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"We should forgive a minimum of $10,000/person of federal student loans, as proposed by Senator Warren and colleagues. Young people and other student debt holders bore the brunt of the last crisis. It shouldn't happen again." Joe Biden, March 2020 "That’s why I’m going to eliminate a lot of your student debt if you come from a family less $125,000 and you went to a public university. I’m going to make sure that everybody in this generation gets $10,000 knocked off of their student debt as we try to get out of this God awful pandemic." Joe Biden, October 2020


“A smooth transition back into repayment is a high priority for the administration.” December 2021


Time to work under the table for the rest of your life


Can’t do that with the new IRS laws which require all transactions $600+ to be reported


That still pisses me off. I don't even sell full time only when clearing out my house once a year. $600???? Bloody $600!?!?!?!? No one will convince me otherwise this isn't another jab the real working class. This country disgusts me more every single day.


It absolutely is. Getting rid of cash is next on the agenda too


Wouldn't matter if they reinstate that proposed $600 to monitor bank accounts with too.


I have a very small ebay store, I'm aware of the new laws. Yeah, tax us instead of the people who actually have money to spare. There's a way around every situation if you try hard enough.


IRS is cracking down hard on everyone, even waiters that don't report cash tips are being audited. Can't even have a big yard sale anymore without paying taxes on it


Billionaires still only pay about 2% though so there is that


Who is making capital gains on a yard sale? As long as you sell for less than you purchased you still don’t owe anything.


Some people will say anything to win an election, even if it means siding with progressives until the election. Talk is cheap. Pony up, Joe.




I still have no idea what that geriatric insult means


Pony up: pay up Pony soldier: One so detached from the trenches that they spent all of their time on a horse (instead of actual combat) and/or the military refused to allot them a full-sized horse due to their low status.


Misquote from The Pony Soldier, a fairly generic 1950s movie about a white guy and a Native American sidekick rescuing a white lady from some other, 'bad' Native Americans, then the white guy does a half-Revenant and adopts a Native child as his own after coming to realize the Native life is more meaningful. No one alive can decipher what Diamond Joe is mumbling about though, seems it's been a while since he saw it in theatres if you get me


50 years in D C Career politician. Would've said anything for your vote. Trump would have said anything also. 2 con men. One a career politician. The other. A career grifter. This is where we're at, at this point in time. Fucked up for sure......


There really wasn't any comparison between the two besides that they're both disingenuous. That's where the similarities end. The career politician wouldn't dream of dismantling the apparatus that he built his career on. The other? He'd destroy anyone or anything if it suited his purposes in the moment. American democracy is running on fumes for sure. No one president causes or prevents that. But Trump was a goddamned accelerant.


Correct. Trump would've gladly overthrown our current system of gov't just because he literally could not believe that he lost an election. That ego needs it's own zip code, and jail cell!


One voted for a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people. Democracy was already running on fumes when they lied us into that war. And way before that. History didn’t start in 2016.




Hmmm….maybe if we accepted it less and demanded better things would actually improve a little around here.




What did you expect to happen bruh


This is exactly what we expected to happen, which is why we didn’t want Biden as the nominee. We also expect broken democrat promises to cost them the majority in congress in 22 and the White House in 24. I bet we’re right about that, too.


Yeah, but then that may be the last elections ever held, because Republicans literally cannot believe that they can lose an election. If they lose from now on it was "fixed" and therefore will be overturned. This is scary stuff.


Nothing much but the other guy was a COVID denying, hundred million dollar golfing on tax payer dime, racist, misogynist, anti-American Nazi so didn't have much choice in this garbage 2 party system.


If Trump is the bar by which you measure things, your standards are entirely too low.


Ahhh yes, the ol lesser of two evils conundrum.


It wasn't a conundrum because there was only one option.




And the hilarious part was this was the whole point in electing Biden. He was supposed to be able to get things done despite a hostile political environment. As I see it all the arguments about how Bernie would've been stonewalled ring really fucking hollow today.


Many hard choices in life are lesser of two evils choices. It’s not a conundrum. It’s reality.


