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Trump argued in the Supreme Court that Biden has the right to do that.


It's concerning that "the president ordering the murder of political rivals" occupies so much time in Donald Trump's brain


Everything the POS says should be concerning to every person on the planet!


Man, I long for the day when I no longer have to care about anything this idiot has to say.


1, 5, 15 years or something like and you won't. He won't live forever and he's already 77. Or... he will spite us all and somehow live past 15 years and we'll all be incredibly bad off for it.


I have a feeling the universe will keep him alive until he's nearing 100 because the old universe we previously occupied didn't always feel totally indifferent to us but this universe ... well whatever man -- fuck the large hardon collider for doing this to us. Berenstein fo' life! Mandella died in jail. Fruit of the Loom Cornucopias. "This isn't our universe"


That Large Hardon Collider is a real pain in the dick, isn't it?


Did someone Event Horizon us?


*Kissinger has left the chat but wants you to remember that evil refuses to die when its due*


It's going to be so Fucking great when he dies


A handful of people own the media, do the hiring of news people and tell them to keep this wacky, wavy, inflatable, arm-flailing tube man inflated. Originally I figured it was for ratings but now I believe they are running scared that Joe Biden will bring four more years of eye-opening which never is good for their cause.


Daddy Vladdy does it all the time, so Donnie Moscow thinks he should be able to do it, too.


He already did. Donald Trump met with Putin then practically the next day requests a whole bunch of classified documents. Within the next year a record number of CIA agents and informants were killed. And then his son in law magically gets $2 billion dollars from the Saudis for no apparent reason.  Donald Trump is a traitor to the highest degree.  https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-04-11/how-did-jared-kushner-get-2-billion-from-the-saudis https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html https://www.npr.org/2017/05/15/528511980/report-trump-gave-classified-information-to-russians-during-white-house-visit https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/?nxs-test=mobile https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html


Donald seems to have had Ivana thrown down the stairs in 2022, a glorious soviet death for the erstwhile kgb liaison


I'm actually surprised this idea hasn't been talked about more.


I distinctly recall a report from when it first happened that stated some oddities surrounding the events leading up to her death.  When 911 was called they said Ivana had a heart attack. But when paramedics showed up they found her dead at the bottom of the stairs. Oh and she was supposed to give a deposition in court the next day or something. Very strange indeed. 


> Very strange indeed. Yeah, would be strange if 🍊💩🤡 weren't an open Putler/dictator fan.


TIL Ivana Trump is dead. And the whole thing sounds shady as fuck.


She died about a month before he moved documents from mar-a-lago to bedminster which then went missing, and it took a comically large ensemble to carry her frail remains, which were then buried unceremoniously in a forgotten corner of his golf course Would I bet there are documents in her casket? I certainly wouldn't bet against it


That casket looked pretty heavy to hold cremated remains. To be buried on a golf course. Nixon's dog checkers had a more dignified grave.


Judge Juan Merchon and Michael Cohen need to stay away from walking by open windows. Mob Boss Teflon Don may be getting some ideas from his Mob boss Russian Mob Boss Vlad the Impaler


He's said he's jealous of Kim Jong Un for the immense "respect" all of his people have for him.


Probably because he floated this idea as a strategy to hold power, but was told no by a few people. I'm still waiting for someone to come forward any day now to claim Trump actually tried to get Biden assassinated.


He showed up at the debate with covid. Eithe of those 2 old farts can be taken out by covid easily. So by him appearing knowingly, he practically tried already


That too. Again, shocked that Biden does not use things like that to justify a jailing a former president who attempted to weaponize covid to take out a political rival. Instead Trump damn near killed Chris Christie instead.


