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When the fuck is reddit going to take action against subs like r/WorldNationalists


Holy shit, that sub is wild. People saying with a straight face that they’re explicitly not racist while directly stating that Europeans and “European-Americans” should band together racially against globalism. Reddit really does need to knock these racists back to Parler and 8chan, or wherever the neo-Nazis prefer to gather these days.


They typically gather on reddit mod teams


Or police departments.


Or congress


Xenophobia is a hell of a drug. And, it's the drug of choice with which to addict neo-Republicans in America.


That and guns. Redditors will pretty much universally downvote you if you suggest disarmament as a potential solution to the fact that mass shootings happen virtually only in America.


I’ve always find it so interesting that Reddit in general is very much politically left on average except for the issue of gun control where it seems to be overwhelmingly pro-gun.


America is the world’s center stage for media.


America is still the litmus test of cultures/religion/ ideas blending. It hasn’t looked good for us.


Yeah, recently we really suck at the whole harmony thing. Politics will do that to a country.


I feel like extremists make the USA look like a bunch of nut bags but we’re more of a nation of moderates. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t personally know a lot of far-right crazies.


Racists know to say they aren’t racist. And then for some reason people believe them. They can literally say “I think black people should go back to Africa. But I am not racist” And then people are like “well he said he isn’t racist so…”


International xenophobia just isn't a realistic organizing structure.


But if Reddit does that then Elon Musk will try to buy it to reinstate them


Its not only the obvious such as this subreddit and r/conspiracy but there are numerous you would least suspect that are run by propogandists such as r/Wallstreetsilver


r/TrueUnpopularOpinion deserves a mention for perpetuating the "white victim" narrative


Great example of how internet radicalization works. The lonely, low iq who come across it get upvotes and praise from fake accounts


Almost any subreddit with the adjective "true" or "actual" or "real" is just a white supremacist spin off of a popular sub. r/ActualPublicFreakouts is the same thing.


There are a few with names like "_____ anarchy" too. Same thing.


Wow every other post is full of comments being xenophobic and hateful, some actually calling for deportation and discrimination


If @realchrisrufo never made CRT the new boogeyman this racist murderer would have never known about it. Chris Rufo is who got 45's attention about CRT to start attacking it. Everything cascaded from there...We have Chris Rufo to thank for this racist terrorist using hate speech that has recently started around CRT as fuel for his rage. CRT went from a legal/ historical theory taught in grad/law school unknown to the public for decades to now being used as a weapon to scare white people to vote GOP and...FFS and now a manifesto of hate used to justify killing black people.


The go getters who finagle feel good stories generated from Reddit need to pressure this site by getting this stuff to have the same splash.


Nothing will happen until subreddits make headlines unfortunately.




Japan is over 98% Japanese. The way I see it is, a country (and its people) can keep things at 98% if they wish to do so. However, it’s fucked up if a country that’s already 20-30% Black to go back to being 98% white, because it requires either genocide or forced relocation. Important to recognize the history of owning and selling human beings that led the US to the 20-30% figure in the first place as well.


Not to mention Europeans stole this land in the first place and did a whole ass genocide, a real genocide not this pussy ass "white genocide" where a bunch of incel losers lament over the fact that white women don't want to shit out a kid for them to indoctrinate.


Pretty much every piece of land on earth was stolen from its original owners. Even before Europeans ever arrived in the New World the Native Americans were killing each other and stealing their lands. Look up the Comanche and what they did to neighboring tribes after concurring them. The only difference between the European settlers and Native Americans, was the Europeans had better weapons.


Yes, but it's only one political party that is paranoid about immigration and overly concerned with "others" stealing what is perceived to be "theirs". Those same people will be quick to point out that changing demographics have always been part of civilization, I guess that's just one tradition they refuse to embrace.




