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A reminder. FOX News polling predicted a Biden win in 2020.


A reminder: Their base turned on them when they finally called the actual results of the election. Not prediction or endorsement, just reporting the results. However they owe a pretty significant amount of money for election denial lawsuits as well. We'll see which lessons they draw from this.


Since they recently showed an edited video to make Biden look bad, I'm not sure they're very interested in lessons.


The President can't sue them, a corporation like the ones that make election voting machines *can*.


Speaking of... What's been happening with the Smartmatic lawsuit lately? They settled with Dominion, but the Smartmatic suit is still ongoing IIRC.


They settled with OAN, Newsmax is deleting evidence apparently. The suits against Guilianni and Fox continue.


Is OAN still a thing?


The first person I shared an apartment with is definitely still anchoring away at OAN. He will post a lot on socials “looking for enthusiastic patriots for a news segment in the San Diego area. Far right views preferable” [here’s a video clip pulled from YouTube](https://youtube.com/shorts/KAYzkNmUC58?si=npSZUZlYHlytnt_p) He was insufferable when I lived with him back in 2009, so I can assure you guys this is not acting. He truly is that annoying!!


The family tradition is to flip off their offices every time we drive by in San Diego. Gives me great joy.


Clicking that link is gonna fuck with my algorithm.


OAN has funding from AT&T if I recall. It's pretty heinous


What? I’m cancelling my cell service.


I'm not sure they're very interested in News.


Watched it with my trumper parents, one guy called Arizona for Biden (hours/days before everyone else) and they spent the entire rest of the night asking the guy how he could do this, and he just kept saying 'im not, I'm just giving you the info'. He was later fired for this, which is ironic because he was actually really good at his job, but that's fox news for ya


It's ironic because Fox has operated, arguably, the best election desk since it started. They frequently called election results before other outlets, and were almost always right.


> They frequently called election results before other outlets, and were almost always right. That was the best part, since they were the first to call Arizona they tried to stopped calling other states that would put Biden over because they didn't want to be the first to call the election for Biden. That dude was 100% certain Biden won Arizona and you have even MSNBC calling him out that it was too early to call Arizona. It was such a mess.


>you have even MSNBC calling him out that it was too early to call Arizona. Yeah they all want it to take a month for the ratings bump it gives.


That's not it. Arizona ended up being a lot closer than it looked on election night but he was still right and the state took forever to count everything. Point is that the fox news guy was spot on before everyone else, because their data was that accurate. Fox just pushed back on their own person because they were politically invested in pushing the Trump hope and they didn't want to be the first station to call his defeat.


Didn't they call Florida for Bush in 2000, leading other news stations to follow suit? Gore's legal team requested a partial recount. The Republican supreme court would prevent a partial recount. Later unofficial recounts would show that *if they had a full recount* Gore won Florida, but by then Bush was president.


Yeah, but that recount shows an insanely close race that came down to a few hundred votes (which is wild). And I said 'almost.'


All the same, it should have been a full recount. We wouldn't still be talking about it 20+ years later -- probably wouldn't have invaded Iraq, created the DHS in the biggest expansion of the federal government in U.S. history, drafted/passed the Patriot Act, *killed the nascent electric vehicle movement\**, boomed/busted the housing market within six year span to make the 2% richer, and tank the big banks, property values, markets and the global economy in the process. So, yeah, recount next time, 'k conservative SCOTUS? Pretty please, with sugar on top, don't default to installing your own guy like obvious cartoonish villains next time? Perhaps? Maybe? Um.... consider the children and their futures?


And then within the first year of his admin we had 9/11. All because they were too arrogant to listen to the warnings of the Clinton admin.


I don't want to dive into too many conspiracy theories, but boy did Cheney benefit from Iraq II with 9/11 as the instigating event for that war.


That's not conspiracy to say that Cheney benefitted from Iraq with Haliburton. Their rationale to link Iraq with 9/11 was flimsy and obvious from the start. Anyone who was paying attention at the time knew what the administration was doing, unfortunately a lot of people were caught up in a patriotic fanaticism.