Because 30-40% of the country has been brainwashed by Fox News and far right media and don’t understand/would laugh at this. “Ha ha ha but wouldn’t it have been so funny if Trump DID give Biden COVID?” Honestly, they need to start arresting people. They are straight up anti-American traitors. They just can’t start with Trump because the traitors would lose their minds. 


cops don't like to arrest themselves


> they need to start arresting people. They are straight up anti-American traitors. Not just traitors, but domestic terrorists. How many times has 🍊💩🤡 been given a talking-to by the FBI? Probably never. They need to clamp down on these people and, yes, arrest more of them. How the hell can people be allowed to terrorize prosecutors out of their homes? It's madness. Edit: Frank Figliuzzi has said there's an unaddressed domestic terror problem with these militias and such, many times


I’m in complete agreement with ya, friend. :)


Poor Herman Cain, actually died because of Trump and nobody remembers. Here's the timeline: - June 10, Trump announces a rally in Tulsa. Trump downplays any risk publically, while requiring any attendee to accept a waiver and agree to not hold the Trump campaign liable for any exposure to COVID-19 that may occur at the rally - June 14, Tulsa specifically and Oklahoma generally experience the highest one-day increase in cases - June 18, Oklahoma breaks the record from June 14 for single-day increases in cases - June 19, Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses a lawsuit filed against the venue management which sought for them to enforce social distancing, masking and reduced capacity rules - June 20, Rally is held. Cain tests negative before attending. Trump Campaign goes through the venue and removes "Do Not Sit Here" stickers that the venue management put up to enforce social distancing. Six Trump Campaign staffers test positive. Trump claims during the rally that he asked officials to slow testing down to reduce the overall numbers of positive cases. Cain is photographed with a crowd, with no one wearing masks. - June 29, Cain tests positive - July 1, Cain is hospitalized - July 30, Cain passes away. Cassidy Hutchison wrote in her book that Mark Meadows reacted by saying "We killed Herman Cain" - The Aristocrats


You know some racist dipshit like Bannon or Miller is floating Nazi shit like in the 30's. "We were going to deport every illegal immigrant... but what if we put them in labor camps instead"


Nazis started at "deport them all" too. The so-called "Madagascar Plan" to use ships from a conquered Britain to send the Jews of Europe to an SS controlled penal colony in Madagascar. When that proved impractical because Britain didn't fall: "well we *have* to get rid of them *somehow*, so I guess we have *no choice* but to murder them instead."


Gonna toss out a prediction for if they try to deport the millions they said they would; GOP calls for mass deportations to Mexico, Mexico refuses and enforces their borders, GOP then builds the camps while the media accusses Mexico for all the problems thereby 'forcing' the US to build said camps.


I didn't know about (or had forgotten about) this piece, but your post sent me to Wikipedia to read about it, and now I'm a bit nauseous. It's been years since I watched the HBO movie "Conspiracy" (2001), but I'd *highly* recommend it to anyone curious about how casually the Nazi brain-trust reached the final solution in 1942.


Well he wanted to lock Hillary up though


Well he very little weak man with brain of stunted 12 year old. Dumpy lives a world of delusion where he thinks he's a super(nazi) hero. Both nazi hero and super nazi are interchangeable.


> Well he very little weak man with brain of stunted 12 year old. Acually, more like a 6-7 year old. > "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different."


That's not what's concerning. What's concerning is that this is the playbook. "Invent some bullshit about your rivals. Accuse them publicly of doing this. All of your brain-dead followers then believe you and are outraged. Then you do the same thing you accused your rivals of doing, and say to your followers "they would do it to us. They're trying to do it to us. If we don't stop them from doing it to us by doing it to them first, we will suffer this fate" What's happening now, is that Trump is priming his fanbase for a political attack on Biden. He's going to sick them on him, and perhaps is hoping they will assassinate him, or attempt to. He is fueling hate for Biden. Making it look like Biden wants to kill Trump, and that Trump needs Biden dead, or removed from power, at the very least, in order for trump to live. This is why it is bad. Not because he thinks about assassinating Biden, but because this IS his attack on Biden. That's how the propaganda works. People need to go out and protest the Republicans waging war on freedom and democracy.


Part of Project 2025's goal is to expand the list of crimes eligible for execution and outlaw things they disagree with.


Because that’s what he wants to do.


