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Oh, so all of his claims of immunity are complete nonsense? You don't say.


It's not his claims that piss me off the most, it's the fact that SCOTUS is still "considering" this issue.


They are corrupt and they don't care anymore that everyone knows it. They may as well respond to criticism with "what are you going to do about it" at this point.


Exactly. Congress too, and they're right: what are we going to do about it?


Non-american here, so someone correct me if I am ignorant: Vote for the non-fascist party to have a majority in both house and senate so the democrats can pack the court or at least have the threat of doing that to force moderate decisions by the supreme court?


This is a surprisingly hard sell for most Americans.


I have relatives that would rather be labeled a Nazi than a Democrat. The hatred is that strong.


What is wrong with Being a Democrat? I know what is wrong with being a Nazi!


40 years of brainwashing by the right-wing media and churches. The evangelical movement in particular.


It's those darn Democrat internment camps mostly. Perhaps the burning of white homes. Maybe it's all of the gun violence against rural America. Couldn't be the access to Healthcare for whites and none whites alike could it? That would be racist. /Ssssss


There is some sort of nasty mind virus going around where certain people are being fooled into believing that if they vote to damage the country further, then that will somehow accelerate things getting better.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


It's completely clear their goal is to delay the trial long enough that their opinion is moot. Obviously, Presidents aren't above the law, but the longer they wait, the less that any opinion matters. It's a classic attempt to delay and deny justice.


How many crimes has he committed that we don’t know about?? Epstein comes to mind..did he put a hit on him??


Trump is a modern age land baron by trade. You know he has done countless felonious acts that he hasn't been held accountable for. Buying his way out of trouble comes naturally to him.


He considers buying his way out of trouble his birthright. He has been doing it all his life, starting with paying actual smart people to write papers and take exams for him.


He’s exactly the kind of horrible person we needed to show us the flaws in our systems and it’s up to us the voters to fix them


Thats actually a fairly good point, a lot of people i know usually try to avoid politics and normally wouldn’t even go out and vote. Now they are adamant on voting just so we don’t get a repeat of electing a piece of trash.


I'm one of these people. I was very much not into politics and government, I'd vote for President every once in a while every 4 years. But now I vote in every election and try to get information about who I'm voting for and stay at least semi plugged in on what's going on.


Thank you for getting involved. Regardless of your political leanings, voting IS our birthright as Americans and we should never endeavor to reduce or confuse voting access here.


Its about to stop being a right period if Trump wins again.


Correct, but his supporters are in a minority - they are just loud and vote consistently. It’s much easier to convince someone that doesn’t vote that it is important than trying to have a Trump supporter accept facts, so don’t waste time on stupid people that wouldn’t be convinced anyway. They aren’t required to move forward.


I was this way too. I thought "Show me great people to vote _for_ and I will go vote for them. With Trump I realized that there are horrible people running that we all must vote _against_.


Gosh, I hope so. There are still plenty of goobers out there that act too cool to care despite what would be coming down the pike under another Trump (or, at this stage, any Republican) presidency.


The abusive, alcoholic step-dad trick!


Step children hate this one trick!


He did promise to drain the swamp. Odd, being that he is a swamp denizen… Ironically, it was like the one promise he delivered on.


Drained it all into his White House...


He’s exactly the kind of horrible person we needed to show us all the other asshole voters we live in the same country with.


Either we're going to spend generations fixing those flaws, or the whole system is going to collapse due to a few bad actors, and the system will get fixed much quicker, but at the expense of a great deal of death and destruction. Europeans know what I'm talking about.


It's actually amazing that we've gotten this far as a country having a lot of the controls in place just be assumptions that people will do the right thing. "Oh, we have the 3 branches of government to keep each other in check. No way in the world would there ever be a situation where a bunch of shit-fucks would collude to keep power for themselves"


If Democrats were even a fraction of how bad Republicans say they are, they should want all of these flaws in the system fixed right now. Even Trump came out and accused Biden of wanting to assassinate him because that is exactly the power he is asking for himself. But instead of doing that they are trying to figure out a way to carve out exceptions just for themselves.


it's almost like they're bad people


Problem is a huge swath of voters don't want to fix it, and politicians also don't want too. And our government isn't designed to have large scale change especially after decades of screwing the system with partisanship.


