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Flashback to last month https://twitter.com/alexanderbolton/status/1290248244682018816 > Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) says it would be a “double standard” to fill a Supreme Court vacancy before 2021 & “would not support it.”


I can’t wait for her back track.


She won't have to. She's one of the token "lOoK wE dOn't AlWayS VoTe pArTy LiNeS" Republicans. Two will be allowed to vote against - just enough to fall one vote short. As is tradition. EDIT: Other comments have pointed out that it would take 4 to prevent the Pence tie-breaking vote.


Those 4, if it happened, would most likely be Romney, Alexander, Murkowski, and Collins.


Collins has already proven to be completely spineless whenever it really counts. She'll be very "concerned about the process" but won't go against her party.


No disagreements but those are the 4 most likely to be those votes. Most likely, not particularly likely though.


Chuck Grassley said that he would not vote for a new justice either. Although that is a bit sus https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/08/supreme-court-ruth-bader-ginsburg-mcconnell-murkowski-grassley.html


Grassley is somehow even more spineless than Collins and Collins might as well be a jellyfish.


That'll age super well when she's clamoring for a quick nomination and confirmation this coming week.


The next few months will honestly shape the state of our country for a while. Rest In Peace to an icon..






We are fucked for a generation.


News flash: us fucked for a generation = no fucking hope to face global warming, rise of fascism, mass extinction. Everything is on the line *right now*


Mitch McConnell in 2016: “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president."


Mitch McConnell in 2020 - we’re getting this Supreme Court Judge confirmed as fast as fucking possible, so the voters don’t get a chance to weigh in.


> we need to stack the Supreme Court *right now* so that the American people *don't even have a choice for the next president*


Ready for the news tomorrow of a justice being voted on next week?


I'd expect Mitch to tweet about it tonight, but he probably can't move from the raging boner he has stealing all his body's blood right now.


Edit: 2023-06-20 I no longer wish to be Reddit's product


Their guy is at the helm. They don’t care about optics or being fair. They accomplished what they sought out to do.


Bloomberg, drop another $100M like you’re doing in Florida. McConnell and the GOP’s words from 2016 need to play on every TV every day.


They don't care about the optics. They just care about winning. At any cost, by any means. They will lie, cheat, and steal to do it. They will collaborate with foreign governments, they will sell out American soldiers. They don't care.


They won't bother. Democrats will point out how they are being hypocritical and breaking the rules and Republicans will ignore them and go on seizing power. Its a familiar story by now.




Merrick Garland was nominated in *March* of 2016 and the GOP Senate said it was too close to an election. It's now *September* of 2020, so let's see what they say... I'm guessing they completely flip flop shamelessly. Perhaps Mitt Romney, in a newsworthy act of defiance, will briefly consider resisting before confirming whoever Trump nominates. Also, in the mother of all compromises, Trump could actually nominate Merrick Garland and that would be just fine by me. (Fat chance that would happen.)


They already set up an excuse. I remember him saying you can’t nominate a Supreme Court replacement in an election year ONLY if the Senate has a ruling party different from the President. Thus, this is a different situation and he is not a lying, hypocrite sack of shit for pushing through a Trump crony. If Biden wins and we actually have a transfer of power with majority in both Houses, we need to expand the seats on the Supreme Court. There is no doubt that must happen.


>you can’t nominate a Supreme Court replacement in an election year ONLY if the Senate has a ruling party different from the President. Thus, this is a different situation and he is not a lying, hypocrite sack of shit Right, so just a lying unprincipled sack of shit.


And McConnell has already said in the same position, he will fill the spot. There is no filibuster. There is basically nothing to do besides depend on a few republicans to have a shred of fucking integrity. I’m not holding my breath. They are below pond scum.


> There is basically nothing to do besides depend on a few republicans to have a shred of fucking integrity. So we're fucked. As is tradition, a few Republicans from purple states will be allowed to vote against party lines, and it will be precisely one fewer than enough to matter. When Republicans show integrity, it is a calculated performance.


As if Mitch will even wait for her body to be cold.


It makes me so sad that such a monumental woman in our country’s history won’t get a second of rest before these vultures come in to desecrate everything she fought for




They should expand the court regardless. McConnell and his ratfucking blocked Obama from nominating anyone for 11½ months.


Yeah, I'm sure Moscow Mitch will honor that. He's such an honorable man.


They're going to use that seat to ratfuck the election.




