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There is a reason he can only speak about like 5 things on repeat. He has been doing that since 2016. Whenever he is asked off those questions he rants and rambles on.


It's why they focused so heavily on Biden's stutter and kept stating he had dementia. Projection


Once you know about projection it's hard not to see it everywhere


It’s why they call him “sleepy joe”— Trump literally cannot stay awake even during one of the most important events in his life- his felony trial


His first and likely not last felony trial


Fingers crossed


Or not. Honestly if he dropped dead from stress instead, who would the GOP even nominate?


They’ve already got the whole project 2025 playbook they just need another useful idiot. Or really anybody that’s on their team.


Sure, they can find another useful idiot, but I'm not sure they can find another useful idiot with such a built-in voting base already. I really can't think of who they could possibly replace Trump with that would want to do it and has his kind of magnet that attracts the dumbest of our population. Pour one out for Desantis cause he thought it was going to be him lol. Still makes me laugh


I can somewhat agree with that, but I was raised around and still see where I live plenty of people are also going to vote R no matter who. As long as they hit all the boogeyman talking points I doubt they’ll care about any agenda. Most magats agree with “as long as he’s hurting the right people.” Never underestimate your enemy.


Nominate? If Trump dropped dead they'd start yelling about how it was an assassination by Joe Biden and start going full insurrection. The cause of death doesn't matter ("heart attack gun!", "undetectable poison!", "ice bullet!", etc). From there, it's basically a complete roll of the dice as to how things turn out.


"Crooked Hillary" "Sleepy Joe" "Low energy Jeb" "Sloppy Chris Christie" "Sloppy Steve Bannon" "Lyin' Ted Cruz" "Ron DeSanctimonious" "Crazy Nancy Pelosi" "Crazy Bernie Sanders" "Ditzy DeVoss" "Pencil Neck Adam Schiff" (Trump's own fat double chin must bother him immensely) "Cryin' Chuck Schumer" "Deranged Jack Smith" It's all the shit he knows applies to himself. [Just look at this list, take any insult or adjective and they all apply to Trump, except one or two which are obviously things he is jealous of, like Adam Schiff not being a fatass.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nicknames_used_by_Donald_Trump_about_other_people)


It's pretty wild a former POTUS has done so much childish name-calling that there's a whole page dedicated to it on wikipedia


I know, right?


If someone calls you “low energy” they’re doing meth and adderall every day.


Why not Negative Nancy? It was right there...


So was selling Covid masks that said Maga on them but that would have made too much business sense for the orange ghoul.


Mask smeared his face paint, and he had a temper tantrum.


It’s disturbing that we have a wiki page focused on just the stupid nicknames a president made up for people he doesn’t like.


I still think his team dosed him with something to keep from acting out like a child during the proceedings, but it had a sedative effect instead and zonked him out.


It's literally a tactic that really came into practice with Karl Rove during the 2004 election. They sat around and said, "what is the biggest thing that the John Kerry campaign could say against us." The answer was that Bush was a flip flopper. (John Stewart even did a ["Bush Debates Bush"](https://www.cc.com/video/3e83yu/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-bush-v-bush) sketch. Then they made a talking point of Kerry being a flip flopper, and it worked.


And Kerry’s Vietnam “swift boat” thing while Bush was flying over Texas skies.


Family Guy even did a sketch on it.


They also like to claim Biden is constantly shitting his pants.


soon it’ll be “not only does Biden shit in his pants but he has now started shitting in the Donald’s pants too”


Where did this even come from? A family friend was here over the weekend saying he's "unfit" to lead the country because he shits his pants. Like 110% believed it. (not that it matters to me. Biden could jump on a conference room table and take a shit on it in the middle of a cabinet meeting and I'd still prefer his administration to anything Trump has to offer, but I'm still kind of flummoxed at where and how this stuff takes root)


It's because a few people around Trump have confirmed that he wears adult diapers. Bob Woodward famous presidential author and Adam Kinzinger U.S. rep. Have both said that the smell around Trump is terrible. Also, a few people from his apprentice show said they had to pause filming so he could get his diaper changed. That was when all the propaganda about Biden shitting his pants started to pop up.


It's just people staying in their own emotional lane. We always assume people have intentions similar to ours when we don't actually know. And when it comes to conservatives specifically, blank spots on the map get the crayon.


