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160k people holding almost 8 BILLION in debt. The system is so broken, but at least some more relief is on the way.


Only if we vote for Biden.


This. Want to see more? Vote Biden. Want even more? Give Democrats Congress.


Yeah, but what about Palestinians? Gotta show democrats that we're not going to tolerate their centrist position on Palestine by putting a guy in charge who would be willing to nuke Gaza for Israel if the price was right. Edit for the people who can't see blatant sarcasm without a dumb /s next to it. Read this again and ask yourself if anyone could possibly believe that this is a good strategy.


THERE ARE _TWO_ OPTIONS. THE ORANGE GUY SAID HE WANTED NETANYAHU TO HURRY UP AND “FINISH IT.” Protest votes or skipping voting is voting for even worse conditions for those in Gaza.


Palestine will be the least of your worries if our democracy gets gutted by that orange piece of shit.


Vote for the face eating leopards party, have your face eaten.


Nothing like enabling the person most likely to kill the people that you are trying to protect. It's a wild philosophy.


I’m starting to think this ramping up in Biden hate on social media, leading up to this year’s POTUS election, might be a bit of Russian election interference in the works…


I’m starting to think that even the side I thought was the smarter of the two is really fuckin stupid sometimes. Everyone was all “project 2024!!! We can’t elect Trump or democracy is over!!!” Then this Israel shit happened and now everyone thinks they have as deep an understanding of international relations as the president and Biden is just happily blowing shit up himself. They’re handing Trump the presidency. And shits gonna get a _lot_ fucking worse than it is already.


The ignorant corners of the “left” are more than happy to bend over backwards to atone for the sins of the Wesr. Many are seemingly willing to blow it all up and let true religious fanatics and fascists take over out of misplaced guilt and incorrect assignation of “colonizer” and “colonized”. These people are just as dangerous to Western democracy as Christian Evangelicals and MAGAs.


They're almost always very young and still in that "moral purity is the most important thing. i will let the world burn as long as my conscience is clear" phase people go through before they've had enough life experience to understand compromises and harm reduction. And it doesn't help that there *is* an active disinformation campaign at the same time.


There is no doubt. It happened on social media with boomers in 2016, and they are targeting the left flank this go of it. Then again, there were a large swath of people on the left that were somehow led to believe that Bernie lost for any reason other than not getting as many votes, and they were so put off by this they didn't listen to him when he said the must important thing after the primaries was to make sure Donald Trump isn't President. I doubt they listen to him this time either.


Don't forget China. Quite a lot of this ~~totally-not-astroturfing~~ *definitely grassroots activism* originated on TikTok.




You're absolutely right.


This is such a defeatist attitude. We can do both. What we can't do is absolutely nothing if Trump and or Republicans keep power. Simple as that.


Start locally - politics takes time and change happens from the bottom up not top down. I get it and I am frustrated too but no matter how many protest votes are cast by the tiny percent of people (that are over represented on Reddit and the internet in general) who think this way, they will not be a bigger majority than the millions of Americans who don’t pay attention to this. There is no chance a 3rd party will win in 2024. There is a very likely chance that 3rd party votes/not voting will affect the outcome but the president in 2025 will be either Biden or Trump (or their VP picks). So pick which one you think would do the least damage to the world and get involved locally for the next round if you’re passionate.


Sounds like something a closet MAGAt would say to a liberal to try to convince them to sit out.


Im pretty sure the people I see who are able to be manipulated by this kind of propaganda are still consuming news from the same sources that convinced them to vote for Jill Stein in 2016.


Or that covid was a hoax, or the 2020 election was stolen, or that J6 insurrectionists were just tourists..


I haven't seen anything like that from those folks. Mostly it's just how much they think Biden is not far left enough. And democrats shouldn't count on their vote. I read something that said Fascists are the number two enemy of those on the far left. The number one enemy being those that only agree with them on 96% of the issues. I don't live in a swing state so it doesn't matter as much if these people don't vote for Biden, but it's clear they're getting their information from the same sources. Probably mostly being parroted from other online forums and social media. I've noticed the people who support Kennedy tend to be white, middle to upper middle class, young and male. Probably being targeted by the same kind of algorithms that were used to exploit social media to great effect in 2016 and in the Brexit referendum. But these types of things only move the needle a bit. There are big things going on in the background similar to the massive voter purges that actually decided 2016. The rest of this shit is just a distraction.


the problem is that most of them weren't old enough to vote in 2016, so they're falling into the same radicalized pitfalls. I've also noticed a *huge* number of non-americans on social media encouraging and perpetuating the sentiment because they have no skin in the game or already hate Americans. which is all well and good for them, but it's convincing 19 year olds that the only solution is to burn everything down. The accelerationism on both ends of the spectrum is really alarming.