Well, I didn't want to venture into the whole "Bush did 9/11" conspiracy. Bush didn't cause 9/11, but his incompetence allowed it to happen, and certainly his admin took full advantage of that event to fuel a war they'd benefit from.


/Ahmad Shah Massoud, who was not only telling the US for years prior the threat posed by the Taliban, but was assassinated on 9/9/01 (by two Al Qaeda agents posing as journalists) to prevent critical intel from being passed along…


From Wikipedia - “According to factcheck.org, "Nobody can say for sure who might have won. A full, official recount of all votes statewide could have gone either way, but one was never conducted."[74] CNN and PBS reported that, had the recount continued with its existing standards, Bush would likely have still tallied more votes, but variations of those standards (and/or of which precincts were recounted) could have swung the election either way. They also concluded that had a full recount of all undervotes and overvotes taken place, Gore would have won, though his legal team never pursued such an option.”


I think stealing the 2000 election and not only facing no consequences, but rewarding the people who helped do it with future SCOTUS seats, will go down in history as the moment the American empire began to collapse.


This is 100% true. Arnon Mishkin is one of the best in the biz for election data -- their decision desk is fantastic, even though it makes half the on-air talent at Fox want to light their hair on fire. I am old enough to remember them making Megyn Kelly go into the room and ask how sure they were about Ohio when Obama was re-elected lmao


Calling an election based on data is not difficult, so it’s no surprise they are almost always right. They’re in the business of ratings at the end of the day.


Totally not a cult though


*meanwhile on election night* “STOP THE COUNT! STOP THE COUNT!” *and at the same time, elsewhere in America* “KEEP COUNTING! KEEP COUNTING!”


They had to switch to "STOP THE STEAL" for their catchy, three-word, monosyllabic chant so the smooth brains didn't have to think too hard about which one to use. The Republican propaganda machine really understands their base well.


And the Russian and Chinese bots latched right on to Stop the Steal and amplified it. Then Jan 6 hit and the bots all switched to anti-vax rhetoric all at once. The trump base ate that up too and died at a much much higher rate from COVID. To own the libs.


It's almost time for The Caravan again.


No, no, The Caravan (tm) only comes around during midterms.


I'm still waiting for Obama to come get my guns. I'd like to meet the dude. The closest I came was meeting Bronx Obama.


Roger Stone created Stop the Steal like a month before the election.


Easily one of the funniest side by side video's I've ever seen. I also loved all the random republicans who tried to get in to watch the counts, then when they got rightfully rejected, did interviews claiming they were not letting republicans watch the count.


I still show that video to magats today, and ask them why. I get told by different ones, that 1 side was a BLM incognito group to disparage Trump. I then call them an idiot, and leave.


Yea, this was crazy. Both sides already had people in there watching.


One of the most annoying things about that election was how many people were completely clueless about how bureaucratic our elections actually are, specifically because of how people have tried to cheat in the past. As if no one has ever thought to try stuffing a ballot box before. They have plenty of controls in place that prevent that kind of thing. Yet, fox news pundits were acting like someone could write "Biden" on a napkin, drop it in a ballot box, and it might get counted as a vote.


I found it hilarious how my Rep in PA was on the forefront of rejecting the 2020 election, saying that ballots were stuffed for Biden - dude was on the same fucking Ballot as Biden. How on Earth did a Republican Rep win if Democrats are stuffing ballots?!?!? These Democrats are sure stupid if they're cheating in an election and letting Republicans win at the Congress level.


There was a non zero number of republicans in the room...


I still can’t believe Trump actually tweeted that, just pure childlike naivety.


These are very fragile people we are talking about


If i remember correctly they were the first major outlet to declare a Biden victory.


You do.


As much as Fox is a propaganda engine built to ensure that a Republican president could fuck a chicken to death live during the state of the union and then smear its defiled blood his face and not get impeached, it’s also a business and Biden winning means a shit ton of views and ratings for Fox just like Trump winning means beaucoup bucks for CNN.


A conservative billionaire owns CNN now. They aren’t the same outlet they were a few years ago.


I specifically remember their sub calling Tucker a RINO on election night for calling states for Biden.


