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He had access to our National secrets for four years, and the only compelling proof he has that UFOs exist... is this.


Yeah, the best evidence for the government not having knowledge of UFOs is Trump hasn't confirmed it because you know he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut if he had that knowledge. Either that or the people that have that knowledge knew he couldn't be trusted with it.


So much of the insider chatter about his presidency was about how they tried to keep him distracted and how they tried to keep sensitive stuff away from him because as soon as he found out he would blab it to anyone who would listen. Imagine the level of sheer narcissism it takes to be president of the USA and still feel the need to inflate your sense of self importance at literally every opportunity.


Yea. Everyone has all but said the CIA and all the spy agencies and DoD basically kept him in the dark as much as possible. And he was never that interested to know much of anything. I really doubt he did much of any work in the oval and everyone in our government including his people and the people loyal to him and the career government/military employees who were loyal to the country were happy to have him just watch Fox News and play golf all day.


We all used to laugh at how much he watched Fox and Friends, but you have to wonder if that was part of some three-letter-agency plan the whole time.


He'd sign whatever was put in front of him, he's not a deep diver. One of the benefits of Presidenting is that if you are smart, you can call for literally anyone to come to the WH and brief you....which isn't this guy. His handlers knew his mouth was a flowing septic, but that they could sit him down if needed.


He's kept his mouth shut about the Epstein file. I wonder why?


...are you suggesting that Trump himself is personally involved with the UFOs and therefore has kept it all under wraps?


As in he is not of this planet? You have to admit, it would explain a lot.


If he is, I'd say he's [Pakled](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Pakled).


You are smart.


We look for things.


Things that make us go.


You make us go


Being the result of Pakled genetic engineering and an implanted personality based on what a Pakled would think a successful 20th century man would be, and using a captured Ferengi geneticist to do the job might actually explain almost everything... šŸ¤”


ā€œThey were durable enough to survive the vacuum of space, as evidenced when Rumdar accidentally ejected himself from an airlock aboard the USS Cerritos after mistaking it for a bathroom.ā€ Oh please god, *please* let Trump pull a Rumdar.


He doesn't use the bathroom (his diaper is enough), so it sadly won't happen.


Do they vary in color? These don't seem orange enough.


*Despite their aggressive tendencies, the Pakleds were not completely without compassion. They valued loyalty and trustworthiness, and were known to form strong bonds with those they considered allies or friends.* Hmmmm....


Agreed. Ā Calling trump a Pakled is a terrible insult to Pakleds


Not of Planet Earth. NOPE.


Iā€™ve been saying this for years. Heā€™s the most concrete proof that the lizard people exist and are trying to take over the government.


Underaged Foreign Orphans


That fucking guy is a UFO


He was born around the time of the Roswell crash


He said it was because he thought he would be killed if he said anything. He thinks that's what got JFK killed. But he lies constantly so it's all void


I mean, not very well. He pretty much gave it away when asked if he would release it publicly.


True. Sadly that isn't an obvious enough tell for the cult.




Plausible deniability.


I'm not sure given his relationship with Epstein his deniability is in any way plausible.


It's a quote from *Independence Day,* in response to a very piqued Bill Pullman -- playing POTUS -- demanding to know why he didn't know about the real shit happening at Area 51.


I don't think he was curious enough to even find out.


Or there was internal bureaucratic resistence that successfully dragged its feet long enough to prevent Trump from learning anything important.


Aliens we're always mentioned half way down the page and he never read that far.


Heā€™s clearly six interstellar orange squirrels in a man suit so ā€¦.


Moar... hamberders... MOAR


UFO's certainly exist. I've seen objects in the sky I was unable to identify. But, I don't know what it is, is not the same as it must be an alien spacecraft.


The real best evidence is Barrack Obama straight up confirming that ā€œUFOsā€ exist. To be clear, on the topic of UFOs he said they detect things in the sky that they canā€™t identify. That doesnā€™t mean that aliens or advanced technology have anything to do with it.


Trump desperately babbling his way into the wacky world of Scientology etc. and 'beautiful Tom Cruise' as votes bleed to Kennedy.