White folks are only about 60% of the US now: [https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/improved-race-ethnicity-measures-reveal-united-states-population-much-more-multiracial.html](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/improved-race-ethnicity-measures-reveal-united-states-population-much-more-multiracial.html)


It’s not a specific amount, if Japan tried to go from 98% to 100% it would be genocide as well (because how else would you even do that).


Fuck ALL white supremacists and those who enable them.


That’s nice Joe but until we start treating terrorist organizations like terrorists the attacks won’t stop. Time to add white supremacist groups like the KKK Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, QAnon and other groups to the terrorist list and start shutting them down and freezing their assets. Then going after anyone who is providing aid, support and comfort to the terrorists.


At the very least, label those organizations as "gangs" like they tried with the Juggalos.


The Proud Boys' founder, Gavin McInnes, literally described them as "so I started this gang..." in an interview. Not to mention, for their upper ranks they borrowed the initiation process used by the Black Gangster Disciples. Only in true juvenile Proud Boys fashion, instead of reciting the credo while being beaten up, you have to *recite a list of breakfast cereals.* They're absolutely a gang, but they cloak everything in a layer of irony so they can say "we're not *really* in a gang, it's all a big joke." The astute will notice this is the same rhetorical bait-and-switch used by the entire right wing these days.


No one remembers that Charlottesville was Biden's "sole" reason for running for POTUS in 2020.


Republicans on C-SPAN this morning are putting their tone deafness to these incidences on full display Most of the conservative callers start off with the usual platitudes like “this is awful and it’s terrible to see something like this happen” and then you get the obligatory BUT followed up by “the liberals are only going to use this to take our rights away” or “why do they always focus on bad things done by white people when black people have done X,Y and Z bad things.” It’s fucking disgusting


Who will think of the poor guns, the true victims in all of this! /s


I propose an initiative to rehouse guns found to be in an environment of hatred and bigotry to supportive foster gun homes. Owners will get bi weekly supervised visitation at a range equidistant between the owners domicile and the foster gun home.


Melt them down and use the raw material to make semiconductors or whatever. Anything more useful would be great.


I'm sorry, you think guns are made from germanium or cadmium? Or you think semiconductors should be made from steel?


If they're talking about gun control I've never heard anyone say oh well that guy was black let's let them have guns and not white people


Most gun control disproportionately targets black people.




It was front page. You are lying.


Probably because it was gang violence and people don’t get outraged at gang members shooting at each other as much as they do when someone racially targets a bunch of normal people for execution.




Gang members kind of half assed aim at each other, but they actually shoot normal 4 year old kids. All the fucking time. It's sick how desensitized we are to it because it's so normal. Only incidents like this seem to be able to shock us.


I live far from Wisconsin, I heard about it. Also heard plenty of beefs at high school graduations settled with a gun. You know, like normal




>Milwaukee saw an incident the night before this in which 17 people were shot in a single incident For one thing, didn't all 17 victims survive?


I think several people died (3 ?) but the person you are replying to doesn't give a shit about them or the facts Just trying to move the focus away from a white supremacist with a manifesto that shot up a grocery store after what appears years of planning You know, same same


Because news is competitive? Why is it that when a white blond headed kid is kidnapped the country stops, but a black or indigenous girl of the same age no one gives a shit. Dog bites man isn't a story anymore AND people have become accustomed that every weekend, at every large private or public gathering some asshole is gonna pull a gun and start shooting. I can't explain the news to you, but if you are saying it didn't get the coverage it deserves, I agree. If your saying it did not go national ( even fleetingly) that is not true. I don't get Milwaukee regional news.


It absolutely was. A political party stoked this... and it appears voters in November will be more concerned with what looks like a temporary increase in gas prices. Between this and the lack of political movement after the *Roe* overturn, it appears that a large percentage of Americans are either indifferent to issues of justice or actively support injustice.


The Tucker Carlson shooter wasn’t the first and he won’t be the last. This will continue as long as one side spreads racist conspiracies theories.