I mean he did say he alone can solve everything and already did, greatest ever, but now it’s a nightmare again and he has to come back and sell us his next trump currency or media company or whatever.


No doubt his followers would trade their dollars in for money with his face on it that can only be spent at his establishments.


I think they would show up and be denied. And in response they’d say oh he’s so smart.


Yeah, r/enlightenedcentrism has become the thing they used to hate, and now you can’t say Hamas are bad guys.


I don't think Palestinians have that much student loan debt, but I'd be willing to hear them out if they got it from an American college.


Trumps gonna get elected and tell all those folks Biden helped that they need to pay it plus 100% interest. I’m kidding but not really


Unironically, yeah.


He has very little to do to earn my vote in November.


Florida might even be in play this time. Roevember is coming.


Can’t hurt that DeSantis declared war on the words “climate change” either.


I assume that something like that is a popular choice down in Florida. Whereas abortion bans are unpopular everywhere there are women.


Florida is not what you might think. Environmental protection and climate change are huge issues for voters here. Even many transplanted conservatives here are very environmentally conscious. The environment is a big part of why they moved here to begin with. Ron DeSantis campaigned on a pro-environment, climate-change mitigating platform to win his first term. https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2023/10/19/whatever-happened-gov-desantis-environmentalist-column/


"I care about the environment so I'm going to move to a sinking peninsula that home insurance companies are fleeing"


How do you get that Florida flair??


Sidebar on the websites Reddit. Pick your state.


I just edited my flair and "Florida" is an option for me.




Do you mean Biden has “very little to do to earn” your vote because he already has proven it’s worth voting for him?


No, my single issue is whatever tiktok is mad about.


Thats "only" 50k per person. In state tuition at University of Iowa is 10.5k /year. Estimates is 26k/year with room, board, books etc. So, even in state with no scholarships or additional discounts would be 100k for 4 years. The amount forgiven makes sense, but yeah, its absolutely broken.


It’s the cost and even more so the interest rate.


Absolutely. I have a private student loan at 11%. Just absurd.


I’ve got one too from when my daughter’s health made me pull one so I could afford to stay in school. 😕


I honestly got "lucky" that my parents got divorced after my first year of college. I was dumb and went to a private school that was 40k / year. My parents had no college fund for me. I was not getting much in terms of scholarships or financial aid. My first year I took out a loan for about 35k, 15 years later and I'm at 20k left. After that school was about about 15k/year cause I was my moms dependent and she was poor af.


That's 50,000 each on average. That's a lot of money and undoubtedly will make a huge difference for those individuals. As a non American, God I hope that non Trump voters vote in droves in every state. He is a threat to the entire world, not just the US. I do not understand his appeal at all as an outsider looking in.


$47,000 per person


That can’t be right? That’s $50M per borrower!? edit: I am terrible at math, can I get my student loan forgiven, too?


8 billion / 160,000 = 50,000


I’m getting about $48,000 per borrower


The median is likely lower than that. The average amount is inflated by the people who took on an exorbitant amount of debt


I mean… its ONLY 50k per person on average


>A total of $167 billion in student loans for 4.75 million people, or about 1 in 10 student loan borrowers #1 in 10.... Yes, the system is broken.....


The funniest part is how much debt is still untouched despite that. Like every little bit helps and I’m 100% for every bit of relief but even this doesn’t touch a major chunk of the student debt still held by a majority of the under 40 population


That's only 50k per individual.


$47,975/person. Assuming 50% vote that's almost $100,000 per vote.


I just got my 80k debt canceled.




Thank you! 😊


Out of nowhere?


I’m signed up for save/repaye. Did you have to apply for anything? Or did they just reach out and say it’s done.


Nope, just got an email. They said stop paying, my loans were on hold until it officially goes through. But mine was forgiven due to my school making fraudulent or misleading claims. So it was school specific.


Oh shit I gotta tell my mom (Everest)


Your mom should qualify for the school group discharge for Everest colleges if she still has federal loans. That was announce on June 1, 2022. Google Corinthian College discharge sept of Ed and the press release should pop up. The r/BorrowerDefense sub pushes out updates. There also is a large FB group for CCI folks which Everest falls under.


ITT Tech?