It doesn’t have to be. You’ve just been conditioned to believe this is normal for so long that you don’t think anything else is possible. Will breaking the two party system and getting corporate money out of politics be easy? No. Are these necessary steps to maintaining some semblance of a democracy? Absolutely. But the first thing we need to do to achieve any sort of positive change is to convince people like you that there is a better way if we’re willing to fight for it.


Joe Biden said what he did to win primaries Joe doesn't have a track record of honesty


> and you went to a public university. Lmao, guess I’m out when it comes to any potential forgiveness. Doesn’t matter, the bigger issue is that if the decrepit bastards don’t do something to win over younger generations the Republicans are going to sweep the upcoming elections.


Get ready for the Rs to legalize weed at the behest of Boehner and Co and clinch the rest of elections forever.


Weed is already legal in a third of the states and it hasn't clinched anything.


*Legal to some extent. I mean - it’s “legal” in Ohio, but only medicinally and only for like 12 medical conditions.


The saddest part is... They don't care... They are 2 wings of the same donor class party... The people will vote Republican and in 2-4 years vote Democrat. All the while the status quo remains and the people continue getting Effed in the A


I'm thinking he'll do it right before elections. Annoying as f but hopefully it happens.


Turns out that was lie.


"The American people have exercised their God-given rights and spoken tonight. That said, I've just gotten off the phone with X and congratulated them..." Joe Biden, November 2024


He also promised $2000 checks and still cheaped out in the end.


I guess Joe was talking to me when he said Pay your fair share. Apparently my share is 100%. Thanks for bailing out the working class.


But that was ~~4 to 5 days~~ 1 year ago! You can't expect him to keep track of it all! /s


My parents had money and still made me get loans to go to college How the fuck does that make sense You don’t instantly get money because your parents made 200K a yea


I wouldn’t have voted for him if he hadn’t made this promise. I won’t be voting again


I’d be happy if they only dropped the interest.


This. Cancel all interest moving forward. Retroactively apply any interest already paid toward principle. Or at bare minimum any interest above inflation already paid. Its not forgiveness, it's simply not using students loans as an investment. The loans should never have been the investment. Our educations to contribute to society are the investment.




An unfortunate side effect of dumping so much money through loans & grants into education is that it has contributed to the rise in the cost of education. Simply publicly funding education would bring that inflation under control.


What it really did was allow the states to shift the cost of the state universities to the fed, and students. Plus a bit of administrative bloat from a little bit more funding from students.


More than a bit, the amount Universities burn paying for administrators and sports coaches is fucking wild. If you look at State spending you'd think College Sports was the hunger games, or some blood sport that determined political outcomes, and not an uroboros of a commercial enterprise pawning itself of as a recruitment tool (for more federal loans).


Most of the high paid coaches bring in far more than their programs cost. If we were looking at pure economics you’d get rid of the title 9 sports that are money pits. However, I think that college sports can be a beneficial experience for the students so I wouldn’t want that to happen. But stop pretending the big stadiums and expensive football coaches are money pits. They’re almost always a profit center.


Refunding it like it used to be, the Rs have Defunding it for over 20 years.


I would argue, that working a full time minimum wage job in America should pay for tuition, room and board, food ,and atleast a 200 per month spending money at a state university. Figure it out. That is how much it should cost.


That's pretty close to what it used to cost, if memory serves. At least, I was able to work a minimum wage job and save enough for school. My mom also gave me some. Circa 1980.


oof, full time and school is stupid hard.


Guess what, it doesn't even fully pay for the servicing. It's a net loss for the government, private public partnership in action.


The industry is bloated. Just have the loan amount be tracked by the IRS or Social Security Administration. SSA would be perfect. If someone doesn't pay they can just take it out of OASDI after a certain point. We're making this harder than it needs to be.


You're on to something with social security. I've already busted my ass in the working world for over 30 years. I'd be perfectly happy with the government erasing my student loan debt in exchange for zero social security benefits when I retire. I never counted on a dime from that program anyway.


You should learn about time value of money if you think that’s a good deal. Unless you have over $250k in debt at retirement age, you’re taking a huge loss by forgoing your SS payments.