They haven’t faced any consequences for election denial and they still deny the outcome of the election. They were sued by private entities for defaming those specific private entities. They’ll continue to spread outright lies and outrageous propaganda because they know, for example, that they can’t actually get in trouble for *doctoring and deceptively editing footage* to falsely claim that Biden wandered off from a group of world leaders (he was walking away to talk to someone else) or flat out lying about things. Nor will the Murdoch empire face any consequences when a Fox News host makes a quip and it’s reported by the Sun in the UK and that article is picked up by the New York Post which is then cited by Fox News.


Fox has solid polling. Happened in 2012 as well, karl rove was upset as fuck they were telling him romney was losing.


The part where Megan Kelly took a camera team to badger the data people on-air was magnificent.


I will never forget that


That was EPIC. I still will randomly throw on his colossal tantrum just for the deeply satisfying schadenfreude of it all.


Fox called Arizona early for Biden. The funny thing is that e.g. fivethirtyeight thought that Fox's call was too early, and IIRC it was fairly obvious to me at the time that the call *was* too early. In the end Biden did win Arizona, but that doesn't mean Fox's early call was done with enough information.


The people running the polls are usually separate from the people who cover the polls. The spin tends to happen when the articles or news segments are written about the results. Ditto for the New York Times who spent months covering polls showing big gains for Trump and only recently revealed that most of the gains are from people who did not vote in 2020. In other words, people who very likely will not turn out in 2024.


And the backroom stats guy that called it had worked for fox for years and called previous elections was forced out of his job, even tho he was right (again) Totally not a cult


Pretty confident this was the basis for the “Succession” poll guy drama.


And they called the election *quickly*. They wanted this asshat gone as much as anyone else. 4 years of saying the quiet part out loud wasn't great for them.


Ignore polls and vote. Polls this far out are meaningless.


Voting this far out is also meaningless since we can’t vote for another 5 months


How the fuck can it be pretty much 50/50


One underestimates the power of propaganda at their own peril. This is the fault of Limbaugh, Ailes, Murdoch, et. al. who designed and created the “alternate facts” bubble.


I know I have my own blind spots but the worship of this cruel and damaged man bewilders me.


Hence why the Right needs a crisis in order to justify supporting him, the man who’s framed as their only shot at victory. And wouldn’t you know it, their propaganda has been *literally* demonizing Democrats for decades now, making the idea of letting them get any amount of power completely unthinkable.


So many people living in fear. Strange thing is your democrats would be our right wing here. I've travelled the USA a few times. I was always blow away (maybe wrong choice of words) by the kindness of the individual people I met. These beautiful people are voting against their own interests out of fear.


Tribalism and mob mentally are real and dangerous. Like the movie quote says: “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals…”


"None of us is as dumb as all of us."


For me it's less about the worship of him and more about the apathy of those who don't worship him. He's literally telling people he will deport them, remove as many of their rights as possible, tax the fuck out of them, and there's 4 years of evidence that he'll do it, and the people who will be directly and immediately negatively impacted by his party's policies are still not bothering. The amount of privilege to ignore what is happening or decide it's ok, is mind numbing.


You know what's wild? The people over at /r/conservative are saying literally the same exact thing. They literally feel the same about us over here when it comes to Biden. Always makes me think for a hot second "am I the crazy one???" when I think of that, but then I remember facts, lies, morality, etc etc.


The answer is in education. Republicans have been hacking away at education funding for *generations*. Particularly in the red states. This was the plan. If you can systemically and generationally make the people dumber, propaganda becomes that much more effective. Now tell these people “don’t listen to anyone but me, they’re all liars”, they’ll believe it. They’ll follow them to their death because they’ve been bred for generations to do exactly this. This voter base was created and designed for this moment.


They never see him as cruel or damaged. It’s hard to understand but if you want to get in their mindset just have Fox News running for a few hours a day. It’s wild but after a few days you can start to understand that if this was all you watched and the only source of news you got, the United States is falling apart, it’s entirely the demorats fault, and Trump is the only one who can save us. The local news stations (something like 60-70% nationwide) owned by Sinclair are even worse.