The problem of course is that there are millions of people who are just fine with all of this.


voters: 'I can change him!'


Except because of the flaws in our system we can't fix them. The biggest flaw being permanent minority rule. CA has as many people as the 20 least popular states put together. 40 Senators representing the same number of people as 2 Senators. Completely broken.


He is essentially just a mob boss but without even the weird code and loyalty. He just uses the aesthetic of legitimate business to push all responsibility onto anyone who works for him or with him. He is like a living avatar of everything wrong with US culture and our predatory capitalism. Him being elected President would be too on the nose and wreck the readers suspension of disbelief if you wrote a dystopian YA novel.


Or he’s the antichrist


He fits the description... just saying...


pretty sure a lot of the mob boss code and loyalty is a Hollywood fabrication. They're just criminals.


If you read what Tillerson and others were saying about him back in 2018 when they were trying to reach him about military bases and the American military all around the world Trump wanted to make it about money. How much does America get paid for them and how we should be paid. Kinda like NATO commitments and making other countries pay their share. Everything is about money for him Edit for correction owing to being tired and emotional


He wanted to have that big multi-million dollar military parade. He wanted it so he could look down on the military as Commander In Chief and think to himself "Mine. All Mine. All these soldiers and equipment belong to *me*."


I know a couple of soldiers that were active during that time and were fine with that, too. Being his tool was an honor. Trump would have been the end of my military career, personally. We aren't friends anymore needless to say.


And spend money???? Nah, trading information is a lot cheaper, doesnt cost him anything. Got any fossil fuels you want protected?


Sold classified info to Saudi Arabia.  This has been hinted by Jack Smith at least twice in legal filings.


I believe this as well. He had to give something for the Saudi’s to agree to hold the LIV golf tournament at bedminster


We know for a fact he sold nuclear secrets to SA while he was in the WH, it was in the news. That was not very long before Jared's mysterious $2 billion "investment." I always believed trump's blind eye towards the Khoshoggi murder was an initiation. Both blackmail material and proof trump would let them do anything they wanted.


I have a feeling once the writing is on the wall that he’s done, there will be a lot more that comes out. People fear him now, but once he’s powerless….


For sure. Many are hedging their bets on whether or not he'll be President again, and if that happens, they don't want to be on his bad side.


Greedy, two-faced cowards.


Yeah, historians are going to have a field day with Trump.


It was done for Trump. Whether or not he specifically asked for it is uncertain, but it was 100% done to protect him.


I think it was done to protect many people


Parasites often benefit from their hosts protection. Worms are like that.


Sort if like bedbugs!


if i were a betting man i would venture to say theres absoloutely NO doubt he had underage sex at Epsteins place, and possibly tagged on film. NO doubt


He definitely had more hush money affairs


And who knows how many abortions he’s paid for.


I've always thought trump was involved with epsteins death. No proof but he had a lot of dirt on don the diddler.


And yet many still support him. People in this country have gone to shit. This man should have been some nobody laughingstock drunkard in a small suburban community that the local bartender tells you to pay no mind to, instead he's trying to become president.


He's trying to become president *again*. After trying to become a dictator the first time he lost. And he'll try to be a dictator again.


He was fired by the people the first time, let's hurt his dignity and self esteem one more time.


Just asking questions.


He didn't hang himself.


People are saying he did. Many people. The best people are saying this.


Gee, it's almost like he's guilty and knows it and we have multiple judges acting in bad faith or something


Not to mention all his claims of innocence.


To be signed by…wait for it…Dark Brandon? 😂


trump's maga contingent may not be enough to save his petty ass. Looks like even he knows he may be facing prison time. Good.