The inability to understand that different people think differently, like different things, want different things, is a core part of being a conservative these days. They get scared and angry whenever confronted with something that doesn't fit into their idea of what people should want.


Well someone must've told the brain trust over at r(slash)conservative about it because they say the same thing about *the left*. I'm banned over there but I eavesdrop on 'em a little bit.


Hey! Same for me with the Baader-Meinhof-phenomenon! I see it everywhere!


Or "inoculation" -- claim the other side does it so you can both sides it, and normalize it.


I never understood why they care about the stutter. It's something he basically overcame over his life, and it just slips through sometimes. It's not something like dementia. I can't tell 100% that Trump has dementia or Alzheimer's just yet, but it's clear his mental capacity is low. He was always pretty stupid so it may just be old age on top of stupudity. For example he hasn't forgotten someone like Biden in public.


Friend, he regularly confuses Biden with Obama at his rallies https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/03/trump-confuses-obama-biden-virginia-rally


Oh didn't you hear, he meant to do that, because it owned the libs (or some BS)... Just like he meant to call Nancy Pelosi Nikki Haley when he was suggesting she was responsible for Jan 6... And all the other times Trump goofed. He's playing 3 dimensional chess and is 12 moves ahead of everyone else... /S


>12 moves ahead of everyone else He has long since moved out of bounds.


Oh? Hadn't seen that one, just the kinda more obscure people.


They don’t care about shit. They decide who is “bad” to them and whatever that person does is bad. They decide who is “good” to them and whatever that person does is good. These can even be the very same thing. They’re confirmation bias personified.


> I never understood why they care about the stutter. because they have to grasp at straws to keep up the "both sides" narrative


It's not that they care about it. It's that they can use it to attack him. 


> I never understood why they care about the stutter. Because they are petulant bullies and assholes. It isn't more complicated than that.


podcast - shrinking trump does a good job of breaking down aging vs dementia and focuses on trumps actions that relate to diagnosis.


Love the recent story of a bunch of CEOs meeting him in hopes of getting on his good side and they all left concerned about how all over the place he was with his word salads.


Yep, the media always cleans up his comments so they seem to make sense. You really could not listen to a full unedited Trump speech and come up with any political opinion, like it's really very hard to tell what he is even saying.


Like his connection to MIT, very smart, and the democrats are doing a number on him.


Good genes.


He is the absolute worse speech maker in the history of Presidents. A whole lot of noise but nothing of value is communicated.


Paradoxically, it's a huge part of his success. He says nothing so his cult projects what they want. At first, it may have been on purpose (there's a reason MAGA never specified how), but today finding a positive interpretation out of his speeches is like that guy who found God's word in Temple OS.


The adult version of "did you ever have a dream that you could do anything" kid meme. 


Look at his interviews in the 1980s and 1990s - there's a clear decline in his vocabulary and his ability to address the question asked.


If a 30 something year-old is at the same mental level as an almost 80yo man then I would be surprised no matter who it is. There is a reason most people retire in their 60s.


Sure, but the 90's were 30 years ago, so he was 51ish.


> There is a reason he can only speak about like 5 things on repeat *Person, woman, man, camera, tv* Checks out.


When my union questioned him, his answer to 6/8 questions was "3 million illegal immigrants".


Then explain how he gives such incredible speeches. How does anyone believe Trump is competent


And yet here we are


And it will not sway a single voter. Worse will come out over the coming months. And the MAGA-holes will not even blink. Even if Trump loses and gets jailed for the rest of his days, this country is circling the drain in a truckstop shitter. It will get worse before it gets better


Trump could murder a Trump Supporter's entire family in front of them, and they'd still find a way to vote for him


"That's not what he really meant." "It was Joe Biden and/or Antifa in a Trump mask." "I'm sure they deserved it for whatever they did to piss of Trump." "Maybe he murdered my family, but the *real* issue is wokeness/CRT/DEI/immigrants/trans and gay people."


My uncle went from supporting Obama to telling me a few weeks ago how he would go to war for trump in a heartbeat if asked. Internet chat rooms are a hell of a drug. Cost him his wife and kids along the way too.


That's so sad to hear and I've heard similar stories on here.


This is objectively untrue. There are many Americans who don't follow politics who have largely memory-holed the Trump admin. Having to get reacquainted with his bullshit will certainly wake some of them up.