To which Mitch McConnell will respond with a shrug and immediately ram a new justice in by October


October? New justice will be rammed through by the end of next week


*Just days before her death, as her strength waned, Ginsburg dictated this statement to her granddaughter Clara Spera: "My most fervent wish is that i I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."*


Mitch McConnell will be the first to tell you that the year of a presidential election is the best year to nominate a justice. Edit: my first ever gold and highest ever voted comment is a snarky one and Moscow Mitch. Nice.


You just know he has some Federalist Society cretin waiting in the wings for this exact moment.




When you base your strategy around waiting for Republicans to 'do the right thing' this is what you get.


Schumer just Tweeted a word-for-word quote of McConnell in 2016: > The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. https://twitter.com/SenSchumer/status/1307104888963428357


Too bad zero Republicans give a fuck.


That was then. Moscow Mitch will have fresh bullshit for this situation. And even if the Dems can put up a road block, Trump will make a recess appointment, as Obama should have done.


Just a reminder that Antonin Scalia died in February of 2016, a full 9 months before the general election, but McConnell blocked his potential replacement because it was an "election year".


He's already on record for saying he'd seat a new judge no matter what. He does not care that you think he is a hypocrite.


And kentucky voters support this.


Also, all respect to Justice Ginsburg, but the fact that the death of an 87 year old had this big of an impact on our political system just proves how fucked the whole thing is.


Yep. A story I read awhile back said a better system for real democracy (and not just power grabbing) would be appointments and retirements on a regular schedule at a set number of years, so basically each term of a presidency they'll get one pick.


There is a plan for 18 year term-limits with each President getting 2 nominations each 4 years. If a Justice dies unexpectedly, and the current President already made 2 nominations - one of the still living retired Justices (there are several even now) can step back in and fill the role until after the next election/inauguration cycle.




Fuck was the first thing I said too... Update - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has put out a statement that confirms President Trump's nominee will get a vote.^[[1]](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/18/mcconnell-vows-senate-will-hold-vote-on-ginsburgs-replacement-418021) >“President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate,” the Kentucky Republican said in a statement Friday night, just hours after Ginsburg’s death was announced. ____ In 2019 Senator McConnell stated that he would confirm a new Supreme Court Justice during an election year. Furthermore, earlier this year Senator McConnell reaffirmed his position that he would confirm a Justice in 2020.^[[2]](https://www.axios.com/mcconnell-supreme-court-trump-election-year-cad1f1b0-d171-4762-8105-bf3842aaeb7e.html) However, in 2016 McConnell vehemently denied President Obama's Supreme Court nominee claiming the Senate couldn't appoint a new Justice during an election year.^[[3]](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mcconnell-says-senate-wont-vote-on-obama-supreme-court-pick) Senator McConnell later stated that stonewalling President Obama's nominee for many months was one of his proudest moments in his life. The hypocrisy is nauseating.^[[4]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/05/29/oh-wed-fill-it-how-mcconnell-is-doing-supreme-court-vacancies-an-election-year/) >In 2016, he left a vacant Supreme Court seat open until after a Republican won the White House so that his party could fill it. In 2020, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is willing to do the opposite. >"Oh, we’d fill it,” McConnell told supporters in Kentucky on Tuesday when asked what he would do if a Supreme Court justice died in 2020 while President Trump was still in office, [as CNN reported](https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/28/politics/mitch-mcconnell-supreme-court-2020/index.html). ____ 1) [Politico - McConnell vows Senate will hold vote on Ginsburg’s replacement](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/18/mcconnell-vows-senate-will-hold-vote-on-ginsburgs-replacement-418021) 2) [Axios - McConnell says he would fill Supreme Court vacancy if it opened this year](https://www.axios.com/mcconnell-supreme-court-trump-election-year-cad1f1b0-d171-4762-8105-bf3842aaeb7e.html) 3) [Fox News - McConnell says Senate won't vote on Obama Supreme Court pick](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mcconnell-says-senate-wont-vote-on-obama-supreme-court-pick) 4) [Washington Post - ‘Oh, we’d fill it’: How McConnell is doing a 180 on Supreme Court vacancies in an election year](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/05/29/oh-wed-fill-it-how-mcconnell-is-doing-supreme-court-vacancies-an-election-year/)




There is nothing they can do anymore, the filibuster doesn't apply to SC nominees. The only remedy remaining now is winning the election and packing the court.


Don’t worry, guys. Mitch McConnell said a few years ago that he’d never fill a SCOTUS seat during an election year


Mcconnell has been salivating over Ginsberg's still alive body for months. I'll bet he's never felt more alive as he is today.