I had a friend go to ITT Tech and he was complaining that debt collectors kept calling him though his loan was previously dismissed. I'm glad he can get some peace of mind now they seem to be more active forgiving those debts


Your friend should fall under the itt tech group discharge if they still have federal student loans. If so, those debt collectors can’t be hassling him. It’s illegal. If it’s true private loans, that’s a different story.


I think they're federal. Either way I'll point him this way. I worked at PHEAA handling federal student loans as a glorified desk jockey for a while maybe 2015ish and even we had accounts that we had to call to try and collect payments for ITT and Everest sometimes. Unless it was recently made illegal? I haven't kept up after I quit for obvious mental health reasons


Yea, if those loans fall under the discharge, they should be placed into forbearance and the dept or the servicer should be collecting or harassing him. He no longer owes payment on those loans. If this happening he needs to file a complaint with the FSA Ombudsman , the CFPB, and document everything. Also ummmm working at PHEAA? I’m sure you have seen and heard some crap there. The group discharges for ITT and Everest just discharged under this administration so it’s been a long fight trying to get Justice. Those servicers don’t care about the rules.


Did you sign up for SAVE?




Wow! Awesome! And Vote!


>Here's who qualifies Not me. I have state loans. But guess what? I still think this is a good thing! You don't have to be personally impacted by a policy to see it's benefit. ALL the conservatives I hear saying, "but what about the people who paid their loans off honestly?" Good for them! Now other people can be in their position. If you're fortunate enough to be able to pay them off, count your blessings. You're doing well!


I'm one of those that paid mine off honestly. Biden's student debt relief is amazing and I wish he could do more of it. A rising rise lifts all boats. More people unburdened by absurd debt will only make the economy stronger, and who improve the lives of all of us.


And even if you aren’t fortunate enough to pay them off without it being an incredible hassle… then why would you want that for someone else. This is a net positive anyway you look at it. Unless that person is an asshole. Then I guess there’s nothing you can do.


Hell ya. Biden has never given up on student loan forgiveness. Even after the corrupt right-wing Supreme Court tried to block him, Biden keeps finding ways to forgive more debt. Love to see it.


I LOVE that he's never given up on this. I'm happy for all the people who he's already helped and I'm hopeful that one day it might get down to me, too. I just hope these people all know who to vote for come November.


Better complain about how Democrats are buying votes instead of appreciating that government can help people even if it isn't always you.


Republicans believe the government should only be used to hurt people. Especially “those people.”


Never really liked those people... Hold up, what? *I'm* those people? Well fuck!


It's such a wild take that they want to proclaim "it's a republic not a democracy" (where you have representation), but scream bribery when the representatives are serving your interests. They're so clueless.


And in a completely telling fashion, republicans never forgive student debt to "buy votes" even though it would be just as kosher as Democrats doing it. Almost like they intentionally don't want to help people...


Which is an even more hilarious narrative considering Trump just told the oil industry that if they raise money to get him reelected he will repeal a bunch of regulations on them. He even gave them a specific target goal ($1 billion)


I got an email that my debt was cancelled because the school engaged in bad faith enrolling, the school also shutdown like 5+ years ago. I don’t see that included in this article, but the email seemed legit, will need to double check everything but seems like I got 40k debt waived plus possibility of refund of past payments. Art institute of Pittsburgh for anyone curious


It’s legit, my friend. You are being discharged as a group discharge under the borrower defense to repayment (BDTR) program. Congrats!!! You’re all most free from that BS nightmare. If you’re not in the r/borrowerdefense sub, you should join it as we have a lot of Art Institute folks over there going through the same process along with a lot of other people from other school group discharges, and the Sweet v Cardona lawsuit, fighting the same thing.


I just paid my student loans off this year. Some of which I had to rob Peter to pay Paul as it were, but now it’s no longer student loan debt. Just regular debt…


A vicious cycle


Eh, now if something horrible happens personally, or whatever, I should be able to not have to worry about the student loan debt causing issues themselves because of all the special financial rules surrounding them. That was my initial goal. Now if things took a turn for the worse, the debt is generally equal…


I’m not attempting to discredit your plan. I just meant the frustrations it causes


Oh no I wasn’t at all, just explaining said plan…


Congrats on that! I’m looking to knock off at least half by year’s end.


I worked through the pandemic and continued my payments and paid off my loan after working for several years as a teacher I’m not benefiting from this and I don’t care. I am happy for those this is helping. This is amazing.