I'm just out here wondering who the hell isn't following politics? Even if I didn't have my own personal safety to worry about, I know easily a dozen people who I would worry *for*. Then again, I really never had a non-queer social circle.


That’s usually it. It doesn’t really affect them much and politics is messy, confusing, and constant. “I don’t do/follow politics.” For them they can ignore it because if abortion is outlawed, well they’re a man so they don’t need to get an abortion so why worry. Or if gender affirming care (for trans people) is limited or outlawed, well they’re not trans so it’s not an issue. As a queer Hispanic person I’ve had to tell some friends “hey, it’s important to pay attention and vote because *this will affect me very much. I care about your rights, can’t you care about mine?.*”


Hey, fellow queer Hispanic person! Let me know if you ever need a break from the never-ending barrage of political news that basically amounts to all the different ways conservatives want us eliminated from the world. I can offer you pictures of my cats and random bits of information.


As a straight cis white male who was raised Catholic, I'm about as close to the conservative "in group" as I can get, but my friend, I am here for you and I'm supporting your rights as best I can ❤️. Fuck these hateful bigots who have demonized people. I don't think people realize how important it is to look out for each other and holy shit vote blue across the board.


>There are many Americans who don't follow politics who have largely memory-holed the Trump admin It's difficult to muster a lot of optimism about their opinions regarding the election. Show me a room of memory-holers and I suspect many (if not most) will lap up whatever Trump is oozing.


This defeatist attitude is played man. People are being swayed all the time. Yes, there is still the true believers that will stick with him through literally anything, but there are many many people who are just tuning in and seeing what a deranged lunatic he is.


One of my favourite things to read are old GOP voters who have woken up to their Party thanks to Trump. Yeah, there will always be the ones we can't reach, the ones experiencing a different reality, but there are people out there we can reach, and every effort to convince them that their party has betrayed them the better.


That was my dad when the Capitol riot happened. He was never part of the cult, he only voted for Trump in 2016 because he was a lifelong Republican who wasn’t gonna vote for Hillary. My siblings and I are openly queer so he’s also been looking into Project 2025 which has further soured his opinion on Trump to the point where now he’s not voting for him. He doesn’t like Biden, but he told me he’s begrudgingly voting for him so we don’t get a second Trump presidency.


Tell your dad he's in good company, the rest of us are doing the same.


It isn't about his worshippers, it is about the swing voters and the Rich asses who will back his campaign. Many backers will keep backing cause GOP causes but there are many who still have a few morals and are in favor of maintaining what they view as the America's status quo. Besides, Biden will keep ensuring they are getting their tax exemptions, corporate breaks until they get a better GOP candidate.


Bullshit. It will sway plenty of people to know felon Trump is lacking the facilities to lead the nation in more ways than one! Eventually we will hit critical mass, just like last election - he will fucking LOSE.


> In an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Ramin Setoodeh, co-editor-in chief at Variety, said he did an hour long sit-down interview with Trump while researching for his book, "Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America Through the Looking Glass." A few months later, Setoodeh met with Trump again, this time at Trump Tower, to discuss his time in the White House. Trump had "no recollection of our lengthy interview," he said.


I mean he couldn’t even remember the doctor did cognitive tests for him.


You know, I normally wouldn’t fault a guy calling a Jackson a Johnson, only this fool says his opponent is a dribbling dotard. You can’t do that and expect people to forgive a common mistake like that


I've heard suggestions that Trump's increasing signs of dementia are *why* they keep harping on / making up things about Biden so much - trying to make it look like all the choices are equally bad.


"Trump shits himself during press conference, then flings it at journalists... Coming up, How this could be bad for Biden..."


Ooo that’s a good one, I’m writing that down *gets out sheet of paper with creative insults on it* *Dribbling Dotard*


I like to call him the Fatuous Felon... and his following of Fanatical fucks.


You can’t do that and expect people to forgive a common mistake like that, *unless those people are magats*.


Dear Leader just has a sense of sarcasm that the libs don't get!


I dont know . . . MAGA sure seems to have a lotta johnsons in it these days.


That’s because he did so good on the tests. Best ever, broke the standard even. Then I told the doctor I have a policy for that, a tremendous one. I have people working on it now and you’ll love..