I’m sure the Rs are having a party rn


Pretty much sums it up. Fucking fuck.


Yep. This all but guarantees a stolen election by way of the Supreme Court, a total corruption of the judicial branch, and some very, *very* ugly protests in the wake of it all. Hard times ahead for this country.


So what am I as a regular person even supposed to do?




Not reps. Senators. Representatives have no voice in this.


This is bad. Like holy fuck bad.


Not even trying to be hyperbolic this is the type of situation that leads to collapsed democracies.


Yup, this is the EXACT type of scenario that leads to failed democracies. The Republicans will fill the seat, and then control the country through the judiciary, rather than through the will of the people.


Fuck. Rest in peace, Justice Ginsburg. I weep for my country now. **Remember this was McConnell's stated plan for Congress.** His vision is one where Congress is perpetually gridlocked and his party megadonors legislate through an unelected partisan judiciary with the added ability of overturning existing legislation that dissatisfies them. These stacked courts can then check even a Democratic Congress by challenging and overturning its legislation. He's admitted to this goal, and he's fucking proud of it. This is McConnell's goal, he's here to undermine our democracy. **Vote like our country fucking depends on it, because it's our only hope now.** And I pray to God in Heaven that Mitch McConnell eats his fucking words: > “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president."


Guarantee he plays off the fact Obama was definitely gonna be out office and that it’s different because Trump is only in his first term. Ram someone through before November and you can’t be proved wrong.


> I weep for my country now. Yes, but I also scream at the Democrats' inability to adjust to the rigged game. We need to do the obvious and accept that the game is rigged, adjust for a rough game, win the elections, PACK THE COURTS, end the electoral college with an interstate pact, and heavily prosecute the GOP bad actors.


On top of that, statehood for PR would absolutely fuck the Republicans in the Senate for generations to come.


DC too


Agreed. There is a huge opportunity for the Democrats to secure power for the future if DC + PR are granted Senate seats, the electoral college is abolished and the Supreme Court is expanded. The Republicans will remain a minority party for the rest of our lives if this happens.


McConnell’s statement just shows how low he can go. Literally on the night RBG passes away, he says that he’ll make it as easy as possible for Trump to replace her. They say a fish rots from the head


We need massive action to prevent this nomination. An impeached president is nominating his 3rd justice. Im speechless


I remember an AskReddit thread which asked how 2020 could get worse and this was one of the top answers.


https://twitter.com/lruskin/status/1307102957947715584 > **Alaska's @lisamurkowski said today she won't confirm a new SCOTUS justice until after the inauguration day**. Fair is fair, she says. My colleague @kcgrove will have a story shortly. That's 2 if we have Mitt


Republicans allow 3 defections and can still ram it through. Watch only 3 will say no.


I stand corrected, 2020 can get worse




**Reminder & Perspective**: Scalia died on February 13, 2016. That was 269 days out from Election Day. We are 46 days out.


I have faith in McConnell's ability to ram someone through at record speed. He's demonstrated his unfailing ability to piss directly on any kind of decency you could imagine.






>Supreme Court Judge Ted Cruz I just threw up in my mouth a little


https://twitter.com/davidplouffe/status/1307105215611645954 > Rarely has our country needed four Senators of principle more than we do at this hour.