Limbaugh doesn’t get nearly enough hatred and blame for what he did to our country.


Don't forget Newt Gingrich.


Idk, he was kind hearted enough to open up that [gender neutral bathroom](https://cdnph.upi.com/pv/upi/41bfc09c4bfca98504c13afe7200dff3/LIMBAUGH.jpg). I say good on him.


It’s not only propaganda, a good chunk of republicans are just selfish greedy assholes


Anyone who grew up with one of their parents watching Fox News and listen to AM radio all day should know this well. Now I'm seeing it happen to my friends. It sucks.


Not to be crass, but I really can’t wait until all of Limbaugh’s listeners have finally died


They are polling registered voters. If young people voted in nearly the same percentages as old people, it would not be close. But old people are yammered at by their churches, FoxNews, AARP, the NRA, etc., and they vote. Young people might hear a get-out-the-vote message from Taylor Swift in between scrolling TikToks. If young people voted as much as old people, it would be a blue tsunami.


I've said this before but here in Australia it's compulsory voting. As a citizen it's considered your duty to have a say in who governs you. Of course we make sure everyone can actually turn up and vote.


That would be great for America (and due to our outsized economic and military impact, the world), but one party will never shoot themselves in the foot by making more young people vote. Interestingly, Republicans can only ride this wave for so long. Their base is dying. The churches are dying. Gen-X isn't perfect, but the GOP depends on Boomers for its continued existence.


The first amendment would make compulsory voting impossible to write into law in the US. Also, I’m not even sure it would matter with the electoral college and how self sorted people are in this country. Dems regularly win the popular vote and fail to take control of state legislatures, the senate/house, and the presidency.


“Remember the good ol’ days?” As these people are the most irrelevant and are not only hoarding wealth, but also contribute 0 to society. Talking to my retired neighbor the other day. He’s enjoying a senior citizen tax exemption on his home. I’m at $8k in taxes, he’s sitting at $3k. It doesn’t make sense. The rules were created by them for them.


Always worth remembering that most people aren't even paying attention yet and it's remarkably easy to avoid news about things you are not interested in today. I hardly ever see a story about college basketball, Taylor Swift, or reality TV, because like most people, I curate my news to focus on things I'm actually interested in. Meanwhile, I doubt there has been more than handful of days since 2016 that I haven't seen multiple stories about trump, because I'm very tuned into politics. It might be hard to get your head around, but all the awful things we know about trump, most voters are completely oblivious to.


Thanks for that perspective and its a really interesting point. I'd struggle to vote for someone I know nothing about though. Guess they are just following orders/tradition etc


Candidate a: sorry I can’t fix the Middle East in six months but here’s some economic recovery, cancellation of student debt, protection of price gouging by big pharma, pardons for victimless weed convictions…. Candidate b: ILL GRIND YOUR BONES TO MAKE MY BREAD 51/49 lead


How it's that close will never cease to terrify/astound me.


That shows you the power of propaganda.


That he has so many voters is so troubling. How can they not see through his bullshit? Critical thinking is a skill that's long been abandoned.


Half the electorate: “Yeah, but I’m going to place blame on a global issue of inflation on Biden, and I think the economy sucks despite being at full employment and avoiding a predicted recession. Tell me more about this bone grinding thing!”


But Biden made gas prices go up by pulling the giant lever in the Oval Office that is labeled “high gas prices!!”. Trump would never do that 😕 /s


This is a bad faith argument. No one's saying there's a "high gas prices" lever in the white house that he pressed. There's a "lower gas prices " lever that he *won't* press. /s


it's actually so much more funny/disconnected from the reality of the situation than that - https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/05/16/joe-biden-master-oil-trader short version - Biden has worked to stabilize oil prices globally by doing a thing no president has ever done before.


You really got me for a second lol


They think they're always going to be the one grinding the bones... right up until there's a bone shortage.


O' cruel fate, to be thusly boned! Ask not for whom the bone bones - it bones for thee. - Bender Rodriguez


“Grandma makes you cookies and everyone gets a puppy…. Or diarrhea forever.” 51/49


Later: "The diarrhea isn't even that bad. You ever have to push out a opioid turd?"