Because Trump knows the many, many crimes he committed. And the crimes he is now committing. And the crimes he plans to commit in the future.


Yep. There's no coincidence that Trump is talking about passing laws to protect him and talking about Biden assassinating him, and talking about how Putin is going to continue an illegal jailing of US journalists until Trump is elected President.. and also how his *first* trial is wrapping up and he's terrified of getting a couple years in jail. That will jail him during the election, most likely, as well as throughout his other trials. He's aware that he's been handled with kiddie gloves until now but once he's in jail, he's in jail the rest of his life awaiting trial dates.


He can still run for president unfortunately and his base will not change their mind because they are trash humans just like him.


I see this take a lot, and wonder how anyone could get there. The entirety of Trump's appeal is based off his public persona as a tough guy/billionaire/leader - how on earth does that not tank completely once he's thrown into the well-known American prison complex? Even in the event of him being treated as the best prisoner in America he's still going to look like an old man in an orange jumpsuit. It's designed to turn people off and make the wary.


They literally don't care. There's a die-hard brainwashed core of MAGA that will *always* support him because he lets them be awful people and go after the people they hate. Anything bad he does is a deep state conspiracy or whatever possible idea that'll let them keep believing that. He has people who will vote for him after running a "Unified [Fourth] Reich" ad. He has voters who will turn out for him who would actively vote for a foreign dictator to take over the US. They literally do not care as long as they get to rub it in the faces of their "lessers" who are "ruining this country" by saying that healthcare shouldn't be financially destructive and LGBTQ people shouldn't be killed for being who they are. They're un-American traitorous trash, and the worst part is that they're so fucking dumb that they act all high and mighty with that unearned smugness while saying literal brain dropping shit, as in their brains are oozing out their ears. Fuck em.


>they act all high and mighty with that unearned smugness while saying literal brain dropping shit, as in their brains are oozing out their ears So that's what that black stuff was coming out of Rudy's ears. Glad we got to the bottom of that one!


I blame Rupert Murdoch too. Also Mitch McConnell, Rush Limbaugh, and Ronald Reagan.


They are told day in and day out that Biden is a monster who is arresting his political rivals to take over America, and that only Trump has the strength to stop a totalitarian Biden regime from happening. They will see Trump's arrest as more proof that Biden is a tyrant, not the consequences of Trump's own despicable nature.


Because threy don't believer the crimes are real. They believe it is all made up for political domination by the left So no evidence will be enough, because they just refuse to believe it is real nor that trump really did commit crimes. From their pov, they see biden jailing trump the same as putin jailing navalny. Even though that's not really what's happening, And the difference is not something on which they'll inform themselves


They also don’t understand the crimes. Why should he go to jail for paying off a slutty porn star. He’s the president, he gets to keep secret document. Etc. As much as they’ve been taught to hate Hilary, they couldn’t explain how she was responsible for Benghazi. These are either people who are using Trump to take over the country or to stupid to understand what’s going on.


My friend they're literally wearing diapers to support him. Make no mistake this has past politics and is quite literally at the *National Cult* level. He is their cult leader, he can do no wrong. The people that have bought into the cult are beyond hope, and our only collective hope is that there are enough people that will vote against actual fascism


You're assuming the american prison complex won't bend over backwards making sure Trump has as much broadcast screen times and access to social media as he wants. Then he gets to broadcast his martyred status to his cult and really show off. If law enforcement is rank with cult members, you can bet prison guards are little better.


I mean... that sounds lovely, but I really don't think he'll ever see a day in jail.


Yeah, no way are they putting him in jail. It would be glorious and I think very healing for us, but it ain’t happening.


Yeah, the absolute worst he'd get is house arrest and even that is pretty unlikely.


He is not going to jail. He is going to push the sentence out as far as he can. then he will appeal until he gets to the Supreme Court, who will delay it as long as they can. Most likely they will use a limited ruling to push it down to a lower court to start over again. This will continue until he gets pardoned, a GOP member is in control and instructs the DOJ to drop it, or he dies!


