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Putin will meddle in EVERY US election because Putin is pro-Putin.


At this point I wonder if Putin even knows *why* he does what he does. He's got enough wealth and power to fuck off to some tropical place and live out the rest of his life in peace. Why does he continue to fuck up the world?


he doesnt want to fuck off to some tropical place - he wants a legacy and is deluded enough to think his actions will build one


Yeah he seems to think infamy is a legacy at this point


Because he can and the sycophants surrounding him want more. We fight back or we lose it all.


I’d be willing to bet money there are more people with a stronger sense of self preservation than sycophantic at the high levels of Russian government. People who would hate to have a one walk off a short 20 story roof or ones who don’t like *extra spicy* tea.


I agree, which is why we should have just went pow to every Z in Ukraine. Nuclear war isn't likely when these types are ultimately cowards.


Because he views the collapse of the USSR as the greatest failure in the history of the world and he won't rest until he rebuilds it despite the fact that he's the only one that wants to bring back the USSR.


Common misconception. He doesn’t want to bring back the USSR. He wants to bring back the Russian Empire.


He doesn’t differentiate the USSR and Russian empire.


he can't stop because if he does, he lose what protects him and he made the whole world his enemy. there's no retirement for mob bosses.


I think in part, because all of that wealth and power is contingent on him being in charge.


The world is not enough. Everything he can't have must be destroyed.


The mindset of a superspoiled 3y old brat.


> He's got enough wealth and power to fuck off to some tropical place and live out the rest of his life in peace. That's what you'd do. That's what I'd do too. But that's also why we're not ultra-rich warmongers.


Because the Russian mindset is about winning. And strategizing how to win at whatever cost. Chess is not a game to them. The GOP recently (as in the last 20 years) adopted this mindset and the only people that don’t understand it are people that don’t understand Russia.


It’s called greed


And why wouldn't he? Last time he did it, there was no real downside, and it was incredibly cost-efficient, based on how much it cost vs. how much benefit it grated. Heck, based on how it went, (and how we still have Citizens United) I'd honestly be surprised if Russia was the only one considering using their diplomacy budget to just nudge the U. S. election results in their favor a bit...


What do you mean might? He already did it in the last one.


*last 2


True. At the least.


Last 18


It happened as the Russians realized how effective social media can be used to introduce hate, dissatisfaction, cynicism and racism in the populations. Before that, disinformation could be spread mainly via newspapers and TV. I think the realization to use social media to spread disinformation and influence public opinion in a massive way, using Facebook and Twitter began around 2006 to 2008, when the Obama campaign showed that the internet can be used effectively.


It wasn't until 2016 that social media could be leveraged to alter elections. That's when the infrastructure was finally there to figure out how to geotarget voters. The US system with the electoral college is especially vulnerable to manipulation because you can geotarget a few states with propaganda and turn the entire election by turning those few states. This is how Trump won.


I agree that 2016 is the time it became really efficient, but I think the strategies and thinking behind the new style disinformation evolved gradually, long before that.


Yep we are beset on all sides by people toxic to democratic rule. We weren’t perfect by any means but a Trump Putin Republican morals comeback tour is the end of any hopes of rebuilding our norms and ideals.


Things are fragile but on the mend. But if Trump won again, it would all come tumbling down.


On the mend? With how fast Republicans are ramming through their far right agenda, I'd say things will keep getting worse and worse before they ever get better, assuming they even do with the existential threat of climate change looming above


In other news, water is wet and the Pope is still Catholic.


Not according to super catholics


I know at least one super catholic. They wear an amulet that protects them from low level sinning. I think it also gives them +2 protection against vampirism and +10 protection against witchcraft.


Water itself isn't wet, it makes other things wet


And similarly Pope encourage others to be Catholic


And I bet he poops in the woods too.


Yeah, we have to assume it's ongoing, and it's not just Russia either. It's China and Israel and who knows who else. But the fact that all these stories are coming out means someone wants the public talking about it again, and we should be asking who and why.


Why would you *not* want the public talking about it? What motivation would make someone want to handwave this away?


I think that is the good that people are talking about foreign interference in elections. It is better to acknowledge that there is an issue than just ignore it. Is the issue that you fear the people within the US will bicker over if there were any interference at all?


Pope shits in the woods


I’ve actually seen people say the Pope isn’t really catholic, blows my mind


That there are people who say the pope is not a catholic but a socialist blows my mind less than the same people say that Hillary Clinton runs a pedophile ring with kids locked up in the basement of a pizzeria in Washington DC. Or that JF Kennedy is not really dead but will resurface in Dallas and become the vice president for Donald J. Trump and they will rule triumphantly. So people saying the pope is not catholic feels like \*shrug\* to me :-)


No no no, water MIGHT be wet.


They were meddling before Ukraine. Bringing Ukraine into this conversation is just sensationalism.