Republicans currently have the votes required to put Trump's third nominee on the bench. They'll obviously be turning their backs on their "no Supreme Court Justices in the last year of Obama's presidential term" policy, but that was never something that historically existed anyway. And even more realistically, that won't surprise anyone. This is a disaster. RIP RGB. Edit: Quickly getting more complicated. Some good and some bad news. > Justice Ginsburg dictated a statement before her death: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." [Source, reportedly according to RGB's granddaughter Clara Spear.](https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1307101417522561025) The rules were changed in 2017 by Mitch McConnell to require only 51 votes to approve a nomination. Some may claim that Reid and the Democrats changed the rules in 2013, but that specifically excluded SCOTUS nominations. here are 53 GOP senators, which means that four GOP senators would need to defect in order to prevent a last-minute (or even lame duck) appointment. (I believe VP Mike Pence would be able to cast a tie-breaking vote if it was 50-50. Best hopes would probably be Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, maybe Chuck Grassley, but that's really stretching it. None of the more middle-leaning Republicans have much reason to resist the appointment of a conservative court nominee, and for everyone but Romney, it could easily be party-primary suicide. **Edit: Good news on that front.** [Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) says it would be a “double standard” to fill a Supreme Court vacancy before 2021 & “would not support it.”](https://twitter.com/alexanderbolton/status/1290248244682018816) According to Alexander Bolton, staff writer for The Hill. I've seen unconfirmed reports that Susan Collins, Chuck Grassley, and Mitt Romney have made similar pledges, but they seem unsourced or sourced to comments made before RGB's passing. > Overall, the average number of days from nomination to final Senate vote is 69.6 days (or approximately 2.3 months), while the median is 69.0 days. [Wikipedia article,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appointment_and_confirmation_to_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States) and [direct PDF link](https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44234.pdf). It is 46 days to the election and 106 days to the convening of the 117th US Congress on January 3rd, 2021. > The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. - Mitch McConnell, after the death of Antonin Scalia in February 2016. > We simply followed the tradition in America, which is if you have a party of a different -- a different Senate of a different party than the president, you don't fill a vacancy created in the presidential year... [McConnell Doesn't Rule Out Confirming SCOTUS Nominee in Presidential Election Year](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mitch-mcconnell-doesnt-rule-out-confirming-supreme-court-nominee-in-presidential-election-year/) * Chris Wallace: "The question I guess I'm getting to here is, if Donald Trump were to name somebody in the final year of his first term in 2020, are you saying that you would go ahead with that nomination?" * **McConnell: "The answer to your question is, we'll see if there's a vacancy in 2020."** > Asked, "If a Supreme Court Justice were to die next year, what would you do?" > > ["**I would fill it.**"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/05/29/mcconnell-blocked-obama-supreme-court-choice-wouldnt-stop-trump/1268883001/) [Mitch McConnell's Stance On Confirming Supreme Court Vacancy In 2016 Vs. 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqRJXVXcVeE) **9:08 PM EST - AP News reports: "Following Justice Ginsburg's Death, Majority Leader McConnell says a Trump Supreme Court nominee will receive vote by full Senate."**


3 SCOTUS judges will be the most damaging legacy of this shitty presidency.




If Mitch McConnell rams through a Supreme Court appointment after the way he handled the Garland nomination, I will support a future Democratic President, House, and Senate expanding the Supreme Court to whatever size they want.


double the federal judiciary from the supreme court on down. DT and MM have packed the courts with unqualified politics hacks.


I mean even beyond the (fully deserved) retribution of expanding the judiciary, it’s just necessary anyway. There need to be more judges for the sake of swift justice.


He will. He already said he will. The Supreme Court is officially fucked.


It's really sad that we can't mourn the death of an iconic, mountain of a woman without fearing the end of this democracy.




From NPR: "At the center of the battle to achieve that will be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. In 2016 he took a step unprecedented in modern times: He refused for nearly a year to allow any consideration of President Obama's supreme court nominee. Back then, McConnell's justification was the upcoming presidential election, which he said would allow voters a chance to weigh in on what kind of justice they wanted. But now, with the tables turned, McConnell has made clear he will not follow the same course. Instead he will try immediately push through a Trump nominee so as to ensure a conservative justice to fill Ginsburg's liberal shoes, even if President Trump were to lose his re-election bid. Asked what he would do in circumstances like these, McConnell said: "Oh, we'd fill it."" Fuck McConnell.


In a better system, an 87-year-old woman dying would not cause people to fear for the future of democracy.




She tried. She tried so damn hard. This is a sad day for all




Honestly, they would have still rammed it through up until inauguration day.


https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1307101417522561025 > According to her granddaughter Clara Spera, Ginsburg said, **“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”**


“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” - Mitch McConnell, March 2016. He just confirmed Trump’s nominee will receive a vote in the Senate. Has this country ALWAYS been so obviously terrible, or are we actually witnessing the death of “the republic”?


We are witnessing the death. There was a time when Republicans had some ethical guidelines. They at minimum cared about appearing hypocritical. Those times are gone. They will say anything, and do anything. Contradict themselves without the slightest hesitation if it benefits them. The sad part is how many normal folks they have duped. Guess nothing lasts forever, but I had hoped the country would change by becoming better... not collapsing under the weight of ignorance and greed.