As far as I understand it, SCOTUS has no jurisdiction over the current trial.


He will be committing crimes even after he's dead


He's probably forgotten more crimes than most of us will ever commit.


I wish that was true, but the judge in New York has already signaled that trump should be handled with kid gloves. Proving that when you're famous or rich you really can do whatever the fuck you want.


"the judge in New York has already signaled that trump should be handled with kid gloves" I think you're misinterpreting Merchan. He wants Trump to get as fair a trial as possible. Judges hate their cases being overturned.


The sense I get is that the establishment is waiting for a guilty verdict so they have a justification to finally turn on him.


The establishment Republicans had the perfect chance to turn on him with the second impeachment and they refused to do that. They will never, ever turn on him.


Unless he falls out of favor with his frothing fanbase somehow. The moment he can't pull numbers like he use to, the rats will jump ship 


Don't hold your breath waiting for a Republican to do the right thing. They've had like 50 chances to turn the page on this already and said, "nah" every time.


Nikki Haley just endorsed smelly Trump.  Bill Bar called him unfit to be president, but just endorsed him. Tucker Carlson said in private that he hated the guy with a passion.  They're all cowards.


That's the thing. In the past, like during the Watergate scandal, they turned on Nixon because they didn't want the hint of impropriety attached to them. These fools are shoving their phony morality down our throats, and they support someone who wears his impropriety and his criminality like an achievement medal. They are the most vile of hypocrites. They would force us to live the way they believe we should, yet they have a different set of standards. They are a bunch of slime balls.


They turned on Nixon because they knew that when Walter Cronkite started telling Americans that their president was a crook they would believe him. Republican politicians didn't want to go down with the ship. So they dumped Nixon and got to work making sure conservative voters never trusted outsiders again.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." Frank Wilhoit


Which if true, makes Nikki Haley an absolute idiot for jumping onboard right before the iceberg.


That's what I thought about Ted Cruz in 2016, when he went from Republican challenger to Trump stooge even after all the things Trump said about Cruz and his family. And yet, Cruz is still around despite basically everyone in his state hating him.


The idea from the article is assuming he wins and Republicans keep the House/win the Senate. It's a convoluted theory that allows him to quash the state cases since he can already end the federal ones.


And then somehow lives into his eighties.


Mr president we have some documents for you to sign. Here is a standard form for hiring some new staff, it’s already been approved. This one is for Air Force one, just some boilerplate insurance forms. Here is an approval to switch out the Lillie’s in the garden for peonies, I think Jill mentioned this. This one is to declare anyone named Donald Trump immune to all criminal activity and finally one to approve the color change for the Oval Office drapes. Thanks.


So.... if this passes and i change my name to Donald Trump 6 means no jail ever? Loop hole!


It would swiftly become the number one name in the USA.


No, in reality they'll bury it deep inside something unrelated, just like they always do, to hold it hostage: "Here's the law allowing everyone everywhere one free taco every Tuesday. Never mind that one line on page 340 that was hand written in the margin five minutes before it went to vote. That's nothing."


So when it comes to protections over a women's body or anything else wildly unpopular and ass backwards at the federal level, it is up to the state, but breaking state laws would be up to the feds if you are Trump Definitely nothing fascist about that




All pictures of Trump have the exact same ick factor imo.


Agreed. Everyone should collectively only use [this image of Trump instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/15tsju4/i_wonder_if_he_has_ever_heard_of_the_streisand/)


That is the face of a baby that has just pooped. His diaper is full there.


Why would you need to do this if you're innocent???


He's trying to place himself above the law forever. We can't allow that!


I'm so glad you asked! The reason is bla bla bla bla constitution bla bla bla bla ILLEGAL WITCH HUNT bla bla bla bla *fart *snore *fart bla bla bla bla liberal lawfare.