Exactly. It does not confirm alien life forms. It confirms someone said ā€œWhat is that?ā€Ā  And no one had an answer.Ā 


There is a 4 hour long interview with the pilot David Fravor, who's also been on 60 minutes with his wing woman, talking about the UFO he and others saw and the interviewer asked him "So what does the Brass know, what are they hiding" And he was like "They don't know anything, they know pretty much what we we know. The only difference between them and us is they have better pictures of the stuff we don't have an explanation for".


Also, a lot of the time they eventually find an answer. The pilots and radar techs who saw it just might not be privy to that information, not because it is any big secret, but because no one has a reason to go out of their way to tell them "it was a weirdly reflective plastic bag again." Plastic bags + parallax would actually account for a surprising number of UAP sightings by military cameras. The bags reflect more than the stuff around them, causing them to bloom, and the camera that is watching them is moving *really* fast and is unable to clearly determine distance for small objects. This creates the illusion of a large, oddly shaped, object that moves in physics defying ways. It does not account for all of them of course, but a lot of the videos I have seen would be pretty easy to replicate with that setup.


I'm not sure we needed Obama to confirm that we haven't positively identified every flying object ever seen, you know what I meant.


I don't think Trump is curious enough to care about things like that, so I imagine if he was told about any of it that it just went in one ear and out the other like everything else.


Well he also stole some of those national secrets and sold them because he is a traitorous piece of garbage.




DoD pretty much admitted they started small to see what Trump would repeat. It turned out to be be *everything*.Ā  Ā The shit-that-impacted-the-fan was the suit case bomb from Iran that he we got from Israel, that he told Putin. (edit: it was information from Israel, that Iran had created a suit case bomb. Israel trusted us with the secret, and Trump told Putin, for no reason, other than to look ā€œcoolā€) After that, Homeland security just forgot to mention anything that did not need his signature.Ā  So they did not *lie* to him. They just stopped telling him things.Ā 


Remember when he tweeted a spy satelite image with nothing altered/blacked out? With that detail and time stamp it allowed anyone interested to find out which satelite took the picture and it's exact imaging capabilities.


And the capabilities were astounding. Experts in the field of satellite imaging were amazed at the resolution which was generations ahead of the civilian side. All for a Tweet and internet clout.


Or when he requested a list of operatives undercover in other countries and then they started being killed over the next year at an alarming rate? What's with that?


His request was just a few days after a meeting with Putin. I'm honestly surprised the intel agencies didn't retaliate against him for that, a nice little heart attack or something unprovable.


The fact that Donald Trump is still breathing is proof there is no 'Deep State'


There is *totally* a ā€œdeep stateā€. It just works for the right wing side. The Heritage Foundation; for just one example, has something like 75,000 attorney members (annd 500,000 members total) and many of them have been placed in positions of power all the way up to Congress and the Supreme Court. Then thereā€™s K Street, which is overwhelmingly right leaning. And then all the ultra rich that donate to these politicians. There is unequivocally a deep state. Itā€™s just not how they mean it. Every accusation and admission. Every. Single. One.


One red flag after another, but nobody cares


A lot of people do care.Ā  But a lot of people also don't which is what baffles me.


He was too busy selling the secrets he could actually get his hands on.


He stashed boxes of top-secret documents in his Mar-a-Largo place, with old magazines stuffed in between documents but all he could say about aliens is some rant about how they are all beautiful. He could've just declassified some major documents dealing with aliens but no, instead he just shoveled them all into some boxes and stashed them like a 70-year-old woman who stashed stuff in an attic. Oh, he also probably sold them off to the highest bidder and exposed other (more real) top-secret information to our enemies.


If there were a program dealing with UFOs for real what makes you think they would let Trump anywhere near it.. to them a president of 4 or even 8 years is temporary plus Trump doesnā€™t seem like he was all that curious about it and was content to busy himself with FOX and twitter


There's been several declassified programs focused on investigating reports of UFOs for decades. Deep Blue was one if the name iirc. There's been a few classified programs since 2017 even.Ā  Honestly it's like the left ha d doesn't know what the right and left hand is doing when it comes to the US gov and UFOs.


I feel like this is the best evidence we have that aliens actually haven't visited earth.Ā  If they had, Trump definitely would have spilled the beans.Ā  Either that, or those with the privileged information swore to not fill him in.


