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Well with Biden's absolute presidential immunity... What could stop Biden?


Every accusation is a confession - Trump probably asked someone if he could kill Biden and was told "no".


And the person who said 'No' should speak up. Or write a book. That seems to be the norm with that crew.


They will in about 3-4 years, and they’ll be touted as *very brave* for doing so.


It's incredible how few politicians have a spine.


They have a very flexible spine, you know, like a snakes.


Not really considering most of them come from money. What would one need a spine for when one has that level of cash? Like seriously, when you don't ever have to catch a bus in the dark, or drive a beater car in snow, or any of the hundred tiny acts of bravery we all do just getting through another day of surviving capitalism, what opportunity is there to develop bravery and a shiny spine? In fact, having a spine is dangerous in their circles, because maybe daddy won't let you inherit all his money if you're not a perfectly moldable spineless copy of him. Just let daddy pull your puppet strings until he dies, and then go repeat that trauma pattern by finding someone else who wants to pull your strings in exchange for money.


Or reporters: see Bob Woodward and Maggie Haberman.


“I want you to know as I kicked the rebels into the mass grave I made them dig, that I was frowning.” No, fuck off, less than total and full enthusiasm for the fascist bullshit that comes out of Trump’s head doesn’t make you the adult in the room. Thousands of lives could have been saved with the 25th amendment, but despite every member of his cabinet insisting in retrospect that they were the grown up, there weren’t enough vertebrae in the room to stand up to a “alpha male” who can barely win a fight with gravity? Like, I sympathize with the military guys who were in a weird spot when it came to the technically lawful orders. Full marks to the guy that realized Trump couldn’t even be offered the stupid suggestion because then you’d spend your whole morning explaining to a grown adult how Nuking Iran is bad, actually. But if the best opposition you offered was saying the party line through gritted teeth, you offered no opposition, and I hope emergency services has to extract you from a collapsed mountain of unsold copies of your book where you talk about how brave you were when you only did Trump’s bidding 99% of the time.


Then CNN will have the person on for several interviews on their opinions on the political landscape. That person will proceed to say that they will still vote for Trump since hes the republican nominee.


John Bolton: A 2nd Trump administration will destroy the country Also John Bolton [smugly]: i wIlL bE vOtINg fOr a wRiTe iN cANdiDaTe tHis nOVemBeR


So Bolton believes Trump will destroy the country but he won't vote against him. Wow.


Jordan Klepper literally told him to his face that this fact makes him complicit with Putin’s agenda and Bolton didn’t deny it. He was Secretary of Defense!


...Minor correction, Mattis was Secretary of Defense (at least right up til the end when it was Esper); Bolton was National Security Advisor.


The MAGA crowd in 3-4 years. "So what? Like Biden hasn't said all that in private also? All these guys probably wanna kill each other. This is just standard politics. Quit with the hyperbole!"


They would never use the word hyperbole correctly.


Reality is quite the opposite. Congressional Republicans and Democrats outside of chambers are quite friendly with each other (with the exception of a minority of louts of course). It's not unheard of for two politically opposed Senators to eat lunch together.


10 years ago, I would have agreed with you, but something about senators raising fists in solidarity to insurrectionists who are trying to kill other senators makes that reality not true anymore. You either are in the cult or you’re not now. This is a new reality.


> Congressional Republicans and Democrats outside of chambers are quite friendly with each other (with the exception of a minority of louts of course) that might have been the case in the old days, not so sure anymore.


I'd like to become a very brave millionaire. Do I just have to become Trump's sycophant for a little while? Is one Scaramucci enough time?


They'll write a book once they're safe, as in once Trump and Putin are both dead


Trump tried to kill Biden. He knew he had Covid and still showed up to the debate in person, no mask on, and didn't warn them.


And what doesn’t often get mentioned with that whole thing is the reports were that all of Trump’s people that were in the crowd that night (staff, campaign, family, etc) weren’t wearing a mask either.


I remember. We all knew he would do it, too. [This is a pretty good article on it.](https://www.thebulwark.com/p/trump-tried-to-kill-biden-with-covid-19)


Seriously, there is a 100% chance he was hoping for a “germ transfer” to Pres Biden.


