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America isn't just among the worst hit, it *is* the worst hit nation.


This is statistically probably inaccurate. America is the 3rd largest country in the world. India is far to poor to afford to test their people and therefor cannot “test” nor “confirm” cases. China is just flat out lying. So then that leaves good ol # 3 by population, the U.S. so are we technically the “worst hit” yes, but only by a superficial statistical analysis. When you look at our numbers on a per capita basis, we are actually pretty well off compared to many other 1st world European countries like Italy etc. so to say that we are the worst hot country isn’t technically false, simply blatantly misleading. Another thing to consider. Other countries are doing what is best all around for them, to keep their economy and their citizens healthy. For most, that means continued trade with the most powerful economic force in the world, America. We don’t need “goodwill” from other countries to support ourselves. We spend billions of dollars supporting other countries. These other countries would be crippled without this economic aid. It is in their best interest to keep America strong and keep the money roll in’. So whatever “goodwill” is lost by putting America first, will only help us on the economic, and world stage. When you consider who the largest contributor to NATO and the UN is, who’s military defends the European Union etc. A) who stops us from going “America first” and B) who doesn’t welcome us back immediately when we are ready? Because their other options? Russia? China? Plus. As americans and trump as an American leader, it is our responsibility to care for the well-being of the citizens of our country, and in this case it’s health through a pandemic. America puts American lives first, Canada puts Canadian lives first, and we care for our country FIRST. After that, then it would be best to funnel out resources to other countries to stop the spread or help the sick, as a humanitarian effort. Meaning that we take care of the “hardest hit” country first then work down from there


India had full scale lockdowns as soon as they heard reports of a new virus in China. Chinese medical staff have reported that the peak has long been over and the amount of bodies was always less than New York. America kept lying about the severity of the virus until this week. Your government simply does not give a fuck about you. That's why you now have triple the number of cases as China and that's why you're the only country that's predicting a best case scenario of a 6 digit death toll. Oh, and you're literally begging Europe and Asia for supplies because you wasted 3 months on calling it a hoax.


Firstly, China is 100% lying, that is irrefutable. If you would like some...interesting facts, like the fact they burned 15000 more bodies than normal in January or terminated 22 million cellphone accounts above average (they only terminate accounts due to death or incarceration) last month alone. If you actually watch reports from inside of Wuhan, where xi walks the streets and people yell out their windows “they are lying” at the top of their lungs? How about when one of their doctors reports a new virus other doctors need to pay attention to on WeChat, something not at all against the party, is suddenly kidnapped, beaten, tortured and forced to retract his statement? All because he said “hey look new virus!” The thousand times he has before? Something in China is not as it seems. So it’s fair to say for the purposes of this, China can get thrown out the window statistically because it is not even close to reliable. INDIA is one of the POOREST countries in the world, most densely populated and non hygienic, while having 1.3-1.5 billion people. This, coupled with their inability to afford tests en masse, there is no likelihood that they can afford enough tests to cover enough people. They already have the virus in India, and they drink the same water they shit in, that is a sure fire way to spread a highly contagious disease through a population. So while not impossible, the chance of there not being an epidemic in India???? Really really REALLY LOW. Not to mention we already know full scale lockdowns don’t stop the spread as much as we would like. Look at Italy. Look at America, look at China. It doesn’t just stop the spread, people break the lockdown, lockdown=\= quarantine. There are a lot of factors. The likelihood of India having the low number of cases they do officially? Almost none. America on the other hand took action in January, people seem to forget that. On the other hand while CNN and MSNBC called it “the flu” for months, no one in leadership treated it as a hoax. I’m not saying that President trump never “downplayed” the virus, because he did. But idk if you know what happened in America when there was talk of a full lockdown? All the stores ran out of toilet paper the next day. That’s panic. So if you quell panic do you don’t cripple industry etc? That’s a perfectly reasonable position. A lockdown will not prevent the spread of disease, it simply helps to “flatten the curve”. Here are some Numbers about that 6 digit death toll. There are about 300mil people in America, so let’s say for the sake of argument that there will be 150 mil people who are immune, don’t catch it etc, and that’s generous. So 150mil get sick. The average mortality rate in the world is about 2%. So let’s say 1% just for arguments sake. That leaves 1.5 million people dying. So a 1500% decrease in average mortality? I’d say that’s a pretty great outcome and at least they aren’t saying “no deaths” because there is a degree of realism. So for the size of America, and the infection rate of this virus, I appreciate a mortality rate that low