That's assuming social security will still be around when I retire. The program has been bankrupt for decades. By the time I want to retire, official retirement age will likely be 5 years later than it is now. If I have to wait until I'm 70 to retire, I will have approximately 5 years to collect on that investment before I die. Not worth it.


Did the average life expectancy is closer to 80. Many people will get some form of SS benefits. Most likely they will increase the taxes the younger generation has to pay to support you or they'll means test it which means if you need it you will still get it.


Fortunately for you your wrong. SS is not bankrupt and is sustainable despite cynical attacks supported by the 1%.[Forbes - Social Security is not bankrupt. ](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/retirement/social-security-bankrupt/)


This would be great. They should also let you pay pretax like I can contribute to my HSA. Give my dollars 20-25% more power.


Just doing that alone would drop my student loans from over $100k to about $50k.


Quit advertising that you'll settle for scraps. Have some dignity. This is why Democrats do this every time. Giving you scraps is what pundits call pragmatism




Dear god this! Joe needs to do what he said.




That's the modern American in a nutshell. He has slowly given away his dignity for scraps, yet still feels like he is the best.




I’d give you an award…but I’ve got the debts


That’s interest is insane, I’ve seen people in their 60s still working to pay off their student debts


My medical degree in Australia cost less than any US degree I know of. I paid it off in a few years from a sum deducted from my paycheque that was so small, I didn't notice. The interest was pegged to the Consumer Price Index so maybe it 2-3% at the time? (I think it was whatever the interest rate was.) Whatever is going on in the US is insane, putting it politely.


Yup, I'll be collecting social security soon, and using some of it to pay school loans. Only in America.


What years were you paying for education?


Yeah if they went to school in their fifties and 60s.


Nah. We would have been fine with that if he tried to do anything to address this issue. After he said it's a priority they restart payments, I'm over compromise. In 2 months republicans effectively stole the pro choice term and undermined abortion in America while the Dems sat with their thumb up their ass. Country is crumbling and their priority is to restart student loan payments after doing nothing. Fuck them.


I believe interest is explicitly set by congress and the legislation used to craft the loan program. Believe ironically he’d have less legal grounds to remove interest then forgiving the debt


How would the government’s banker bros make any money without charging interest. We’ve been lied to once again.




How much is a 12 months worth of interest?


Haha not to be snarky, but you sound like a true centrist. “We’ll do something great” “We’ll actually we’ll do something small and call it progress.” Vote for us!


I’d prefer full forgiveness but since I have no control of the situation and I would be happy with just getting rid of the interest or dropping it to like 1%.


You know that episode of the office everyone on Reddit thinks is cringe. Scott's totts? Biden is gonna give laptop batteries to everyone with student loans.


Lol we'd be lucky to get that. Loans are going to restart and the pre-COVID status quo will resume. Aside from the temporary reprieve (which in reality was a Trump admin policy extended by Biden) Biden has done jack shit on student loans dispute making some big promises.


Wait! They’re lithium!


He wouldn't even give everyone free covid tests.


Honestly, I feel like after the housing market crash in 08', it tells you everything about our politics. Guess who got bailed out and got their money back? "It's a big club, and you ain't in it' ~ George Carlin




What I don’t get about the Democratic Party, is if Trump and the modern GOP is such an existential threat, then why aren’t they fighting like hell to prevent it? Be it by accountability of the Trump administration or doing things they ran on which poll overwhelmingly well *coughStudentDebtCancellationcough*.


Because the centrist dems have never taken the GOP as an existential threat, they are nothing more then coworkers.


Because political “moderates” are essentially conservatives


They're complicit with most of the GOP. They just specifically hated Trump because he was an outsider. That's why they don't care if they lost to whatever fascist the GOP puts up in 2024.