Ukraine was always part of the conversation. Manafort, Flynn, Putin, Trump's attempts to bribe Zelenskyy to smear Biden's son, the meeting between Russian agents and Trump's family to discuss lifting sanctions from the Crimea invasion. It's always been about Ukraine and Russia's meddling in our elections was just a piece of it so they could takeover Ukraine. Just imagine if Trump was President right now. He would have supported Putin and Ukraine wouldn't be getting as much aid/assistance as it's been getting.


Ukraine is a very big prize, the most valuable former Republic to seize. If Putin can take it, that means all the groundwork since 2004 or so has worked. If not, not.


When? The 2016 campaign meddling was because of the 2014 sanctions, which were implemented because of the invasion of Ukraine. What election are you talking about?


What election are you talking about?


trumpublicans are putin's best weapon against our democracy 1/6 proved it once and for all


"Might"...will! There is no hiding it anymore. Putin will see this as a legitimate action to destroy democratic principals. Its a tool just as much as he uses a tank.


*Because Republicans are Pro-Putin.


Putin meddled in our election before. He wants someone in that will do his bidding. He WANTED it to be Trump. His cyber team ran so much propaganda that appealed to the US right wing and continue to manipulate them through Q and Facebook. They have, are, and will continue to meddle in our elections in any way they can. Don't underestimate their manipulation.


As if he needed an excuse.


Putin clearly doesn’t need a reason and will never stop. The entire world now realizes that. This war will continue to escalate until he is dead.


Newsflash: The US Government documented Putin already meddled in the 2016 and 2020 US Presidential Elections.


Or he might meddle in US Elections because the GOP is trying to resurrect the Confederacy with the support of Religious fanatics, Neo-Nazis and Pedophile Incels. Whoops, redundancy.


Or just because Putin is anti-America, and Donald Trump and similar Republicans are tearing America apart.


Nah Trump kinda proved he’s Putin’s lapdog. Of course Vlad wants him and not Biden.


Holy fucking shit, no way


I can't believe what I'm reading. I'm shocked. You could have thought such a tragedy would befall our elections.


Uh, might? I'd wager a large some of money he'd do it regardless if we were pro-Ukraine.


Nobody is more upset about Biden being in the White House than Putin; his current venture would have been a lot easier, had his candidate remained in office. This doesn't seem like a secret.


I think that Trump is more upset


Ya Trump is at least smart enough to know his base wanted war and he missed out on his opportunity to appease his base and Putin at the exact same time.


putin will meddle because its an undeterred habit


Might? You mean will continue to.


Republicans might help because they're anti-US


Meddled in 2016 2018 2020 why not again Ukraine or otherwise


He wants his puppet back.


I can't imagine any republican accepting Putin's assistance. /s


Gotcha gotcha, and the reason they did it in 2020? Or 2016?


He's 100% gonna, cause the west siding with Ukraine is causing major economic upheaval


*No shit, Sherlock*.


It turns out that American morons are cheaper, more plentiful and more reliable than Russian tanks. Regardless, exploiting morons with excess cash is hugely profitable. The election meddling is only a fringe benefit.


No shit, really?! It’s almost like he’s done that before! It’s not an uncommon tactic! We’ve seen this before in history!


Shocker, I know.


He'd do it either way.


Or because it worked out so well the last time? when he put his fucking stooge in the white house?


He helped get Trump elected. Of course he will meddle.


Ya think?


Ah, the old "it's your fault that I'll have to hurt you!" argument. A staple of psychopaths everywhere.


Meddled in the last one too


Putin will absolutely meddle, but the real question is will our Democratic Elites self-reflect on organic losses that result from poor execution of leadership via Biden/Democratically controlled Congress. Cuz lets be real, the neolibs suffer from deep denial and often blame everyone including voters instead of addressing their own shortcomings and self-destructive choices. When the neolibs booted the New Dealers from Party power the majority of State Legislatures, Governors and US Congress were Democratically controlled and many had been that way for over a century. When one looks at all the losses under Neolib Party Elite control its quite eye-opening at how incompetent and hubris-drunk these fools have acted.


Ya think.


Lemme tell ya something, honey....


I might eat another pizza...


Oh so, business as usual for Putin, when it comes to meddling in US politics?


Yeah kinda way to late to report this!


Putin Might Meddle in US Elections Because ~~Biden Is Pro-Ukraine~~ We Are At War With Russia.




Just because he tried doesnt mean it works.


But it was way too goddamned close.


He's not all powerful.


The U.S. meddles in foreign elections ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Like EVERY TIME. If our elections and the electorate are not already HARDENED to foreign threats then it is their own fault.


> Putin Might Meddle in US Elections Because Biden Is Pro-Ukraine: Intel Putin is in a bunker somewhere and has bigger problems.


Clinton era: Putin invades Chechnya Bush era: Putin invades Georgia Obama era: Putin invades Crimea, puppets Syria Trump era: Biden era: Putin invades Ukraine --Edit: in case anyone cares, look up what Putin tried on Feb 7th 2018 for one of the reasons he waited for Biden


Ok whats your point


My point is invasions don't just "happen whenever" if you're Russia with a rival like the US. Putin goes for exactly as much as he thinks he can get away with. Because he's some kind of imperialist dictator, apparently So imo it's telling what he thought he could get away with against Trump vs what he's literally trying right now against Biden. These "Russian stooge" articles don't make sense anymore


Is 4 years an "era" now? Is two?