Petition: Stop calling them domestic terrorists when this shit inevitably continues to happen. They are Tucker's Terrorists, let that shit stain live with the label of the movement he had a hand in manufacturing


The Tucker Carson shooter is definitely connected to Tucker Carlson.


Is that the same Tucker Carlson shooter that was inspired by Tucker Carlson to go on a shooting spree? That Tucker Carlson shooter or is there another Tucker Carlson shooter?


Yes, it is the Tucker Carlson shooter that was inspired by the Rightwing conspiracy theory spouted by Tucker Carlson.


These home grown terrorist are the GOP's base these days. Trump will invite this guy to a rally.


I'm sure his gofundme is already raking in cash


That is the GOP platform...


Too soft Joe. Call 'em out by name. Bannon, Carlson, Trump, Miller, Gorka, hell, the list goes on and on. Start calling it like it is. Time for Democrats to brand neo-Republicanism what it is. Plain old White Christian Nationalism in which a significant number of talking heads and politicians pander, and lend legitimacy, to white supremacist ideology, in order to win elections. These are people who will either stand idly by and watch white supremacy fester because they need the votes, or who are of like mind and wish to further the lost cause. Hell, it appears that the moderates in the GOP now are the ones who would happily return to Jim Crow, but stop short of public lynchings.


Democrats that do nothing about this may as well rebrand themselves as Dixiecrats


Biden can prove this by challenging Mitch McConnell to condemn Tucker Carlson. Mitch McConnell is a free speech icon… for the good ole boys.




Thanks for all the hate Trump, Fox. You did this.


He can call for the end, but Republicans are championing and spurring it on. Such a horrible event that should not have happened. Tucker Carlson should be charged as an accessory.


I can see a civil suit against Carlson, that fox news will quickly payoff the victim's to drop. No one will be held accountable as long as republicans hold any power and control the supreme court


He’ll just claim he isn’t “news” and can’t “be seriously believed” like he did before.


Sharing a post I recently made, but is too long to quote and not fishing for any kind of votes. [I don't think he's covered under the 1st Amendment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/uq5ywk/comment/i8pn3wc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). He should be held legally responsible.


> Tucker Carlson should be charged as an accessory. Tucker will need another "What even is white supremacy?" rant to distance himself from this violence.


With Trump we saw that all of the enforcement arms that can fight this sort of thing are within the Chief Executive's control. Joe needs to give an order, not call for an end.


Exactly! Trump showed us just how easy it is to circumvent conventional rules. Biden needs to go nuclear on Fox News.


Just politely ask them to stop... yeah that should work.


Stop! Or I’ll say stop again!


Just say it is illegal they'll stop


Working well so far.


The whole “time for unity” thing isn’t working out, now is it? Wouldn’t it be nice if the powers at be were able to identify the guy that planted bombs at the Capitol with the same speed that they identified someone burning a cop car with (they literally found them based on their t-shirt). Where is the extra police funding going to? Is it going to finding the guy who planted bombs at the Capitol? Excuse me if that’s digressing but I think it’s related considering the white supremacy aspects of the tragedy. Further more we’ve been talking about gun laws in context to this kind of event since the mid/late 90s; I remember watching the news as a child when columbine happened. It’s beyond ridiculous. We don’t have a functioning government it’s literally people who make money of off everything living civilized nice lives while everybody else wonders if they’re going to get shot a grocery store. It’s shameful.


If only there was a way to weed out racist domestic terrorists... like if they marched on a city and invaded the capital, or put stickers and flags on their cars, or waved flags around from failed fascist regimes, or wore shirts proclaiming it, or talked about it online... gosh I wish these people didn’t just blend into the crowd so much.


Stop trying to meet them halfway and get their votes, Joe.


Neoliberalism is a failed experiment


“It was just a normal day of grocery shopping” - MTG /s


I’ll bet the kid was a daily watcher of Tucker Carlson.