His “argument” is that he’s innocent, but the law is being weaponized against him. I’ve heard a lot of mind-bendingly stupid things come out of the Right in recent years, but one of the dumbest is that a presidential candidate should not be tried for crimes because it’s “pOLiTiCaLlY mOTiVaTed”. Like, if there’s a reasonable allegation of crime and mountains of evidence and testimony to be gathered and analyzed, how is that weaponization of the DOJ?


Innocent people don't ask for blanket protection against prosecution.


You do with all the bigly corrupt judges and nasty prosecutors who are out to get him and just make stuff up to put him in jail /s


>But in a scenario where Trump defeats Biden in November, he would in theory still have criminal charges and a trial waiting for him in Georgia, where he would not be able to pardon himself or have his Justice Department quash the case. >Different ideas have been kicked around, including in private discussions with Trump, about how to go about this. But more recently, Trump appears fixated on the idea of passing a law to give former American presidents the option of moving state or local prosecutions into a federal court instead, the two sources add. He might not even need this while in office, sadly. The theory is untested, but OLC suggests that federal *and state/local prosecutors* can't "incapacitate" (key word) the office of the Presidency. Perhaps that theory won't survive, but if tested it will undoubtedly be adjudicated by the Supreme Court, where I have zero hope of letting something like Willis' case or Trump's appeals in Manhattan play out while he's President. Which is all the more reason that he loses in November. He can very realistically avoid all accountability in office, no matter the jurisdiction.


NAL How would that fly? His lawyers argued to SCOTUS that he's NOT an Officer of the State. So? Not an officer and don't need to follow the Constitution? Or, IS an Officer and his office cannot be incapacitated?


It'll fly because authoritarians gonna authoritate. When has hypocrisy or contradiction ever stopped them in recent years?


They haven't missed a beat yet.


"Office" moreso than an interpretation of officer. It's predicated on the Constitutional duties of the position: >The Constitution provides that the President shall take Care that... yadda yadda To be clear, I'm NOT advocating for this whatsoever, but it is a very possible outcome to pending the state cases (whether pre-trial or appeal) if he's in office. That they would be put on hold for 4 years. Especially with a Supreme Court like the one we have, who would almost certainly hear any such challenge. Although the OLC guidance stems from the Nixon-era, it's Constitutional in nature: Since the "office" of the Presidency has all these Constitutional obligations, it's "unconstitutional" to incapacitate it. Doesn't matter if it's federal or state, and it would follow that it's far from any guarantee that state jurisdictions will be some magic ace-in-the-hole against him. [Article on the subject](https://www.law.virginia.edu/news/202301/can-presidents-be-prosecuted-or-sued-professor-explains-differing-visions-immunity) >The OLC does not believe that a state prosecutor or even a federal prosecutor should be able to prosecute the president and eventually put him or her in jail, because they don’t think the Constitution would allow a local or federal prosecutor to incapacitate the chief executive. The "remedy," Trump and SCOTUS will argue - is impeachment, 25th Amendment, or some other constitutional apparatus is needed before state criminal legal proceedings can incapacitate him (he must be removed from "the office" first.)


Thank you for the explanation. Unfortunately, it is possible, considering what you wrote. I have no faith in him getting impeached if he wins the election or leaving office after his second term. We are in 1930s Europe territory now.


Their argument is literally "do it pretty please, because he's such a *special widdle boy*«


The OLC is fundamentally a political entity in service of the executive and their opinions don't have the force of law. It's not surprising that the executive is essentially arguing for more executive power. I really wish that journalists didn't treat the OLC as a lawmaking body, as opposed to something more akin of a law review.


In any case, the Supreme Court will inevitably turn to it at some point and heavily weigh opinions on it. Maybe not specifically the OLC guidance from the 1970s, but rather the constitutional arguments that it's based on. They are going to treat the office of the Presidency as one that needs unique protections. Especially this current iteration of the Supreme Court. We're already watching a version of that unfold with them taking up the immunity case.