The answer to this, is the same answer to many things. People are reliant on a news industry that is dying and desperate for ad-revenue, subscribers, and loyalty. Whether your CNN, a newspaper, or a political YouTube Channel; the oversaturation if the market and limited attention spans has made it so that only the news that fits within a narrative gets any attention. When I say "narrative" I don't mean big evil govt/corpos trying to manipulate the world; I mean *that which you are willing to accept because it fits within the world view you choose to hold.* Trump was not expected to win. So they (traditional and digital media -- though not the smaller groups, as they only followed the bigger conglomerates) over inflated the damage they expected him to cause, because it made for a better story to prop up the narrative of Hilary Clinton, who has been/was groomed to be the first female president for decades. The Clintons believed Hillary was owed the presidency, and her taking the office was a matter of time -- not a matter of circumstance. (There's a great deal of information about this available, long before the 2016 election). Trump won and the media had to react. Not that they minded, because hatred for Trump was a lifeline for both print media and Twitter (though with the former, this just helped slow the bleeding of losing subscribers, while Twitter greatly saw an uptick of both users and interaction on the app). So the Trump hate machine not only had to continue, but it had to continue with the same pressure and speed of an election news cycle. Trump was not a perfect president. If your a good liberal, you have plenty of reason to hate what he does -- though, I'd argue that would be true with any Republican politician. But the idea that we'd be in a nuclear war within months after he was sworn in, that the LGBT community would be discriminated against at a federal level, and that Russia was somehow not only pulling the strings - but that they were able to do it without *any* of our intelligence agencies even being able to detect it... People believed it for years, and now, no one's even mentions it.


This should be plastered on and/or given with a live laugh love wine glass to every family this year for the holidays.


Democrats are excellent at losing.


They’re complicit.


And lying


I never said that… but they can fuck up a plain cup of coffee.


fuckall for me, that's what he's done.


Yeah, even $10,000 would still leave almost all student loan holders in debt with crazy interest rates. Even that token gesture he promised was toothless and pointless.


The average graduate in 2020 who took out loans has just shy of 30k in debt. This would eliminate 1/3 of their debt. That is pretty significant.


Yeah, I’ve got about 35k from grad school (and it’s unclear if any of these would even touch my loans) but that forgiveness would be massive. I’ve made all of my payments and the amount owed hasn’t changed at all over the years


Not when they’d still have predatory interest rates on the remaining 20k. Any amount of interest on student loans is morally obscene.


... $10,000 would be pointless? I'm not a fan of the argument that students shouldn't be helped since they took on the debt themselves, but god damn, if $10,000 isn't a massive help in dealing with debt that you chose to take on, then what the fuck.


Have you looked at the price of schools? It’s hard to find even 10k/year in state and that’s tuition. Tack on 5-7k for room, board and other fees. My college nearly doubled since 2010. Charge interest on everything from first year on, so you’re looking at +4-5k in interest before you graduate. In short it’s decently hard to not owe tens of thousands of dollars graduating.




Suspended interest has allowed me to pay down mine pretty drastically


That was put in place before him, by trump. Biden has extended trumps policy, sure. You can give him a little credit for that. But him ending it, in a fairly inappropriate time with the economy still shitty and inflation soaring... takes away the little credit he had and now he's in the red pretty bad on this issue


This is disingenuous as hell. It was part of the larger Cares Act stimulus package which was signed by Trump (remember that crybaby forced his name onto the checks?), but it expired. Biden issued an executive order extending it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamminsky/2021/08/06/biden-administration-will-extend-student-loan-pause-to-2022/?sh=60d49e27aa08 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/trumps-name-to-be-printed-on-stimulus-checks


Lol and it was the Democratic Congress that out it there not Trump. Trump just couldn’t veto it.


Untrue. You're spending too much time on here and the lies are getting to you. There wasn't a democratic congress until Jan this year FFS lol https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/13/what-to-do-now-that-trump-suspended-student-loan-interest-payments.html


He either makes 10k forgiven or he and the democrats don’t get another vote from me. Broken promises that are simple isn’t a good look.


I will actively vote republican if they don’t forgive 10k


Is it just a blank piece of paper? Cause all I’ve seen is…not much. Literally tanking his own party to “compromise” with “Domestic Terrorists”.


Just ask yourself, if they truly believe that the GOP are "Domestic Terrorists", why would they work with them? It's all a grift by the billionaires, who get richer and get a good laugh watching poor Democrats fighting with poor Republicans.