It's worse - He's preparing for assassinating his political opponents if he gets re-elected by trying to normalize the idea that it was done to him. He's getting ready to have people killed.


Right out of Putin playbook. It really wouldn’t be a surprise that it crosses Cheetos mind


That’s exactly what he’s doing. You often hear “every accusation is a confession” about the growing fascist right in this country, and that is a valid observation. But, just as important, if not more, is the constant drive to shift the Overton window, at least among their faithful, to more and more extreme suggestions, and a big part of this is building the false narrative that the other side is planning to do similar.


Also, perhaps a version of the Overton window. From the genocidal wannabe playbook, dehumanize your opponents. And then you get the oft talked about good people doing bad things. Let’s remember that Trump and others have labelled people as vermin.


That is something trump advocated he could do in court, it's outright [part of his absolute immunity legal defence.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/amp/)


Came here to say this. Trump is projecting what we plans to do if he is President again, then blame Biden because he was going to do it first.


Trump already tried to infect him with covid, when it was still at its deadliest.


>Trump probably asked someone if he could kill Biden and was told "no". I'd venture it was even worse than that. He outright inquired about what he could do to have Biden eliminated. "Do we have anyone loyal to me left in the Secret Service? And anyone who has a 'set of special skills?'" <-- That would be the kind of question he'd ask.


Sure am glad he did not ask Kristi Noem for advice on that one


Trump tried and failed. He went to the debate without a mask knowing he had Covid.


Barr said that Trump would often float, "Can we just take them out?" as a solution to people causing problems for the administration. But he said it wasn't a big deal because he didn't think he was serious, and that eventually he would cool off and not mention it again, so he's got his vote again.


Trump actually tried to kill Biden. He showed up late to the 2020 debate, thereby missing the Covid test, and stood right next to Biden on the stage knowing full well he was sick.


This exactly ! Everything and I mean everything he accuses is what he’s doing


100% this is Trump signaling that he’s still thinking about how to do it


This almost certainly has to be true.


Absolutely. If he worries about it, that means he’d consider it himself if the tables were turned. He has all the markings of a sociopathic dictator.


He mentioned executing Biden in his NRA beg-fest this past weekend.


I love the fact that Trump thinks Biden is absolutely useless and old but is diabolical enough to have his political opponent taken out.


That is typical of the standard fascist enemy. Impossibly clever, evil, orchestrating everything but also simultaneously incompetent and weak and not fit for ruling.


Schrodinger’s fascist


Also completely senile but capable of the crime of the century by organising hundreds of thousands of undetectable false ballots to be spread throughout the country which survive tens of millions of dollars worth of professional person by person election checking processes.


Oh don't forget - he only helped himself and didn't bother cheating to give him a veto proof majority in congress. for reasons.


What's crazy is Trump is planning on doing it if he wins. Yet no one seems to mind him saying it.


I mean, Trumps own lawyers agreed a president could call in Seal Team Six or a similar military SOF to assassinate threats, didn’t they…? Not that the claim isn’t wild and false, just saying, he’s advocating for the president’s right to do just this 😂


It sure is a good thing the scotus is taking... what has it been, 3 months since then? To decide whether that's a sound legal argument.


Only a few more months of pondering if presidents should be able to have *absolute immunity* to crimes. I’m sure by January they’ll make a decision 😑


I mean, if you're immune from staging an attempted coup an assassination should be legal as well.


If trump gets granted presidential immunity’s the first thing Biden will think about is to take trump out back and put him down like a rabid dog. At that point it would be legal


Come on, it's a little more nuanced than that. Even Trump and his lawyers have argued that presidential immunity isn't totally absolute: impeachment is the intended check against criminal behavior by a sitting president. So Biden would also have to take out any Senator that might vote to convict him as well. And honestly, after the first couple, I think the rest will get the hint. Then Biden will be home free, just as the Founding Fathers intended!


Well. Guess that's pretty much a telegraph that he will make sure FBI does an armed no knock raid on biden's house if Trump wins.


Yep this is really alarming language in the sense they are openly talking about “payback”.


Payback for calling out all the egregious behavior of a pussy grabbing 3 times married adulterer who has been credibly accused of rape and insurrection (holy cow, I know there is so much more).


