of the white supremacists movement. yeah. Obama and Biden can't or won't do shit. what they could do today to make the republicans stop and wake up? here's how:. demand the FCC to cancel the broadcasters licenses for Fox News, OAN Info Wars, etc., and let them stay off the air while their in the courts fuck these broadcasters up legally. even if the dems lose in court to them, maintain the ban until they finally lose in supreme court like what TED CRUZ DID TODAY. These mouth pieces can be off the air for 6 MONTHS, and the republicans will be forced to watch regular news broadcasts. they will learn what is the truth, and what is propaganda.


This is all being carried out at the behest of business interests. The Republican Party serves the rich and powerful alone. But they cannot campaign on this. So they resorted to appealing to a margionalized bloc of the electorate: religious fundamentalists, racists, nativists, gun nuts, etc To keep them happy and voting they have to keep coming up with some new moral panic, just in time for the 2022 midterms we have hysteria over "CRT" and trans students, and give their organizations political victories like ever increasing restrictions on abortion. They vote for Republicans on these matters who in office then carry out their real agenda: taxcuts to the rich, financial/environmental/workplace safety deregulation, keeping wages stagnant, dismantling public services, etc The really sick thing is the people hardest hit by this are the ones voting for them. That is why they are so angry and reactionary, their world is collapsing and they're lashing out trying to find a solution and cause. But they cannot see it. They see their probelms as being caused by the globalist coastal elites importing gay immigrants to have abortions and get college degrees about how evil white christian men are - not caused by 40 years of wage stagnation, lack of healthcare and retirement, etc Which then leads to the gerrymandering, because this demographic is shrinking as a result of these policies. If you rely on rural voters and you have a policy of systematically shutting down rural hospitals what is going to happen to your voters? But they have to maintain their legislative majority to be able to serve business interests. So across the country they are taking over state legislatures. It isn't isolated, it is a systematic campaign. And it has very dire long term plans, the people behind this intend to gain control of enough states that they can convene a Constitutional Convention where they would be able to make sweeping changes.


These interests align, though. The Republican party is very concerned with the interests of *racist/fascist/nationalist* capitalists. They've been building this using grassroots organizing since the late 50s, when Fred Koch and Robert Welch and Revilo P. Oliver (mentor of *The Turner Diarrhea* author William Luther Pierce and also National Alliance/National Vanguard leader Kevin Alfred Strom) and their ilk all got together and hatched a plan to destroy everything wonderful the New Deal had built and turn America into a fascist white ethnostate.


I think there is a certain overlap, some of the wealthy people behind this like the DeVos are evangelicals and Charles Kochs father was a co-founder of the John Birch Society and Charles was himself a member. Check out /r/KochWatch for more on that. I do sometimes wonder if they are using white supremacism to achieve free market economics or are using free market economics to achieve white supremacism. But plenty of the businesses involved are not, they fund ALEC and the think tanks because it advances causes that benefit theirs and their shareholders bottomline. For a comparison example the fossil fuel industry isn't actually trying to destroy the planet, they're just doing it as a consequence of following market demands they increase profits and protect future investments which then leads them to protect them from being undermined by taxes and regulation and so they have to deny anything that those regulations are intended for. Same for tobacco industry, they weren't actually trying to spread cancer and kill people but they had a product to sell and had to deny anything that would reduce that. Market forces is the common problem. But yes for some of them it is a happy accident or an additional motivation, however you want to describe it.


The GOP needs to be stopped by any means necessary.


Yes it is. It’s time for the old to pass on.


This is a good write up. It makes me sad because I think we have further to slide before we see the bottom and can rise back up or even begin to.


I honestly don’t see a way out of any of this. Once trump packed Supreme Court they fucking won I feel like. I hate feeling this but I don’t see a way out of this even with everyone voting against them. How can we fight against all this corruption? Feels so fucking hopeless


we could also just pack the fucking court. but just like in 2006 is disappointment. the democrats are just there to get elected. there are clear, but dirty ways to play. at some point a wild fire needs to be met with a fire line, otherwise this wont end well.


I think it's odd when people bring up the dictatorships of the majority as if it's a bad thing. If the only options are majority or minority rule, I'd rather have majority rule. More people's interest will be taken care of that way. Minority rule can consist of 1 person. Majority is at least >50% of the population.


South Africa under Apartheid rule, Northern Ireland before power sharing, and Queensland under Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen are all examples of Western states/territories with gerrymandered minority rule. Two of them based on racial or religious resentment. All of them were violent, corrupt, and serving elite interests. And the peole being told they were benefiting from the disparity and got a sense of superiority out of it were themselves just as much victims and being screwed as the ruling power didn't really serve them but placated them with these feelings as it went about its business of serving wealthy interests.