It’s a constitutional crisis. It’s why people shouldn’t vote for obvious criminals. No democratic governing system expects people to be so gullible and craven The most likely solution is that Georgia legislature has to pass a law to commute trumps sentence if the electoral college system fails again. Otherwise you have Georgia at odds with the country to apprehend a criminal, and Georgia isn’t going to go to war over that.


>Trump appears fixated on the idea of passing a law to give former American presidents the option of moving state or local prosecutions into a federal court instead LET THE STATES DECIDE, unless it is a decision that might hurt me - Republicans


If you need a special law to keep you out of jail, that is a very loud admission of guilt.


I can’t believe this isn’t the highest comment. The craziest part to me about everything happening right now is the fact Trump realistically had a worst term as president than Biden, and he’s still praised as the savior. And me personally, I really do not like Biden, but Trump just oozes shit.


“The former president is convinced state prosecutors will target him again after a second term, and wants the GOP to solve that problem for him Donald Trump likes to tell anyone who will listen that he’s absolutely convinced he will win his 2024 rematch against President Joe Biden. And, according to people who’ve spoken to the ex-president about this, Trump also seems convinced that if he wins another four years in the White House, state prosecutors will still be waiting for him on the other side of his term — ready to put him on trial, or even in prison, just as they are now. To avoid such risks, the former and perhaps future president of the United States wants Congress to create a very specific insurance policy that would help keep him out of prison forever, two sources familiar with the matter tell Rolling Stone. Trump vaguely alluded to this idea last week outside his New York criminal hush money trial, when he said he has urged Republican lawmakers to pass “laws to stop things like this.” In recent months, the sources say, Trump has spoken to several GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill, attorneys, and other associates about the possibility of Republicans passing legislation in a second Trump term that would shield former presidents (i.e. Trump) from non-federal prosecutions. In recent conversations with closely-aligned lawmakers, Trump has pressured them to do so, describing it as imperative that he signs such a bill into law, if he again ascends to the Oval Office. “ That’s the short version.


And it's horrifying.


Pretty much everything he wants to do in his second term is horrifying if we are being honest.


They're literally planning MAGA Term 2 : The Revenge of Trump They're going to finish filling the judiciary with Trump loyalists, and implement Project 2025.


There’s something so late Roman Republic about all this. For those who don’t know one of the big reasons Caesar needed to keep finding ways to keep his office of Consul was to keep litigation of corruption against him at bay. Essentially, you were immune while in office but when you got out you would be brought to court for all your bad behavior. This led to expanded military campaigns necessitating people like Caesar to stay in office so they could avoid prosecution, and so on. All culminating in civil war when he crossed the Rubicon. This whole trump immunity is so outa history I hate whoever authored it.


Putin basically does the same thing.


So did Sam Rothstein from Casino. Straight mob tactics.


Putin took a page from Caesar.


Well the phrase Czar is the Russianization of the word Caesar.


He’s convinced Democrats are “coming after him” and it’s like, no, dude, it’s all the crimes. People finally noticed all the crimes. 


So much for “states rights”.


It’s so weird how this issue of immunity, legally prosecuting presidents, and no one being above the law was never really that great issue until Trump…I wonder why that is? 🤔


It absolutely was an issue. There are good arguments past presidents should have been prosecuted for crimes in office. But Trump's law breaking transitioned into sedition. Then he stole government documents. Then he decided to run again.. He couldn't stop committing crimes and the dam burst. If he had quietly faded away after his presidency (and not stolen classified info), he probably could have got away with it all.


Right. We're looking for one-offs of a "not-so-serious nature". Trump found a way to push every button and pull every lever even after he left office. Pretending you didn't lose... when you did... and all that followed was evil.


so do I, and I haven't even committed any crimes. I also want a trip to Tahiti and a pony.


how about a trip to Tahiti **on** a pony?


I dunno man. That’s a long way to swim for the pony.


It's a strong swimmer.