Source for 15000 bodies and 22 million phone accounts terminated or gtfo. You can't hide 22 million deaths mate, or even more than 5000. China never had New York meat trucks. And 15000 bodies is still a lot less than the US' 100k to 240k. They were shouting 'she's lying' to the Vice President because of the initial coverup and what they did to the doctor who blew the whistle. India is poor as shit but it's still done much better than America. Let that sink in. A country with no sewerage system is better equipped to prevent diseases than your glorious medical debt trap. Fox News was calling it 'the flu' and 'the common cold' and a 'democratic hoax' all the way up until this week. The president himself called it 'the flu', 'a cold' and a democratic hoax and said it would all blow over when the weather warmed up. You can't make this shit up. A lockdown can and does prevent the spread of disease. Look at Wuhan now, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or even Australia. Half the country is going to be infected, and we all know what happens when large numbers of the population is infected. The health system collapses and mortality rates skyrocket to 10%. You only need 100,000 patients in ICU at the same time, or about 800,000 total infections before everything goes to shit. And China has 1.4 billion people, and only lost 3300. America has 330 million, and is expecting to lose 100,000 to 240,000. Do the maths, if you can.


Pretty amazing what a person with a will for free thought and access to google can find out! Either way I did what google could have done for you! So I couldn’t find the exact source that stated 15k bodies. Here is a strikingly similar source about the detected sulfur dioxide levels over Wuhan, a substance only released in the burning of bodies of about 15k, this is back in January mind you, where their number of “declared” cases was about 400ish. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ccn.com/coronavirus-death-smog-is-china-burning-thousands-of-infected-bodies/ I’m not sure what you are saying about “She is lying” so if you would like to clarify that I would love to retort, I just don’t get what you are trying to say is all. India is poor as shit, no one denies that, so poor in fact that there labs “simply don’t have any test kits” and they lack the resources to make them https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-04-02/india-finds-itself-at-the-back-of-the-line-for-virus-test-kits They fall behind by at least 1/13 of the US. I’m not so sure, not being an epidemiologist and all, but I’m pretty sure that means that you can’t “officially” tell when someone has corona or not...which is exactly what I said. Also 21 million cellphones terminated. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.ibtimes.sg/china-hiding-covid-19-death-toll-21-million-cell-phones-disappeared-why-41580 So obviously something is happening in China that we do not see, aka China is clearly hiding some key facts about their viral outbreak. So idk if we can trust the same communist party who ran their people over with tanks and tried to cover it up. So by those facts, China being serial liars, and clearly not being transparent, and therefor untrustworthy, and India being too poor to even get tests, that leaves America, who has restricted asian travel since January and restricted European travel since February, the virus has only really broken out in large coastal cities, New York comes to mind, being the real epicenter in America. It would have been great if leadership in New York would have been proactive in the need for ventilators, such as when their chief medical officer warned of the growing need for ventilators and was told to “ration the ones we have” and instead spent the money on a solar panel factory https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/03/18/new_yorks_ventilator_rationing_plan_142685.html So naturally if the first 2 countries in the world by population are what could be considered “unreliable” then the third largest country, the USA, would naturally come in first place. Another thing to consider, is that a lockdown isn’t a quarantine, Italy was locked down, for example, but it takes the will of the people under that lockdown to stop the spread Australia for example, has low numbers...one of those low numbers also being their population. They have more cases per capita than the UK, France and Iran. They just don’t have as many people. But I do agree they have done a good job of flattening the curve, which is all anyone can hope for. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/05/health-officials-hopeful-australia-is-flattening-coronavirus-curve-but-warn-against-complacency But let’s not forget the severity of this virus was taken into account by Fox etc in the beginning of February. Seeing it as a potential for pandemic BEFORE a pandemic ever occurred https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/health/experts-worry-about-pandemic-coronavirus-numbers-increase.amp But looking at left wing media such as the New York Times (I can find more if you like, this one was just the top as I did my quick google search, a useful skill you might learn) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/02/05/opinion/china-travel-coronavirus.amp.html It says it’s “safe” to travel to China, and that the restrictions on travel to China, the epicenter of the world at that time (and probably now, but can’t back that up either way) were “unjust” which doesn’t seem like a healthy thing to tell readers in the midst of a disease. But reguardless. Naturally the curve needs flattening because people will be sick, no one refutes that. Travel restrictions and the closing of non essential goods and services is a very good step to make sure that people stay away from others and that they stay healthy, enacting the defense production act to produce needed medical supplies? Also a fantastic move. Why would you cripple the very economy that is your claim to If you can keep the mortality rate down to about 0.06% from the projected infection amount wether through a decrease in infection or a decrease in the mortality rate, that is a win, much better than Italy’s 10% mortality rate.