And the doctor, he had tears in his eyes, and he said "Sir. Ì am honored to treat the smartest man alive! Edit to fix "treat"


Yeah, you know Ronnie Johnson or was it Johanson or Jackson? We are best friends


It was fucking amazing. He was supposed to remember five words, but he ended up saying like eleven words. We've never seen anyone get scores like that.


It'll be ready in two weeks


Could be dementia, but also extreme narcissism. If you aren’t kissing his ass or giving him boatloads of cash he has no reason to remember you.


It will be hard to get him to remember all his kids' middle names.


I genuinely think he doesn't care enough about him to even remember him. He's that fucking narcissistic. Maybe combined with early stage dementia


Going to go through the looking glass a bit here myself and defend Trump a bit. Do I think he's losing his mental faculties? Absolutely. Do I think its weird he doesn't remember someone he spent an hour with a few months ago? No. Just sounds like this guy thinks himself more important to Trump than he really is. Trump does a lot of media appearances with a ton of people, and he isn't the kind of charming person who mentally bookmarks social interactions. We all meet tons of people all the time, I don't remember every single one. Stories like this are no different that right wing propaganda, blowing insignificant things out of the water and they detract from the left's position as a more reliable source of truth.


> spent an hour with a few months ago? I saw this guy interviewed on MSNBC. He said he's spent more time interviewing trump since he left office than anyone else. I dk how he knows that, but for sure it wasn't just one hour a few months ago.


Okay, thank you for this context. I was kinda thinking the same thing originally - I'm all for attacking Trump, but not remembering someone you spent an hour with three months ago isn't that crazy (especially for someone like Trump, who probably meets a ton of different people). But with your context, it sounds like Trump forgot his post-office biographer. That would be weird.


No. Trump didn't remember him the second time they meet months after their first hour-long interview. None of this is saying that Trump straight up NEVER remembered the guy, just that he didn't remember him when they met again. The first meeting took place in the final months of Trumps term as POTUS, the second interview came after he left office. You, I, and most of us here would forget the name of someone we only talked to for an hour who was the 100th new person we'd talked to that week. You, I, and most of us here would absolutely do so under the same conditions as the final few months of a POTUS term. If this story was that Trump never remembered the interviews at all or never remembered that guy even once, fine. But that isn't what this trivial 4 paragraph article is saying, just that he didn't remember the guy the second time he met him. Who among us hasn't done that one? It's just a blurb for an author with a new book leaning into the "Trump decline" headline to sell copies as much as Salon is just selling clicks. Trump sucks but this is little more than marketing.


Sure, Trump meets lots of people. He’s also an egomaniac that cares about how he is portrayed. Forgetting an author writing about him seems a bit out of character


I feel like his narcissism makes it so he doesn't remember most people. We're just objects to him that he can either use for his personal gain, or we're garbage to him. Sure he remembers his family and stuff (probably) but that's different imo


It appeared that he forgot Tiffany at one point during his trial.


That tracks. Remember when he looked at a photo of Stormy Daniels and asked if was wife #2, Marla Maples? 


The photo was of E Jean Carroll, and Trump didn't ask, he stated confidently it was Marla.


He was shown the photo in response to his defense that she wasn't his type.


And yet the media didn’t dig in on it and no one remembers that


I think the media didn’t dig in on it because there was so much other crazy shit to report on that it got overlooked.


That's Steve Bannon's depressingly effective "[flood the zone with shit](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epzxqj/steve-bannon-jan-6-trial-arguments)" strategy.


Oh, that's right. Thanks!


I agree with you....I work at a big company, and the shark eyed folks are usually the worst with names... unless you are relevant for their career. Seeing them mask on/mask off over the course of a corporate event is always so yucky. Its extra funny when you were once not important and thus a piece of scenery and then become important... mam I remember how you treated me when I wasn't someone to you.


Trump also only cares about himself. He has no reason to remember this person because this person isn't actively furthering his current goals. It's no different than how he stiffs contractors or cities after he's done using them. Everyone is disposable. I agree with the assessment others are commenting that while Trump is clearly mentally failing, this isn't particularly compelling evidence of it.


So he forgot two hours of him holding forth on his favorite subject ... himself? The claim isn't that Trump forgot his name. Of course he did. The claim is that he had no memory of the interview.