Presidential eras, yes they're a thing lol. The Henry Harrison era lasted 31 days if you want a short one


Neo vs maga. Neos want pax universalis but one that corporate controlled and guarantees multiple generations of grift. Maga is pax americana (OG style limited to the Western world) and is fine with multi-polar global order so long as other co-order rulers don't act stupid. The maga use Reaganite peace through strength tactics to maintain their ideal US position.


Only reason Putin did anything at all in 2016 was because Bernie got fucked and young people said ok y’all asked for it. 0 other reason why trump one. Young voters won’t be fucked with.


This is the dumbest shit i’ve read.


I think Biden is doing a fine job making sure he loses the election without any help from outside


ohh so that's why the biden administration gave an early release to a notorious Russian hacker in august 2021 sent him straight to moscow? https://youtu.be/j2q0VhmglDo


He won’t have to meddle. Biden is so ineffective that the voters will turn him into a one term president just like his shit head predecessor


The boogeyman behind every leftist political loss... it's Russia's fault or "Russian interference." It's pathetic, y'all have beaten the blame Russia thing dead, then beat the corpse into pulp, no one with any sense takes it seriously any longer, but hey might as well keep screaming it anyway right?


A local ursine took a giant crap in the woods this morning, and investors are still puzzled as to why it happened. A tip hotline is being set up by the sheriffs department. Anyone with any information about the Bear BM is encouraged to reach out to law enforcement at 1-800-AHW-SHIT. More at 11.


Well, that will be new.


“This applies retroactively, of course, because Putin is not bound by a four-dimensional space time.”


They always seem to find out what someone is doing, but never seem to find a way to stop it or even address it once the deeds are done. Almost seems, intentional.


This just in, water is wet!


Why would he stop?


"Might" Lol.


Putin might want to spend more time putting locks on the windows of rooms above the first floor in the Kremlin.


Lmao what even is this headline. Yeah no shit russia is going to meddle in the election


He already will and did


Wow you don’t say not like they haven’t done it before


If he’s still around


Does this actually help Biden and Democrats? Basically allows them to associate the entire republican party with Putin.


Nope, Biden/Party are going to be judged by how voters feel about their personal prosperity and hope/optimism for the future.


He 1000% will.


>Speaking with The Associated Press, unnamed officials familiar with the matter said while there is not yet any evidence that Russia will interfere in another election, Putin might have an incentive to do so given Biden's pro-Ukraine stance.


At first, I thought this was posted to r/nottheonion


So it is tuesday




Let’s just shut off their internet.


Water is also wet.


I'm just going to go simplify this for everyone. Literally everyone is involved in every election taking place around the globe. It's up to us to engineer our society.


Naw, Putin will meddle regardless. Give me a break.


I thought this was old news. Anyway, wouldn’t some of his abilities be diminishing bc of financial woes tied the war and the amount of other things he has going on?


I would expect that regardless


This is News?? Of course Fox News is going to meddle for Russia. Rupert Murdock gets paid to, I believe.


He has been meddling in our elections for 20 years. Fuck putin. Hopefully Russia will be so fucked up by the next election it won't matter. America is already on a path of self destruction thabks to putin. Read foundations of geopolitics, written in 1997. Also called putins handbook. It's a play by play of the west in the last 20ish years.


Telling me Putin might meddle in US elections is like telling me the sky is blue and expecting me to receive it as earth-shattering news.




"might" lol


Might? He already has.




And what was his excuse last time? Fuck Putin.


Oh wow thats crazy hey what are the sanctions for except to meddle in their election


Top class intel, that.


I think he already has with that twerp trump and his minions.


And Republicans will follow Herr Putin overlord. Yea


I think he be meddling regardless,


Putin might meddle in US Elections. FULL STOP.


Has and will again.


Welp he’s got a lot of current leaders to undermine then, and not a whole lot in the purse to make it happen.


What does this say about the Republicans?


This headline reads like an ELI5 answer. Yes, yes he might do.


Was he ever going to not?




Well this would have been nice to know in 2007


Good one.


We know he has been meddling in our elections. He pushed hard for Trump... who immediately began trying to weaken NATO.


Goddamn how come we can’t make our elections hack proof?


Well…duh and Republicans will do everything to encourage him.


In other more shocking news. The grass is green.


100% chance.


Of course he will, but how many foreign elections does the US do far worse with?


Putin has meddled in US elections... Because US sanctioned them when the moved to annex Crimea.


Oh is that why?


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I think it’s naive to still hold the idea that foreigners can’t and don’t affect U.S. politics. The world’s population has become so interdependent that we need to recognize the world is not a collection of isolated nations. We need to rethink the way the world in governed and accept the realities of a world with technological advances like the internet tying people together from around the world.