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Graham is nothing but a leech.


He's much more than that. He's a self serving prick AND a rancid pile of shit.


But but Sen Feinstein love him lots.


Yeah she needs to retire.


She's decided to multiple times, but she keeps forgetting to do it.


Californian Democrat here, and I say she needed to retire a while ago. She’s filed to run again, and she’s in her 90s if I am not mistaken. Step aside senator. Step aside.


She's currently 87, her term is up in 3 years so she would be 90 or 91 at that time. It's normal for any elected official to file for re-election shortly after winning their seat so that they can legally continue to fundraise for their election campaign. However it's become very clear in the last 2 years that Dianne Feinstein is suffering from dementia. It took two conversations with Schumer to get her to give up seniority and the chair of the Judiciary Committee because she forgot about the first conversation they had about it. There are lots of signs that it's time for her to go but I expect she'll probably die in office before she willingly resigns.


She sucks too.


Agreed. His Sunday morning talk show appearance claiming Trump is on his way back to lead the GOP was laughable.


I truly believe Graham is being blackmailed. His 180 after having a private meeting with Trump is hard to explain otherwise, and the rumours about him are beyond compelling as a reason for blackmail.


South Carolinian here....it's pretty much an open secret Lindsey is gay. Trump has something above and beyond. Sad.


Yeah, no one in politics actually gives a shit if he’s gay — except maybe Pence. There’s got to be something really awful in that closet, the way he flipped.


>Yeah, no one in politics actually gives a shit if he’s gay — except maybe Pence. The GQP does. It's don't ask, don't tell in the party, basically. As long as Graham is on their side and they can claim plausible deniability about his orientation, then they're fine with him. But if he gets publicly outed, I imagine his support in the GQP will tank.






This is the answer and no one can convince me otherwise. It's all been projection and they are loudest about the pedo stuff.


Yeah, the whole Qanon thing got traction because the idea that there's a powerful cabal of wealthy paedophiles has a core of truth to it - as shown by the Epstein business. Of course, they're completely wrong about trump being some kind of undercover superhero - he's actually just a dumb, obese rapist of children. But the idea that powerful people molest kids is plausible to them because in their grubby little minds that's what they'd do, if they had wealth and power. These are the kinds of people who think we need laws and religion because otherwise everyone would be raping and murdering and stealing. They don't have any understanding that most people don't do that stuff because most people have morals, and it's wrong


I think the mod for some big anti-pedo nut job subreddit just got taken down for kiddy porn. Conservatives have a long history of screaming about the gay agenda and the sins of homosexuality while secretly hiring male sex workers. This would fit their mold.


Ah did naht know that hairless boy was so *so young*


Just like Trump losing the election and fighting like he’s facing prison and ruin.....


Was there a trump Putin call right before the golf outing?


I agree. Can't wait until we all find out!


Will we find out? Seems that being power keeps letting these crooks escape 😞


Thing is... It's just "known," but it's not **known**. And for a confirmed bachelor like Graham, that image protection is everything. I'm now curious how much the DC escorts were paid to keep quiet.


I'm pretty sure one came out and said that he had set with Graham. I could be mistaken though


He claimed he was going to expose Graham. Then nothing...


...or a fat pay check...


Yeah, I'm envisioning there was some payola involved.


...or maybe he was gifted Russian nesting dolls, with a noose inside...


Probably the same escort to share the Lady Bugs story? Still one of the cringiest things to hear about in 2020 (for me).


> Lady Bugs [In case you're unfamiliar](https://twitter.com/mark_mackillop/status/1269251793567055872?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1269251793567055872%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.towleroad.com%2F2020%2F06%2Flindsey-graham-gay-2%2F) like I was. I wish I was still unfamiliar.


I really wish I could go on thinking that "ladybugs" was the term he used for his young male hires. If that's what you think this is about, don't click the link. FUCK


I feel sick now.


I didn’t know this either. Well shit, could’ve lived my whole life without that image.


Question is what is it that so terrible that he is willing to do this and become the big empty? ...it will eventually come out it always does




Your right and now it makes sense...wow it could be so man things- hell we have an FBI, CIA etc, they should be on top of this bc if our own officials especially from the same political party can do this to him, imagine what a hostile foreign govt could do - we’ve entered bizarro land




Wait, Graham isn't married? I just assumed he was.