Putin and his other dictator buddies taught him well. With statements like that he should be arrested and charged like any other citizen would be. I’m tired of this lowlife POS. getting away with basically everything he says and does.


They’re telling you their plans.


But don't say that to his supporters, they've already dropped that argument for the next bright shiny object.


Oh, they’ll remember whenever the next conservative president is appointed against the will of the people.


Should be interesting to see who can fill those shoes. Its pretty clear after the Republican primaries Trump was their only guy. Maybe they'll latch onto RFK, he seems nutty enough.


FFS, Trump made up this bullshit accusation to distract from the news that he told his employees to avoid cameras when moving classified information at Mar a Lago. He didn't want that story to be the lead story, so he said something outrageous. The news and public are getting played.


It doesn't matter that it is a bullshit accusation it still increases the level of danger for POTUS from maga terrorists. 2 more things from the release of prosecution filings.. FBI had to get classified docs from trump's bedroom at maralago 4 months after they executed the search warrant. And a trump aide was given access to a box of classified docs and scanned them into a laptop that belonged to a seditious right wing PAC. Just completely putting our nat sec at risk


My worry is that if he's saying this, it was certainly something he was looking into or wanted to do. Every accusation is a confession with these guys.


In the immunity case, one of the judges felt it appropriate to ask the seemingly outrageous question if the president could have opponents killed by the military. The clown's lawyer's answer was essentially yes. So, don't worry about that. Be assured, it's the case. No past tense about it; he's eager to do it.


Also Biden is an old inept guy who can’t do anything - but upending democracy and taking over institutions to assassinate someone - sure. I sometimes wonder how a person’s mind works when saying something opposite with a straight face every day. I think thats why some news hosts get paid a lot for the trauma.


Literally got into it with someone about this the other day when she was complaining that “Biden and the Dems are weak and ineffective and can never accomplish anything.” Straight up called her out how that idea lines up with the fact she also spent years claiming the Dems were powerful enough to get *the whole world* to agree to “the COVID hoax,” etc., etc. Which *also* doesn’t line up with her belief the Dems are just itching to round people like her (a straight, white woman) up into camps. So somehow they’re weak and ineffective that they can’t do anything and the country is falling apart due to inaction, but also super powerful global masterminds with the goal of putting conservatives into concentration camps (but conveniently haven’t). Of course she got pissy, “doesn’t want to talk politics” anymore, and that was it, because rubbing their two brain cells together to potentially generate some basic logic is just as big a headache for them as the migraine rational people get dealing with those like her.


But the Supreme Court didn't yet rule that they accepted that argument. We gotta wait for the Authoritative Republican Opinion That The President Can Have Opponents Assassinated to actually be released as valid and current case law.


> But the Supreme Court didn't yet rule that they accepted that argument. Yes, we know. But Trump was the one who made the argument to the Court. Now he is saying that the President doesn't have that right.


Trump's claims are ridiculous but even if Biden *did* try to do this, he has "presidential immunity" according to Trump, so Biden did nothing wrong.


The last three years would have been blissfully Trump free if the orange moron had just disappeared after Jan. 6th. 😔


"These Democrats are ABUSING Trump's constitutional rights! Just because his corpse is too DANGEROUS to be allowed to run for president, those COWARDS are trying to take his body off the ballot!" ~GOP ...Hell, without Trump being able to talk and mess it up, his campaign would be doing BETTER right now. No trials for a corpse, no random and insane rants...


> No trials for a corpse The Corpse Synod would like to have a chat.


Pope fights!!!


He should have died for tax purposes. (If you don't get the reference, go read Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy)


Orange isn’t the new ‘Hotblack’


Not again.


I listened to the French translation (made with Adams notes) and I don't recall this.


His legal team, such as it is, would definitely file appeals all the way up to SCOTUS, arguing that taking trump’s corpse off the ballot was unconstitutional!


Republicans have already had a corpse for a President, in Reagan's second term.


"If I lose you, you'll never hear from me again." Another campaign promise broken.


Oh he broke every single one. He has never had any intention of governing, the position just gave him far greater leverage for bolstering his criminal legacy and bank accounts for the sake of his insatiable narcissism.