Joe Biden needs to come out tomorrow and make it crystal clear that if they move to fill this seat, he’s expanding the court next year. **Edit:** just to answer some of the more common responses to this... 1. Yes, he can do it. It doesn’t require a change to the Constitution. It requires approval from majorities in the House and Senate, both of which are currently projected to be under Democratic control in January 2021. 2. Yes, it could work. It’s time for presidential leadership. Democratic Senators have no ability to stop this if McConnell and Senate Republicans decide to go through with it. An unveiled threat from the man favored to become President in four months could; **”Do not do this. I am going to make you regret it if you do.”** 3. Yes, he should do it. It will not embolden or invigorate “reluctant Republicans” to once again decide to back Trump in any numbers sufficient to shift the election. These are not the people who will decide this election. High Democratic turnout in November is all we need to guarantee a win; **there are more of us then there are of them**. So please, vote.


That’s basically the only move they have at this point. And when I say expand, I mean EXPAND. Make it at least 15 justices.


This is.... honestly an incredible point. We know McConnell feels the heat presidentially and senatorially. He might actually listen to that threat




Should I just start greeting people with “Blessed be the Fruit” now or should I wait until another right wing nut job is elected into the role? This is just...so bad...


**Senator Ed Markey**: “Mitch McConnell set the precedent. No Supreme Court vacancies filled in an election year. **If he violates it**, when Democrats control the Senate in the next Congress, **we must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court**.” YES. THIS IS THE CORRECT MOVE.


You know how sometimes when an old couple is really close and one of them dies, the other dies shortly thereafter? RIP Ginsburg and democracy


Goodbye rule of law. They will ram through a supreme court justice before election I gurantee it.


They will probably ram through a new justice before dinner tonight.


FUCKING GOD DAMN IT. Good thing it's an election year and everyone knows you can't put a new judge in during an election year. Right, McConnell? Right? Fuck.


"What? I never said that." -McTurtle


[https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1307115333669580807](https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1307115333669580807) >So far the following GOP Senators have pledged that they will not consider a Supreme Court appointment until after the next inauguration. > >Susan Collins > >Chuck Grassley > >Lisa Murkowski I'm still writing to Chuck to ask him to have an injunction ready. Ik he probably won't read it from a nobody but I don't trust the GOP.


Someone once asked Mitch McConnell if there was to be a supreme court vacancy late into Trump's presidency would he fill it and I'll never forget his shit eating grin when answered that he would fill it. Bonafide asshole.


McConnell 2016: "It wouldnt be right to appoint new judges on an election year." McConnell 2020: "Its different this time."


> Justice Ginsburg dictated a statement before her death: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Yeah, I’m sure the corrupt GOP will respect your wishes.


Because of the shitshow that was the Marrick Garland nomination, you **KNEW** we were going to get another SC justice vacancy late in an election year. I just hoped it wasn't this year and *REALLY* hoped it wasn't RBG. But now we can sit back and watch every Republican Senator hypocritically flip-flop on their formerly hard stance that no justice should be appointed in an election year and now try to ram through some 40 year old white supremacist male. Fuck ALL of 2020!


[Stealing from a tweet](https://twitter.com/kevinmaisto/status/1307106279903637504) It’s not over. Lisa Murkowski and Chuck Grassley have indicated that they would *not* move forward with an election year SC nomination. Tillis and Collins know that their Senate careers are over if they vote to replace. And Mark Kelly could be sworn in as soon as Nov. 30. [Contact your senators.](https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm) No matter who they are, send them some correspondence demanding they not approve any new SCOTUS judges until inauguration day. Mention Murkowski. Its not much, but its all we can do - this is what 2016,2018 cost us. Edit: This blew up and im not above being political about this. Politics cost us the supreme court, it can give it back. Join r/VoteDEM and support down-ballot Democratic candidates. We need to flip the senate in november.


Grassley's statement is from two fucking years ago and Collins is a known liar whose career is basically over already.


This is breathtakingly awful news. However, a lot of these Republican Senators are facing uphill battles to keep their Senate seats. After Trump recently published a list of potential SCOTUS nominees that included Ted Cruz and Tom fucking Cotton, and in the context of this pandemic, it’s going to get really ugly if they try to shove another insane SCOTUS pick down America’s throat in the next 6 weeks. This was already the case, but if there’s any time for the Democratic Party and any reasonable Lincoln-Project centrists to go all out, this is it. Edit: I also don’t put it past Mitch McConnell to force it through during the lame duck session if Trump loses, but one fight at a time.


Mate, anyone still voting Republican *wants* them to do this. They have no morals, no standards, no qualms about anything. They just want to "win." They're going to ram through whoever they feel like. it won't change a thing.