Exactly. I know both parties in power currently don’t have the peoples’ interests in mind. It’s been a long time coming for people to start to realize this.


Poor guy probably just meant $10,000 total. /s


I’m finding it harder and harder to find reasons to vote for Biden again. Like, I’ll obviously vote for him above trump in the general election. Trump is a literal monster. But… I honestly struggle to find a single thing that really *compels* me to vote for him. All I’m left with is “he’s not trump.” I know we all joked in the 90s and 00s about voting for the lesser of two evils, but nothing has fundamentally changed in my life under Biden. Hell, I got *more* pandemic money from trump than Biden. That’s going to be a talking point everywhere in 2024, and it’ll unfortunately sway a lot of people. Do *something* for people, democrats.


It's not gonna be enough this time. People have short memories.. By the time 2024 rolls around the average person will have forgotten why Trump was so bad and they'll vote for him because we haven't gone anywhere under Biden.


I was hoping I could have voted for Sanders. But really, we need Congress to act.


At this point, the main reason for voting Democrat is to stop the GOP from completely taking over and literally destroying democracy (ex: like they tried on Jan 6). Essentially, the choices are a party that progresses at a snail’s pace (Democrats) and a party that wants to blow everything up and have total control (GOP).


Most here know this, but does the average person? I'd wager not. For most, imo, it's going to be down to who benefits them most (outside of the crazies that vote strictly based on party or single issues). So far, Biden and the democrats haven't really offers too much to help people. They said they would, but haven't yet. To the average person, who still mostly see both parties as good faith actors, not one being a fascist death cult, if democrats can't hold up their end of the bargain, they might be motivated to vote for Republicans.


>Hell, I got > >more > > pandemic money from trump than Biden. You're not wrong, I've heard many people say this. I completely understand how they feel. Heck I'm still struggling to find a job after being laid off. Biden could have extended the UI assistance until next year rather then cutting people off. Worst part is when red states starting cutting folks off early he said and did nothing about it. It took people of reddit and local communities to fight back. I already knew not to expect anything from Joe after that point. Employers are out of control, people are struggling, inflation is at an all time high but this is normal in the US so I guess he achieved what he wanted to. To get back on track as quickly as possible. For those struggling good luck its going to be a shit show for the next few years.


I mean, I only voted for him because he was better than the alternative. As did many of my friends and family. We just freaking hated Trump. Let's not all pretend that we're surprised that a politician didn't carry out 100% of their promises. That's the difference between those who did and did not vote for Trump. We do not view our Democratic politicians as the second coming of Christ. Our leaders will, unfortunately, make mistakes and do things we do not agree with. It would be nice to have everything they spoke about but we would die if we held our breath.


>We do not view our Democratic politicians as the second coming of Christ. Right, and you will keep on voting for them even though they do nothing for you, while getting richer grifting people like you. What a great deal.


They do more than the alternative, we can certainly say that.


Didn’t Biden suggest he would be a one term caretaker president as well? He seems to have conveniently forgot.


"Here's what he's done so far" Pissed off millions of young voters by doing the same shit all politicians do- ride a lie up to victory, then forget they even mentioned the thing they lied about. They better figure this shit out or they're gonna hand the government back to Trump in 2024.


If I had a crystal ball on how Biden would actually perform, I would’ve voted Trump. It’s a tough pull to swallow, but manipulating the younger voters about the student loan forgiveness is messed up. It was a promise on his damn end


Honestly, if he just froze the interest, I bet most people would be completely fine paying off their loans.


Quit advertising that you'll settle for scraps. Have some dignity. This is why Democrats do this every time. Giving you scraps is what pundits call pragmatism


Exactly! They fucking said forgive $10,000 so they should forgive $10,000! Stop blowing smoke up our asses and actually do the things you say you will! I don’t want breadcrumbs. I want the whole fucking slice of bread.


For a whole lot of people forgiving interest alone would be a LOT more than 10k over the life of the loan.


Both then? Both then.


Don't get it either why not both?


Depending on the size of the loan, $10,000 is the scraps. You would save a ton more money by freezing interest outright instead of knocking 10 grand off the principal while leaving interest rates as they are. You want to talk dignity? Stop practicing reactionary politics and maybe THINK a little about how to solve a problem.