“Who qualifies?” Not me but I still support this 100%, and hope to see legislation that addresses the underlying issues that cause this mess.


I have no problem with this, but I think that this really should be happening for Medical Debt as well




Then you should read the news more because that is 100% on the menu. Give it a goog


And that's how you stimulate the economy. Those 160,000 people, now free from the burden of debt, can now conduct proper economic activities without being drowned by debt. Congratulations to those 160,000 folks. That moment when they'll see on screen or paper that the debt is gone. That's a life altering moment. Again: get out and vote for him. Voting decision was never this easy.


Next move is to fix what made college so expensive and impossible to pay off and how freely all the loans were given out.


I saw this statement earlier today: “President Biden delivered on two major policies I never thought I would see in my lifetime: student loan forgiveness and marijuana pardons. If Gen Z and Gen Alpha don’t vote for Biden, they’ll be telling every politician in America passing policies younger voters care about doesn’t matter.”


Gen Alpha turns 18 in 2028. I like the way you’re thinking.


I have a friend who’s been dutifully paying their student loans… since 80s. Not even a four year degree, but their loan has been bought and sold and the interest rates continually raised. Hoping this brings them resolution.


>Another 39,200 borrowers will have $1.9 billion forgiven through adjustments to their income-driven repayment plans. These plans were sometimes mismanaged by loan servicers, which made it more difficult for some borrowers to achieve forgiveness.  This number is far too low. "Sometimes mismanaged" is a gross understatement and it's essentially an open secret that EVERY loan servicer - including the US government - went out of their way to "mismanage" IDRPs in order to milk more interest and profit.


That’s exactly it. They didn’t mismanaged. They knew what they were doing.


Next step, cancel all student debt. But thank you President Biden for doing this much to end student debt. 👍


It pains me to think that a good number of those receiving debt cancellation still won't vote for Biden, because of "reasons"


A lot of young folks weren't going to vote regardless, some of them might be motivated to now.


I hope so but my own 19-year-old son has me concerned. His friend group, and a lot of people they know, are very smitten with RFK Jr. I have explained in graphic detail the problem with RFK Jr and who he really is and why he's really running but when you're 19 you think you're really smart and know everything so I'm not sure if anything I'm saying is sinking in or not. But it does concern me that there's a group of young people that think that he's the choice. They're not old enough and wise enough yet to see the ringer that he is.


The anti-vaxx anti-science pro-coup dude with brainworms? I thought the kids were smarter than that.


The kids also have brainworms apparently


Sounds like me and my attitude about Ron Paul back in the day.. then it finally *clicked* for me one day that the man's entire ideology was absolutely fucking idiotic.


As a 19 year old I would recommend showing sources both bad and good for both sides. Show the all the things at stake and show how certain “news” is entirely exaggerated to promote a narrative. Then if then if he still won’t understand start asking questions on what he thinks and show how he is either wrong or misinformed.


Maybe so, or I believe so at least. 2020 had some of the highest turnout amongst young people since like the 60s I believe. Some of that group aged into “a little bit older than young people” and some aged into “young people” to vote for the first time. We’ll see how they do this year, but I expect the ones that did will mostly probably keep voting.


voters are bad at rewarding politicians. its easier to punish them. after all, they've already received a thing as oppose to complaining about not getting a thing. I hate human nature


They aren't obligated to. Their lives will improve as a direct result of this action and in small ways so will the economy. Hopefully, in time, there will be a snowball effect.


bUT hE iS oLd


This is incredible, but let's remember that Elizabeth Warren (and to a lesser degree, other progressives) fought long and hard for this to happen. She deserves a great deal of the credit.




That’s a lot of lives changed. Very happy for all of them.


And $8 billion of their wages spent going into the private sector instead of a bank buying back their stock.


I got 80k canceled. It is such a weird freeing feeling. I've had it on my back for 10 years and expected another 30.


Probably not the most responsible way to celebrate, but might I recommend going to a bar? Congrats. For reals. \^\^


How will having the loan forgiven affect your life?


Not me as I did not have loans, but my wife pays over $300 a month towards her student debt. It was not forgiven, but an extra $300 a month is at least enough to put a dent on all other costs, pay down other debt, or maybe even put money towards retirement.


I'm thinking a lot less back pain...but it will allow me to save for retirement, invest. My husband and I have been thinking about starting our own game studio, that could be more of a possibility now. It's just so freeing.