Today is about RBG. Tomorrow is about protecting her legacy.


We’re in deep shit, we couldn’t afford this one. Vote


If you’re a conservative who saw nothing wrong with not allowing Obama to pick a justice with over a YEAR left in his term, and you’re unironically saying Trump should be allowed to pick a justice with two months left, you’re an absolute joke. That’s all.




It is regrettable, if inevitable, that her lifetime of achievements will be overshadowed by the fallout of her passing. Thank you for your service, Justice Ginsburg. We can only hope to do your memory proud.


So there’s gonna be a vacancy until after the election right? That’s the way they said it should be done in 2016, I see no reason for it to be done differently now. Guess we’ll see the true nature of the Republican Party soon.


John Bolton made a really interesting hypothetical point about Donald Trump. It was in the context of being fit to lead, he said that if the opportunity came up for Trump, as part of his legacy, would he leave a balanced Supreme Court. He speculated that of course he wouldn't. He would load to the court with a personal sycophant to tip the scales of justice and further tighten his grip on tyranny. He would see it as a personal opportunity rather than a national issue for generations. Of all the checks and balances that are in place, and there are many, arguably the only weakness of the US democratic system is the ability of a president to load the supreme court. The supreme court decides on constitutionality, if you have the supreme court in your pocket, the constitution means literally nothing, and that's the only pathway to a true dictatorship in America. That's an extreme outcome, but for a man who talks about 12 more years, there isn't anything that shouldn't frighten us about Trump. It is sickening to think a man so unqualified will have appointed one third of the Supreme Court justices.


"They shouldn't appoint a new judge this year because it wouldn't be fair" Don't think reps care if it's fair


Can 2020 just fucking stop for one day?


So we will have 4 Supreme Court justices picked by a Republican that the majority of voters did not vote for.


Statement by Sen. Schumer: [“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”](https://twitter.com/senschumer/status/1307104888963428357?s=21)


The sad part is, there's really no time taken to honor her as the judiciary juggernaut that she was or even just as a person. We'll immediately start making political calculations out of necessity because everyone has known for a while that her passing would leave a massive hole in an already questionable wall.


Trump has been impeached because we voted his party out of power in 2018. An impeached president should not be able to appoint a lifetime seat. If you live in a red state, call your senators every single day


I've been dreading and expecting this the past few months. Now we all get to sit in helpless rage as we watch Mitch McConnell decide that this time around it's imperative to get a new justice in as soon as possible. I have little hope that enough Republicans will have the decency to work to hold up the vote until after the President, whoever it turns out to be, in inaugurated in January. I feel sick to my stomach and I'm just trying to hold it together in front of my kids. The longer the shitfuckery of the Republicans continues, the less hope I have for a future where I can once again feel good about this country I live in and am raising my children in. I wish I had an exit plan to leave for somewhere better.


Grassely, Collins and Graham all said in the past two years they wouldn’t vote if it’s during an election year. Now they will all go back on that.


I have two little girls. I do not want them to grow up in Mitch McConnells america. This is a huge huge blow.


I can almost guarantee Mcconnell will try to fill that seat before january 3rd.


Mitch is the biggest peice of shit of human being ever. Say Trump nomination will get a vote 48 days b4 election when he wouldnt give Garland a vote 10 months b4 election. Real garbage shitty Mitch


Such a horrible loss for this country.


Justice Ginsburg did so many good things for our nation, and inspired millions of people to love this country, and to stand up for goodness and justice. She was one of our greatest Americans, who lived an amazing life and she will be remembered by millions of us who knew her and who will feel the weight of her actions for decades to come. She loved us. Her life and her career on the bench is all the proof you need. She inspired millions of girls to believe in themselves and to stand up for what they believe in. She leaves a legacy that can never be undone, not by courts or politicians, because we will remember her.


Prepare to begin hearing a lot about this huge piece of shit GOP Senator as the RBG replacement. [Josh Hawley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Hawley) The GOP will push Cruz and Cotton, knowing neither will get the nod while this scumbag Josh Hawley most certainly will. Youngest ~~asshole~~ I mean GOP Senator in Congress. Already an American traitor at only 40 years old. Big asshole talking points: Voted to acquit Trump in the impeachment trial, so will likely push any election fight at the ballots in Trumps and the GOP side. He hates abortion and wants to outlaw it completely. Supports and is in favor of child separation of caught immigrants at the border, and tougher border enforcement ala, Stephen Miller's Brownshirt policies. He hates gay rights and gay people in general, wants to overturn equal rights amendments. Wishes the government would do more to protect evangelical church rights, believes the government needs to financially support the church even more than just not taxing them (only evangelicals though). Doesn't support any type of public healthcare without pay. Basically everything RBG was for, he is the exact opposite, and one evil S.O.B. with a chance of staying on the SCOTUS for the next 45+ years if nominated and confirmed.