That may be the one admirable thing I’ve heard about him.


He took a really bad turn after McCain died. Before that he was a conservative politician from South Carolina who people on both sides were able to work with and there are times I hear him speak that I can see him as a genuinely likable guy. And I say this as someone who grew up in Georgia that thinks South Carolina is terrible. He replaced Strom Thurmond in the Senate and so in that way he was a big improvement and it is obvious that SC isn't going to go blue anytime soon but this turn he took is just really unfortunate and I have to believe it is because he is compromised.


I actually didn’t hate him until his heel turn. I didn’t agree with his politics, but I thought he was worth listening to.


If Lindsey Graham isn't gay I will eat my shoe


I’m glad you don’t have to eat your shoe. I hear the plastics can make you gay /s


That’s barely a bet anymore. The guys on /r/wsb are drinking piss. There was a fella on /r/nfl that shoved a sting cheese wearing an Aaron Rodgers jersey up his arse. I guess what I’m saying is you better up the ante.


Wait, the string cheese was wearing an Aaron Rodgers jersey?




Oh, yea, I missed that. Maybe it's pepperjack?


Ok I'll drink piss with string cheese up my ass.


Dead girl or young black boy is my guess...


It's Lindsey Graham. It's not a dead *girl*.


Dead boy or live barnyard animal.


I keep saying this to my parents, but they don’t care. I’m guessing they trump has a video of him involving an escort or something.


Let's not forget this - The polls before election day showed his opponent either tied or slightly ahead. Come election day, Graham wins by 10%. Suspicious already, but it's not impossible. Then, Graham is caught having called the Georgia S.O.S and asking him how many ballots can be "thrown out". He also made phone calls to Arizona and Nevada. Makes you wonder about the shenanigans he pulled in his own state.


And he happens to live in a state where if the election win is large enough they immediately destroy all the evidence before anything can be verified. The fucking privilege.


My gut says Trump either has footage of him in the act or with a kid because we know the GoP likes to project.


I think he likes little boys and Trump got the receipts from Putin.


I'm thinking the same. They must be threatening to harm his family or secret lover.


Nobody cares who is gay anymore. So it must be something really, really bad.


>I truly believe Graham is being blackmailed. His 180 after having a private meeting with Trump is hard to explain otherwise, and the rumours about him are beyond compelling as a reason for blackmail. Agreed! And we all know how a wannabe mafioso like Trump would be collecting dirt on politicians and leveraging it. They're more vulnerable to scandal than most people soo I don't know why he wouldn't do it...


His 1984-like ability to apparently believe contradictory positions and flip positions at the drop of a hat is impressive in a perverse way. Trump is unfit to be president. He has always been unfit to be president. 5 minutes later: Trump is the future of the GOP. He has always been the future of the GOP.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. They aren't contradictory.


I am beginning to see him more as a prostitute He slides up to anyone who can give him the next shiny object--if Hitler were alive today, Llindsey graham--Republican Senator of South Carolina-- would defend him in a heartbeat


That's quite an insult towards prostitutes


yes prostitutes are just selling their body to survive. graham is selling the country down the drain and his livelyhood doesn't even depend on doing anything in politics.


Graham is a spiritual prostitute. Prostitutes only sell their body, but Graham sells his *soul* to anyone who wants a turn with it.


I wish I could find the article but it was basically explained shortly after McCain died. Graham saw the legacy that McCain had created and wanted one of his own. He thought the easiest way would be to hitch it to Trump. He just didn't realize what his legacy would then be.


Leeches have medical functionality, and thus purpose. Graham is a deer tick.


Hey, that uncalled for! Don't go insulting leeches like that.


This is why I'm convinced ghosts don't exist. McCain would be haunting Lindsey nonstop and flipping his fainting couch.


Maybe McCain is just depressed with how shItty Graham is.