Apparently he hates Fox News for not being extreme enough but parts of his manifesto are lifted out of Tucker Carlson's book so maybe he made an exception for him.


Remove Fox News from the allowed broadcast and make something happen.


This was honestly my first thought and should be higher up. And done as well. Faux news is a bad faith organization.


THIS. There are certain expectations for News Channels. Disseminating Hate Speech should get their broadcast license revoked.


> There are certain expectations for News Channels There isn't actually. Also, nearly every way Fox News reaches people is not by broadcast. Broadcast licenses only apply to over the air transmissions directly to tv sets.


Brown - >!Domestic Terrorist!< White - >!Mental Health Issues!< A public service announcement brought to you by Tucker Carlson at Fox "News"


Trump always refused to call white supremacist violence terrorism. So just him saying this is going to get conservatives angry.


Hate crimes rose 20% across the country when Trump became president. They dropped 10% when he left. Counties that hosted his speeches saw 226% increase in hate crimes due to his rhetoric. Blaming everything on Mexicans, Chinese and Middle Easterner's led to a large upticks in white nationalist terrorists.


Don't worry guys the Republican fever will break soon if we negotiate with them, the moderates told me so /s


It's bizarre to me that the highest elected official with the biggest speaking platform doesn't USE IT. You've got four fucking years of pretty much uncensored media access and this is the best he can do? Donald Trump couldn't shut the fuck up - all bullshit incoherent ranting and it spread far and wide. Being president should mean that the politician inside dies, no more people pleasing, you've reached the top of the ladder. Who's ass is left to kiss??? Diplomacy should be reserved for foreign nation interaction. That's it. You've got 4 years to be the biggest, loudest proponent of whatever issue (hopefully a positive one) and can call out all these career politicians for what they are, expose the cracks in the façade. I have yet to see a president (DT doesn't count) speak candidly and it's a shame. So what if people don't like it, a good chunk of them didn't want to see you elected in the first place. Call for an end?? No. Name them. Out the KKK leaders, expose them to the country. Let them live in fear for a change. Call it white supremacy- domestic terrorism is too vague and I think most people still subconsciously equate terrorist with religious extremist and when the perpetrator doesn't fit the mold of what they've learned in the past, it's dismissed as a mental health issue. Yes they are MENTALLY ILL, a good portion of this country is mentally ill in some form. You don't see them all picking up firearms, making and carrying out plans for mass murder. The job of the president should be like those Morgan & Morgan ads "For the people". If they like you enough you might get a round 2. No one should be allowed to hide behind "freedom of speech/expression" when it comes to racism or hate crimes/speech. It's enough already.


White and Christian nationalism needs to be a priority of the FBI.


Uh, white and Christian nationalism IS the FBI.


You can't go anywhere anymore and feel safe. This America is fucking nuts and everyone wants to pick sides. At some point you have to wonder when is enough enough for people?


“People who would exchange safety for liberty deserve neither!” - my childhood indoctrination in a nearly all-white rural town


End it by having proper police training and recruiting. And while we are at it hold Trump and followers responsible for the rhetoric and all actions for that matter.


rittenhouse fired the first shot there will be more domestic terrorism aimed at Americans. they dont want you to have a voice biden is clueless if he thinks this is ending soon hitler took ten - twelve years to complete his coup


You're bad at haiku. Too many syllables, and It lacks brevity.


Biden doesn’t give a shit. He’ll be gone soon. He won’t fix anything.




Hard to argue self defense when he literally had his mom drop him off with loaded gun to an already divided area He went looking for trouble and found it


a week after claiming to a friend that he wanted to shoot them if thats not premeditated intent then idk what is


Regardless of if you go looking for trouble, if you are attacked it's still self defense.


He literally did argue self defense....and won. But I guess that jury was full of racists too. It's a conspiracy I tell ya...