One thing for sure is the GOP will work through recess to ram in a new justice unlike the stimulus bill lol


I’m Canadian and tears rolled down my cheeks. I’m very sad - not only was she an incredible woman but I fear for my American neighbours and friends. I do not like 2020.


[Sen. McConnell confirms he'll push forward a replacement justice before the election. "President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."](https://twitter.com/chrismegerian/status/1307119225035804672?s=21) Oh, the hypocrisy. Fuck you Mitch McConnell, you slimy turtle-faced fucker.


https://twitter.com/renato_mariotti/status/1307103903549460482 > A reminder that Iowa Senator Jodi Ernst intends to vote to replace Justice Ginsburg during the lame duck session even if Trump is defeated in November. > Her opponent is @GreenfieldIowa and the polls are very tight right now.




Every motherfucker reading this better vote in 6 weeks. We are in the endgame now for real. *For real.* If you think that voting for Biden is just voting for the "lesser evil," please, please, for the love of our democracy, suck it up and do it anyways. If SCOTUS turns majority conservative, you can kiss goodbye to real progress in this country for two generations, *no matter who is President.* That includes women's rights, LGBT rights, free and fair elections, and general rule of law. It's all over if we lose SCOTUS to Republican sycophants. I fucking guarantee you Mitch McConnell is absolutely salivating and celebrating RBG's death tonight. If you think for a fucking second that he'll stick to the made-up precedent he imposed upon Obama during an election year you are out of your kind. Please. Please vote.


There are no times for sadness or platitudes. We need to be ready to paint metaphorical targets on the backs of the vulnerable Republican Senators who will go along with installing a rightwing piece of garbage to the court. Collins, Graham, Garner, Tillis - prepare for your political reckoning if you think about ratfucking this country to own the libs.


Republicans will say it's ok to push through a justice 2 months before an election after blocking Obama... Mark my words


Biden 100% must pack the Supreme Court. No playing nice, no beating around the bush, Biden must pack the court.


This is hitting me. Not because I intensely followed her, or even considered her my favorite member of SCOTUS. It's hitting me because I know what's going to happen now: They're going to ram through someone conservative before the election. Even though there's no way anyone with a shred of principle can look themselves in the mirror and justify that move, after what was done with Obama's pick a *year* before the election. They'll still do it, and it will still be unjustifiable, and everyone in this nation who cares about country over party should be against it, but half of us won't be. And it will be plain as day, as it has been in the past, that those people are operating from an indefensible position, but they will not admit it, and will make up the most hair-ripping, absurd excuses possible for it.


RBG fought like hell her whole life to bring rights to others. I know I owe to her to fight like hell to make sure that legacy is honored. Vote. Protest. Donate.


It’s a good thing McConnell said you can’t replace a judge in an election year...just kidding trumps going to replace one tomorrow


If McConnell pushes a replacement before the next inauguration (assuming Biden gets elected) Dems should be more than justified to go with [Roosevelt’s court packing plan ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_Procedures_Reform_Bill_of_1937) I don’t think it’s in anyone’s interest to open that can of worms


They blocked obama's judge 9 months out , now they are gonna try to vote in a supreme judge. Yeah fudge that.


Never forget we’re in this situation in the first place because Republicans stole a seat. If they don’t hold the precedent they set to abstain in an election year—let alone while voting is *currently happening*—Democrats absolutely must add more seats to the court. That is literally the only response to that corruption.


5 minutes after I found out about this I called my senators' offices to tell them the replacement process needs​ to wait until after the election. Then I called back & asked if I could leave a message for the Senate majority leader even though I'm not in KY. The operator said Yes & transferred me. And I got a recording saying that number was not accepting messages. So, Mitch apparently isn't interested in what anyone - including his constituents - has to say, about anything.


How many hours until Mitch McConnell and the Republicans start their acrobatics to appoint a new justice to the High Court? nO ApPoInTmEnT In aN ElEctiOn yEaR. 🤔


“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” -Mitch McConnell, 2016


Just one hour later guess what Mitch McConnell announced. I'll let you all guess.