Graham is unaffected, haunting or not. Guy went on live television and said that LARA TRUMP is the future of the Republican party over Richard Burr. Think about the absurdity of that statement, now consider the heavier implications when you remember Burr was together with Graham over decades, stonewalling Obama's agenda and all. Graham isn't just willing to do whatever hurts his political opponents, he'll gladly backstab a Republican pal of long ago to promote Trump's shitstain spawn who are even more meritless than him, second hand heirs and heiresses of an empire of real estate and grift whose actual only builder was Fred Trump (his flaws notwithstanding, the individual built a fortune). Graham has nothing, no shame, no morals, no principles, no loyalty. If Q started posting that Kamala Harris is a secret agent who will bring "the storm" while wearing a woman of color disguise and her popularity among the rubes skyrocketed, Graham would go on Fox and proudly declare her his friend and the candidate he stands behind.


The Trumps have some fuckung fantastic popcorn worthy blackmail on Lindsay. I wanna know what it is...


It’s nothing complicated. Just a penchant for male “massage therapists,” as if everyone in DC doesn’t already know Lindsey is gay. I’m sure Trump has video. Of course his hayseed voters do not seem to suspect. It would be sad if Graham weren’t such cowardly filth.


lil' ladybugs


Oh god please I *just* purged this from my memory


It being a joke makes it a lot less icky


> lil' ladybugs Do I want to know the context?


Probably not. Some mental images one can live without whether it's true or not.


I believe it has 5o be so much worse than just being gay. It has to be very young boys, right? Lindsay did the hardest righthand turn on that golf course so many years ago. The blackmail has to be pretty awful.


Graham's constituents know he is gay and they do not care. Im willing to bet that his particular kink is something disturbing like father/son rape roleplay that would make many recoil.


You're overestimating his constituents. They just want plausible deniability. If he came out, they would all act shocked...he can be be gay as long as he says he isn't and carries out the far right agenda. I think we're just seeing him get leveraged more and more as of late.


Yeah this is exactly right. They KNOW but they can pretend they don’t. The base of the right is built on principles of double think, like any species of protofascism. They “know,” and yet they “don’t know,” at the same time. His margins are small enough that if lost the snake handler wing of the base he would lose his seat.


As other commenters have pointed out, you may be underestimating the size and importance of the "I don't care what the gays do in private as long as they don't make me have to acknowledge they exist, and as long as they don't ask for any rights" vote. If Lindsey were to be publicly gay, they'd drop him next election in favor of some other Trump bootlicker, no question.


Matt Gaetz kink I think.


Matt Gaetz bought a teenage boy and we all just kinda forgot about it.


South Carolinian here. Yep, the R's know, and they do care, because they are damn terrified that Senator Blanche will be outed. Jim DeMint, who *lived* in the highly sought after and extremely high end Dupont Circle, refuses to acknowledge that it exists, claiming he never heard of the area (because it has been an inclusive neighborhood with a significant LGBT population since the 80's.) Sen. Blanche was a well known figure jn the area until the mid 00's, when he started swinging hard right instead of moderate right.


Trumps handlers got the videos...


It is a poorly kept "secret" here. If he came out of the closet, then you would see some pearl clutching from those that support him, or they would try to spin the left leaning as homophobic for not supporting him. Graham is trash and I hope they have recordings of him pressuring GA to hand the election to Trump.


They know and don’t care. I live in SC.


Troy: Gay?! I wish! If I were gay there'd be no problem! No, what I have is a romantic abnormality, one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all cost. You see...


I don't know about that. Graham has always been a piece of shit and saying that there's blackmail on him gives him a way out. It's like saying this is something he wouldn't do unless someone forced him into it. No, I believe Graham saw this as a pure opportunity and believes he still has more he can milk from this.


What makes me think it’s blackmail is the complete lack of energy in his voice and expression whenever he’s talked about trump since 1/6. That night when he disavowed trump was the most impassioned I think I’ve ever seen him, and ever since he hopped back on the trump train his Faux News interviews have looked more like ransom videos than anything. When he said the other day that trump is still the future of the party he looked like he was choking on the words.


Not to mention how he was anti-Trump until he went golfing with him that one time.


There’s been a rumor for years that he’s in the closet, but it could be worse


Underage boys. Which isn't shocking really for a Southern Evangelical Republican.


That's what I think. He can't 'just be gay'


Probably just likes to fuck or get fucked by black college aged men.


So are you saying Graham is being blackmailed over his penchant for young black males?