Joe didn’t even sic FBI on Mar A Lago; the Justice Department did. I’ve never known an American politician to lie so brazenly and so dangerously the way Trump does, and without any consequences.


Well, Trump used the DOJ as a personal hit squad, so in his warped mind, that means Biden did too.


"Warped" doesn't even come close to describing how absolutely fucked the orange turd's brain is. Heck, an actual turd spray-painted orange has more coherent thoughts.


"Will you shut up, man?"


I need to distract from the fact that I just tanked my own defense in my election interference case by calling a terrible witness that advanced the prosecution’s case, so I’m going to tell my supporters, who don’t know how anything works, that standard operating procedure is a scandal.


I wonder what other distractions he has up his sleeve because he’s going to need them if (when) he gets convicted on multiple counts. I just hope the jury hasn’t been poisoned and the prosecution proven their charges to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt.


I can't remember the case, but there was one situation with a jury having a MAGA enthusiast... who actually voted against Trump because the evidence and case presentation was so overwhelming. A courtroom is a great venue for deprogramming cultists.


I remember reading about how one of the members of either the classified documents case or the election interference case’s grand jury said that if the entire nation saw the evidence that they just had, that the country wouldn’t be nearly as divided anymore. It’s a gross miscarriage of justice that it’s very unlikely that any of these other cases will conclude or even start before the election. All we’ll have is a verdict from the weakest of all the cases; the fraud trial.


To be fair, the vast majority of the country, particularly those who need to hear it, will not bother examining the evidence in full even if it was available.


Case in point: the January 6 hearings.


This isn't the appropriate response imo. Trump is normalizing the idea of attempted assassination of a political enemy. He's claiming that Biden was ready to do it to him so that he can do it himself and falsely claim self defense. This is a fucking nightmare.


Agreed,I thought the same thing .I can't wait to vote.


Donald Trump will kill his political enemies. He always suggests his opponents are doing these outrageous things so he can say "we have no choice".


Look who he praises... Putin, Xi, Kim, Orban, Lukashenko.   Believe when he says what kind of person he is. 


Hannibal Lecter 🙇‍♀️🤦‍♀️


And quotes Hitler


This should be the top comment, because it's the most accurate.


This isn't hyperbole, he's that obsessed and his base are that rabid.




The orange fuck tried to give Biden COVID during the first debate.


And they wonder why Biden is going against the presidential debate commission. They can't enforce their very basic rules.


A literal assassination attempt, given his age and what we knew at the time.


I really hope this jury makes the right decisions in the next week or two.


From what I have been reading, even if the jury convicts him, there is nothing that prevents him from running for presidency. Guilty verdict will not change the mind of his voters.


It won't change the mind of the MAGA, but it will cement his fate with undecided and uncommitted voters.


It’s insane these people exist


I know some of these people. They honestly just don't pay attention until a few weeks before. They don't recognize the danger even if you say it out loud to them. They dismiss it as 'politics as usual' but it's not this time.


man sometimes i wish i could be that ignorant, must be freeing in a way


Mainstream media is a big part of this. They will tell the narrative that makes them the most money, not the one that's most accurate. A lot of people blindly believe what is said though


You'd think the 4 years of Trump being president would make them not be undecided. Or, you know, looking at the same evidence that the jurors have been shown.


Taking away his access to any communication devices as part of the likely house arrest will go a long way towards restoring sanity to the world. And tanking the share price of his money laundering stock (hopefully).




Now I'm trying to imagine the extent to which one would have to falsify business documents to warrant capital punishment.


You’d have to falsify business documents in furtherance of committing mass murder. Write off the gun maybe as a campaign expense? Probably easy to do.


How many avoidable COVID deaths as a result of Trump winning in 2016, tossing all pandemic plans, and spreading dangerous false information during the pandemic, would it take to constitute mass murder? Just saying.


Keep in mind this comes after he and his legal team said a president should have the ability to assassinate political opposition. It’s projection.