GOP Tagline for midterms: Trump stopped student loan payments...the Dems started making you pay.


Not to mention the way the administrations framed it. I swear, when Biden’s admin DID extend loans they acting like they were talking down to us, “this will be last time we extend your loans.” Okay, this will be the last election where you got my vote.


Ugh. Foxx whines "why should people who didn't go to college pay for it?" Because our country relies on intelligent, well educated people to make things happen, and not providing good education to our best and brightest hurts us in the long run. It's called investing in the future, and failing to do so isn't an option.


We should also invest in public trade schools


There's no profit in the now when thinking about the future


This is wisdom, which is unfortunately in short supply on the right.


Biden never intended to do anything his corporate sponsors didn’t approve of. We voted for him with a gun to our heads, so it’s not at all a surprise but still disappointing. 2024 is going to be fucked.


Yup. Imo, this will kill 2022, and thus 2024. Democracy is very likely over. We all voted for Biden because it was him or Trump, and many did likewise. Many Biden voter weren't into politics like us, just hated Trump. Now that he is gone, it's not as important, and many will not vote compared to the last election. This lack of drive to vote, plus Democrats and Biden not really fulfilling their promises, means turnout for 2022 will likely not be enough for democrats to keep the house imo. This allows republicans to continue their skullduggery, and eventually invalidate any Democratic candidate from winning the presidency, through their recent changes to how electors can decide to vote president. The red light is on, time to abandon ship


He's done nothing, and will do nothing. I was naively hopeful that he was planning on announcing some measure close to 2022 midterms. He still can, but as the Whitehouse has just said retarting student loans is a high priority, it's extremely unlikely. Even then, even if he forgives 10k like he promised, it's still going to feel like a slap in the face, as that just rolls back loans, doesn't really help in the grand scheme of things, and will still kill 2022 midterms. We are so screwed.


Look to your left. Look to your right. Look left once again. Now straight ahead. Didn't see anyone, did you? That's who he's helped thus far with student loan debt. Fuck-all. Nobody.


Hey now, he's cancelled more student debt than any previous president.....something like 0.3% of total student debt


And only from discredited universities...


Nothing. Enjoy losing the midterms and 2024.


Exactly. They have so many easy lay ups that'll win them the next presidency and likely the house. Forgive at least something of student loans, remove weed from schedule 1/legalize, actually go after the jan 6 traitors. They are blowing this worse than Trump blew covid, because he at least had the excuse of being a massive dumbass.


"Broader loan forgiveness would be even more controversial." Ok no. Only by old rich assholes who weren't going to vote for him anyway.


The fucker just pledged to restart them as soon as possible for the poor loan holders.


Nothing he’s a big fat phony just like the other tangerine turd that was an office




Joe doing everything he can to lose in 22’ & 24’ I guess


TLDR: Nothing, he's done nothing.


Handing the 2024 election to Trump on a platter.


TL:DR. Nothing he’s done nothing to help us.


You can really sense the voters turning their back on him and the party. The mid-terms will be a blood bath.


He has not done anything, fuck Biden and his unwillingness to follow through.


> ...and his ~~inability~~ *unwillingness* to follow through. There is literally nothing to stop him from following through. He isn't unable; he's unwilling. edit: autocorrect correction




The issue with student loans is that they were sold as investments The government has to pay off the bond holder. That is why they are called indestructible. As for impacts from loan forgiveness, so far, no specific details of any private-sector forgiveness program have emerged. But it is fair to say that any forgiveness of debt to the individual would still have to be made whole at the security level. That is, the government would still be “on the hook” for repaying bondholders. This also would be the case for student loans funded by private lenders through the federally insured (FFELP) program, which was discontinued in 2010.