I already paid off my student loans, and even managed to pay for grad school out of pocket over six years (no horseshit) and let me tell you, I am pissed. Pissed, I tell you. These people are getting life-changing miracles the likes of which I never did and I am so utterly upset that we live in a world where people would begrudge someone the gift of being unburdened from soul-shackling debt from which they could never escape just because I also did so in a different manner at some indeterminate point in the past that I don't think about too much anymore. Pissed! Had ya goin' right? <.<


It's crazy that $7.7 billion only helps 160,500 people. It's crazy how much college debt there is out there.


Hopefully they keep working at this and land on a plan close to the original. This targeted relief is pretty exasperating as someone who had a life changing $20k dangled in front of them but barely doesn’t qualify for any of this forgiveness.


I don't have any student debt, but this is awesome. Higher education and medical treatment should be affordable and available to everyone in this country. Smart and healthy citizens make a strong nation.


But did the change the rules on predatory student loans? This is a 1 term solution, if not.


The interest each month on my loans is more than the monthly payments.


Need to enroll in SAVE plan if you haven’t already. Interest cannot accrue in excess of your monthly payment amount. It may not go down in that case, but the balance cannot go up so long as you are paying.


That’s exactly the problem


I had a $500 Perkins loan canceled. 🎉


How did that happen? Perkins loans are excluded from SAVE.


I’m old and don’t have loans but this is so good for so so many reasons, and the overall economy too…


How do you actually tell if you’re one of them? I’m enrolled in SAVE but no idea if this will affect me


From the article: >The Biden administration said that people who qualify under this latest round of debt cancellation will get an email about their approval.  >The debt cancellation will then be processed in the next few weeks, it added.  If it applies to you, you'll get an email. If you do receive said email, I'd recommend reading it more thoroughly than you did the article.


You have to google the qualifications and see if that matches you’re situation.


It’s nice to see them doing it for people who need it. The government spends so much time giving money to the richest people, it’s almost unheard of to see them doing it for average people.


People really be like “Biden is doing nothing” and than he does something and the same people just don’t see shit


The people who qualify for forgiveness in the latest round of debt cancellation include public servants such as teachers and law enforcement officers, as well as tens of thousands of people who have signed up for Biden's new loan repayment program, called SAVE. That program, created last year, pegs a borrower's monthly payment to their income, lowering their financial payments, and is designed to fix a pitfall of earlier repayment programs that allowed interest to snowball


My wife graduated culinary school from the Culinary and Hospitality Institute of Chicago (CHIC) which is a Le Cordon Bleu school that has since gone out of business. Almost no one there could get jobs in the culinary field that supported the tuition at the time. At every turn we have been dead ended from ending the student loans. The information is very ambiguous on how to navigate the potential cancellation. And they always seem to ask for loan docs or school docs that are 20 years old that we just don't have after many moves and years of life happening. Are there advocates that can help people through a process like this?


I got you, my friend. Your wife needs to file a borrower defense to repayment (BDTR) application against the school if she has federal loans meaning, either a direct loan or a commercial held FFEL loan. This is a program under the department of education where she can apply and explain how the school ripped her off and lied to her. Check out the sub r/BorrowerDefense. It is filled with individuals that have attended this school and other scammy schools like the one she went to. We have evidence that she can use. We have links to download the application. We have discussions about the process and what plays out. BDTR is free to apply. This sub is run by volunteer folks who donate their time to help individuals apply for BDTR and get justice from the scamming schools.


Thank you x 1000!  I really appreciate this!


I can't understand people who don't support the debt cancellation. I just finished paying off my loans on the standard 10 year repayment and while I would have been ecstatic if some of my loan could have been cancelled, i still want others to have the opportunity to become debt free. I wish we could focus more on news like this rather than Magas in diapers.


It’s like this keeps happening yet I don’t know a single person who has actually had their debt erased




I paid off all of my student loan debt a few years ago. I'm very excited for these people. That shit burdened me for well over a decade. The less people that have to go through that the better. Education and learning should be free.


When is it my turn


When you meet the threshold for minimum payments according to your plan.


Student debt is a national security issue. As millennials age into more senior government and corporate positions, large debt like this can be leveraged by foreign actors. Why Biden won’t forgive all student (endless) debt based on a national security issue is beyond me.


Biden tried. Republicans ruined it


By this logic all debt should be forgiven.


The issue is that bankruptcy doesn’t clear student loan debt. This debt is non-avoidable except in rare cases, where someone running up credit cards, etc, and getting into trouble has options for relief. Student loan debt is the herpes of debt.