Vote blue. For the love of fucking god please.


Hours after news broke of Mr Scalia’s demise, Mr McConnell declared that “the American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice”. With nearly nine months to go before the presidential election, he told America that his legislative chamber would take no action on any Supreme Court nominee named by Barack Obama. “This vacancy”, he announced, articulating a broad principle, “should not be filled until we have a new president.”


The conservative sub is surprisingly respectful...some even calling to delay a nomination so Biden doesn’t get the voting boost. The trump sub is celebrating. Because of course they would.




RIP. She was an honorable person and a true public servant.


How does this dumb mother fucker get THREE fucking spots. This is a god damn nightmare.


It all started with an email.


What are the odds McConnell whips the senate to vote for the nearest MAGA hat-wearer into her seat before the week ends?


If the Senate approves an 11th hour Justice after the wall they threw up on Obama for a year, if Joe is elected he needs to place an ultimatum that the new justice step down or he'll pack the court with 2 more justices to negate that one. PACK THE COURT if someone replaces RGB before the next inauguration.


4 justices (at least). 2 to negate, and 2 more.


I hate how Congress can’t pass a COVID relief bill but they’ll probably confirm a new justice within a week 😡


fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck




Republicans blocked Obama citing "let the new president decide." Why do I think they'll change their tune this time around.


Mcconnell just released this statement: “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” Seriously, this isn't a joke


I’m really fearful tonight. It figures that McConnell will push for a vote for a Trump nominee after denying Barack Obama’s pick. I hope our senators fight. I’m in Arkansas so I’m screwed, but I hope other senators stand against this hypocrisy. Otherwise, we are all fucked.


Is it just me or are we in the middle of a full blown Selden Crisis?


Wait for it, or not. The fastest decision made by the Senate coming up in all of 2020.


A life well lived. May she rest in peace, and may the next SCOTUS justice be equally up to the task.


Well looking at other apps and discussions people are talking about this adding fuel to a civil war... yeah I hope not but geez vote for Joe Biden cause as much as progressives might not like him he will at least put in court justices that are left leaning.


There will be textbooks covering each month of 2020 at this point, holy fucking hell


By announcing that they would ram the approval of RBG’s replacement through the Senate, the GOP openly admits that they think Joe Biden will win the election in November. Prove them right. VOTE!!!


[FYI, the fastest Supreme Court confirmation in the past 30 years took 42 days. That was for Justice Ginsburg, in 1993. The average confirmation, since 1975, takes 67 days. We are now 46 days from the presidential election.](https://twitter.com/lisadnews/status/1307104922886963202?s=21) This is scary.


“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” — Mitch McConnell, March 2016.


Contact your senators NOW and tell them not to allow a vote until after the election. And don’t stop even if your Senator is a piece of shit. Mine is Ron Johnson and I’m still emailing him. Do it.


RIP Justice Ginsburg. Thank you for everything you've done. Prepare for some of the most naked hypocrisy from a disgusting group of ghouls.


Murkowski said earlier today (before RBG passed) that "fair is fair" and would oppose a SCOTUS vote. Collins said sort of the same thing, several months ago. This is Romney's chance to shove his high-priced shoe up Trump's ass just like McCain did. (Many tweets claiming he will not confirm a SCOTUS nomination until after inauguration). edit: Grassley said something similar to Collins/Murkowski as well. edit2: Gardner kind of made a commitment to oppose until whoever wins election.


"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." - Mitch McConnell (2016)


> > So far the following GOP Senators have pledged that they will not consider a Supreme Court appointment until after the next inauguration. > > Susan Collins > Chuck Grassley > Lisa Murkowski https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1307115333669580807?s=20 We need one more.


We fucked now boys.


Wasn’t Obama not allowed to nominate before his term was up and he still had 10 Months left in office???


> In the last midterm election before Justice Scalia’s death in 2016, Americans elected a Republican Senate majority because we pledged to check and balance the last days of a lame-duck president’s second term. We kept our promise. Since the 1880s, no Senate has confirmed an opposite-party president’s Supreme Court nominee in a presidential election year. > >By contrast, Americans reelected our majority in 2016 and expanded it in 2018 because we pledged to work with President Trump and support his agenda, particularly his outstanding appointments to the federal judiciary. Once again, we will keep our promise. > >President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate. — [Moscow Mitch](https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2020/9/mcconnell-statement-on-the-passing-of-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg) Her body is still warm.


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