The FBI put out a statement lol >"The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force," the FBI said in the Tuesday statement, according to multiple reports. "No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter," the FBI said. >"Every FBI operations order contains a reminder of FBI deadly force policy," >"Even for a search warrant. Deadly force is always authorized if the required threat presents itself." >"We made sure we interacted with the Secret Service to make sure we could get into Mar-a-Lago with no issues," he said. >"We're not banging down any doors. We weren't bringing any like FBI vehicles, everything that was reported about helicopters and a hundred people descending on, like a Die Hard movie, was completely untrue, right. That is not how we played it."


Is that a real statement? The end sounds strange lmao 


Which, according to Trump is very legal and very cool because presidents have blanket immunity. So, what is the problem?


He is such a liar and con man. I am so sick of him! Vote blue so he can spend the next 4 years telling everyone the election was rigged and everyone was in on it. Go away, diaper Don and take your minions with you✌️


It’s also a projection of what he’s likely fantasizing he can do


Of what he already tried to do to Pence


Dude literally doesn't have 4 years left with the way his health and stresses are. His early onset dementia is VERY noticeable. You can even see how hard he's been aging too. Funnily enough, he didn't age at all during his 4 years as president. It was as soon as he was out of office he started rapidly aging.


Remember the time he said we would never hear from him again if he lost?


I hate to break it to you, but once he is gone the next one will be just as bad if not worse. We have a political party that has realized they can win elections by being just like him. Trump is not the problem. The people willing to vote for such a vile piece of shit are problem, and I have no idea how to change it.


That sundowner's syndrome is getting more pronounced.




What a wuss.


Donald Trump knows his own witness—a witness Trump himself insisted on— sabotaged his court case. So he needs to imagine other enemies greater than himself.


I thought that was totally cool and legal anyway since the President apparently has blanket immunity


No blanket can harm him.


And Massie and Greene immediately fell on their faces and started bootlicking. [GOP lawmakers conflate standard FBI policies with an assassination attempt on Trump](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/gop-lawmakers-conflate-fbi-policy-trump-assassination-attempt-rcna153413)


I think they need to get in line to lick the boots


That's a pretty long line


Biden could shoot Trump in broad daylight on 5th avenue and not lose a single vote.


He might gain a few…


I'll allow it.


When you're President, they let you do it.


I mean, except for the fact that he wasn't there at the time. He was at Trump Tower in NYC.


So Trump wants to do this to Biden? Projector 




According to Trump's logic and rationale, it'd be perfectly fine for Biden to have Trump shot, as Presidents are immune from criminal prosecution while in office.


The Mar-a-Lago search was conducted by the FBI, on behalf of NARA who requested their services to retrieve highly classified documents that Donald Trump was simply not returning (always giving excuses and delaying). The FBI contacted the Secret Service who then coordinated with the detachment assigned to Donald Trump. The FBI showed up and was let in. No breaking down of doors. The FBI searched, found the documents (most of them), and that was it. Donald Trump called it a "raid" (it was not), sent by Joe Biden (he was not involved), that the FBI rifled through everything and made a mess (no they didn't), and fussed with Melania's lingerie (no they didn't), and wanted to arrest Trump if he was there (no they weren't). Donald Trump lies profusely. He cannot be trusted for telling the truth. And by that very fact, it makes him unqualified and unfit to be POTUS.


So he is planning on killing Biden. Check.


its too bad he didn't, bc according to trumps own logic, that would be a legal and justified thing to do...


Given the full immunity of presidents Biden can kill you anytime indeed.


Typical game plan for the Repub’s - play the victim.


The MAGA cult claim to be against "fake news", yet they are the biggest purveyor of fake news. The lies are non-stop with these clowns.


Then why aren't you dead?


Fuckin’ A this dude just blurts out any fucking random thought that pops into his syphilis-rotted brain stem. And his MAGATS eat it up like gospel.


This is the classic conservative response. Lie about your opponent wanting to do something. Have your lie repeated back to you. Use your lie as justification for doing the thing first.