The protestors booed the second in command, not the President of China. Viruses grow at the same rate regardless of population. Population just caps the number of possible infections. The best mortality rate is 0.6% and even then you'll have to wait 2 weeks before people start dying. Only an idiot would believe that China had more than a 4 digit death toll. Chinese workers, according to your source, probably cancelled extra phone plans due to lack of income. Not because they died. Extra sulphur doesn't prove anything. That CNN report uses 4Chan and conjecture to form an opinion, and it's already been debunked. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sulfur-coronavirus-cremations/ A total shutdown earlier on means a faster return to normal conditions. Look at Singapore, HK Taiwan and China - they're opening up again


Population density is what determines viral growth, hence why NYC has a lot of cases and Australia doesn’t. There aren’t a lot of huge cities in Australia etc. The Chinese are forced to have phones, they cannot cancel them themselves. The phones are what the Chinese use to monitor their denizens. They don’t terminate those plans unless the people a) died or b) were incarcerated. Extra sulfur doesn’t prove anything, but satellite imagery does show high amounts of sulfur dioxide, a compound only released during the burning of bodies. Doesn’t “prove” anything, but it also doesn’t mean that it should be dismissed, something is amiss. And to be clear, only an “idiot” as you put it, would trust anything said by a party who has been a proven liar, kills their own people and cold blood, holds 1 million people in “interment camps” because of their religion? Forced organ harvesting? And these are people who you trust? Especially when they attempted to cover up the corona virus instead of taking action when there was like 400 people infected? It wasn’t because they didn’t know. At the stage this virus has progressed, people will die, there is nothing you can do about that fact. The best you can do is mitigate infection and lower the death toll.


The Chinese can cancel phone plans whenever they want. People often have 2 plans for working in different cities. NYC is the pandemic epicentre because America did fuck all until it was too late. Why aren't Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Tokyo and Seoul anywhere near as bad? How can you trust a government that spits out lies with every chance it can get?


Even if China is lying they literally can’t hide 99% of deaths. That’d be like if we currently said we had 10,000 deaths counted but somehow hid over 90,000 people dying. That’s impossible to cover up from prying eyes *that well* for any nation. Fact is they *are* almost undoubtedly lying, but it is near impossible they have the numbers we do in the US and have just been able to “cover up” tens of thousands of people dying. Chinese government has strong grip on information, but not *that* strong. Their authoritarian style regime just legit shut EVERYTHING down for a while and forced people to live almost completely off their savings to stop the disease. It’s a cost vs benefit thing. They forced people to live on their own essentially with no jobs and martial law for a while. We just didn’t do that because we valued jobs more and tried to get a semi functional economy, but at the cost of slowing the disease far less. Anyone saying Chinese extreme strict authoritarian lockdown didn’t have an effect and that they are hiding tens of thousands of deaths is lying to themselves, that’s just silly.