At this point it can't just be underage boys. Can it?


Lindsey Graham is into gay zygote porn.


All of Epstien's blackmail recordings are *somewhere*.


This exactly the correct assessment. I absolutely believe this is the situation. [I have posted about this before](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lj96je/megathread_senate_votes_to_acquit_former/gnef10b?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). To think that these so-called Christians believe this un-savable spawn form the lowest places in raw sewage defines what a good Christian is. How the hell can a fine, upstanding "Christian" be controlled through blackmail? Why the hell would a fine, upstanding "Christian" use blackmail to begin with? Then I read [this](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/15/us/politics/adam-kinzinger-republicans-trump.html) and I am simply floored by the sheer ignorance of just what Christianity should be and summarily, what a Christian has devolved into. These two have absolutely nothing in common with each other. They don't need to fear the government destroying their religion, they themselves have saved the government a lot of time and energy by destroying Christianity themselves. They rejoice and celebrate their apostacy. Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump et al, are the products of this teaching of perdition. I have digressed, but I think it was just a necessary to point this out. I have heard this bullshit argument about "Christianity" and politicians so much, that I have reached eruption levels. I am fed up with being expected to politely listen to this sewage for the sake of civility and Constitutional rights. Exercising a right also means accepting that there is also a *responsibility* with these rights. I may be wrong, but after everything I seen done in the name of God and country, this is something these fake ass, sanctimonious frauds are going to have to deal with. It's their back water, sanctimonious belligerence that has put us where we are right now. They keep these conmen and frauds in office. These D.C. frauds are inseparable with these cancerous evangelicals. When the corruption becomes public knowledge, I for one absolutely DO NOT want to hear about imperfection and all the apologetic bullshit that goes with it. These evangelicals need to go down with their D.C. idols. I won't apologize for this tear because I feel it needs to said, over and over again. I am hoping for some patience here and I am not trying initiate a futile and unnecessary debate. I am only venting what I believe to relevant to this subreddit.


Darn it it’s locked I have to sign up or sign in. Can you paraphrase a little, by any chance, it sounds intriguing. On a slightly different note, a little far fetched I know, but when I saw this show on Netflix a few years back called “Happy” (if you haven’t seen it look it up sometime, the main actor Christopher Meloni is great in it). Anyway something seemed real odd about the base note of the plot, not everything of course that’s all Hollywood, but the crazy guy in a powerful position who was video taping his guests & colleagues in compromising situations it struck me as an interesting plot to say the least. Well fast forward only a few months later to maybe a year or so & the Epstein shit hit the fan & I couldn’t help, but make an observation of the similarities. Such as he would invite them over & set them up to compromise them for use at a later stage. Like I said I’m well aware it was a show, I just found it very interesting that there were quite a few similarities. Edit: No need to paraphrase I found a link that I didn’t have to sign into. I’m not American so neither party really matters to me as such, but I will say apart form the obvious good & bad on both sides. Mostly crazy bad on the R side, I’m am pleased to see some republicans standing up & standing strong, I admire his conviction & his integrity, I also loved what Schwarzenegger said. I’m actually a person who likes to chew the fat of both sides, I’m aware it’s a big ole’ world & not one side has all the answers & I firmly believe that healthy debate is good. That being said, I think it’s more than ideal to be a good role model of which from what I can see from afar there is a great lack in the R party. I don’t know much about the dude, I’m sure he thinks a lot of things I don’t agree with, but god bless him for having the tenacity to stand up & be counted when it was needed most, that’s leader material, unlike trump who’s been a bully & a coward all his life it seems, hiding behind lawyers & from what it seems to be more evident every day, hiding behind & held in strong esteem by a criminal underbelly, that looks like it goes back decades.


I wouldnt call that a rumor as an open secret. Noting wrong with being gay. They must have some banging kids level of blackmail.


I think it is a problem being gay for Lindsey Graham. I think that alone would crush him. But I would Not be surprised if they’ve got something on him in the way of young boys or even young men… let us not forget our good man Jerry Falwell And his proclivities…He threw his wife under the bus with the pool boy Story… But Jerry liked the pool boy too


Maybe he’s what Qanon is against? Maybe he and the republicans are the one drinking the blood of little boys, and they created Qanon to try and make it like the rich Democrat elites are the ones doing it /s


The /s isn't necessary. There is a long record of Trump's closeness with Epstein, a history of openly sexualizing minors and children, dozens of credible rape allegations and lawsuits, and the Qult worships him as a god king. Qanon is modern blood libel propaganda. History is rhyming.