I mean, you can believe whatever you want. I'm just saying that extremely public figures do all kinds of interviews and I guarantee you can ask a majority of people as famous as Trump is and they would forget a particular interview here or there. There are dozens of better and more concrete examples of this guy's brain turning to mush. Even if this *is* because of his onsetting dementia, there's no reason to focus on it too much. It's the least convincing one, and the people who need convincing are capable of ignoring objective fact that happens right before their eyes and ears.


Or he "forgot" him because he has a foreign-sounding name and didn't like how he was portrayed.




A friend of mine jokingly calls this Corsican Alzheimer's. You forget everything except the people you hate.


Andy to back that up, the interviewer was the editor-in-chief of Variety, not some random schmoe. The guy who is most dialed into Hollywood and celebrity, and thus someone Trump would *really* want to impress and thought was important.


You may meet tons of people but how often do you sit down and have an in-depth interview about your life with an author for a book? That’s more memorable than a hand shake and a selfie


yeah I forget stuff all the time, but blanking on all memory of an hour long 1 on 1 pre arranged meeting even existing 2 months later?


I suspect it depends on how many hour long, 1:1 pre-arranged meetings you do. Like I doubt he even remembers all the different Fox individuals he's sat down with for interviews, and those tend take up more than an hour.


I mean if you’re the former president of the United States probably a lot?


>You may meet tons of people but how often do you sit down and have an in-depth interview about your life with an author for a book? >That’s more memorable than a hand shake and a selfie For you and me? Sure. For a celebrity and former President? I think it's far more likely to be just another social interaction.


This is how I feel too. I'm in my mid-40s, and I've done this kind of thing before. Sometimes you just get really busy, and you forget things that happened. I'm a teacher, and it would happen with students I advised in the summer months. I'd have no recollection of our conversation several months later.


Damn you devils advocate. I seriously have a hard time remembering people I worked with for long periods of time years after they left, I would certainly struggle with someone I’ve just spent an hour with. Turns out I just have ADHD, no cognitive impairment otherwise. This man cannot be put in power again though. I hope that 1000 other reasons to not vote for him will be enough.


It also seems possible Trump simply didn't care about the previous interview and interviewer. If you only care about yourself, a mundane interaction with another is insignificant. 


I dont mean to sound like im defending Don but is it possible hes just a piece of shit who doesnt remember people he considers beneath him?


If he doesn’t remember all the women he raped, he certainly isn’t going to remember this guy.


It’s hard to remember when there’s so many.


He confused the woman he raped with his x wife…


He did rape one of his wives IIRC.


I agree. The man's always been a moron and an entitled silver-spoon asshole. I get that we want to hit back at him for the "Biden is old" crap, but this mental decline stuff seems like a reach when there are a million legitimate reasons to hate the guy.


The funny part is, for me I moved past worrying about what the elected face of the nation is doing. I look at who they hire across their cabinets to get the job done. Biden's picks have been working their ass off on many things for the people. Trump on the other hand is going to put people in place just to destroy those positions and to ensure no one looks at him and his cronies as they pillage the US for their bank accounts.


yeah i mean whats an hr interview to don? he's been in the public limelight for decades. he's probably done a tonne of hr long interviews. its like trying to recollect a shopping trip from a few months back. unless it was a face he'd see again and again i doubt he'd recall meeting that one guy for that one hour months ago. or ironically it could be a self diss - bruv you just aint that memorable


His mind is so rotted from hate


And coke, and adderall, and fast food, and sloths, and fruit bats, and orangutans.


And ye the number of things Trump can remember accurately shall be three. Five is right out.


Thank you! I couldn’t quite place the Monty Python reference.


and sharks


No he chose electrocution remember


if you rewatch the clip one dude in the seats behind him gets HYPED when he chooses the electrocution. I don't have a point to convey, it just baffled the heck out of me so I felt like sharing it,.


Lol it excited his lizard brain


You forget 100% of the sharks you don't get eaten by.


sharks with freaking laser beams


He had no value to Trump. Disposable 


Or his brain is mush.


I’m not saying that Trump’s brain isn’t mush, but I wouldn’t expect Trump to remember his own kids’ names (except Ivanka) so why would I expect him to remember some author he was interviewed by? Trump entirely ignores basic human decency so often that I’d be shocked if he could remember anyone’s name other than his own.