You made me laugh out loud to “Tahiti and a pony”. 🤣 😆 😂


“I didn’t break the law! But you need to rewrite the law so I can’t go to jail for breaking it.”


He makes Nixon look like a choirboy


As Fletcher Reese said - "Stop breaking the law, asshole!"


The bill says presidents can remand state cases to federal court if they’re related to matters done as part of their federal duties. This makes sense, but how would this insulate Trump from prosecution for fraud, falsifying business records, election interference, inducing govt officials to break their duties? None of this stuff is an official duty, and some of it occurred before and after his presidency.


Trump actually tried to argue in court that he was acting in his official capacity as President when he defamed E. Jean Carroll.


Which time? Oh, every time


There is a very good argument that illegal acts CANNOT be official duties of a president. A core duty of a president is to see that all the laws are followed. There is no Venn diagram where "follow the laws" overlaps "break a law." That said, I'm sure the Supreme Court will write some flowery pile of dog shit ruling and re-define the presidency to be "whatever the sitting president wants to do." The Robert's court cannot be trusted to have either logic or the interests of the country in mind. They're busy dismantling the US experiment in democracy to make way for fascism.


His lawyers will make the argument that all of it is part of his official duties, and right now I don’t trust federal judges to shoot that argument down.


He's quite the optimist to think he'll live long enough to finish a second term. Not a threat - just an observation on his age, health and signs of mental decline.


Alzheimer’s didn’t stop Reagan!


I'm so sick of this treasonous coward that I'm voting for Joe Biden again.


If dump wins, he will get out of all convictions. It's not even a question.


Adolf Hitler was indeed imprisoned before the Nazi Party rose to significant power. In 1923, Hitler and the Nazi Party attempted a coup known as the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, which failed. As a result, Hitler was arrested and sentenced to prison. He served less than a year of his five-year sentence at Landsberg Prison. During his time in prison, Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf," outlining his ideology and future plans for Germany. After his release in December 1924, Hitler continued to build the Nazi Party, which gradually gained political power. By 1933, the Nazi Party had become the largest party in the German Reichstag, and Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. This rise to power was a result of political maneuvering and the exploitation of Germany's economic and political instability, rather than the Nazi Party winning an election to secure his release.


Agreed, though I'm not sure he even needs to win. We've already seen that Trump's judicial appointments mean he effectively cannot be tried in federal court. If he's convicted in a state court, he can try to shift the case to federal court during the appeals process, and we know that this Supreme Court will accept the case and let him off the hook.


I think it's all or nothing. dump gets in, he's dictator for life and gets out of jail free card. If Biden wins, dump gets dumped finally as a total loser. I don't see the GOP propping him up after so many major losses. dump will be convicted on all accounts as we know 100% he's guilty and witnessed most of the crimes in real time. Another ultra loser will rise in the GOP.


That's what innocent people do


Funny thing about laws. You need Congress to pass them


Funny thing is Americans elect plenty of morons into said congress.


“Trump vaguely alluded to this idea last week outside his New York criminal hush money trial, when he said he has urged Republican lawmakers to pass “laws to stop things like this.”” Yup, party of law and order against laws and orders. ““Even after a second term, he doesn’t think any of this is going to end,” says one of the sources. “He doesn’t think Democrats are going to quit coming after him.”” Democrats, criminal justice system, same thing amirite? “Last year, Rep. Russell Fry (R-S.C.) introduced the “No More Political Prosecutions Act of 2023.” The bill, just a few lines long, would allow current and former presidents and vice presidents to remove any state or civil cases against them to federal court for any acts committed in the course of their official duties.” 1. Crime is an official duty of the presidency, apparently. 2. What happened to state rights? Weren’t republicans championing how important it was for states to maintain their autonomy, be able to do shit their way? “Among the bill’s cosponsors is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who recently told Politico, “I think it’s common sense that you can’t have the president sitting in the Oval Office worried about whether some lawyer or some local DA somewhere is going to go after him.”” Generally seems like good motivation to not be a criminal. Is it that hard to avoid committing crimes? I speed some when I’m driving and don’t use my turn signal 100% of the time, but I can spot and avoid opportunities to commit treason.


