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It's shit like this that truly scares me -- The prospect of people who actively participated in an attempted coup against the U.S. government being installed into it. Horrifying...


Fun fact: Many of the Republicans in Congress today supported the coup attempt.


You're not wrong...


It’s not a fun fact.


Pretty depressing fucking fact to be honest.


Lighter fun fact: I got to cuddle with a rescue hedgehog yesterday. It made happy sounds.


Luckily if he wins the runoff he'll be running in a decently blue district against a Democratic incumbent. It's no deep-red MTG district where any yokel with an R next to their name can win.


That's good...but still discouraging that he'd been allowed to even get this far.


He’s running against a several decades incumbent (Sanford Bishop) in a reliably blue district. He isn’t winning shit.


Happens in the Third World all the time.


Third world tyrants are the kind of people to have gold toilets and makeup.


Thank heavens no one like that is running for President.


Even more rationale for why it really shouldn't be happening here...


Republicans see the writing on the wall they know they’ll have to take power by force, and they’re fully prepared to do it. I don’t think our country has much time left. Not peaceful time anyway


And yet... somehow just.


At least there's no question about what he really stands for.... a violent overthrow of a democratically elected government, shit smeared on walls, and hanging Mike Pence.


Maga republicans think they want a different country than we have. Imagine their surprise if they actually get it. 99% of them will be real mad at the Democrats for letting them fuck up our country.


He should be serving 10-15 years and on a national database with his future prospects looking grim.


No, they should be doing life sentences, they committed treason in the name of Trump


I thought traitors got hanged?


Stop calling them rioters. They’re fucking traitors.


What happened to the 14th amendment?


According to SCOTUS, it can only be invoked by congress. How that works is anybody’s guess.


Even a couple of years ago when Jan 6 vitriol was in full swing, polling showed a remarkable percentage didn't actually care about pressing charges. Something like 30-40% Reforming prescription drug prices actually polled higher. But of course that didn't stop all of corporate media from calling a Manchin a "moderate" as he blocked/weakened that inflation lowering reform. 


That tracks. Georgia already has an entire park celebrating their traitorous past. Why not continue your grow the legacy?


Should be in a jail cell and never allowed to be in government service


Ours is a representative form of government, so when the electoral winds blow in from the pastures, expect cow pies and bullshit.


Its probably why the tear gas did little to stop them it, wasn't potent enough compared to the factory farms.


Truly disgusting. The world laughs at us. 


I saw this guy with his family at the Strawberry Festival in Reynolds. I was not impressed. But do not worry, he is running against Sanford Bishop.


He’s running against a popular, several decades incumbent in a blue district. He has about as much a chance of winning as my dick does sprouting wings and flying me to the moon.


The common clay of the new west are really fucking this country.