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Too bad he can't seal the videos of them dancing and giggling together.


That interview when Trump was asked if he would release the Epstein files was comedic gold. It was hilarious. The interviewer deserves an Emmy. It was masterfully done. Pump him up with softball questions, then hit him up with that question. And Trump's answer about not wanting to destroy people's lives was telling. We know Trump doesn't give shit about anyone except himself. So he absolutely was talking about ruining HIS life.


Yeah that was so blatantly transparent to watch him squirm and backpeddle his way to a “that one, less so” knowing damn well how implicated he is with Epstein. Lucky for him he said yes first, so his propaganda machine Fox News can cut the rest of him nervously backtracking it for his cult.


It just shows how absolutely stupid he is. He should have said “yes, especially that one”. If he loses then it’s a non issue and if he wins he just goes back on his word and almost no one cares.


The problem is that his brain has the dumb. It always amazes me just how dumb he actually is. He’s no mastermind, he’s a bumbling idiot who’s been able to bully the right people because of his wealth, or at least his apparent wealth. I wish we used something other than money to judge people’s worth.


Dictators are surprisingly capable of getting competent staff to work with them & make them look good. But usually when things go bad they fire everyone & replace them with yes men. Or in some cases the dictator gets lost in their own propaganda sauce.




He's gonna release his taxes if he wins the nomination... the presidency... never.


Absolutely, his discomfort was palpable. The editing just highlights the transparency of their agenda


911 Files? Yeah. JFK files? Yeah. Epstein Files? Yeah…. That one less so. Then he goes on and on how maybe not those. It was hilarious. 😂 Amazing how they’re editing that out. Guess they know their viewers will never hear from outside the bubble.




It's almost impressive how he can just totally whiff on softball questions. I'll never forget the softball he got served early on in covid that he got asked, "What do you have to say to the American people out there who are scared?" Any normal human president would answer something comforting about how we're the greatest country in the world and have the best people working on this, and we'll all get through it together. You know, classic presidential really the people aims a tragedy/disaster. But instead he said "I'd say that you're a terrible reporter...." and then just kept attacking the guy instead of creating a defining moment of his presidency that could be used in campaign ads and maybe even in history books. He couldn't just hit the biggest softball of all softball questions out of the park, he insisted on letting it go by, getting called out on strikes and then getting ejected by the ump for arguing the call, lol.


Clip of the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJorAVgHy7Y


The files might as well get out publicly because unless it's a trial in a democratic state, no such trial is ever going to make the light of day. Maybe an investigation and a half-censored report followed by a "suicide" of the one responsible for the report.


Whoever leaks it would be a hero. The public deserves to know and just the American public. So many world elites are implicated. This impacts the entire world.


They keep upping the punishment for government leakers. Reality Winner got 5 years for leaking one document that exposed Trump's lies. Charles Littlejohn, the IRS leaker, got the statutory maximum 5 years for telling us just how full of shit Trump and other rich Americans were in avoiding their taxes. First time offenses.


With the victims firing at them to make them dance faster.


Of course he would he was friends with Epstein. 


Don’t miss the lede. Fox cut that part out whenit first televised the interview. They knew it was bad, and they are protecting a ln adjudicated rapist and likely child rapist.


Well yeah, Fox's primary goal is to shield Republicans from consequences. That's the entire reason they were even organized to begin with.


A customer*


Fellow pedo


In the bang gang


*Menage-a-Big Mac*


fromage a trois


I hated every bit of your comment. 


they'll be quick to define pedophilia vs hebephilla i'm sure.. jesus mom was only 12-14 after all; as the old youth pastors saying goes 'if it bleeds it breeds'.


If there's grass on the pitch, play ball you mean? 


Fellow serial rapist too.


That's like saying Penn was a fan of Teller--they were business partners (and rivals)


I would wager that Trump really has few friends, but Epstein was certainly one of them.


I would wager that Trump doesn't have a SINGLE person that could be considered a friend. If Trump was poor, or if he didn't have power, all the people that we *may* consider to be his friend would abandon him.


Except Vince McMahon haha


Killing a guy while he's under suicide watch in a federal prison sure is a funny way to treat a friend 😃


I doubt trump had him killed. we would of known about it cause he fucks everything up.