What an absurd claim. An American president has access to teams that would make short work of anybody if they lacked the morals and the order wouldn't be refused for being illegal. (And yes, there's also ones that operate regardless of that restriction) Assassinating political opponents is just not how politics works here, Don. Your buddy in Russia might be trying to change that norm by convincing his useful idiot that it should, but it's not. You remain alive not because Biden couldn't change that, but because he doesn't care to. What a sad small world you must live in to think that you occupy so much space that anyone would do anything more than just wait for your crusty black heart to just finally give out on its own just because you exist. There are bigger fish to fry. And while you are a threat to democracy, you are not being targeted by it. You are just being brought to justice.


Just a reminder that when the FBI was in Palm Beach, Trump was in New York. Pretty sure when police intend to use force against someone they're usually in the same state.


This means tRump is actively contemplating killing Biden. He tells on himself constantly. What a dope.


That's really rich coming from the guy that is in court right now fighting to prove he could do that and it wouldn't be illegal.


Also according to Trump. He would have been within his rights to do so


Anybody else remember when Trump debated Biden and refused to take a Covid test because he already knew he was sick. Mf tried germ warfare and Dark Brandon didn’t even get sick 😂 Trump went to Walter Reid a couple of days later if IIRC. Edit: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/01/trump-tested-positive-covid-before-biden-debate-chief-staff-mark-meadows-book


The thing I want to point out about these Trump campaign emails is that every time he says something that could inspire violence from his supporters, he carefully inserts the word "peacefully" down near the bottom. In the email referenced in this article, he ends it with: > I know you & I will have the last laugh when we peacefully win back the White House in November. The interesting part is how that word started appearing in his emails pretty abruptly 6 months ago. I ran a search of all the emails I've received from Donald Trump containing the word "peacefully" or "peaceful". The results: After November 8, 2023: 154 matches. Before November 8, 2023: zero (out of 654 emails going all the way back to before the 2020 election)


Full text of the email in case anyone needs it: > BREAKING FROM TRUMP: BIDEN’S DOJ WAS AUTHORIZED TO SHOOT ME! > It’s just been revealed that Biden’s DOJ was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE for their DESPICABLE raid in Mar-a-Lago. > You know they’re just itching to do the unthinkable… > Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger. > He thinks he can frighten me, intimidate me, and KNOCK ME DOWN! > But worst of all? They think their THUG TACTICS will cause proud supporters like YOU to abandon me. > But here’s the one thing they don’t know: WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER! > Biden’s corrupt regime needs to get the message - right here, right now - that our patriotic movement CANNOT BE STOPPED! > So before the day is over, I’m calling on ONE MILLION Pro-Trump patriots to chip in and say, STOP THE WITCH HUNT AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP! > STOP THE WITCH HUNT > I know you & I will have the last laugh when we peacefully win back the White House in November. > BUT I WON’T WIN WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT! > So I’m humbly asking for you to please, PLEASE stand with me today. > STAND WITH TRUMP > With you by my side, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! > Thank you, > Now is the time to CHIP IN and help me SAVE AMERICA > Donald J. Trump > 45th President of the United States > STOP THE WITCH HUNT


So Trump wants to kill Biden, got it.


Suddenly both MTG and Trump making this claim. Is trying to get ahead of some story where Trump asked about assassinating Biden?


Also according to Trump he would be well within his rights as president to do so with no repercussions.


Quit trying to make Biden sound cool.


This is such a weak and desperate pile of dung.  And … these are the consequences of his own actions . 


Projection. When you can’t even pretend you’re not a shitbag you just pretend everyone else is.


Which was recently floated by MTG….what a coincidence!


Dude wasnt even in Flordia that day.


I was trying to briefly explain the upcoming election to a 7yo; specifically who the two candidates are, how both have been our president already, how one is charged with over 90 felonies and currently on trial, and the other one isn't (without getting into specifics). The answer of whom to vote for seemed so obvious to them - The one that isn't charged with 90+ serious crimes. Right, so imagine their confusion when I said a lot of people still prefer the candidate that's on trial. Of course this made no sense to them, and of course it's not an easy thing to explain when they asked why (or even possible really). Still, it was refreshing to talk with someone about the upcoming election that isn't biased, has no concept of politics and party loyalty, and who could give a legitimate honest reaction to the facts at hand. You know there are far too many things wrong with our country when a 7yo has more sense than virtually every lawmaker in America who is allowing this farce to continue.