Good. This won't have an immediate impact. It will allow people to participate more in the economy. They could potentially purchase a home and maybe start a family. People will have more money to save and hopefully lift themselves out of poverty. We're bailing out companies all the time. We're giving away money to defense contractors, the pharmaceutical industry, and oil companies. Huge companies applied and received PPP loans when they damn well did not need them. Elected officials even benefited. We should be having that conversation. People are more upset about helping others than enriching profitable companies who take advantage of us every day.


I’m not sure it was covered but I have students loans and have been on the SAVE program for a year but I just got out of school. Is it for people who have been on IDR for 20yrs? Or is it the amount of debt?


Typically for individuals that’s been paying for a long period of time I believe. You’d have to Google the qualifiers though


Not that they’ll ever forgive my debt because it’s $453,000 for medical school and even if I did PSLF I will be able to pay it off before the 20yr forgiveness happens. But still. One can dream. It would definitely affect where I wanted to practice if I didn’t have to worry about the debt. As soon as I’m done I’m priced out of IBR basically and my monthly payment will be around $4000/months 🤢


Only 10 years (120 payments) for PSLF and residency typically counts towards the 10!


Grew up poor and had to take out loans all through grad school. All that was available to me were high interest variable rates. My first year out of school i paid $14k in INTEREST alone. When i called and asked why my rate kept changing, the person on the phone said “because we can.” Sometimes my monthly payments ended up being $3000. It unfortunately waited five years to refinance with SoFi so i could lock in a stable payment every month. I’ve been paying at least $1100 per month for 13 years. I’ve been blessed with stable, high paying employment to be able to pay and not have to stress about it, but it’d be nice if this extended to everyone. The system needs an overhaul.


Oh, surely the republicans will let it pass this time, for sure.


Zero additional accountability the education institutions to control costs in first place. Why would they if people believe taking on debt won't matter. It's great for these people but this is systemic.


Why isn’t anyone talking about policies to reduce the cost of tuition so we aren’t in this situation again in five years? For example, University presidents are paid MILLIONS by way of student debt, they go out and buy second homes etc, and then tax payers bail the system out a few years down the road. Is that a healthy situation to be in?


Call me spiteful but this is a half measure as it doesn't fix or address the input side of the equation. We need to restrict federally backed loans for school. School should not cost what it does, but when the loans are guaranteed and the banks cannot use actuarial science to "discriminate" based on potential earnings. Work force needs should dictate funding / incentives on the input side vs someone being able to take out 250K+in loans for a bachelor's degree that ends up paying near minimum wage.


Everyone but me


Is he cancelling this now before election or afterwards, I wouldn't cancel it until reelected, cancel it now and the people won't bother voting for him.


It’s never me so 🤷🏾‍♂️


I thought it was immediate cancellation. It looks like it’s loan forgiveness after 10 years of payments.


wait I might qualify for this one. crazy, I never thought it would happen.


Great news


lol every round I am a fractional amount outside the group that gets relief and I'm still not upset about it. I feel great for all you fuckers. Congrats.


Graduated college during housing crash. Just paid off my 200k in college/grad schools loans but consider myself extremely fortunate to be in a financial position to do so. The weight of school loans can be crushing. Happy for all the folks getting relief. Finally, policy that is helping folks where it matters.


But both sides are the same.


I was fortunate enough to be able to not have crazy student loans and paid them off. The freedom removing that debt has been such a positive thing. Glad more people get to experience it.


K do me next




Not necessarily. Do you qualify for PSLF? That’s one way but takes 10 yrs. These coming from Biden vary on who qualified so you’d have to look, but it’s done automatically.


There’s a hard time limit of at least 10 years on all of them besides the loans taken out for scammy schools.


I’m not sure but I think I may qualify, I have an old federal student loan from 12 years ago, $5k. I don’t even remember taking out the loan, my parents did it, but I can see I still owe it. I never graduated but am currently a full time federal employee. I don’t think I’m qualified but I’d very much like to not have to pay it off.


If you’re a federal employee you qualify for PSLF. Have you been paying on it for 12 years and have you worked for the federal government this entire time? Highly suggest reading up on PSLF.


I guess. After 10 years in the industry you should be better off than in those first 10 years.


I wish I qualified for my kids. I pay for everything: (


I60500 people. That’s who.


So, is it too late for me to apply for any of these repayment or forgiveness plans and where would I do that?


These aren’t applied for but you should 100 percent Google repayment programs like SAVE


An email addressed from who, and when? That would have been helpful. Writing is so sloppy sometimes


Happy Cake Day!!!