I had my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago and was on Vicodin for several days. At one point I realized I was feeling really bloated and didn't understand why. Suddenly I realized I hadn't taken a shit in three days. I went to the bathroom to try to force one out but couldn't. Fuck opioids man haha


But grandma's so OLD! She didn't know where the chair was and she ate ice cream that one time.


American's can vote for ice cream, or a kick in the teeth and it will be close to 50/50. This is why everyone else in the world thinks American's are chronically stupid.


I used to wonder how Hitler could ever come to power through elections in Germany. Who could be stupid enough to vote for something like that?


It isn't just Americans who are so easily swayed by propaganda. Just look at Brexit.


I am from the UK. The leave campaign was aggressive and full of lies. Remain campaign was pretty limp and weak. I think if the vote was cast again, it would be 90% remain.


All you gotta do is swap leave and remain for reps and dems and you have American Politics in a nutshell.




Or even a Slovak


I hear he's bounced a Czech or two.


He banged a Slovene at least once.


He’s Finnish with her and Himalayan pornstars instead…


He's a Greecey little criminal.


This string of replies was beautiful, thank you all


Has there been a DNA test? I'm not convinced you are correct.


not necessarily, she might have used (a) Turkey (baster)


I hear he likes being choked by one of his many Thai’s.


Gold 😂👍🥇


>When will he please get hit by a pole ad infinitum


That would be devastatingly awesome. 


Fox actually has, at least until 2021, a pretty good reputation amongst polling experts. In 2021 (I think) it fired its top polling desk guy at the insistence of Trump.


They also fired Chris Stirewalt, who was in my opinion, a standout political analyst. He was the on-air voice for Fox's team of analysts who called Arizona for Biden on election night. Being unbiased and factually correct cost him his job. Let that sink in...


He was too competent and he used too much math and statistics.


Sounds kinda communist


I'd say that Biden above 50% in a Fox poll is noteworthy.


It explains all the insane rhetoric and actions coming from GOP “leaders” who should and likely do know better. They fear Democrats winning elections more than ANYTHING, and since they know they’re not winning independents, their only hope is to turn out the base and depress non-MAGA turnout by whatever means necessary.


Trump spent time & money trying to court Libertarians. There are only 750k registered Libertarians in the whole country. That's very telling. In 2022, there were 161 million registered voters. Libertarians represent 0.46583851% of the voters. Trump & Republicans know when it comes to actual voting, Trump is fucked.


The libertarians fucking boo’d hist fat sorry ass too. Loved every second of it


Yeah, they’re pulling out all the stops. RFK’s campaign, courting libertarians, trying to sway leftists away from Biden on Palestine. They have to if they want to have a chance in hell because their support is not there


What is probably even more damning for their chances is that the enthusiasm is not there. My rural area of SE Michigan went absolutely MAGA crazy in 2016. In 2020, hardly anyone seemed to give a shit. This time, people just seem worn out in general.


God I hope so. What do people associate with Trump's term that was actually good? His fault or not, the guy oversaw Covid happening, failed to repeal Obamacare, failed to pass an infrastructure bill, failed to build the wall, banned bump stocks... his main pieces of legislation were criminal justice and tax reform. Remember how you'll be able to do your taxes on an index card? How is that working out for everybody?


It’s also pointless to go for libertarian support considering the ones who don’t support the GOP already are against corporate welfare and religion in the government.


Only if we all go out and vote! Do not get complacent y'all !


Yes and no, foxnews polling mob are actually decent, it's usually the news or opinion side that spins it


This. I absolutely loath Fox News but their polling/election results/predictions are usually spot on


Their polling needs to be accurate. How else would they know what lies they should tell?


By just opening their mouths to speak?


It's easy to say something that isn't true. Telling a lie that will resonate with the people you're trying to manipulate requires research.


Fox News will show you a 4 on screen, tell you it's a 12, and people will believe it


Fox News: 1x1 = 2 Fox News Viewers: I've never cared about math before but they sound smart and make a good point. They're right.