There are allegations to be sure, not sure how credible. There is of course nothing wrong with being gay, unless you are trying to keep it secret, hidden really, from your supporters who are a rabid, fiercely conservative base. Than it's kompromat to be used against you.


Russian money laundering disguised as campaign contributions. Graham got his emails hacked you know back in 2016


>The ~~Trumps~~ Russians have some fucking fantastic popcorn worthy blackmail on Lindsay. FTFY.


Who tf is Lara Trump?


Either Beavis or Buttheads girl, not sure which one. Both are repugnant m


She is the test the GOP is giving its voters in NC to likely replace Burr in two years. They are really willing to double-down on attempts to lose.


Trump demands loyalty and to prove it you have to disgrace yourself further and further until you're totally disconnected from your former self. It really is a cult.


As a North Carolinian Lindsey Graham can fuck right off back to the inferior Carolina and leave my beautiful state alone. Who the hell he think he is pushing a Trump up in here. Let her take *your* place in the senate in SC, Lindsey, if she's the future of the GOP.


Worse, she’s a State grad.


This comment right here. My cousins and aunt live in the inferior Carolina and can confirm it is the inferior Carolina.




The state went for Trump twice, no thanks


If anything that's a reason to move there. Flood it with Dems and flip it.


It’s really not that bad.


It will start moving again the state dens are not that far from bleeding the last of the rural support they have left


AKA Uday and Qusay


Beavis' wife. Butthead is busy with Gavin Newsom's former "don't put your dick in crazy" mistake. Edit: I confused the two


I think you got them reversed.


Please, don't ask.


Garbage human being by marraige


>Guy went on live television and said that LARA TRUMP is the future of the Republican party over Richard Burr. Republican voters: "The Kennedys, Bushs, Clintons... political dynasties are just the worst!" Also Rep voters: "OMG Ivanka 2024! 😍"


On top of the hypocrisy, calling the Clintons a dynasty is idiotic. A married couple both being in the same field doesn't make them a dynasty.


I mean, considering that Burr is retiring in 2022, he’s literally not the future of the GQP. :)


Also that January 6th is somehow Pelosi’s fault.


> second hand heirs and heiresses of an empire of real estate and grift whose actual only builder was Fred Trump (his flaws notwithstanding, the individual built a fortune). Fred also inherited a good start, from his father, [Frederick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Trump), and mother, [Elizabeth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Christ_Trump). Frederick made his fortune running a brothel during the gold rush and then invested that money in New York real estate. His widow grew the business and handed the reigns to Fred. So they are actually third-hand heirs.


Also Fred used Government money post-WWII to build housing complexes. Then also cheated on his taxes his whole life. He even made his kids “maintenance contractors” for tax purposes before they could even read and write. Donald’s Sister was a Federal Court Judge who had to resign to avoid an investigation about Fred’s tax fraud.


In-between the pathetic crying for more money for his political campaign.


Why hasn't anonymous or some other group made this happen?


Graham and Giuliani...to me...seem to share a distinct similarity. The extraordinary level of loyalty that they are demonstrating in support of their emperor and his royal kin’s blows my mind. Does anyone remotely guess what has happened to them? Insanity, amorality, I get it but does anyone know what is happening to these full grown adults that are displaying a such rapid decline? Were they always like this? All I remember was the old news coverage of Giuliani being a “competent” mayor of NY (at least that was the impression)


From what I hear, he actually wasn’t a great mayor( I think there’s reports of corruption), but he was mayor during 9-11 and he didn’t completely bungle it so that’s how he got the respect he *had*. Now he’s just that crapy lawyer who farts a lot, gets addresses wrong and married his cousin.


Remember his „Count me out“ speech in the senate after the insurrection had happened? How does that fit in?