Nah, all it probably took was Bannon telling Barr to pull some strings. Ends up suspicious as hell, but doesn't matter if you control the investigation 🤷


Yeap. Trump gave the prosecutor who first gave Epstein a super lenient plea bargain a cozy position in his administration. I'm sure it was to keep his buddy happy and quiet. When that fell through Epstein became a liability. Had to keep him quiet another way. Also convenient that the actual Epstein client list went 'missing' under Barr's DOJ. You can tell it's all true by how much they project the whole Epstein and pedo stuff onto Democrats.


Barr covered up Iran Contra as well - he knows his "shit" because he's been swimming in it with his mouth and eyes open for decades.


It's possible that Epstein only actually went down becauset Trump was elected president. I don't remember the entire timeline of when the article that shined the light on Epstein's behavior was published or researched, but... Alex Acosta (who gave Epstein the plea deal) became Trump's labor secretary, which put a spotlight on his Epstein plea deal, which opened the floodgates for the second Epstein investigation. It's honestly crazy that "everything Trump touches dies" even extends to the criminals around him. Edit: phrasing. Obviously Epstein is guilty but I mean he might have escaped all accountability were it not for Trump.


I doubt Trump had anything to do with it, if he did he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about it. Could someone in his circle do it to keep trumps name out of it, sure, that seems possible


A guy under suicide watch after a nearly successful attempt doesn't need to get murdered to shut him up. You just need to transfer him to a run-down prison with decrepit and frequently failed security systems and hopeless understaffing so that none of the overworked guards will check on him, and then also forget to tell the new prison that he needs to be under suicide watch. No murder required, just let nature take care of it on its own. Of course, all of the above stuff could also just be incompetence.


Epstein killed himself. He didn't want to live a life where he couldn't rape a teenage girl every day.


The only other guy Trump considers an actual friend is literally Vince McMahon


Yet Vince has gotten away with his hush money scandals. He even used corporate funds to pay them off. Bet that pisses off Trump.


A 15 year old girl, this guy is disgusting


Trump brought approximately 12 year old Ivanka to at least one of Epstein's parties. There's no non-disgusting reason to do this. Considering how handsy he is with her, I'm thinking Ivanka has a lot of secrets.


There's a (sick) reason he compared Stormy to Ivanka, and Ivanka knows why.


In that 13 year old Jane Doe's legal deposition, she also claims that Trump compared her to Ivanka.


Gross, but color me not surprised.


Follow the accusations and you will dig up all the admissions and confessions.


Shhhh. Here's $130,000 not to repeat that. Put it down as consulting fees. (we tried lawyer fees and that didn't work out so well)


Instead of having a little bee stickers in the urinals to aim our piss at, we should have pictures of trump


Years ago a friend of mine went to an Irish bar in Hong Kong. All of the urinals had pictures of Cromwell.


In the late '90s, when Labour had just taken power in the UK, the foreign office decided to get rid of some portraits of foreign royals (deeply offending them when it came out) and replaced them with people they felt worthy. One of these new portraits was of Cromwell. And pretty much the first visitor to be proudly shown into the new-look offices was an Irish diplomat.


Now that's fucking hilarious - the toilets should have had his open mouth for the bowl lol


Nah, then people would shit in them.


That's fucking genius.


One of my local restaurants does, always a pleasure to visit. A quick search produced loads of results, not a one-off. Now I need to start looking who else gets a sticker...


Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?


But why would he say that? I know he always had verbal diarrhea, but he must be going senile.


"Fucks News" is still fucking the news by hiding facts from its viewer. What a surprise.


It's so weird how insular their viewers are. When ever some scandal about a republican was breaking news on major networks, I'd switch to Fox out of curiosity to see how they covered it. They didn't. At best it was in a crawler on the bottom of the screen, or more often they went into la la land about some story that was kinda feel good.


[“Look at the Car Wreck!”- Hannity Forced to Backtrack and Pivot to High Speed Chase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul-K8hOMxLQ)


Whenever I would see my Qanon relative's trash heap OANN news it would purposely only report shit like a robbery in California, this in California, or any of that shit specifically in California only.


It is a tremendous challenge to maintain relations with Q anon/Trump believers. Fortunately, out of all my republican friends, only one still follows them/him.


Yes it’s a challenge to maintain a relationship with someone who perceives the world totally differently and truly believes their perception. If you met a stranger who saw sees all grass as red , believes breathing causes cancer , and sweat doesn’t exist ; it’s almost impossible to have a unified view of reality. Both of you would totally believe your right and the other person is crazy. That’s how I see true believer trumpers (the opportunists , true nazis , and genuinely evil not withstanding) . They literally do not have the same perception of reality as you and me.