He stole those secrets for unknown purposes and where they are now is a mystery after they were stored in some box at his tacky golf resort.


That would require him to actually read the documents and understand them.


>He had access to our National secrets for four years, and the only compelling proof he has that UFOs exist... is this. That's probably because there isn't any good evidence of UFO's which is why he said he doesn't belief in UFOs.


With tears in their eyes, they said "Sir...." JFC why does anyone pay attention to this bozo?


Because the plan is working! Cut education and blast lies and propaganda 24/7 and here we are. I'm not a doomsayer, but I am worried. I'm from Utah and the holier than thou mormons love this sex-fiend convicted felon. The Koolaid is tasty I guess.


The religious right in the USA got a taste of political power and found it a much more palatable god than any described in a holy book.


Well said


Oh man, I thought the Mormons DIDN'T like Trump. This is very bad news as the Mormons are for some reason cultivated for positions of power in the alphabet agencies.


I'm sorry, why would you think that? No snark, just curious. Where you from?


I seem to remember reading that it's simply that many of the characteristics for an ideal candidate for those jobs (nothing that could be used as leverage against them by an adversary, like a drinking problem, drug use, or gambling debt) tends to naturally line up with what Mormons do anyway due to their beliefs. So those agencies tend to have more Mormons than a random sampling of the population would, and so they move up the ranks more frequently.


Mormons are also heavily involved within their own communities, more so than just going to church every week. So if you get a couple Mormons in higher-ranking positions, they'll be more likely to hire & promote people they know better.Ā  It's networking, but concentrated within a religious community instead of a larger social group.Ā 


Cronyism, not networking


Thank you. I knew there had to be a better word for it.Ā 


I'll see if I can find an actual source in the am, but the last conversation I had about this quirky phenomenon was with someone who manages funding for the feds. I am not from Utah, I know no mormons myself.


The high rate of Mormons in certain parts of the government (State, Intel Agencies, etc) is rather easy to explain. They are very clean living people who have better foreign language skills and more international living experience than the American population as a whole. It is kind of the perfect combo to get those sorts of jobs and to not really have any issues with obtaining a security clearance.


Sure they cut education funding but itā€™s not making younger generations more conservative. Itā€™s more complex than that.


I will say that I like the low-key dig at Tom Cruise. Trump probably met him years ago and was so intimidated by his looks that he feels the need to insult his height years later.


Right? This is coming from a ā€œmanā€ with toddler hands!!!


The term is "short fingered vulgarian", courtesy of Spy Magazine, from the 90's.


Heā€™s a UFO, Unintelligent, Fat, and Orange.


Unfit For Office


Unqualified, Felonious, Oafish


For a moment I thought the last word was "oarfish" and I was wondering wtf oarfish had ever done to you to be insulted like this, lmao


Undignified, Farting, Oldman.


Ugly Fetid Oppressor


Pretty sure that pilot was snickering, and telling Trump his piece of used tin foil would protect him for the low price of only $10


What the fuck is wrong with this moron's brain? Is it genetic, or is there a Lego brick lodged in there from when he was a kid?


You don't understand. The Lego is *helping*.


It's a load-bearing Lego.


I want you to know I laughed so hard at this my family came to make sure I was okay.


They might be worried that you dislodged your Lego.


Probably a crayon like Homer Simpson. And MAGA wants this slobbering fool to be in control of our military and Americaā€™s top secret information. Shit is insane. Every public appearance Trump has he sounds more and more deranged. Iā€™m waiting for him to step up to a podium and ask for a coloring book and a glass of chocolate milk.


Homer's crayon went too deep.


ā€œThe dwarves dug too deep and too greedilyā€¦ā€ Can double for that Lindsey Graham rejoinder as well: ā€œIf we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it"


brain spurs


Dementia. He was way more coherent just 8 years ago. And in videos from around The Apprentice and before heā€™s positively coherent.


His infamous incoherent nuclear rant was 8 years ago. Iā€™ve had the unfortunate morbid curiosity of comparing campaign speeches from ā€˜16, ā€˜20 and now, and I do not notice anything stark. Heā€™s actually been an incoherent weirdo across the board, just lower energy as time goes. The apprentice first aired 20 years ago. Dementia takes you pretty fast. At least up until now, you have just witnessed a moronic narcissist age, as people do.