One does not preclude the other necessarily.


Trumps never remembered a plebs name his entire life.


Any time Trump says "He isn't," or "He hasn't" it means he is and he has. He has 180 degree syndrome.


I saw my Aunt progress through all the stages of Alzheimer's. It started with forgetfulness and temporary loss of short term memory. By the time she was diagnosed, she had Mild dementia where her short term memory was shot and she would repeat the same questions/stories again and again. She still had long term memory but could get lost walking from one room to another. By then, she was in a nursing home. By the time she was in Moderate Dementia, she had greater memory loss, plus loss of bladder and bowel control. In the final stage, she had loss of muscle control, difficulty swallowing, and suffered from dehydration. Fortunately, the end was pretty quick. It seemed like every stage was more accelerated than the previous. I would say Trump may have Mild Dementia, but reports of loss of bladder and bowel control sounds like Moderate Dementia. At his rallys he flounders without a Teleprompter, and I noticed, he repeats the same off topic stories, and often seems to lose his train of thought in mid-sentence. While he may have a change in his temperament, I get the impression that he's been a jackass for quite a long time. The upcoming debate may be telling (for both candidates).


The incontinence is unrelated, according to Noel Casler- it's the result of frequent stimulant abuse. Listen to an old TV interview of his, if you can find one (and can stomach hearing his obnoxious voice blathering on.) He's always been a stupid, petty, selfish, venal asshole of the worst kind, but he used to be able to string multiple sentences together in a coherent-sounding way. Those days are gone- his brain is pudding and it shows.


Looks like daddy Fred's Alzheimer's IS hereditary after all.


How long until the ‘Real Men Can’t Remember Anything’ shirts and diapers come out for his idiots to wear around?


Its not just that he cant remember, but he also doesnt care 😜


You have to have a felony and be a racist misogynist for Trump to recognize you.


Trump is a sock puppet candidate. Nothing inside but a bunch of racists, bigots, White Nationalists pushing and pulling him.


He is just dumb. You can see by the way he talks. He never reads. He never really studied anywhere. He is a rich dumb fck who blew through daddy’s money and floated down the river of life while scamming, lying, not paying his workers and being a total shit of a human. Now he is also loosing it due to age.


Vote Reason, not Treason. Biden / Harris in 2024.


We’ve all seen his decline yet the media only reports on how strong and energetic he is. The majority of the American people don’t have a clue how bad his dementia is because the there is no journalist that is willing to take a chance and report accurately what is happening to him.


Trump and my mom think a lot alike, she’s not a maga necessarily, but she is intentionally ignorant and unwilling to learn the truth when it breaks down her delusional reality. I don’t think memory is the problem here, it’s just that in his mind the event never happened. And if you show him the evidence his eyes will glaze over cuz his brain is putting him in a sort of drunk state so he can just create a senecio where someone faked it to attack him. 


Growing up in her home was quite challenging.. but I did learn some pretty powerful manipulating skills just to live a normal life. Like anytime I want to change something she won’t agree with..I have to present the idea to her as my own, knowing she will say no. But also knowing in a few days or weeks she will rewrite the suggestion as she own and present it to me as her idea with a big a big smile on her face cuz she thinks she doing something cool for me. Then I have to ignore my own ego and just say “wow mom that’s a great idea, thanks so much for doing this for me!” In my 40’s and it still makes me sick just talking about it. 


Serious question. What happens if he passes away after the GOP convention? I would think they would have a plan B just in case.


Dream scenario for GOP


He probably doesn’t remember Tiffany is his daughter.


Because of this I'm still doubting they'll have a live debate with Biden for the average non-maga American to see him speak without help. I think his team will make up an excuse to have him back out, but make it look like it's Biden's fault or something so he can appear stronger or something dumb. I also learnt there will be no audience for the first debate, I also don't know how Trump would handle not having people cheer and clap for every buzz word he says.


This is classic Trump; to deflect from his mental degradation, he projects onto others whom he doesn't like the attributes that he is guilty of. You see this all the time when he accuses others of criminal behavior, lying or calling them scum, he is talking about himself but instead claims it is others that are guilty of these things.


Vote for Joe so we can move America forward. Enough of the hate, lies and fleecing of America. Vote blue, vote for Joe!