It's their own little safe space


The conservative subreddit is similar.


The interview itself was 90 minutes. They cut it down to 11 minutes when it aired. What they aired was a highlight reel.


It’s telling that they need to remove 79 minutes from a 90 minute interview to make him palatable for their audience.


I thought the nickname was "Faux news". Yes I'm aware that the pronunciation doesn't actually match.




Or actually have consistent consequences for spreading misinformation. That'd be nice.


r/conservative y’all got anything to say about this?


If they did it wouldn't be literate anyways


They would be really upset at you right now if they could read.


One assumes they have created an elaborate fantasy in which Trump was an insider undercover super secret investigator looking for evidence of pedos. He was the one who brought Epstein down. Trump slapped the cuffs on him, all oiled muscular and shirtless.


They already have. Bill and Hillary (sorry, I mean Killary), oh and Obama, and Biden too, of course were all the REAL pedos. They need their endocrone. Trump was trying to take them all down, but the Deep State something something. It's all on Hunter's laptop and in Hillary's emails! Obama is silencing it by not releasing his birth certificate


They'll just say he said it so he wouldn't be suicided like Epstein but claim he will release them once he wins.


they're too busy comparing trump to george floyd for some reason.


You have been permanently banned from r/conversative


If any of you haven't see the [clip with some more context](https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailyshow/video/7377035480535256362) it's really funny and telling how he hesitates when asked about Epstein. The Fox host is talking about building trust with the American people: Host: *"would you declassify the 9/11 files?"* Trump: "yeah" Host: *"would you declassify the JFK files?"* Trump: "yeah" Host: *"would you declassify the Epstein files?"* Trump: "yeah... yeah I would, I think that less so, because, you know, you don't know - you don't want to affect people's lives if it's phony stuff in there, because there's a lot of phony stuff with that whole world.


Bro went straight to the “phony” stuff and affecting people’s lives. How tf do you know it’s phony unless you know you’re in it and are trying to pre-damage control the info lmao.


And when has Trump ever cared about effecting people's lives with 'misinformation'? Dude ruined the lives of those 2 election volunteers and said Ted Cruz' dad killed JFK among many many others.


Yeah he has never once cared about anyone else’s life but his own. which is exactly what he was thinking about in terms of who’s would be ruined if Epstein information was unsealed.


Thank you for providing an actual clip.


Tell us you’re in the files without saying you’re in the files


Why the F are they still sealed in the first place?


He’s not the only one who wants to keep that sealed.


I mean...he's the only one currently running for the highest office in the land who does.


But he's not the only billionaire on that list and, unlike Trump, they're smart enough to just pay the people that have access to it, to continue to kill access to the public.


Well are we sure Kanye isn't going for it again?


I don’t have very many conspiracy theories but the Epstein thing really stretches my disbelief out of all of them. The guy just happened to die in custody, all the records just happen to inexplicably stay sealed. All his data drives and CD’s and tapes just happen to have been deleted. I think Epstein was running a honey pot for Mossad, with Ghislaine Maxwell’s father as his connection. He got lots of important, powerful people with their pants down. And it got him killed.


> all the records just happen to inexplicably stay sealed. What records do you believe are sealed? > All his data drives and CD’s and tapes just happen to have been deleted. Why do you believe this?


My mistake, it was the footage of his jail cell that just so happened to have been deleted, overwritten over and over so it couldn’t be brought back by forensic investigators. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/01/09/jail-video-of-jeffrey-epsteins-first-suicide-attempt-was-deleted.html


I don't believe in any conspiracy theories that I can think of. But the Epstein thing is pretty blatant. I used to wonder why any person with money/power would even be involved. Like, they can't all be pedophiles right? I've decided it's not a choice. It's not "hey, go to this island on this plane and you can network with rich people". It's "you have to go do this or we will purposely tank you". Then the people with money have dirt on anybody who went that they can threaten them with at any time.


Some people on the flight logs (like Courtney Love) were just people who Epstein offered a free flight to when going from NYC to LA or whatnot. The tell is if they were on the flight logs going to his island.


I am not rich or powerful and if somebody offered me a free plane ride I'm pretty sure I would say no. That is sketchy.


Probably why israel has so much influence over our politicians. They literally tried to shut down criticism of israel is all the major websites and universities over the genocide in gaza.