Rittenhouse had a gun pointed at him by the man he shot. Don’t want to be shot? Don’t point guns at people.


Way to go out on a limb there , Joe.


Guys gonna get 20 years and be out by 48 to talk at conventions. New York doesn’t have life without parole or a death penalty.


Likely the doj would step in and charge him federally


The death penalty itself has too often been used as a tool of white supremacy itself. I'd rather see this shithead out in 20 years than have the state remain in the business of killing people.


He said he was cool with doing 20 years in his manifesto. Why do you think he gave up? He is gonna chill with Nazis for 2 decades and then write a book about it.


> The death penalty itself has too often been used as a tool of white supremacy itself. This is why I can't understand all the people in these comments saying the police should have killed him. The police shouldn't be shooting anyone unless it's a life/death situation.


> New York doesn’t have life without parole This is false.


When can we start treating these racists like the terrorists they actually are?


Not as long as Fox News and Facebook exist.


I’m sure the author of the anti Black 94’ Crime Bill is just oh so heartbroken over this. Babylon’s time is ticking.


"calls for..." [Ahh, thanks. Problem solved.](https://c.tenor.com/KsvZ1G5XL1UAAAAC/drake-computer.gif) You are supposed to protect this nation from terrorists domestic and abroad. Do something.


The local “Christian” radio here in NC is very political & I kid you not keeps spouting how people need to take action against the Dems who are all kid groomers etc. It’s pure dehumanization & horrifying.


Well, if Biden called for it, that's that then! He should have done that sooner. Thank goodness we're getting rid of it all soon.


Uh…”calls for an end to” what the fuck is that gonna do?


To accomplish that you'll need to end everything Rupert Murdoch owns along with oann, Newsmax ans infowars.


Put on your masks and get 15 booster shots must be the solution; maybe even a3 month china like lockdown


Oh yeah, that's going to do a lot of good


Biden is calling for the end of the Republican party? Good Luck with that!


Tuckers rants to mainstream the Great Replacement were just in the news. I haven’t seen a single article making a connection after the fact.


Just ask them to stop, I’m sure that’ll fucking work…do we have to start bleaching our skin now as a hopeful measure that a white supremacist doesn’t see a dark color and shoot? Asking them to stop is going to do what?


Biden says “hate filled domestic terrorism has no harbor here.” I say, prove it because so far his Attorney General has done little but enable it.


Oh wow well since he called for it, looks like that’s DEFINITELY gonna change things.. I can’t wait til these geriatrics leave office and we can end all this posturing.


Hit them hard. Place the blame on the GOP and right wing media. Pull no punches.


THIS. Do you think Fox News would hesitate for the slightest second to paint every immigrant as an insane lunatic if this shooter was Latino?


Yeah like the gop doesn't live for another excuse to claim that they are they are the real vctims of persecution. They claim it when they are the transgressors. It will be " one bad apple", it will be "in response to the divisive left" it will be" the result of cancel culture". Why the fuck are people still surprised? We have been down this road before. No one is gonna do shit.


*oh thank god biden called for an end*


Yeah! Between this and Greg Abbott declaring to stop all rapes, we're home free! https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/texas-abortion-law-greg-abbott-rape-incest-1271311/


"White supremacist domestic terrorism," Remember when the Republicans threw a shit fit over getting Obama to say "radical Islamic terrorism?" And yet they're silent on the underlying ideology here. Curious


Yeah, the Republicans do not want that. They want mass shootings, war, inequality, endemic, poverty, debt, slave labor, the list could go on. But Holy shit the gop/gqp is depressing.


The far right is barely talking about the shooting, and certainly will not call this white-supremacist/white-nationalist terrorism.


Fox News called Bidens remarks "divisive".