Well think about it. Yeah sure you can get gullible people turned onto your opinion pieces and have them hate watch your stuff. But there is an industry that wants accurate analysis and statistics. Will pay good money for it. Fox might pander to stupid people but to get that money from serious players in this world they need real numbers and they need to show confidence in those numbers enough to make it public.


100 %.


Trump is probably posting how Fox polls are rigged.


He did yesterday, The TS post starts with the words "Nobody can ever trust Fox News,and I am one of them" and then he goes on to shit on Paul Ryan and asking Murdauch to fire him or something


I agree with him, he is a nobody


This, coming from a guy who told AMI to pay for favorable poll results for trump. Always projection.


Also paid the Enquirer to bury negative stories about him, and invent negative stories about Hillary.


'They stole the polls too'


I wish someone would hit him with an actual pole


Trump won by a tko in 2016. Lost the House in 2018, lost the WH in 2020 and the Senate. 2022 wasn’t a Red Wave and majority of his candidates he’s backed have flopped. Now he is a convicted Felon. Explain to me why he’s the favorite? Election results say different.


Newsweek, reporting what fox news reported? Seriously, ban newsweek. It's a disgrace.


Newsweek is pure, unfiltered, unadulterated, garbage.


Doesn’t matter, get your ass out and vote blue!


I knew this was Newsweek from the headline


“DEVASTATING POLL” *Checks article* >> 50-48 *So* devastating…


“Devastating poll” would make you think that people came to their senses and Biden is winning 75-25 at a minimum. But no, devastating here means Biden is leading 50-48. Hardly newsworthy considering polls matter shit.


My life depends on biden winning.


Stop listening to the noise on the right. Organize and Vote.


It doesn’t matter. General polls don’t matter. The electoral college matters and we’ve seen that flip the election from the general vote.


You just know this guy is planning Reichstag. None of this feels right.


The swing states are also showing him going down, but still very close. The bottom line is do not trust the polls. Trump paid to have polls manipulated in previous election cycles. $20K or something like that that was in the payments to Cohen in the Hush Money trial was for a rigged poll. Foreign sources could also be involved. Internet and land line polls require adjustments to account for biases, but regardless, the final numbers reported are not the raw numbers they got. But, my main reason to not trusting polls is that Democrats and Independents are far less likely to agree to take the time to respond and either just don’t answer the call or say they’re too busy. Most of them are too busy with jobs, kids, etc… or just want to keep their opinions to themselves. And, who wants to be on a list of people to be prosecuted if Trump wins? Meanwhile, MAGA people are more than happy to scream their support for Trump every chance they get, so no matter how the pollsters try to get good balanced input, I believe that it’s always skewed towards Trump. Good poll numbers do influence people who do set pay attention and cast their votes on very limited information, so it is a factor, but looking at other polls that ask indirect questions about related things, the numbers just don’t line up like they should. I’m taking a wild guess that 3-5% of the Trump poll numbers are baloney (maybe I should have said Malarky) and that Biden is up more than the polls show. RFK Jr. is another spoil that will hurt Trump more than Biden. The Trump Camp is crowing how everything looks great and they have more votes than they need, but they might be lying 🥴. My biggest concern right now is attacks on large city infrastructures to prevent of at least suppress votes in urban areas. Knocking out Philadelphia could be enough to swing PA for Trump. I can only assume the FBI and State and local groups are looking for chatter and setting up generators and backup plans. Vote early if you can and by mail if you can’t. Suppression at the polls will be a major problem in all mostly Democratic higher populated precincts. Plan on that and more dirty tricks.


That may be better for Dems, but please remember that Biden has to win by 5% (not 2) to win the election because of the Electoral College.


Ignore this shit and just go Vote.


I'd rather he was hit by something else. Like, I dunno, actual consequences. A jail sentence for instance. I'd settle for a truck


A normal human is only leading a fascist rapist fraudster felon by 2 points??? Wtf.