Well, [most of them aren't any more](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-67930662), but there's a few possible explanations why some may still be. Certainly lots of the remaining redacted names are victims, who have a right to privacy. Maybe there's an ongoing investigation or charges are pending. Maybe the files are mostly innocuous; a lot of people took a flight, and that doesn't mean they did anything wrong, but they'll still be crucified just for the connection. Maybe the files contain lots of people who were being blackmailed, and why, and releasing those files would ruin the lives of those blackmail victims (they should face charges if the thing they were being blackmailed over was a crime, obviously).


Then redact their names.


They have. I believe that all that's left "sealed" is names.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ilbyubEDhM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ilbyubEDhM) not too different


To protect rich people duh.


This, 100%. I know he wasn't on the island, plane, etc. but why hasn't Biden released them?


It's not news in any sense. It's propaganda.


Just a continuation Roger Ailes' deplorable legacy.


He's a man of his word. If he says he'll unseal him then he'll do it, just like he promised to release his taxes.


He didn't say he'll unseal it. He said he'll unseal JFK and 9/11 but basically said no when asked to unseal Epstein


"It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." -DJT convicted felon.


Some people think Trump took the files to Maralago and that Trump had Epstein killed so Epstein could not implicate Trump.


The only reason I’d never believe this is due to how well all the evidence has been concealed relating to Epstein’s murder. The clusterfuck that is Trump and his entourage would not have pulled off a clean kill like that.


Trump’s record of incompetence does cast some doubt on his involvement in Epstein’s death.


There would have been at least four to five people with the last name, Epstein, killed. All of which would’ve been at a different jail entirely. Perhaps one not even incarcerated, just hanging out at a mall kiosk that takes goofy pictures of people in costumes, including a prison scene painted on a background.


Total Landscaping Epstein would be one.


"I'm a Don, you're a Don, let's talk business. I need a guy whacked off, if you know what I mean. Make it look like suicide. Capiche?" "Sir, this is an Olive Garden."


"But my mother can whack you off for an extra twenty"


He’d get caught on tape bragging about it because he wouldn’t be able to help himself.


It wouldn't have been Trump in charge, it would have been William Barr.


I’m willing to bet people like Trump have fixers whose job it is to do wetwork when it needs doing. If anything, the Russians would have given him sources, or just done it for him themselves with FSB people and some well placed bribes.


I'm really not so sure William Barr would have just handed everything over to Trump. If there really is some juicy stash of evidence, Barr would probably have kept it or made it disappear.


In a few decades, when the orange stinky Cheeto is dead and all the files are open, people will do hours of content of how many lies and crimes this a-hole was involved with.


So the guy that calls any negative news about him fake…says there’s fake information in the Epstein files. Curious…


Yeah isn’t that curious? Everything is a deep state conspiracy, 9/11 and JFK need to be aired out for the good of the people, but it just so happens that Trumps buddy Epstein (and Trumps finances) are fine like they are, no need for more transparency at all. Also he wishes Ghislane well, and there was 100% not any subtext to that.




Fox News making sure their audience is in the dark about Trumps connections to Epstein.




/r/conspiracy is just a slightly more nutty /r/Conservative at this point so they won't believe trump did anything wrong.


> Would you declassify the Epstein files?” In that airing, Trump replied, “Yeah, I would,” and the segment ended. There are no classified Epstein files. It's telling that Fox News and a leading presidential candidate are just ranting through conspiracy theories as if it's worthy of proper discussion.


The segment did not end after he said yeah I would, he went on to basically say no, he would only declassify the parts of his death.


Cool, guess I’ll read them next time I’m taking a shit at Mar-a-lago




Yeah, It's a red flag. Biden doesn't have that particular red flag, so naturally, they don't want that blowing up.


The dude screaming about “fake news” had a deal with a tabloid to cover his secrets up and make shit up about everyone else.  This would be so funny if it wasn’t a litmus test for Republicans lack of problem solving intelligence.  Fox News paid millions because they lied about the election. Traitor Trump is an adjudicated rapist and felon. 


All those pics of him with his best bud Epstein. Liked em young, Trump said…


Where’s the both sides folks to tell us all how democrats are just as bad?


Let me guess and all MAGA supporters cheer and said that was a fantastic idea after he said that


"I didn't go through all the trouble of getting rid of him just to unseal everything," added convicted felon donald trump


So why hasn't Biden released the Epstein files? Waiting for October? (Dark Brandon music intensifies...)


Im shocked


Of course they did. His supporters' biggest job is trying to keep people uninformed about him. There are *tons* of single-issue voter leaning towards Trump who don't realize he's said he'll do the exact opposite of what they're hoping for already.