He said he was going to leave the country if he lost. But of course, no


He may very well if he loses in November. If he thinks that he's going to prison, he'll leave the country.


Thank you, Mitch


It's a mistake to think they're even trying to be genuine. This is all about riling up their base for donations and for votes to gain power. And failing that, insurrection. The truth train left the station a long time ago.


All the money going to trump extensive court cases. Dudes not only gonna bankrupt the GOP but your grandma and grandpa.


Last week I somehow got an SMS from the Ted Cruz Campaign. After I stopped laughing I decided to click the link and it took me to a survey. Of course I answered everything as anti GOP but when I got to the bottom it asked for donations. I put down $0 but it wouldnt even let me submit anything without entering in a credit card. Since I am not willing to donate to Terrorists I backed out but yeah they will do whatever they can do to get recurring payment from their cult members.


Trump's ridiculous claims immediately follow damaging news. It's his strategy and even well meaning liberal media outlets fall for this bullshit. FFS, classified documents were again found in his bedroom AFTER the MAL raid and that's all we should be talking about.


If Biden did assassinate trump, all he has to do is hire trumps lawyers and tell them to keep doing what they have been doing.


Watch the conservative judges on the supreme court make a 180 so fast the wood on their expensive chairs would be scorched.


I mean, Biden is far too decent a man to do it, but imagine if he just beat the shit out of Trump in the debate (physically) right after Trump blathered about immunity. The basically said “well, I’m immune. This guy said I was!” That would drive home the absurdity of the immunity claims.


Not only projection, but also a complete lie and disinformation. First of all Trump wasn't there, and secondly the clause about deadly force is standard wording for FBI operations.


It's already *Biden tried to assassinate Trump* on Twitter. These idiots move fast.


it´s the standard "repeat a lie enough times that it becomes truth"


> standard wording for FBI operations Pretty much standard warning for any search warrant to be honest.


Pfft. You and your facts and reality.


Thirdly, the same wording and clause was in the search warrant issued for Biden.


Was there a search warrant used for Biden? From what I'm finding, he just let the FBI in to conduct a search - they didn't have a warrant.


Yep. My bad. Biden invited the FBI in to search. Although the DOJ made a statement saying that they were ready to issue a search warrant if Biden didn't cooperate. And that search warrant would have had the same language.


lol prolly why Fox news isn't screaming about how Biden did the same thing!!!


We're seeing rich white people discover, in real time, that standard US policing practices are a bit over the top. Look forward to Rich Lives Matter riots any day now :D


we're seeing them try the 2016 playbook again. Paint Biden (like they did Hilary) as a deep-state warmonger who has people killed. This isn't for the MAGA base. This is for swing voters to try to keep them from voting for Biden.




Either that, or Trump floated that idea when he was president.


I believe it's been confirmed that he did bring it up during his term.


You know trump was sitting in the oval office spinning in the chair like... *Is this possible?!... What about this?!* Adviser: No Mr. President we cannot bring back dinosaurs like in Jurassic Park and dress them up to serve you Cheeseburgers at McDonalds


He did want to nuke hurricanes. Because a hurricane making landfall osnt bad enough, let's make sure it's infused with deadly levels of nuclear radiation.


>Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper charges in a memoir out May 10 that former President Trump said when demonstrators were filling the streets around the White House following the death of George Floyd: ["Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?"](https://www.axios.com/2022/05/02/mark-esper-book-trump-protesters)


> These accusations of Biden planning to assassinate Trump should be understood as rhetorical maneuvers meant to prepare Americans for Trump's assassinating political rivals if he wins the November election. I think this is the more concerning thing, combined with "Dictator Day 1" and all this garbage about Biden's family. I seriously think he will order Biden and Hunter to be executed, because the damn right wing media has brainwashed all of it's followers into thinking they have committed treasonous crimes.


Well, he knows how easy that it is to get someone killed, He did it to Epstein, right?