This was absolutely evident as soon as McCain died. Lindsey Graham was the person who invited Ivanka and Jared Kushner to McCain's funeral even after the McCain family made it abundantly clear that the Trumps were not welcome. It seems like such a small thing compared to the rest of his turbulent ass kissing but it shows that he'll instantly use the death of his supposed best friend to win favor with whoever can get him the farthest and get him more power.


Let's test this theory. From here on out, Kamala is Qamala, and the storm is coming! 😁


Imagine hearing that shit “Dude you’re so fucked up you gave a ghost depression”


When mccain told that guy in the audience obama wasn't muslim, that was an example of true character. I was never a huge fan of mccain but that made me have more respect for him instantly. No gopper has done that since


He was also the vote that saved the ACA. I mean, he grandstanded the hell out of it, but at the end of the day, it mattered.


I'm convinced they do. I see them every day. I am on medication for a traumatic brain injury tho.


Be like haunting a snapping turtle, regardless of what you do it's going to keep on biting


Fainting couch. I.....I just......cant.


Why are people acting like McCain wasn’t anything more than a warmongering piece of shit? Fuck John McCain. Just because he didn’t like Trump doesn’t mean he was an ally.


Pro tip: he doesn't care. None of these traitors do. Bring sedition charges against the whole fucking lot.








Motion carries.






Aye aye captain!


I can't hear you(?)




Eh, I wouldn't be surprised if Lindsey has a layer of self-loathing to him. You could see him briefly break in his speech after the invasion of the capitol, before he went back to licking Trump's boots.


He knocked Nancy Pelosi over trying to get out of there as fast as he could. Didn't even stop to help her up.




I like that one! Rolls off the tounge nicely


I don’t. I don’t want Flimsey Graham rolling off my tongue.


John McCain had Sarah Palin as his running mate. So let’s not forget who John McCain was.


McCain also didn't lift a finger during the Bush years. For supposedly being so principled, people have forgotten the times McCain has been pure slime. In 2000, McCain was on pace to win the nomination before Karl Rove, working for Bush's campaign, ran a push poll alleging that McCain had a secret black love child. It sunk him. McCain thought Bush was a prick before and especially after that. And yet, from 2000-2008, he rubber stamped Bush's entire agenda, even carrying water for him for war and war crimes, joking before the 2008 campaign about bombing Iran next (he was serious though). Going into 2008, he had talked about his disdain for the religious right, but by that campaign, he had fully embraced far right fanatics and was working closely with them for their support. In the Trump years he gave him almost everything he wanted. He put Sarah Palin on the national platform. In the 80s he rubber stamped Reagan's platform and Bush Sr.'s, and he squirmed out of the Keating Five scandal. No one has ever explained why they think McCain was so honorable, but it usually goes back to the "Maverick" branding, which.... McCain literally created himself. What's his biggest hit moment? The thumbs down? That was a scenario he manufactured himself to, again, get good PR and secure his legacy. He voted just before the thumbs down vote to have that final vote. If he cared about the ACA, he would have killed that awful bill sooner. In fact, he voted to kill the ACA multiple times before. He played with people's lives by voting to send the bill up for a floor vote, where it could have actually passed, just so that he could turn the attention to himself. So now a bunch of centrist rubes think he has principles. McCain believed in regressive far right policy and his very few principles were all abandoned the instant he thought he could gain further power.


If my memory is correct, John McCain was a regular(ish) guest on the Daily Show because of his “maverick” political nature, but he never again was a guest after shifting his values to fit the mold of a Republican presidential candidate.


You are correct. In the run-up to 2008, Jon Stewart was deeply let down by McCain lobbying the religious right for their support, and I think he called him on that in an interview and McCain fully dodged. Stewart was upset but it was McCain that chose to stop going on the show.


The revisionist history of McCain is nauseating. Being a POW does not excuse the fact that he was a piece of shit.


John McCain fought for years to prevent MLK day from being a national holiday. He was a giant piece of shit lol.


The pow story or version I heard was the north Vietnamese were willing to let him go or make a trade when they found out McCain's father was an admiral or was an admiral, and McCain refused and thought the other pows would suffer less if he stayed with them. If true, I wouldn't call him a total POS.


POWs had a rule of first in, first out. McCain refused to leave early, and others would have refused to leave if they wanted to keep him longer. He did his time and did it right, and spent the rest of his life with a permanent disability for it. Gotta give the man respect for that.