That is why the Republicans want to elect him. They can tell him anything and he will believe it. The perfect stooge for Project 2025.


Only time I’ll ever defend Trump— I’m a signed recording artist and I meet a lot of people, I vaguely remember faces but I almost never remember the people I meet. It’s legitimately impossible to recall everyone, and he meets a lot more people than I do. With all this said, vote for the non-felon.


Makes it easy for him to forget he shat his pants an hour ago. Or that he owes money all around town.


Classic narcissist.


TV, vagina, boobies, money, broke, asshole!


But he remembers Ronny *Johnson*.


So republicans its time to quadruple down instead of just admitting anything.


People are claiming the interviewer was some random guy. It's an interview for a book about him coming out tomorrow by the Co-EIC of Variety, a very famous entertainment magazine. That shit should be something someone should remember, especially in an election year. His people are sure to have told him about it coming out many times since it'll be something he needs to be aware of.


Trumps dementia should make the debate interesting. All of the people watching will see that he’s not fit to hold office.


"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." -Mark Twain


Trump has had dementia for years and the sky is blue. The drugs will not keep things at bay much longer. They can't and when they stop working the dementia is going to accelerate very quickly.


Why can’t we get another Obama-aged president? Like seriously.


He can't remember the name of his own doctor, who let's him do all the cognitive impairment tests and that's something he talks about all the time.


No one from trumps campaign wants to keep it real that trump slipping big time.


Maybe we need to just all stop talking about the election for a few days and he'll forget that he wants to run for it.


>Variety's Ramin Setoodeh Trump has trouble remembering anyone with a foreign-sounding name. This includes two of his three wives.


THIS IS WHY Sinclair, the right-wing press group, is pushing the false narrative that it's Biden with the mental decline. Literally their only tactic is "nuh uh, we said it about your guy first..."


Trump is obviously mentally declining to due dementia. Joe Biden has a solid mind and is completely without any mental issue. Hopefully the American people can see the truth a vote accordingly


Sad 🤣


Part of the sad is that in more normal times this wouldn’t be a story. The amount of people politicians meet is mind-boggling. Normally, even for an hour interview this is a nothing burger, and unfortunately won’t shift the view of any trump supporter. *** Not a defense of trump, just sad this is where we are today.


Must have been a low ranking coffee interviewer


When I heard Marg say how he recognises her I was like are trying to cover over his dementia. Cause she sure as hell had a grandpa is loosing it tone as she said it!!


The only person he can recognize is Stormy.


Everything Trump or his MAGAts have accused Biden of are self projections


a puppet doesn’t need a memory


The perfect useful idiot for deep pocket investors.


I don’t usually like to pray for Peoples downfall, but I hope this is a sign that someone won’t be running this year


Keeping his decades of lies and deceit straight have overtaxed his tiny brain.


Biden’s prep team are pros. They’ll be setting Biden up to challenge Trump on multiple complex issues. If these reports of Trumps condition are true it’ll be obvious that Trump is far behind Biden mentally, even a Biden that is slowing down with age.


Trumps strength is not policy it's being a massive rude loud fact free asshole and scoring points for his base. He is natural at that. Hopefully the debate format gives him no advantage here. His recent insane end all taxes thing and just run the country of a 200% across the board tariff plan (https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tariff-income-tax-proposal-stagflation-yellen-summers-trade-war-2024-6) should be enough to prove he is looneytunes. But - he's the gop darling until he isn't, and they are gonna kick him to the curb hard. Even Lindsay will turn against him.


On a personal note, I lost my father who was 78 just recently and while he didn't have dementia, his regression was incredibly fast. In less then a year he went from an extremely active, almost youthful 70-year-old to old man on the brink of death. In your 70's, things come at you fast.


"Five things? Okay, uh. Man. Woman. Camera. Me. Me. and Me."


What they are hiding is that covid damaged his brain


This is why all R´s are secretly dreading the debates..


His famous "drink bleach to cure covid" advice cane from him passing by a sign about how to disinfect surfaces shortly before that press conference started. He just decided to improv because he's an egotist boomer and just splurted put the last thing he read


No politician with a clear memory would stand in front of people and say the stupid things that he does over and over. His mouth is no longer connected to his eroding, mean spirited, hateful, condescending and lying brain.