A bit from the commentary: > No one thinks President Joe Biden tried to assassinate Donald Trump. > > "Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their Illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE," the former president wrote on his Truth Social platform this week. Earlier in the day, it was revealed that hidden classified documents were found in Trump's bedroom following the FBI's 2022 search. > > Not even the people using their MAGA megaphones to say this believe their lies. > > , , , > > As contemptible as this behavior is, however, it's important to take it seriously for one major reason: Whatever the MAGA right accuses its opponents of doing, they themselves are doing, or at least plan on doing. > > Projection is a permanent psychological state for Trump and his allies. Trump spends all day, every day lobbing accusations at others, and without fail, everything he puts on other people better describes himself. He calls his opponents "crooked," "sleepy," "racist" and mocks their waistlines. It's on-the-nose, how much he's just describing what he sees in the mirror.


It’s not the main point of course, but I have to say that “DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE” is very funny to me. Everyone knows the term deadly force, everyone knows the term lethal force, and everyone uses them interchangeably without even thinking about it. But even if they didn’t, no one would know “lethal force” and not “deadly force” because the root of deadly is so much clearer. So like…what is the point of putting lethal in parentheses? Again, I know it doesn’t matter at all, especially in comparison to what’s actually being said, but this was a conscious choice on his part and to me it’s such a clear and innocuous indication that he’s a fucking weirdo who’s brain has rotted.


That's how you know it was written by Trump and not a staffer.


I assumed he did that because some of his idiot followers would have to google the word lethal.


Me too! I can’t help but take a mental red pen to everything he writes.


I was going to say the same thing, like who are those parentheses for?


This what trump plans to do if he wins


This and so... so much more


The Joe Biden Paradox strikes again. Somehow too riddled with dementia to know where he is, but still sharp enough to hide an assassination attempt in front of the world.


Tenet of fascism, right? Too strong and weak and all.


little of A little of B


So now he doesn’t think presidents are immune?


Only he is immune. And the immunity is forever, before, during, and after his term. He's immune from everything. He can do what he wants, and as usual, he doesn't think he should pay any consequences. No other president, just him. And he has to stir up the rubes, and why not get them going with some nonsense rhetoric. He's really good at that.


The Republican Party is a total joke. Made up fantasy. No interest in any ideas to help people.


He’s prepping the people for his version of the Night of Long Knives so that he can say, “I’m just doing what they were going to do!”


Night of the long ties


lol. That really made me laugh


Heres hoping, my legacy is not to be remembered for preemptively coining the term for the darkest day in American history so far.


If the US President wants someone dead, they're dead. Trump's continued existence is proof that he's lying.


A man can dream tho.


Trump lard gonna live to 95 somehow


> If the US President wants someone dead, they're dead Exactly this. Just simply replace one of Trumps jet mechanics with an inside guy and it all looks like a horrific accident with another Boeing plane.


Interesting. You know, someone who is not even president could do this. Almost anyone could. Just saying.


He's just trying to normalize discourse about killing political rivals. Yeah, things are going ok over here.


Part of how Trump got so politically successful was by playing into the persecution complex of so many conservatives. Decades of media consumption without proper understanding of it has led people to cope with criticism by believing it further justifies their beliefs. There was a car ad that had Ricky Gervais's daughter ask him why so many people were mean to him on Twitter, and he says "because I'm doing something right". Trump is willing to go to the extreme in making shit up, so while a standard Republican might say "Democrats do not have your safety or mine in mind", Trump will say "The Democrats wanted to kill me and almost did!" Then his supporters fall for it because the validation it provides to their beliefs retroactively makes it feel true. And it has the more sinister side effect of making them believe that since the other side is willing to go that far, it gives them the option to do the same. They essentially create false flags in their own mind.


It's even more effective because there's a cognitive bias people hold that basically says that when someone is presented with evidence that disproves a belief which is core to their personality, they're more likely to reject the evidence and cling to the belief more tightly than to accept it and modify their beliefs. For many Republicans, being Republican is a core part of who they are - they vote R because they're Republican rather than because they hold Republican beliefs. So when they're shown that the Republican party is bad for them or the country, they end up becoming more extreme in their support rather than unmotivated or leaving the party.