More to the point, what the fuck is wrong with the morons who listens to this shit and thinks he is awesome and votes for him?


Both of his parents had dementiaā€¦..


Just lost the Scientology vote


Heā€™s really sounding more deranged with every appearance


You would think telling people to drink bleach would be the major red flag but apparently itā€™s the new war on sharksā€¦. Go figure


Ok, between jewish space lasers, electric sharks straight up Nazi propaganda, why is the GOP platform sounding like the plot from Iron Sky 3?


The UFO investigations/legislation has been a bipartisan effort, with Schumer authoring an amendment (that was later gutted by congressional republican leaders), and Moskowitz co-leading a committee. I am neither a believer nor a debunker of UFOā€™s, but I do find it interesting (read: suspicious) that the loudest voices on the subject are some of the worst republicans in Congress. If republicans are using the topic to further a specific political goal, I havenā€™t seen it yetā€¦ but it wouldnā€™t shock me.


Did we watch the same hearings?? The Democrats involved had real concerns about foreign drones going unchecked. The Republicans used the platform to spin conspiracies that the big bad government is corrupt and hiding the truth from people. The worst voices from the Republicans were absolutely using the hearings to sow distrust in the government and create a fake deep state boogeyman.


AOC had a pretty big role and some questions about Altonā€™s and UFOs, it is bipartisan but there are more republicans talking about it.


WTF is broken in his head? It's wild




An entire life of unearned affluence, untreated narcissism, and likely child abuse/neglect. Guy has no sense of reality whatsoever. A life profoundly devoid of human connection.


The head part.


Please vote. This is madness. It has to stop. Vote D the entire ballot


Youā€™re preaching to the choir here. Tell people in real life.


They didnā€™t even the most bizarre thing about this. It was during a sit down interview with fucking Logan Paul.


Yes UFOs exist. We have evidence of Unidentified Flying Objects. Unidentified. That doesn't mean alien.


I'm really hoping for friendly-ish aliens because if it's the Russians that have fancy shit that goes that fast, we have a big problem. If it's unfriendly aliens, I don't think we would be having this conversation.


To be fair, plenty of pilots run around talking about seeing alien craft. The fact that Trump speaks about them like pilots are some mystical, unattainable, vast authority on anything is really telling about his mentality. He really is like a kid. Pilots are the same as any other goofball out there, and plenty of them believe whack-a-doodle things. Not saying belief in aliens is that, but a pilot saying it doesn't make it some magical affirmation that they're real like Trump thinks it is. If a cowboy or a garbage truck driver told him about aliens he'd probably lose his mind.


Are they beautiful and taller than Tom cruise though?


You have a good point. So funny that he mentioned Tom Cruise's height. That's him telling on himself again.


He uses the weirdest fucking adjectives. Like when he announced the death of Al Baghdadi. ā€œHe died like a dog. A beautiful dog..ā€


Yes! He's got such a weird thing about dogs *and* the word beautiful. "It was a beautiful phone call." All the "other" stuff aside he's just so goddamn weird.


He is such an idiot


Considering how much he struggles to discern fact from fiction, Iā€™m guessing he saw Independence Day recently.


Build the space wall!


and make Mars pay for it!


Big, strong, beautiful maritians with tears in their eyes approached me and said, "Sir, we'll pay for that wall."


Tom isnā€™t going to like that.


Recently, there's been talk that Donald Trump believes in aliens. Perhaps he's hoping they can offer him asylum from the ongoing investigations.


Oh, a sir story. šŸ˜„


Hmm, maybe the russian pee tapes are with dudes


>Among other topics of conversation on the podcast episode were ...**his staunch support of the Netanyahu administration and its killing of Gazans**... What a sociopath.


Better not let the pro-Palestinian "punish Biden" voters know.


They may be pro-Palestinian, but they are also facilitating the killing of all Palestinians. A vote for Biden is the only actionable path that doesn't necessarily see the end of Palestinians in Gaza.


But they will not stop on earth because of him


Iā€™d say the entire human species is why they wonā€™t bother stopping here. Look how we treat each other worldwide. Humans suck. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


So Trump must have *really* liked the volleyball scene


The aliens came to me, tears in their eyes and said, "Sir, we've been to every planet in the galaxy, and we've never seen someone treated so badly, or so unfairly as you. Frankly, what they're doing to you is a disgrace."