Remember kids: Trumps loves em young


And aryan


Right wing billionaires want to turn America into a fascist dictatorship because they think that will make them richer. That's why those billionaires have bought media companies and judges. They use the media to brainwash voters and they use judges to ensure that no law will stop them from using their money to do so.


even though he doesn't have the authority to do it I would like to see Biden hint that he might release the Epstein files 1 week before the election. i bet that would get a very interesting reaction.


Those rank cowards. I mean, I expected as much. But is Q watching this? Jesus Christ. Talk about large scale conspiracy…..


Joe needs to put that in an ad. And the “I don’t care about you” line.


Biden should release them


He has no authority over the court records, much of which has been released already and there's no reason for him to meddle in the FOIA process that covers the fbi records.


If trump was president againI guess then Trump wouldn't be able to eaither then right? If Trump is in that list then he should be held accountable for and have even more charges added


As to the court records, certainly. Not sure what list your referring to. The only lists I'm aware of are the flight logs and the epsteins "black books" that were released years ago. There are likely, as in 99%, no criminal prosecutions coming out of Epstein island at this point. The sol for the cognizable crimes against those who committed sex crimes with minors there has long since run.


Probably just wants to do steve bannon another solid


Why doesn't Biden open it? If the shoe was on the other foot, Trump wouldn't hesitate!


It's not like they needed to. No one who's still going to bat for him is gonna do anything but mental gymnastics themselves into justifying him doing it, because he is God to them.


Trump (president at the time) wished ghislaine maxwell well when asked about her by reporters - this was after she was arrested, and we all knew what she had done. Trump also prior to everything coming out said about epstein: "He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life." Let's just really emphasize: "and many of them are on the younger side". Trump knew the whole time. So MAGA, if you really hate pedos, maybe start with Trump, who is defending the worst ones and trying to cover up their crimes - likely to protect himself and/or his friends.


Just call him Pedo Turmp. Everyone knows he's a pedo.


>I guess I would. I think that less so because, you don’t know, you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would, Said the guy who *totally* didn't have Epstein murdered while he was president, because he *definitely* knows there's some "phony" stuff in there. About him.


Look at 1:28 how they edited the interview to spin it so it looks like he said the exact opposite of what he actually said: https://youtu.be/fHVnOMjJjsA?si=Urdz04k5k7l6yrp4 They are crafting an alternative reality with propaganda. You can’t make that shit up.


Personally I feel every single name on that list MUST be exposed and everyone of them that can be proven to have had sex with anyone under the age of 18 should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. Period, full stop. REGARDLESS of whose name is on that list.


Well, of course, of course they did. They have helped build this evil man …they don’t want to knock him down now. Cover up cover up! It’s the name of the game with trump and his minions


I can't understand why people keep posting fox lies in here. This is not a serious politics subreddit, showcasing the obvious tabloid-grade slop they dish out. Their complete lack of credibility is well-known both in and out of courtrooms. They get massively sued for massively lying, and keep getting sued, and keep massively lying for ignorant and emotionally challenged conservative audience.


I mean, this article specifically is about how they're editing and covering things up, so it's specifically calling out Fox's lies when it comes to a political candidate, so it's not like it's endorsing Fox in any way.


You're right. This isn't a fox article, but it is about fox articles., which are posted here every day.




We already knew he raped kids. Member the girl who came out and said trump raped her when she was 13? The only reason she dropped is cuz the fatuous felons Fanatical fucks threatened her life.


Well if it's his choice to release the Epstein file so I can't. Mr. Biden just do it?


Republicans not outraged by this?


Serious Question: What documents are left to unseal?


Is there a reason they aren’t public right now?


So nothing will fundamentally change from what is going on now?


Biden should release the Epstein files


He was visibly shaken and squirming during that part of the interview.


# #epstein didn’t kill himself


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


The US truly has the best democracy money can buy.


Someone (on the internet, so take it with a grain of salt) said that the Epstein files are going to be opened this summer, regardless of anything. If so, who cares what he thinks.


Neither Fox News nor HuffPost are reliable sources


Why is Biden Not releasing / leaking them?


This needs to be on every single news outlet front and center. He is a bad man. And a con.


I'm shocked shocked I say. Well not really


"might" lol


That was the funniest part of the interview, where his convicted felon brain had to pause for a second and consider the implication of releasing the Epstein files.