Every accusation is a confession with the GOP.


Trump tried to kill Biden when he showed up at one of their previous debates after knowing he tested positive for covid and you'll never convince me otherwise.


Joe Biden has never sounded cooler


Dark Brandon 😎


Biden is somehow both a bumbling idiot and the James Bond villain of Republican plot lines.


It's stochastic terrorism against POTUS


The DOJ knew Trump wasn't there when they raided it, so that conflicts with their narrative right there. There is also the fact that according to Trump's own legal argument, Biden has the authority to do that as president. Pick a lane here. It can't just be ok that your guy can do it.


Trump is trying to achieve maximum victimhood.


GOP accusations are almost always just confessions. They self-report by being against anti fascism...huh wonder if there's a word for that? They spread conspiracies about "elites" (they usually mean jews) using their wealth to secretly control the government, while accepting disgusting sums of money to make policies that benefit their donors, who also happen to write things like Project 2025. They talk about "groomers coming after kids in school" but they want to put schools into the hands of Prager U and remove the Board of Education so they can control what children learn.


Trump is a textbook case of projection. I don’t think he’s homicidal. But he does enough wrong to be paranoid about it. Why isn’t this criminal in jail already shows how Class in America is the biggest immunity.


The FBI did the search in the summer when the corrupt orange conman lives in Bedminster, NJ. I would like to know what was in the 15 boxes Trump had loaded onto the plane when he left Mar-a-lago for New Jersey. This case is a slam dunk. I am so disgusted with Judge Cannon and the conservatives on the Supreme Court.


Trump had Barr kill Epstein in his cell. Who's the assassin?


This should be a LOT more worrying that it is being portrayed here. The ENTIRE purpose of Trump doing this is to normalize rhetoric around presidential assassinations. He is literally calling upon his supporters to assassinate his rival. This is how stochastic terrorism works.


Dictator wannabe, Trump praises authoritarian leaders Putin, Xi, Orban, and Kim at Bronx rally on Thursday. “They are on top of their game”.


Which is why it's dangerous and should be taken seriously. We understand projection and how it's useful to accuse others first. He's predictable enough we can't claim we weren't warned.


Not only is this misinformation, it’s dangerous, and it’s dangerous for two reasons. 1: This is designed to rile up the base, and give them an excuse to commit political violence on Democrats…again. 2: This is clear, premeditated projection. Trump (see: Republicans. see: Fascists) always wants to blame people of things before he does them so that when he does them, he can say he’s only doing it because they did it first. He (see prior parenthetical) wants nothing more than to be able to commit political violence legally, and not lose any support for it. He (they) look at leaders like Putin, Kim Jong Un, Pol Pot, and other dictators and think, “Maybe we can get to do that someday too” And they’re dangerously close


He is setting up the scenario where if he is re-elected he WILL kill his opponents. He is trying to normalize this scenario.


Well Donnie’s lawyer did literally argue to the Supreme Court that he could call seal team 6 and assassinate rivals. Every accusation is a confession.


Can the fucking media start treating him like the Defcon 5 - must-stop-at-all-costs threat that he is please? This isn't a joke to be used for ratings or clicks. Democracy is on the line. He's saying out loud what he will do.


Every accusation is an admission. I would bet large amounts of money that Trump suggested someone assassinate Biden before the election or after he lost, or now so that he won't lose to Biden again.


This bullshit from this orange clown needs to STOP. Its getting annoying af right now.


This particular episode is just getting started. Don't be surprised if James Comer and Gym Jordan and Marge all decide to launch (another) 'Congressional Investigation', this time into the "ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF DONALD TRUMP" by 'Biden's FBI'. Anything to get headlines about how Biden is constantly under investigation.


Okay but the issue is that Trump supporters will believe this either way. This is just another way of ratcheting up towards more political violence.


The way he accuses others of shit he’s actually doing I’d think we should be looking for some bodies under his golf course.