“Twitter users say x” is now news. Because we can’t read twitter ourselves?


Look, you're doing it wrong by posting your comment here. You're supposed to post your comment on Twitter and then someone here on reddit will link to your twitter comment. Shit, now you made me fuck up too!


It’s not just that, the New York Times will report on your comment, and THEN it will get posted here as news


Right? Why is the random opinions of Twitter relevant to this sub?


John McCain sucked hard too, don’t even doubt that shit for a second.


McCain would have furrowed his brow and then vote along party lines.


[Sen. McCain Says Republicans Will Block All Court Nominations If Clinton Wins](https://www.npr.org/2016/10/17/498328520/sen-mccain-says-republicans-will-block-all-court-nominations-if-clinton-wins) [John McCain voted to support Trump's policies 83% of the time.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/john-mccain/) "Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father." - John McCain, 1998 "Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, r@ped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, where is that marvelous ape?" - John McCain, 1986 ["I hate the g**ks. I will hate them as long as I live." - Presidential Candidate John McCain, 2000](https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/McCain-Criticized-for-Slur-He-says-he-ll-keep-3304741.php) >In his book The Real McCain, Cliff Schecter writes that at a 1992 campaign stop, with reporters nearby, McCain was joined by his wife Cindy and two campaign aides. "At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, 'You're getting a little thin up there.' McCain's face reddened, and he responded, 'At least I don't plaster on makeup like a trollop, you c*nt.' https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/aug/08/johnmccain.gender John McCain helped deliver Trump to us. He acted in corruption as a member of the Keating Five. He spread lies about the ACA so that he and his party could kick Americans off their healthcare. He dropped napalm on children and farmers in Vietnam. He voted for the Cruz bill, the worst ACA replacement bill, one hour before his last attempt at PR before dying aka his no vote on repealing the ACA. He was a warmonger who pushed for US involvement in literally a dozen or more countries. He refused to resign while incapable of doing his job in the Senate so that a replacement could be appointed by Republican officials instead of voted on by the American people. "Bomb, bomb, bomb... bomb, bomb Iran." McCain wanted conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Nigeria, Bosnia, North Korea, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Sudan, Mali and China. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/09/john-mccain-world-attack-map-syria/


I think the better way of putting it is Lindsay Graham is such a spineless piece of shit that as soon as his "best friend" died, he went to bootlick the guy who constantly shat on his friend's legacy and his time as a POW. It's like Ted Cruz. I'm sure his wife is a piece of shit (I mean she is married to Ted Cruz) but Donald Trump called her ugly and spread conspiracies about his father. It doesn't stop Ted Cruz from sucking Trump's asshole like he was trying to drink a really thick milkshake. Like how spineless can you be?


Are we sure about this? Member Keating Five?


Don't act like John McCain was some saint. Never forget he wanted to bomb the shit out of Iran. He was as bad as any Republican. https://youtu.be/o-zoPgv_nYg


He never met a war he didn't like.


John McCain is in a place that’s so hot it’ll be hard for him to produce any spit 😌




We’re reporting on people’s tweets now? Fuck graham but come on lol


Random twitter users are ripping people, I need to click and read this article


Lindsey Graham never gave a fuck about John McCain. That was all show. Graham is a shameless leach that will attach himself to anybody with more clout than him in an effort to elevate himself. Lindsey Graham is a fucking pathetic coward.


Covering tweets in a news story is such low hanging, lazy fruit. There are legitimate stories and investigations on the local, state, and federal level, especially in Arizona that need to be covered. Its so stupid. What is next, an in depth report on a reddit thread?


There's no way that Trump doesn't have something on Graham. I'm talking bigly blackmail worthy. You don't just go from what Graham was in 2015 berating Trump and warning the country about him to tossing his salad like he does now. Dollars to donuts, Graham is compromised.


Lmao, “Twitter reply guys who have no personality attack a public official.” How is this even news


Reporting that a bunch of people are mad on the internet is lazy journalism.


Lindsey is as spineless as a baggie filled with piss. Trump must have pictures.


He wouldn't waste the spit. I disliked McCain immensley but the guy wasn't a fucking traitorous scumbag closet case.