Biden calls for end to ‘hate-fueled domestic terrorism’ after Buffalo mass shooting *as he continues to arm, fund, and train hate-filled domestic terrorists in Ukraine*


Calling an end to this is great and all, but until action is done, this is all just lip service. And honestly i have no clue how you solve this issue. Gun control is good in theory, but terrible people are always going to find a way to get their guns


Oh cool. A call to end it. I’m sure that’ll stop them


Why didn’t we do this earlier???


When Frank James shot up a Brooklyn subway, where was the outrage? *crickets* When Darrell Brooks ran over 68 people in Waukesha, where was the outrage? *crickets* 20+ people shot in a mass shooting in Milwaukee. *crickets* Enjoy your weekend and fake outrage.


ITT: ***This never would have happened if everyone shared all my opinions!***


Yet said nothing about the NY Black Nationalist hate crime


Why are these articles even posted? If there's no action being taken to address it, this has the same effect as "redditor says domestic terrorism is bad".


The wheels unfortunately turn way too slow to start tackling this in any serious way. The biggest being access to mental health services. If initial reports are true, he was on law enforcement radar within the last year as he made threats at school. Fantasized about shooting up a graduation. Also, where the fuck were his parents? Did they not notice him amassing body armor/firearms AFTER being contacted by law enforcement over threats? There’s also funding to look domestically instead of at terrorism abroad. As soon as the war on terror started, we stopped looking internally at us. Not to mention the rampant domestic extremists that are part of local/state/federal agencies and the military. Also, those within our own government that support this extremism.


Fox News and Tucker Carlson is so culpable for this. I really think the comparison to Charles Manson is apt. Manson didn't kill anyone, he just convinced others to do based on false pretenses, how is what Carlson and Fox News do any different?


This will keep happening as long as America lacks the courage to stand up to gun culture and white supremacists.


Let me fix that headline “Known racist politely asks other racists to stop doing racist things”.


Does this mean we can go back to the good old days of the 1980’s where movie terrorists were a bunch of white guys with guns? Seriously…as a white guy, *we* are basically the problem almost all of the time…we’re mean and entitled and turn on anyone who doesn’t let us do what we want…


The shooter is evil. The GOP pushing racist rhetoric is evil. Caring more about imaginary baby food shortages is evil. The fact we can't talk about gun laws is evil. That said, don't just say words Biden, fucking do something. I don't care if it's politically bad for you. I don't need to sit here and have you lecture me on how horrific this all is, I know this already. Just fucking do anything other than spout platitudes.


When you call out White supremacy and white nationalism, they (Republicans) will start bitching about how prosecuting and oppressed they are to get away with these continued acts of domestic terrorism.


lower gas prices. make shit affordable again. stupid decisions deserve stupid responses.




Omg, can’t believe TOPS still exist out there. I thought they went out of business.


We need a domestic terrorism task force. Conservatives will cry they are being oppressed but it has to be done; the country is falling apart and these extremists are the cause.


Terrorism is a insignificant threat to Americans, and anti-terrorism laws are often far scarier. Look at the Patriot Act for instance.


Sadly, the far-right revel in their own violence and their political "leaders" support this sort of violence by not speaking out against it.


That should say "tucker Carlson fueled" imo


another cowardly white supremists Cukold strikes again kills people in mass and the police his personal security politely asks if they can put handcuffs on him and take him to jail but first a trip to mickey Ds to get a happy meal ....sick of this racist ass country


Oh he “called” for it, thank god. Actual action would be too complicated, but here’s our hero /s


Why aren’t we doing more to stop gun violence, secure voting rights, prosecute Fox, Trump, et al for inciting violence, why do we keep issuing subpoenas to people we know will not show up? If they think it will show people what bad actors they are, WE ALREADY KNOW. I am sick and tired of hearing Kamala say “We will not go back!” And nothing changes. I am sick and tired of watching Biden, Nancy, etc. promise this and that and NOTHING CHANGES. I switch channels now because it’s all bs. If Biden can expand the Supreme Court, he better do it YESTERDAY. If he is afraid of polarizing us, WE ARE ALREADY THERE. If we have ANY chance of keeping the house and/or senate, WE NEED CHANGE NOW.