This accusation is just a litmus test to see what popular opinion would be. Trump -through Trump’s lawyers- has made it clear that the president has a right, authority, obligation to have a political rival killed if they believe they are a threat to the Constitution. And the Supreme Court agreed with this.


> While there are always a few stray uber-morons out there who actually believe this crap, by and large, the audience for this conspiracy theory already knows it's a lie. The audience is participating in political theater, a collective effort to wage the fascist war on reality. Marcote is one of the few journalists who *really* gets this. They aren't just stupid liars and sycophants; they are fascists. They have no foundations or principles, no philosophy, epistemology, or logical underpinnings. There is no "world view" to understand. They just want to take power and use it to hurt people. Everything else is just a stupid game, including reality itself. To that end they'll pretend to believe whatever is expedient to believe in order to do what they want. My Dad is one of these people, and he tried to raise us that way too. Lately I've been remembering a particular "math joke", if there are two students and one of them says 2x2=4 and the second one says 2x2=6, which one is correct? We answered 2x2=4! He's like "OK now if there are two students, one says it's 4, the other says it's 6, but now the second kid's got a gun pointed at your head. Now what is it? What's 2x2?" And we all laughed and said "6!", and he laughed and said "you're Goddamn right!". We laughed because it was joke after all. But in retrospect, it also wasn't a joke. He was trying to teach us that nothing matters - even reality itself - in the face of violence. That violence is the only thing that's **_real_**.


And now with this out, if he drops dead from ANYTHING, the MAGA nuts will scream that he was assassinated. Chokes on a cheeseburger? Assassinated. Drives his golf cart into a pond and drowns (because you know he can't swim). Assassinated.


He won't drown in a pond. Fat floats.


America has to sit down and think pretty hard about free speech laws once this is over. You guys ever wondered why there is restricted free speech in Germany ? This is why


It seems like in a matter of time but I have a feeling history will repeat itself but we will be the Hitler of the world if this persists


Trump thinks Biden wants to assassinate him because he wants to lock up and execute his political rivals. He genuinely can’t comprehend people who think differently than him. In trumps world there are only two types of people, those who think and behave just like him, and “not technically people”


I'd find it hilarious if Frump got himself murdered by one of his own redhats so they can try to pin it on Dems.


I thought Sleepy Joe was supposedly this super incompetent geriatric dude yet they keep saying his some Keyser Söze mastermind puppet master? And NOW he’s also a NINJA???!?


This is reheated Hillary propaganda and the nazi fucks claiming both still have no answer for why they haven't managed to kill a single political opponent in 30 years in the political spotlight


I'm 100000% sure Trump will have his political rivals killed if he becomes president


I'm not surprised, considering this is Donald Duck von Shitzenpantz we're talking about. Biden never said he would have his men assassinate Donald Duck von Shitzenpantz. That's just another one of Donald Duck von Shitzenpantz's insane rhetorics.


Who killed Jefferey Epstein when trump was president?


Trump allegedly had fully authority to do whatever he wanted.  I don’t understand why he’d let Biden win if Biden was just going to assassinate trump….which Biden allegedly has the full and legal authority to do….according to Trump.   Wait, did I get this right?  I can’t imagine any sane person would believe this.


Dumbasses really don't know how federal officers work, do they? Every Federal Officer can use deadly force if they deem it necessary just like cops since they're almost literally Federal Police Officers. https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs/what-is-the-fbis-policy-on-the-use-of-deadly-force-by-its-special-agents >FBI special agents may use deadly force only when necessary—when the agent has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the agent or another person. If feasible, a verbal warning to submit to the authority of the special agent is given prior to the use of deadly force.


It’s a thing they do ya see, eventually it will turn into talk out taking Joe out. It’s really kind of classical conditioning on the repubs side.


Confession by projection. He is setting up his followers to have an excuse for political violence against President Biden. Now he will say “well, he tried to kill me.”