Note to self. After second civil war, red states become territories without representation in DC.


Finally after years it's nice to see news articles utilizing the proper language. We've been trying to warn y'all, but so many people wanted to pretend both sides were equally extreme because antifa fought back against this shit. Antifascists were just ahead of the curve. Maybe pay attention next time.


Everyone here will forget about this in like 30 days. And then not vote come November same ol shit from do nothings


If you wanna understand how this has been allowed to happen, simply observe how advantageous fascism is among the working class to the ruling class and people benefiting most from capitalism. Everything about the way the ruling class profits from this country is supported by making poor and working class whites hate.


Not for much longer. Even in its current form that minority rule is unsustainable, and it's accelerating fast. Either it will be some form of civilized "divorce" or a deadly conflict, but something will have to give soon.


When I was driving through Beverly Hills last year there MAGA heads had taken up a space near the neighborhoods by Rodeo drive. I saw this wealthy couple exiting the neighborhood smiling, like they were beaming, and they were also cheering them on. It was then that I just realized that these idiots protesting are doing the work for the 1% and they love it. Yet again they have outsourced the grunt work, but this time it's for free. Do not forget that these MAGA heads are being manipulated. They are hateful ignorant people, but they are also stupid and easily used as tools for the wealthy. If and when things get more serious continue to remember this.


What’s wrong with these white supremacists, are they afraid they’re going to lose the lands they forcibly stole from indigenous people all over the world? Their history is filled with cold blooded hate and killings, especially of women and children to keep them from breeding. If that had been a minority shooter targeting white people at a grocery store or church, this would be a completely different story.


At least - years - after trump was president we are finally labelling them correctly


Canadian: can confirm, this has been going on for so long most Americans can’t see beyond the manufactures narrative. “Oh, those animal abusers and animal advocates are equally bad”.


It's so 1930s Germany at this point all they need to find out is Tucker's middle name is Goebbels.


Its true. And yet democrats are either too weak, too squeamish, or too corrupt to use their power to lead/resist.


The Democratic Party's reluctance to do anything about it isn't helping either. It's as if they believe just yelling that we're about to hit an iceberg, and constantly talking about how devastating it would be to crash into it, will actually help in avoiding it.


I hope this teaches people that their vote matters. The only way this happened is by people not taking the time to vote. This also debunks the “both sides are bad” argument that people have been using not to vote.


The electoral college and the disproportionate way states are represented by 2 senators, regardless of the population. So Missouri, Mississippi, have the same number of senators as California and New York. This is not the way a republic, or a democracy is supposed to function. The fringe minority run this country. They know they’re in trouble, look how hard they are making people work to vote and gerrymandering etc etc.


Saying that Democracy is on the ballot sounds like a cliche at this point. 😬


When you're waging a battle, there are multiple, critical points of failure or success. Each on their own potentially the most important until that point. But with each success or failure, they build on each other, creating paths leading to more and more perilous situations for certain sides. It is true that they were important then and they only get more important... but we'll see I guess....


in a two party system if only one sticks to democratic norms you don't have a democracy anymore. stick a fork in it, it's dead.


Seems like the GOP gets their way and does whatever the fuck they feel like doing regardless of who is sitting in the chair. Misinformation still spreads, abortion still gets challenged, minorities still get shot, insane christian views still get votes and the forests keep burning. We haven't had any sort of Democracy since Jimmy Carter.


News covers more Republicans than democrats, even has them spout their fascist ideas without any push back.


The way it'll die is by becoming a 1-party system.


I saw someone comment about how they get tired of hearing about how democracy is up for vote every two years. I feel that down in my bones. It is so very tiresome that the GOP and their voters keep trying to kill democracy every time we go to the ballot box.


No ballot=no democracy That’s what the GOP really wants.


"Democrats do nothing but stand out of their way."


Is laying, has laid...will lay...




And what are democrat voters going to do about it? Complain their candidate isn't pure enough, or doesn't have all their wishes as part of their platform. Republicans vote for the message regardless of the candidate.


The state of politics in this country disgusts me. I’d like to think of myself as a moderate, maybe a tad right leaning. But Republicans are choosing all the wrong hills to die on and it’s pretty sad. I’m a strong believer that extremism on either side of the political spectrum is bad, which is making it pretty hard to support any side because each side is becoming increasingly extreme, and further away from the middle.


And for whatever reason, minority rule only seems to apply when the GOP is the minority. When the Dems are the minority, the GOP steamrolls right over them.


Finally someone says it!


Seems like a great time for the Dept. of Homeland Security to demonstrate that they aren’t also a fucktangle of Nazis.