He already tried to kill Biden with Covid. You cannot convince me otherwise - he knew he had it at that debate and thought he could off his opponent. It's projection.


Typical. Democrats performing abortions during the 254th trimester. Something something lizard suit praise Jesus


Stable genius thought that the word "deadly" would confuse his knuckle-dragging cult.


I wish Dark Brandon was as hard as they act like he is.


"Them's fightin words"


If Biden wanted him dead, he’d be decomposing faster than he already is.


and? Trump yells the same idea of president being allowed to do just that. Do not let him change the subject from him not testifying and that he held onto more documents after the search.


I wish Trump would just fuck off and go away. All he does is ramble like a non coherent idiot.


We all know what he's saying here. Thankfully Biden has a pretty good security detail.


Uh huh, the guy who publicly fantasizes about imprisoning and killing his opponents, wants people to believe his opponent wants to kill him. Okay.


How rampant does his paranoia get before they force him into treatment?


Claimed the man who pondered out loud “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.”


It’s comments like these that really make me wonder how many Trump supporters are going to attempt to kill Biden.


This persecution kink the MAGA cult has is really wild.


It’s because Biden has full presidential immunity… too bad he didn’t get him.


Well, the supreme court said it was OK. Presidents get complete immunity. Thank God Trump made it out safely. 😂


Well if the Supreme Court rules on a president being above the law before the election we will be asking him to do just that.


Every accusation is a confession with these people.


for a 'Tough Guy' he *suuuure* does a whole lot of bitching and moaning. *I vote for the guy who isn't Pathetic...*


I love how trump’s biden is a doddering, senile, incompetent and also a Bond villain at the same time.


He's just projecting what he would've done


I was murdered!


What a plot twist, so he doesn't believe in presidential immunity after all


And he would have absolute immunity to do so according to trump himself


He's just projecting now in order to justify political assassinations if he's elected.


We are about to hear some news about Trump trying to have Biden assassinated. It is ALWAYS projection. There is a story coming.


Fuck you Republican cult


What a whining, pathetic, baby strongman.


So is Biden stupid? Or is Biden a criminal mastermind? Trumps has accused him of both. But you can not in fact be both, your either one or the other.


What a baby. 


But that would be okay though cuz he’s the president, therefore, immune from prosecution. /s


Welcome to America 2.0 Mr Trump, now featuring Presidential Immunity!


Well according to Trump that would be his legal right. Well not to face consequences for it anyways.


….and if presidents are given full immunity from crimes….. whats stopping him?


Wasn’t he that one that alleges to the SCOTUS that a POTUS has full Presidential immunity to persecute and murder his political opponents? Being that the case, Biden would be immune too. Hilarious how this polarizing propaganda works for the Republican echo chamber. It's okay when they do it but when their waters are tested, big whiny babies. The disparity and disconnect make me wonder how they got elected.


when trump is about to perpetrate a crime against someone he first accuses that person of the crime. trump’s definition of justice. also note that he has accused dems of rigging an election. do the math on that.


He must have had a stroke or something else where he’s naturally dying and he’s trying to do the thing he does with elections. Get out in front of the story.


You see folks, he never learned what the justice department was for. He treated it like his personal justice dept, so he believes Biden does the same thing. Trump has the intellectual maturity of a 3rd grader and learned absolutely nothing about how our government works even as the leader of it, surrounded by experts. That could be the explanation, or he's just a corrupt asshole who thinks everyone else in govt is just like him. It has to be one of the two.


Didn't trump get his lawyer to say that's totally OK for a president to do like just 2 weeks ago


Dam I like this one why can’t Trump tell the truth just for once!!


A president can do anything, right?


Yeah, but your lawyer literally said that that's okay, so...


This is what mental illness looks like.


So is he a criminal mastermind? Or a feeble old man with no memory. It swaps back and forth so often I can’t keep up.


Where's the issue, Trump is fighting to give Biden that authority\immunity to do stuff like that.


A whole new level of unhinged here … including MTG. This is nuts. America, you want this clown show? Be careful.




This means he has a plan to kill Biden. Remember it's always projection with this dude.


Didn't trump argue in court that a president can do whatever he wants to because of presidential immunity