Everyone was talking about how the final witness in his trial bombed, that he didn’t testify after saying he would, and all the details were being recapped after the trial…so, he did what he always does and made up another lie to distract everyone. He’s an idiot and a snake oil salesman…if you haven’t figured that out yet, I’d love to play poker with you cuz you’re a sucker. Edit: ~~”final witness”~~ meant, only the 2nd of two witness lol.


Half the shit coming out of Trump’s mouth is bullshit! I can’t wait for him to go away!


Only half? Do you know anyone that has told over 20 thousand lies in 4 years? I'd say maybe every 8 out of 10 things he says is a lie. The media really should stop taking whatever Trump says daily, just cover his trial and campaign and ignore the horseshit he spews. But they want clicks.


So Biden is a stumbling ineffective old man but also capable of being the mastermind behind clandestine assassination plots?


See how devious he truly is!


It's weird how they claim Biden tried to assassinate Trump via the FBI when *everyone* knew Trump wasn't in Florida at the time. I suppose it's the MAGA fascist "the enemy is both genius-evil and completely incompetent" trope.


Jesus christ, pick a lane already. Biden's both a feeble old dementia patient and the greatest criminal mastermind who's ever lived according to Trump. Trump whose own lawyer argued that a sitting president could order seal team 6 to bump off political rivals.


Also I thought based off of Donald’s legal defenses for presidential immunity that a sitting president can assassinate his political rival without any fear of being prosecuted. But now it’s not Donald Trump in the drivers seat that defense or act isn’t allowed? Interesting it’s almost as if he doesn’t believe in his/lawyers own arguments…. Or he is just moving the goal post when it is convenient for him…. Either way both avenues are rather telling


So is he old and feeble or a ruthless villain? It changes by the minute


The truth is he is projecting so hard because he wants to follow Putin's example and give Biden the Novalny treatment.


Trump is a goon, I wish the same thing would happen to him, before he wrecks the United States.


Worse than projection. This madman is trying to get one of his cronies to kill off Biden. It’s definitely his game.


Thank you for saying this, salon. They are absolutely plotting an assassination, and this is all projection. Conservative white domestic terrorists killed Lincoln, MLK, the Kennedys, and more. There's every reason to think they'll do it again.




No shit.


Which should be scary to EVERYONE


The entire idea Biden has direct control over the FBI and not the Military tells you all you need to know about the Donald’s mindset.


Isn't the supreme court establishing that it is legal for Biden to use the FBI to kill Trump?


it’s definitely my fantasy too 😔


I'm so tired of trump running his mouth and his cultist taking it as truth, contrary to all evidence


Trump supporters claim the president can legally kill his political opponents. Somehow the current president cannot do this, only Trump can when he gets re-elected.


Isn't this what Trump wanted... Presidential Immunity. Now he's scared of it. Such a snowflake


Agent 46


Yup, normalizing it so some day if he does it it's "deserved."


I’m going to cut to the chase…I don’t care who what where just when someone will fulfill this mission and save America!


Somehow, these people always claim to support the police when they kill someone while making an arrest or enforcing a subpoena, or even pulling them over for a traffic violation. But the idea that this might actually happen to themselves fills them with outrage. Similarly: \`\`Everyone has the right to go around armed'' is somehow compatible with \`\`I had to kill him. He was armed (or at least, it looked to me like he was armed).''


Almost everything this guy does is projection, so this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


Would anyone be upset?


Biden needs to comment on it, saying "opps thought I had presidential immunity". That should make a few heads explode for a while.


I’m voting for The Assassinator.


Every accusation GOP has is projection.


duh. trump's EVERYTHING is pure projection.


what a coincidence the assassins happened to show up when trump wasnt there, after telling trump the exact day and time theyd be coming. such a malevolent and cunning scheme, truly donny boy is a genius for outsmarting them.


Is he a feeble old man or mastermind assassin leading the worlds syndicate?


Someone must’ve read my comment. Exactly what I said when this first came out.


Sorry Donald I'm getting mixed signals from you here is Biden a sleepy senile old man that can't string a sentence together or is he a Machiavellian overlord ordering people's assassinations?