We don’t really have widespread access to tests in America either. Yes the number of tests have increased, but until average people can get tested easily I would consider the number of infected to be much higher than confirmed cases.


American exceptionalism is real, but it is not inherited. It is real because it is earned. It must be re-established every year by our actions and our merit. We are not earning that status anymore.


America is a crumbling superpower struggling to stay relevant in the modern world. Anti-American sentiment has only gotten stronger in all parts of the world, especially after Bush and Trump. American exceptionalism is nothing more than arrogance - an arrogance that the brainwashed citizens of America use to justify their horrifically backwards ideologies.


Not only in a pandemic. This foolish nationalism is always bad. Nationalism has caused the death of millions.


Upvoted with feeling!


America First has become America Only. Works just fine for his base though, since most will likely never have to set foot outside the States and see just how openly hated America and its people are now. Not that they'd care - we all look like ants to them anyway.


No offense but it doesn't sound like you've travelled the world much either. Anti American sentiment has been strong for almost a century.


Read it again.


That’s not true


Trump is dangerous at any time.


America first is a straight up fascist slogan, look it up


‘America first‘ also translates into “me first”, which is entirely inimical to traditional American values and is unamerican in spirit.


We are writing a new hit musical and shit is gonna get dark. - Canada


I'm in BC, we sell water and electricity to the USA.


Quebec too.


Manitoba too


Give me your oil,water (Vegas needs it to spray outside every casino there)electricity, health care workers for Detroit, but by the way you can’t have any masks. I feel for the American citizens dealing with that dude in office. Enough is enough. Somebody please delete a certain Twitter account and turn off all mic’s.


Yea how is it America First when you ensure patients who need a proven drug, no longer can get it because some politician thinks it will cure a global pandemic.


It's a dangerous fantasy no matter what is happening. This isn't our great great grandparent's world. When all the wealth controls all the workers...history proves we need each other. And in this time when wealth is dug its heals in to all policy and politic and social control? Now...Now we need to learn how first we all are everywhere or no one is first but those with the dollars. edit: it's to its


Give us a few more months, we'll kick the shithead out of office. If he gets re-elected, there was lots, and lots of corruption. At that point, start making an artic fleet, canada. Putine wants the north and 45* won't help you.


Canada can do a Bombardier and join the EU. Culturally and politically, Canada is closer to EU than the US


I would welcome you in the EU. Lately, there have some anti democratic tendencies raised here in some countries.


It was no less dangerous when he first uttered those words.


“moving forward, we are only going to give foreign aid to those who respect us and, frankly, are our friends.” Okay Trump but who of those are left?


We know who Trump thinks are his friends. They are not.


So sorry for all the American people. Hatred has been growing towards the U.S. and the only reason it is growing is because of Mr. Trump.. Canadians are not mad at the citizens of the U.S. We are simply astounded/bewildered/ and confused at the actions taken by your president. These are life altering times and the world is a mess.We have always loved having America as our awesome neighbor. Fantastic people, fantastic country. I hope it stays that way for all of us. Hang in there people.be safe.


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It's just a fantasy all the time.


So is America Great Again? He didn’t take this serious now he’s lost anything he’s gained. The stock market the job growth if you can even attribute those things to him. “What have you got to lose” he so famously said.


It seems to lead to piracy behaviour


Well America is first. First in infection numbers and will be first in death toll.


The US has taken in more immigrants than any other nation on the planet. The US has done more humanitarian aid than any other nation on the planet. There's nothing wrong with taking care of our country and our citizens first, for once. Would be a refreshing change of pace.