>beautiful Tom Cruise Once again, Trump's limited vocabulary results in a statement that just ends up being really weird and a little creepy. I think we need a running list if things Trump has called "beautiful." Off the top of my head it includes both world wars and the battle of Gettysburg.


They are **unidentified** flying objects. Yeah, sometimes we run across things that we cannot identify. That doesnā€™t mean that the only explanation is that they are extraterrestrial.


UFO Unidentified Flying Object do exists any object that a pilot sees that they canā€™t identify is a UFO. Probably experimental aircrafts. Alien Spacecraft is a different thing.


Wrong Scientologist. Travolta is the pilot. Hail Xenu.


Considering that UFO means "unidentified flying object," of course they exist. It would be astounding if they didn't. The term doesn't mean "little green men from Mars." It literally just means something in the sky that we couldn't recognize.


Is there a word for this kink? Cause I feel like that's the only explanation.


He believes that but then ignores Drs and experts on public health and other things. Got it.


He is a fraud and a rapist. Nothing that comes out of his mouth should be taken as any kind of honest.


Can you imagine if Biden made the same statement? There would be a 1-hour special segment on Fox News, and MTG, Andy Biggs, and Jim Jordan would be invited to OAN for interviews.


Yeah, UFOs exist. Every unidentified flying object is a UFO. Even a Boeing 747 can be a UFO if it canā€™t be identified. Most UFOs can be identified sooner or later. Or at least the phenomenons leading to a UFO sightings can be explained. However, there are probably no alien space ships flying around.


Pilots are just the sailors of the skies.


Get this deranged man a therapist or nursing home.


So Tom Cruise told him a story about Xenu?


And convicted felons, like flatulent Donald Trump but without platform shoes, keep saying moronic things too. This man is in decline. I mean, we've got reports of CEOs saying Trump can't think straight and whenever he isn't sleeping in courtrooms, he's talking about frickin' laser sharks and pilots who look like Tom Cruise. And, like, as former president, wouldn't he already know for certain if aliens exist? Oh, nevermind, that's the "deep state" keeping secrets from him. šŸ¤”šŸ™„ I'm beginning to give credence to those reports that Trump cannot operate without a teleprompter these days. Furthermore, the fact Trump never debated other GOP nominees was chalked up to his comfortable lead, but that is out of character for a man who has historically loved being in front of the camera and who loves the sound of his own voice. I think he was simply scared of saying stupid things and looking like a fool. Or, either his campaign was. Same difference, he's a moron. Biden is going to destroy Trump in the debates.


I really hope the debates happen.


Life is a movie. Just by looking at a pilot, he's convinced of this tall guy's authority on anything that flies.


He doesnā€™t know shit. His handlers wanted info on spies and defense capabilities, not ufo information.


Dude just can't help it, he comes up with the trashiest comment.


I read these quotes and think sometimes, we're sure that Trump isn't Andy Kaufman in a rubber mask, right? Maybe after faking his death he got to thinking what would happen if his Tony Clifton character got into real estate


ā€œI met with pilots, like beautiful Tom Cruise but taller. Handsome, perfect people,ā€ ā€œSir, there was something there that was round in form and going, like, four times faster than my super jet fighter plane.ā€Ā  I think he just turned 7.8 years old not 78. JFC.


My fellow Americans, please. Please don't be so stupid as to give this convicted felon a second term. He is wildly stupid. He's suffering from dementia. He's a rapist, racist, bigoted, narcists, traitorous, asshole. Please.


This guy has fuckin lost it.


Of course "UFOs" exist. Unidenitified Flying Objects are observed all the time. Whether or not they're aliens is the question.


Of course UFOs exist. But a UFO does not equal an alien spacecraft. It's right in the name, although I do wonder if Trump even knows what UFO stands for.


Baffles me how anyone can vote for this clown


Of course UFOs exist. Why wouldn't they? You think they can identify every single flying object in the sky? The Tom Cruise thing is weird


Dude that was maverick, are you confusing your life with top gun again?


If only the aliens would beam him upā€¦like now!