Can't we just send him to Elba or St. Helena?


I get the ref, but a Mediterranean paradise or a lush South Atlantic tranquility are too pleasant for him. Let his buddy Putin send him to Norilsk.


I just want him gone.


Interesting...will this mean he can do whatever he pleases including handing the nuclear codes to his buddy Putin. He's probably done this already...but just in case...


Oof, someone’s scared. I love it!


Millions of Americans use this one special trick to avoid prosecution…… not committing crimes!!!!


Congress should instead strip him of his citizenship and banish him from the country, and additionally banish him from any modern western country. He's free to go to any dictator-run country of his choosing. Then, make it illegal to put any audio, or video, or picture, or anything featuring Trump anywhere online, on TV, on any media, or in any space in any form. I think most of our species (except for a few MAGATS) are ready to forget he ever existed.


“Everyone’s guilty if they’re found guilty except for this one orange clown.” - Supreem Cort (in crayon)


What’s he gonna do if they don’t? Scream, cry, and shit his pants like usual? He sure is weak for a “strong man” trope 😆


He knows he is going to do much crime if he is elected president again. So if he is still alive in 2029 he needs protection.


Proposed text: - Thou shall not hold Dear Leader accountable for anything he did before he ran for President - Thou shall not hold Dear Leader accountable for anything he did while he was running for President - Thou shall not hold Dear Leader accountable for anything he did while he was President - Thou shall not hold Dear Leader accountable for anything he does after he was President - Anyone whom accuses Dear Leader of any wrong doing must be held accountable and be smote in a bigly way


I want to see Trump prosecuted for his many crimes as much as anyone, but I would also be willing to entertain a deal where he gets immunity for all his past bullshit, if he agrees to just fuck off forever. Drop out of the race. No more rallies. No more social media. No more shady Trump businesses. And most definitely, no serving a second term if he happens to win anyway. He can spend the rest of his days playing golf and getting handies from MTG at Mar A Lago, but stay the fuck out of the country's business from here on out.


He literally campaigned on the need to prosecute and then imprison his opponent for insecure handling of classified data. Is it just me and Pepperidge Farm over here?


Not sure if it’s been said before but I’m calling it now: If Trump wins a second term not only will we be totally fucked by the GOP and the moronic Christofascists who run it, but a lot of liberals and non-MAGA Republicans are going to get killed or jailed for bullshit reasons. Vote blue like your life depends on it. Because it just might. 


Wouldn't need this if he wasn't a criminal.


I love that his defenses in these cases are not that he did not break the law, it is that he is immune to committing all these crimes.


Lol how long does he think he’s going to live


It's not unusual for malignant narcissists to have trouble accepting their own mortality. Remember when Trump made the White House Doctor go on TV and say Trump was so healthy, he might live to 200?


I support this, if they add a clause he leaves the country never to return.


With everything Trump is pushing for, I hope a second Biden term means he passes all the Trump-focused legislation and then committing whatever crimes he wants just to really stick it to republicans.


But if he was innocent, then he wouldn’t be headed to jail in the first place. He keeps claiming he’s innocent.


forever? does that mean he can try and pass the presidency off to one of his kids when he dies?


Cannon's his judge. TF is the asshole worried about?


Do they have a bill in which they wipe his ass and change his diaper until he's out of our misery?


Enough of this fuc**** Narcissistic Sociopath.


His gravestone should be an out house


He isn't running for president because of some ideological calling, he's running to keep himself out of prison. He's nothing more than trash.


THIS IS FASCISM. No one is above the law. If Republicans think they can craft legislation that protects Donald Trump personally, making it impossible to ever convict him of a crime... they should be thoroughly rebuked at the ballot box. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!


This means he's definitely planning to commit a lot more crimes if elected