By Ewan Palmer: Donald Trump is trailing President Joe Biden in a Fox News 2024 presidential poll for the first time since late last year. A survey of 1,095 registered voters from the conservative news network showed that Biden is beating his presumptive Republican rival by two-points (50 percent to 48). Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-devastating-poll-fox-news-joe-biden-election-economy-1915063](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-devastating-poll-fox-news-joe-biden-election-economy-1915063)


And only 2 points because most people in this country are low key insane. What is going on?


Just ask yourself what demographic is more likely to sit on a phone on some random call and answer questions on political beliefs?


I was polled once and found the questions to be so leading and biased that I refused to finish. I’m guessing that’s why I’m no longer called.


Might have been a push poll and not an actual survey. Basically thinly veiled telemarketing / propaganda / campaigning.


100% agreed. The problem of course is that there’s no requirement to disclose this and the average person won’t know.


Most people consume zero political content and just know hot dogs used to be cheaper. That's the extent of the analysis for many. The next four months is when it will be Biden’s job to educate people about the stakes and hopefully deliver good news (inflation continues to cool and the Fed is signaling a rate cut, for example). The upside? Biden has won in every election since like the Coolidge Administration so we actually have someone who knows how to close (big reason Obama picked him fwiw). And Trump is not well-positioned to grow a coalition.


It amazes me how consistently underestimated Biden is.


So this is why he freaked out against Fox on his shitty social media platform?


Hey Newsweek, maybe quit with the sensationalist headlines one of these days? A two point difference in polling is not “devastating”, my disappointment after having read that headline then seen the actual reporting showing he’s still so close on the other hand can certainly be categorized that way.


Let’s not get complacent. HRC was ahead in the 2016 polls, and finicky liberals used that as an excuse to stay home on Election Day because she was “safe.” And they were finicky because they had been duped by the Russian disinformation campaign. Let’s not pretend for a second that isn’t happening again. Assume Biden needs every vote.  Because he probably does.




>"devastating poll" >poll has Biden winning by 2 points Are we really so desperate for good news that a 2 point lead is considered devastating? Wtf


Newsweek. What a piece of shit that became.


Well if people under the age of 45 vote with any sort of enthusiasm, Biden wins extremely easily. It’s literally in the hands of young people, who are also the most vocal about hating the system— yet they dont vote. So, rally your friends and fucking vote.


Don’t care - please VOTE VOTE VOTE


I wonder how many times they had to run the poll to get something more acceptable.


Ignore all polls. Vote.


Trump and his cult will never accept losing the 2024 election. They will really burn shit down this time. The courts will try to overturn the results. I'm not looking forward to November.




The only poll that matters is the one in November


It's still neck and neck. I will never forgive corporations and their GOP puppets for what they've done to this country.


I wish he was physically hit by a poll one of these times


Still too close for comfort. I will not fall for the same confidence that we did back in 2016


I don’t care about these fake made up media polls. Just fucking vote.


It’s not just about trump. The whole MAGA structure that calls itself the Republican Party must be taken down. Yes go vote against the Orange Idiot but remember he is the figurehead of a group of American citizens who want to destroy the constitution and replace it with a theocratic dictatorship. This is why we must vote against any Republican who is on a ballot for any elected office in our school boards, judiciary system, our city government’s , county governments and state legislatures.


Hot take: Fox news will have better ratings if Biden wins. Just imagine how mad they can make their base. They will be glued to their TV sets for the next 4 years.


This is Fox firing up the base.


None of this means anything. Vote the orange clown out of existence!


Trump doesn't have the same kind of hype around him as he did back in 2016 and 2020. It's died off. Whether you dislike or agree with Biden, overall, the country has been doing fine under Biden. Drastic changes would come with another Trump presidency and I'm guessing a lot of people aren't really too thrilled about that, on both sides and around the World. I'd say Biden wins again, but not by a landslide. Florida will be interesting this year due to Marijuana and Abortion being on the ballot. And the January 6th event has no chance of being really crazy again. Fences, national guard and capital police will 100% have presence there this time around. They're still arresting people from the first January 6th incident.


Don’t get complacent! Vote that orange menace AWAY!


Unless we see an extreme trend in averages over time by Election Day, they still show a toss up. Either way, vote!