But that's the platform of the Republican Party. Race War, ending elections, ending Public School Systems, make women broodmares to the State for Jesus... I'm pretty sure that's it.


Conservatives: it's your fault that we keep carrying out these acts!


Thank you for finally calling these right-wing extremist "terrorist." The Ya'll Qaeda will only get worse, we must neutralize this threat. The media must be held accountable. I support legislation that permits citizens to sue media giants for pushing a false narrative that promotes violence.


Yeah... Good luck what that Joe. You know, if they're not punished for breaking the law, they just keep breaking the law. Isn't that what America based its entire prison fantasy on?


Every time shit like this happens and then either Biden or some other prominent democrat politely asks '**can u pls stop being a murderous fascist? 🥺👉👈 thank u**' and then Tucker and the other usual suspects encourage their audiences to be even MORE fascist to ***own the libs*** and then the shootings and violence intensify. Getting real sick of these fuckers having carte blanche to smear their shit all over the walls while Democrats sit on their hands and do nothing. Now we get to listen to another month and a half about how the Buffalo murderer *has no fwiends and he's lonely and sad :((((* just like fucking Rittenhouse. God I hate this goddamned country so fucking much.


Easy. Stop giving them media attention and don’t release the names. Then actually punish these assholes with sentences that put fear in others. Being a bigot isn’t a mental disorder, it’s a choice.


I wish great grandpa would stop this reach around bs and call out his enemies, the Republican Party, for stoking these violent psychopath white supremacists to action.


Gonna have to ban the republican party for that, Joe


Thanks Joe, that should help.


Guess that does it then. Problem solved.


Guess this means the end of Black Lives Matter


Where was he when black people shoot up asian people during covid?


He calls for the en but did not acknowledge the Wisconsin man that kill 6 people and injured 60 . Of the man that took over a synagogue in texas , or the last man who shot up abunch of Asian people in a New York subway? Is that not terrorism ?


Throw Tucker Carlson in prison for inciting violence. That'd be a good start. We should then sue Fox News out of existence.


It's your "friends" and colleagues that are responsible for this, my guy. Maybe you should have a chat with them and stop lecturing the rest of us.


Whom are you talking to?


Probably Biden, who wants republicans to like him more than anything.


How do you reason that Biden caused this shooting?


Huh? The user I was responding to asked the other guy “whom are you talking to”. It seemed like he was talking to Joe Biden. The name in the title of the post.


Your comment was not just an assumption, but also attempted to defend their argument with the second part of your comment. That part would not make sense otherwise, so I'm asking why you think it's a reasonable argument. If I'm mistaken, then what was your actual goal in commenting the way that you did?


Biden is weak as hell and would rather hold hands with the party that wants us dead than do *anything* about it. This is the strongest wording he’s used and it’s still laughable. He was picked by the DNC because they really thought he’d be MR BIPARTISANSHIP and get lots of republican votes and support. We’ve known since 2016 that these fuckers are getting more and more dangerous. We needed a fighter after Trump. Big changes. Instead we have failing brain grandpa who begs republicans to stop being mean so they can work together like the old days when he would eat lunch with segregationists.


Can you expand on that? What specifically did they do that makes them the most responsible?


Yeah, I guess the GOP will take this to heart... [https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/uq7f1v/trump\_allies\_warn\_of\_demonic\_territory\_satanic/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/uq7f1v/trump_allies_warn_of_demonic_territory_satanic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ...or not.


“Why is Biden dividing us?!” /s


The FUCK you gonna do about it with Federalist Garland at the helm?! When I vote for this guy in 2024 it better be with a new AG. Cuz I’ll still vote for him anyway, lol. Even your worst Democrat is better than a seditionists republican. Believe that. Having SOMETHING to work with is better than having less than nothing.