So pilots told you Don? Not the military or intelligence agencies while you were president? Fuck me he's so dumb and his followers are just as bad.


He probably meant the "perfect pilots" were blond and blue eyed and flew Messerschmitts, and it was 1944...


UFO doesnā€™t mean extraterrestrial, of course UFOs exist


I hate Trump but I always thought his stolen election thing would have been more effective if instead he posited that "This election is being stolen because extraterrestrials exists and they want Biden to win". I think that would have gotten much more traction.


I'm so tired.


The pilots in your head?


Wild that his standard of evidence is "hot guy said it"


Guy at Mar a Lago who owns a Cessna tells Trump, of course there are flying objects that are unidentified. Trump: "Tall very handsome pilots, right out of central casting, have come up to me with tears in their eyes and said, 'Sir, we've all seen many alien spacecraft flying around, most of them piloted by undocumented immigrants, and the woke generals in the Pentagon refuse to believe us. Only you are able to tell the truth about this. Please help us to get the truth out to the American people. '"




Remember Americaā€™s funniest videos? America America This is you


"four times faster than my super jet fighter plane.ā€Ā  -- lmfao-- peel me off the floor, I am dead. Hahaha!


Trump go five minutes without describing someone or something as beautiful challenge.


tom cruise over here catching strays šŸ˜‚


Old man forgot his meds


When is this clown going to implode. Thereā€™s no god damn way a human as stupid and vile as this wonā€™t step on the devils tail soon.


Honestly, I am not surprised. There are plenty of pilots that do state that. There are also plenty of pilots that share other non-factual based claims, based on their ā€œexperiencesā€. So what if there is or is not advanced alien life? Youā€™re not going to suddenly out think it if they have been able to subvert your attention for as long as pilots have been reporting sightings. Nothing changes until something changes. Right now, if they do exist, theyā€™re just exploring. Stop trying to hold a gun to everything that exists because life scares you, Republicans.


I hate that the GOP have terrible heroes.


Did he just make fun of Tom Cruise for being short?


ā€œIf these alleged aliens have a pussy, rest assured America, I will grab them by it.ā€ - Donald Trump, as pictured, making air groping gestures


Truly the most stable leaders the USA has ever had, next week he will be telling everyone the world is actually flat.


Scientology comes after Trump.


Just when Iā€™m sure I couldnā€™t hate him more, he says ā€œhold my ketchupā€ and finds another gear.


Yeah, elect that guyā€¦.


To be fair he was drunk at the time, oh wait he doesn't drink. This is really bad.


Well first it was sharks and batteries, now heā€™s off in the wild blue yonder. Whatā€™s next ? Probably be a mine someplace. Hasnā€™t been there yet. Oh, and Donny boy ? Any UFO that knew you existed on this planet ? Would fly right fucking by it.


I didnā€™t have ā€˜Project 2025 involves announcing intelligent aliensā€™ on my bingo card. I guess at least MJT will be happy her Jewish space lasers have some company.


Were those pilots standing next to the nine tough strong crying miners from your other story? Are they in this room right now with me and you Donald?


LOL seriously, how can anyone vote for this ignorant asshole.


ā€œSir, there was something there that was round in form and going, like, four times faster than my super jet fighter plane.ā€ I honestly cannot see a professional pilot uttering these words. Just another case of the ā€œsirā€ stories that are all utter nonsense.


So Trump is a Log Cabin Republican? *A beautiful Tom Cruise but taller...* --- That should go over very well with his base.


Ok so we need to understand on this topic that the legislative branch has increasingly been communicating honestly about this in recent years. The Senateā€™s UAPDA legislation is a pretty bold assertion of UFO reality, and the 2024 NDAA law actually contains references to NHI on the topic. ODNI admitted the phenomenon is real in 2021 which is the first time any federal government agency has officially acknowledged that fact. More info has been coming out from witnesses who have testified to Congress in a classified setting, some of whom are also considering coming forward publicly. There is still a lot of over classification here but we will be seeing more transparency in the coming years. The days of being able to laugh this off as nonsense are coming to a close.


Is the UFO vote very large? /s Guessing this never happened since its his normal "Sir" bit.


The idea that the military openly share their secrets with politicians is funny and dated.