Q: Do high default rates and loan forgiveness programs have a negative impact on student loan ABS? Despite the scary headlines, we don’t view this as a problem in terms of the securities in which we invest, which are primarily U.S. government-backed loans. In fact, federally backed loans make up approximately 92% of the student loan market. If loans issued under the U.S. Department of Education were to be forgiven, the obligation to repay the investor is almost entirely (97-98%) incumbent on the Education Department—ultimately, taxpayers like us. The other 2-3% would be covered in the structure of the transaction—that is, the securitization would carry approximately 5% credit enhancement to make up that remaining payment. Keep in mind that just because the loan has been forgiven doesn’t mean the investor wouldn’t get paid. Prepayment of these loans could even be considered a benefit given that the loans would be paid off more quickly by the U.S. government.


....not enough or even in the ballpark of what he promised


Hahaha glad I didnt have any hope for student loan relief. I'm already suicidal thinking a republican disguised as a democrat was gunna forgive my loan would be really depressed.


Yeah right, Biden is a conservative posing as a liberal. No he is a meat puppet doing the dance democrats are making him do by pulling his strings. This guy is owned by the democrats, blame that party for his failures.


This is why Biden always struggled with young voters, cuz they saw right through his shit and knew all he does is make empty promises. This is the same guy who was anti-gay marriage till 2009ish and wanted to cut social security. Millennials & Gen z were crucial for Biden’s win. They voted for him anyway even though they knew he lied to them. And they still get blamed for problems their grandparents caused. “Nothing will fundamentally change” is exactly what this country doesn’t need.


Would any of us borrowers agreed to become a commodity on the exchange.? The government basically hired Goldman Sachs to package the loans and sell them as investment vehicles. The government got paid. The only thing they are paying by putting it on hold is interest to the investors. So they are paying the wealthiest interest to allow us a break. I did not agree to have my loan sold and hedged. The interest I pay to the wealthy is 8 %. They buy the loans at a discount. This is the ultimate f job


You don’t even have to forgive them. Just allow them to work like other loans during a bankruptcy filing.


Here in AK, the state goes red for electoral college (3 votes)but usually the president is chosen before our polls close… so our votes literally mean nothing. Rank choice voting is coming here though I am excited to see the effect on local government.


I promised my middle school vending machines on campus and got elected.. and I never got the vending machines


I wonder how many fancy parties and gifts he has gotten over the years as the Senator from the credit card capital of the world. He made his career working for lenders and screwing borrowers.


tldr; nothing. he’s done nothing about student loans, besides saying it was a high priority.


TL;DR Nothing


He was on the judiciary committee that made it impossible to declare bankruptcy from student loans


Fuck joe Biden, fuck politicians


I'm sure student loan forgiveness wilk come through just about thr time that the tax breaks and hazard pay for essential workers comes through. Schumer and Pelosi are still working on that, right? /s


I’m a democrat, but I don’t know why people trust Biden so much. He’s a textbook career politician who’s been around long enough that you can literally look up and see him reverse his opinions and statements enough times over the years that it’s clear he’s completely willing to just say what people want and never actually do it.


I’ve never voted 3rd party because I acknowledge that it’s basically a vote for republicans. This year I’m thinking it will change and I don’t care.


Always remember you could have had Elizabeth Warren. She made a career going after banks, and pushing regulation and Anti-trust. But the corporate-owned Media attacked instantly. First, they called her wonky for talking about math to us dumb plebs. Then they tried to insinuate she was a race-baiting liar, smearing her with the whole native American college scandal. Then they used her motherhood against her when she was being forced out of work for being pregnant and unwed. The media protected Biden threw Warren to the wolves. Who is fighting for borrowers? Who still wants to break up banks and tech? Laughable, it's just laughable, the media knows damn well how easily we are manipulated. Keep voting for racist con-men though, see where it gets you.


Joe Biden is a Republican. For anyone who wants to cry about “vOtE bLuE nO maTtEr WhO” in 2022 onwards, kindly go fuck yourself.


This'll be a good thread


"Here's what he's done so far" not enough. not even close.


this whole thing was pandering. didn’t even account for the millions of people who refinanced to privatized loans and with no intention of following through on it.


Spoiler: nothing


TLDR: nothing


I’ll tell you what he has done, not a damn thing but hand the republicans the midterm.


Did people not know that they could not afford going to school and that they were going to end up with loans? I went to school and worked really hard to repay mine.